“i am too fearful and insecure to live my own best life as i would chose to, so i’d like to see everyone else have their best lives taken away, the global economy in flames, liberty gone, and kids out of school so i can indulge my own desires without feeling like i lost relative standing.”
this is literally a swimmer content to drown as long as you do too.
it’s as predatory as it is cowardly.
validating this as though it is familiar and warrants understanding and acceptance is shameful.
this is not “the bosses’ worst nightmare” it’s the worst nightmare of all free people everywhere: out of control wet pants cravens seeking to impose their own weakness upon the rest of us by force so that they can feel better about themselves.
it needs to be shouted down, not coddled and cooed at.
the only thing worse than “everyone gets a trophy day” is “no one gets to play because a few folks cry when they lose.”
if you want to “slow down” and spend more time with family, great. that’s a fine goal. what’s stopping you? this was a thing that was always within your power and a decision many have made.
being too spineless to make this choice unless everyone else has to make it too is not a position of moral power. it’s the ethos of an enslaver who would take the freedom of others to feel better about their own failings.
This breathtaking level of narcissism, mixed into a cocktail with hysterical fear, supine credulity, and a sociopathic irrationality allowing no counterfactual, no matter how obvious, to intrude upon one's superstitions, should go down in history as the defining characteristic of our time.
In my lifetime, I have witnessed the dominant ethos of our nation transformed from teaching young people to be self-sufficient, responsible, productive people that overcome the inevitable challenges life presents, to producing swarms of simpering, dependent, self-indulgent poltroons, blaming every adversity on others and wallowing in their imaginary victimhood, while glorifying every deviance from the norm other than talent and hard work.
This Venutolo-Mantovani is a depraved clown, and epitomizes what the rest of us are up against.
Finally, you are someone who has seen the light. Narcissism is prevalent today. It springs from uncontrollable malicious envy. We need to spread the word that there are a lot of people in this world that are not normal. Only then, when the rest of us normal people open our eyes and refuse to fall for their delusional world view, will we have the upper hand.
My life really didn't change that much as I am older and retired and I still hiked, biked swam in lakes and made my garage into a mediocre weight room. I still had my hobbies and acquired a few more. BUT I never once thought about how the mandates were affecting ME- all I could think about were the kids missing school, their friends, their extra-curricular activities, the local businesses that had to go under, and the thousands (if not more) elderly shut in one room, day after day after day, not seeing any loved ones, and finally succumbing. None of this had to happen.
Exactly. I was social distancing before it was cool, so my life didn't change much at all. (Almost all my friends were happy to ignore the 'rules' as well) But every time I would see a small business owner on TV or a school closed, I'd get SO PISSED OFF that we're allowing this to happen. The actual data is clear and convincing: NPIs don't work and the virus is seasonal. It's going to run through the population no matter what we do. But if we admit that, we admit we've 'lost' and that getting the jab should be a choice.
Yes sunk cost fallacy at its best er worst and that is my best case scenario assuming this is not a globalist one party plot, which of course is my worst case scenario. What should embolden these evil ghouls is the fact that they were able to use the tried and true playbook of crippling people with fear and brainwashing them with the message of the only way out is to trust the government to take care of them and most importantly, “the science”. After years of the education system teaching children that all participants are winners, the US meritocracy was built on racism and that systemic racism underpins US society today, it shouldn’t surprise the minority of the population who are able to think critically that we were shook down in broad daylight! Heck the data are there for all of us to see and whether deaths are with or from COVID, the excess deaths are occurring around the world in the 25-55 cohort. How come no heroic journo from the legacy media crowd will step up and point this out? With all due respect to the over 80 crowd and others with multiple comorbidities, excess deaths in this cohort and the long lasting damage done to children are the outcomes I hope and pray we are discussing soon should these folks be brought in front of a postmortem tribunal following a route of the Dems in 22. A man can dream can’t he?
This is the basic tenet of Socialism/Communism. Share the misery. Enforce equity by ensuring that if one lives in misery and squalor then everyone must. (Expect for the overlords and puppet masters, of course.)
This is an encapsulation of Modern American Life. It's extremely frustrating. A lot of the school closures and lack of options (like some kids go remote, some go in) were stopped NOT by bureaucrats but by moms like this woman. Where I am we had a very long lockdown, but my son's school Athletic Director decided he could put together a way for the boys to play their sports last fall (despite the Catholic League, the Archdiocese AND the private schools all saying they were "following the PA Health guidance" in having zero sports). He talked to other ADs and put a small league together. And the boys played. Him just doing that forced other schools to play too! (after a LOT of powerful people - parents not bureaucrats! - tried desperately to stop him legally and any other way)
Every time I see him I thank him profusely. He just won "AD of the Year" for our region, and no one has ever deserved it more. His courage helped all the kids in our area, all the various leagues were shamed into playing. It didn't help with the academic piece, sadly. Schools were playing sports but locked up tight for students. But it opened a door to that, as well.
I'm replying to myself but I wanted to add, this AD works at a very tony private boys Catholic school. Our initial league he put together was a lot of schools we would NOT normally play, but where the kids desperately needed to be seen by colleges to get recruited ... i.e. city schools, inner-ring schools, poorer schools with a lot of kids desperate for that chance. So this guy opened one door in a small way, stood his ground, and gave all the fall athletes in the Philadelphia region a chance at college. Amazing. And the people like that author just wanted to NOT have anyone try, not have anyone have opportunities they were too lazy/frightened (I sincerely doubt really and truly scared of the virus but maybe) to go for. If their kids had to stay home and hide, everyone's kids had to. They SCREAMED about this, how unfair it was that we were playing and their kids were not. How unfair! It's a sickness. The true virus.
sorry I can't edit but wanted to add - LaSalle is private Catholic so there was a lot of different responses in our area depending. The city ones weren't allowed any leeway however b/c Kenney forced them to stay closed. LaSalle was hybrid start of year then open by spring sports which was nice. It was depressing when we were at schools for sports and the whole place was locked down tight (other than the fields). You just felt bad for the kids. I can give you the rundown on all the schools whether they were hybrid or only remote or whatever! the fancy privates were the most locked down/remote, the Archdiocese was ridiculous with their high schools and had to really get pushed to allow fall sports (late) and I think they screwed up in person learning as well (there wasn't much), and the normal Catholic league schools all did (I think) really great. people I know with kids in the public school system were super pissed at us for a while; I get that. BUT before they decided to switch to pressuring the school districts (without much success, sadly) they focused on trying to use the govt to shut the private Catholic and other open schools down. It was quite the battle behind the scenes.
