even CNN switching jerseys on "covid cases" as a relevant metric
watch as the truth becomes too large to hide behind the pandemocratic narrative
🚨🚨comes out swinging for team “cases are not a meaningful metric”🚨🚨
🚨internet felines doubt the sincerity of sudden conversion🚨

oddly, when i watch this, all i see is:
call me mr cynical paws, but i have some real doubts about the sincerity of this conversion…
stelter is, of course, correct. cases are not a a meaningful metric and never were. running over a million tests a day at a 40 Ct looking for likely irrelevant trace genetic material with little correspondence to symptoms, live virus, meaningful infection, or potential transmissibility has been the most barkingly insane foray into public health malpractice in the history of humankind.
we’ve been running more covid tests per week in some seasons than the US has run flu tests in its entire history as a nation and running them at such outlandishly overclocked sensitivity that probably 90% of “cases” were non-clinical.
but his has been known for ages. even the new york times published it in no uncertain terms. in august. of 2020.
In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.
A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35, she added. Dr. Mina said he would set the figure at 30, or even less. Those changes would mean the amount of genetic material in a patient’s sample would have to be 100-fold to 1,000-fold that of the current standard for the test to return a positive result — at least, one worth acting on.
to not know this by now could only be willful.
so why the sudden shift?
it’s because the vaccine narrative is in tatters. it failed utterly to stop spread, looks to have made delta spread faster, and looks to be even worse in omicron.

everyone knows too many people who masked up and locked down and triple vaxxed and “did everything right” and then got covid. and the conclusions are becoming inescapable.
this is not epidemiology or a return to sense. this is damage control.
this is what they need to head off:
the data is just too savagely against them to hide any more and, as ever, the best way to bury an inconvenient truth is to make the data disappear.
it’s clear that the brandon administration is desperate to pivot here.
having spent 2 years staking out the turf of being “the pandemocratic party” and locking down, regulating, mandating, closing schools, and crushing lives and livelihoods they are now, as certain internet felines predicted, trapped.
they doubled down when they should have declared victory and stopped all this nonsense back in the spring. had they stopped testing then, they could have claimed that the vaccines worked.
but they didn’t. instead, they allowed a massive A/B test to emerge and played a cynical game of trying to blame the seasonal summer surge in the south on the misbehavior of southern states and the summer covid remission in the north on their virtue and sound government.
but, the south not only stood strong, it stayed open and thrived. everyone stopped caring, went back to living, and the whole nation saw 100,000 fans at football game after football game. the normal got too big to hide. many went down to take a peek. i got this from a friend just this morning. i’ve seen 100 like it.
the tax base is fleeing the lockdown pandemocrat states. their economies are failing. they are one more school closure away from open revolt by apoplectic momma bears that will flip even deep blue statehouses red and even president brandon can see it even if the deep zealots like newsom and hochul cannot.
this is electoral hemlock and it’s not missable in the polls any more.
clearly, giving up on vilification and “vakzines uber alles” is the scylla to this political charybdis, and the increasingly hoist by their own petard pandemic pushers cannot go that route either. america is not going to tolerate another total game change there and is clearly pushing back on the increasingly desperate and hallucinatory vaccine claims.
but weathering data like this is not survivable:
so the only route left is to make the data go away.
so it’s time “cases” got disappeared. it’s the last political play left.
the simple fact is that this was always the right call and running this sort of testing regimen was literal epidemiological derangement. government used it to seize control. media used it to swell ratings. pharma used it to generate profits heretofore unimagined. all the filthy hands were in the same sink washing slime onto one another at the expense of truth, science, and we the people.
and it’s not going to stop. these are the same people that pushed a literal mass hallucination that hospitals were in some unprecedented crisis when, overall, they were unusually empty, employment there did not recover, and current travails are the result of vaccine policy leading to mass firings and walkouts, not a pandemic pushing them over the edge.
“hospitalizations,” likely to be the new stat of choice, are even slipperier than cases and have even greater potential to mislead.
“vaccinated vs unvaccinated” is being wildly misrepresented in the US by using severely incomplete electronic records systems that fail to count those vaccinated at drug stores or pop up clinics or even at your own doctor in many cases. they look nothing like the data from any trustworthy country.
they also do not discern between “in hospital for covid” or “in hospital with asymptomatic or unthreatening covid as an incidental issue” or the other big one “picked up covid nosocomially in the hospital as a trace infection.” all are extremely profitable for hospitals to find and generate access to new billing codes, federal funding, and insurance pools. hospitals are literally mining for it.
even the deaths metric is absurd as it has always been “deaths with positive PCR” or even “deaths within 30 days of a positive PCR.” nothing else is counted this way. you’d likely get 500k flu deaths a year too if you counted like this and ignored other causes of death to count anyone with trace flu at 40Ct PCR as a “flu death” while testing everyone all the time.
the data here has been phantasmagorically bad and has led to the worst, most misunderstood, miscalibrated, and most damaging peacetime set of governmental policies per unit time in human history.
even “communism” is jealous.
this is a whole 5 year plan of damage wrought on a global scale in just 18 months. we really ought to rename it “the great leap backward.”
so stop. just stop. all of it.
stop counting covid. stop obsessing. stop complying. disobey.
travel is renowned for broadening one’s horizons. so travel. visit the free states of america. walk unmuzzled and unmolested among the bars and restaurants and shopping centers. remember.
the old normal is already normal again in much of these (at least titularly) united states. go see it. break the spell.
it’s impossible to go see it and not realize that had we never named covid and lost our collective minds cowering from and compulsively and convulsively counting it, this would have passed unnoticed as a baddish flu season like the one everyone went to woodstock in the middle of and that almost no one even remembers.
whether or not this virus was man made, this calamity certainly was and we can end it any time.
just make the choice.
Batten down the hatches because Biden is about to throw out with another round of threats and blame and a fresh line of fear over America right before Christmas. I pray to God Americans will keep saying NO to this manipulation. We are going to have to fight for freedom, take to the streets in peaceful marches and stay strong in resolve.
But, but…”I would have been so much sicker if not for the vaccines.” 🙄 🤡 🌎