we did it for science: hooky day
(because there are no lengths to which gatos will not go to bring you the facts)
yesterday was a boat day hooky day.
8 intrepid souls set forth by sea to los palominos to answer the longstanding question:
can a cat ride an efoil?
actual experimental gear and experiment site can be seen below:
for those not familiar, these things are COOL.
it’s a high powered electric motor driving a propeller that will lift the board 30 inches out of the water and let you ride on the foils at ~25mph. it’s like flying over the ocean.
google some videos.
it looks like flat out magic when you see it.
the rest of the team gave a gato naïve to efoils but with significant prior board sports exposure about 30 seconds of verbal instructions then tossed him in the water with the board and said: “go figure it out.”
the gato was seen to set to with gusto.
after about 10 minutes and a couple of solidly stinging back splats (water at 25mph is no joke) the gato was observed to be standing, riding, and making decent turns on the efoil for extended periods and generally hooting, hollering, and enjoying himself.
boat days rule
efoils are super fun
gatos can become proficient riders if properly motivated by opportunity and the jeering of friends.
more experimentation on this topic is clearly needed.
The joy my soul got just seeing those beautiful waters was wonderful. Oh how I'd like to be there.
I would expect no less for someone who has cat-like reflexes.
I hope your catisthenics training helped.