A few of my son's schoolmates from NFA went to Devon. It's a great school. LaSalle is a sports powerhouse, so I'm glad to see they made a way.
Many people have been broken by this pandemic. I was concerned early on because the reports from Wuhan, Milan, and NYC were scary. When we didn't see the pattern repeat elsewhere, I realized the virus wasn't as dangerous as advertised. I remember writing on Fakebook in May 2020 that this virus was just gonna keep hitting us in waves until we reach herd immunity or it disappears like SARS did. I was really hoping it would disappear.
My son is in grad school at Rice. They're a little more measured, but this has been a weird year for him. My daughter has graduated. Two of my nephews are in college; both caught the 'ro and had to quarantine. Another nephew just graduated from TE; he's says online learning is a joke. He's off to college in Florida. My niece attends a cyber school for gifted children, so she's accustomed to online learning...but she's ready to move on. I really hope this year will resemble something closer to normal.
FYI, just saw a tweet my Hooman Noorchasm, MD. Wolf will not mandate masks for kids in school. Woohoo.
he would mandate them if he could but now he can't. he will let the PA dept of health "recommend" the mandates and it will be up to the districts. for sure TE will be masking.
This confirms something I suspected from the beginning of The Hysteria: the concern for the elderly was bullshit. I have been my mother's sole caregiver for the past 20 years and 10 of those years we have lived in a building for elderly, disabled (any age), and their carers. I knew at the start of The Hysteria, the same people claiming such concern for "not killing granny" are the same ones who would only be seen around here at Thanksgiving and Christmas with their hands held out for a present and to take home a plate of food. And did they care if they were sick or symptomatic with the flu? Of course not, considering how there's always an uptick in resident deaths post holiday season.
Any other time of the year, they give less than a fuck how granny or grandpa or their disabled cousin, etc. is doing. No care for whether their caregiver (often another family member) needs a break for a day or hell an entire week. The shutdown of everything fun also meant that I couldn't take relaxing breaks outside our apartment from my own daily grind. THAT is what I need, not patronizing bs about how healthcare workers and carers like myself are "heroes".
my mother was primary caregiver for my grandmother for ten years. not only did she get little support from her siblings, they were HOSTILE to her for doing it! her loving actions made them feel bad. so yeah, you can't expect (from people like this) unselfish behavior. what you're doing is incredibly difficult and I salute you!
Thank you! I've received hostility from my sibling too, who told me a few years ago to, "stop fucking around and get a real job." Guess who was made unemployed by the quarantine? I said, "Oh wow. Good thing I have a fake job!" He had no response.
For me the worst part about this line of thinking is -- there's nothing stopping you from changing your life in normal times. If you don't like how frazzled you are because of all the shit you obligated yourself to do, STOP DOING IT. If you hate how fat you're getting because you're watching too much TV, GET UP AND GO FOR A WALK.
The 'victims' simply pretend that they have no agency at all and are forced into these terrible situations and can't do anything about it. Fuck that.
It’s seems to be same impulse as the guy who shoots up a school or place of employment and then commits suicide.
On a favorite FB group of conservatives I saw comments like people who aren’t vaccinated don’t deserve to be in society. They deserve ti be banned from shopping etc. It was frightening from people in a group who should know better.
Durham NC reinstated its mask mandate and I'm so depressed about it. It's super "progressive" here and it's insane how badly these people want to be controlled. It's getting really hard to be polite to them at this point...
Yes, but it is most interesting how the covidian operation is a catalyst that exposed the iron fist of oligarchy in the velvet glove while it has flushed so much of the elite control management efforts out into the open. All these mid-level narrative management types discussing how they are going to screw the proles for their masters, and right on social media! At fist I thought it was really wretchedly bad operational security. Then, it seemed extreme hubris. They just didn't care who saw the sausage being made because the entire society is politically infantilized to the point of brain death. Now, I am coming down to very bad opsec and internal fighting at the top, as the big players scramble to secure their status quo position in key predatory capitalist intersections as the Empire can'y hide any longer the debased currency and the increasingly bizarre and psychotic foreign policy. Just when they should be coming to terms of surrender at a Yalta 2.0, try to make a deal, they double down on spreading chaos and destruction. I think more and more, we should see covid just like the elite do, only from polar opposite points of view: A crisis of opportunity, to position ourselves as best we can, as the entire Rube Goldberg-system enters terminal stage. The old, corrupt systems are crumbling as the new systems struggle to be born as the old uses what tools it has left--biofacism and agitprop--to smother the new in the crib, so to speak. And it is painfully obvious that their "Hail Mary Pass" of covid will run out of steam in a few years without having saved the status quo from the implosion it so richly deserves. There will be lots of gnashing of teeth and rending of garments along the way, true, but there is no way to stop this shift now into an entirely different sort of future.
