I've been thinking of writing a piece of "How do you know you are being lied to?"
What you are allowed to say is one of those indicators. But it's more insidious than that. You aren't even given anything outside the narrative.
I am sure some think that we spent a a lot of hours digging to find something to "confirm our bias" but in reality we were being offered only one alternative that didn't jive with reality.
It's like this: previous to this vaccine, every vaccine had adverse effects and side effects to it, and then for this one, nothing. You're actually telling me that the most frequently used vaccine in history has NO adverse effects, or that those that are reported are "false claims?"
I've been thinking of writing a piece of "How do you know you are being lied to?"
What you are allowed to say is one of those indicators. But it's more insidious than that. You aren't even given anything outside the narrative.
I am sure some think that we spent a a lot of hours digging to find something to "confirm our bias" but in reality we were being offered only one alternative that didn't jive with reality.
It's like this: previous to this vaccine, every vaccine had adverse effects and side effects to it, and then for this one, nothing. You're actually telling me that the most frequently used vaccine in history has NO adverse effects, or that those that are reported are "false claims?"
Taibbi has a good label: “Censorship-Industrial Complex.”