I have long been involved in health related issues since my profession involves exercise. I also advise clients on diet (which is where fat loss happens, not via exercise to any significant degree) and I noticed early on that the smarter people in the diet and exercise space were, with perhaps a few exceptions, some of the first to question all the nonsense in the Spring of 2020. This is because we had been swimming against the tide of BS regarding things like the food pyramid, fear of saturated fat, the efficacy of statins, the non-importance of LDL when in the presence of a healthy HDL to triglyceride ratio, etc. for years. We new how pharma and processed food corporations had captured entire fields of research. Ancel Keyes is the mid-20th century Fauci in so many ways. A skilled bureaucrat with an amazing ability to accrue power and authority. So it was no surprise when Ivor Cummins (who I have followed for years regarding cardio respiratory health) had guests on his podcast that spring of 2020 who were not necessarily epidemiologists, but data savvy outsiders pointing out the impossibility of the exponential growth that computer modelers were then promoting.

We who know how to actually maintain proper metabolic health have always known that the mainstream advice was terrible. And we did and do our best to educate who we can. But it never seemed as dire as this, because ultimately, if people chose not to listen, the only outcome was their own ill health. (You don’t know how many obese doctor clients of mine tell me, 5 foot 10, 147lbs, that all that red meat I eat is going to kill me). I could swim against that tide, as could my family and simply pity their ignorance and reliance on authorities who had so terribly mislead them. But now, that same terrible top down advice is coming in the form of mandates that limit my freedom and possibly my ability to make sound choices about my own health. Well, fuck that. I am not eating “healthy whole grains” and I’m not going to be part of a pharma annuity plan, whether for Covid or heart disease. Pass the steak and eggs…

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Love this post. I literally had this conversation last night with my sister in law. Just basically how all the government "science" is garbage, and I referenced the food pyramid and how the best diet is actually just meat & vegetables. She thinks I'm a loon.

She also suffered a stroke and subsequent brain bleed after the covid shot, but doesn't believe the 2 to be linked and is still a strong supporter of the vax. I do think I have made some headway with waking my brother up at least....

Written while eating eggs & bacon and getting ready to demo a bathroom.

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she had a stroke and a brain bleed and still clings to the vax? Well, you tried.

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Yeah... The doctors said it may have been from the roller coaster she went on a week prior, even though she had severe migraines for months after the 2nd shot leading up to the stroke

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The powers of delusion and denial are impressive, aren't they? Keep plugging away with your brother.

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I don't know what it is with so called "registered dieticians" here in the U.S. but they all seem firmly rooted in the 1970's. None seem to be aware that the saturated fat, cholesterol hypothesis has long since been debunked. Every article they write seems to say you have to cut out saturated fats to loose belly fat, for example. They seem to be the least educated of all health care folks.

And they should be registered, for the same reason we register sex offenders.

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I’m a dietitian, registered x 30 years. Also a PhD in a different field, as I switched focus after about 10 years of hospital nutrition work. Frankly, dietitians and the organizations they haunt , in general, have always made me batty. Hyper, judgy, control freaks. but Public Health RDs are the most neurotic of the bunch. (Generally)

But, I do have to say I think Nutrition health science is actually much harder than pharmaceuticals. Pharma are chemicals not native to the human body, used to treat disease. Nutrition is natural and used to live, to promote health, and much harder to figure out. Are eggs good for “people”? It probably depends on what kind of people, what else they ate, how much they moved, what kind of life they lead..... Put a human in a nutrition RCT-it’s madness. Different genetics, nutrition status, they metabolize differently, they change habits, start or stop exercising, eat things not allowed, lie, misreport, and lie again. You really have to genetically match them, put them in cages, monitor their metabolic rates, their excretions, their moods, and provide everything they eat. Hard studies to afford and to do, and then ask if it applies in a cage to this selected population, does it apply in real life to other populations?

So a lot of nutrition is done through retrospective or epidemiological, and it’s just “more people who ate yada had higher risks of developing blah blah.”

So it’s messy science that then gets dumbed down by bureaucratic judgy control freaks to be applied to a “lowest common denominator” human bc it’s too hard to explain nuance to the LCD. Then add the companies or corporate forces like the margarine lobby and you get stupid education mantras like, “ALL BUTTER IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, ALWAYS”. Or sugar is awesome, or it doesn’t matter the size or quality of your 6-8 servings. Have 6 servings of captain crunch- it’s the base of the pyramid, and part of your healthy breakfast.