I think this attitude, a kind of spite, is driving a lot of the mask madness and the vaccine mandate as well: I’m putting up with this so everybody else damn well better do so too. (Someone has to stand up and be that clerk who tells Jerry Seinfeld no, we can’t accept a return on this purely based on spite. )
My grandpa (born in the 1920s) used to explain all the craziness he saw in the world as “they must all be on drugs.” I often wonder how many people around me are “on drugs” too. Not just the “party” drugs, but all the legal drugs for depression, anxiety, heart disease etc etc and how many of these drugs are truly “mind-altering?” What are the long-term effects of growing up on mood altering drugs? Is it possible that the fear, complacency, cowardice and bitterness are the by-products of a lifetime of pills? Of course these folks are going to look to more “medicine” to fix all their problems. Not to mention that when you are addicted to something you literally only care about getting that one thing. Maybe when we say, in jest, that the sheeple are acting like brainless zombies, we’re not actually far off.
look at how Simone Biles reacted to being weaned off the Ritalin she's taken since she was 9 years old to see. I think you're on to something HUGE by the way.
She admitted it on Joe Rogan's podcast - she was having a LOT of trouble with withdrawal symptoms during the Olympic Games. Japan has a strict policy about drugs like Adderall and Ritalin - they are NOT allowed. A good percentage of US athletes use those drugs as under-the-radar performance enhancers; this is quite common in youth sports btw. I've had other sports parents tell me to "find the right doc." You could see it all over the field at the Olympics. the US athletes were a hot mess, dealing with "lack of focus" without their legally prescribed speed.
They are banned as performance enhancing drugs almost everywhere. Mlb has banned them with certain minor exceptions (they can be used only if other drugs don't have a positive impact, which is an unrealistic solution). Look at chris Davis from the orioles. Mlb made him stop the adhd drug, and his career tanked.
I'm not sure if other countries ban them, but I wish all countries would. they are speed. btw many Nazis were addicted to speed. we've gone thru past periods in this country where many adults were addicted to legal pharmaceuticals and it never goes well.
I can't say for certain, but most of the Arab Gulf nations probably ban them as well. I knew a couple people who often had to travel there for business and they had some issues with certain prescriptions. I think they were able to obtain alternatives in the countries but they just couldn't bring them in from outside the country.
"This program is well underway toward the Covid-unvaxxed, who are being portrayed as walking cesspools of germs who might contaminate the Sanctified Brethren (the vaccinated). My wife perused an acupuncture Facebook page today (which one would expect to be skeptical of mainstream medicine) where someone asked, “What is the word that comes to mind to describe unvaccinated people?” The responses were things like “filth,” “assholes,” and “death-eaters.” This is precisely the dehumanization necessary to prepare a class of people for cleansing."
This is right out of the left's playbook. Paint those who don't agree with you as vile humans unworthy of walking amongst sainted people like them and worse, evil humans who are actually dangerous to my life as a progressively minded world citizen.
Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.
– Joseph Goebbels
say what you will about joey g, and he was one seriously evil monstrosity, but he was a genius about manipulating humans.
these trends emerge from social media like mushrooms after forest rain.
it's just part and parcel to humanity and some dirtbag demagogue will always rise to take advantage of this displacement based in group out group tribalism.
We're living through the same coercion stages of the Nazi playbook regarding the Jews, which in the early phases was not aimed at extermination, before nor after the Nuremberg Laws enactment.
The early objective, stated and practical, was coercion aiming at emigration.
Pressure towards that objective was put in place relentlessly, even before the Nuremberg Laws, by way of boycotts, professional exclusions, restrictions on everyday freedoms, from accessing public spaces to permission on keeping pets.
The goal, as today, a "pure/healthy” society.
"Jewishness” eradication, as the “Covid scare" of the day, also officially decreed and upheld as a health (by blood) contagious threat, became official policy and a public opinion mainstay, overwhelmingly supported by the majority, "naturally immune" to that “disease”.
Reducing ever more the number of "unclean", "sick/asymptomatic" Jews, virulently spreading their blood/disease by their mere presence in the community, became the obsessive goal of a whole nation, getting them out of sight from daily life contact, in transports, public spaces, and even denying them health care.
Segregation/emigration was the policy, not extermination at that stage, upheld by the overwhelming majority of the German population, automatically "racially sanitized" by "Aryan birth”, issued with social/racial passports granting them freedom.
Covid’s vaccination merely recreates a pharmaceutical "Aryanization", an opt-in way to a new NSADP and an updated version of the then required “racial ancestral proof”, a 21st century “digital vaccinal proof”.
Simultaneous with this policy Nazis also put in place a sterilization and ultimately extermination program, "Aktion T4" (christened for the headquarter's address from where it originated, Tiergarten 4, "Tiergarten", Berlin's "Central Park", aptly meaning "Garden of the Beasts").
Aimed at the general population, it targeted all invalids, physical or mental, from born cripples to merely depressed or chronically ill, each and every "impure" that might “soil” or “infect” the collective health, by blood contagion or mere risk of hereditary legacy.
At first confining and sterilizing, then killing them.
So, gassing was first tried and validated as an “effective” mean towards "unburdening" society from the "unclean" and "degenerate".
As with the Jewish segregation, by then not yet extermination, the "Aktion T4" killings followed the canonical Nazi approach: "selective targeting".
And there it resided their efficacy, cutting off a specific strata of society, decreeing selected pariahs and segregating them, followed by extermination away from public sight.
The only variable needed to control this process was the distancing allowed by the majority, kept "safe" from the "unclean" and outcasts.
And there was where both paths diverged, the "Jewish Question" from "Aktion T4", the former leading to the "Final Solution", the latter officially ceased months before the Wannsee Conference, although informally continued.
The difference being merely the distancing variable.
While family ties uniting the Jews were as strong as those tying Germans to their relatives taken away and ultimately killed under "Aktion T4", the former were all swept away by the dragnet through clean, surgical cuts, with all "unclean" and everyone in their family network proscribed, while "T4" tore apart "healthy" society's fabric, leaving it frayed at the edges.
Which resulted in a paradoxical, though cynical/logical, deafening silence regarding Jew's fate as opposed to ever growing community cries of revolt, coming from church pulpits and public opinion, vocally opposing "Aktion T4".
Nazi leadership, while literally caught off-guard, rapidly reversed course by publicly "ending" "Aktion T4", keeping nevertheless “state euthanasia" buried deeper from pubic sight until 1945.
