The same occurs in climate studies. I once saw a government of Canada grant seeking a researcher to study “adverse effects of human induced climate change on Arctic wildlife“. Can anyone predict the conclusions from this “open” question?

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i know an environmental engineer whose entire career has been within the realm of giant corporations, government funding, etc. she's smart, but absolutely blind to the obvious. she would find nothing odd about that grant you described. she'd probably want to get in on it.

upton sinclair wrote that it was hard to get someone to see something if their job depends on them not seeing it.

credentialed professionals can often show exceptional skill at self deception when the truth would threaten their professional prestige- they have a lot of themselves invested in that, so criticism is an existential threat.

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oh, and the climate change thing is a good example of the "road not taken" points gato made, isn't it? pollution is a serious problem, but"climate change" gets most of the funding because it's profitable for the powerful and expands their power. it's a financialization gravy train. meanwhile, there are very serious pollution problems with no dubious science theory connected with them. just straight up pollution. they get nothing for funding.

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Imagine the level of idiocy to which our society has descended when CO2, the basis of nearly all life on earth, is considered a pollutant by the government-scientific establishment. And this absurdity is accepted and parroted by countless millions of useful idiots around the world.

Did any of these morons take ecology in middle school and learn about the carbon cycle?

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There is a related problem called (in French) Déformation professionnelle: the tendency to view the world through one's own knowledge and experience*. This and other impediments to clear thinking are explored in the book "The Art of Clear Thinking" by Rolf Dobelli.

*How could one view the world any other way? True, but knowing this built-in stumbling block, a person might seek outside opinions, use other problem-solving methods, etc. It's worth noting that both subjective and objective views of reality have their places. For example, the objective (Plato: "apparent") world exists; it is there for us to view, manipulate, invent theories about, etc. But it's not susceptible to changing around any way we'd like. In contrast, is the subjective (mental) world (which Plato calls the "real," as if we need to confuse the issue any more!) is far more squishy: it can be complete dissociation from reality fantasy, to a decent model of Reality, or more likely, some mix of those things. Like the fable of the blind men describing the elephant, we all have differing views of reality, sometimes dramatically different.

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Conclusion: Humans are adversely affecting Arctic Wildlife.

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Having actually spent some time in the Arctic, freezing my ass off and being chased by wildlife, I can assure you that human activity does not affect it much at all, adversely or otherwise.

It is utter bullshit. All of it.

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Conclusion: We are killing every last living thing, we'll all die within the next 10 years, and we must have a massive government program with billions in funding and numerous draconian laws to save the Arctic and humanity.

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I've lived through every iteration the alarmists have thrown at us. Yawn.

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"If you put the government in charge of the desert, within 5 years there would be a shortage of sand."

Milton Friedman

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I had a few like-minded libertarian friends/colleagues back when I was a grad student in economics in the '80s, during the hey-day of the Reagan administration's heating up the War on Drugs. We used to joke that the easiest way to get pot out of the US economy would be to establish the US Department of Marijuana and have it report to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

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All that is needed is to Just Say No.™

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I actually like that a lot more than militarizing the police.

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The police have always been militarized.

That's the point of police.

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Having handguns does not equal militarization.

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They have had semi-automatic pistols, rifles and shotguns for quite a long time, before they started getting equipment from the armed forces.

They wear uniforms, display unit and rank insignia, have a hierarchical chain of command, formal salutes and dedicated training academies.

Their ethos is similar: the greatest duty is too one's comrades, superseding any other.

There was a time when most of them, at least outside the major cities, were not an unacknowledged branch of the military, back when they were known as "peace officers" and their duty was, literally, to keep the peace.

The transition from protector of the the community to praetorian enforcer was complete when they started calling themselves "law enforcement".

All government police should be disbanded and privatized. We would all be far safer.

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Ike was certainly a visionary leader. But who are the private players funding medical research? Bill Gates, Chan-Zuckerberg, etc. The problem is larger than big government. I would call it groupthink of the global elites.

