I no longer trust ANYTHING they say or do. My 3 year old needs an atrial septal defect repaired, and I’m terrified they will require the V to do it. I want to opt out of medicine entirely, except for him.

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This is exactly one of the side-effect of this farce. I have to admit that my view of the medical profession has not really improved (to put it mildly) in the last two years.

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I had a ventricular septal defect repaired 40 years ago. They can do these surgeries so much more easily now, with catheters instead of open-heart surgery. Best wishes to you and your son ❤️

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Yes! It looks like that will be possible, he just needs to grow bit more first!

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My parents had to wait till I was big enough for the heart-lung machine. As a parent now I can’t imagine the stress they must have felt. Hang in there, mama!

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Oh my word, how scary!

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Praying for you and your precious child 💕💕💕

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Thank you. That means the world. ❤️

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I am offering my most fervent prayers for you and your little one.

I do not think they will require the vaxx for your boy. communicate with the surgeon

You have much love and hope coming your way

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The Children'r hospital in my area has had an exodus of nurses & docs, including a cardiologist. Connect with home midwives, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc. to find one outside of the Establishment who can help! Parallel systems are cropping up.

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I would donate to your go fund me if you could drive to another country and get it done...

vax free...

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I was ostracized by my church when I had a super mild case in January 2021. The pastor after that would find ways to avoid me. Later in the spring when I had another illness (turned out to be mono!), they told me I wasn't allowed on campus because I "looked unwell." I told them it was a violation of HR policy. The pastor refused to even be in the building with me. He also relocated other staff to a room as far from me as possible. And they wonder why I left.

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I hope you found a better church. After ours embraced Covidism, we visited many. We found a church that preaches Christ, rather than fear. You walk in the doors and leave the madness behind.

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I *may* have found one. Will go in the morning. It breaks my heart (I also moved cross-country alone), but hopefully I will find a community here.

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Good news and good for you. Don't let the Covidists separate you from fellowship. It's what the evil one wants for all of us!

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Wow, talk about a lack of Christian compassion. Despite the hypocrisy and cruelty you are well rid of that church. All of the things Christ would have expected them to do, they didn’t do. I’m so sorry you had to experience that, shocking but must have also been very disillusioning.

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Yeah it was rough since I ran the office and numerous ministries. 10 year relationship down the drain. I kept screaming in my head “Christ ran TOWARD the lepers, you idiots!” Oh well. 🤷‍♀️🤪

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Same. Was an elder. The lone vote to open up and welcome the unmasked. Daniel's faithfulness and Jesus' whip of cords lost out to a misuse of Romans 13.

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Interesting. I am an elder in my church - and used my influence to ensure that we were the first church in our area to re-open, and also that we did not turn away the unmasked. I am much blessed that there was no real opposition.

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You are blessed, and your church is blessed to have you in leadership.

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I am sure you know this but just in case. It was a failure of man, not of Christ.

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I tried a church yesterday. Drove 30 minutes to get there, past many churches of my lifelong denomination. This was a nondenom in the Anglican tradition. I went to the early service. It was mobbed. Hundreds of people just being in church. No masks. I nearly fell over when they shared the peace. I was ashamed for my old church. Then we had traditional Communion using the kneeling Communion stations. The only change was self serve communion cups. Otherwise it was CHURCH. 🤯

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My wire and I drive 90 mins to get to our new-to-us church. It also is well attended. Salt of the earth. Worth every mile.

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A church member from nearby boasted that their church had bought stock from moderna and they were now rich and could do whatever they wanted. I was ashamed in their place.

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Your pastor needs to meditate on 2 Timothy 1:7 - “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

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We should start a church of the UnVaxxed

Call it the church of my sovereign body

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My favorite weird church name was "The Church of What's Happening Now". Drove past it in Atlanta about 10 yrs ago. Big too. Off topic...sorry. 😎

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Remind him that Jesus loved lepers and spent time with them. This pastor has failed in his education and understanding of the work he's supposed to do.

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There were times when pastors would be the first to embrace you in such times. There is truly nothing that has not been infiltrated.

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...definitely their loss, your gain 💕💕🐱💕💕

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Yes, we can and should be angry about the deliberate manipulation by our governments and "public health experts" to instill fear and secure compliance. This response has broken many people. Some will never be put back together.

But we have to stop reacting, step back, and ask...

Why did they throw out a hundred years of pandemic response wisdom?

Why did they hire shrinks to advise on how best to scare the crap out of people?

