I've met plenty of elderly people who refuse to live isolated and in fear. They figure a life lived with others yet shortened by a virus would be better than being lonely and isolated.

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Same here. And any loved ones who are elderly right now in my life have already decided that they would rather die a bit earlier at home than go to a hospital or any kind of "care" home where they would not be "allowed" to have visits from anyone and if someone did visit they would be in full hazmat. Nope. Isn't going to happen. And I, also, have decided that I'd rather die free than EVER go to a doctor again for ANYTHING other than blood spraying out of my body somewhere. I'm done. They can keep their masks, shots, distancing etc. It's insanity. And I refuse to participate. It is NOT "normal".

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I'm of the same mind. The problem is that the bastards don't mind if we die at home, as long as we die.

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Yep. But it will be more on our terms. And really, I'm not so sure that what we've been doing for all of these years keeping people "alive" has really been beneficial. Pumped full of drugs and numerous surgeries to have an extra year or two. I'm old enough to be considered old now and I've had an amazing life. One year of bodily autonomy is better than 10 more years in some kind of medical prison. I totally get your point my friend. We should be able to *choose* to get the kind of medical care we want (whether it extends our lives or not) without fear of being locked up or forced to take injections etc. What a nightmare that has been created. Ugh.

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Hey, those houses in France and G5s don't grow on trees. You didn't think about that huh? You only think about yourself 🤪

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Correction....the G5's are outdated models.....they have to upgrade to the G750's and those don't grow on Trees either......

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Just what you would expect when the worlds leading Eugenicist is directing and paying off Fauci, CDC, World Government Health Agencies, and WHO to block pre-treatment with our own tax money; while making $200 billion in the process……..

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Not exaggerating…. Bill Gates making $200 billion from vaccines? Microsoft co-founder explains math behind 'returns' - The Financial Express:


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Its an agenda for sure. I think they want to rid the world of the people who can remember the evil of communism. My father was shot in France in WWII, got shot in the shoulder & received the Purple Heart, only to come home & committed suicide.


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I'm so sorry about your dad, Phyllis.

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Thank you he was a good man.

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If you are 90, or even 70 or 80 and are still afraid of Covid so you don't see anyone or do anything for fear of death, you have a psychological problem. Life is about living, not hiding!

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My grandmother died alone in assisted living in 2020 (not from covid) thanks to “focused care” so while I get that on the one hand, on the other hand our seniors aren’t just numbers and THEY should be able to choose. Locking down nursing homes and ALFs to protect them while denying them even marginal liberties is abuse. Period.

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I'm not sure where this saying came from, so forgive me. I heard it many times from my now deceased (at 102!) grandmother (I miss her every single day).

"A people will be judged by the way they treat the least among them." (Frail, children, elderly, mentally handicapped etc)

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Totally agree with you. I’m sorry about your grandmother. Mine was 106 (and a half 😂) but had only been in AL for a few months - she’d lived alone til then. We (or those in charge) have failed

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Oh, wow. 106 (and a half, cute.). I'm sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

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it was the stupidest decision ever. why were we putting masses of people in incubators?

I am so very sorry for you about your gramma.

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Here is the problem. Drs Kuldorff and Battacharya are academicians. I think highly of them both. Vulnerable care home residents, for nearly two years now, have been treated worse than criminals in prison. Isolated in their rooms, prevented from seeing friends or loved ones for two years. The cost to their physical and mental health has been catastrophic. Some can no longer walk independently due to unsteadiness and lack of physical exercise, some can no longer read a book, no longer able concentrate. Some have lost weight due to depression. The list goes on and on. To say “our public health authorities would do well to remember” all the damages THEY have inflicted on this group of vulnerable people is probably something similar to pissing in the wind.

Far better would be to say we (academicians) are gathering the countries/world’s geriatricians and requesting to meet with the health authorities in every state, country to demand the vulnerable be treated with more what? Thoughtfulness, kindness, empathy to avoid further injury. When isolation is found to cause injury to a vulnerable person’s physical and mental health care homes have complete control in avoiding such a measure. It is time our health authorities continue to give guidance, but also allow care home experts to make decisions based on what they are witnessing.

The health authorities have been a disaster in their advice to care homes, housing vulnerable people. This must stop.