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Or, a conspiracy, (lol,) among the elites to remove a portion of the human population creating all the problems which are destroying THEIR planet!!

; ))

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But, they can't do it without their big government slush funds.

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Unlike a lot of other moonshots, at least this cancer one has a plausible mechanism to work, in a "three wishes from a monkey's paw" sort of way. Just increase the number of cardiovascular deaths by X and you reduce the number of cancer deaths by ~ 0.6X. Competing risks, yadda yadda. A cynic might think it was chosen with more in mind than just reducing society's cancer burden.

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I bet the US has already reduced future cancer death by 25%, just need to vaccinate more to make sure those damn Purebloods don't live to 100!!!

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Scientists get money by shoe horning into popular topics. While doing my PhD in chemistry in the 1980s, cancer was the big money. No matter how remote or tenuous, all grant applications had to be related to synthesis of a cancer drug.

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Damn straight gato. I am thrilled you found your way to substack where long form rants like this are possible. That said, twitter is where I happened upon you when I realized at the very beginning of this covid horror show that we are being fed nonsense from "the science".

Incidentally, I never got to thank you/give you a shout out on twitter for one of my few outbursts (link below) that got attention because they had kicked you off by then but you inspire. I do not have data analytical skills like you and the several other gatopals but I can sniff out BS which is what we were getting from "the science" from the start and it continues to this day.

Keep typing. Keeping inspiring. It is making a difference.


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Watch this video starting from the 2:12:00 mark to the 2:46:00 mark.


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I just paid you $50 for the privilege of commenting on this post. I suppose I should convert my Substack to paid as well. I don't need the money, but everyone else seems to be doing it... It's aggravating to pay to add value... At least you don't make cringeworthy mistakes like Bret Weinstein, whose posts I no longer subscribe to, or Alex Berenson, who kowtowed to the Powers That Be. I hope I don't see similar here. If I do, I assume that's another $50 shot to hell - but at the present rate, that's about three dinners at the Mexican restaurant down the street.

In any case, Eisenhower was 14 years too late, there's nothing he could have done about it, the National Security Act of 1947, which created a National Security State, was passed in the Truman Administration. This created a double government, an unelected permanent government which actually ran the country, and reduced the elected government to a clown show - actually a Punch-and-Judy puppet show - to distract and divide the electorate. For details, see this essay by Professor Michael Glennon, of the Fletcher School at Tufts University: https://fletcher.tufts.edu/sites/default/files/pubs_glennon-michael-national-security-double-government.pdf. Of course, his suggestion that the unelected government can be got rid of by elections is nonsense, the Unelected Government controls the Elected Government, and not the other way around. And, for what it's worth, the Unelected Government is comprised almost entirely of registered Democrats. So if you wonder why throwing out one set of scoundrels in Congress and replacing them with another set results in absolutely no change in actual enacted policy, that's the reason - Congress is not in charge. The Constitution and Bill of Rights might as well not exist - they aren't the basis for any sort of *actual* government we have here, and haven't been for 75 years. Presidents like JFK who go off the reservation come to bad ends, replaced by more compliant people who are on the same page. And, of course, the National Security State is not only unconstitutional, it's a total betrayal of the principles set out in the Declaration of Independence. It's fundamentally anti-American. And there is no remedy either than a very unlikely popular revolt, or a Soviet Union-style collapse - my bet is on the latter. That's my two cents, I have $49.98 to go...

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I agree with almost everything except for the idea implied by statements like this: “ you won’t get better experts next time. all the good ones get sublimated off in the ideological rarefication process that concentrates science into “the science.”

The problem with technocracy is not that we pick the wrong experts, the problem is the trust in experts itself. There is no way to choose the right expert for any given situation. Problems are solved by allowing experts and non experts alike an attempt at creating a solution. The market will decide the best solution. People are not nearly as smart as they think they are, and the most dangerous are the people who are convinced they are right. I’m not even a believer in free markets and I am still convinced that a market economy will produce better solutions than a technocracy.

