1776 2.0: dismantling the aristocracy
burning the webs that bind and washing the spiders out
complicity in atrocity is allegiance for life.
those one would bind to dastardly undertakings, one must make complicit for those who have aided and abetted in dark enough deeds, committed grave enough harms, and acted far enough outside of morality, justice, and sense may not change their minds nor their ways. they cannot recant. they can never give up the fight, may never defect from the tribe.
consider this (to my mind very apt) explanation
how many parents, doctors, teachers, school administrations, agents of the state will find themselves so bound? how many are locked for life into fighting to cast as love and justice the harms they have inflicted?
this shall be a trend of our time.
the west has been going through a 16 year fascist period of unaccounted and unaccountable control driven by a globalist uni-party fueled by dirty money, dirty tricks, and endless propaganda to deceive and demoralize. a demoralized society becomes a deranged society and as we once more grid our loins to re-establish sense and civilization, you’re going to see this pattern everywhere.
how many other examples do we have? the fascists of the 30’s and their genocides. the stalinists, the maoists, the cults of epstein and diddy. all locked in. all unable to put down that which they have hefted.
one cannot help but wonder not even whether but simply to what extent this complicity capture has been used as a deliberate means of tribal control and dominance.
because it works.
were i a fully amoral utterly machiavellian would-be political string-puller unencumbered by ethics or shame, what would i do? the problem space is simple: how do you exert control of widespread groups of hyper-ambitious politicians and leaders and get them to do your bidding without letting the world see that they are doing your bidding, having them go rogue, or having them turn rat? what’s the pathway to effective stealth svengali? kompromat. deadly serious kompromat. the kind that ends a career, a reputation, a life in an instant. the kind from which there is no coming back: complicity in atrocity.
so you seek out power hungry, amoral narcissists and then you entrap them (or even simply invite them as many will flock to such banners) into giving up devastating dirt on themselves. dirt like “videos with underage sex partners on epstein island.” dirt like “diddy party.” dirt like “you made a billion dollars giving kids cancer.” dirt like whatever hades derived horrors skull and bones and the bohemians and 20 other creepshow secret societies have used to bind their acolytes into compliance as the price to be allowed to tread the paths to patronage purchased power. all the cool kids in davos are doing it, come on in, the water’s fine.
sauron would tip his crown.
“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them"
consider the explanatory power of this model of understanding:
why are so many of these “leaders” crowded around the WEF and similar power brokers such weak and ineffective seeming zero morality narcissists prone to such lockstep loyalty and such sudden falls from grace when they buck?
how is it that the center of so many “elite” social circles seems to be something so obviously despicable and how is it that even when such things are revealed, no one is ever punished or held to account? the black books never go public, names are never named, no one is even questioned much less charged?
how do all the cameras fail at implausibly convenient moments?
how do you build a system this uninterested in child rape and child trafficking and hold it together?
it cannot be simple loyalty. someone would defect or blow the whistle at some point. it’s too far outside of general morality.
but it’s dead on for aristocratic aspirations, because throughout time, this is what aristocracies have been for:
to protect elite breeding rights and allow widespread personal and sexual license for their members.
government and socio-elite sanctioned (and even encouraged) rape is not some new thing. the ancient greeks did it. the romans did it. the chinese and japanese did it. slaves around the world have been raped since time out of mind, even here in america. it’s what aristocrats do. the son of the lord of the manor assaults the scullery maid and if she fights, she loses her job and is cast out without a reference. the young princeling faces no sanction or account. this is behavior so ingrained into aristocratic process and privilege as to be indistinguishable from it.
we did, perhaps, have something of a golden age in which this was largely or mostly suppressed, but the instincts and incentives do no go away, they lie latent and hungry seeking an outlet, seeking a patron who may grant the license for such dark desires and deeds, seeking to coalesce once more into an aristocracy of old: powerful, unified, and unaccountable in its privilege and praxis. one law for me, another for thee.
