Surely the police realize that these are peaceful people who back the blue, while BLM/Antifa/Trudeau despise them. All it takes is a significant minority to stand down and it's all over. Ottawa 2022 will party like it's Berlin 1989!

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Well said.

My wife was on the wall when it came down, was among the first Americans to go into East Berlin. We have a good-sized chunk of it framed on our family room, and the stories are epic family lore.

When the protestors finally prevail against that despicable little dingleberry Comrade Brandeau, it will be a similar triumph of freedom and hope.


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"Brandeau" LOL. I've been using "Castreau" myself.

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Great one. Here's hoping he meets the same end.

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Oh yea, that's good.

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I heard you say that in a Canadian accent. lol

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I call her/she Primed Minstrel BlackFace, do you think I should tone it down a bit? Maybe Primed Minstrel Shoe Polish?

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The US definitely needs a freedom convoy blocking access to the super bowl.

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Must feel good not to have to kneel before a bunch of anti social thugs, and have actual peaceful protests

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BLM was legit until y'all focused on the agents provocateur.

C'mon man, you know how they flip peaceful protests into "evil ones".

Back the blue is more propaganda. They are the soldiers of the system.

They follow orders from the politicians, like they have been enforcing the Canadian lockdowns and vax pass shit.

You know that. Remember occupy wall street? Etc

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We need to go back to when cops were called, and functioned as, "peace officers" instead of the current incarnation as "law enforcement".

It may seem like a minor semantic difference, but I think not. The role and expectations are completely different.

A peace officer is a member of the community, chosen by the community, to keep the peace but otherwise leave people be.

A law enforcement officer is a government thug who enforces diktats from on high without regard to the effect on peace and justice.

It is becoming clear in Ottawa which is which and who is who.

Let's hope the peace prevails.

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Holy smokes, thank you for your post.

I 10000000% agree with everything you wrote and your distinction is something I have thought about for a very long time. It's not semantics, it's black and white.

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We have a scandal here regarding the illegal governmental use of a spy software (pegasus) and the government says everything was done according to the law (created by them) so nothing to see!

I guess there's no political organisation in the world who operates outside of law. I am sure concentration camps were law in Germany...

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As was slavery pretty much everywhere up until the 19th century.

Abraham Lincoln advocated adding permanent legal protection of slavery to the U.S. Constitution via the Corwin Amendment to prevent the South from seceding.

Legality does not equal morality. I do not consider immoral laws legitimate. These would include any law that infringes on the person or property of one to enrich or benefit another.

Sadly, this likely constitutes the vast majority of extant laws today.

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."

~ Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome

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I like your differentiation. Growing up just calling them police or cops (there's another couple not neutral ones), I hadn't even thought of it that way.

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if the police take as their role and their duty to protect the people and to defend their rights rather than serving as agents of governmental intrusion and oppression, then we are all on the same side.


A perfect phrase. Great post!

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gato is a killer wordsmith.

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Gracias Gato for accurately portraying what's going on in Canada. It's funny but at the same time sad to see how frothing mad the "tolerant and inclusive" people get at us, but it sure does make clear which the good side is.

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If you think you're the #Resistance and you're angry the cops aren't brutalizing people... check it out, I got some news for you..



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Ok ok! I signed up, and when my stupid sub from Berenson runs out, you'll get his fees.

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In the sixties in the US it was girls putting flowers in the rifles of soldiers.

In Canada in 2022 it's hoary truckers having bubble baths in the streets.

What a time to be alive!

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Now we just need the good cops to take on the Brownshirts in their ranks:


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Very true. The thing is, I am convinced that Omicron was released by whitehats to end the pandemic (it seems to have come from a lab and appears to predate the Wuhan strain).

I just had it. It was probably the most pathetic illness I have ever experienced. If we need to lock down society and ban freedom for a crapified cold then we basically need to call it quits as a species.

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I considered that possibility, too! Whatever the source, Omicron has been the death knell of the pandemic narrative … although the black hats are already drumming up the HIV sequel.

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I tested positive for antibodies when I was abroad in August and remain un-jabbed and uninfected to date, save whenever and where ever I was initially exposed. I have no idea as I had no symptoms.

Almost without exception, everyone I know (in silicon valley) who is jabbed tested positive in the last couple months, with most of them getting sick, with some of them down for a week or so and contemplating a hospital visit.

The cognitive dissonance is starting to become quite acute for our True Blue Team friends.