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actually, i think both (who i am pleased to call my friends and have enjoyed speaking and working with) have done quite a lot. the great barrington declaration has provided a rally point and a set of alternate takes that were able to support a shift of the overton window.

these are the real experts and having their reasoned and reasonable plans to point to has helped a great deal more in much of the US than i suspect you think.

in a game where credentialism matters and standing tall on this issue has entailed real personal risk, they have put themselves, time and time again, on the line, and i think it has mattered a lot.

had they not done this, how many states might have lacked a framework and set of experts to use to oppose the federal government?

calling that "pissing in the wind" seems unjust.

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I signed the GBD early on as a citizen, have always respected Kuldorff and Bhattacharya and their willingness to fight the narrative. I disagree with their perspective on the covid vax though as I don't believe anyone should have it! Maybe they will reach that same conclusion at some point.

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Oh, wow, Gato. You and Dr. Battacharya gave me a lot of peace of mind during 2020, also thanks ot the Great Barrington Declaration. Thank you for all your gato posts, and thank you all for keeping me sane.

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My mother effectively committed suicide this year in February. She lived in an "adult community" in California and they essentially locked everyone into their various domiciles. Not only could her relatives not visit her, neither did the place continue serving communal meals in the dining room, so she couldn't see her friends there either. She was very elderly (99) but had no serious underlying medical conditions that would have been terminal in any foreseeable future. She just said she was "done." They qualified her for hospice care and allowed her to essentially starve herself to death, with some medical interventions to keep her comfortable. She had become terribly depressed and anti-depressants had not been started soon enough to have much of an effect. This in spite of everyone in the facility and her relatives being vaccinated, so in theory, no one there should have been at risk.

She was effectively killed by the myopic vision of the Governor of California and the public health minions that supported his draconian positions.

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This could be my mother's story as well. At 101, she was trucking along until the Covid isolation mandates came along. She never understood why Zoom was all she could see of her family. Her lifelong joie de vivre rapidly evaporated until she gave up--a victim not of Covid, but rather of our Covid response.

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These stories are heartbreaking and oh so common. I'm thankful my mother, who lived in an AL dementia facility her last 4 years was long gone when this plandemic began. I would have been powerless to pull her out as I was not POA.

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I am so so sorry.

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Thank you, Rosemary. We were luckier than most. Because she was moved into hospice at the last, we were able to be with her at the end. A priest also defied the diocese orders and administered last rites with her children and grandchildren present. Many, many other families had no such opportunities.

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What a wonderful priest. My best friend died without the sacraments in New York because I couldn't get a priest in to give her the last rites, even though I was her godmother.

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Lawrence, this is wonderful to know. Truly a blessing

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I am sorry.

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I am so sorry to hear about your mother’s death. Governor Gavin has so much to answer for💖

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heart breaking. This situation occurred all over the country, I can assure you. Yes, mostly older people but so many young. No one knows the suicide rate for the past two years

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I'm both heartbroken and infuriated heading this. I'm so very sorry.

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Were you or any other family allowed to be with your mom at the end, at all?

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No. I'm on the other coast, but my sisters weren't allowed to until they were "fully vaccinated" which didn't happen until a few weeks after her death.

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I am so sorry for your loss.

The facility not allowing loved ones to be with her is immense cruelty on their part. How terrible and painful for your family. I'm so sorry for all the unnecessary grief that was inflicted, as well.

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The health authorities have been a disaster to all of us in so many ways. I hope they are held accountable. Soon!

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It should be focused treatment over focused protection.

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With attention grabbing Epidemiologists & virologists everywhere, I am starting to like used car sales people, lawyers, & insurance sales people a little bit.

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A little bit better than doctors, perhaps?

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Used car salesmen no longer have the presumption of trustworthiness, doctors on the other hand...

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A doctor that says we must wear masks to protect from covid has no trustworthiness.

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What ever happened to Fauci’s you only need to wear masks to stop the hospital surge? It is a virus, much like the common cold. We are never going to stop it from being spread. We can easily strengthen

our immune system and bodies to be ready to keep the virus from going into overload and causing pneumonia. Why aren’t the so called government health organizations concerned and simply instructing us on how to strengthen our immune systems. Obviously is is all about the money and power!

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If they had promoted the already existing drugs nothing like this would have happened. But the scavengers were waiting for an opportunity to amass yet more money and grabbed the chance. Totally sick!

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Or as PT Barnum would say…”There is a sucker born every minute”

I can picture Fauci in front of a tent selling opium in a bottle.