such ideas are clearly anathema to modern libertarian or constitutionalist sensibilities or to anyone even rudimentarily moral in any sort of golden rule sense, but this too is not new. it has always been so. aristocratic license to abuse was never popular among the peasants, it was imposed by power that could not be resisted.
and the time to resist has come.
the time to burn these webs has come.
the time to release the epstein lists, the diddy dramatis personae, the systems of patronage and perfidy, of profiteering and pelf has come.
those thus besieged retreat to “how dare you empower a billionaire to audit the government!?!” but in the face of their own action and aspiration, it rings false.
the screaming about unelected officials and unaccountable power erupting from the aristocrats as they are brought to bay is insincere inversion and the foulest forms of projection. they are not worried about such ideas. never were. they are worried that their power will be taken and accounts settled.
they have been complicit in astonishing crimes.
they cannot change.
they cannot give in or back down.
they will have to fight to the last bullet for any true accounting for the theft and tyranny and rape that has underpinned their rule would see them all in shackles.
taking out USAID was a headshot to the general and the quartermaster in charge of the coup. so much dirty money has been shut off.
the scope of what is going to come out will blow the overton window in the US into an entirely new valance.
the deep state tried to shoot the moon and got caught out. time to pile 25 points on them.
treason doth never prosper, for if it do none dare call it treason.
but whoo doggie when the prosperity stops, one helluva bill comes due.
yesiree bob it does…
stopping the cashflow is a vast sonar ping into the depths of the deep state.
so many objects are going to be revealed.
the NGO’s and agents acting in service of this group are suddenly impecunious. who knows where it manifests, but all of it helps.
and frankly, this is getting too easy:
“Documents revealed that from 2024, under the Biden administration, Politico received approximately $9.6 million in funding over just over a year. This funding was distributed across various branches of the organization, though the exact purposes of these funds have not been publicly detailed by Politico or the government agencies involved.” link
just like AP newswire politico was pay for play partisan propaganda punditry.
the best way to see who is stealing your electricity is to disconnect your house from the power line and see what goes dark around the neighborhood.
so much media is about to be revealed as an extension of the regime. wanna bet the climate advocacy group money lavished on AP news traces back to the US treasury at some point? (i’m making book)
addendum: wow. was literally proven right on this in the 6 hours between drafting it and publication.
wanna know why global media was all in such lockstep? a single tune caller was paying all the pipers.
turns out USAID was funding the BBC through charity cutouts as well.
and the hits just keep on coming, relentless and implacable.
the pretorian guards are being purged and turned, their complicity exposed, their allegiances reset.
time to dig.
stop me if this sounds familiar:
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.”
the first moves of this newfound fight are strong, perhaps unprecedented since the spirit of 1776.
this is the second american revolution, a second rising against aristocratic tyranny and the imposed right of would be kings.
make no mistake, this is a dangerous beast we are seeking to corner and it will fight and fight savagely. foreign funding will be found and the deep-staters will go mercenary. it was never about country for them. that was a story they told to keep their aristocratic posteriors enthroned. this fight spills beyond america and will span the west. the aristocracy is global and the gentry will ride to the aid of their class.
they will try to rally.
this is why we must hit hard, from every side, and never, ever let up. we have them on the run. let’s keep them that way because if and when the tables turn, they will show you no quarter and so none may be permitted here until this aristocracy has been dethroned, disassembled, disempowered, and brought to most punctilious and thorough legal and ethical account.
weeds must be torn out root and stem and salt must be plowed into these fields that nothing may spring from them again.
it will be the undertaking of our time and the return to the idea of america. in such times, the understandings of one’s enemies may sometimes serve:
now, as then, nothing less may establish the just governance of a people through their own consent to be governed and secure our enduring freedom.
Literally every single budget we look as it going to look like this, from covid to defense to San Francisco's city budget. The amount of waste and fraud will be legitimately shocking -- Americans should have been living much better than the government has reduced them to.
"stopping the cashflow is a vast sonar ping into the depths of the deep state."
Your turn of phrase is delightful.