I must admit to a bit, and in some cases quite a bit more than a bit, of schadenfreude after the condescension, name calling and preposterous pontifications I've had to endure over the last eighteen months.

Sadly, I fear most of them will emulate the Bourbons of old.

“They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing.”

~ Talleyrand

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“contemplating a hospital visit”—you mean contemplating suicide?

That Talleyrand quote is going straight into the Stupidity file.

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No kidding on the suicide.

I smuggled back loads of OTC Ivermectin and HCQ and made it abundantly clear early on that I'd expire in my bed, thank you very much, before visiting ventilator Vinny in the local de-vivification center.

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Very clever! Hospitals are the new gas chambers—people just don’t realize what they’ve volunteered for until it’s too late (that is an awfully familiar refrain these days).

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"Whatever the source, Omicron has been the death knell of the pandemic narrative"

I think that's the point, it has completely wrong-footed the "other side" as Fuellmich likes to call them. I note that:

"The doctor who discovered the Omicron Covid-19 strain, Angelique Coetzee, says that she was pressured by European governments not to reveal that it had mild presentation"


I think it's very fair to say that this has caused them a massive buggeration and the flailing we see is because they never expected this to happen. Can I coin the term "white swan"? :)

In regards to their next pandemic, I think it will likely be another coronavirus, as that is what they have spent all their money and applied all the patents for. I'm of the opinion that all the talk of smallpox and AIDS is just fear-mongering.

I mean, are you really going to be able to sell the idea that a married couple who have only ever had sex with each other, have never used needle drugs and have never had blood transfusions that they have AIDS?

Kit Knightly in Off-Guardian (a site I have trust issues with, which I can explain if you want) has stated that this could be cover for VAIDS (vaccine induced AIDS), which may or may not be a thing.

The problem I have with AIDS is that I genuinely don't know if it exists. Watch House of Numbers and you will see what I mean:


I'm pretty certain HIV exists but that may well have been cooked up in a lab, and AIDS could just be a hoax or the body's reaction to AZT. Like everything in the Covid narrative, HIV/AIDS stinks to high heaven.

E.g. “The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake”, wrote Kary Mullis in 1996 [(1), p. 14]. Mullis – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1993 – and other distinguished scientists have claimed the HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis is false, unproductive, and unethical.


On that note, Luc Montagnier died. Just as he was about to give evidence to Fuellmich's Grand Jury. I'm not saying it's suspicious, but the timing seems weird, he seemed to be in good health and extremely sharp mentally for a man of his age.

I wasn't sure about him before, but his actions over the last two years have shown me he was a good man. I'm genuinely sad to hear of his passing.

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“white swan”—brilliant!

Regarding Kit’s statement, I suspected the same as well and said precisely that in a comment at a Tessa Lena post (https://tessa.substack.com/p/hiv-again/comments) recently:

“Hmm, what could it be? Maybe … COVID hysteria is wearing off. We need a new emergency and a new vaxx to sustain record-breaking profits and justify totalitarian power grabs. The injections are causing VAIDS. We need something to blame it on! Most people carry HIV w/o knowing it, and, as is compellingly argued in ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ it doesn’t actually cause AIDS; rather, the *treatment* (AZT) caused the miserable and fatal symptoms. Same tune, different century.”

Luc Montagnier—yeah, I had the same thoughts. He was 89, so it was likely natural causes, but these days, it’s impossible to tell.

I would be curious to hear your thoughts on OffGuardian. I have a special place in my heart for Kit and OffGuardian as he/they were the first to publish my work, but I have noticed the commentariat taking on an increasingly rabid virus-denialist tone (to be clear, I don’t have a problem with people questioning conventional explanations; I have a problem with the ones who become religious about it and attack anyone in the resistance who doesn’t agree with them as a heretic and spend all their time ankle-biting and harassing those of us who are doing everything in our power to halt democide and tyranny—if they’re not outright controlled opposition, they’re certainly doing a great job of serving the tyrants). I believe OG has chosen a specific branch of the anti–COVID narrative that has turned out to be a dead end the more evidence piles up (basically that SARS-CoV2 does not exist, thus ivermectin/early treatment protocols are moot, ultimately denying *mountains* of snowballing proof of its efficacy). I think Kit has personally remained more open-minded about this, but others (Catte Black) there have not (although I don’t read enough of her work to know if her position has evolved).

It’s getting to the point that when my articles are republished at OG, I’m prepared for the virus-denialist backlash, whereas when they’re published at The Burning Platform, I get cannonaded by Holocaust denier vitriol. I’m just grateful the Substack community is so sensible and relatively free of extremists (although I’ve had plenty of run-ins here, too).