Why do they continue to stoke fear and division?

Why are they suppressing vaxx adverse reactions, injuries, and deaths?

Why are they pushing jabs for children, adolescents, and young adults who face little risk from the virus? Why are they testing them on infants as young as six months?

Why are they pushing Wuhan jabs and boosters for Omicron when they didn't work for Delta?

Why did they really shut off travel to/from Southern Africa?

Where the hell has Omicron been for the last fifteen months?

Why if Omicron has been simmering for all this time did it suddenly explode? What happened?

We need to stop reacting. It's a waste of time and energy.

We need answers now. What the hell is this really about?

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Some of the news about omicron in SA is so obviously bs, you can almost smell the cash being handed over to doctors/researchers to provide consistent propaganda. Like Jimmy Dore said a year ago, my cynicism can't keep up with reality.

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I agree we do need to stop reacting. But take your pick as to what angle to attack? We really do need a forum--or forums, possibly local and in-person only--to discuss solutions. Social credit score, biometric security state, blockchain currency controlled by central banks, servitization not ownership.... Nevermind the ridiculous amt of censorship going on right now. We need to 'awaken the other lions' that this is not about health, this is about control. Decentralize.

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"We need to 'awaken the other lions' that this is not about health, this is about control. Decentralize."

That's really my point. Reacting with anger or frustration or dark humor is appropriate and necessary...but we aren't really doing anything.

bad cattitude reaches a global audience, and every country/region/state is at a different point on the tyranny curve. Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Italy...need to be in the streets. Where I sit in the US, we are not yet there...I hope we will never be...but we must me vigilant. Yes, wake up the other lions...and make the sheep uncomfortable...be ready to act...be ready for noncompliance and consequences. Just don't mistake complaining for doing.

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Avoiding the injections is tying up the lions so much that all the other globalist agenda is rolling out under the radar.

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We don't need a central bank. We need a bank of the United States of America. Owned and run by Americans not some globalist family. If we can afford $12 trillion in debt, we can afford to be our own bank.

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Marxists like all secular authoritarians, don’t believe in God - they set themselves up as Gods. The State is their church and its edicts are their commandments- which continuously change based on their current needs. It is a cold and brutalizing “religion”. Nihilism is perhaps the most deadly of all human traits.

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sounds like a lot of marxists around nowadays

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Oh, yeah. Even the Marxists who aren't Marxists are Marxists now.

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As a rule I'm not a fan of linking to my own content but this picture from Times Square event in October is such a perfect match for the last cartoon it's irresistible. https://www.flickr.com/photos/pameladrew/51615688772/in/album-72157720064208307/

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Unless the author objects, please do link to your content. I found this sub stack that way as I have several others that are great.

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Great point and wonderful way to find sources but fun fact, clicking on the avatar with the comment will also link to their substack. :~)

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Yes but….Well, I have indeed seen the ghosted “Writes…” and have used that. Not sure why I was thinking otherwise. Ah, not enough beer consumed yet….maybe. Thanks.

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Better than a placard. Great!

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Surely there's strong circumstantial evidence of corruption of these health agencies, and many other institutions, just to create a market for the gene therapies. From the Imperial modellers, to compromised studies on existing treatments, to bioweapon research in the cause of 'fighting diseases', so called 'philantropic' donations are everywhere. The people involved spent years laying the groundwork, spending billions on lobbying for 'deregulation' and 'humanitarian' medical causes and are now reaping the benefits beyond the wildest dreams of Croesus.

And at the moment, it looks like they might get away with it.

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...darkest before the dawn...

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They already have gotten away with it, though the various oligarchic clans fighting over the corpse of Empire didn;t get all they wanted. It would be interesting to do a lexus/nexus search back through the last 20 months to follow the trail of who pushed the narrative that natural immunity did not apply to cv and how that was taken up by so-called health organizations.

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That would be interesting and helpful to know. I think I read somewhere- I'm not positive-- but, I think the idea of 'natural immunity not working' was part of the scenario-planning of the pandemic tabletop exercise of Event201. Since the US seems to be only nation stupid enough to weave this thread into it's ongoing narrative, there must have been a lot of discursive work done to maintain the lie. Who wrote that script? And, are there any other countries that don't recognize natural immunity?

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Yes, and the attacks against antivaxxers starting during the Obama administration if not earlier.

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Have you seen the latest video of the camps in Australia? I believe it's on tiktok. Scary that so many a enforcing these inane "policies"- naziism at it's finest.