I just think when corporate monsters with money/power and government bureaucratic organization join hands, it’s generally bad news for people.

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loved every word, expecially "bureaucratic judgy control freaks"

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Love it!

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Dr. Sam Bailey interviews Dr. Tim Noakes about his going from a mainstream public heath figure in South Africa to an outcast when he swam against the tide on dietary advice in regard to metabolic health/fats/carbs/glycemic idx. The doctor who hauled him into the professional board for review, and her husband, ended up dying of cancer years ago. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/prof-tim-noakes-we-will-win:a

These people aren't just incompetent or living under a rock, they represent the interests of an industry (even though they sometimes fail to recognize this to their own detriment) , and that is reason enough to question their motives and advice.

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Me too. For people who think our authorities have been safeguarding public health these past few decades, covid has been a rough wake up call, and many are choosing simply to ignore this aspect. For people who've been studying this for a while, it's been painfully predictable. Although, I have been surprised by just how far they've pushed the envelope.

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Would you share a few of your resources/links? As someone who goes to the gym 4x a week and doesn't seem to make progress and know it's diet related, I would appreciate it. I am not overweight but surgical menopause at 44 did a number on hormones and fat distribution.

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Ivor Cummins website is https://thefatemperor.com/ but he doesn't have any recipes. A good resource for low carb diets is https://www.dietdoctor.com/

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Here are some other good laymen options. For exercise, Body by Science by Doug McGuff. For Diet, The P:E Diet by Ten Naiman. It is a cheap e-book with easy to follow info graphics. Really great place to start with diet.

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Thank you!

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You might also check out some of Tim Noakes books. You can see his interview on odysee in my link above.

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Ok, thanks. No to the thyroid hormones. My menopausal clinician pharmacist (the one who considers Vit D3 supplementation non-negotiable) wonders if I have been sub-clinical hypo-thyroid. I tried some porcine origin thyroid med w/a functional medicine NP (not a good experience overall) and without going into detail, my body did not like it. I trust my MCP but not my PCP to evaluate thyroid levels. I have always done compounded bio-identical hormones; would never put Big Pharma's materials into or on my body!

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Ok, you're already on top of that, good. My mother is on the "one size fits all" thyroid treatment and I've been contemplating trying out the alternative, so I'm glad to have more input. My primary worry is what she will do if the VA ever stops providing her medications for whatever reason.

I'm afraid then my previous recommendation vis. Dr Noakes is all I have to offer. I haven't dug too deep into the subject, and I'll have to check out ER's links myself. Best wishes Birdingmom!

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I just want to mention that I am grateful I started taking Synthroid. It makes a huge difference, but the generics are notoriously awful (took that first to my misery)

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Just out of curiosity, are you also on thyroid hormones?

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If I may suggest Max Lugavere's brain health books. I've lost weight just following them to help my sleep and stress levels. and banished foggy brain mostly

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Read a book called Starting Strength or watch their YT channel or read articles on the website.

You're not making progress because most likely your approach is wrong. You have to lift three times a week, eat enough to recover so that you can increase your next workout weight by a small amount. The weight you lift must always go up(to a certain point).

You know that you are stronger than before when you can lift heavier weight. If you can lift a little bit heavier weight each following workout and recover = you are becoming stronger.

Do yourself a favor, buy the book and READ IT.

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"The weight you lift must always go up(to a certain point)." — always? Exponential weight increase can and will lead to injuries and time away from the gym. Better to ramp up the intensity or volume of working sets. Lifting heavier every week is not the optimal strategy for most people who are not professional athletes.

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You don’t know what your talking about.

No it won't. It's nonsense. You get stronger as you lift and recover. You add 5 pounds each workout, recover and you are stronger and you can lift a bit more.

It's utter nonsense that it will lead to injuries and time away from the gym. Bad form leads to injuries not weigh.

You're uninformed and what you're doing here is pandering the same nonsense all the "experts" say. What does intensity do? It sure does not make you stronger!

