The more I think on it, the more I realize the uniqueness of the American Experiment was not that the American form of government is a magic bullet for maintaining liberty in and of itself. The real active ingredient was the people who were committed to that end. A moral and religious people, as Adams would have it. A people with conviction. Conviction which we can assume is long gone if something like the deep state is allowed to flourish.

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They weren't so moral and religious. They were just smart, and understood human nature, and how one might have a chance to best counter its worst with a framework of rights and limits.

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Founded by Puritans, no? What so-called non-religious Americans miss is that they unknowingly live their lives by the very Christian morals and ethics they pretend comes from human nature. It’s only when a society begins turning their backs in droves that the fabric unravels and human nature always turns evil and human life isn’t worth spit. Then the carnage begins.

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Outstanding, true comment. Nietzsche stated emphatically that there is nothing self-evident about Christian morality, and that it will collapse when Christianity fades away (he put the expiration date at ~50 years from now). The notion of human rights comes from Christianity. No Christianity, no human rights. It's gonna get really ugly... and soon.

Historian Tom Holland wrote a very interesting book ("Dominion") on this topic. An atheist, he now finds himself going to church weekly, according to an interview I listened to last year.

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You are on the right track, but you have Nietzsche somewhat wrong. He writes* extensively about morality. Oversimplifying perhaps a tad, Christianity drew heavily from Judaism and Platonism. Even Judaism is fairly late on the scene, historically speaking: human civilization, albeit a bit more primitive, easily pre-dates it by several millennia. Long predating these influential philosophies is what Nietzsche terms Master and Slave moralities. This (in part) is credited (or blamed?) as the origin of "human rights,' that is, that the slave/commoner had any rights at all, compared to the nobles/aristocracy.

I think you're in error about the 50-year claim. I've read nearly all his works and I'm quite sure that nowhere does he make such a claim. You are, however, broadly correct about the "collapse" part. Nietzsche envisions systems of morality becoming decadent, eventually to nihilism, the rejection of all standards of value. He does make some predictions about the future, such as that a great struggle of the 20th century would involve Russia and Europe’s struggle for world dominance that arguably may have rung true.

Perhaps you weren’t so off base after all. Consider Nietzsche’s infamous “God is dead” quote. To be sure, he was an unbeliever. But back of that sound bite was the idea that science since the Renaissance and Enlightenment had dethroned Christianity as a serious field of study and indeed, that no one in his day (19th century) took it seriously. But it didn’t stop there. As a core social belief, Science/Liberal Democracy as a belief system has supplanted religion. Somewhat ironically I’d say, it was the European scientific insistence on the search for truth that had toppled religion and, he thinks, would eventually threaten democracy and even science itself to the same fate. Remember nihilism: the abandonment of all values.

He may well have made the "self-evident" claim as you do above. I certainly agree with it. Allow me to add my own interpretation, which is hardly original. That is the observation that morality, law, ethics, custom and the like are ENTIRELY human creations. I'm not denying that they don't have any utility; I'm only saying in so many words what Hume claimed in that an "Ought" cannot be derived from an "is." Many implications follow from this observation. The most important is simply that we humans can devise any mental framework we wish. How well it maps to reality is the pertinent issue. We can devise models that are good approximations of how reality works, or we can make up our own fantasies and attempt to hammer reality into compliance. It's in the latter case that that is a source of a great number of human's ills. [In my opinion, he does argue such a perspective in various places, such as in "Beyond Good and Evil" where he takes the Stoics to task for wishing to live "according to Nature."]

Nietzsche would no doubt agree on the “it’s gonna get ugly” but he might disagree on the timeline. Indeed, the world went through some rather ugly times in the 20th century.

*I've always been bugged by the convention that one refer to an author in the present tense; never mind he's been dead for well over a century.

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Interesting comment. Thanks. Not an academic, I read Nietzsche for "fun", and have not read his every word.

I took an 8 -part summer seminar on Nietzsche in which the instructor mentioned that Fred gave Christianity 200 more years from his time of writing. That's the source of that claim. Certainly, he could be wrong about but I know the instructor (an autistic individual) quite well, and he is very particular about conveying facts...and just the facts.

Christianity is collapsing. No doubt about it. And exactly as predicted in Scripture. I think everyone--religious or secular-- senses that the world is traveling 100 mph while attempting to make a hairpin turn.