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Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022

Huge amount to unpack here so sorry for the wall of text:

Regarding Kit’s statement, I suspected the same as well and said precisely that in a comment at a Tessa Lena post

- I expect nothing less than us to be on the same page :)

Luc Montagnier—yeah, I had the same thoughts. He was 89, so it was likely natural causes, but these days, it’s impossible to tell.

- Microbiology seems to be a deadly pursuit: https://prepareforchange.net/2016/02/20/list-of-over-100-dead-microbiologists/

- Malaysia Airlines MH17: 100 Top AIDS Experts Feared Dead: https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/malaysia-airlines-mh17-100-top-aids-experts-feared-dead-1457184

I would be curious to hear your thoughts on OffGuardian.

- They have no concept of taking proactive action. For example, I sent them a very concise action plan for EU Articles 11 and 13 which would have potentially destroyed their website. They never replied and never ran a story on it.

The plan was hardly anything revolutionary, it was a copy-paste of previous (successful) net-neutrality campaigns. I had the same issue with YouTubers who were making videos about it. Some of them were members of UKIP. I wrote to UKIP. The party itself replied but nothing ever happened.

The plan cost nothing except a phone call or an article on your site. I lost a huge amount of respect for a lot of people over that (the term grifter springs to mind).

I have written comments on OG about my China hypothesis, which states that what is happening is a JV between China and Western oligarchs. My comments never get approved. If I write something that isn't critical of China, it gets published immediately. Something smells.

I have a special place in my heart for Kit and OffGuardian as he/they were the first to publish my work, but I have noticed the commentariat taking on an increasingly rabid virus-denialist tone

- It's complete disinformation. I can prove this right now. Do a search for Dr. Robert Malone on Google. What do you see? Hit piece after hit piece.

Now do a search for Dr. Andrew Kaufman. I get one hit piece. Surely if Kaufman is right, he would be getting absolutely destroyed right? Nope.

You are not alone. I watched an interview with Dr. Vernon Coleman (legend) and he stated that the majority of death threats he receives are from the "muh viruses don't exist" crowd.

As I have stated many times before, even IF this were true, do you think that is a winning proposition when we can't even persuade people that the "vaccines" are dangerous just based on readily available government data, with no analysis required?

This is an absolute psyop, which mirrors Flat Earth very closely. I'm not saying that there isn't something to these claims, because some of the science behind this is cutting edge and most virologists don't understand it, e.g.:

Only a fraction of the population are susceptible to each variant


I'm convinced this has something to do with this, from the Veritas DARPA leak;

"SARS-CoV-2, hereafter referred to as SARSR-CoV-WIV, is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-COV backbone. It is likely a live vaccine not yet engineered to a more attenuated state that the program sought to create with its final version. It leaked and spread rapidly because it was aerosolized so it could efficiently infect bats in caves, but it was not ready to infect bats yet, which is why it does not appear to infect bats. The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm. The closer it is to the final live attenuated vaccine form, the more likely that it has been deattenuating since initial escape in August 2019."


- Quasispecies swarm is the key here.

Finally, has the virus been isolated? Kirsch says yes. The Chinese also say yes. After giving the West the spike protein sequence (hint: national security catastrophe if you used it) they then used a WHOLE VIRUS vaccine. The West never bothered purifying anything because...why? No commercial benefit.

I believe OG has chosen a specific branch of the anti–COVID narrative that has turned out to be a dead end the more evidence piles up (basically that SARS-CoV2 does not exist, thus ivermectin/early treatment protocols are moot, ultimately denying *mountains* of snowballing proof of its efficacy).

- I hardly ever go there anymore. Something about their site "glows in the dark" quite honestly.

I’m just grateful the Substack community is so sensible and relatively free of extremists (although I’ve had plenty of run-ins here, too).

- I'm surprised, other than one person who seemed nuts, I have never had a problem here. Sorry to hear that.

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“I expect nothing less than us to be on the same page :)”

Every single point in your comment reinforced this mutual feeling for me :-)

Fascinating links re: microbiologists and AIDS experts—that doesn’t entirely surprise me. I’m sure you’ve read “The Real Anthony Fauci,” but the entire AIDS narrative was orchestrated by Fauci, and anyone who dared counter the narrative was character-/career-assassinated mafioso style (oh, such a familiar tale). So scientists who prostituted themselves to obtain grant funding were no doubt a liability because they knew they were in on a fix and may eventually talk.