You can't intensely lift 60 pound barbell for a month and be able to lift 100 pound barebell. You do it by increasing weight on the bar and getting stronger as you go.

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Now I want more info from you on an effective diet lol I've tried keto, its too much to maintain. But steak and eggs would be ideal normally anyways.

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Just focus on protein and veggies, try to limit processed carbs like pasta, cereals, crackers, ect. Limit foods fried in veggie oil.

That's what I did at least. I also started trying to do at least 40-50 pushups a day. Crank out a few sets at the office.

I've lost 10 lbs while increasing muscle tone. At 6-1, 185, want to get closer to 175 eventually.

Don't worry about the perfect diet, just focus on that protein and veggies regimen.

Also fasting from dinner to lunch was a big help for me.

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and is still keto!

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Thank you for taking the time to write this.

I'm lifting weights and following the Starting Strength(name of the book and a website) model. Plus I've read a lot about diet to know that most of the advice out there is nonsense as you say.

The strength training field and most of the advice you get about lifting weights either from doctors or coaches or whoever is rubbish.

You will enjoy reading this article because it deals with "experts" selling nonsense as always:


And this article that I'm going to post a quote from here:


"You have to reject most advice. But you have to listen to enough of it, and read enough of it, to know what to reject and what to accept."

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Sunset Gun, I am currently devouring (pun intended, once I thought about it) Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Can you recommend any other books on nutrition? thanks!

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I would recommend this e-book. It is graphics heavy so works best if you have a tablet.


I think Tuabes is good, but he perhaps when astray when thinking refined carbs were the sole lever to pull. This leads people to sometimes avoiding some carb sources that could add decent nutrition and variety to their diet and it can give a false sense that dietary fat is a free pass as long as carbs aren't present/very low. That is why many people don't lose or stall on Keto. They simply take in too much energy in the form of fat. What Ted Naiman focuses on is nutrient density to maximize satiety so that you naturally eat less energy (carbs, fat) over time. It was how I naturally came to eat over years of experimenting but Ted has a wonderful way of spelling it all out and giving you general principles to follow rather than strict rules or diet plans. He is a doctor but just does regular family medicine, this is basically a hobby for him and he practically gives the book away. You will see that this way of eating clearly works for him. One of the few truly ripped doctors you will find. There are definitely other great resources, but I think this may be the most directly actionable.

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Thank you! I will definitely check it out.

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Baby, that "deep societal reservoir of trust in these federal agencies" has run COMPLETELY dry in this house. I'd be skeptical if they told me the sky was blue at this point.

(Responses explaining that the sky isn't actually blue, actually, are as welcome as a hemorrhoid, and I hope someone punches you in the face while wearing a ring with "DICK" printed on it backwards. Happy Halloween!)

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We must be related, Guttermouth.

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It's possible. I DO have a mysterious past.

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Same! They can tell me water is wet and I'm going to demand an RCT. Show your work, as our teachers told us.

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My favourite line is "If they told me the sky was blue I'd go outside to check"

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Covidian mask theatre at the Climate Clown show.


How can it be possible that anyone takes these people seriously or believes a single thing they say?

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And yesterday, Bolshevik Brandon toured Rome with an 85 vehicle entourage after meeting with Comrade Francis and before flying on his jacked 747 to Glasgow.


To Save the Planet™, don't you know.

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Have you seen the meme "Air Force Twos?

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I don't think so.

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Let's just say Brandon tends to leave a trail.

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Brandon dropping a deuce in his britches at the Vatican?

He's been shitting on the rest of us his entire life and what goes around finally came around.

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This looks like a hilarious Twitter account except that this stuff is bad for my emotional health.

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I see your point, but my emotional health requires truth.

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Maybe I should have said bad for my spiritual health. Truth is paramount for me but the level of irrationality and psychosis we are living in makes me angry. It's why I copied a piece of wisdom from Ecclesiastes 7:9 and put it on my fridge recently. "Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools." Fools don't learn and I don't want to be one.

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I don't think that becoming deeply enraged over the oppression that has been forced upon us constitutes being "quickly provoked".

"Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad".

~ Ecclesiastes 7:7 KJV

Certainly this is true, but it need not always be. When anger clouds reason and judgement is where the edge of madness lies.

All of us must do what we must to stay on this side of the abyss.