The lesson it took from the unexpected backlash was embedded in every successive genocidal step.
At every stage isolating whole families, without loose ends, either in a ghetto or even inside concentration camps, as in the "Zigeunerfamilienlager" Auschwitz's Gypsy family camp, keeping family ties intact, as far and as long as possible on the extermination path.
From the roundups, through the transports, up to the ramp.
That's the frontier we'll be facing, sooner or later, this time around with the "unclean" not defined by "race" nor birth defect (maybe "mental condition"), but with all those proscribed having family and social ties as strong as those tested under "Aktion T4".
That's the bet...
Will those ties be strong enough to resist the totalitarian push towards segregation and ultimately annihilation or will they cowardly break and their silence will sentence the "associals"/”unclean”/”contagious” fate?
I don't understand your comment, but that isn't saying much--I'm no scientist. However, Eisenstein's article is about the social/psychological aspects of scapegoating--it's not particularly scientific either, so he's talking exactly about "generalizations" used to attack resistors--as a form of scapegoating.
Yes, excellent. And drills down on a theme Bad Cat has repeatedly hit on all the way back to Twitter. “Something has to be done” is a lie and a mischief-maker. .
I've seen this attitude--especially in people who were able to slip comfortably into working from home during the lockdowns, and didn't have their jobs torn out from under them. This also seems to be the group that is into virtue signaling with masks, etc. but there's an intense lack of empathy for those who might not be enjoying the f**king authoritarian mandates and economic ruin.
I guarantee this attitude, and not necessarily just increased unemployment benefits, is what’s really driving unemployment. Both factors together are devastating.
First: they don't miss lockdowns, they will miss not being a hampster in a wheel, working til 7pm, missing out on a love life and their kids lives. Lockdowns allowed them to be gainfully unemployed...or work from home where they could stop working and have lunch with kids, water their flowers, etc.
Second, this is so juvenile. When I was a teen, I didn't have a beach body. Every April, my high school celebrated the mythical Patty Murphy Day. Google it. It was a day when all the cool kids went to the beach. I was never invited, but that would not have stopped me and my friends from going. We weren't dorks, or bully victims. We would have been allowed, even if we didn't hang out with that crowd (who were probably smoking weed in the sanddunes, getting lyme disease anyway). But because I didn't have a fit body then, I felt ashamed to go topless to a beach full of fit studs, so I always hoped it would rain on that day. If I couldn't enjoy it...no one could. Same scenario with this adult. And millions like him, or her, or she.
Oh, this is a good one mi hermano: the only thing worse than “everyone gets a trophy day” is “no one gets to play because a few folks cry when they lose.”
Did anyone see the recent YouTube video from Vice discussing the adverse effects of the vaccine on women's menstrual cycles? I'm surprised they covered it. The comment section on the video was filled with other women recounting similar or worse experiences, including miscarriages and premature labor and delivery. Oh and their doctors dismissing their concerns and not connecting it to the vaccine.
It's a symptom of the "other plague" that has afflicted many.........NARCISSISM. These people are "vulnerable" narcissists. Their politician friends who mandate lockdowns are grandiose, malignant narcissists who are probably psychopaths as well. Either way, they are not normal. They are damaged, demented people.
Here in the Third World we also pine for lockdown. Unlike most faddish diets, we know that famine works. And yes, there are some side effects such as starvation, but that's a small price to pay for the illusion that we kept Covid at bay.
I just came across this video today "Mass Psychosis - how an entire population becomes mentally ill, " that nicely summarizes the current mental situation.
Is this even real? Yes, it may be an actually published article. But is it the author's real feeling, or is it a sort of disinformation, to get society more ready to accept future lockdowns and restrictions?
As have I. They're practically licking their lips when speaking about another lockdown over autumn/winter and I'm surprised I could understand them around the drool emanating from the mouth. These same people want a lockdown over autumn/winter because they don't like those seasons and enjoyed not going to holiday parties. So like the author of that article, instead of growing a spine and declining an invitation, lockdown does all the work for them.
I've always hated spineless cowards and The Hysteria has made that hate grow exponentially.
Very true. I’ve always suspected that most of these people don’t actually want to visit relatives ever and covid is a great excuse. A great excuse for everything.
“A friend told me today that her family came to visit - all fully Vaxed. My friend’s family is not. The Vaxed all got Covid while here and are blaming my friend and her 20 something children bc they aren’t Vaxed. Just to prove the point, they tested, of course, negative!. Family is still blaming them. People have lost their ability to think.”
See where we’re going? I see two drinking fountains on the wall, and above them on the wall are signs...
There are absolutely people like this out there. Nonehtheless, I can't help thinking the newspaper printed it because it's a way to get people used to the idea of lockdowns. Double duty.
This breathtaking level of narcissism, mixed into a cocktail with hysterical fear, supine credulity, and a sociopathic irrationality allowing no counterfactual, no matter how obvious, to intrude upon one's superstitions, should go down in history as the defining characteristic of our time.
In my lifetime, I have witnessed the dominant ethos of our nation transformed from teaching young people to be self-sufficient, responsible, productive people that overcome the inevitable challenges life presents, to producing swarms of simpering, dependent, self-indulgent poltroons, blaming every adversity on others and wallowing in their imaginary victimhood, while glorifying every deviance from the norm other than talent and hard work.
This Venutolo-Mantovani is a depraved clown, and epitomizes what the rest of us are up against.
Was just about to opine with similar content, but frankly, you said it better, and with more panache than I am capable of. Kudos! Also, damned right!
Finally, you are someone who has seen the light. Narcissism is prevalent today. It springs from uncontrollable malicious envy. We need to spread the word that there are a lot of people in this world that are not normal. Only then, when the rest of us normal people open our eyes and refuse to fall for their delusional world view, will we have the upper hand.
