How is Fauci not in prison yet?

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I cannot even think about that experience with dogs. I wish I never read that stuff. However, torturing animals is a sign of psychopathy. Some psychopath killers started by torturing animals... maybe that says something about Fauci.

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By “us,” this double-masked, duplicitous, two-faced Janus means the sociopathic orchestrators of the mass deception being inflicted on the world.

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The man who got The Most Votes in History™ barbecues brown babies on the other side of the planet and his health czar tortures beagles and considers himself the personification of science, and both want the nation's children to be forced into the largest medical experiment in history.

What will it take for people to finally stop electing and lionizing fucking monsters?

When will enough finally be enough?

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I'm glad this has come out but ALL scientists need to be held accountable for these atrocities against animals. They would have known about the beagle experiments ages ago, but only now do they expose it as it suits their agenda.

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To get some idea of the contemporary "quality of research", look at a recent CDC "research article", that claims without blinking an eye, that total mortality among the vaccinates is ONE THIRD of the mortality of similar unvaccinated.

So the covid shot is somehow a magic immortality cocktail that confers superhuman ability to avoid illness, car crashes, violence, food poisoning, heart attacks, and more?

If so, why is not national mortality dropping by perhaps 50% in accordance with vaccination rates, but is rising?

That article is a fraud and I explain this in detail here:


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This is the most I can read about this situation. It is too traumatic for me. I used to belong to the Humane Society of the US (they are captured by government and special interests) and I dropped my membership because reading their stuff was traumatic and made me feel powerless.

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And they are coming for 5 -11 yo... Are we free-range or factory-farmed? It's all about to unfold. Can't stay on the sidelines anymore.

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Isn’t his wife in medical ethics? Gotta wonder about dinner table conversation.

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Nothing too terrible could happen to that monster.

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It came to mind today that we don't see people double-mask or talk about it anymore. Not Fauci, not any other authorities I'm aware of. But he does in this photo, so it must be old.

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I shudder to think that, very likely, nothing will ever befall this fauci motherf****r, aka mengele 2.0.

I don’t want to play anymore if it all leads to a big nothing burger.

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el gato, that was an extremely hard post to read and follow -- but, it needed to be made public.

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As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research.

Fauci’s enormous yearly disbursements allow him to control the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the entire planet.

Fauci uses this incredible financial to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists - whose careers and institutions he has the power to advance, reward, or ruin.

These same doctors then appear on network news shows, late-night talk shows, publish op-eds on influential media sites and always defend the narrative of Big Pharma.

However, there is a problem. Fauci is a narcissistic ego-driven pathological liar. He's also the Josef Mengele of our generation. He is the new Angel Of Death.

He launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. A tried and tested tactic that he has successfully duplicated in the latest pandemic.

Fauci orchestrated fraudulent studies, and then pressured U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he knew to be worthless against AIDS. Are yes, this is starting to sound all too familiar...

The FDA deemed AZT too toxic for human use. Many researchers today argue AZT killed far more people than AIDS. Thanks to Fauci’s corrupt intervention, AZT, at $10,000 per patient per year, became history’s most expensive commercial drug — one that made billions for GlaxoSmithKline.

Can a few dozen Beagle puppies topple this monster? I doubt it.


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Someone needs to put a leash around Fauci's throat and teach him how to beg, not for food, but for mercy and forgiveness.

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Slipped through a crack in Australia, they are getting sloppy! :)

"Due to the large number of adverse events being reported throughout Queensland we are unable to routinely contact every reporter individually. Someone from the Public Health Unit in your area may contact you or your health provider if they require more information for reporting and surveillance purposes."


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Exactly.. how long before they arrest him? How many more individuals must die before they call quits?

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The US experiment in self-governance has failed. When you cannot trust the people you send to Capitol Hill to protect your interests, when they subvert your wishes and twist your ideals to suit their own whims, what is there left to do?

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Dogs, children? Waiting for the “it’s Russian disinformation” from the media.

“The BBC identified Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline as 1 of the companies that provided the experimental drugs for the tests"

John Solomon's written report on the matter -



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Free the dogs! Cage Fauci.

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Fauci must know some secret that he threatens to tell if anyone upsets him.

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great meme, gato!!!

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Plus there's that decade of experimenting on foster children with AIDS drugs without consent...

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Don't disgrace the sweet beagle picture with the torturer of dogs.

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Yuck. That image requires a chaser; Zappa provides - https://youtu.be/vu_eq9IPtCg

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Don't let this go. Twitter is out there citing a fact check saying Fauci had no role with the beagles EXCEPT thats not what Snope says.

""However, it is unclear whether Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at NIH, personally approved the project."" Unclear does not prove he did not approve it.

Further "In this case, it is likely true that research conducted at UGR was at least in part funded by NIAID and NIH with taxpayer dollars, though it is unclear whether such allocations were personally approved by Fauci."

So it is again called unclear... but it is being used by Twitter to definitively say he didn't.


with you being a cat and all, I am glad you have put aside your historical rivalry with dogs to publicize this matter.

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Perhaps he should be the next "beagle" in future NIH research. Oh, wait, that would be cruel and against the law.

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Bad Cat,

Why doesn’t ANYONE report the detailed CDC data showing virtually NO EXCESS DEATHS from all respiratory causes in 2020 or 2021. All the excess deaths are in Alzheimers and Circulatory diseases. How can that be if COVID is a cause???

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm

Go to the “Options” section, click on the “ Weekly Number of Deaths by Cause Group” button then on the “Update Dashboard” button.

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Here's some juicy vaccine side-effect data. Let's get digging! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01556-7

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The next jab will be the fetus in utero, if he/she is allowed to live that long.

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scummy, scummy man-type entity. Not fully human, I think.

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Look at those goddamn masks on that evil face.

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Should keep him leashed and muzzled at all times

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