it was february of 2020, a kinder time. a gentler time.
and the WHO was putting out guidelines to avoid stigmatizing people who got covid…
never forget this.
they knew before 2020 than none of these interventions worked, that their prices were insanely high, and that they should never be undertaken.
they knew the dangers of vilification and polarization.
standing pandemic guidelines vehemently warned against any of this and especially against making pariahs of the infected and cultivating exaggerated fear to drive compliance.
this has NOT been “following the science” is has been the abrogation of a century of evidence based epidemiology and social mores in order to take a devastating and self-serving joy ride with the world’s populace like it was some sort of video game.
and all the health agencies were aware of that.
these were choices.
this was done to you, not for you.
and it was done by people who damn well knew better.
if you learn one thing from this, learn that, because these malefactors and agencies are still around and they are not done with you…
I no longer trust ANYTHING they say or do. My 3 year old needs an atrial septal defect repaired, and I’m terrified they will require the V to do it. I want to opt out of medicine entirely, except for him.
I was ostracized by my church when I had a super mild case in January 2021. The pastor after that would find ways to avoid me. Later in the spring when I had another illness (turned out to be mono!), they told me I wasn't allowed on campus because I "looked unwell." I told them it was a violation of HR policy. The pastor refused to even be in the building with me. He also relocated other staff to a room as far from me as possible. And they wonder why I left.