My life really didn't change that much as I am older and retired and I still hiked, biked swam in lakes and made my garage into a mediocre weight room. I still had my hobbies and acquired a few more. BUT I never once thought about how the mandates were affecting ME- all I could think about were the kids missing school, their friends, their extra-curricular activities, the local businesses that had to go under, and the thousands (if not more) elderly shut in one room, day after day after day, not seeing any loved ones, and finally succumbing. None of this had to happen.
Exactly. I was social distancing before it was cool, so my life didn't change much at all. (Almost all my friends were happy to ignore the 'rules' as well) But every time I would see a small business owner on TV or a school closed, I'd get SO PISSED OFF that we're allowing this to happen. The actual data is clear and convincing: NPIs don't work and the virus is seasonal. It's going to run through the population no matter what we do. But if we admit that, we admit we've 'lost' and that getting the jab should be a choice.
Yes sunk cost fallacy at its best er worst and that is my best case scenario assuming this is not a globalist one party plot, which of course is my worst case scenario. What should embolden these evil ghouls is the fact that they were able to use the tried and true playbook of crippling people with fear and brainwashing them with the message of the only way out is to trust the government to take care of them and most importantly, “the science”. After years of the education system teaching children that all participants are winners, the US meritocracy was built on racism and that systemic racism underpins US society today, it shouldn’t surprise the minority of the population who are able to think critically that we were shook down in broad daylight! Heck the data are there for all of us to see and whether deaths are with or from COVID, the excess deaths are occurring around the world in the 25-55 cohort. How come no heroic journo from the legacy media crowd will step up and point this out? With all due respect to the over 80 crowd and others with multiple comorbidities, excess deaths in this cohort and the long lasting damage done to children are the outcomes I hope and pray we are discussing soon should these folks be brought in front of a postmortem tribunal following a route of the Dems in 22. A man can dream can’t he?
This is the basic tenet of Socialism/Communism. Share the misery. Enforce equity by ensuring that if one lives in misery and squalor then everyone must. (Expect for the overlords and puppet masters, of course.)
This is an encapsulation of Modern American Life. It's extremely frustrating. A lot of the school closures and lack of options (like some kids go remote, some go in) were stopped NOT by bureaucrats but by moms like this woman. Where I am we had a very long lockdown, but my son's school Athletic Director decided he could put together a way for the boys to play their sports last fall (despite the Catholic League, the Archdiocese AND the private schools all saying they were "following the PA Health guidance" in having zero sports). He talked to other ADs and put a small league together. And the boys played. Him just doing that forced other schools to play too! (after a LOT of powerful people - parents not bureaucrats! - tried desperately to stop him legally and any other way)
Every time I see him I thank him profusely. He just won "AD of the Year" for our region, and no one has ever deserved it more. His courage helped all the kids in our area, all the various leagues were shamed into playing. It didn't help with the academic piece, sadly. Schools were playing sports but locked up tight for students. But it opened a door to that, as well.
I'm replying to myself but I wanted to add, this AD works at a very tony private boys Catholic school. Our initial league he put together was a lot of schools we would NOT normally play, but where the kids desperately needed to be seen by colleges to get recruited ... i.e. city schools, inner-ring schools, poorer schools with a lot of kids desperate for that chance. So this guy opened one door in a small way, stood his ground, and gave all the fall athletes in the Philadelphia region a chance at college. Amazing. And the people like that author just wanted to NOT have anyone try, not have anyone have opportunities they were too lazy/frightened (I sincerely doubt really and truly scared of the virus but maybe) to go for. If their kids had to stay home and hide, everyone's kids had to. They SCREAMED about this, how unfair it was that we were playing and their kids were not. How unfair! It's a sickness. The true virus.
Good on him. He is a true hero. Our children need many more hero’s like this gentleman. God bless him
I'm curious to know the name of the AD. My son is a recent graduate of LaSalle College High School. I wondered how they responded.
Mr Fisher! btw we go to Lasalle all the time - great sporting program there! Plus it's an AWESOME school. and now I've doxxed myself lol!
sorry I can't edit but wanted to add - LaSalle is private Catholic so there was a lot of different responses in our area depending. The city ones weren't allowed any leeway however b/c Kenney forced them to stay closed. LaSalle was hybrid start of year then open by spring sports which was nice. It was depressing when we were at schools for sports and the whole place was locked down tight (other than the fields). You just felt bad for the kids. I can give you the rundown on all the schools whether they were hybrid or only remote or whatever! the fancy privates were the most locked down/remote, the Archdiocese was ridiculous with their high schools and had to really get pushed to allow fall sports (late) and I think they screwed up in person learning as well (there wasn't much), and the normal Catholic league schools all did (I think) really great. people I know with kids in the public school system were super pissed at us for a while; I get that. BUT before they decided to switch to pressuring the school districts (without much success, sadly) they focused on trying to use the govt to shut the private Catholic and other open schools down. It was quite the battle behind the scenes.
A few of my son's schoolmates from NFA went to Devon. It's a great school. LaSalle is a sports powerhouse, so I'm glad to see they made a way.
Many people have been broken by this pandemic. I was concerned early on because the reports from Wuhan, Milan, and NYC were scary. When we didn't see the pattern repeat elsewhere, I realized the virus wasn't as dangerous as advertised. I remember writing on Fakebook in May 2020 that this virus was just gonna keep hitting us in waves until we reach herd immunity or it disappears like SARS did. I was really hoping it would disappear.
My son is in grad school at Rice. They're a little more measured, but this has been a weird year for him. My daughter has graduated. Two of my nephews are in college; both caught the 'ro and had to quarantine. Another nephew just graduated from TE; he's says online learning is a joke. He's off to college in Florida. My niece attends a cyber school for gifted children, so she's accustomed to online learning...but she's ready to move on. I really hope this year will resemble something closer to normal.
FYI, just saw a tweet my Hooman Noorchasm, MD. Wolf will not mandate masks for kids in school. Woohoo.
he would mandate them if he could but now he can't. he will let the PA dept of health "recommend" the mandates and it will be up to the districts. for sure TE will be masking.
