And ... Christia Freeland just made the Emergency Act's temporary power to seize and freeze bank accounts and finances permanent.

That didn't take long.

Just 2 weeks to flatten the curve, they said.

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"Why are you Americans so obsessed with your guns?"

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It's a lot harder to do what you're government is doing with a well armed citizenry. I don't think Americans are "obsessed" with guns. We treasure the rights given by God and understand that evil, greedy, closet dictators/authoritarian men (and women) can fake their way into positions of power and then do exactly what every Western Democracratic government has been doing for 2 years: whittling away liberty from the governed. I don't call that obsession. I call that understanding human nature and being prepared for it.

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The quote marks indicate John P.'s comment was ironic.

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Years ago I told a Canadian snowbird neighbor that we Americans hold guns, not for hunting, but to protect ourselves from government. I remember seeing him roll his eyes at his wife and smirk.

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That smirk aged badly

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I’m pretty right wing. But for a long time I was against the gun fanatics. While I personally cannot see myself firing a weapon (except in defense of a child), I realize now the wisdom of the 2nd amendment.

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It may come to that, or something similar, and you might be wise to take one up and do training with it, so that should the need arise, you are well prepared.

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No. While I actually deeply appreciate what you are asking. It is in essence a heroic thing , sometimes.

But I would rather be the lone Chinese man standing in front of the tank without a weapon. The Tiananmen picture.

What would Jesus do should never just be a slogan. Never represent something so banal. I do think Christ might have me lay my physical life in front of another to stop danger. But to deliberately point something at someone except possibly in defense of a child. I can’t.

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Remember, whenever someone asks what would Jesus do, making a whip and turning over tables is an option. And that was just for turning His Father's house into a den of thieves.

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Well, we do now what He's going to do, when He comes, and also when He judges the quick and the dead. It's not a very pretty thought.

Still, I'm extremely reluctant to ever think I should assume His authority, except in what He has commissioned us to do, and Laura j is right, that command was preach the gospel, not shoot the bad guys.

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But His answer to our worlds sin? He had the power of God. He could have waived His finger and brought lightning bolts down. He could have asked God to kill his enemies and make his disciples leaders, or at the very least, to make them respected.

But no.

He prayed for his enemies.

He let them drive nails into him.

He let them mock him.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

He let them kill him.

But that wasnt the end of his story.

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I wish I could like this post many many times.

Would you mind terribly if maybe I (and many others) was willing to do it for you?

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But if you do always glorify God in the midst. We Christians must remember Who we are about and the fact that His love truly IS the only truly important thing .

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I've thought about this many times and almost wrote a response completely agreeing with you. I do agree with you. However, it must be admitted that there is such a thing as a deterrent. For example, countries with nuclear weapons think twice before invading each other because it's catastrophic for both. There is something to be said for holding a weapon and knowing how to use it. I wish I had a better answer.

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Your answer is a fine one. It’s the reason I’ve gone from being opposed to ownership of certain weapons to being extremely grateful for people fighting for 2nd amendment rights.

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Because the 2cd amendment guarantees ALL the others.

It is not an obsession. It is a rather cool hobby with benefits.

From a free, unvaxxed citizen of Soviet Canuckistan.

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Ok I’m stealing “cool hobby with benefits.”

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Me, too. TRM, that is brilliant. 👏

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Praying for your country.

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Or maybe...it's a friend with benefits?

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Me: locked and loaded…..

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Canadians have 3x the guns the USA does. Not helping them much now. YOU"VE GOT TO FUCKING USE THEM!

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I'm not arguing with your sentiment, but there are approximately 120 guns for every 100 people in America, and approximately 35 guns for every 100 people in Canada.

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All good. I got it backwards. I thought it was 3x as many guns in Canada

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It's that Canadian exchange rate thing.

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Hopefully this will encourage more gun ownership in Canada!

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While they still can ...yes!!!

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So, maybe they can share.

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I doubt that. One estimate is that Americans own over 1 billion guns.

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The government admits to citizens owning 400 million but that number is probably far higher. Our family alone owns many guns that are older and bought before guns had to be registered. Plus guns bought through the Civilian Firearms program from the military. Before 1968, I don't think they filed paperwork.

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If I have 10 guns and the government takes 9 of them, how many do I still have? 15. I lied about the 10. 😆

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I used to think the gun rights people were a little kooky, until Obama.