We live in interesting times, SD.

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Succinct and accurate. Thank you.

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Them Old Testament Christian values?

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Aug 25, 2023Edited
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It is Christian duty, and should be the duty of all, frankly, to stand up to injustice and evil. Anger and action against injustice are demanded from Christians. (Yes, of course, they've failed on occasions too numerous to count, but the standard is there.)

Christianity has been attenuated into "being nice and tolerant."

The Left has really changed the meaning and practice of Christianity.

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That duty belongs to all Men and Cats of all creeds.

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"The Left has really changed the meaning and practice of Christianity."

...which is a Middle East blood sacrifice cult trying to pretend it's nice and tolerant.

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Polly wanna cracker?

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Aug 26, 2023
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Yes, a complete aping of, and perversion of Christianiy. From "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality" to today's "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion", they even establish their new Trinity. I think our new Trinity will demand more blood than even France's 200 years ago.

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Not sure why people confuse pacifism with Christianity? The Bible doesn’t set that example. It does demand discernment, yes. But, over and over the Bible abhors tyranny. Trashes Pharos, exalts freedom, liberty and personal responsibility.

Does a mass drowning of evildoers in a flood or incinerating entire cities full of sinners sound passive? When Jesus got pissed and kicked the money changers asses it was because they were representing themselves as holier than thou and keeping the so-called lesser people out of the inner sanctum of worship. That was a big fuck you! to Holy inequality.

People misinterpret turning the other cheek. It doesn’t mean let Tyrants rape your wife and eat your children. You are allowed to stand up for what’s right. Violently if necessary. America’s founders understood that.

What the passage means is, when fighting evil be careful not to become evil. Don’t let your heart forget the principles you are defending. Be aware defense can quickly devolve into abuse. Turn away from that.

Jesus sacrificing himself on the cross was an act of love for all humankind that boxed Satan into a corner. It gave us all the opportunity for salvation which we can accept or reject.

Finally, if one reads Revelations, Jesus return is not sweetness and light. It is a merciless, fiery, bloody rebuke. I would not want to be on the wrong side of that fight because it ain’t pretty. We’re talking all the marbles, a miserable destiny for evil and a massive win for the faithful who embrace good.

In the meantime this Conservative box you’re referring to sounds like bullshit. Christians have an obligation to defend liberty and justice. We were not supposed to bend over and let the British put their boots on our faces any more than we should let Fauci rape us with his serum.

We are meant to be free, value life and be happy. Woe be to tyrants that stand in our way because they aren’t just spitting on us, they are spitting on God.

Defend what’s right or, via your passivity you defend what’s evil. That’s the choice. Choose wisely.

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Wow! Nicely put! I couldn't agree more! To bring up the point initially made in this article...The Agencies, Deep State apparatus, WHATEVER anyone calls it...DOESN'T give a rats ass what Title people give themselves. Left, Right, Liberal, Conservative, Christian or Atheist...! THEY ARE DOING WHATEVER KEEPS THEM ALIVE & RELEVANT! At whatever cost! Constitution? Our Rights? Words NEVER uttered from them or even thought of! In MY Christian opinion THEY are the incarnation of Satan himself and they WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO WIN! As Christians WE ARE JESUS'S WARRIORS...put here in this very time to DO whatever His WILL is! People are waking up but to WHAT I ASK? Is it the right thing or are they ONLY waking to what FEELS right to them? This is ALL SO MUCH BIGGER than most realize! I don't have all the answers to HOW WE GET OUT OF THIS MESS! But I do know I get down on my knees & PRAY for WISDOM, STRENGTH, DISCERNMENT, & PROTECTION! Not only for myself & my family but for EVERYONE! Cause I KNOW one thing... IF WE DONT STAND UNITED AGAINST THIS EVIL...it will consume us all happily! There's a long difficult road ahead...PRAY & DO whatever The Lord put you hear to do when you're called upon! BE BOLD & DONT LET EVIL CONSUME YOU & BECOME THAT WHICH YOU FIGHT AGAINST! GOD DOES ULTIMATELY WIN! I just want to hear "Well done my Child" when the time comes!

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..."here to DO..." damn phones! Lol!

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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The veering from reality was foretold. Therefore should be expected and no surprise. The truth I’m speaking will undoubtedly face resistance and fall on deaf ears. This outcome while sad is inevitable. So our personal obligations are to do what we can to stay strong and wait.