“Viruses are not our enemies”


I can name 20-30 virus off the top of my head right now, that are alive & well, living amongst us to this day – & deadlier. But you don’t see most of us freaking the fuk out in the way that we are carrying on like with this COVID-19, why is that?

It’s because of good marketing.

Here’s my point: viruses are not our enemies. Actually they’re our allies that help us evolve & get stronger as people.

Without viruses, our immune systems wouldn’t have any resistance with which to workout. Think of viruses as good workout partners. In fact, we need each other in order to survive. We need them as much as they need us.

Without people who are fertile ground for viruses to inhabit, they literally have no home in which to reside. Things like weakened immune systems, being overweight, malnutrition, decreased protein (Kwashiorkor), excessive sugar consumption, increased acidity, decreased fiber & fearful thinking are some environments viruses thrive on.

Conversely, we need viruses in order to build our immune systems so we can continue to grow & develop as a species. It’s survival of the fittest. That’s how we find out who will represent future generations … the ones who figure out how to adapt & improvise while experiencing all sorts of viruses & pandemics along the way.

Let this post serve as a mental adjustment instead of a physical one. Allow this to shift your relationship with viruses in a powerful way.

When we adjust our relationships to viruses, our nervous system literally shifts in the way it behaves. By simply shifting your thinking about viruses to them being an ally rather than an enemy, our nervous system response shifts from fear (which they thrive on) to respect.

Don’t get me wrong, just because viruses are our allies, does not mean they are to be disrespected. Quite the contrary: they are to be treated with the utmost respect, worthy of being studied in order to understand their particular tendencies, for which we can then account for.

Like anything in life, including with viruses, when you adjust your relationship to it, you begin to notice that thing starts to change.”

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There are enormous numbers of them living within us. I read somewhere that only a small part of a human body is made of human cells. We also carry lots of sickness carriers in us, but as long as they are not 'awakened' they don't harm us. DDT woke up the polio virus, obviously. Indeginous people did never get sick of it even though they carried it. Thank you for this article. Going to save it for later use.

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Yay for diversity of viruses!

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Um, he was lying.

Like he's been doing for 40 years.

But that sweet sweet paycheck...

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True re. the $$. But I think it's more the power that fires his motives. He LOVES the power. It's a drug for some people, and something I've never really understood. I'm happy to leave people alone.

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He also loves media attention. He has a huge ego. They’ve used that to manipulate him.

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Why silly, where is the newly expanded power in THAT?

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The problem STARTS with the nursing homes. My Dad was there for at least 7 years. No sunshine whatsoever... crappy food, no exercise, staff overworked. My mother made me promise I would never put her in one after visiting hi 3 x a week all those years. I would rather sit on the beach and watch the tide come up over me!

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We are treating SYMPTOMS and not doing ANYTHING whatsoever about the causes .. the comorbidity issues.. notice NOT ONE "expert" has pushed health, supplements, sun, nothing.. very sad!

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yes, sunshine and fresh air makes a world of difference for everyone. I am agree with your statement, however, symptoms and causes are not really the true focus. Lock downs were. Everyone needed to be locked down. I am sadly shocked to look back on the last almost two years. The ones that stayed healthy and survived were the ones that did go out to procure the supplies or had employment to deliver items. The ones that suffered the most were the ones that obeyed, or were forced

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Agreed! That was me. Never wire a mask, worked, shopped. Yes got sick this past Sept but no meds, stayed home!!

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No, they have instead forced the opposite. Lockdowns and prevented doctors and pharmacies form prescribing and filling prescriptions for supplements.

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their hands (paychecks) are tied. They're all scared of losing their jobs ($$$). they could go against the narrative silently, but they would be punished if found out. they are not willing to do that. bad bad people

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I am 75 & never submitted to any fear from day one.

What did scare me is how quickly intelligent human beings (including Doctors & Physician Asst & Nurse Practitioners) “OBEYED”

without question.

I immediately smell Communism. My gut told me that this WUHAN VIRUS was deliberately released on the world. I researched Fauci & Burks & Corona Viruses etc from day one.

I had had Nurses training & a Masters Degree. I recalled the outrageous failure with Fauci & Burks during the AIDS epidemic. I retired as Director of Patient & Community Services for my City Hospital. I knew the protocols for infectious diseases.

Thats why I was appalled when last Spring I got my annual Spring sinus infection which historically would advance to a respiratory infection. So I went to a local Care Now urgent care center to get some preventive meds.