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I thought it a tad strange until I read "Tragedy & Hope". Then I got it. The ability to fight back is the defining point in liberty vs tyranny throughout the ages.

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Look through history. There is no such thing as a "human right" until the invention of a reliable firearm that was affordable to everyone. Until women and children (or regular citizenry) were able to defend themselves without the advantage of physical strength, everyone was a slave to the strongest.

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Ha ha!!!

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John p? Your exactly why we in america whom have balls look at the canucks as nothing short of “frenchie manginas” lol

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His comment is in quotation marks. He's being sarcastic. Or ironic. Whatever, he's being the opposite of literal or serious.

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He was being sarcastic I think

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LOL. Not quite but way to compliant for my liking. I was hoping for 30% of Canada and 50% of the USA not to take the shots. We're around 10% here and you're around 30%. I'm shocked at how many people on both sides of the 49th take irreversible, experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3

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But realize those uptake %s may be lies…

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I hope so. We'll see soon enough.

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Cause it keeps us free motherphaquer canadians are such pussies in fact yall wouldnt be free if ya werent next dumbasses

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Don't be so smug. Hope you're not a US citizen. We're next. We'll see wussies cave left and right. We already have.

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didn't i read somewhere she's a straight up descendent of a nazi?

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Yes, her grandfather.

She is also listed a a director on the WEF website.

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JFC. The conspiracy "theories" write themselves.

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Freeland (ironic name!) is from a marano family

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Did you see the 'Its Just a Mask'? https://youtu.be/vvZwPQVhyqE

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Similar to this one. It's for the greater good.


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ooh, the actress is perrfect

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No need for an actress nor even the video. Have seen the exact same for real for decades. With Covid for 2 years the world over.

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See my comment above. So what. I am 50 years old and have been seeing this my entire life and people need a video such as this to point out that this is what the left has been openly saying for at least that long? We are lost.

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Yeah yeah yeah. So what? It was known 2 years ago that the mask was just the first step and that we would eventually get here. Why does it take what we are seeing in Canada to start to wake people up? The time to prevent a fire is long passed when it is already a mass conflagration.

Every single issue we have today could have been easily prevented if most just used their God given intelligence and an understanding of history and paid attention. Instead we have vilified those few who have until the only way to fix it leads to bloodshed.

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True enough. It should have happened back in March/April 2020. But we are due a replay over ‘climate change’.

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Those of us who survive this nonsense.

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Video has been removed by the uploader ???

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Those messages are no more believable than anything else but even if it is “true”, what pressure might have been brought upon the uploaded? Or, as it is now posted elsewhere, perhaps they didn’t what to increase traffic to YouTube.

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It's gone.

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I saw the mask one last week. It was excellent.

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It's been removed already.

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It’s been removed.

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Just taken down.

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ah, that has been removed...its a black and white about 2 minutes and very good

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It's on rumble:


Stop using youtube as much as you can :)

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Very powerful!

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the one i saw had stunning photography, but same script....i dont use youtube usu k

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Freeland is another of Klaus Schwab's WEF Young Leaders.. like the CIA School of the Americas but for the political despotic training.

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Two weeks to flatten the population.

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Back the blue they said

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2 years ago was the time to fight this. Once we acquiesced to house arrest under a different name, this current chapter was written.

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Two weeks to flatten the Truckers. You know, the Left is now calling it 'Freedumb,' right? They won't know what they had until they lose it.

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What power does she have to do that?

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I just went through my YouTube history to provide the link to her press conference for you...

And it's gone. Guess a Chrystia Freeland official press conference goes against YouTube terms of service?

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The video of the Ottawa police officer press conference disappeared too! Suddenly the 'leaders' don't what people to know what they are saying?


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Jasper Sunshine of Mistersunshinebaby just put out a video that he was contacted by someone in the Canadian government, phone and email, and it was suggested things would not go good for him if he didn't remove between 50-100 videos he had posted daily.

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Oh but we better not dare compare this situation to that one in Germany all them years ago.

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That's nuts!!!! Hopefully that will lead to 50-100 Jasper Sunshines all rehosting the videos ;)

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See something save something.. good stuff does & will disappear and Wayback saves in 2 clicks. Even commonplace content fades w time.. Get a toolbar button & it redirects 404 Not Found Error to archived page IF somebody saved it!! Be a saver too <3 Wayback


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"Police will simply ask for your reason for travelling with the area." Soooo....it's just a tourism survey? No knocking people's phones out of their hands? No harassment or being told to vacate the area? No denial of a Canadian citizen's right to freedom of mobility? Got it. Man, those deep fake videos are getting awfully ubiquitous and genuine looking, glad the authorities told me not to believe my eyes and ears.

