Imagine the level of arrogance, sanctimony and paternalism required to be able to say or write something so insulting and denigrating.

Just nauseating.

This is actual, real white supremacy. Far more insidious and dangerous than a couple hundred skinheads and FBI informants running around the woods north of Coeur d'Alene.

"The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man."

~ Malcolm X

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"the hard bigotry of no expectations."

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I live in Oregon. My School district simply refused to test students using the state academic tests at the end of last year. So there is no data on if particular student are doing well or poorly, or which group of kids (single parents, no internet?) regressed the most form lockdown, or which teachers adapted well, or which subjects were most difficult to see gains; and therefore no ability to correct, take remedial action, or learn how to do education better or compensate. Shameful.

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Oh, I wouldn't be too concerned about all that.

Once Build Back Better™ really kicks in, they will all be able to work in the local Brawndo Factory. No triple R's needed.


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Isn't that the stuff that plants crave? lol

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You bet. It has electrolytes.

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Hehe. I need to dust off that one and watch again. But, I really don't have to since we are pretty much living right in the middle of it now. Ugh.

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I have never seen/heard any of this until I watched the clip, but you are exactly right, Rob. This is what it feels like every time I walk out of my house into the outdoor insane asylum.

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If you must wear a mask, wear a Brawndo mask:


I can't tell you how many positive comments I've had with it. People buy you drinks...

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Damn right!

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but but but, ITS GOT ELECTROLYTES!!!!

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I suspect it's the teacher's union. Anything that makes their job easier, and teachers less accountable gets Sacramental status.

If they can't tell what needs fixing, they don't have to fix it.

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She is a Marxist and as such wants a collapse.

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...shameful & predictable...

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"Melbourne Woman Sets Herself On Fire Inside Car With Sign: “NO ONE CARES, MANDATES ARE KILLING US”" https://milnenews.com/2021/12/07/melbourne-woman-sets-herself-on-fire-inside-car-with-sign-no-one-cares-mandates-are-killing-us/

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Horrific. She should have directed her angst elsewhere, though.

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It was 4 days ago 7 Dec 2021 - British way of writing dates year month day.

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Derr, thank you, I always forget that.

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Dec 10, 2021
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"Far more insidious and dangerous than a couple hundred skinheads and FBI informants running around the woods"


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This is not white supremacy. This is a means of control. It's the ole divide and conquer strategy on the basis of race. The powers-that-be know that these are the types of stories that get the real white supremacists' panties in a bunch. They are merely trying to create more racial tension.

The announcement of this new law will be followed in short order by a gov't op in which white FBI agents (read: Antifa) will commit same hate crime against some minority group and the complicit "news" media will cast it as being a response to Oregon's newly adopted "anti-white" policy; which, in reality, has been designed to ensure that, instead of learning the three Rs, our children are disabused of the traditional notions of gender and gender roles.

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You win the cynic of the day award 🏆 and the prophet of the year award🏆

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I love awards! But can we call the "cynic of the day" award the "realist of the day" award? LOL!

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I love being called a pessimist. I get to respond with "No, just a realist with enough experience to know that you're full of shit".

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Any friend of skepticism is a friend of mine 🤗

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ArdChoille, do you live in Oregon? We did for seventeen years until we moved back to our home state about three years ago. We moved shortly after Kate Brown took over the governorship. The whole thing with Kitzhaber and Cylvia looked like it was ginned up to get KB into office.

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I'm in AZ. Within months of the first wave of lockdowns in CA, I closed the office, swooped up my elderly mother, and moved out here.

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Good for you. I'm sure you saw the writing on the wall.

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Decades ago. We didn't get to where we are overnight.

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I’ve always been suspicious about how she was installed.

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"installed"... ;-)

Interchangeable leftist appliance robots, all with the same programming.

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*lol* I hadn’t made that connection, but it is certainly appropriate, especially when you consider the transhumanist dimensions!

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That day was interesting for us. I was sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop watching the resignation of Kitzhaber and the discussion of KB flying back to Oregon. I was busy looking at airline schedules for tickets back to home state as my mother was in the hospital in dire straits. I was incredulous that he was resigning, first of all, and had a sense of foreboding when I saw KB practically drooling with anticipation to get back to Oregon. blech.

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Wow, talk about a flashbulb memory!

