i tried to warn you about what was coming for you, DC.
i told you you were not ready.
well, here it is:
and i quote:
DC is going to feel like it’s being invaded by an entire bestiary of mythical monsters with magical powers who can see through walls and huck immovable objects over the horizon.
they will come from every side at once. they will replace thousands of federal employees right from the start, you’ll be fighting against the outside and the inside. they’re going to transfer and move those permanent staters they cannot fire. have fun in topeka or guam. they’re lovely this time of year.
they are not going to play nice or play fair.
they are going to get things done.
meet the new boss, nothing whatsoever like the old boss.
not this time. maybe never again.
DC lacks even a model to guess at how effective people like this can be even when fighting from the outside. with the keys to the kingdom, it’s something else entirely. the sheer energy and activity of DOGE is staggering the swamp dwellers.
being crawled over by AI and insight and energy of this magnitue is a new new thing.
welcome to “dismantle leviathan” the fun new game that all the cool kids are playing.
i warned you about how these people were not going to act like the gormless opposition party of old. they will understand the system better than you do. and they’re going to tear it down.
DC is finally starting to see how much trouble it is in and people are freaking out. the moves are coming too fast for the news cycle to even keep up with. and DC has mostly already lost. all the high ground has been taken and now it’s just going to be about squeezing.
DOGE grabbed the OMB and the treasury payments system.
that’s it. lights out, game over.
the simple fact is this: half the permanent state is a massive grifter-plex of special interests running amok and waging war on we the people for their own benefit. it’s 1000’s of unelected anointed running groups like this:
they got $769 million back in 2022. their sole aim is to encourage illegal immigration and to make expelling such illegal aliens more difficult. it’s taxpayer money spent to create outcomes that most taxpayers would happily pay to avoid. it’s a jobs program for cronies and extra-governmental activism to subvert the basic sovereignty of the state and it’s ability to serve the demos.
there are innumerable groups like this. back in SF we called it “the homeless industrial complex.” they got huge budgets based on how many homeless people they “served.” but if they ever actually got them off the streets, they got less money. it was literally capitated. so they fed them, gave them money for drugs, and made it impossible to arrest them no matter what they did. they donated to politicians who favored that. the incentive were entirely perverse.
the circle of malfunction is like a plasmid for anti-social outcomes. it takes taxpayer money and uses it to fund agencies that create outcomes (like homelessness or illegal immigration) which taxpayers hate. these agencies then donate some of that taxpayer money to politicians who then force taxpayers to pay more money to solve the now larger problem.
lather. rinse. repeat.
and this is not even the awful part.
from ukraine to climate science to NIH to 100 different agencies like USAID, money is being funneled everywhere and stolen in wholesale quantities.
USAID and who knows who else were all out meddling for decades in foreign elections. they have probably been meddling in ours.
suddenly, these agencies are losing their minds about “declassification efforts.”
it certainly does make on wonder: why were they classifying anything at all? wasn’t this supposed to be aid?
and DC is finally realizing how much trouble they are in and leviathan is shrilling in terror and rage, but it’s already way too late.
threads are exposed, they will be pulled, and this is going to, for the first time in generations, tear the covers off these boxes and let us see what’s inside. and it’s not gonna be pretty friends. i’m telling you point blank: however bad you fear this was - it’s worse.
the middle of the american overton is about to see that government is 80% money laundering and unaccountable tyranny and theft by weight.
the DC denizens so far behind the game that even the tepid resistance looks hilariously slow, tepid, and lame.
imagine thinking this was going to score points in the current zeitgeist.
WIRED STORIES are trying to call this tyranny by the inexperienced.
it’s not.
AOC and “the squad” are out howling about how this is dictatorship and a grab of unaccountable power.
it’s not.
this is the end of those things and the rage at the dying of the lechery is so deliciously insincere that it’s hard not to smile.
they are in absolute trauma that DOGE has access to the treasury payment systems.
i told you they’d find just the right place to put the lever and pry.
that’s it. OMB and payments. it’s the whole game, the commanding heights.
let me esplain, because what’s going on is brilliant:
OMB is the government’s HR department. the payments system is how the treasury actually sends out money, the pipes of payola.
these two systems touch everything in government. everyhting. all the jobs, all the money. every program and person passes through this at some point.
it’s the universal chokepoint.
so, everyone has to come into work now. let’s get your faces seen and learn what you do here. all the people who have had no-show sinecures for decades are going to get bounced out.
hey, where does the money go?
time to find out.
there is no way, even with AI to ferret out all these groups, their cutouts, their subterfuge and skullduggery. it’s too deep, too vast, too well hidden and camouflaged.
you cannot find them.
so you make them find you.
you shut the money off and see who squawks.
it turns out that whole cadres of federal payment officers were told “just pay whatever comes in.” do not say no. ever.
it also turns out that all you had to do was shut off the flow of free food and many the cockroaches would walk right out into the middle of the kitchen floor and announce themselves.
this will not be true for all. some programs are too secret and the folks running them too smart to step into the light. but this also means that they cannot get the money turned back on.
it’s no longer “everyone gets paid and the dirty slush flows” it’s “tell us who you are, what you’re doing, or enjoy a lifetime supply of being broke.”
no more aid agency cutout. no more fake programs to launder and shift money to unannounced and unaccountable purpose.
it became very vogue to bet against DOGE.
that bet is not faring well.
whole industries of zero skill government grubbers are suddenly going to be on the job market.
the size of the special interest slush fund funding who knows what for who knows what purposes and then driving circular donations back to the political grant giver class from the politician grant given class has been the dirty secret of the deep state for generations.
let’s unwind it and see if we miss any of it.
the money saved on them is the least of the benefit.
mitigating their mischief will go far further. it’s a truly awesome selector that has never been tried before.
drag it ALL out into the light and then decide.
no money without accountability.
no transparency, no money.
this is how you break the matrix.
“so you’re saying that after this, i’ll be able to dodge secret government agencies?”
“no neo, after this, i’m saying you won’t have to.”
They're just shaking the rug now...wait till they snap it.
The worst part is that while USAID is obviously a huge corruption machine, it's one of the smallest huge corruption machines in DC. Hopefully DOGE uses this momentum to go after the corruption in the DoE, or the other DoE, or the DoD!
This is just a tiny tiny tiny glimpse at the malfeasance of the swamp.