fauci to step down in december
with this many rats jumping, questions as to the seaworthiness of the ship must be asked
collins (who ran NIH) got out of dodge last year.
the heads of FDA vaccine division quit in quite vocal disgust and had a lot to say after they did.
birx got tossed for failure to follow her own recommendations. (and has gained no sense of irony since)
redfield ran like hell and handed the dumpster fire of the CDC to walensky who is now looking to “re-org” the agency because its manifold failures have become so public that even the NYT is dunking on them.
and now we get the confirmation of fauci flight.
truly the rats are leaving these ships in droves.
when an entire public health edifice suddenly wants to retire (possibly to spend more time exploring non-extradition countries) it certainly raises some questions.
seeing the chefs who cooked it all flee the restaurant before the meal they made finishes arriving at the table should make patrons VERY nervous about what they have been served.
this kind of turnover is really exceptional. i have nasty feeling it’s being driven by knowledge of what’s coming in terms of long term and side/adverse events effects from their policies and prescriptions.
they ran amok with a whole country based on superstition, politics, and the “ready, fire, aim” of slipshod triumphalist “warp speed.”
and no one wants to be around for what’s coming.
and now we’re going to face a choice:
we can buy into this “changing of the guard” as new blood to revamp agencies to better serve the public health
or we can admit that serving public health was never the inclination or the competence of these agencies and seek to remove them.
and i think you know where i’m going to come down on that one.
the NIH is a corrupt conflagration of grant grubbing and gold giving that has not only funded incredibly unaccountable and dangerous science but that has twisted whole fields of medical endeavor from alzheimer’s to depression to HIV and prevented work in who knows how many more.
the CDC gets EVERYTHING wrong from zika to dengue to ebola to monkeypox. they are a winless team.
and it won’t change. it’s not going to get better. they will always waffle and make self-serving claims rooted in anything but data and then make up excuses for why they have been on seven sides of every issue.
you cannot scrape the rust off this hull. it’s been a generation since there was any boat underneath. maybe there never was.
and these people are not institutionally capable of credentialing and policing themselves.
that never works.
we just never went mad enough to give them sufficient power to really prove it before.
and enabling a justification cycle for this will not end well for us.
we live in the information age.
the cloistered guild systems of public health woo-woo have no place here.
perpetuating and further elevating them is like trying to employ donkey carts and stone tablets to run an amazon distribution center and then trying to figure out some way to give the burros rabies.
these systems are non-functional, misaligned with public interest, and evolve away from efficacy instead of towards it. there is no metric save “wow, you sure wrecked the world this time” by which to even measure them.
they are relics of the past and should be relegated to it.
they cannot be the way forward.
the commanding heights of the information age lie in control of information.
demand open and auditable public health systems. let’s get the information into real, open source, public records that are not run by agencies but exist outside them: controlled by no one and available to all.
let’s compete to see what data means.
let’s have markets, not monopolies.
you just saw 3 years of “amateurs” kicking the flabby rumps of “experts” from pole to post despite being censored, suppressed, and locked out of data at every turn.

now imagine a world where they could engage with all the information on a fair and level playing field, a world where grant money and the academic status and tenure that comes with it did not all flow from political appointees.
imagine a world where we get the government out of science and the regulators out of data and decision.
and then decide in which future you want to reside.
choose well.
the society you save may be your own.
He's getting out before they can arrest/fire him and revoke his $500K a year pension. #parasite
One can solve every mystery of public health failure by asking one simple question: "What kind of doctor wants to work for the government?"