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I have thought for some time that the only way this juggernaut of grift can be stopped is to starve the beast.

It seems that this can only happen in two ways:

1. Abolish the Federal Reserve and income tax.

These are truly the two roots of this evil. They represent the greatest engines of mass theft in the history of mankind. None of this evil, and much besides, would be possible without these two infernal institutions.

2. Currency collapse.

Every single fiat currency in history has collapsed, driven by the unlimited and insatiable government desire for other people's money. Nixon cut the last ties to the gold standard, the only thing that can constrain government spending, in 1971, and the USG has been printing and spending like mad since then.

Since the FED was created in 1913, the USD has lost close to 99% of its value. What cost one or two cents in 1913 now costs a dollar.

Official government debt just surpassed 30T. Of course, like nearly all government figures, it is a lie. If unfunded liabilities are taken into account, it is in the many hundreds of trillions.

This is unsustainable, and therefore it will end. The only questions are when, and how bad it will be, and how many people the government will murder until it does.

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Agree completely. One oddity: if you look at the price of gold in terms of what it buys, it is overvalued by at least two or three times compared to when gold was circulating money (pre 1934). This is mostly just academic, since gold is just a commodity. Or stated another way, the purchasing power of an ounce of gold has risen sharply in nearly a century.

I've done this calculation a few times in recent years, using simple commodities like a gallon of gas or a bushel of wheat, and it's pretty consistent. No fair using the cost of a trans-Atlantic telephone call. 😁

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Straws in the wind: LA, UT and TX have passed laws recognizing gold as legal tender.

I overland in Moab at least once a year, and got some Utah Goldbacks to spend for the next trip.


Who knows, maybe I'll be able to buy a pint or two of Wasatch Ale for a certain internet feline with my gold currency should our paths cross.

That would be a good day.

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Gracias gato. Ive always thought this about the grants for climate science.

Also, I’m reading that the jabs are going to cause a surge in new and latent cancers. This will further feed the Pharma beast.

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I am thoroughly depressed by this. 😔

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The alarm siren starting screaming when Biden stated the "supercharged cancer eradication program" is going to utilize "mRNA" technologies. Jeez.....here we go again.

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Yes, to this layman who admittedly is not a researcher, take the very technology (mRNA) that seemed quite promising and was too toxic in repeated doses for what it was being researched for (to treat cancers!!!) and re-brand it as a "vaccine" which -- so they thought or claimed -- would only need one or two doses. Well, in the past year we've seen how well THAT plan is working out! Of course, we can add in the half-assed "testing" that went into approving these travesties of medical ethics, now injected into billions (!!!) of human beings with unknowable long-term consequences. Really? A product that had never even gotten past human trials previously? But yep, it was decreed and so it came to pass!

Now we are going to conquer cancer with the very same tech? Well, good luck. I welcome true medical advances, but I suspect money, power and its inevitable corruption is more likely. As someone once said, decades ago: There is more money made looking for a cure [for cancer], than in actually finding the cure.

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Yes. In their rush to get mRNA onto the "market" (like the resulting forced injections with no regard to outcomes could ever be a "market"), followed by totalitarian Government fixation on "jabs for all!" has thoroughly turned me against anything mRNA, and while an overall minority, I know I'm not alone.

They (Pharma, Gov, medical practices) had one shot and they fucking ruined it.

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I recall reading (but can't remember where) that originally Eisenhower's speech was supposed to refer to the "military-industrial-congressional complex" but "congressional" was dropped.

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"central allocators." brilliant. And I think you did this entire piece without using the word "stakeholder."

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Peer Review has similar problems in the scientific community, overlapping or inconclusive conclusions depending on scale and scope, and seems to lean towards confirmation bias.

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Remember when Boghossian, Lindsay et. al. had the following hoax papers published in "scientific" journals?

- Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon


- The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct, where they asserted: "At best, climate change is genuinely an example of hyper-patriarchal society metaphorically manspreading into the global ecosystem".