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I am here to peacefully protest. I’m guessing they won’t let me through…

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Nope. This was a great way to shut down ALL public expression on invocation of the Emergencies Act. Even people who didn't agree with the truckers, but also disagree with the Act being invoked, cannot now let their dissent be peacefully known in person in front of their Parliament.

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"Mostly peaceful". You gotta keep up on the passwords comrade.

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The thing about the perpetual humiliation ritual that is commie globohomo is that the high production values of the Revolution cannot be sustained. Eventually the theater is all B roll with cigarette burns and recycled sets and costumes. The proles just stop believing in the whole enterprise. Of course, its bittersweet to reach that point as the next step is the chekist filling basements with bodies for wrongthink. But luckily that could never happen here.

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"I'm here to get into your rear." (No, not in *that* sense, in the military maneuver one.)

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they cleared the trucks that were blocking the roads to put in place police police cars everywhere that are... blocking the roads as well. you cannot make this shit up.

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and blocking an area 20x the size

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definitely. I've been downtown Ottawa twice and only 2 streets were really completely blocked. couple of stores closed, the mall (because they choose to), that's it. now it's total police state and the gestapo is scaring anyone around.

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And all this was predictable and even predicted.

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Imagine the residents who complained are enjoying the peace and quiet and have no issue with being stopped and having to show papers. The police are there for good too. Like the US Capitol as it is fenced and barricaded, even moreso, in anticipation of March. Every picture tells a story and the end of the Republic is seen in DC.

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But they are the “good guys”

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Permanent global emergency, gotta love the great reset

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Looks a lot like a snowy East Berlin. The people of Ottawa should have thought less about noise and more about their rights. It could take a looong time to get those checkpoints down.

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Now Ottawa can enjoy being NYC, which is a complete hellhole. Those restaurants/stores will be begging for the truckers to come back.

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kind of like get woke go broke

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They'll realize it once they become a bit harder to remove.

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All they did was turn this into the world's biggest game of whack-a-mole. And it's exactly like government to continue to whack the holes after the moles are gone.

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Agree!!! Now genuinely peaceful protests will be mobile, which might be good. Hopefully they’ll call for a national sick out/ cash out. Call in sick and pull cash out of the bank everyday for a week. If 0.5% of the population followed through it would get their attention. In Canada it might take 1%. I certainly wouldn’t leave a penny in TD

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It's already been called for, starting today. I'm retired so not much for me to do except not shop maybe? Except it's a provincial holiday today so I couldn't anyway.

This isn't ending any time soon, just as you say, going mobile.

Toronto had a protest on Saturday, on foot.

Calgary had a huge protest also this weekend I think.

I think other cities too.

We'll all be broke so I think barter/underground economy will be the way to go. That's OK, it will only cost the gov tax revenue.

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And yes, withdrawing money. That will be noticeable. Even if you only move it to another bank.

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Or sit on it………. Enough people sit on their average balances in cash and the banks freak

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Or I suppose just run up a line of credit to its limit and let them freeze that.

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Sorry, a bit clued out here: what do you mean by 'sit on it'? Do you mean, 'just let the account be idle'?

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No, I mean literally pull cash out of the bank and keep it in cold hard cash. Don’t let them use it to lend out and make a profit.

It’s not like anyone is getting a return on cash right now. Why leave it at the bank where they’ll freeze you out on demand of the government?

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Yeah, it was all taken from them long ago, when they shut down the Game Stoppers to protect the hedge funds.

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Yeah, Ottawa is still closed but now by police. That was like the Fort Erie Ontario Canada-USA bridge, closed last weekend by police to prevent the truckers from closing it.

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Brilliant! --- Ha,ha, beat you to it! 🙄 Sounds like a bunch of little kids.

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ironic 😏

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Just returned from Ottawa. Police aren't simply asking for your reason for traveling -- they are demanding papers. Literally had to present papers driving in and also while out walking. Was eerie in the downtown core -- almost abandoned. Police cars with lights flashing 24/7 and officers in the street interrogating you.

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Oh but those nasty truckers caused businesses to close. I’m curious how much business is in downtown now with the place surrounded by the Stasi.