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CRT, the teaching of all Blacks are racist. See how stupid it is reading for the first time?

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This is a rinse and repeat story throughout USSA history intended to divide and show that politicians and radicals really do care and can solve all your problems. Also see:


Quite astonishing how these radicals like to solve problems by avoiding them!

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Thank you for that link!

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It's not white supremacy. It's class war. Poor whites will suffer from this just as much as poor blacks, although the latter were worse off to begin with

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speaking as a "government approved" double minority (hispanic female)...this govenor is the epitome of bigotry, arrogance, and idiocy. Gosh...considering how "incapable" we underprivilged brown people are, I can't imagine how I have a brother who is a chemical engineer, a sister who is an electrical engineer, a daughter who is a chemical engineer, and I am a retired telecom systems engineer...oh, and I can thank people like this governor who will attribute our "success" to affirmative action.

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...and yet, you still haven't learned to refer to yourself as Latinx. You're about to lose your victim card. They'll start referring to you as a supremacist.

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Well played! As only a lowly single minority (Black male) I can proudly say that the only designation I hold in as low regard as "African American" is "Latinx." I say that from the position of inferiority and fear bestowed upon me by the white supremacists who taught me to think for myself.

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😉 😄

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I always loved Denzel Washington's comment that he doesn't think of himself as African American, he thinks of himself as American.

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My Brother and I like to say, "we're from North Carolina and we have never been to Africa, despite our ancestry," but that might be a little strong!

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Lulu- you and yours are truly impressive. May you and your kin reach out to the youth of our nation and inspire them.


A fellow Dbl ( retired from Health Physics female of mixed-race) akk...I almost vomited in my mouth just typing that last bit.

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Truth is, we do not consider our paths impressive...our family beginnings were humble, but we simply had ability, opportunity, and encouragement. We are thankful. What's impressive is that we can sure cook up some good New Mexican food! ;)

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Wow, my shock, not only the careers your family have, but based on the Governor's action, I'm surprised you even have the capability of reading the post and typing up a comment! (sarcasm of course).

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The narrative is totally contrived, just like everything else in our society.

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I hate to break it to you, but females are the majority.

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Since when do facts matter? The prevailing narrative is, and has been for as long as I can remember, that women are a minority and evil white men the majority.

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True...but when have truth and facts been part of the narrative?

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Only because men have been so demoralized that their suicide rates are skyrocketing...

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These people have learned that weakening the individual serves collectivism. A person who cannot stand on their own is forced to rely on the community. Public schools run by devout collectivists have no philosophical motivation to strengthen and empower the individual student. The need for parents to step up has never been more apparent.

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do it...homeschooled all 3 of our daughters all the way through highschool. All three got into their college of choice. One graduated as a chemical engineer, one an architect, and one a nurse. It wasn't easy, but it is worth it.

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Good for you - that's most impressive! We homeschool our son also (17).

I don't know your situation, but ours took what everyone seems to call "sacrifice". One income, a 742 sq. ft. condo, two cars (both were older than ten years), no "vacations" but plenty of time spent outdoor and at parks, no subscriptions to TV or movies, for the longest time I had an old Nokia phone that was a "pay as you go" plan. Sometimes I would have to remind myself that we weren't "rich". LOL! That's God's blessing in our little family.

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Doooooo it!!! We homeschooled our twin daughters until the last 3 semesters of high school, when they chose to go to public school, because they wanted to play sports, and (I think) wanted to meet boys 😆😆. At that point, they were almost 18, and I knew they'd be fine, and they were. They excelled in a dicey public high school and in a big state U, graduating with all kinds of honors, friends, and activities. They are now successful, employed adults, in long-term relationships with similarly well-adjusted young men. You do indeed have the power!

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My initial words were "do it", just like Lulu. Best thing I ever did for my kid! Took him out at 3rd grade and never sent him back there.

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Right on.

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It is insane... Those who claim today that they are NOT racist are the ones promoting segregation, and the idea that african american and hispanic kids cannot read, minorities are unable to get an ID to vote, if you play Latín music you are guilty of "cultural appropriation". If you think otherwise, you are a racist SOB.

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Sorta like Fauci and the vax. For your own good. They know what's best for you.

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"I think the woman doth protest to loudly."