But it gets worse...

"Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness."

~ Richard Horton, former Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet

Future historians may very well refer to our time as The Unenlightenment.

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Take a close look at the NSF and it's charter: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense..." 25% of all science funding comes through the NSF. It's all driven by National Defense. That might not sound like much, but it is. I've heard that figure is closer to 85%, but I can't find a reference for that. 25% is what you'll find on the NSF homepage. Science projects that don't have a use applicable to national defense has a much tougher time getting approved. It's almost surely more than 25% in real life. Much, much more.

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Having just finished RFK Jr book on Fauci this is exactly where things have been for decades.

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The hubris of launching a "bold, 25 year plan" when literally everything else these idiots have done has been a cataclysmic failure, usually ruled illegal by SCOTUS.

I don't even expect these jokers to last another year in office (ballot printer goes brrr excepted, or GOP incompetence/corruption), never mind conduct lofty plans that'll take a quarter century.

Hey Joe, how about you see about getting a grip on inflation first eh? Maybe then you can play with the big boy toys.

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Pink washing cancer paints victims as heroes as a distraction from horrifying reality that it eliminates any question of causes. When EPA was created it was to manage toxic Superfund sites in USA w overwhelming global volume from PCBs. Susan B Komen is Former Neiman Marcus marketing wiz who turned the death of her sister and high end friends into global grift & cover op. https://www.bcaction.org/about-think-before-you-pink/

Primary responsibility assigned to General Electric now GE Healthcare empire & Monsanto who turned Rockefeller petro-chemical waste into profitable chemicals & myth of Green Revolution.

Billy Gates political heir to David Rockefeller sits atop NGO empire w high tech solutions that compound the problems.

Under Dubbya Bush in 2002 EPA Libraries were closed and Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data collection was halted. Oddly enough this happened just as questions arose about Ground Zero illness & EPA Dir Whitman assurances the air was "perfectly safe" experts were monitoring carefully.

Collection never resumed. Until 2020 UC Davis maintained Scorecard database, the recognized global authority for chemical safety. It was yanked in its entirety & replaced w note "This was the work of a small group and was helpful to many but support is discontinued. Poof, it's gone w only trace a domain registration to Underwriters Laboratory.


Don't look- don't find is what "The Science" demands. Big bucks in seeking cures, not so much in Superfund cleanup. Nothing to see after 9-11.. trust the experts in DC to have our backs and prioritize human health & safety..

"Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens.

Scorecard can give you a detailed report on chemicals being released from any of 20,000 industrial facilities, or a summary report for any area in the country. Scorecard spotlights the top polluters in the U.S., and ranks states and counties by pollutant releases. "


Scorecard - "If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true.

"For most of the important industrial chemicals in U.S. commerce, government lacks the information to draw any scientifically based conclusion about the degree of risk--or lack of risk--that a chemical may pose when used. For every chemical in the database, Scorecard tells you whether or not the information needed to assess chemical risk is available. If it isn't, no one can accurately claim the chemical is "safe."


Equally tragic is 90% Fed employees at these agencies have their hearts in the core mission. Like the ethical refugees of the medical tyrants who have shown their fangs in the scamdemic, it's top tier, Agency leadership who steer the ship. Credit Clinton era (SES) Senior Executive Service. It facilitates top tier, revolving door for corp appointees & displacing career service as a requirement.

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90%??? I'd love to know where you get that number.

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"90%??? I'd love to know where you get that number."

It's a conservative guess based on almost 50 years of personal experience and contacts government wide to this day. Folks who have financial aspirations go to work for contractors at a hefty premium. Do you have any source for Federal employees that even hints at something different from my observations?

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I have plenty of anecdotal evidence just like you.

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Gatito Revisionista.