Their protocol was to do a pcr test. It came back positive which I knew was false. I said “ OK what die we do now?” Astonishingly this so called medical “do no harm” professional looked me in the eye & said “go home & if you get to where you cant breathe go to the ER”. I was livid. I lashed back at her “ you are telling me I have the “worst” virus in 100 years, & no meds? Even with the flu you get tamiflu for Gods sake”. She responded “Thats our protocol”. I told her she cant really believe what she is saying.

So I icalled my real Doc. He didn't trust the pcr tests either & immediately called me in steroid pk & Zpack. I did well never ran a fever or lost my sense of taste & smell.

Needless to say that will my last visit to a walk in clinic. The medical field cannot be trusted to “do no harm” today.

You have to be your own patient advocate for sure.

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I've spent a lot of time visiting old people.

When did it become unacceptable for some of them to die?


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The countless different things old people died from prior to 2020 weren't even an afterthought to most people, yet all of a sudden 2020 became the year of "we have to save the old people".

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It was necessary for many to die to create "The Narrative."

I loved your story of the New Jersey bus ride.

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Yes, it's insanity. What's the point of living if you're miserable? Not to mention the actual health harms involved. Protecting people to death. Wonderful.

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I’ve been saying that we have stopped living out of fear of death, but I like you’ “Protecting people to death” better. May I use it too?

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Why certainly, I'm sure it's not original.

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I lost a friend to suicide during this period. Would he have committed suicide had he not been subject to CA's draconian restrictions for 1.5 years? No one knows, but having such isolation imposed on him while he was going through a divorce and living alone for the first time in his life sure didn't help.

And, my 86 year old mother almost lost her ability to walk during this period, because she was afraid to leave her condo to get the exercise she had regularly gotten prior to the shutdown. I kept encouraging her to go for walks but tv news had her terrified. Now she is unable to go for a walk independently.

None of this apparently counts to the "even one Covid death is unacceptable" fanatics.

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Oh please may I wake up from this ongoing and worsening nightmare.

Germany is going stark raving mad. The pent up frustrations of nearly two

years have now found the culprit - the unvaccinated.

The hatred and incitement is beyond scary.

New chancellor Scholtz says he has no red line.

Prominent public TV (ZDF) personality on her satire show compares unvaccinated to an appendix, which is useless in the greater scheme of things.

And public radio (WDR) gives advice to families for Christmas. Unvaccinated over 13s cannot take part, if you are a responsible citizen.

My daughter lives in this dystopian society.

She is unvaccinated for all the obvious reasons.

Things are falling apart, rapidly.

I am really terrified.

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hang in there...the tide will change when the vax effects kick in and all the 'good' doctors' predictions start happening...autoimmune diseases, diabetes, clots (already happening)...the vaxxed will be in wheel chairs asking for your help!

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Covid über alles! Impfung macht frei!

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He is a thought! If you have loved ones in nursing homes, which insist on following Fauci rules of no early treatment, give them an early Christmas gift. Buy bottles of vitamin B and C, dump them out refilling with Zinc, D3, Quercetin, and/or Ivermectin. Merry Christmas!

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The B's and C's are good too, though. I even have a C w/quercetin in the same capsule.

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...can’t decide whether laughter or hand holding is the best medicine... 💕🐱💕

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Some things more important than COVID19? That’s dangerous thinking there, Jayanta.

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Remember, Isolation is part of the torture and brainwashing techniques handbook and the related stresses do indeed bring on an early death in ALL age categories but especially the elderly.

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"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live" Marcus Aurelius. -- This one always hits home for me, because for a long time I treated life as a dress rehearsal to some bigger things coming for me in the future. And looking back I missed much that could have been.

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People are waking up everywhere. After almost 2 years of hibernating, they will need adjusting to the real world !

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The very 1st significant outbreak with deaths in the US was at a rest home in Washington State… remember?

We , all of us, should be asking ourselves very tough questions, re, why werent rest homes throughout the nation immediately protected?

( “protection” can be done without abusive isolation)

The fact that these residents were not adequately is a grievous fact.

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If only they let them out in the sunshine (vit D) for as many hours as possible they might’ve been spared the ‘rona AND isolation.

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Has anyone done a study or read any information on the use of the FLCCC protocols on elderly? Is it a significant intervention that would open up homes to more contact?