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...just reverting to their heritage as a prison camp... trashing tourism industry... 3 teens who dared escape quarantine camp re-captured... never mind they all tested ‘negative’ for Covid... gotta teach those deviants a lesson...

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But I am sure they were fined $5000 apiece. Gotta pay those nazzzzzis to run the camps!

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And gotta pay for all that inflationary currency printed for plandemic aid....they'll make it back off the same schmoes they held it out to.

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“Stigma can undermine social cohesion and prompt possible social isolation of groups” - is what “they” are now doing to the unvaccinated.

We need to vehemently call “them” out on this. Publicly.

I have experienced attempts by rabid pro-vax healthcare providers to shame me for my stance on bodily autonomy and my position against the false safety and efficacy of the vax.

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To be fair, I think they started that with the lockdowns.

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That’s because nobody was vaccinated then. This is all about coercion to get vaccinated.

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True, but the undermining of social cohesion and social isolation started with the lockdowns. I think that those are both tools to force compliance to shot mandates and part of the hoped for result of all this. Destruction os society as it was pre panic and isolation of individuals and groups for easier control, especially if groups are competing for favor from the authorities.

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The question is WHY? I’ve never been able to think of a satisfying answer to this question.

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I see TWO questions: (1) Why is such an evil plan being executed? (2) Why are (some) people in medicine/health, science, media, academia perpetuating LIES about COVID, brainwashing weak people to their fear & lies? The answer to #2 seems easier to digest: Too many people are going along with the lies to protect their jobs/livelihood. They believe the fight will never come to their doorstep or that postponing the fight is better than facing it now.

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I think that the answer to #1 is easy, they want to control the world. To me, the question is why NOW. There have always megalomaniacs who would have tried to pull something like this off but have not until now. Why NOW? Personally, I think either that they believe that all the preparations are complete enough to get it done OR that the unplanned release of this virus provided the first good opportunity after at least enough of their prep was done.

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Henri, I am inspired by your question. I think that I will try to write down what I think it is all about. Just for me. I have read enough and thought enough about it.

Don't worry I won't start another Substack, nor post a long reply, there are plenty of more astute than me doing so.

But it should do me good to sort out how I am explaining it all to myself.

I am no longer so perplexed as I feel that I do understand what is going on and why.

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Getting out of this distopian train wreck of a society is not going to be easy at this point. Too many bridges have been burned by the authorities that set this up years ago. The war is already won, now they're just mopping up the last hold outs. If you're un-jabbed still, consider yourselves like the WW2 Japanese soldiers stranded at some island garrison, waiting for the surrender to be announced. I expect some blood might still be spilled, but tragically, it likely won't free anyone.

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My wife, kids, friends, and I are in Florida, so perhaps my view/perspective is skewed...admittedly. From my view of the deranged BLUE city/state crazies who are making & enforcing policy, I finally see a shift. People are waking up & turning on the Authoritarians/Democrats/Squishy "go along to maintain power" Republicans. Today is not (just) about politics. It's about people's jobs/businesses. It's about their kids' mental health amidst an exploding & very much silenced epidemic of mental health disorders for which they're recording record suicides and psychotic prescriptions (per MH professionals with whom I'm hearing from these lockdown states). The fight has come to most people's doorstep, even people who think they're insulated without a job (retired/pension or ss), kids or grandkids, etc. Retired people on social security (their money) or pension perhaps don't realize to what degree their future $$ is in jeopardy today. In what alternate universe can the government simply print 30+ BILLION per month to prop up the stock market in which many of your pensions are invested? And you (they) thought your pensions were secure. Ouch! The Biden Regime is NOT incompetent. It's EVIL. It knows exactly what it's doing. The sooner more people accept the EVIL, the sooner we can defeat EVIL.

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I would argue that Brandon and whoever is running him are both incompetent and evil, which is a dangerous mix in a nuclear-armed state that is quickly sliding into the end-stage of former ability to spread chaos and destruction all over the world where anyone defied them.

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All true except for one detail. This ain’t a US centric problem.

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Correct. It is now a hybrid war (largely carried out in media and via global "governance" agencies) of the various transnational oligarchic clans against all of humanity, as the clans struggle with each other over control of the spoils.

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He does prefer mirrored sunglasses. 11 creepy.

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...am more optimistic that good will prevail ...

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You must be looking at different data than I am.

