i’ve said it before and i’ll say again: trading liberty for safety will inevitably and always cause you to lose both.
because this is a simple and timeless truth:
and this is why you need to be very, very worried when the pseudopods of the various amoebae of the security and regulatory state start trying to join together into bigger blobs. because that’s how the safety cancer metastasizes.
consider america’s most dishonest totalitarian teacher talking point pusher randi weingarten, head of the powerful american federation of teachers union that has done so much to make education unsafe, unaffordable, ineffective, and unaccountable.
her behavior during covid was nothing short of despicable. she wrapped herself in the cloak of “safety” to keep schools closed to use the deprivation of education as a lever to drive concessions on teacher pay other work bennies then had the unmitigated gall to cast herself as having been “the champion of opening.” this woman is an amoral manipulative apparatchik to the core and serves nothing but her team.
she opposes parents having knowledge of or say in education and sees children as a “ward of the state” and parents as subservient and ancillary. she seemed to favor the trend of trying to label parents opposing radical curriculums and demanding in person schooling as “domestic terrorists.”
and guess who just brought her in as an advisor?
yup. DHS.
now, call me mr cynical paws, but “radical teacher’s unions, now with SWAT teams” seems a poor recipe for educational reform.
this whole system has become one big tyranny of failing up. the worse you behave and the more damage you do, the more everyone wants you onside and hands you more power so long as you’re going to use it in support of whatever oppressive purpose du jour happens to be.
they are happy to use any pretext to justify the taking of power and the “credential” gained by the last failure is used to provide proof of bona fides to advise on the next one. it’s a circular self-promotion scheme to keep using the honors they bestow upon one another to justify the grant of further prerogative.
it has no sense, no morality, and no accountability.
it’s just a will to power.
and they are happy to put darth vader in charge of the ewok village so long as it means they get to keep command.
this combination of oppressive guild dominance than can appeal to “it being for the children” getting in bed with the hyper-powerful and utterly ideologically crooked homeland security agency means they are really coming for your kids.
this is the opening move to a nasty middlegame of getting the folks who can unaccountably hunt “terrorists” (itself a deeply stupid, dishonest, and largely unconstitutional process) into the school system in support of who know what impending imposition as we the people tire of the content of public schools and seek change. it is not the sign of a government looking out for you. these are people looking out for and after their own power.
a great deal of deeply warranted demand for change on schools is brewing.
they would seek to cast this not as “a reason to demand change” but as “terrorism and hate crime.”
these two agencies coming together cannot possibly be a good thing for we the people or they the children or anything resembling choice.
seriously, what is the honest case here for “this is a good idea”?
this sort of safety theater as pantomime justification for uncriticizable totalitarian control cannot be countenanced.
these agencies and organization systems cannot be fixed.
they must be eliminated.
there will not be “better people next time” there will just be more of this, on and on, bureaucracy without end.
these are the real issues. not donkey. not elephant. it’s freedom and the ripping out, root and stem, of all these agencies.
they are trying to slip this all by and into being as back-room unwatched actions of unelected officials. there was a time when this probably would have worked. there was a time when this might have gone unnoticed.
but not any more.
too many have wakened and too many see too much.
and now it is our turn to put these would be regulatory and security state suzerains to the inquisition.
the facts are simple:
these are the people who want to disarm you, censor you, and monopolize the information you see. these are the people who claim primacy over you in terms of prerogative on what your children should learn.
it’s intolerable and it’s time we stopped tolerating it.
school funding should be shifted to students, not systems.
the department of education should be closed and its offices sold for condos.
DHS should be disbanded. they have become a grotesque parody of a protector that causes more damage to the rights and freedoms of americans than all of terrorism combined could ever hope to.
it seems we are at something of a societal break point where these agencies either agglomerate into one edifice of control with no daylight between education, anti-terrorism, and thought police or where we start tearing this out and retaking that which is ours.
the people currently inhabiting these agencies know only one thing and it’s growing fiefdoms.
that is antithetical to our freedom and thriving.
one of us has to go.
choose wisely.
Hard to pick just one from the Loathsome Bipeds Catalogue but Randi should make it into anyone's shopping basket.
Horrible horrible human being. I mean, like, horrible.
And horrible news you post here.
I am of the firm belief the day they stripped tether-ball and outlawed kickball on recess playgrounds was the first day they started a slow stripping of their souls. At first in trickles...and then all at once.
Just like everything else that is de facto controlled by the state.
During covid they were exposed as hollow, self-serving individuals (and the "guilds") that put their interest over the very children they are supposed to educate and have ready to adjust to the "real world".
Today's kids don't even have recess. It's simply a time when they are allowed to use their smartphones unsupervised.
Yet we wonder why so many children have problems and are on prescribed drugs these days.