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She’s a total nut job like the Governor of New York! What’s with these Post-Menopausal women Governors, who have totally lost their minds? Who ‘controls’ these women and their ‘policies’?

I have to say Governor Brown has been consistent in her ‘nuttiness’ and wack job policies and statements, over the past few years. Oregon used to be a cool state…not any longer…the whole WEST COAST (WA, OR & CA) has fallen off the cliff. (I know I live in CA!) Way too Woke!

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Don't leave out the smiling nut job in New Zealand.

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oh help. A new sickness. Hurry make a vaccine !

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Love this so much! Good one.

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Who votes for these nut jobs? Other Krazy Karens!

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It reaches over the border into B.C. as well. Likely Alaska, too, remember Sarah Palin.

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Look how happy she looks.

Ever notice how progressives launching a sick society-destroying idea always have that same weird Valium smile?

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Yeah, like a two year old that just pooped her pants.

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PhD is the new GED.

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I always laugh listening to Dennis Prager's show when he discusses an especially stupid, moronic comment from someone and he says "That person must have gone to grad school."

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This is utterly devastating for underprivileged children. Instead of lifting them up, they are brought further down. How will they feel when they will realised they have been simply denied an education?

Meanwhile, the luminaries are spending time on this kind of stuff instead of teaching the basics:


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Gosh, I greatly dislike the Washington Compost

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Not long ago the Pacific Northwest was the hidden gem of the country. Now it's a mess, with Inslee/Brown teaming up to make us the laughingstock of other laughingstocks.

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You forgot Newsom. I live in Oregon and she's as horrible as can be. Her OHA mafia is planning digital green passes/passports by March 2022. My husband and I are saving like crazy and putting off all remodeling projects until the election next November. If another rabid progressive wins, we'll likely pack our bags and move to a red state. We're a bilingual college-educated family (he has an MBA-Ohio State Univ.; I have a BSBA-Mgmt but switched careers to become an educational therapist). Bottom line, we have the skills and experience to start over elsewhere. Ideally in a state where medical freedom is absolutely respected and promoted.

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In Washington we've never considered California part of the northwest OR good :p

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Newsom cannot officially be classified as human. I wish the Dracos would return and collect their spy.

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Just read today that Newsom has written a children's book about dyslexia. Apparently he has it, which may partly explain why he probably never reads anything and therefore sounds like such an idiot.

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Vying for first place in the Lockdown Grinch Contest. I am in WA and Jaybird just called us pure bloods “terrorists.”

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Meanwhile in King County, the last 30 days have seen the vaxxed as:

39% of cases

24% of hospitalizations

29% of deaths

By now he knows the jab doesn't stop transmission, so him calling us terrorists is for another reason.

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His survival depends on him holding up the tattered corners of their failing narrative.

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But nothing can stop what is coming. Timeline parallels have merged. There is only one future timeline and it doesn’t look good for these Covidiots. WWG1WGA! Worldwide!

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These idiots constantly drone on about "privilege privilege privilege" but read anything on history and the you will realize to be living in a free country (yeah, I know, bear with me) and to be EDUCATED is the biggest privilege of all but these evil fucks want to deny that to kids, presumably because dumb, dependent people won't get carried away thinking for themselves.

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It is a competitive old world out there. I think I would consider getting my kids the hell out of crazy town and move to a place that actually values an education.

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Get your kids the hell out of the government schools... no matter where you live.

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To help "students of color" stay dependent on democrat politicians

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The writers of Portlandia didn't go nearly far enough.

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When did you visit?

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its almost they are doing this on purpose to put people of colour even further back ...they just dont see it ...as long as they feel a little warm feeling in their hearts they are ok jack stuff whether its true or not

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Oh, they see it, at least some of them.

Democrats have always been the part of slavery, Jim Crow and racism.

With welfare, government "education", the War on Drugs and minimum wages, they have created a vast plantation of constituents and government employees who will never vote to break their own rice bowls, only to fill them higher.

This not coincidental, it is by design.

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Yeah. Look at Canada and the aboriginals. We keep them in their own villages where they don't pay taxes, give them an house, a small income so they never integrate society and can never actually achieve something on their own. However that would be considered "racist" to remove them some of their special treatments so that they can live as most Canadians. That Oregon governor wants the same for people of colour in the US it seems. Fortunately the US has its smart and empowered black and Hispanic communities so I doubt they will all fall for this.