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...You are right, it is REALLY, REALLY UGLY... but TEAM REALITY cannot afford to dwell on defeat... get up everyday and communicate the TRUTH... family, friends, neighbors, anyone who will listen... many are still ignorant... the biggest mistake they made was to prematurely go for the kids... also Trump’s numerous judicial appointments helpful... big pharma might be liability-protected but anyone, doctor or otherwise, recommending or mandating it is actively aiding and abetting the damage... Some refusing boosters... VA and NJ elections were the ray of light... PUSH BACK with the DATA!!! that’s what’s so great about Alex, Gatos, et.al. ...giving us the DATA to push back on a ‘silver platter’ (keep it on my phone) USE IT to EVERYONE’S ADVANTAGE... MINDSET= LETS WIN💕💕💕🐱💕💕💕

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...was NOT referring to a website with et.al., just abbreviating ‘and all the doctors, others providing real evidence and not propaganda’...

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No doubt it truly is a dystopian sh*tshow right now, but giving up at this point simply isn't an option. While certainly many people have shown themselves to really be fools or worse, there's also a lot of manipulation of public opinion at play, to demoralize those who oppose draconian measures. “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ― Thomas A. Edison

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I think that depends heavily upon the circumstances one finds themselves in. Despite there being no legal mandate, just recommendations and requests, every employer requires employees to be masked, for customers and staff to socially distance, have there temp taken and in many cases recorded before allowed entry to venues, spraying and wiping of all surfaces at a minimum. I need work and I need it bad. Like if I can not find work soon, it very well may mean I have to move back to the States for the first time in over 20 years and leave my family behind. For me, can’t get much more dystopian than that.

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I understand; I have to wear a mask at work, due to the fact that I'm unjabbed. I'm reluctantly doing it, so no judgment for not being able to say no to this garbage in its entirety. For me the line is the jab. That's my hill to die on. I firmly believe that the more people signal that they have an absolute limit, and they will defend it absolutely, the more others will come out of the woodwork to do the same.

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I have no problem with those who are not certified in mask use using them. I do feel for them for the risks to their health they are taking. But those of us who are certified have ethical responsibilities that those who do not have the certification lack. Being trained in various safety issues is a burden the untrained can not imagine. Ignorance is bliss.

But to be honest, I doubt I would wear one anyway. I can scarcely breath without a mask as it is.

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Your story makes me think of the man they found years after the war living in the jungle who had no idea the war had ended a long time ago! May be we find nonjabbers on an island like that!

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The Nuremberg Code replaced by the Nuremberg Laws.

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EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code | The Post Millennial


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This is what happens when you give up your guns. Guess what’s next on Comrade Biden’s agenda?

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Check out von Leyen´s husband. Follow the money.

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...NO WAY JOSE... all of them must be held accountable.

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...want to DVR the trial... MUST SEE...

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Their need to invent "Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder" tells me the tide will be turning sooner rather than later. UK this week is US a couple weeks from now. Only the most moronic will buy that crap. Same with the preemptive "Children have strokes too."

Increasingly people will have severe reactions to the next booster & refuse further "jabs." Or die & not br available for another jab.

Lawsuit by lawsuit, here in the US the legal pushback is paring away at their plans.

Here in Maine, well funny story. A couple guys I met had previously worked at Rent-A-Center. Shared stories of going to pick up large screen tvs from delinquent accounts. Knock at the door & announce why there there. 2nd story window opens, old women looks out & yells "No you ain't!" They look up & on seeing her rifle pointing out the window, hi-tail it outta there.

(When I asked how rentacenters stay in biz, they said 1%ers rent entire housefuls of furniture to try out & swap them atound every few months until they fond one they like enough to keep.

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Oops - my point being they try forcible injections & they'll meet significant resistance.

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Then they switch to other tactics. Probably using them now. They are in Japan.

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This is war. When push comes to shove it's either knuckle under & die slowly, painfully from toxic jabs or fight to victory or death.

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Yes, it is. But I have heard only shots fired at us. I have yet to even hear a shot fired in response. There are actual bodies falling on our side of the battlefield but I only hear talk of returning fire ion our side. I’ll stop now before I get myself and others in trouble. If I were in the US I’d be in jail or dead, or put in jail to get Epsteined.

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Losing lawsuits is shots fired. The more Xiden loses, the more they lose their grip. Death of a thousand cuts

They've been planning this for decades. Of course the 1st casualties are on our side. Doesn't mean they'll win the war!