"All States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society. Since its rule is exploitative and parasitic, the State must purchase the alliance of a group of Court Intellectuals, whose task is to bamboozle the public into accepting and celebrating the rule of its particular State. The Court Intellectuals have their work cut out for them. In exchange for their continuing work of apologetics and bamboozlement, the Court Intellectuals win their place as junior partners in the power, prestige, and loot extracted by the State apparatus from the deluded public.

The noble task of Revisionism is to de-bamboozle: to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals, and to present to the public the true history of the motivation, the nature, and the consequences of State activity. By working past the fog of State deception to penetrate to the truth, to the reality behind the false appearances, the Revisionist works to delegitimize, to desanctify, the State in the eyes of the previously deceived public."

~ Murray Rothbard

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Very insightful comments. Here are some of my thoughts, but I give no warranty on their worth. Please pardon the prolixity. Gato's article itself is quite lengthy. I wish my abundance of words were equally worthy, but perhaps not.

1. Government, though powerful, cannot overrule market forces, any more than it can repeal laws of Nature.

From one point of view, a market ALWAYS exists. This is even true in what I would call a false distinction: that the government has some magical power "over" the market, or that it is apart from it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Government does in fact (usually) have superior legal powers, since it can pass, modify, repeal or ignore regulations at will. But in no way can the government escape the fact that it is a market participant, even if the most influential.

What is too easily forgotten is that government has no supernatural powers. By this I mean it cannot do anything beyond what reality allows. To borrow the old joke: A man says "I can summon demons from the deep." A skeptic retorts: "Yes, but do any demons come when summoned?" Many similar bits of wisdom can be found, like the tale of King Canute commanding the tide.

Returning to our topic, my point is merely that government is not some awe-inspiring God-like figure, able to do anything that it wishes. Yes, it is usually if not always the most powerful agent, but it is still constrained by laws which no power on Earth can repeal.

2. There is probably no structure created by man that will not be subject to capture by those who run it. This is simply an aspect of human nature. Individuals and groups tend to act in their own self-interest, even at expense of out-groups. Those entrusted with government power -- or those who seize it -- are not immune to this law. Surely there are ways to guard against, to limit these negative effects, but they are not perfect, and the countermeasures themselves are subject to being dismantled.

3. Perhaps the best answer would be less government? If there were no government funding of research, there might be less research. But what research occurred would be paid for by (presumably) private funds, not taken by coercion (taxes). Discoveries would be patentable, the property of their discoverers. People should be free to decide for themselves, or use any authority they wish, to obtain their medical care. Government should not be in the business of licensing, forcing, prohibiting, or otherwise restricting the invention, production, sale or use of any good or service for such treatments. Clearly there are many risks to such a laissez-faire system: lack of quality control, frauds, addictions, and so on. But on the upside, it would eliminate all the risks that Gato enumerates in his article. And why could there still not be government endorsed services? The government could even test, approve and guarantee the quality of drugs, perhaps. Perhaps legal recourse would be limited: People should be free to try untested or unapproved things, but perhaps they lose the right to sue if things go awry. But in no case should it have the power to forbid or mandate their uses. Those choices should be the right of individual States, or (ideally I'd argue) private physicians and their patients.

Note that not all is wine and roses: if you want to reduce government, you have to toss out a lot of "benefits" for the common citizen. Goodbye Medicare and other forms of socialized medicine. These can't exist without some degree of Government meddling in the private sphere.

Is Covid-19 better treated early with commonly available, inexpensive repurposed drugs? Quite possibly. But even if it isn't, it shouldn't be the government's business to tell me or my doctor that I can't buy ivermectin, HCQ or some other drug to use as I see fit. If I damage or kill myself, so what? It's my life and (in the world I paint) I would not become a wad of the State in any case.

I'm not denying that government provides some benefits. Personally, I like having (relatively) sound money (yet another government franchise captured early on!), a legal system (ditto), common defense (ditto) and other generally positive services the government provides. What government's role should be is an eternal debate. I did not mean for this post to become a libertarian treatise. Perhaps coercion (government power) is sometimes necessary. But in closing, allow me to point out that most successful systems man has created work because participation is voluntary and (optimally) the average member receives net benefit.