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Then everything is fine, because we still have that framework on paper. Not a single Amendment from the Bill of Rights has ever been removed, including the tenth.

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Rights on paper is a very weak defense against the advanced stages of ideological anxiety.

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Roman Empire had a Constitution. It worked great until ignored. Laws, verbal or written mean nothing if unenforced.

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Yes to that. It's my understanding that the Soviet Union had a quite generous constitution. Apparently in practice it didn't serve the citizens very well, though.

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This comment of yours is remarkably silly.

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He is extending the logic of your comment.

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I understood what he was trying to do.

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are you being sarcastic?

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Yes. My point is that the mere existence of the framework, no matter how cleverly thought-out, is eventually insufficient in the face of a people who won't defer gratification in order to maintain it.

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Jefferson anchored the notion of inalienable rights to a creator. The founders signed their names to that dicument.

No God, no rights. Just the whims of the powerful.

Even Voltaire (who loathed atheism more than rwligion) thought God was "necessary" for a functioning society. He is.

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Define "God."

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That's easy. Higher Power. Or The Force. Or Creator force. Or Deep Reality.

The definition does not work for those humans who do not wish to recognize a power higher than themselves. Naturally.

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Or how about "Creator." The genius of that concept is that it "should" work for both theist and atheist alike. For the former, that is God the Father or whatever personalized deity one wishes. For the latter, it might be framed as simply an acknowledgement that we and everything else in existence necessarily arose from prior causes (determinism.)

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Yes, you'd think. But some people will never accept a power greater than themselves. The story of Lucifer playing out in each person's life... :-)

Others have noted that the resistance to such humbling realization is a key reason why, for example, the AA twelve steps are repulsive to them.

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There are no definitions that work.

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Speak for yourself. LOL

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Oh, I am sure you're interested in a respectful discussion.

See ya around, sis! Have a good weekend.

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I ain't your sister.

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Thank God!!!

(Shakes dust from sandals.)

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Read The Bible and you will find out.

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You mean that collection of myths where people make God in their own images?

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Just a collection of stories showing humans grappling with Ultimate Reality, succeeding a little and failing a lot. Can you do better?

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In Britain we are often credited with inventing liberty. But I think we might also have invented the Deep State - atop the carcass of a failed electoral pluralism. We have basically been ruled by the BBC for many decades now. And a leftist academia sheep-dip has ensured that almost everyone in any kind of permanent civic. institutional or administrative power is some kind of limp 'social justice' virtue-signaller. I did this piece on the UK situation recently:

"Unsurprisingly, neither governmental bureaucracies and quangos nor other civil institutions keep statistics on the political leanings of their employees. But there are clues. Unherd columnist Peter Franklin reflecting on his own experience of working in two UK government departments comments: “How many of the civil servants that most closely serve this Conservative government are actually Leftwing? Well....I would say approximately all of them”. And it’s not just the UK. Research in the US context finds that “the political beliefs of the median federal government employee lie to the left not only of the median Republican, but also the median Democrat”". https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/carry-on-governing

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people paid by the government directly or indirectly are, not surprisingly, for big government

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The current "left" and "right" are both sides of the same coin. The American GOP is just the neo-con wing of the not-so-Democrat(ic) party. It's all a sham now.

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Perhaps, but plenty of currently powerful Dems ascribe to the neocon philosophy too.

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I concur with your statement! Just ask Hillary!

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What you are referring to is the Uniparty. Opposite camps sitting across the same fetid swamp.

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Members of an organization (in this case, a bureacracy) would tend to favor sustaining and expanding their own self interests. Isn't this just a fundamental instinct called "survival" and "reproduction"? Ah, how easily we forget that these fundamental priinciples of biology/psychology apply to nebulous seemingly abstract groups much as they do to primitve tribes, individuals or for that matter, a troop of chimpanzees in the wilds. Shocked, I tell you, simply shocked!

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I'm always fascinated by the vastly different perspectives of people in the US vs Europe about government. A majority of people in the US inherently view their government with skepticism. Most Europeans, on the other hand, tend to start from a position of trust. There may still be hope for the US.

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Yes and no. I think your characterization is completely accurate. Here's a quote from Harry Browne from his early 1970s "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World":

The dictators of the world have always operated in countries where there was a strong respect for government. The prevailing European awe of the state has produced an endless number of tyrants, wars, and low standards of living.

