Things like this confirm to me that I am 100% on the right side of this whole covid circus.

I have a three year old and she has never been tested, masked or isolated and I will do anything I can do postpone that moment as long as possible (the goal being indefinitely).

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Nope. They won’t look in the mirror. 10-15% of the population are permanently mentally covid

Damaged. We’re going to find them in 2045 with masks on like Japanese fighters In the jungle thinking the war is still going on.

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They are narcissists, sociopaths and, often, outright psychopaths. They are either convinced they are righteous and doing the right thing, OR they just don't care and get off on power and control. Either way, covidian cultists feel NO remorse for anything they do.

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I was in Pacifica Ca. last June visiting relatives when a neighbor popped over onto the front deck to visit with her three and five year old kids. Five year old was masked- three year old was running around the driveway, kept throwing his mask on the ground and mom kept retrieving it (from the wet ground) and putting the damn thing on his face while he screamed and resisted. When she found out I was a speech path she shared that she was "worried about his speech development" and "maybe I could listen to him"- I told her he would have to take the mask off first. That was the end of our interaction! Here's the clincher: She is a psychiatrist! yikes. Well....sign ME up! (ZOOM ONLY!) haha

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"one day, those brainwashed by the branch covidians are going to realize what they have actually done here.

and they will never be able to look in the mirror again."

I wouldn't count on it. Some will but many won't. Some will distort/revise what they actually did. Sometimes the biggest lies that people tell are the lies they tell themself.

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I’m on day 4 of Q after popping hot for the ‘rona. I got it from my wife, who got it from one of our four kids, probably the 5 y/o who is the only one who had symptoms worse than a fever. Wife has mild cough and congestion still. I had an ear ache. We did not isolate from each other, and as exhausting as kids can be, they also give the energy to keep moving. Love them too much to abuse them like that!

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I don’t think parents like that will ever understand what they did to their children.

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Jan 29, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022

At least this moron didn't lock her child alone in her room or car trunk to "protect" themselves. Sick freaks.

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The rage I had shoot through my veins just now was palpable. These kind of people would throw their own children into the fires of Moloch or in front of a bus just to save their sorry, fearful, pathetic, self-centered lives.

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Wh... why is the child wearing a mask inside their own house around their own parents?

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Why I quit subbing...can't stand to see kids in masks (and I wasn't going to wear one either)-I doubt if they will ever realize what they have done. They will justify their stupid decisions somehow....

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Never seen so many people so proud of their neurosis, it's like they wear their obsessive-compulsive disorder as a badge of honor. I wonder how many of these people are on anti-depressants or other psychotropic drugs and think it's helpful treatment since some quack in a white coat wrote the prescription. In the meantime their mental health continues in a downward tailspin with the pain and sense of reality dulled by mind-altering chemicals.

At least the bums down on Skid Row don't try and claim the alcohol is good for them.

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These kinds of people will never turn. Anyone who now doesn't know and internalize the truth about masks will never be convinced.

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That's one parent/child relationship that's fked. The parent just doesn't know it yet . . . but they will.

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Quote: "one day, those brainwashed by the branch covidians are going to realize what they have actually done here." (end quote)

I don't think so, these people are fundamentally broken. As much as I loved the Alec Guinness "What have I done?" line in Bridge in the River Kwai, that was Hollywood storytelling. These people's self worth is wrapped up in their smug sense of superiority, contrition isn't in their toolkit.

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Kids learn facial expressions quite early but now they are faced with talking blank heads. Black Mirror stuff.

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Family kicked off United Airlines flight because their 2 y.o. refused to wear a mask.

"The safety of our employees is of utter priority". Yeah, a 2 year old is a humongous threat to your employees.

All of this while some time later everybody on board takes their masks off to eat and drink. Dystopia at its craziest!

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These kids will one day be responsible for making choices of whether to put their elderly parents in care homes or winter in Aruba. Which I hear is lovely this time of year.

