This past decade I have regretted not becoming a tv weather forecaster: cute dresses, perky hair style, an actual reason to stay super buff for the viewers..... etc.

The main advantage is that you can be wrong 90%+ of the time and the followers still admire you.

What an ego party

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People will vigorously nod in agreement when you point out the trouble meteorologists have accurately forecasting the weather in a specific region out to 48 hours; same people will insist that “climatologists” can accurately determine what the whole world will be facing a hundred years from now.

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Try this at a social gathering. Ask the MMGWS followers how scientists measure global temperature.

Yes, I enjoy being alone....

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It’s ‘cause the climate models are better than the weather models and stuff. And muh methane.

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Well, the abundance of methane in undeniable.

:-) lol

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wow, this is interesting.

I believe it. Hotter? not so much.

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What is the answer? It helps to be prepared.

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The short answer is most true believers will not have an answer. They do not know. And generally don't like having it pointed out that they don't know. The usual cited sources will be "science" and "everybody" as in "science concludes...." and "everybody knows..."

The truthful answer is that there is no answer: we have no global observational methods. We've not yet devised any way to measure with any confidence "global" climate. Methods frequently cited are vastly incomplete: Vast areas of the earth are not included. Space based measurements are (as our host put it) "not fit for purpose" which in this case means that what is measured is perfectly valid and reasonably accurate for what it was designed to measure, and

not valid nor relevant for what the true believers want to claim.

The problem is obviously complex, as one only need to check on weather conditions in a few dozen places at any given moment to realize the vast diversity of climatic conditions. Even within a small geographic area, vast variation in what meteorologists call micro-climates can be observed. Some for obvious topological reasons and others not so readily explained. This is why weather forecasting is best called "for-guessing" and even accurate past-casting is elusive - not many measurement sites with respect to the vast area that comprises our earth. Compounding this is that we've only been observing for about 150 years, which is not even a gnats blink with respect to the life of the planet - a number between 4 and 6 billion years depending upon to which discipline you subscribe - even the age is not "settled" with competing estimates supportable by (incomplete) observations. Now if our uncertainty there is 1.5 billion years, how can one with basic math skills have confidence in a conclusion formed form 150 years of observation? Mathematically, anything we've seen in 150 years is noise.

Thus computational models (simulations) are the primary tool for supporting the current monologue. Models that failed to predict what can be observed. This is where things get really sideways, scientifically. My background is physics and so "science" means how we do things in trying to understand and explain the physical world. Experimental physics. So what we do is create a model (theory) that fits what we've observed, then we use the model to predict something, then design an experiment and compare observation to prediction. In a good experiment they aren't the same - we learn things. Then adjust our models based on what we learned. In Astrophysics, the pattern is similar: we observe and explain (model). As we advance our observational ability (e.g. better telescopes, space based telescopes, radio telescopes) we observe with greater fidelity and see things not before seen - which don't fit our models - so we adjust the models.

Thus flat-earth becomes spheroid model; earth-centric becomes orbital mechanics (eventually) and so on. Sometimes we fail completely and come up with useful but implausible models (e.g. quantum physics ;-) that get us to the next level. At each step though many cling to the "established models" and reject anything that doesn't fit - and this too is a useful part of the scientific progress. Skeptics are essential. We replace flawed and incomplete with differently flawed and incrementally less incomplete, but still vastly incomplete.

A physics professor who influenced me greatly used to laugh at the phrase "laws of physics". When asked, he'd say "what we know, at best, are gentlemen's agreements!". Whatever laws may be natural, we know very little of them. We have models which are useful for a term. If we don't update them was new observations are available, we make no progress.

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That was your short answer? Haha, I did enjoy it nonetheless.

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Yup. Everybody knows I have issues with brevity....

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Well, it only requires one counterexample to falsify the hypothesis. And here’s a counterexample, even if it is short only over a relatively short duration. According to the AGW advocates, the world is warming rapidly. But here’s a website that takes ~60K readings an hour and compares them to the 30 year running average. With the result that the change from the 30 year running average is minor. Here is the website


When I looked the this website calculated the temperature variation as 0.17 deg F.

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Change that to 24 hours out in a forecast. They just can't do it.

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And I was just hoping that "Hey, Baby - I've found Closed Form Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations." was going to be a bigger hit with the ladies.

But, alas, no. *sigh*

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"I wish I were your derivative, so I could lie tangent to your curves."