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Sort of like how the war on drugs started....and how is that going for our minority Americans?

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The one thing I have left that I praise Bush 2 for is recognizing the evil of the soft bigotry of low expectations. ps - they are doing it on purpose.

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Kate Brownshirt and Portland make me ashamed to be an Oregonian 🤦‍♀️

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To be fair, though, I’m in the good part, which is game for the Greater Idaho movement (https://www.greateridaho.org/) …

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Yes! You are in the better part of Oregon. My partner’s adult daughter convinced her recently 2nd time divorced mother, to move up to Portland (and finance the move) with the adult daughter’s 13 year old daughter to have a hipper, cooler life, than where they were living down here in San Diego. That was over 6 years ago. The Promised Land of Oregon proved to be not so ‘promising’! The ‘financier’ Mother in the mean time is leaving Oregon for Texas to live near her other child and grandchildren! Leaving her daughter and granddaughter behind in the cesspool that is Portland! 🤪

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Excellent move! I drove 2500 miles to Katy, TX from Oregon City, OR to take my then sophomore to an open high school. We spent 5 months there. WE loved the sanity of most people. School kids HAD to wear masks but they had regular classes in full classrooms every single day. My son thrived, thank God. We moved back as soon as the semester ended because we missed the rest of our family. Being together became the goal. He's a junior now. And I can't wait for his graduation. Praying that next year elections will bring a red wave to the state.

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Yikes!! Let’s hope they can escape before it self-immolates …

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I can't tell you how much I look forward to fishing on the Idaho Gold Coast.

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Me too. We might reconsider the area around Brookings. Happily send some of the drug addicts up to Oregon.

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Love the name!

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I wqas in Bend for a tournament before Covid. Holy I was shocked at how a very conservative area and town had gone so left. Put me in a depression.

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Also - Idaho turning purple these days with the tech sector moving in.

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Oh goodness, I didn’t know …

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Mainly Boise. But there are LDS there that I don't see going full Left, but they do follow their church and it is globalist.

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Baker city tryingto hold off as much as we can. I'm hoping to move back to Montana in the spring

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Matt Christiansen loves Montana :-)

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I love that their governor is doing that. Maybe some native and hispanic parents with school-aged children will wake up and start voting according to the best interest of their children. I do not include black because there are so few black people in Oregon. Their state was built on the idea of keeping black people out and continued with that policy - well they continue with that policy.

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Voting might not help much. Oregon has had mail-in ballots issued to all registered voters since 2000. The state has stayed in Dem control ever since, and is very proud of its "high turnout". It's a system engineered for exploitation.

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I’ve long suspected Oregon was a trial run for the national mail-in ballot[-stuffing] agenda. I’ve known for years my vote would never matter when it came to biggies like the president, which means I could vote my conscience without the guilt of sabotaging the election results 😆

When the first lockdown hit in March 2020, I predicted they were manufacturing this crisis so they would have an excuse to roll out mail-in ballots nationwide, thus guaranteeing the right(left ;-) results.

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Absolutely 100% accurate statement.

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Yep. That is true and has become more wide spread since the lockdowns by design. People are trying to expose the problem and fix it. It is the only way back to sanity in the electoral process. Oregon folks who have not lost their minds have to try to save their state if they want to stay. It is a gorgeous place and worth saving.

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The insanity of the Regressive movement.

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Regressive movement isn't by accident either

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She and Oregon might not require reading, writing and math, but ANY employer, including ALL the ones in Oregon, do. I feel so sorry for these kids if this actually happens. On the plus side, maybe it will be an opportunity for them to step up, and say: "The hell with that... I am GOING TO LEARN... so stick it where the sun don't shine you moron." Kids, this woman REALLY HATES YOU! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, FOR GOD'S SAKE, AS WELL AS YOUR OWN LIFE! Frankly, this is just another pass on inept teachers... I fell so, so sorry for the good ones :-(

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Oregon teachers are only worried about masking their students, and keeping all the 'covid safety guidelines' in place. The indoctrination of our youth is so strong that I see lots of high school kids walking home (by themselves) with their freaking masks on!! WTH!! It's been hard having to constantly explain to my 17 y.o. the uselessness of her mandates. He hates masks and knows not to wear them outdoors. We even refuse to wear them in stores. My 19 y.o. is compliant. UGH!! College students can be much worse in this area.... virtue-signaling takes precedence. No matter how much data I have, they are uninterested in reading it. My only relief is the fact that they still listen to me and have NOT gotten the toxic jabs. It's an uphill battle, for sure.