I am surprised and disappointed that they didn’t act on the EU articles, for self-preservation, if nothing else. Equally so regarding the pro-China vibe, oh my.

Based on my personal interactions with him as well as his writing and interviews, I do feel Kit is authentic and not compromised; I don’t know the rest of the participants well enough to vouch for them, but overall, I feel they are trying to combat tyranny, even if I disagree with some of their stances.

Kit, for example, recently called attention to the ominous UK human rights law reforms on the horizon (https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/08/uk-reforming-human-rights-law-compulsory-vaccines-on-the-horizon/), which I plan to write a letter to the UK government about by the March 8 deadline. Similarly, he exposed Biden’s new domestic terrorism policy (https://off-guardian.org/2021/07/01/inside-bidens-new-domestic-terrorism-strategy/).

Your China hypothesis is highly credible. The wokification of the West has undermined the resilience, rationalism, and independence of the people, while China has been emphasizing virility and cultural unification of their own people. This piece on TikTok shows how China is using technology to neuter and lobotomize its Western audiences while protecting their own population from this psychological weapon:


I 100% AGREE about the virus denialist propaganda being disinformation—clearly a Goldstein effort as it ropes in people who are skeptical of the mainstream narrative, indoctrinates them into cultlike beliefs, sics these mouth-foaming fundamentalists on the genuine threats to tyrannical hegemony, and discredits the overall resistance via guilt by association with flat-earther fanatics. They are a small but virulent strain, and I honestly feel they are a greater threat to the freedom/truth/reality movement than Covidians.

Brilliant point about the hit pieces on Malone vs. Kaufman—extremely revealing and exactly what I would suspect. I listened to a three-hour seminar with Kaufman without any preconceived notions going in (I had no idea he was a virus denier and knew nothing about him; the video just started autoplaying after another one, and I let it play in the background), and my quackery radar was pegging the entire time. In the Q&A session, his answers to questions were so patently bullshittery, and no one called him on it. I could not believe people take him seriously let alone point to him as a credible source.

Wow, it is disgusting that people are making death threats against Dr. Coleman, but I am not at all surprised it is the virus deniers who are making them as they have been extremely belligerent toward me.

“As I have stated many times before, even IF this were true, do you think that is a winning proposition when we can't even persuade people that the ‘vaccines’ are dangerous just based on readily available government data, with no analysis required?”

EXACTLY what I have been telling them!! They think they can cut down the entire COVID narrative with their oh-so-compelling counter-narrative when they don’t realize they sound like a cartoonish caricature of a conspiracy nut extraordinaire and do infinitely more damage than good.

Fascinating excerpt from the DARPA leak—especially the quasispecies swarm, as you noted.

I haven’t had time to read this article, TBH, but I did share it with a few virus-deniers in the hopes that it would get them off my backs (hahaha, yeah right):


You are very fortunate that you haven’t encountered the Viridians here. Fortunately, they’ve only showed up at a few of my own posts, but for some bizarre reason, they decided to attack en masse at this post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front/comments), which was about misinformation and had nothing to do with viruses!! If you feel like sparing the time and are curious, you can read my extensive back-and-forthing with a guy named Gary, who sunk his teeth in and would not let go no matter how many times I told him I didn’t have time to waste on this (and then subsequently wasted more time—MY mistake, and one I’ve learned from).

And then there’s Frank GL, who has made personal threats against me (https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/the-other-side-of-the-argument-we/comment/4930244). After seeing him repeatedly attack Malone, McCullough, Kirsch, me, and pretty much everyone who is at the forefront of the resistance to tyranny and democide and then seeing him smear ivermectin (https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/its-time-to-end-the-mandates/comment/4693005) to a woman whose son was experiencing a severe case of COVID (he is a lung cancer survivor so was particularly vulnerable, and I was trying to help her get IVM for him), I called him a BigPharma troll for repeating propaganda about IVM. I subsequently apologized and said I supported natural alternatives and tried to extend an olive branch, but he’s now my sworn enemy and attacks me every time we’re on the same thread as well as badmouthing me to others even when I haven't commented there.

I don’t advise wasting time looking at his Stack (https://frankgl.substack.com/archive?sort=new), but a quick glance suggests he is not only a virus-denier but also a Holocaust denier—big surprise 😆 One of his headlines says he was banned at OffGuardian “coz I called out jewish whores that are jewish whores.” I thought he might be talking about me since they publish my articles, and it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been attacked as a “Jewess” for drawing comparisons with 1930s Germany and today’s advancing totalitarianism. To my surprise, though, he was talking about CJ Hopkins—who as far as I know isn’t Jewish and is, once again, one of the most effective voices battling totalitarianism, once again making me wonder if Frank is a BigPharma/Big Brother plant, although honestly I think he’s just a dick.

