Imagine the government hiring a private security force (made of ex-cops) to break into your house and search it (and report back!) without a warrant, then claiming there was no Fourth Amendment violation because it wasn't government that searched your house.

The first amendment works the same way.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

“If the vast power of DC has wriggled tentacles...”. IF? There is no ‘if’.

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When one considers that the assault on information freedom coincided with an assault on our ability to move and do business as we see fit, along with an assault on our health by suppressing working therapeutics, followed up by an assault on our lives by promoting and bullying people into taking an experimental and dangerous medical treatment, it starts to look a lot less like typical government malfeasance and a lot more like a war crime.

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Anything said on Twitter against the WHO bullet points was WrongSpeak as early as April of 2020. Gato, you would know this, you were there.

This machinery was in place as soon as the first person was told to Stay Home, Stay Safe courtesy of Tom Hanks.

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I won’t be happy until those responsible are brought to justice and behind bars. This was a crime against humanity.

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I posted the following article by Berenson on Fakebook a few days ago. They immediately suspended me for thirty days for violating their "community standards on nudity or sexual content". I'm not kidding. Over the winter, they suspended me three times (one week, and two 30-day) for posting memes from some of the bad cat's articles...also for nudity or sexual content.

I've amused myself by contacting the Fakebook support team to remind them that the article does not, in fact, contain any nudity or sexual content (LOL). I always encourage them to enjoy their myocarditis. Not being a sociopath, I do feel a pang of remorse...but it passes.


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This is indeed a significant step toward truth and justice. Let’s just hope they don’t Hillary the documents prior to discovery.

On a similar note, I encourage people to demand that their legislators reject S.3737 before it gets off the drawing board. More details here along with instructions on contacting your representatives after the letter:

• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-us-legislators-defundthethoughtpolice)

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" just because i will not allow dog-supremacists to comment on threads because the clear truth is that #TheFutureIsFeline"

I am at a loss for words. The sense of betrayal is palpable. However, I will continue to be a true Sheepdog, and a guardian of the republic. The wolves shall not pass.

I guess now you will post a vid of a cat stealing my food. 🐶

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Great! Now do government collusion and Pfizer!

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I remember someone in the current administration (perhaps the former press secretary) making the comment that "all the 'vaccine misinformation' is coming from about 12 sources" and shortly thereafter some of the folks I had been following on Twitter were axxed. It seemed wrong and terribly suspicious. Maybe you, Gato, were one of the 12 that were discharged. In any case, the government should not have this power.

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I disagree that private companies are free to regulate speech on their platforms. Companies which are in the business of carrying communication may not censor that communication. Just as the phone company can't disconnect your service because of what you say to someone else on the phone, companies like Twitter should not be able to shut down your service because you say something that they don't like. When you speak on Twitter you are not speaking for the company.

No one should be able to tell the companies what to say or what not to say when speaking as the company or when their management or employees are speaking.

Your comparison to speech in your home is incorrect. A better analogy is to speech within a public square, shopping mall, etc. Twitter, Facebook and similar platforms are the modern day equivalent of the public square. Limiting speech in the public square has long been unconstitutional. This protection was extended to shopping malls and similar premises in the 70's based on them becoming the equivalent of the public square. That function has now moved online in much the same way that shopping has moved online.

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Sunshine, indeed... the best disinfectant.

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democracy died with the democrats

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

I was censored back in September 2020 by Facebook for posting a study by the New England Jounral of Medicine saying masks could potentially slow the spread of COVID-19. Back then it was "disinformation" to say a fitted N95 mask could help slow the spread of an airborne pathogen:


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Started with the idiocy of "hate crimes." Here I am dead, and I should care why the hell you killed me? Willful murder is murder. You can't find a strong enough penalty just for taking my life?

When you don't have absolutism about rights, they ain't, as some have already said, rights. They're just permissions.

So tell me. Before The Plague hit, were you writing publicly on other subjects? 'Cause you're a really, I'd say, interesting sort of cat...

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