This confirms something I suspected from the beginning of The Hysteria: the concern for the elderly was bullshit. I have been my mother's sole caregiver for the past 20 years and 10 of those years we have lived in a building for elderly, disabled (any age), and their carers. I knew at the start of The Hysteria, the same people claiming such concern for "not killing granny" are the same ones who would only be seen around here at Thanksgiving and Christmas with their hands held out for a present and to take home a plate of food. And did they care if they were sick or symptomatic with the flu? Of course not, considering how there's always an uptick in resident deaths post holiday season.
Any other time of the year, they give less than a fuck how granny or grandpa or their disabled cousin, etc. is doing. No care for whether their caregiver (often another family member) needs a break for a day or hell an entire week. The shutdown of everything fun also meant that I couldn't take relaxing breaks outside our apartment from my own daily grind. THAT is what I need, not patronizing bs about how healthcare workers and carers like myself are "heroes".
my mother was primary caregiver for my grandmother for ten years. not only did she get little support from her siblings, they were HOSTILE to her for doing it! her loving actions made them feel bad. so yeah, you can't expect (from people like this) unselfish behavior. what you're doing is incredibly difficult and I salute you!
Thank you! I've received hostility from my sibling too, who told me a few years ago to, "stop fucking around and get a real job." Guess who was made unemployed by the quarantine? I said, "Oh wow. Good thing I have a fake job!" He had no response.
For me the worst part about this line of thinking is -- there's nothing stopping you from changing your life in normal times. If you don't like how frazzled you are because of all the shit you obligated yourself to do, STOP DOING IT. If you hate how fat you're getting because you're watching too much TV, GET UP AND GO FOR A WALK.
The 'victims' simply pretend that they have no agency at all and are forced into these terrible situations and can't do anything about it. Fuck that.
it's worse than that.
they know they can do it, they fear the loss of relative status and therefore do not have the courage to live as they would really prefer.
they need you to lose your freedom to go out so they can feel good about staying home.
it's envy and hunger for social ranking.
Narcissists do this.
then they'd have FOMO and they can't have that. so you need to also stay home and watch netflix.
That's what narcissists do.
I think it's outrageous that people won't work out and eat well, so I can lose weight and feel good about my appearance. It's so selfish. ;)
It's also outrageous if they DO work out and eat well, because that will make you sad about not working out yourself. Clearly they must be banned.
I know, right? Off to the gulag with them.
It’s seems to be same impulse as the guy who shoots up a school or place of employment and then commits suicide.
On a favorite FB group of conservatives I saw comments like people who aren’t vaccinated don’t deserve to be in society. They deserve ti be banned from shopping etc. It was frightening from people in a group who should know better.
Yes and most are from the non-GMO and my body my choice squad. Worst case is they are too dull to appreciate the irony!
This is like the monkeys trapped in a pit who would pull attempted escapees back in.
worse, this is monkeys jumping into a pit and trying to pull all the others in after them because they like it better that way.
Durham NC reinstated its mask mandate and I'm so depressed about it. It's super "progressive" here and it's insane how badly these people want to be controlled. It's getting really hard to be polite to them at this point...
I can’t believe how strongly people “believe” in masks. It’s stronger than belief in prayer at this point except that praying actually works better.
Our society is ill and it has nothing to do with Covid.
Yes, but it is most interesting how the covidian operation is a catalyst that exposed the iron fist of oligarchy in the velvet glove while it has flushed so much of the elite control management efforts out into the open. All these mid-level narrative management types discussing how they are going to screw the proles for their masters, and right on social media! At fist I thought it was really wretchedly bad operational security. Then, it seemed extreme hubris. They just didn't care who saw the sausage being made because the entire society is politically infantilized to the point of brain death. Now, I am coming down to very bad opsec and internal fighting at the top, as the big players scramble to secure their status quo position in key predatory capitalist intersections as the Empire can'y hide any longer the debased currency and the increasingly bizarre and psychotic foreign policy. Just when they should be coming to terms of surrender at a Yalta 2.0, try to make a deal, they double down on spreading chaos and destruction. I think more and more, we should see covid just like the elite do, only from polar opposite points of view: A crisis of opportunity, to position ourselves as best we can, as the entire Rube Goldberg-system enters terminal stage. The old, corrupt systems are crumbling as the new systems struggle to be born as the old uses what tools it has left--biofacism and agitprop--to smother the new in the crib, so to speak. And it is painfully obvious that their "Hail Mary Pass" of covid will run out of steam in a few years without having saved the status quo from the implosion it so richly deserves. There will be lots of gnashing of teeth and rending of garments along the way, true, but there is no way to stop this shift now into an entirely different sort of future.
"The Sovereign Individual" has a lot to say related to this, even tho it was written in the 90s.
Thanks, I will look it up.
it's feminization
I think this attitude, a kind of spite, is driving a lot of the mask madness and the vaccine mandate as well: I’m putting up with this so everybody else damn well better do so too. (Someone has to stand up and be that clerk who tells Jerry Seinfeld no, we can’t accept a return on this purely based on spite. )
My grandpa (born in the 1920s) used to explain all the craziness he saw in the world as “they must all be on drugs.” I often wonder how many people around me are “on drugs” too. Not just the “party” drugs, but all the legal drugs for depression, anxiety, heart disease etc etc and how many of these drugs are truly “mind-altering?” What are the long-term effects of growing up on mood altering drugs? Is it possible that the fear, complacency, cowardice and bitterness are the by-products of a lifetime of pills? Of course these folks are going to look to more “medicine” to fix all their problems. Not to mention that when you are addicted to something you literally only care about getting that one thing. Maybe when we say, in jest, that the sheeple are acting like brainless zombies, we’re not actually far off.
look at how Simone Biles reacted to being weaned off the Ritalin she's taken since she was 9 years old to see. I think you're on to something HUGE by the way.
had not heard that angle. when did that happen?