Sorry, now I’ve responded with my own novella—obviously, this is a touchy subject for me given my history with these irritants.

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I think even the extremists calm down some as we patiently (yes, Guttermouth! Patiently) discuss with them. I’ve had several of the germ vs terrain theorists tell me sharply that’s all I gotta know. I’ve looked at their stuff. It’s fascinating. But I’m not convinced. Most of them are very firm in their opinions. I’m ok with that as long as it’s not shoved down my throat. As with most things, present the theory, present the evidence and let us decide. Interesting segue to Luc Montagnier. Didn’t he somewhat espouse the terrain theory? He seemed to have an absolutely amazing mind and what appeared to be a genuinely childlike curiosity and sense of wonder we should all have. I didn’t know him personally. But he is already missed.

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Sorry, Laura, I’ve tried to have rational conversations with them, but they are anything but rational. I’m not talking about the reasonable people who find merit in terrain theory or make valid points (e.g., I have no problem with individuals like Dr. Zach Bush, for example, and agree pesticides have significantly contributed to cancers and similar diseases, but terrain theory cannot comprehensively explain every illness—especially infectious diseases, which they don’t believe exist, contrary to millennias’ worth of evidence of contagious diseases). The Viridians are as rabid as Covidians, and they evangelize their beliefs even more aggressively while viciously attacking the most potent voices we have fighting against tyranny and democide. I don’t care if they want to believe what they believe; I *do* care when they try to force their religion on everybody else, divide/discredit the resistance, and assault good people.

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Can you define terrain theory please?

I just read ten articles about it (I have listened to Kaufman and he says nothing in a lot of words).

No-one seems able to say what it is - one article said that it's if you are really ill then you might get an illness (no shit), others blame the sun and others seem to be based on "some random crap".

The entire thing is flimsy as heck. Example, my mum just came down with Omicron symptoms (she had gastro-intestinal), I had respiratory. She just took a massive Vitamin D pill from the doctor. My theory is we both just had Omicron but because she just took a mega dose of Vit D the virus was incapable of lodging in her upper respiratory tract and moved to her stomach.

Please explain how two very healthy people who eat loads of veggies, take a lot of supplements and do a lot of exercise both get ill for the first time in two years and have different symptoms that are both compatible with Omicron. You can't, because your theory is bullshit.

But I would like to hear you answer nonetheless.

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If you can bear to read this bollox, please do.

The answer is obvious, animal reservoirs.

These people are morons.


The solar part is interesting, probably related to Vitamin D. The rest is horseshit IMO.

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Oh please no, sorry. I’ll take your word for it 😆

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Peter Dusberg was the original cancelled scientist. He did not believe HIV caused AIDS.

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Hell yes, thank you. He's on my research list, thank you for reminding me!

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Wow that's tragic to hear about Lois Montagnier, right before giving evidence...is suspicious.

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And a new twist rumored ....hemorrhagic fever of some ilk. 😶 I am so tired of this crap.

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We better all hope that is bullshit.

If something akin to Marburg or Ebola becomes aerosolized, we could be in real trouble, made even worse by the "public health" clown show we are saddled with.

Can you imagine what would happen with the likes of Walensky, Fauci, Murthy, etc. ad nauseam, in the face of an airborne pathogen with a ~88% CFR?

At the first hint of this cataclysm, perhaps only a wisp of smoke and a terrible stench would remain as they and the rest of our ruling vermin vanished into all the well-stocked bunkers and bolt holes our money has paid for these oh so many years, leaving we plebes to our own devices and fate.

Continuity of Government, don't you know.

After over 80% of us die off, The Best and the Brightest™ will re-emerge after Saving the Planet™ from the great unwashed, and then finally embark on the Build Back Better™ divine mission to transform the world into a gigantic work camp run by the DMV.

Sure hope I'm still alive to see *that*. Not.

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My only hope is I don’t *think* the tyrants would unleash anything truly dangerous and beyond their control because it could potentially impact them, their families, and fellow megavillains—unless they’ve all retreated into their hermetically sealed bunkers ;-)

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Oh, I doubt they would intentionally unleash it. If there is one thing the ruling class is most fond of, it is its own lizard skin, followed by progeny.