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I keep looking at that picture and wondering if she actually believes she's "helping students of color".

I mean, really, honestly believes that. How exactly is she helping them?

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Bag o' bones, she is. White supremacist is 100% accurate. The female Joe Biden.

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This is REAL institutional racism. The kind Biden built his career on! Harris, too.

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Remember that whatever the left says the rest of us are doing, it's what THEY themselves are doing. I'm always amazed at how many people don't know the sordid racist history of the Democrat party, and that they continue to be the true racists today.

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The real irony is Oregon has a very low minority percentage.

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And what would her dumbed down version of the iconic Oregon Trail game look like? No dysentery, no smallpox, no drowning...as long as masks were mandated on the trail everyone is safe!

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Most of Oregon is disgusted with her, too.

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Nothing to see here. Just take your Soma and relax.

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Commies destroying our society. They must be stopped

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Some call it soft bigotry. I call it a sledgehammer.

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The true racists are Lefties.

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A part of me keeps yelling that this cannot be true. I cannot understand how anyone can applaud a measure like this. Minorities should be outraged by this act of racism and betrayal. It is racist because it treats minorities as stupid beings and it is also a huge betrayal because they admit the cannot teach. So, if one finishes hight school without knowing to read write or to do math… why on earth he/she needs to go to school in the first place? Would be so easy and nice to do it right… Saying things like “no student will finish elementary in my state without exceeding in reading, writing…) and addressing the causes of low performance among students. Wouldn’t it be nice that they try to solve problems instead of creating them? Sad that people accept these lies as truths and refuse to reason and speak up.

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Seems to be some of that systemic racism.

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So that means that even the most competent and skilled POC graduates are tainted by the possibility that they were just pushed through without merit.

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That's been true since the inception of affirmative action. Decades ago.

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This is a travesty. Shame on Oregon. Shoving academically struggling kids out the door, instead of helping them achieve the standards they need to survive in the world, is insane. This woman is guilty of letting these kids fail to become a burden to society. No good will come from this, and no good will be bestowed on these children. The ones in need will suffer greatly. It’s a travesty….

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I live in Portland too....2 small snapshots; As I understand it, (please correct me if...)

Schools were effectively somewhat defunded in the 1980's here when the tax base for funding them was switched from property taxes to income taxes, much more volatile and more bust boom vulnerable...so the schools here got a big knock down in quality then, some faring much worse than others...I came here in 1992 from Detroit, and the music and arts were and are still struggling, and the overall level of teaching varies alot school to school, a bit worse than most places it seems.

Had a chat with a white fella who had been sent to an alternative school (MLC in the 1980's) and he was so angry because he really was lacking the skills of his cohorts.

Also, had a chat with a black fella who had been bussed an hour every day to get to a better school, government ordered bussing, and he was really grateful for it, because he did get a

much better education than if he had not been bussed.

I do know that some of the skills my partners son got in his alternative school education do serve him, when the school allowed the very young grades to participate in problem solving and dicipline in the classroom, the kids had a say in how that went. But he also laments the lack of hard skills. The alt school was also not stable in its teachers or curriculum due to funding and inexperience. He ended up graduating from a highschool here that was already allowing academically challenged kids to graduate without adhering to state guidelines in testing. However at that point we were so grateful to find a school he could respect and teachers that could treat the students in a humane and thoughtful way, with much structure and community elders incorporated into the daily classes. That highschool has literally saved hundreds of kids by making it possible for them to integrate where no high school in the city could handle them.

No perfect thing, but alot of highschools treat kids like a problem and disrespectfully. Losing them entirely is a worse outcome.

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Jacquelyn, as I mentioned somewhere else here, until a couple of years ago, we lived in Portland for seventeen years. While we lived there I would occasionally come across an article or someone mentioning Benson High School and what a loss that school was. As I understand it, it was a terrific school that included (or was primarily - I don't remember) focused on vocational ed type of classes (I am a BIG fan of vocational ed). The school produced graduates who went on to found businesses, made those who were interested ready to step into local manufacturing, some graduates went into broadcasting (as I understand the school had its own radio station). It sounded like a gem of a school, and I never knew exactly what created its demise, but it broke my heart to find out it didn't exist anymore.

