many have marveled at the oddly prurient pursuit of “brandon’s brain breakage” but i see no cause for surprise.
nothing titilates and engages americans and american media like a good, old fashioned public break down.
it's the modern adaptation of victorians paying to tour insane asylums to gawk at the lunatics, a dark frisson of guilty pleasure.
the characters are utterly interchangeable, but the themes seem somehow immutable.
i guess that’s human nature for you.
there is nothing new under the sun.
but the dementia diaries are not a stand alone matter; they are part and parcel to a pervasive societal theme: it’s all gone mad and we’re each and everyone watching in rapt horror because you just cannot look away from this sort of melodrama.
our media has devolved into shrill talking heads and shriller guests having anxiety festivals and delusional descents into hallucinatory persecution fantasy all live in living color.
and a certain subset simply cannot get enough of this circus of evil clowns and their pathology parade.
this is not even about a topic. it’s near 100% fact free. it’s just incoherent emotional ejaculation as performance art. reality is irrelevant. “my feels” are all and the seeming need to not only take what ought to be one’s private problems of emotional dysregulation out for a most public of spins but to actually revel in in and call it “news” and “important” smacks of nothing so much as medieval hucksters towing around madmen in cages and charging you a copper coin to poke them with a stick to see what they do next.
i have no direct information, but i’d be willing to wager that “commentator” has already fully pivoted to kamala as the new savior and anti-orange man avatar. the whole ethos is entirely fungible.
it’s astonishing that these performers are so willing to do this sans captivity. they line up and fight for the chance to act the loon under the hot lights of the big stage. it’s a sideshow that has come to be the entire circus.
anxiety cast as virtue seems to be one helluva drug.
and we have an awful lot of addicts.
and this is not a sign of a healthy society or a healthy populace.
trump derangement syndrome is just one small facet. generalized derangement syndrome seems rife and specific venn overlaps simply seem to serve to specify individual pathologies.
the actual breakage is increasingly upon vivid display. (get to about 1.36m where the colorful hair pronoun brigade has its say. see if you disagree.)
these people are entirely out of control and unable to manage themselves on a very basic level. they lack the fundaments of internal stability or resilience (which is why they try so desperately to control others and the world around them). they shriek pejorative laden oppression fantasy word salad at any who will listen and probably when no one is listening at all. they seem locked in struggle sessions with themselves, the world, and the idea of external reality.
this is not even ideology anymore, it’s a spiral of mental illness aided and abetted by alleged intellectuals and “social justice warriors.” this pernicious patronage has destroyed their minds and sanity. it’s as if someone handed a paranoid schizophrenic a handgun and told them to shoot the voices while sitting back and saying “how stunning, how brave!”
the astonishing inversion of “even the women in there are brainwashed!” as it issues forth from the mouths of those with eyes so glazed that even MKUltra aficionados would step back and say “geez, that seems a bit much” must truly give pause.
this performative fragility and anxiety as affected virtue and entitlement has pervaded academia to the point of ruin, our institutions to the point of malfunction, and our civil society to the point of truly disturbing and anti-social misanthropy.
30 years ago, this would have led to mental health intervention. today, it’s “tuesday at the airport.”
inability to regulate oneself has become some sort of right. worse, it’s become some sort of entertainment, and worse still an entry into a protected class of the “sacred madman” a recurrent meme in many human societies. it looks to me like we’re there. we’re all just rapt to the sordid spectacle.
it seemingly occurs to no one to seek to stop this or help. just “oh man, get this on camera. it’s youtube gold!”
and this is why we can no longer have nice things.
this is why our everyhting is coming apart. take a gander at the video below. imagine the sort of bubble one would have to reside within to not only arrive at this level of inchoate glossolalia but to do so with such stridence and devotion that it could be mistaken not just for politics but for identity.
really watch this carefully. watch it not just for the spectacle of pratfall as political praxis but for what lies underneath. imagine what it must be like to inhabit this mind and how little challenge it has ever faced. asked to support simple, self-selected propositions it’s a mad-libs gibberish engine of disjointed hysteria.
these are university students.
they seem to have no idea how even the simplest things work.
they are too fragile to discuss the topics they themselves raise and so ostentatiously incoherent as to be unable to generate simple declarative sentences.
what is going to happen to her when she graduates? what are her prospects? is she ready for the world? is the world ready for her?
obviously, this is not everyone. many of the kids are alright and getting better. but this is not an insignificant subpopulation and as the world increasingly moves away from them, they are going to intensify in these febrile phantasmagoric fantasies and demands for accommodation and accolade.
something here has to give.
and this is why we need to get over this societal stockholm syndrome of tailoring civilization to its most demanding and least calibrated.
this is a dark and deeply stupid road and we are far too far down it as it is.
the age of the crybully tyrant ruling by tantrums of weaponized trait and emotive aspect must come to a close.
it need not be a cruel thing, but it will be perceived that way by those we require to relinquish their thrones. the withdrawal of the astonishing privilege and permission they have lived under will be the most savage of “cold turkey” and they will certainly experience it as proof of every oppressive fear they ever dreamed coming true at once, but what other choice remains?
we cannot have more of this. it’s not like another year of accommodation will calm them or help them or that further decent into pathocracy (rule by the pathological) or other such anxiety dictatorships will provide a stabilizing substrate to heal or enlighten them.
this is going to be a tough time, there are some really, really broken people right now. i’m not sure there has ever been an epidemic of mental malfunction to rival it. but one cannot fix it with enabling. that’s like trying to cure an alcoholic with tequila.
endless accommodation is not love, it’s harm.
so love will have to toughen up and so too will the buttercups.
we had this mostly figured out once. we will again.
Whom the gods would destroy, first they make mad.
In 10 days we have observed a failed assassination [despite the ineptitude of security apparatus], and a successful [inadequate/partial] coup both attempts arguably benefitting the deep state.
The rest of the coup, 25th amendmenting Biden would not benefit the deep state.
The loyal opposition will push the 25 th Amendment!
cui bono? The deep state.
This election is deep state vs America.