Well, those with the proper politics, anyway.

A far more banal origin seems more likely.

"Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence."

~ Hanlon's Razor

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It's from the Steve Kirsch post from this morning (02-13-22 @ 03 something EST).

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There was one they were talking about one that I'd never heard of..Lassa? Something like that. It was in one of the (too damn many) substacks I read. El gato maleo, maybe?

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While I've got you "one the line" so to speak, I need to send you this:

“Blue light” of LED streetlights linked to breast and prostate cancer

New research suggests a link between the “blue light” emitted by street lights and an increased risk of certain cancers"

This part may be key:

"Older lighting schemes emit a glow within the “orange” spectrum, but new modern lighting creates a bright “blue” light emission. The researchers found the bluer the light emission that people in large cities were exposed to, the higher the risk of cancer."

Is this what the "purple" lights are about?


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Wow, interesting info. Coincidentally, my husband just noticed yesterday that the blue-purple–light bulbs on our street have been replaced with more traditional-looking ones. I wonder if they were simply replacing the “defective” ones, if they are covering their tracks since people were catching on, or if they became aware of the carcinogenic qualities and actually made a chance for public health … who knows, but the most sinister explanation is usually the likeliest ;-)

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Sorry for the typos, this was absolutely a meme-cold but "mild" brain fog appears to be real.

Wow, I didn't know you had them on your street, you said "near you". Yikes.

I'm guessing this is a test for something. I have read too many comments from engineers now to think this is a malfunction, an LED is either on, off, or dead, they don't change colours unless they have that functionality built into them.

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My husband just said they’re still LED lights, just not blue/purple in hue, so who knows. Hopefully, they won’t have much impact on us since we only ever go outside to get the mail ;-)

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They came out with the blue light thing in about 2008 or so. We have mostly the sodium arc lights (orange) around here.

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The video of the dancing brought tears to my eyes. Canadians are awesome!

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The gloabalist's worst nightmare: people united for a universal cause---FREEDOM.

Love conquers all.

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proud of canadians! when is america going to stand up to covidiot communism?

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Those of us in fly-over country stood up and said no a year ago. We’ve been living free since then. Join us. No restrictions. No requirements. And now—no mandates. We resisted and we’re home free. Olly olly oxen free!!! Don’t be afraid! You can do it!!

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in new hampshire we are free too, we need to take it all back. they will not abide free.....

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Good news. Lets not forget lest they go for round 2.

We will stand strong

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Georgia got raked over the coals- we lost many because of our diabetic and obesity rate...but we've been free since...well... since we broke from being a penal colony.

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After the Super Bowl of course. Priorities man, priorities!

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police and/or military switching sides and joining the protesters is historically a turning point in popular uprisings.

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It’s amazing how this is spreading. I live in a woke county in a non woke state. Even in our woke county we went shopping 4 places today and more than 1/4 of people are mask free. Two weeks ago we were frequently alone. We went to dinner and not a single person wore a mask in. It’s a semi-nice/ woke restaurant - dinner for 4 was $185 including a decent but normal 25% tip. Now it’s time to unmask the service class and the kids still suffocating (including the kids of the woke). 🤗🤗🤗. Compared to where we travel this wouldn’t be progress, but in our woke county this is major progress!!!!


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Olly Olly oxen free!!!!!

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These Canadian MSM ghouls wouldn’t even be on the front lines covering the peaceful protests if Fox News didn’t show up. They live in such a bubble they can’t believe the movement they helped spearhead is about freedom. MSM & their government financiers are flailing. The jig is up

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Beautiful, beautiful Canada.

God bless these noble people.

My brothers my sisters my kin.

Ferocious for freedom.

We are one. Against a common enemy.


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😭 goddam I wish I was in Ottawa but I can’t get there. Serious, I get tears of pride when videos like this near the flame and wish I could be there

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Contrast this with Paris and NZ. My understanding is the French police were imported mercenaries who didn't even speak French, makes it easier to crush people when theyre not your neighbors, I guess.

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Chy-nah does this for policing, the majority of police for one area are from the opposite side of the country playing on inherent tribalism.

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Pro tip: All the fist bumping is just part of them conditioning you to trust that they're your best pal, right before they flip ya on your back, cage ya and steal your lunch money.

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Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022

I can't decide if the "gas" sign holder is being ironic or just dumb by displaying a swastika back to front. Don't let wiki tell you it's interchangeable, the same article even gives you both names (the left facing being the sauwastika, signifying "night" to the swastika's "day" ).