She admitted it on Joe Rogan's podcast - she was having a LOT of trouble with withdrawal symptoms during the Olympic Games. Japan has a strict policy about drugs like Adderall and Ritalin - they are NOT allowed. A good percentage of US athletes use those drugs as under-the-radar performance enhancers; this is quite common in youth sports btw. I've had other sports parents tell me to "find the right doc." You could see it all over the field at the Olympics. the US athletes were a hot mess, dealing with "lack of focus" without their legally prescribed speed.
Oh wow. Is Japan the only place to ban these drugs? Were they not expecting to have to get off them?
They are banned as performance enhancing drugs almost everywhere. Mlb has banned them with certain minor exceptions (they can be used only if other drugs don't have a positive impact, which is an unrealistic solution). Look at chris Davis from the orioles. Mlb made him stop the adhd drug, and his career tanked.
I'm not sure if other countries ban them, but I wish all countries would. they are speed. btw many Nazis were addicted to speed. we've gone thru past periods in this country where many adults were addicted to legal pharmaceuticals and it never goes well.
I have a feeling they (the US athletes) thought the games were going to be postponed and were taken off guard when they were held.
I can't say for certain, but most of the Arab Gulf nations probably ban them as well. I knew a couple people who often had to travel there for business and they had some issues with certain prescriptions. I think they were able to obtain alternatives in the countries but they just couldn't bring them in from outside the country.
Oh! Didn’t know that about Simone. Makes sense, though. Her confidence evaporated with the drug.
This is an excellent read and helped me understand what the hell is going on in the minds of other cats.
"This program is well underway toward the Covid-unvaxxed, who are being portrayed as walking cesspools of germs who might contaminate the Sanctified Brethren (the vaccinated). My wife perused an acupuncture Facebook page today (which one would expect to be skeptical of mainstream medicine) where someone asked, “What is the word that comes to mind to describe unvaccinated people?” The responses were things like “filth,” “assholes,” and “death-eaters.” This is precisely the dehumanization necessary to prepare a class of people for cleansing."
This is right out of the left's playbook. Paint those who don't agree with you as vile humans unworthy of walking amongst sainted people like them and worse, evil humans who are actually dangerous to my life as a progressively minded world citizen.
Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.
– Joseph Goebbels
say what you will about joey g, and he was one seriously evil monstrosity, but he was a genius about manipulating humans.
these trends emerge from social media like mushrooms after forest rain.
it's just part and parcel to humanity and some dirtbag demagogue will always rise to take advantage of this displacement based in group out group tribalism.
at least you can count on cats.
we do not go in for this crap.
We're living through the same coercion stages of the Nazi playbook regarding the Jews, which in the early phases was not aimed at extermination, before nor after the Nuremberg Laws enactment.
The early objective, stated and practical, was coercion aiming at emigration.
Pressure towards that objective was put in place relentlessly, even before the Nuremberg Laws, by way of boycotts, professional exclusions, restrictions on everyday freedoms, from accessing public spaces to permission on keeping pets.
The goal, as today, a "pure/healthy” society.
"Jewishness” eradication, as the “Covid scare" of the day, also officially decreed and upheld as a health (by blood) contagious threat, became official policy and a public opinion mainstay, overwhelmingly supported by the majority, "naturally immune" to that “disease”.
Reducing ever more the number of "unclean", "sick/asymptomatic" Jews, virulently spreading their blood/disease by their mere presence in the community, became the obsessive goal of a whole nation, getting them out of sight from daily life contact, in transports, public spaces, and even denying them health care.
Segregation/emigration was the policy, not extermination at that stage, upheld by the overwhelming majority of the German population, automatically "racially sanitized" by "Aryan birth”, issued with social/racial passports granting them freedom.
Covid’s vaccination merely recreates a pharmaceutical "Aryanization", an opt-in way to a new NSADP and an updated version of the then required “racial ancestral proof”, a 21st century “digital vaccinal proof”.
Simultaneous with this policy Nazis also put in place a sterilization and ultimately extermination program, "Aktion T4" (christened for the headquarter's address from where it originated, Tiergarten 4, "Tiergarten", Berlin's "Central Park", aptly meaning "Garden of the Beasts").
Aimed at the general population, it targeted all invalids, physical or mental, from born cripples to merely depressed or chronically ill, each and every "impure" that might “soil” or “infect” the collective health, by blood contagion or mere risk of hereditary legacy.
At first confining and sterilizing, then killing them.
So, gassing was first tried and validated as an “effective” mean towards "unburdening" society from the "unclean" and "degenerate".
As with the Jewish segregation, by then not yet extermination, the "Aktion T4" killings followed the canonical Nazi approach: "selective targeting".
And there it resided their efficacy, cutting off a specific strata of society, decreeing selected pariahs and segregating them, followed by extermination away from public sight.
The only variable needed to control this process was the distancing allowed by the majority, kept "safe" from the "unclean" and outcasts.
And there was where both paths diverged, the "Jewish Question" from "Aktion T4", the former leading to the "Final Solution", the latter officially ceased months before the Wannsee Conference, although informally continued.
The difference being merely the distancing variable.
While family ties uniting the Jews were as strong as those tying Germans to their relatives taken away and ultimately killed under "Aktion T4", the former were all swept away by the dragnet through clean, surgical cuts, with all "unclean" and everyone in their family network proscribed, while "T4" tore apart "healthy" society's fabric, leaving it frayed at the edges.
Which resulted in a paradoxical, though cynical/logical, deafening silence regarding Jew's fate as opposed to ever growing community cries of revolt, coming from church pulpits and public opinion, vocally opposing "Aktion T4".
Nazi leadership, while literally caught off-guard, rapidly reversed course by publicly "ending" "Aktion T4", keeping nevertheless “state euthanasia" buried deeper from pubic sight until 1945.
