you think you’ve seen “peak out of touch.” but you haven’t. there is always more. always.
i see we have reached the “rich black women accusing people who can no longer afford to make ends meet of white privilege” stage of ideological implosion.
because, as we all know, anyone who complains about the mess we made and the ruin in which we have left their lives and livelihoods is a white supremacist, a fascist, and probably a terrorist.
this is an entirely hallucinatory landscape. there is no terrain, just map. perhaps there never was.
and the current evolution of doubling down is making it entirely clear.

An MSNBC host claimed that anyone concerned with gas prices and inflation is clearly benefiting from white privilege. The reason is simple, explained MSNBC host Zerlina Maxwell, who said that it is “almost a privilege to care about inflation,” because black women are more concerned about getting killed on their way to work.
“Inflation. It’s almost a privilege to care about inflation as your number one issue, uh, the same is true of gas prices, or even the idea that it’s the economy stupid,” Maxwell said.
this is either the mother of all false flag operations to discredit leftist mascotism and fear driven ideologies of division or ms maxwell is having some sort of psychotic break as she simply cannot believe that people would care about things like “food” and “shelter” and “buying shoes for the kids” instead of the truly clear and imminent dangers of LGBTQ+ rights, roe v wade, and “women being killed in droves on their way to work.”
after all, that’s just “eating” and “keeping the rain off your head.” how could anyone possibly care when we’ve got all these “who gets to use what bathroom?” issues to work out or outright fabulism that overturning roe somehow means that any woman with a dangerous pregnancy is now doomed to die.
you’re much more oppressed than you realize and it’s a good thing we’re here to tell you about it!
it’s the wokster catch 22:
“you are all oppressed and if you do not admit to it, it just shows that you’re ignorant AND oppressed and your need for me is greater than you know!”
she’s literally telling the black people abandoning her ideology in droves that caring about inflation is “acting white” and that they should be worrying about getting killed on the way to work, an odd position to take for the party that has been defunding police, legalizing looting and theft, and refusing to arrest and hold violent criminals.
this is the strangest “story hour” i’ve ever seen.
it hurtles to even more implausible heights coming from a woman who grew up in an extremely affluent white neighborhood and is simply playing at “knowing about danger, want, or hardship.”
zerlina was raised in millburn, NJ, a small township in the top 10 highest per capita income municipalities in new jersey (a state with some very rich towns). median income is in excess of $200k (in 2017) and ranks highest in NJ for any town over 20k people.
it seems that the woke black liberal is now horning in on territory heretofore held by the becky from vassar clan (likely because that’s who she grew up and went to school with).
this is the land of make believe.
it’s assumptive aggrievement adoption telling it like it ain’t from a place of having never known.
how can this possibly look save patronizing?
there is basically no place in america that this story is true. and everyone seems to know it but ms maxwell.
she is precisely what she purports to oppose
this is a rich, educated black woman raised amidst safety, privilege, and plenty spinning made up tales of black oppression from things that she heard about at cocktail parties but has likely never been within a country mile of.
if you want to alienate your base, that’s how to do it.
extol the importance of lived experience while claiming to be the arbiter of the lived experience of others as though you are some sort of reality warden.
it’s the poison of ideological subjugation placed falsely at the top of your hierarchy of needs.
just how stupid can anyone tolerate being presumed to be without getting angry?
i am seriously in slackjawed awe at how bad this desperate dissonance and reality denial is getting. i mean, you can understand the process intellectually and even see it coming, but it really does not prepare you for watching beta males being stripped of power equate moms that want their kids to get an education with fascist occupation and some of the richest, most privileged people in the history of people tell others they need to '“check their privilege” because they can no longer afford meat and what a luxury that is.
these people inhabit stories. i’m not even sure they understand the idea of objective reality or experience.
from climate to social justice, gender to violence, it’s all made up. they’ve been telling tall tales and being believed for so long that they cannot imagine any other practice, certainly not one rooted in reality. this is late stage devolution into delusion.