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I sure hope they realize their mistakes. Unfortunately it seems a lot of the world goes through life blissfully unaware. Critical thinkers are few and far between.

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I have been asking myself precisely that for two years. "When will these people look in the mirror and finally realize what monsters they have become?" My wife keeps telling me, "never."

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I was in our local Jewish Community Center yesterday. I saw 15 nursery school kids walk by in masks. They are required to wear them the entire time they are in the building.

I am very ashamed of my people!

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They LOVE having this “mission” in life so they can constantly parrot how well they are doing to anyone who will listen.

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Alex Cohen: Middle aged woke metro liberal. These people have an incurable mental deficit. And you act surprised, lol.

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Jan 29, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022

oh shes an LA journo, figures (eyeroll)

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yup. a friend of mine did this to her child. the kid wore a mask indoors for a week (the parents didn't). the kid even built a "quarantine castle" that she slept in (it was one of those toy tents) to stay away from her parents. She's 6. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. We're not friends anymore.

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three year old is thinking: "wtf, this moron is raising me for the next 15 years? i'ma totally effed."

takes forever writing with no capitals. autocorrect is always capitalizing.

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Describe Huxley's nightmare using only imagery...

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Jan 29, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022

I think about my 1-year-old daughter and how she's going to be one of the few healthy and sane people of her generation. She had covid, no vax, perfect health. No unknown side effects, no face panty on her or her family, so there's no messing with her emotional/mental development and breathing. There's nothing but 'normal' around her.

I feel so bad for today's kids.

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I don't think we've ever had a population that is this weak in all of human history. A certain subset like this person is so weak as to be completely non-viable, and many of them are in the media and in politics and pulling us over the edge with them. We need to extricate them immediately but I don't see it happening

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These "strong women" who wait until they're a 40+ y.o. shrew to have kids... probably her only one & she'll do her best to program it to be just as dysfunctional as herself. Oh, the horrors of a dying culture.

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I think our Canadian truckers know this lol. Convoy protest in Ottawa is massive and more trucks still arriving. Raised over 9 million on Go Fund Me.

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Keep the light shining . Its all of us now .. rock on freedom , rock on.

Rereading “ civil disobedience “ by

Thoreau!! Timely indeed …

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If the children of today ever discover what evil has been wrought upon them, I hope their retribution upon their former tormentors is swift and terrible.

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They will never "realise" what they've done.

Zero self awareness, but mountains of blame for everyone else.

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This generation of children will do the same to their parents when they are elderly, because, why the hell should they care about them?

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I've often wondered how long it's going to take for the branch covidians to deprogram. Years I would imagine, if ever. And there are literally millions of people out there like that.

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Love the Full Metal Jacket reference! But that bedroom looks like it belongs on the Death Star!

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She looks too old to have a three year old

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Drug overdoses rose in a city near me by 800% in the last two years. But this is sustainable.

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I can't find a place to notify Substack but I'm having all kinds of issues with the like button.

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I read a Spanish pediatrician say something like “if the baby is ill, kisses can wait”.

My baby was ill last week. He slept 3 hours in my lap. He had covid, so I got it too. One day of mild illness for me, so disappointing. I thought that at least I would lose weight with this disease, but no :( For the baby 2 hours of low fever.

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Just wondering, is there such a thing as a liberal MILF? Thinking "no"

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Alex Cohen: enjoy that blast of heat when the Gates of Hell open for you and you realize that the darling little girl that you subjected to inhuman treatment is going to spend eternity in heaven--separated from her sick, demonic mother who will roast forevermore with Satan.

God says, "Brutal...but doable."

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This is child abuse plain and simple.

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They will never realize. They would kill us first before accepting they were dumped and that they voluntarily harmed their own children.

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Now I know how The Warriors felt while this music played at the ending. I often find myself feeling the same way. Different circumstances of course but same feeling.


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I thought it was pretty well established a car trunk is best for quarantine.


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These people are hideous, deranged cowards.

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All pagan religions have child sacrifice.

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