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I agree. But there is definitely a problem for me with carrying a low level of anger which is easily provoked. I am thankful though that the Holy Spirit takes over in situations like health care places where I refuse to comply with masks. It is definitely not my own doing!

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Great article. I can totally agree with that school lunch issue you mention, as I have worked in a public school system now for twenty years, and the food they provide the students is utter crap. We are required by law to let students pick three foods and a drink from the approved breakfast list each morning, but the list consists of things like coco puffs with high sugar no fat milk, teddy grahams, chocolate chip mini muffins, trix cereal branded yogurt (I looked up its sugars and found it compares to a regular size kitkat bar) applesauce (high sugar again) chocolate milk, and frosted nutri-grain bars. It's like someone with a 1950s faith in processed foods designed the menus, absolutely no demonstration of a knowledge about our evolving understanding of nutrition. And year over year, our students gain weight each month they are in school, not going from an unhealthy low to a stable weight, but going from a healthy or slightly over weight into full on obesity. With all of the accompanying risks of diabetes, heart problems, etc. It's a total sham. Just a single demonstration, like the food pyramid debacle you mention, of how Big Health "thinking" so often gets it terrible wrong.

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Yes, the poor school children and how ‘bout the hospitals?!?! My husband had colon cancer surgery and when I brought in the first of his meals and gave the tray full of poison back to the nurse and she insisted he eat it, I said “He will NOT and y’all really should put a lovely card on the tray saying “let’s get started on your next tumour”!”

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Hasn't the public health space always been largely a matter of puffed up quackery? Aside from the great benefits of clean air and water, housing quality standards, and sanitation, it has been one parade of idiotic, counter productive program after another —- always with a cadre of profit seeking goons handing out “liberty cigarettes” or any of a number of “magic bullets” to all in attendance (and the parade viewers gobbled them up like children scrambling after candy thrown from the broken piñata). People who really want to be healthy are on their own. They must educate themselves, figure out what works for them, and who they can trust as reliable health consultants (hint … no one who works in corporate allopathic “healthcare”).

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The science is scrambled, and the health is poached. The frog is boiled, and people's brains are turned into an omelette. The sunny side is down. Courage is currently pickled. Is it time to fray out the fat of this nonsense?

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Many people seem desperate to hide from the uncomfortable fact that there are zero choices in life that don't come with a risk of death. Be it from eggs, a virus or getting hit by an errand jumping fish.

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One of the riskiest choices of all is the willingness to be ruled and believing your rulers have your best interests at heart.

They don't. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Just in the last century or so, some 250 million souls have been murdered by their own government. They've been shot, starved to death, worked to death, gassed, burned and otherwise dispatched.

Democide: Murder by Government.


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"Errant", although fish obviously run errands, too.

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Definitely don't want to be in the way of a halibut on its way to the bank.

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not to mention car accidents and drive by shooters

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The worst one I saw yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qasdqNH6EU4

Police taking away oxygen cylinder from someone who was trying to save his mom from dying. Uttar Pradesh state had made procuring oxygen illegal during the height of the Covid Wave in India due to shortages in the hospital. It also sent cops to people's homes who were sending SOS for oxygen on twitter. They did this so that nobody could claim officially that someone who had covid died of hypoxia.

Still people died of hypoxia, in the hospital and on the streets. Governments killed more people in this pandemic by interfering with the public's ability to fend for themselves than by spreading disinformation. I think that if simply ignored everyone and left us to do whatever we could, like treat early, get access to tests etc. We'd be over with the pandemic because the ability to experiment is the basis to discover what works and when and to perfect it when it works and discard when fails. But we were never really allowed to innovate, just told to stay home and die.

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“Governments killed more people in this pandemic by interfering with the public's ability to fend for themselves than by spreading disinformation.” This makes you 100%Right. If they’d done nothing, we’d be way ahead at this point.

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Governments banned the use of proven and safe medicines and put dangerous untested ones instead. From the pop-up of infections nowadays, I wonder if a government person is walking around spraying germs.

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Trust your gut/heart. They have served me well.

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absolutely, our natural instincts. serves the animals well and I listen to mine. ty cheryl.