“if i believe it, it’s your reality.”
but even in the age of “spending programs to fight inflation” and “raising taxes for the middle class in a recession because it’s good for you!” this is some seriously bad messaging.
and it is getting oddly ubiquitous.
the economy is great and if you can’t see it you’re a fool.
things have never been better!
how dare you intimate otherwise?
this is an entire ethos eating itself.
they have been redefining terms and upending logic so long that i think they’ve simply gotten lost in it. it’s a tribe of mad sorcerers mumbling magic words that have long since lost all power.
and everyone seems to see it but them.
“white privilege” is not a magic spell that crushes all dissent anymore. it just makes you look stupid and out of touch. it’s a shibboleth for “i have no real argument.” this whole group has drowned in garrulous glossolalia. they are some sort of neo-vegan organism that eats and excretes only word salad.
nothing intellectually nourishing can be digested.
and so they are starving and engaging in ever more stylized performance to hide it.
it doesn’t even seem like they are trying to make sense, quite possibly because they have lost the ability to image the idea of making sense.
it’s oddly apposite that their spokespuppet is dementia joe. at least he’s got an excuse.
repeat line.
how does one even speak to such people?
the entitlement is breathtaking.
THEY get to decide what issues YOU are supposed to care about.
it’s overt and blatant mascotism. it’s the taking for granted the fact that you can make up crazy lies and bugbears and win the minority votes that are the donkey party birthright.
i cannot even tell who they think they are talking to. it’s certainly not the middle. it’s not even their own base anymore. those folks are fleeing in droves and all these tottering talking point automatons can seem to do is double down like lost golems digging their own endless graves.
this does not even feel like issue cultivation or segment selection anymore. it feels like mental illness.
bardella, an advisor to the DNC is literally on THIS SHOW with zerlina telling the MSNBC faithful that the GOP plan to ban all abortion even if the mother’s life is at risk, ban contraception, ban travel out of state for pregnant women, and accusing them of “using The Handmaid’s Tale as an instruction manual” because they are “whack jobs” and then predicting big electoral wins for team donkey in november.
these are wild, inaccurate, dishonest claims. and yet he seems to expect to be believed.
seriously, go read the link above. this is hitler moving around imaginary armies in the bunker and talking about how the french people are going to rise and throw out of the american invaders for love of the fatherland level stuff.
i don’t think these people have any idea who america is, who their constituents are, or can even tell which way is up so they can guess at the color of the sky.
it just seems broken, a talking point war machine feeding on the echoes of echoes of ploys that once worked.
it’s a desperate artist standing in an empty show screaming about how the public cannot comprehend his greatness and stands unworthy of it.
and blaming the audience for disliking the play is not a recipe for success.
in one of those fascinating ironies of emergent order, it may, however, be the recipe for a new day in america. for all its manifold problems, the world of 24-7 news cycles and social media does provide one truly valuable service: we’re sure getting a look at people’s views, aren’t we?
this endless need to participate in the vast theater of the round leaves nowhere to hide and when sides start losing, they do not get to call the game. the meltdowns will be televised.
i’ve said many times that the cure for stupid and ill calibration is more speech.
see how it works?
the question of “how does one even speak to such people?” was somewhat disingenuous.
they don’t need to be engaged with. just leave them alone to keep burying themselves, setting their credibility on fire, and sinking further into irrelevance.
just walk away.
reject the premise, reject the framing.
it’s all just an invitation to participate in hallucination.
live in the real instead.
choose your own way, your own priorities, your own pursuit of your own happiness.
the ideology of “you are structurally suppressed and must rely upon the state to achieve” is a culture of dependence, division, and darkness.
it’s negative sum war of all against all to keep small groups of presumptive betters in charge.
and we’ve had enough of that poison.
no one who tells you you cannot stand on your own is your friend.
the strength of america lies in the power of the individual.
it’s time for a better way.
where do i get one of those t shirts to vote for the feline party?
Your call to action at the end ... “We need a better way.” While true, we should not forget that our origin story as a country is rooted in a better way. We did not start in this post modern name-calling dystopia in which truth is a thing to be hated and feared. We need to return to some first principles: intrinsic value of the individual person (broad definition applies), truth matters (in the objective sense), and we are ruled by law, not by people.