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just keeping up appearances, it's an "emergency" you know. also an overtime bonanza/loyalty generator for the trusted few.

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Thanks for first hand info.

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I'm sure this has had no effect on nearby small businesses. 🙄

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The US needs to offer asylum to Canadians, or at least let them walk through the southern border like everyone else.

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I read it today:

'New Mexico Republican congresswoman Yvette Herrell is promising to introduce legislation to offer asylum to Canadian protesters'.

Maybe we'll be neighbours pretty soon! I promise I'm nice.

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Oh that’s funny. I didn’t read your comment until I posted mine about coming in from the south.

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So how do we get to the southern border? No jab no fly no cross northern border.

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I actually did have an idea from personal experience a long time ago and from the truck protests. Pick up a trade or skill that is in short supply in the country you want to escape to. For example, right now, there is a truck driver shortage in North America. Probably a computer programmer shortage too. There never seem to be enough plumbers, dry wallers, carpenters, electricians etc. Countries will usually accept skilled folks especially those in short supply. Health care probably too.

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There's always a way for an enterprising soul. I just haven't found great ones just yet.

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Why would Biden’s government do that? Seriously. I’m not being sarcastic or put down. Biden’s and even most republican silence speaks volumes. I’ve heard a couple speak out, but not many. Biden and his core group I’m sure think this is awesome.

My joke from about a month back on these stacks may no longer be a joke. I.e. Take a boat to southern border and come across. Biden will even give you some of my tax dollars if you blackface. Talk about Biden and backwards racism. I’m certain if Canadians came that way white face they wouldn’t see a dime.

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With governments all over the world building walls around their cathedrals, checkpoints etc... They are fearing the people! And though they (guv) bring out the guns and violence as the only "solution", I see their fear and cowering as a really good thing. We must continue to stand firm. This stuff is the only thing they have left. It's very obvious they have lost most of the population and trust in them is at record lows. We have a long way to go, but in the end I truly believe we will see a lot of major victories. I refuse to let them scare me. We're almost at the point where there's nothing left to lose. I'm going to choose courage until the bitter end. Checkpoints and "passes" be damned. I'm done with the tyrants. I want to see every one of these monsters legally and lawfully brought to justice and I believe that eventually they will be. I just hope I'm alive to see it.

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I watched a very short video of a woman walking down an Ottawa street in side the forbidden zone while filming with her cell phone. She passed a group of police officers, 4-5, and they demanded she leave the zone. She asked 'I'm on my way to get some coffee down there, can't I even go get coffee?'. They asked if she lived there. She said yes. They asked where. She said Alberta. I thought that was funny.

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I saw the same video. I was appalled by the officer who got up in her face and then yelled at her and asked her why her phone was in HIS face. She very appropriately said it was because he put his face in her phone. She did not approach him at all, the conflict was entirely his own creation. He was rude and threatening and inappropriate in his forcefulness considering how mild and respectful she was during the entire encounter.

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I saw it too. Sickening. Tiny little mind he had. She was not intimidated though ✊🏻

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yes, agreed. but I still laughed when she said Alberta. I needed to laugh.

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Never. He's enjoying the power trip too much. Welcome to martial law Canada!

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Amazing that a “ fringe” could do this ..

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Can we compile a list of which banks are complicit with the account freezing measures?

Non-Canadians want to help by closing our accounts if our banks are targeting Canadians.

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I would do that.

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continued intimidation

behave or else

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First comment (and only I can read before it kicks me off from reading) says “Ottawa won.” Are these real people? How can one be so blind?

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There are responses all over twitter to many different posts that say, "BUT THESE REALLY ARE TERRORISTS SO ITS OK OF WE TREAT THEM POORLY".

There very definition of useful idiots.

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There's a reason Jesus told us to 'do onto others...'. I always thought a few of Solzhenitsyn's quotes revolved around this.

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Wow. I don’t know how the world of bots works, but I desperately hope it’s just that…

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paid or bots.

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I know there are low-level political flunkies reading these posts for their Congress members.

You guys going to condemn the assault on democracy in Canada yet, or is that not part of the Great Reset plan? Chose your side wisely, history has not been kind to the enablers of tyranny--oh, you'll get your tiny little fiefdom for a while, something like the Chairmanship of the People's Park and Rec Anger Management Tuesday Night Group, but in the end, there won't be seats for you on the helicopter as it flies away with your cherished Leader, leaving you to confront the angry locals alone. Good luck!!

