it seems like a lot of people are currently asking this question in some sort of “what the hell just happened to us?” post mortem around “how did the host of fear factor just become the most important interview in presidential elections?”
it’s a telling question. it’s also an interesting one with implications beyond mere politics.
here’s my take:
there is no "dem joe rogan" because the left has systematically attacked and expelled any semblance of masculinity, humor, or thought diversity from its ranks through an unending series of ideological purity test struggle sessions run by ever more marginal people seeking to play "king of the aggrievement hill."
it's been one of the most self-destructive, self-absorbed, self-important negative sum games i have ever seen played and it looks like a fair few of them really truly believe that they need to double down again.
it's like watching a drowning swimmer aggressively attack anything buoyant that comes within reach.
the dems have become the party of the faculty lounge, sneering, elitist, and condescending. they have no levity, no joy, and no tolerance for anything that is not exactly like them.
more than any single policy or position, they are about consensus: single minded, enforced, non-optional for your own good whether you like it or not because we know best consensus.
step one toe out of line and off with your head, excommunication, vilification, and shrill hectoring hatred will be your lot in life. no dissent is brooked.
how can a movement like that contain or produce any useful, constructive, enquiring people or any laughter or any joy? it can’t. the whole thing is a forced rictus smile atop a munch level scream for help or (increasingly) even for relevance.
rogan was a democrat. he literally was the democrat joe rogan. musk was a dem too. a whole ton of people who were centrists and even leftists have left the left because the left left them. it moved so radically offside and into the outright veneration of lunacy as authoritarian diktat that it became unrecognizable to reasonable people and started attacking them as traitors. it got so far up its own posterior that it mistook itself for reality and its poo-poo for chanel.
and it’s so badly out of touch that even now, it cannot see this about itself.
consider harry sisson, spokesmoppet for harris. he was literally put forth as some sort of “new model masculinity” that does nothing but slavishly parrot ultra-cringe deep ultraviolet beta talking points and seemingly wears blush.
this is not even a boyband, it’s a soyband.
imagine having so little idea of what "male" is that you thought sisson would do anything but make men burst out in peals of mocking laughter at how out of touch you are and what buffoons you take them for? he lacks the stature to even be an insult. harry is a twerpy little fembot goblin, the simpering physical instantiation of toxic femininity flouncing around in an uncanny valley boy suit.
but this is how this movement thinks. they think they get to decide what identity is and that if they just keep telling you, you’ll eventually agree because they are the thought leaders and you’re supposed to follow. trust the experts!
this movement is an ever shrinking, always angry elite that disdains and even outright hates the “deplorables” and “garbage people” that they need to court. they have no desire to befriend anyone or understand them. they dislike the people they need to convince to vote for them and they dislike the fact that they need to woo them even more. it’s literally “what are the magic words to make the damnable demos dance to our tune?” and it shows.
the whole thing has become astonishingly false, saccharine infomercials made for a demographic the mad men and women of “the party of mandatory joy” have never even met.
they bussed in crowds to stage rallies.
even the celebrity endorsements were fake, bought and paid for promotions.
in the end, it becomes insulting and comes off as nothing so much as a bunch of cloistered ivory tower smuglords pondering what sops to toss the commoners in order to sway their loyalty. they have become the party of mr burns.
meanwhile, literally everything fun and genuine has fled them.
you want to know why there is no “blue rogan” it’s because rogan is genuine and the left will not tolerate that.
it’s not about credentials or degrees or offices.
it’s “are you a real fricking person?” can i trust a thing you say? did you mean it?
the age of the media packaged focus group drones and academic as dictator is done. we all got a good look. it was awful.
and we want the world back.
we want this world back.
i wrote some time back about how this would be the election of “based vs cringe” and that seems to have been apt. joe is based. he says what he thinks even when it makes people mad. he’s wrong sometimes, right others, and makes no excuses for it, he’s just out there in the arena with no net taking wild chances and huge swings and seeing what connects. he’s funny, he’s determined, and he’s getting better at this. he’s more incisive by the day and more interesting. the dude is just an event, a force of nature, a thing we have all been missing. he’s fun. he makes you wanna come along and see where it goes.
the fact is this:
we have missed seeing the khan make the magicians nervous by asking simple, straight questions.
we need the khan doing this.
these charlatans have been enjoying altogether too much air time and too much air support. they have expanded to fill the vast spaces carved out for them by facile and fawning media that would never ask a simple direct question like joe does. they get all their premises admitted and conclusions presumed. it’s not in any way credible, it’s a backrub circle of never investigating any meaningful lines of inquiry and propping up unfounded orthodoxy.
it’s just imposed consensus and censorship.
and everyone is over it.
the left still thinks they are the resistance, but they aren’t. they’re the establishment. they run the government, the media, they control the institutions.
and the game has moved.
it moved away from them to a new field. elon musk bought their 85% complete death star and handed it to han solo.
the alliance moved online and went straight to the people.
and the credentialed class has been having hissy fits ever since.
if your party cannot contain or even tolerate a guy who was literally a center left democrat (and to this day retains many of those positions), well, perhaps asking some hard questions about just how exclusionary, offensive, and judgmental you have become are in order. perhaps stop being so condescending and self-aggrandizing.
lol. yeah, sure.
instead the doubling down on determined disdain and derision is palpable.
i don’t know what this is actually supposed to be, but it’s certainly not genuine or motivational. it’s basically a toddler tantrum blamed on everyone else. he’s outright calling the majority of the demos stupid and wrong.
he all but said “you people are too stupid to be allowed to vote” then tutted us for failing him, failing america, and failing democracy.
it’s kind of gorgeous in its pure perfection.
(and just you watch, they will soon turn on democracy and start pushing actual dictatorship)
these guys are going to keep bailing water into the engine room until they sink themselves.
fine by me.
enjoy your free lifetime supply of “no one cares.”
meanwhile, back on the internet of joy, there was heartfelt synchronized screaming by the sylvia plath class of fragile, consumptive things having melancholy meltdowns as far as the eye could see.
and the meme mavens were there to help them.
the contrast in the two visions is stark.
and i have been laughing all week.
it’s all so back.
Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin
I came to win, battle me, that's a sin
I won't ever slack up, punk, ya better back up
Try and play the role and yo, the whole crew'll act up
Get up, stand up (c'mon) c'mon, throw your hands up
If ya got the feelin', jump up towards the ceilin'
gen X swayed this election. we voted hard red and in numbers previously unseen. we’re the generation that always hated fakes and phonies, posers and poses.
they forgot about us, but we have not forgotten.
we have not forgotten what once was and what they took.
and we will take it back.
BlueAnon is comprised of soy bands and Boomerwaffens. Joe Rogan likes meat, hunting, and fighting - caveman no like fake astroturf. Thank you egm and Gen x for saving the day.
Looking back, it's almost insane how good we had it. All they had to do was leave us alone, but they just couldn't stop pushing more and more ridiculous stuff on us. In Oregon, a boy can compete with girls by saying he's a girl. By every objective, that person is still a boy. But the Democrats will spend hours and hours telling us that's a ridiculously transphobic position.
At the risk of spoiling an upcoming article, check out what Lacrosse coach Kim Russell had to go through for saying the girl who finished 2nd to Lia Thomas was the "real" winner of a race --
People are DONE with being told what they can and can't say -- especially when the "experts" are so obviously wrong AND sanctimonious about it. "Oh silly peasant, I could be doing great things but I am here on TV telling you all the reasons you're wrong instead. We OBVIOUSLY have to mask toddlers!"
The best thing about the elections is that we told all those people to fuck all the way off.