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I am pretty sure that PPS is renovating Benson HS as we speak. see https://pamplinmedia.com/pt/9-news/517952-413858-benson-polytechnic-will-close-for-renovations-until-2024, but my partners son also went there for almost 2 years. His experience there was not a good one. The things he reported were that it was the clickiest school he had ever seen, conform to a club or be out. Kids rampantly skipped classes as if it was something the administration could not keep up with, though they tried. And although he was on an IEP, they would not accomodate it and seemed to not know about it. He did appreciate some aspects of the technical training but felt lost there and failed out. I am sure it will be a great school after the renovation, but not for most academically challenged kids unless the mindset and teachers there change.

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Oh I'm sure it's not at all what it once was. 😕

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I think that one of the skills kids all need is to know how to grow food. For real. It is a skill that improves lives more than many of the things we focus on. I think I remember growing a tomato plant in a strofoam cup in 3rd grade but that was the extent of my agricultural education. (It's more important you have to dissect a frog, for instance.) Some schools have begun to do this, gardening for young kids, as well. Not many. So simple.

You can't eat money.....who said that?

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I agree with that. Almost all of us are so far removed from where food comes from. Knowing how to do many things would be beneficial for all of us and that includes growing vegetables. In my dream (LOL), my backyard would be a vegetable garden, and I'd have blueberry bushes and fruit trees. I already have a black walnut tree an apple tree and my next door neighbor's pear tree right next to our fence. ;)

My list of DIY things: cooking/baking, gardening, sewing, basic plumbing, basic electrical, basic car care (although that is coming to nought as cars are more and more computerized), basic carpentry.

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GPJ, Maybe you know... what became of the thing Portland was tossing around about mandating "rest spaces" on private property? Did that gain any steam?

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for the homeless.

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"Rest spaces" on private property?! I hadn't heard that one! Two things were happening before we left (besides the absolute degradation of downtown Portland). The "sit/lie" law was overturned, meaning the police could not make people who were camped out on the sidewalk, move along, and allowing property owners to let others (friends, family, [I'd imagine strangers too]) to live on your property whether with a tent, yurt, camper, whatever. This in response to the "housing crisis". So if you are a homeowner, your neighbor could let anyone park themselves in his backyard in whatever manner the squatter chooses.

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Thank you for replying. That sounds like what I was talking about sort of. It was a mandate where you had to create a space on your property providing respite to the homeless. So a shelter of some sort and allow them to basically camp there. I can't remember the real name for it. We were looking at a townhome in PDX for business we have near there and then this mandate came along and my husband gave me the cold stare whenever I suggested plunking more cash that way.

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"cold stare" = LOL!

I believe it was changing zoning code to allow homeowners to let others "camp" on the homeowner's property. You can imagine how well that would work. Hello? Electricity? Plumbing? Additional waste? Where are those extra cars to park?

You know, Portland has this "cache" among young people seemingly everywhere. So when we moved back to our Great Lakes state and I'd go about getting driver's license or finding a dentist or just general conversation with young people and mentioned we'd moved back from Portland it was like I had some sort of radiance. LOL!! I'd be asked, "how was it?" Knowing that the truth is a waste of time I'd just give a generic, "oh it's so beautiful there and we were an hour away from the beach and an hour away from the mountains" sort of response.

We were moved there by my husband's company, and it was initially interesting and a bit captivating. After two years, particularly after September 11 and then the next couple of years with the tech downturn, I began to dislike it. Many things changed in subtle ways that would be difficult to explain in words. If you pay attention you realize the city is really corrupt. People will say that, oh yes, Portland was really corrupt in the 1940s and 1950s as if it isn't corrupt now. No. It still is.

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So funny the intrigue with Portland. I miss the PNW, my farm and the weather, but am so glad to be away from the corrupt politics, the catering to the droves of homeless adults and teens (who used to camp in the forest behind my house), the squatting in abandoned homes and the police getting annoyed when we complained about the squatters and the shake n bake meth bottles and needles deposited along our street.

