mini-memepool: california edition
by all means, flee for freedom but please leave your baggage behind
much has been said about the potential impending disaster of AB2098 in california. this bill (now through the legislature and on the governor’s desk) will predicate retaining one’s medical license upon compliance with state and regulator diktat on what may and may not be discussed with patients.
doctors will lose discretion.
those who speak that which has been forbidden will lose their ability to practice medicine.
even leaving aside the obvious issues of replacing the discretion of trained professionals with the opinions of political interns, this is a huge loss for patient freedom, doctor patient confidentiality and choice (ironically the underpinning of roe v wade), and for the evolution of evidence based medicine for how can one know what the evidence truly is if alternate viewpoints cannot be aired?
this is doctrinal domination supplanting science and selection.
it will prevent discovery, discernment, and experimentation thereby impeding progress in medicine.

but perhaps less focused upon are some of the second order effects. eg
as doctors flee the one time golden state in droves, this is going to do wonders for the availability of plastic surgery in previously underserved markets:
and they are likely not to be the only ones voting with their feet: