michigan nursing home death counts were under reported
yet another governor caught hiding the results of their disastrous mandates
one of the great scandals in early covid was the policy of forcing nursing homes full of high risk old folks to take in covid patients to “free up hospital capacity.”
this was the epidemiological equivalent of dropping off a shipload of plague rats in the galapagos.
this error was was severe, counter to sense and to guidelines, and in and of itself constituted such horrendous public health malpractice that it should have disqualified those who put such notions into practice from any further participation in covid discussions.
it did not, of course, work out that way.
but to not only engage in this weapons grade stupidity, but to then lie about at and hide the results of what you did? that is an entirely different level of reprehensibility. how anyone can even consider allowing such people to retain office staggers me.
i mean, what would it take to get people to realize they cannot trust her?
this joyride with lives and livelihoods has been unendingly revelatory. vanishingly few of our alleged “leaders” have evidenced any actual character or ethical grounding.
they bully and they lie. then they they lie about lying.
the fact that this meme is becoming evergreen is a not a sign that civilization is working…
politicians will unerringly sink to the lowest level that a society will tolerate.
Frau Whitmer should at least get an Emmy for her performance like Comrade Cuomo did.
But she probably won't, because, you know, sexism.
The systemic injustice is palpable.
What is the total body count between her, Cuomo, Murphy, and Wolf? It's amazing that Cuomo's resignation was mainly due to groping, not mass murder.