Also, I lol when leftoids, who apparently can't stand cultural appropriation and colonialism, apply a very strict, germanized interpretation of an ancient Buddhist symbol and lose their shit when they see it on indian taxis or japanese maps.

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Even funnier when you tell them that the symbol isn't even appropriated from ancient buddhist in the first place, no?

It shows up in lots of germanic art from the Vendel era, from germanic iron age, even in neolithic finds, as a sun symbol. It also shows up as a pattern in sumerian pottery.

Sun wheel iconography comes in many shapes and forms during history. It's an iconic pattern. Give a kid of two years old a box of crayons and a stack of paper and sure as not pretty soon they will have tried to create the most basic geometric patterns we find in all of history.

The very concept of "cultural appropriation" is more racist than even the nazis were. It ties cultural expression to blood heritage - ridiculous! By that logic, all non-western cultures should refrain from using anything that exists due to western science. But to a liberal, a picture of a gorilla eating a banana is considered racist...

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I'm always reminded of the Japanese comic manga "Blade of the Immortal", set in feudal Japan and featuring an (almost) immortal ronin warrior who took the sauwastika as his name and personal symbol ("Manji"). It's a famous franchise now, but back when I was reading the books ~15 years ago I felt very weary of people seeing me read a comic where one of the main characters has a reversed swastika on his back, and the publisher was very careful with a footnote to remind people the events of the book where set hundreds of years before national socialism.

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Hahahaha! I remember seeing that one on the shelf for comic books! They even had a disclaimer put in every issue explaining the matter.

Having more than a metre on my bookshelf dedicated to works purely on symbols, semiotics, and such and having both studied and taught semiotics I find the notions of today regarding "forbidden" symbols completely ludicrous.

Yes, I can understand why someone might get the wrong impression, but once you start study this, there's not a single symbol that hasn't been used for the most heinous crimes or the most virtuous acts of kindness (and that's without jumping in the snakepit of relativist, absolute and nihilist theories of morals).

And the more basic in form or structure (not to mention if it's derived from nature) a symbol is, the wider the range of possible associations. What images and emotional associations a group of symbols evokes is a very good lead not just when searching for better understanding of a group, but also as a sign of how one's self has been programmed to react (on purpose or not).

Eagle wings. Skulls. Lightning bolts. Armoured fist. Laurel wreath.

Roman legion, iberian tribesmen, or modern military?

Then again, for the woke it's all surface, all emotion like a psychotic during a schizoid episode - all raw nerves and impressions mashing what little sense of self they have into a pulp. Difference is, the psychotic is sick - the woke revel in hating together. The woke often make me think that their souls looks like that screaming face-poster for 'The Wall' (Roger Waters' one from 1982).

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I feel like identifying as a Canadian trucker these days—-awesome people!

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LMAO. The dumbest thing was the swastika backwards. Sheesh people. If you're going to call me name and throw symbols at me at least put a bit of effort into research.

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These protests are about the only thing that makes me wish I was v@xxed. Can’t cross the border so I can’t go

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You down with OPP?

Yeah. You know me,

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When I was a kid, cops were there to help us. I was nervous when around them of course, but I certainly wasn't scared of them. I was taught to have respect for their authority and, in most cases, they didn't abuse their authority and "if you weren't doing something illegal you didn't have anything to worry about." I would love to see those days return. Law enforcement is kind of a "necessary evil" in a world where there are many different views of lawfulness. But law enforcement definitely doesn't need to "be" evil to protect and serve. I welcome any law enforcement personnel who stand for liberty with open arms.

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You couldn’t be any more correct mr cat. Even if you are bad.

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Brian Peckford eloquent.

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Some more of this and I will eat my recent words about the misplaced hope in police. What a hopeful post. I love the hottub!

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This all truly warms the cockles of my heart sitting here in the deep snow and bitter cold of America's Midwest! Fellowship and common purpose be the Canadian byword. Keep it up and this WILL be settled peacefully.

“Freedom is something that dies unless it’s used.” – Hunter S. Thompson

Ladies and Gentlemen: We are AT WAR with the same global tyrants of 18 June 1940:

"...including the United States..."


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Is the 11 in that sign a Stranger Things reference? Because she would not approve.

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Keep throwing gas on the gaslighters and light the way!!!

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Wonderful post! El Gato, I have been thinking for some time that it would be great to see a piece from you about the complex relationship between governments, police, military, militarization of the police and the people.