The lesson it took from the unexpected backlash was embedded in every successive genocidal step.
At every stage isolating whole families, without loose ends, either in a ghetto or even inside concentration camps, as in the "Zigeunerfamilienlager" Auschwitz's Gypsy family camp, keeping family ties intact, as far and as long as possible on the extermination path.
From the roundups, through the transports, up to the ramp.
That's the frontier we'll be facing, sooner or later, this time around with the "unclean" not defined by "race" nor birth defect (maybe "mental condition"), but with all those proscribed having family and social ties as strong as those tested under "Aktion T4".
That's the bet...
Will those ties be strong enough to resist the totalitarian push towards segregation and ultimately annihilation or will they cowardly break and their silence will sentence the "associals"/”unclean”/”contagious” fate?
yes. If you haven't read this, it's a very good read along just these lines: https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/mob-morality-and-the-unvaxxed
I don't understand your comment, but that isn't saying much--I'm no scientist. However, Eisenstein's article is about the social/psychological aspects of scapegoating--it's not particularly scientific either, so he's talking exactly about "generalizations" used to attack resistors--as a form of scapegoating.
Yes, excellent. And drills down on a theme Bad Cat has repeatedly hit on all the way back to Twitter. “Something has to be done” is a lie and a mischief-maker. .
I've seen this attitude--especially in people who were able to slip comfortably into working from home during the lockdowns, and didn't have their jobs torn out from under them. This also seems to be the group that is into virtue signaling with masks, etc. but there's an intense lack of empathy for those who might not be enjoying the f**king authoritarian mandates and economic ruin.
I guarantee this attitude, and not necessarily just increased unemployment benefits, is what’s really driving unemployment. Both factors together are devastating.
What a mingy little slag- though quite representative of many.
"You do not speak for me."
I thought two things when I read this:
First: they don't miss lockdowns, they will miss not being a hampster in a wheel, working til 7pm, missing out on a love life and their kids lives. Lockdowns allowed them to be gainfully unemployed...or work from home where they could stop working and have lunch with kids, water their flowers, etc.
Second, this is so juvenile. When I was a teen, I didn't have a beach body. Every April, my high school celebrated the mythical Patty Murphy Day. Google it. It was a day when all the cool kids went to the beach. I was never invited, but that would not have stopped me and my friends from going. We weren't dorks, or bully victims. We would have been allowed, even if we didn't hang out with that crowd (who were probably smoking weed in the sanddunes, getting lyme disease anyway). But because I didn't have a fit body then, I felt ashamed to go topless to a beach full of fit studs, so I always hoped it would rain on that day. If I couldn't enjoy it...no one could. Same scenario with this adult. And millions like him, or her, or she.
Can we open again some pysc yards for these people?
Oh, this is a good one mi hermano: the only thing worse than “everyone gets a trophy day” is “no one gets to play because a few folks cry when they lose.”
Did anyone see the recent YouTube video from Vice discussing the adverse effects of the vaccine on women's menstrual cycles? I'm surprised they covered it. The comment section on the video was filled with other women recounting similar or worse experiences, including miscarriages and premature labor and delivery. Oh and their doctors dismissing their concerns and not connecting it to the vaccine.
But isn't this the general mindset now? I suffer so everyone has to suffer. Equity, not equality, a race to the bottom?
It's a symptom of the "other plague" that has afflicted many.........NARCISSISM. These people are "vulnerable" narcissists. Their politician friends who mandate lockdowns are grandiose, malignant narcissists who are probably psychopaths as well. Either way, they are not normal. They are damaged, demented people.
The Fat Man hijacks and derails the trolley in a clear track.
Here in the Third World we also pine for lockdown. Unlike most faddish diets, we know that famine works. And yes, there are some side effects such as starvation, but that's a small price to pay for the illusion that we kept Covid at bay.
Truer words were never spoken.
This guy is so evil he reminds me of a villain from one of Ayn Rand’s novels.
Misery loves company...
I just came across this video today "Mass Psychosis - how an entire population becomes mentally ill, " that nicely summarizes the current mental situation.
Is this even real? Yes, it may be an actually published article. But is it the author's real feeling, or is it a sort of disinformation, to get society more ready to accept future lockdowns and restrictions?
it's very very real. I hear it a lot from friends/relatives who are Liberals and live in the city.
As have I. They're practically licking their lips when speaking about another lockdown over autumn/winter and I'm surprised I could understand them around the drool emanating from the mouth. These same people want a lockdown over autumn/winter because they don't like those seasons and enjoyed not going to holiday parties. So like the author of that article, instead of growing a spine and declining an invitation, lockdown does all the work for them.
I've always hated spineless cowards and The Hysteria has made that hate grow exponentially.
the ability to maintain or even enhance social standing while ceasing to strive is a powerful opiate for many, many people.
they did not pursue their lives out of love for what they were doing but rather from need to stay ahead of the neighbors.
then they wondered why they never felt fulfilled.
this is their dream come true. unfortunately, it's predicated on inflicting nightmares upon the rest of us.
This is what vulnerable narcissists do. They are sick, damaged people.
Very true. I’ve always suspected that most of these people don’t actually want to visit relatives ever and covid is a great excuse. A great excuse for everything.
Just see what happens when you DO visit.
This just in:
“A friend told me today that her family came to visit - all fully Vaxed. My friend’s family is not. The Vaxed all got Covid while here and are blaming my friend and her 20 something children bc they aren’t Vaxed. Just to prove the point, they tested, of course, negative!. Family is still blaming them. People have lost their ability to think.”
See where we’re going? I see two drinking fountains on the wall, and above them on the wall are signs...
Oh yes, of course—guilt trip and blame! I’m surprised the vaxxed people left their house at all!
There are absolutely people like this out there. Nonehtheless, I can't help thinking the newspaper printed it because it's a way to get people used to the idea of lockdowns. Double duty.
Yes they are both dull and narcissistic, like many of their heroes in the squad!