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Ahhh...so you DO know Portland 😀👍

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Haha. Unfortunately we tried endlessly to lure your teen homeless up to WA and were pretty successful. They apparently have a circuit they travel thru the year throughout the PNW and (preCOVID) to BC. There is a relatively new methadone clinic out on the Olympic Peninsula where the goal is not to get off methadone eventually, but to be perpetually hooked on it and forever a daily patient. Sick. When they hand out narcan like a cheap trinket at the fair you know it is time to leave.

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Something to consider is the influence of the teachers unions. The unbelievable inability of these

so-called "teachers" to teach our children is painfully evident. What's the way out for them? Well,

let's just proclaim that a large portion of our students are unteachable. "It's not our fault that we are paid well, have job security and good pensions for educating the young. It's just too hard. These backward oppressed children cannot be taught. So, pay us for not teaching.That is the best for everyone."

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Lol, she’s so woke she’s unconscious.

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The rulers wants you stupid.

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The only students that will excel in HS will be the whites and the few blacks who want to take ‘normal’ courses. Not challenging students to learn harder stuff, is the worse method of learning a school can do.

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Let's face it, these requirements have long probably been a joke anyway. Schools consistently pass kids from one grade to the next and then graduate them without holding them to any sort of standards. Removing the so-called "requirements" just provides equity by ensuring teachers can't provide a good education to the kids who DO want it.

(Those kids nowadays are, FWIW, probably mostly recent immigrants or children of parents of any color who had to struggle their entire lives to make an honest living and want their kids to have better chances. They understand that this kind of policy means we are going to be importing people to be our physicists and physicians, not that it levels THOSE playing fields.)

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Applied racism

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💥BAM ! 🎯

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Narcissists lack self-awareness-the ability to recognize their stupidity (as others see them) thus unable to recognize the same stupidity in others. Lacking wisdom-emotional intelligence they believe feelings are facts and become brainwashed by their racism and confirmation bias.

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When white people are cold they turn blue, when they are seasick they turn green, when they are hot they turn pink and yet black people are called " people of colour"?

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Last time I checked, white is a color.

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Sort of, but maybe just lack of a colour?

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I lack a lot of things, but color is not one of them. I’m more pinkish beige. I’m fine with “People of Pinkish Beige (POPB)”.

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I’m stealing your comment, thank you!

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Certified Idiot. What a nut job....

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Here in OR, we are used to GuvKate's posturing, but this is not the worst of her sins. We are among the last four states to mandate masks for everyone indoors, for example, and the state spend $160-million on money ONLY to minority businesses during the Covid pandemic. The list goes on and on...

Meanwhile, we've started a substack, Portland Dissent, where we, mostly, point out that our various emperors aren't wearing any clothes. Give it a glance.

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Democrats are condescending racists.

And today Democrats/Leftists constant racial segregationist rhetoric and actions are the main instigators of racially motivated crimes as the Waukesha massacre, and the growing attacks against "white adjacent" Asians, Jews and Hispanic.

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The state of education

Baltimore HS student fails all but 3 classes over 4 years, ranks near top half of class

Tiffany France's son still ranked at No. 62 in his class of 120 total students


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This is what is known as "the subtle racism of diminished expectations". Oddly enough, Oregon had a law, from its statehood in 1854, until 1978, which prohibited black people from living in the state, and the black population is still very low. Now the state will cripple (presumably) black and underprivileged children, by not bothering to try to teach them the things they need to get from any decent school - the ability to read, write, and do mathematics. So far as I'm concerned, any school board which adopted such a policy should be driven out of office, and any school personnel acting on such policy should be summarily fired and be deprived of any pension or benefits...

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I can't even imagine how ANY parent of ANY race could think this is something that would give their kids a "leg up" in life. I am without words. Throughout human history, it was always the goal to educate the next generation so they would have a better chance at a successful life. The only places in history where this wasn't the case are those cultures that had a permanent slave class that wasn't allowed to learn to read or write. I have relatives in Oregon and none of them can stand this WITCH. Heaven help us.

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No worries - being that progressive, she's already booked her 4th jab.

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Too bad it’s saline.

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True believers take in on the chin, like Gavin Newsom. And she seems to be that smart too. So, I stay optimistic.

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John McWhorter has a new book—Woke Racism that might be useful.

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