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

My response:

Fist bumping hot tubbers is the new kneeling with BLM protesters.

Now just waiting for the ratio.

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I can only imagine the coercive methods truckers are using. This cannot be spontaneous, like the totally NON ORDERED, NON VIOLENTLY COERCED kneeling./s

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I'm not at these protests, but those signs about killing unvaccinated (especially the one with the swastika) stinks like false-flags just as much as the anti-mandate protesters were.

I guess two can play at that game, but I doubt those signs were genuine, or they were purposely tongue in cheek to show how inhumane the mandates are.

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All of us freedom loving Americans should be proud of and emulate these Canadian liberty minded brothers and sisters. This is what REAL courage looks like.

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I saw the hot tub and couldn’t stop laughing……how in the hell did they get all that water there? And make it HOT?!!! So funny. But as I progressed through the article and saw the signs the protestors were carrying, KILL the Anti Vax.?!?!?!?! God help us.

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Bob and Doug McKenzie would provide free beer

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I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. The police were given an impossible job, on top of an already extremely difficult one. And then we cut their pay and blame them for the horrible rules the government told them to enforce? How is that fair to them? The best way to support the police is a Great Repeal.

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Is Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla still unvaxxed? If so, why?

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And just like that, militarized police and mass incarceration are important "tools for public safety" or something.

The only standards they have are double standards.

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The Canadian Freedom virus is a super spreader...highly infectious, everyone will get IT..... eventually! 😉

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Look what happens when the police are allowed to mingle with the protestors--humanity breaks out!

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Party like it’s 2022! Locking a population down for 2 years means they want to start celebrating the freedom they have earned!😎♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Hi I'm hoping to get some help with the interpretation of some ONS data (from anyone kind enough to take the time) The link to the data is here. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland?fbclid=IwAR21W9ld3sBJstmJc8O8sdcGyVMHxCbZGMckTl8WV2DxCsMh14J86DA8HjQ

I'm looking at the first data set, table 4 column F. Age, population and time adjusted mortality from all causes broken up by vaccination status. In this column you can effective find the difference between any vaccine status and unvaccinated. When this difference is calculated, it shows that for all causes unvaxed are out-performing vax in every month except Feb. However on the other tables (1, 2 and 3) there is a category called 'ever-vaccinated' at the end of the tables that makes the vaccine look quite good for all-cause mortality outcomes. I think maybe I'm misinterpreting how to read the all-adjusted data for each vax status. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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I realise now you can't sum each vax status for each month aqnd compare because they are normalised results. I used averaging instead and got mixed results. Hopefully someone who knows what they're doing can help me!

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Seems GiveSendGo has been hacked...."frozen"...by someone, some group. Nice...complete with "threats" to the biggest donors.....wow.......

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Time to resurrect R. Crumb’s classic phrase, “Keep on Truckin’”, albeit with modern significance.

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In Greek the word for revolution was stasis. In Latin the same notion was expressed as revolvere-to go around in a complete circle. In English of course the word revolution can denote this circularity or it can depict an uprising. When Goethe, at age 60 obviously flattered by the attention of Napoleon met with him in 1808 in Erfurt at a gathering of monarchs, talk over breakfast was on tragedy and Napoleon interjects "Was will man jetzt mit dem Schicksal? Politik ist das Schicksal!" Politics is destiny. The Polish writer Alexander Wat, writing about his Lubyanka prison existence thinking of the tortured and exiled Machiavelli and power politics and Princes, has this scene as Napoleon interjecting and saying forcefully to the 60 year old Goethe "A tragedy of fate? That's part of the past now. Politik ist das Schicksal."

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“GAS the VACCINATED” Glad the sign holder added a little swastika at the top corner so I wasn’t confused about their true state of mental fitness.

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My mom is convinced that one may be a clever satire of the vax zealots. I am unsure but I don't think even the most crazy of vax zealots would put an honest to god swastika on their sign or, in fact, ever consider their side is the Nazi side.

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Relevant highlights of the OPP Values and Ethics was posted on the front of a truck downtown


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No joke - I’m 6 hours down the 401 and you have no idea how badly I want to be there. SWO is so locked up I haven’t seen a girls face unmasked in over a year in real life. It looks so fun that it almost hurts

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You should go...be part of history!

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I was there Thursday and I've seen a lot of police officers. They were giving fines to truckers. I guess they back off on week end if there's too much kids and families ...

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I’m glad to hear you had a positive experience. I’ve been hearing some horror stories. Your post made me feel a bit better. Good for you!!!

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