my possibly reliable gatospies™ have smuggled out this video of russo-german energy supply negotiations.
there’s a lesson in here somewhere…
(but weimar a good green narrative with pesky facts..?)
(and yes, the german producer price index really is up 37% vs a year ago)
and yes, the germans really did just respond to this by deciding NOT to keep their nuclear plants open.
i seem to remember some other “consensus on the topic” when some tried to warn them about becoming totally dependent on imported russian fuels…
After printing up trillions and creating the worst inflation in half a century, let's print up another $800 billion and redistribute... er, I mean "invest" it in crony scams and boondoggles, and call it...
The Inflation Reduction Act.
Clown world.
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."
~ Mark Twain
"High energy prices are great... they speed up the Green Transition"
-Chrystia Freeland, Canadian Finance Minister
Edit: Since this got some likes, might as well plug the piece I wrote this AM -