"I memorized the first 300 digits of π. If you gimme a chance, I bet I could memorize the first 7 digits of your phone number, too." (Evidently an old line as everyone uses 10 digit dialing now)

I hope this helps!

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"I wish I were your derivative, so I could lie tangent to your curves."


*fist bump*

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I broke up with a guy in college by saying we were an asymptote.

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"But... but... We're *holds thumb and forefinger 1 cm apart* this close!"

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The difference between mathematics and engineering.

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Yep. As a metaphor it's very poignant, actually.

I smiled when they did it on Longmire to represent Longmire and Henry's friendship- they'd never be able to perfectly understand each other because they were White and Indian.

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And that is how you got your pseudonym :-)

I had a physics professor who gave extra credit to students who learned to swear without detection from administrators (some of whom read Latin). Yes I earned my way into this club ;-)

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My husband, a Latin scholar in a former life, was delighted when I informed him "all of girl is divided into three parts" early in our courtship.

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Would that make you an asymptote bag?

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Cute :) Not too argue with the shark, but that's more accurately Zeno's paradox. An asymptote is a slope, Zeno's paradox is about identical increments.

Why did I just correct that? Please beat me up and take my lunch money.

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Funny how the worst villain in a K-drama I'm watching is the weather girl...

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that is funny. I have not gotten onto the K-drama train.

I really should. is there a specific app I need to have? I do not have cable

we have roku. I should investigate.

My daughter and son in law (mostly him and his ego and tiny dick behavior) have banned us from their family. They have three babies but we have not seen them in about 20 months now. Totally blocked, no calls no email or texts, nothing.

Anyway, I have plenty of sewing to do and I should consider some K-drama

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I'm sorry they're such fools. Be of good heart. It may get better.

See my K-drama recommendation below. Note that I watch all of 'em via Netflix or Hulu but Roku may be able to access some.

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You can leave your daughter $0.10 in your will and leave the rest to the grandkids. That way, she can't claim afterward that you simply forgot to include her in the document.

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yes, that is our plan.

Hubbs and I are doing the paperwork lawyers and cpa's meetings, for dad's sizable trust. Once we have it all divided up between my siblings and we each have our shares, we will complete what we have already begun on our own investments.

My daughter and her hubbs are sick. I know the problem lies mainly on my son in laws lap Sad fools

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please recommend at least one or two

of the most excellent ones you have enjoyed.

I just found Rakuten/Viki as one source for at least "free" to see if this is something

I could find jollification in. I could use some hilarity.

Hubbs and I are watching Apple tv - some science fiction thing (we never watch sci fi, so this is a bit uncomfortable haha)and I am not sure how deeply we can get stuck in Apple productions anyway. We have seen a lot of their stuff and honestly, nothing "wow"

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Beware that K-dramas and their subtitles go poorly with needlework hobbies. I have to watch them once the crocheting is done for the evening. (I find dubbing intolerable.)

Here's a review of one I recently watched. Many of the others I love are extremely dark, or in the fantasy genre which might or might not appeal to you. This one has a strong fantasy element but the human relationships are--well, read the review...


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PS: Queenmaker was a very good political thriller.


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Oh yeah, I forgot about reading subtitles.

Hubbs and I watch a few foreign shows and unless it is dutch or german, I can not turn away.

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AND you can still keep your job! Had I made 50% of their mistakes I would have been fired from my job for sure!

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Rosemary B couldn’t agree more, I even point out the ludicrous bullshittery that Laura Tobin spouts.

Nothing could reveal more than she and others like her don’t believe a single word of the garbage they are spouting.

Only months ago she stood in front of a building In Turkey(the leaders were having a global warming conflab elsewhere) with a serious face she said if we didn’t stop global warming this church, mosque( can’t remember which) would be feet deep under water.

So here we have a globe trotting weather forecaster spouting utter drivel, same nonsense could have been delivered from the studio but wouldn’t have the same visual impact no doubt.

If Laura and all the ilk like her really believed and cared, they’d do less globetrotting, even give us the weather forecast from the studio instead of the endless locations all over the country that they pop up in.

Another thing I will touch on is how her, Suzanne and all the other female mob have a continuous, never ending wardrobe that even the late queen would struggle to compete with.

Obviously the sustainability memo hasn’t made it to the screaming banshee’s delivering daily doom and gloom in their constant new colour coordinated outfits.

