"We can't win by cheating all the time so let's just make everything we don't like illegal."





-Newsom, Biden, Trudeau, Ardern, Schwab, Gates, Fauci

-The Devil Himself

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Add Trudeau as the team captain. Correction: water boy

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Sorry, he's just the waterboy.

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Good call!

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Semper Gumby!

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Yep, AB-1993 will require us to get a jab to keep a job and AB-2098 will make the State the arbiter of all medical decisions. So much for following "The Science"!!

The next pivot by the Calif gov will to blame all vax injuries on Long Covid, otherwise their narrative for control will fail. This place is insane.

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Is there a source following this bill’s progress? This scares the bejeezus out of me.

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It will undoubtedly pass, but just because they make it law, doesn't mean it's constitutional. I sure hope lawyers are already working on the lawsuits challenging this insanity!

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Even if it is found to be "constitutional" in todays world of corruption and deceit, no one should follow unjust laws. Laws that coerce you into surrendering your body to the state reduces you to a slave. "Yes, Master, give me more please.

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Hmmm...how will they enforce this on the migrant farm workers?

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We had two years of official fairy tales about covid. It turns out that everything that was understood about respiratory viruses before covid is still true about covid.

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Wait til you find out everything we understood about retroviruses is still true after 38 years of fairytales and poison.

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This is going to get very tricky for them when “the science changes” again and their spokespersons start spouting former misinformation!

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That's been happening! Every person on TV swore that if you got the shots you wouldn't get covid. We saw how long that lasted.

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Fauci initially said masks for the public were ineffective and counterproductive...until he was told they weren't...

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Except, as we've learned from multiple studies, they are. Fauci had slipped and told the truth at first, and then he said he'd lied -- which was a lie.

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Until WEF told him they could be used as a weapon for submission.

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Don't be silly, comrade. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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They always eat their own.

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Conspiracy theorists are now reality theorists.

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Spoiler alertists

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Stealing this...

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Be my guest.

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I’m betting the same Twitter warriors who are condemning this today still think Joe Rogan needs to be canceled.

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It's like "the science!" is some magic imprecation. Kinda like, you know, an oxymoron. I can hear Galileo and Giordano Bruno screaming "No shit!" as I type.

This has been going on a long, long time. They used to be wise women before they were turned into witches, and I always start laughing whenever I hear about some wonderful new "scientific" investigation into botanicals, the knowledge and use of was brutally stamped out because the successful uses of same were professionally threatening to physicians. I laughed harder when I heard that bloodletting is coming back. Yes--because the ancients, though perhaps they couldn't explain all the details, understood that there was something like overrich blood (too much iron), and now we know that the rise in heart disease in post-menopausal women is because they don't menstruate every month which clears excess iron from the bloodstream. Human nature. Ain't never gonna find a cure for it.

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Just like “ western modern medicine” almost eradicated homeopathy and naturopathy!!

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I've used homeopathic products but I must say I'm not entirely absolutely 100% sure they work. But I do believe to the marrow of my bones that Vitamin C and ginger tea can save the world...

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CA has gone full commie. How sad.

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The Ministry of Medical Truth is within their grasp

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Just watching Chernobyl on HBO for the first time. The likenesses of our government to the Soviets during that disaster are chilling.

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I was young and fairly new in the field of Health Physics when this happened. The smuggled Medvedev diaries ( written by Medvedev on his radiation induced death bed ) were eye opening and heartbreaking. 1 Communist party apparatchik can poison the world...

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That's a scary docu-drama. The fact that it will be a problem for centuries is saddening...

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Is there a coalition of doctors that are standing up against this in California? This is so incredibly sinister. I can’t believe that they would just let this happen without some resistance.

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Never underestimate Dr.Pan. He will not let this go.

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I see where you're going and mostly concur, but of these two, what Californua is doing is worse and has no justification. Russia has an excuse, paltry, but they have none.

While I don't support the war in Ukraime, publishing information in time of war is one of the few times that speech suppression might be rational. Lives are inherently at stake and if that information leads to the death of soldiers or elongation of the conflict, it can have immediate, serious, consequences that, in this case, could lead to the annihilation of our species.

Publishing opinion that contradicts the government’s view on science is a greater abomination, especially considering that science is NEVER settled and the fact that we live under the protection of the First Amendment. Mix in profit motive and it just gets worse.

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Human rights are never optional, especially in war time....

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I agree in principle. Unfortunately, rights and related concepts like laws, customs, morality and ethics exist purely in the abstract. In other words, they are purely creations of the human mind, at best a shared framework of a culture. Unlike the laws of nature, objective reality cares not a whit for what we think our "rights" are. This is a concept well explored in philosophy, for example Hume's observation that one cannot derive an "ought" from an "is."

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Absolutely true. We wax philosophical and attempt to establish cultural norms that protect the weak, but the established reality is that might makes right.

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Notice that I used the word ’might’ in the above. I don't support speech suppression at all, but there are precious few countries where speech is a right, and even here, the Supreme Court has (wrongly) upheld speech restrictions during war.

My point compares odious war based restrictions in a dictatorship with more odious “science” based restrictions in the Land of the Free.

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Human rights are never a concern for gov’t.

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"The state is also airing "myth buster" commercials in 250 markets."

What they are doing to us in terms of censoring/canceling/mandating is obscene; making taxpayers fund the propaganda that allows them to do it is 🤬.

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Tyrants gonna tyrant.

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Thankfully, in the US the silenced can find pro-bono legal representation to assert their 1st Amendment protected rights against states and their lackeys in the "truth" business...

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where do we find pro bono lawyers? yes lawyers are fighting, they can't do it for free, and they lose a lot of cases. do you donate to the cause? it takes $$$$$$ to take it through the courts. then when you get to the top court, trump's disgusting appointees amy and kevanaugh side with the leftists to shoot us down.

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Institute for Justice & Pacific Legal Institute are two. The SCOTUS actually does a pretty good job upholding the citizens' rights protected under the 1st Amendment...

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scotus gave thumbs down to religious challenge to maine vax, refused to hear ca school vax mandate, thumbs up to nationwide healthcare worker vax mandate. where does J&P LI get their funding? What cases are they on to?

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Goggle them, both have websites. They charge those who can afford to pay but are organized as legal non-profits and rely a lot on donations. IJ mainly focuses on economic rights of small businesses, property rights and against asset forfeitures by states and localities...

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^^I believe this was sent to all doctors a few weeks ago.^^

Chilling, as designed. Doctors have families to feed too.

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The page you are looking for cannot be found.

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Disgusting. Children are at no risk. How in Gods name do these people sleep at night.

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Thanks for this.

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You know that cat font thingy? I want a tee-shirt saying "You fucking morons!" in cat-font. On the back, a reproduction of that photo showing those lionesses ripping off the testicle of that moron lion who thought he'd steal the kids' meal. Maybe I need two of 'em.

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Do you think that this will put 95% of their physicians at risk?

It wouldn't be a problem in Ontario, however. See Byram Bridle's affidavit in Ontario Superior Court, available on his Substack. "Real Science" as opposed to "The Science" was summarily dismissed by judge Jasmine Akbarali, in favour of a bureaucrat's opinion.

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Nice to see Russia adopting the West’s progressive, liberal policies.

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Edited down. Disgusted about what’s going on. Tried to relate to marketing. But read this after watching morning msm news condemning Russia’s msm news and censorship.

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