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In the first draft of Eisenhower’s speech he referred to ‘Military Industrial Congressional Complex’, acknowledging the rôle of Congress is facilitating the military industry… factories/jobs/votes in the Congressional districts plus of course the usual bribing that goes with lobbying. The reference to Congress was dropped fir political reasons to avoid antagonising its members.

It is worth noting that the incestuous relationship big business has with Government - corporate capture - is only possible with the willing participation, even initiated by, those in Government ever ready to dispense corporate welfare out of taxpayers’ money in return for graces and favours.

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Unstated right now is the private money from very rich entrepreneurs going into elections. Zuck bucks ~ $400M was allocated to achieve Biden's win. Who knows how much money was used to force all those court cases to alter election processes. Each candidate spends some $1B to make a huge industry out of electioneering. The cry of making voting easier allows couch potatoes who could care less the opportunity to make a tick mark for the person who promises the most free stuff. They would not take the effort to go to a polling place so really aren't invested in the outcome. We had a Republic, it's not clear we can keep it or even deserve to keep it.

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Only now, long after 1961, do we truly understand the dire consequences of ignoring Pres Eisenhower's warning. Yes, we've been well aware of the unconscionable maneuverings of the MIC, but it took until this covid hoax to demonstrate the folly of ignoring his other, perhaps more important warning, about government control of scientific research funding. Now we know that, through Faucimengele, such funding can be dolled out to research that enriches those in power and imperils the health and welfare of the rest of us. Would that we had heeded his warnings.

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Dreary, but true.

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We're so many generations of "leadership" post-Eisenhower. To hear that come from any politician may as well be to hear a tale of fantasy.

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I could not find a best fit for this web link, so here goes:


(Paywalled, but I listened to more of the article using the audio player.)

Some observations: I don't doubt that mRNA has promise. Credit where due: Unlike much of the media, the WSJ perchance retains a few scraps of respectability. The article even allows for a few lingering doubts, noting mRNA is "new and relatively untried technology", and at least in passing, gives glimpses that not all is well with the tech: "vaccines were available many months and possibly even years ahead of when health experts expected safe and effective traditional vaccines to arrive." (Note the author skillfully leaves hanging the question of whether the mRNA jabs are actually safe and effective; perhaps his deliberate intent.) Finally the audio program says: "The technology has been known for decades, but it was long relegated to the outskirts of medical research. Skeptics said it was too unstable to work as a prescription drug." Finally, it notes the Covid-19 products were the first ever cleared for use.

Now skepticism speaks: If this technology was known for decades, why was it not widely used? Were the skeptics right, that it was too unstable? Why was it suddenly approved against Covid-19? Were all the bugs fixed? Why not mention of proofs of long term safety or efficacy?" Etc. Credit to the author, for at least giving an alert reader the ability to read between the lines.

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Malone points out how he struggled for 10 years to get the mRNA stuff to stay put and function. Since then more have spent another 10 years. They THINK they have the bugs worked out and Fauci set us up in a huge experiment. Only time will tell if the technology is really ready now for further use. So far the added unexpected deaths in the working age adults ought to suggest great caution, but we press on trying to continue the great experiment. Ignoring VARES data and not performing thorough autopsies ought to inform our opinion. The technology may be useful but we need a lot better understanding of who and why harm has occurred. The vaccines are not creating proper immunity as they should suggesting we really don't know their effects in humans.

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I'm just riffing here, but I'll bet you a pair of comfy boots that Cancer Moonshot will involve mandating a bunch of experimental medicines going into everyone's body and anyone who refuses is a murderer who loves cancer.

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Fantastic insights. Have you thought about writing a book?

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As long as we are raking through our heroes of the fifties let’s not forget Ayn Rand. her ’solutions’ in Atlas Shrugged are certainly debatable, but boy, she had the villains down to a tee! They all sound like Blue Checks!

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