This message brought to you by Pfizer™

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looks like a good slogan to have over the gates of the camps

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Wow, just wow. I recall something similar about work and freedom. 😱 These people are brain dead.

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At least they got the needle theme going for them.

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Should just say "Impfen Macht Frei" and let's throw all pretense out the windows.

"Vaccines set you free"

Anyone with a passing knowledge of German concentration camps should understand.

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Vaccine = Freedom, but plot twist: Freedom is Slavery.

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Vaccine is freedom

Transwomen are women

Fat is healthy

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Vagzine = Fiefdom

If any German reader can update us on what happened about that case of the supposed anti-vaxx nurse that apparently "accidentally" administered saline to several thousand vaccinees earlier in the year?

I'm curious because I'd be very very surprised if they released the data on this serendipitous single blind placebo controlled trial. I fully expect that those who received the saline had no cases of SARS-COV-2 in the first 5 days while their neighbors who got the real spike protein had several.

They'd never investigate that though. Something similar happened in India during their outbreak where a gang sold fake Remdesivir but the police failed to charge them with murder because not a single person they sold the placebo to died while the same wasn't true for real remdesivir.

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Insistence that a thing will set you free, some guy named Joe warning the out group about patience wearing thin...

I am trying to think of why this sounds familiar, but it is taking all my *concentration*...

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History repeats itself because anxiety repeats itself. Anxiety is like drip torture, relentless. It cannot be denied. If history is our guide, we cannot underestimate the power of ideology as a driver of human behavior - Oft disguised, under the radar, even subconscious, unclear even to the sufferer.

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good grief, there go the germans again, half cocked and in the haze....(this does not apply to rational germans out there that have seen the light!).

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Arbeit macht frei

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at least its not propaganda 😅 das is wunderbar. sehr sehr ausgeseichnet. medical slavery is freedom. house arrest is freedom. muzzles are freedom. tracking is freedom. das ist alles. danke.

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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced a $125 million grant to Washington State University to detect "emerging viruses." Viruses that have not yet "emerged" are those that are manipulated in the lab, aka gain-of-function research. Have we not learned anything?

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Impfung macht frei!

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Here's a livestream conference I just watched documenting how hospitals are refusing to treat people with appropriate protocols, withholding hydration and nutrition and other civil and human rights violations. It's from Truth for Health Foundation and Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the segments. Two of the guest are attorneys filing suits against hospitals. https://rumble.com/vobaq5-stop-the-shot-caught-on-tape.html

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I wish it was fake. But it’s not. I’m ashamed for my people.


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Remember when Alex was banned from Twitter for mocking this idea?

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A wry laugh. The audacity. In that country of all countries.

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You'd think of all people . . .

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When do they make us get the tattoos?

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Impfung macht frei. Has a kinda familiar ring to it. Something horrible…

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They're following the book and turning into a script. Everything is a script for these people 🙄

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This is sickening.

The left loves that you are blind to the comparability - This is why it is

important to change history.

Just sickening

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OMG I am speechless 🤬

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Pure evil.

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after leaving Americans in Afghanistan on purpose...it seems we and the world are being led to believe we no longer believe in freedom...UNTRUE. Be a FREEDOM loving American now!

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In the words of my football coach, "Damn son..."

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Ever get the feeling that "we" didn't actually win WWII?

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In the immortal words of American patriot and rabble rouser Samuel Adams “what the ever living f*ck??” I need to share this - we are living in a dystopian novel.

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Gotta give those guys at least some points for persistence, ever since old Adolf's career at Beaux Arts was nipped in the bud they started redecorating buildings and nightscapes throughout Europe, first with TNT now with stupidity.

So sorry Leni Riefenstahl isn't around anymore to give us her masterpiece sequel " The Triumph of the Witless".

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Someone pointed out on a Reddit forum a while ago how much freedom tower in NYC looks like a syringe, how even the measurements are scaled to a 1cc syringe. Uncanny - I’m sure this is all a coincidence.

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Is it possible this supremely tone-deaf message was actually an act of satirical subertfuge intended to circumvent the now-illegal act of "relativizing the Holocaust" (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/greetings-from-new-normal-germany)? And the bureaucrats who greenlit it were too ignorant and inculcated to notice?

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Unglaublich! "Pfizer ist die Wahrheit."

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Camp Chomsky!

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Please watch this until the end and then pass this on. It is not a dynamic presentation, but it will a difference in your life, hopefully less fearful, to understand what is really taking place during this “pandemic?” and the history of the definition of PANDEMIC by WHO since Eugenics Bill Gates’ money became involved in 1998.

As is near always….follow the money.

The end question I have after watching it, like the presenter, is what would or could be done with the genomes being collected by a man like Eugenics Gates and what surprises are yet to come from these mRNA injections?



Wolfgang Wodarg | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

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It's over. Get the lights on your way out.

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freedom is slavery. OBEY ;)

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Norm McDonald had a stand up show where he said he was more afraid of Germany than China or Russia. Great show and what he said about Germany was so true.

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The wokesters are all the same regardless of country. Neo-bolsheviks combined with some new weird staff! American wokesters piss on their heritage, topple statues, demand this or that book to be removed from library or a professor or two to be cancelled because of BadSpeak! Then bring CRT and all that pseudoscience crap into universities. Whole new departments of pseudoscience crap and well funded too!

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wow- that Germans would actually DO this with the history they have is...well, it's stupid and weird.

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The implication is that you can trade bodily autonomy for freedom (you can't), but people will not get back their freedoms even if they comply. A lie within a lie.

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Oof. That's going to be suuuper embarrassing when the truth finally breaks its chains. Whatever happened to "never again"?

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"this is like watching humans chase a laser pointer." ROFL!

BTW, I'm sorry for teasing Jasper with the laser mouse.

Not really.

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Ugh! Propaganda writ large

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We can still influence the CDC’s ACIP committee, please comment! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/tell-the-cdc-no/

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Arbeit macht frei

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