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Maybe do their jobs and arrest the tiny tyrant before he gets away.

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They're also "inspecting" buildings in full riot gear.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

So now that the streets are cleared, why is the vote for the Emergency Act needed and still going to parliament. I heard the vote is a 8 pm tonight. https://brightlightnews.com/despite-ottawa-being-cleared-blockades-lifted-trudeau-wont-answer-why-hes-keeping-emergency-powers/

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Passed. Sad.

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Please have Justine Turdeau's "goon squads" get their CDL and learn "truck driving" in order to deliver food, water. medicine, and necessaries to Ottawa. Clap the brave Truckers in gaol? Go right ahead--see how the Canadian blue hive cities fare...


Christia Freeland, the Deputy PM--the REAL ONE calling the shots--is ALSO Minister of Finance (think banks, money supply, etc.) AND now ALSO sits on the Board of Directors of Klaus Schwab's WEF. Gee--what could go wrong?

This has just been pulled this down off YT, but see this on twitter: (bad audio? Please!)

Here's Nancy Pelosi's counterpart in Ottawa--Parliament Speaker--WEF--They who shall not be named!


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Venezuela North

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Police will simply ask if you are opposed to any government policy.

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Judging from the comments to the OPD tweet, it appears most Canadians are government brainwashed idiots.

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Yup. Canadians will give him a majority next election. Yanks built the wall on the wrong border.

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You really think Justina is going to allow an election?

I've long ago concluded elections are all shams anyway.

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Cause twitter isn't censored.

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Just as soon as the police turn on him.............. but that's not how it works in a tyrannical regime; the police play along, for the most part

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There are pictures of 2 recently landed UN planes in North Bay, Ontario. That and talk that some of the police did not have names or badge numbers on their uniforms suggests mercenaries of some sort.

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The good and clean people of Ottawa just want that stolen taxpayer money sloshing around the city streets unobstructed by the dirty and noisy untouchables having the gall to attempt introducing real democracy to our otherwise peaceful, quiet, and gilded royal capital. All hail Trudeau.

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I think a bouncy castle should be set up by each checkpoint so that the police have some relax time in between shifts. In fact, why not make the bouncy castle the checkpoint? Sounds about right.

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Hot tub.

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OK, naked police men and women in the hot tub asking you for papers. This is getting better and better.

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This is a dystopian nightmare 😱

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Bring back those bouncy castles!!!

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Nothing safer than martial law. All crime stats plummet. Nothing more efficent than a fascist dictator form of govt.

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Yes, if mass poverty and starvation is the goal, which it seems to be for the WEF.

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“You will own nothing and you will be.....”

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In practice I’ve found doing the opposite of what Gates wants is a good plan, but it’s shocking how many morons fall in line.

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"Police will simply ask for your reason for travelling within the area" and then aggressively beat the shit out of you.

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Have this A Fine Frenzy song going through my mind:

"We are not frightened anymore

We stood up, we stood up

And there are two of us, there will be more

They'll show up, they'll show up, they'll show up

Blame a change of mind

A seismic shift in times

They told us not to fight

But we'll fight it till we die

'Cause we are not frightened anymore

We stood up, we stood up

And there are two of us, there will be many more

They'll show up, yeah, they'll show up

And so they sunk every ship we sailed

But we stood up, yeah, we stood up

And they fought hard but somewhere fighting failed

They're all shook up, they're all shook up, all shook up

Steel and concrete break

Beneath the steady waves

Of fearless hope and grace

In kindness there is strength

'Cause we are not frightened anymore

We stood up, we stood up

And there are two of us, there will be more

They'll show up, they'll show up, yeah, they'll show up

We are not, we are not, we are not, we are not

We are not, we are not frightened anymore

We are not frightened anymore"


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We glad they're helping those suffering small businesses that couldn't run normally during the protests. 😒

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Let’s raise every debt ceiling and give every government unlimited funds with which to control us!

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

So much for protection from illegal search and seizure. That’s what stopping and demanding an explanation is in Canadian law

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I don't imagine these police are very popular in their neighborhoods when they go home. Hope they are looked upon like the nazi's they are. "Just following orders" didn't cut it in 1945 Germany and won't cut it now.

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I suspect that city police departments across the deranged dominion were asked for volunteers to "kick ass" in Ottawa, enticing those pathologically disposed to step forward for the fatherland.