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it is sickening, I agree

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Regarding censorship: it is purely to disarm the people before the real battle begins. They mean to enslave you, and these are not a bunch of boy-scouts we're dealing with - they intend to get what they want, by hook or by crook. They need you to be quiet for the same reason a kidnapper muzzles his victims with duck tape. You're not allowed to sound the alarm.

Regarding the media and politics: Remember when everyone knew that pro-wrestling was fake and they finally admitted it and the fans didn't care and continued to watch it anyway? We're almost there —meme

Regarding climate change: 97% of scientists agree that they do not want their funding cut —meme

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We defeat them the same way Napster defeated the centralized music industries from his dorm room. Or how Bitcoin is chipping away at centralized money. Or how the bedroom basement podcasters and video creators have cause billions in losses to CNN and MSNBC. We make new decentralized systems.

Regulatory capture is only possible with collusion. So that tells us we are up against a colluding force.

That said, we have been working on a way to fix all of this and more for the past 2 years ("we" at The Society of Problem Solvers"). It is apparent to us that we cannot fight this capture head on. So, we need to make new systems that make the old ones obsolete - or in this case plug into their old systems and fix them with decentralization and transparency. Understanding this takes a little effort and it starts by using Human Swarm Intelligence to harness the Wisdom of the Crowd. For short, it is called "swarming." Scientists and medical fields looking to form decentralized systems need to be part of this and understand this. And anyone who wants to fight collusion and regulatory capture does as well. If you are unfamiliar, please start your journey here, and stay tuned:


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Try putting the comment "World Climate Declaration" into the Yahoo message board, on any topic. It will censure your post immediately.

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Perhaps we should coin the term "climate stability deniers", and start hurling it around with as much vitriol as we can manage.

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We could simply call them "science deniers" as this belief system requires rejecting thousands of years of scientific method and progress.

Truth is what does "stable" really mean? Our geologists have considerable observations that suggest the climate of this planet has never been stable on a planetary life scale of time. Multiple ice ages followed (obviously) with warming. What we call Utah was once all glacier according to geological observations. It isn't today. Change happened. Recently the estimates of time frame since the last ice age have been revised by orders of magnitude. We really have a tiny bit of knowledge.

Astrophysics suggests our planet is still in a very early stage of it's development. The planet is still developing, and will continue to change. Climate included. Comparing our current state with other observable planets suggests change is inevitable. What we don't know is how fast. We've got no real, meaningful data upon which to base conclusions in the short term. We need better tools than we have. Skepticism is a critical factor in improving our science.

If we stop denying science like astrophysics and geology, we can see key factors that can impact the climate as we think of it - such as minor variations and/or longer period perturbations of orbits (our earth's orbit, our earth's moon's orbit, influence of other bodies orbiting with us, and many other variables). It is possible to explain but less possible to predict (so far). What is clear if allowed to see is that none of these causal factors are within human control. Equally clear is these forces are far greater than CO2 accumulation models or human existence.

To deny that change is inevitable is as irrational as the CO2 demonization and fixation.

What has fixation on a false conclusion caused? If we accept that change is inevitable, and our powerlessness to stop change, we might study what we can and begin to develop means to deal with change. Humans have adapted to the environment and adapted the environment to human needs. We can deal with climate change. Through knowledge, not ignorance.

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I did come up with immune system / natural immunity deniers for those that insisted the the jab was needed post covid.

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Ooh. I LIKE that

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Check out this global cooling scare “documentary” from the 70s narrated by Leonard Nimoy https://youtu.be/0-ZDnSbNIYs?si=0INd_8DUJMc7X5pH

Popular celebrities are always used to promote the agenda.

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Covid, climate change.

Tomato, Tomahto.

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Both part of the control crisis.

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Sep 19, 2023
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Time flies like an arrow.

Fruit flies like bananas.

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The only Marx I love.

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“those elevated to power were not the best and brightest, mostly they were dangerously unqualified dullards chosen for political purpose, ideological purity, and a proven willingness to lie about anything and everything in service of “the cause.” (very soviet, no?)”


If there was an actual climate crisis you would see it by now after decades of ginned up fake studies and proclamations. There is no science to support the existence of a crisis. Trees use CO2 to make oxygen. The end. Not a problem, but a benefit. CO2 is a trace element in the atmosphere. We breathe it out every time we exhale. Our bodies make it all day long. Does it make sense that it’s poison?

Drive down the road, any road. Are all the trees and shrubs dead from exhaust fumes? No. They have to trim the trees and the shrubs or they overgrow the road.

