I can’t even laugh because I believe the picture on the right is what’s actually coming. And soon. People are starting to wake up but we’re fighting formidable opposing forces and two years of momentum.

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Australians who test positive for C19 or have had contact with someone who tested positive are quarantined in camps. I used to think of Australians as tough, independent people but to allow this to happen has changed my mind. I think of Americans as tough, independent people...

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Bin your phone and contact tracing and TV and life returns to normal.

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The girl on the left is Victoria Climbié, who was tortured and murdered by her great aunt, and her great-aunt’s boyfriend. I would suggest not using this picture to make a joke, as it is in poor taste.


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I still personally don't know anyone who's died in the past 20 months. Not from covid. And not from the jab. Still waiting for the shoe to drop. I know of at least one co-worker who's gonna vax her 10-year-old son. *shudder* I hope he's not the first one in my circle.

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Why try to solve big problems when you can solve insignificant non problems instead. Though I suppose I'll take this kind of training over training on how to take away more of our freedoms.

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And the Church is right there standing with Brandon

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