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This is exactly what I thought when I saw "The Ottawa Police did not use gas" when I saw SOMEBODY use gas over the weekend. Maybe they weren't Ottawa Police at all.

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I was thinking the same.

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I Just got word that kitty requires treats and pets. Please take care of the emergency :)

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Now THAT is a real emergency.

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"Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to revise the procedures for elections for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency..."


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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Perhaps some light reading is in order for canadians?


The old OSS (CIA-to-be) "Simple Sabotage Field Manual". Full of useful and timeless little tips and tricks on how to help bring a fascist and totalitarian regime to a grinding halt.

A small sample from the part for office workers and functionaires:

"(11) General Interference with Organisations and Production

(a) Organizations and Conferences

(1) Insist on doing everything through "channels." Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.

(2) Make "speeches." Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your "points" by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate "patriotic" comments.

(3) When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committees as large as possible — never less than five.

(4) Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.

(5) Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.

(6) Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to re-open the question of the advisability of that decision.

(7) Advocate "caution." Be "reasonable" and urge your fellow-conferees to be "reasonable" and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.

(8) Be worried about the propriety of any decision — raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon."

Any similarity to how the woke mafia and the PC police have always worked is of course pure coinky-dink.

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black and tans....

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A thought came to me last night. Perhaps divinely so. But I have the very strong feeling that Canada will be the site of Nuremberg 2.0. Which I think unfortunately means we still haven't seen the worse.

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Trudeau is a cunt lol

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The WEF couldn't get to the US directly (albeit they've made inroads), so they took the northern flank instead. Not happy about it, but you have to give them credit. Smart strategy.

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Uhhh, no, i believe they have made it directly to the USA. Buttigieg is only one example.

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This is just how a bunch of folks in Ottawa seemed to want to live. Feeling nice and peaceful and safe yet.

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“Police will simply ask” then harass the dickens out of you. https://youtu.be/aqMiCtyVKJA

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Parliament is in session, then, right? No reason not to vote on the emergencies Act.

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Truckers played right into their hands.

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My friend sent me a video last night along those lines. I don't quite agree. The truck drivers and protesters did not make the situation any worse because things were moving in that direction anyway. Perhaps they quickened events, but they certainly didn't cause events.

I think it is enormously important to remember that a huge accomplishment for the truck protest was exposing the tyranny, not to mention igniting a flame. Yes, some will be in favour of the tyranny but many will not. Many eyes will open or open further.

A notable 'secret' that was exposed was Klaus Schwab's influence on the Canadian government. Someone actually asked their MP to raise the question in our House of Commons. The question was dismissed as disinformation of course but I just wrote to my own MP and demanded, yes, demanded an answer to the same question. I also encouraged my friends to do the same as I would any Canadian reading this blog. Americans, you can ask your elected reps the same question.

Here's a link to the video my friend sent last night. It's about 45 minutes of a man repeating and emphasizing that 'we don't understand the immensity of the thing we're up against'.


Here's a link to a zerohedge artilce (I already posted) to Klaus Schwab boasting of his influence, with videos:


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One could look at it the other way around... that is, if you're looking at the long game. Trudope's use of force against peaceful demonstrators does not increase his standing except with his WEF/NWO handlers.

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Maybe, but maybe they're not done. Maybe they'll just go home and park it. No more deliveries until the Nazi Trudeau resigns.

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They did the only thing they could

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Just disgusting!

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Ask yourself what you are truly willing to do to save/restore/improve the life you had? And the lives of those you love and care about.

Once you get a solid answer, prepare appropriately then do it.

It is looking like the powers that be will not allow a reasoned outcome to the current struggle.

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AKA living in a fascist police state.

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Central Ottawa's been cordoned off in a timely manner. It was only a few days ago when people at the F Convoy press briefing were encouraging everyone to descend on Ottawa. But hey, we can't have people descending on our capital city - the business, commercial and economic hub, now, can we (WEF, WHO etc). These freedom-loving people now branded as the terrorists and mischief-makers are messing up our plans. And hey, it's part of the Great Reset agenda to destroy the economy as it is in any case. And we can't have people bringing up Klaus Schwab's name in the Canadian Parliament. That is a definite 'no, no.'

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Do Canadians know (yet) that Canada has a pandemic of the mRNA injected & close to 70% of covid deaths are injected people? Is this police brutality/UN swagger a pre-emptive tactic to control, by every means possible, riots of the conned?

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canada is a sh*t hole.

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