Climate involves massive variables like the sun and underwater volcanoes and forces of magnitudes far greater than human activity. We are insignificant. The climate fanatics needed a new religion since they gave up on the old ones.

The grifters at the top just lust after money and power. If you aren’t a sociopath, you can’t think like a sociopath. But that’s what you’re dealing with. Nothing is ever enough. It’s a sickness.

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I applied for a patent on a CO2 capture and conversion technology, our Terrestrial Referenced Encapsulation and Extenuation (TREE). A companion to our CO2 mitigation technology Noncontiguous Unilateral Linear Lock-in (NULL) process that renders CO2 inert, then it is fed to the TREE process which extracts CO2 and converts it to life-enabling O2.

My patent was declined on the basis of existing prior art.

Also noted was that the NULL technology is not novel, as it is the foundation of politics.

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We are on the same wavelength, gato. Climate censorship fascism is similar to apocalypto. When will the human sacrifices begin to please the weather gods? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/climate-change-esg-un-wef-apocalypto

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The human sacrifices began when the COVID ventilators, remdesivir, and sedatives along with the vaccines were rolled out....since it has been, of course, about saving the planet by cutting back the human population....~ Ginger Breggin

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With masks preventing the release of human CO2, while rebreathing it to cause the cognitive damage necessary to wear a mask and be injected with fatal toxic material while motivating others to do so and violently chiding others for declining.

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So, I turned to my feline companion with this query: "Ever heard of this word 'haruspicy'?

He twitched his tail and muttered, "You've got SOME guts..."

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"determined data adulteration"

Hardly anybody does good Consonance these days.

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i am an alliteration activist.

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All the Hoopy Froods dig Assonance.

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Does data adulteration have anything to do with adult data?

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Great work! The thing about the consensus question is that it is essentially just opinion on opinions. It perpetuates the illusion that the letters following the names of “experts” transmute their utterings into “evidence.” It obscures actual data. Just like modeling, which serves as the primary source of “evidence” for the AGW crowd. In short, their version of the scientific method seems to be one that fastidiously insulates their desired conclusions from objective reality.

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Their arguments have this written all over them.


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I’ve always based my beliefs on climate”science” around the question “how long have we been there to consistently measure climate globally?” We did the same with Covid, basing our perception of it on when we started measuring it.

I knew the world was already "mid Covid" when we started counting cases. And just like punch buggies, and when you buy a new car or discover a new word, you begin to see it everywhere. The people that believe that the words, cars, and climate changes based on their perception of it are those people I really want to sell things to.

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"asia is more than half of all CO2 emissions. their output has basically tripled since the early 90’s and accounts for more than 100% of the global rise. any plan that does not involve them is a clear joke. and yet none seem to."


That's because 'climate change' is just an excuse to shotgun ourselves in the face while China takes over.

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That's a pretty harsh.

*rereads, reconsiders*

Actually, seems about right. *sigh*

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“mere patent clerks must not be allowed to opine on physics, this is the province of experts!”

*a novel explanation for The Photoelectric Effect has entered the chat*

They say Elvis got turned down by the first four labels he auditioned for. BigMedia is basically just part of Team Clerisy along with BigGov, BigAcademia, BigTikTok.


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An "ex" is a has-been.

A "spurt" is a drip under pressure.

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Be alert. This country needs more lerts.

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I've always liked that one.

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"X" is also "the unknown quantity" :-)

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Brilliant essay dear gato! Senor choochoo 🤣almost choked on my coffee reading that. Spot on throughout !

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Incredibly thorough piece - well done my feline friend. Now if we can just get the rest of the world to see the farce that is being perpetrated on us we will have won.

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Spread the word. You know now, too.

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"those elevated to power were not the best and brightest, mostly they were dangerously unqualified dullards chosen for political purpose, ideological purity, and a proven willingness to lie about anything and everything in service of “the cause."" That about sums up almost everyone in government and their 3 letter agencies as well as the captured news media. I have reached a place where I have run out of damns to give. I feel we have been gas lit on all sides for so long it is just walk away because we are on our own anyway. But, I know I can't really do that. Some level of opposition must be maintained. I just have to pick my battles, as does everybody. For other issues I just come down to "you do you" and it becomes live and let die. Cheerful today, ain't I !

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_Especially_ the media.


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Whenever I hear/see Little Brian Stelter, I hear Mark Dice's voiceover. For the jokes alone it's too bad that he's no longer on CNN.

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