he's scared of ivermectin because he's a parasite

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Can't wait for the meme shot where Facui is looking at a picture of a Fauci wearing white and black horizontal bars behind bars, looking at another picture of a Fauci in bars behind bars...and so on

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Classic signs of narcissism and sociopathy

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why is this guy at 82 years old still there ... not good for him, certainly not for the rest of us.

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Coincidentally, I too have a large image Tony hanging in my game room, but with concentric circles radiating from a red center point and the numbers 1-20 arrayed along the periphery.

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He sure loves himself. I did see where 4 of 5 younger people want him fired. They seem to get it.

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I saw this an re-tweeted it. The only reason I stay on Twitter, to drive idiots like this crazy…

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I've seen video of him zooming in front of a bookshelf with one of his prayer candles on the shelf.

He is the perfect personification of where we are at as a society. Just a narcissistic little swine who has been sucking off the taxpayer teat his entire professional life, which is now capped with perhaps the worst example of tyrannical incompetence in history.

He, like every single other government parasite responsible for all this should be prosecuted for violation of civil rights under color of law, and upon conviction be stripped of everything they own which can then be distributed as damages to the millions of people harmed.

But, of course, that would require a real justice system. Instead we have prayer candles for mountebanks.

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Of course. He is a big fan of Science after all.

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Where’s the Pentagram?

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We can't post pictures in Substack, so I'll post this link. It's Obama, but nowadays it could easily be Fauci. A good Photoshopper could do wonders with it, I'm sure!


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The definition of narcissism. His picture should be in Merriam - Webster. They've changed other definitions recently. Surely they could change that one.

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He thinks he’s Napoleon.

“Short Man’s Disease” or “Hall Monitor Syndrome” perhaps. He’s the pain in the collective ass that (apparently) has “no frontline treatment.”

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Well he IS science. 🤡

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Redefines megliomaniac…

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Well I think we can safely say we know what he jerks off to.

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I wonder if they will let him have a computer in prison?

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Jerk off extraordinaire!

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I still maintain that Fauci was mocking all of us wearing that #19 jersey at that baseball game but it backfired as he made a complete ass of himself instead. https://i.imgflip.com/58w86v.gif

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have you heard the "Sad Little Man" song by Five Times August? You'd like it.

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The branches outside his window appear to make the head and neck of a dragon. As if it’s peering into his underling’s office. Creepy.

I’m looking at it on my phone’s small screen. Reduce the size and it’s blatant.

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He is a perfect replacement for Geraldo Rivera on the FIVE.

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It's Faucis wall the way down.

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ugh...but so predictable...where's the Fauci masked action figure though?

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Gato! Have you started thinking about writing a spy thriller in which the good guys stifle the plans of Vanguard and WEF by designing and releasing omicron?

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Two types of hand wash, natch. Such a hero /s

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Tony Soprano to Tony Fauci: "Get out of here with that fat."

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The key to happiness: Find yourself someone who loves you as much as Fauci loves himself

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Q: Does a megalomaniac have a concscience?

A: Wuhan Tony is the 'CON'....................science!

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Mmm... The kind of person that becomes aroused when they see their own reflection

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So creepy.

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Has anyone ever seen any empathy or compassion publicly from this little monster. I never have and I think that’s a real Red Flag that something is seriously wrong with this guy.

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Loaded Question: Who hacked his home network to get that image of him dressed in a grey hoodie in his messy office?

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He has said his favorite movies are The Godfather 🧐

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If we were so sexXxy, we would all do the same!

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All that hand sanitizer is gonna lower his natural immunity.

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Nothing worse than an incompetent narcissist in a position of power. That jerk Fauci has never seen a vaccine that didn’t send a shiver up his leg…no matter how many are injured and killed. In fact he and his butt-buddy Gates have been dumping the worst of them on their lab rats in Africa.

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I realize he has an ego, but unfortunately some of this is photo-shopped. I like humor as much as anyone, but this is one example why people in the alternative media get labeled as purveyors of disinformation. I do like it and still may link the image with a disclaimer!!!!!

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I'm happy to see that he owns a Sansevieria cylindrica. So at least he's not 100% evil.

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No, this can't be real ... can it?

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