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At the moment those studies would have to come from third world countries since first world countries appear to believe that treatment is only appropriate after hospitalization. (There are no recommendations in this country for outpatient treatment apart from some degree of isolation from others.) And most Western academics and public health officials automatically dismiss those studies as unreliable because of the countries they come from. The effectiveness of ivermectin is quite obvious from what is happening in those Indian states that have adopted it as a preventative.

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What difference would another study make?

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Brownstone has always smelled a bit like controlled opposition.

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Maybe COVID ruined your sense of smell. Brownstone is pure Hippocratic Oath in action.

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Too bad there's nothing cheap and effective at destroying microbes that runs on electricity and could be purchased at any home depot or head shop.

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I have seen this exact heartbreaking and sad story repeated with the families we represent in our estate planning practice.

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What makes me sad is that someone actually has to say this. I feel we used to know it instinctively.

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Was sent this disturbing preprint by a provaxxer:


Already its title is kind of hostile. I feel tired and intimidated by difficult mathematical formulas. Could someone competent maybe have a look and tell me in simple words why this research is flawed (which I must assume it is). PS I'm not looking for "these researchers are corrupt"-kind of refutations (even if that were the case).

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- The simple answer is that most countries with low (or at least relatively lower) Covid-19 death rates have been increasing their death rate in the last few months. Catching up for lack of a better term. That's Germany, Singapore, South Korea, some northeastern US states, Vietnam, etc...

- "Taken together, our results contribute to the public discourse regarding policy changes in pandemic response". They admit their paper is propaganda.

- "Given ... that harsh NPIs may be illegitimate for vaccinated individuals". The imply that harsh "interventions" are, of course, legitimate for the unvaccinated.

- "We further argue that the unvaccinated would have to reduce their transmissibility two to three times as strongly as the vaccinated in order for the system to quickly reach R= 1". Bullshit. We now know that countries with close to a 100% vaccination (Gibraltar, Singapore, Portugal) continue to have a growing number of cases (meaning R>1).

- "Setting a vaccine efficacy of 92%". Their "76% of all new infections are caused by unvaccinated individuals" statement is based on that number, which considering what we've seen in the last few months is ridiculous and unsupported by the latest studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8442750/

- Later on they admit that a more reasonable estimate is 61.1% caused by the unvaccinated. But they don't use that number in the abstract.

- Here's the geographic distribution of cases per capita in Germany for the last 14 days:


And here's the rate of vaccination for each German state: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccination_in_Germany#Vaccination_by_federal_state

There is some correlation, but far from perfect. Which seems to imply there is another factor (factors?) driving the recent increase in cases besides vaccination status.

- "We find that decreasing mixing (decreasing M from M = 1 to lower values 0 ≤ M < 1) between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals decreases R, but increases the relative contributions unvaccinated individuals make towards it (see Fig. 3b in the main text).". So they admit that a more realistic model gives them a lower value of R... which means some other assumption of their model is wrong. Vaccine efficacy maybe?. But they don't care, because the relative contribution of the vaccinated "increases".

- How good is their model ? Check figure 3.b. The X axis corresponds to that mixing variable M. Look how "absolute contribution to R by group" (Y axis) varies the closer you get to a value of 0% for M. Yes, that's zero contribution from the vaccinated. Their model assumes that if interactions between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated get close to zero, almost no interactions, then the virus stops circulating and almost disappears from the vaccinated group. I'm sure the health authorities in Gibraltar will be very interested in hearing this....

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The mathematical formulas are probably correct. What is obviously faulty here is the source data they are using. They are using the PCR test to justify a higher R number for the unvaxxed and are even counting people with 1 or 2 shots as unvaxxed. Sometimes a fully vaxxed person is entered into the system as the opposite because of hospital record keeping routines (if you were not vaxxed at their particular hospital they put you down as no jab). Also the unvaxxed are often forced to test themselves to keep their jobs etc. so most of the false positives from the PCR will be coming from them. Vaxxed will usually only be tested if they arrive at the hospital with flu symptoms, maybe not even then. So the infection numbers are one big mess, completely useless data.

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A statement of the obvious that was forgotten immediately in March 2020.

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I didn't expect a sort of Spanish Inquisition

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The retirement community my mom lives in recently dropped their mask mandate for residents. My mom ditched hers immediately but the majority of residents still wear them. I could not be more proud of my mom.

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People should have the FREEDOM to choose whether they are isolated or not. Forcing it is just wrong on so many levels I cant even quantify. Taking away any advocate for hospitalized patients is abhorent and evil. That practice must stop now.

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