Example: my abusive parents "won" every battle against me except the 1st (when a relative interfered with abortion) to the last (when I quietly walked away & locked the door behind my back). I eon just 2 battles to save what was left of my life. Scarred? Yes. But alive to fight WW3.

Lol, to quote another Gato follower: I never imagined I'd spend my golden years trying to keep my government from killing me.

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I get you point. And yes, we have been a bit pearl harbored and perhaps we are too early in this war for my comment to be accurate. Still, I am 50 with an 8 year old child. A 50 year old coerced to get the shot through my kid. The push to have him take this damned shot makes me impatient with the timid response I see to all of this. Granted, whatever does and does not happen in the US may or may not change things here in Japan but as the shots given out in Japan are form the US and this country trusting the US gov on their safety, that is my only real shot at protecting my kid.

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Yes I have a few family members who had little or no reactions to the first 2, but got quite sick from the third. I suspect they had contacted the virus inbetween and symptomless. I don't think they will like to be sick again from a fourth jab, that helps nothing.

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Also, lawsuits take too much time. The mandates are stayed for now but how got the shots thinking they had np other choice? They can not “unvax” themselves.

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"A dream deferred is a dream denied". The longer we stalk them, the more people awaken. They've lied about everything to date. No reason to believe there are as many vaxxed as they claim. The more they claim are vaxxed the more "rare" side effects. Raise that denominator & 1. the rate goes down + 2. The more they intimidate the minority.

When push comes to shove, we're all walking dead people. It's just a matter of when. I pity the people who got jabbed -- their time will likely be sooner rather than later. The jabs, the more cumulative damage.

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I think you are right. The last I read, they counted the shots given and divided by 2. There are plenty people who already had 3. Lots of vials went to waste (not kept on right temperature, leftovers etc.)

Your statement, walking dead people, reminds me of an excellent piece I read a while ago on Medium, https://medium.com/the-haven/according-to-science-youre-already-dead-1a6f63681b1

It helped me get over a depressive period this summer, when several friends refused to see me and family members scolded me, the black sheep the unvaxxed.

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I think that will be an even bigger panic attack. All those jabbed and the if children with poison in them that can not be removed. And then they might come to the idea of all the other jabs their children get. 72 for now. All poison.

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Too late for those who got the shot.

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I like this article. Norman asks why it takes the government so long to read the pages NOW where they could read them just as fast and obviously with less people, before they allowed the jabs. Bring these people before court Norman !

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Great article. Thanks for the link. Aaron Siri: “So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?"

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The Left ruins everything.

Leftists decades of politically corrupting Universities have now spread to almost all key social structures, including government agencies.

Any place without political diversity, as places where leftists have majority, is the end result of a constant political purge in hirings, workplace practices and services. These places are politically compromised and act as defacto political organizations.

Leftists endgame is a totalitarian society where every single social structure is controlled by them, exactly as communists control of all social structures in Communist countries.

If all social structures are controlled by a single political force elections become irrelevant as elections are irrelevant in totalitarian societies.

Political diversity must be enforced in key social structures and government agencies otherwise full totalitarianism will be knocking at your door very soon.

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I'm sorry, but the right ruins a lot of stuff too. Witness the current trend toward authoritarianism in the US GOP (and, yes, the lib response to Covid too). Can we please get away from this Left and Right tribalism and just talk about, I don't know, reality? Please?

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I completely agree. Left and Right tribalism weakens us. It seems to me that those in charge WANT a civil war. Cmpalmer 75's questions... el gato malo's analyses... we have the common ground.... we need to crowd source: we need to bring together what we know, who we know, figure out and deploy our skills... such that when "reality is a creepy duck faced bureaucrat telling you you have to stay in your hutch" (el gato malo), we, the broad anonymous masses of readers and writers, can act TOGETHER to sink their duckboat of autocratic pronouncements. This is not a left versus right issue. To spend a single second acting like it is weakens us.

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...Elites vs. Everyone Else...

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The right hasn't had the power to ruin anything for a while.

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This is straight from The Climate Change Strategy Handbook. The only difference is the virus actually showed to harm enough of the population to tip the scale.

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I just poked around on the WHO site to see if that March 20 20 document has been updated. It has not.

I did run across this, and I can't figure out if it's a good thing or a bad thing or a nothingburger..."New COVID-19 Law Lab to provide vital legal information and support for the global COVID-19 response" June 2020. https://www.who.int/news/item/22-07-2020-new-covid-19-law-lab-to-provide-vital-legal-information-and-support-for-the-global-covid-19-response

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