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Even their weight tables have changed over the years. Now you have to be almost skin and bones to be healthy. When I was a girl you could weigh 10 pounds more before being overweight. And in Rubens' time, skinny meant unhealthy. A friend of mine was 30 pounds overweight, got very sick, and lost 20. If she had been 'right' she would probably have died. Who decides about what? Everyone is different. Some African tribes never eat vegetables, they drink milk and eat meat. Other people are lifelong vegetarians. Listen to your body. Your own body knows best.

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We are living in a time when a proposed untested treatment can possibly end lives of large segments of our population.

This is definitely because of censorship by Internet giants and scheming of globalists.

But this is ALSO, and this is what the Bad Kitten is saying, because of decades of unwarranted acceptance of "health messaging", where lies and untruths are not questioned, so as "not to make the public question broad health policy".

The result of this, there is no one to question the pompous "experts" and so few people are asking an obvious question "how can all this nonsense be true?"

We are living in a giant Asch Experiment (look it up) where thousands of so called "experts" seemingly agree with each other that 2*2=5 and how untested injections are "definitely safe". We are the subjects in this giant experiment.

So is 2*2=5 just because everyone on TV says so?

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Too clever IMHO. We are the same crazed apes as always, and are in a child sacrifice phase. Professional/educated/(whatever) parents are rushing to offer their children to the gods. This is at the very best a transformation, at worst collapse. That it can't be spoken of proves its sacrality.

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The list is endless. Take an aspirin a day. Now aspirin is bad (coincidence that came out right when aspirin was discussed as helping with COVID). Here’s a dumb one- remember when they told us plants clean the air? Not true either.

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I noticed that one too. It wasn't even forty-eight hours.

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R Malone just posted a study that *finally* looked at the pathophysiology of vaccinees before and after the shot. Something that our genius public health officials did not think to do at any time during the development, approval, or worldwide distribution of these vaccines.

The biomarkers show that the shot basically gives you Covid complications like “diabetes, renal dysfunction, cholesterol metabolism, coagulation problems, electrolyte imbalance, in a way as if the volunteers experienced an infection.”


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"Something that our genius public health officials did not think to do at any time during the development, approval, or worldwide distribution of these vaccines." Oh i wouldnt be so sure about that. just that they forgot to tell us.

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Just take these lines from Titanic, replacing "iron" with "trust", and you'll get where this ship his headed:

ISMAY: "But this ship can't sink!"

ANDREWS: "She is made of iron, sir. I assure you, she can. And she will. It is a mathematical certainty."

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I started getting interested in nutrition in the early 90's and quickly discovered how much conflicting information is. I think that's when I started to question the idea that scientists had it all figured out. And food seems like it should be easier to figure out than pharmaceuticals.

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and now wait as Gates starts to interfere with our food supply and what we eat. A nightmare awaits unless we are lucky enough and someone takes him out.

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The hits keep coming...

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Hi Owl, I do not understand your reply...are you for or against gates?

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I was trying to say the crud we've been dealing with the past couple years has been relentless and doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon.

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gotcha, should have gotten that, brain fart!

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Ha, no worries. If you're like me and haven't been sleeping well, I totally get it.

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Way back in the early days, they loved to state "Masking, along with social distance, helps slow the spread!" That line reminded me of the old super-sugar cereals saying "Part of a balanced breakfast!", then showing a glass of OJ and a muffin. Or my very favorite - "X, along with diet and exercise, is a proven way to lose weight!"

If you have to 'bundle' your strategy as part of a package that helps, it's probably not doing anything at all.

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I once got in a Twitter spat with someone who told me because he was a HCW (his acronym, health care worker, to make him oh so important), I should listen to him as he was the "expert." I reminded him that the medical field used to bleed people dry to save their lives, thrown women in ice cold water to cure their "hysteria," think that "hysteria" was linked to the possession of a womb (hysterectomy, hysteria, there's a reason they come form the same root), and fry people's brains with electricity to cure mood disorders, while giving housewives speed to keep them thin and alert. In other words, historically, there is every reason *not* to trust medicine. Unsurprisingly, I never received a response.

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Great answer and plenty of material to give all of us pause regarding so much of accepted "science" and practice. Many "Family Clinics" today continue to argue: that beating heart is not human - just a mass of fetal tissue.

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quick give them some antibiotics

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and then watch them break with C. Diff

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