     And now that generations of Americans have been taught that governments are vital to their well-being, present-day Americans are afflicted with all the problems that invariably result from big government.

     Such a trend has developed over many lifetimes; it won't be reversed within ours.

My take: Pessimsitic, no? And that was written 50 years ago. Surely we've grown less, not more, free in the interim. Far from a return to liberty, sadly I think we are following in Mother Europe's footsteps -- increasing tyranny. Perhaps these are simply inevitable long-term historical cycles.

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The flaw in the American Experiment is the difficulty we have in managing an equal balance between liberty and equality. Lately, this tension has been focused on equality that has been recently replaced by the evil idea of equity.

May our focus return to a proper balance between liberty and equality. Otherwise I fear our Republic will crumble.

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You touch a crucial point, one I forgot to address in my Nietzsche dissertion above.

The core issue is simple: "Equality" does not exist in Nature. Never did, never will. By no means am I saying that a sense of fair play, of seeking equity is always wrong. What I'm trying to emphasize is that this is a "should", a morality, an ethic, a sene of justice that exists as a human value, and has no referent in the real (physical) universe. In other words, no edict of Man is going to force Nature to deliver"Equality" or any other wish. The option open to us is that we grasp as best we can the limitations imposed by reality and then tailor our belief systems around that wisdom, rather than the opposite scheme.

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Someone very wise said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." We have grown fat and lazy, with a "someone else will take care of this, I need to look to MY things..." attitude. Civic duty has become a near completely forgotten concept. The Deep State, the Swamp, the Illuminati all exist because we allowed THEM the freedom to infect and metastasize the body politic, and thus, everything else. As noted by Gato, it's far too late to fix what ultimately was unfixable to begin with. When you are bleeding to death from a gash across the throat, putting a couple of band-aids on your elbow is not going to save you. As Sun Tsu pointed out, you must know your enemy, and right now, our biggest enemy is US. We are not just powerless, most of us are clueless. A formula for disaster. Nearly every day, we have the opportunity to learn that nearly ALL of what we were assured were tinfoil hat conspiracy theories were true, bullseye, right on the money reality. Few appear to have grasped the implications of this. Gato Malo has. Excellent piece today. Will it change anything? As usual, it is up to us, but I fear we have become a populace like that in Orwell's "1984", lost in an artificial reality where Big Brother is actually battalions of faceless bureaucraps in inaccessible offices in undisclosed locations. Ultimately, the solution is...

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Are they though, are the bureaucrats faceless? Are the offices inaccessible? Are the locations undisclosed? I think the thing is, we keep fighting among ourselves and they "hide" in plain sight.

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Stage 1.

A population with a good work ethic and moral values (who have fled the tyrannical monarchies of Europe) set up camp in the New World and create a small government.

Stage 2.

Small government allows productivity and innovation to go through the roof, letting good work ethic and high moral standards reach their near full potential.

Stage 3.

High productivity means lots of 'excess wealth' which allows small government to increase taxes without any pushback. More taxes allows government to expand in all areas. A highly productive society sees no wrong in ever-expanding government programs as everyone can afford it.

Stage 4.

The success of limited government leads to creation of the biggest government and largest war machine in history. As government programs grow in size and scope work ethic and morality is destroyed. Culture is subverted and demoralised. Tyranny becomes the new normal. Productivity ceases. Government props itself up with endless 'crisis events' (power grabs) as the nation implodes.

Thus a population with a good work ethic, high moral values and a small government will always lead to self destruction.

If you are going to have a good work ethic, high moral values and therefore a productive society you cannot have a government. Not even a small one. The only thing which limits a government's expansion is the limited productivity of its (multi generationally) demoralised and morally corrupted population.

Success (productivity) and government (legalised coercion and theft) are an incendiary combination. Liberty is the oxygen which fuels the fire of statism.

10 years ago people would react to this argument with "But without government, who would build the roads?"

Thankfully, governments all over the west are now closing down roads, pedestrianising them, blocking them off with planters and CCTV cameras and starting to effectively outlaw private vehicle ownership.

So there's never been a better time for people to come round to the 'controversial' idea of applying equal moral standards to everyone with no exceptions, which was what the American Experiment was all about, except they goofed it by allowing a handful of people to be exempt.

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You almost make it sound as if we all can't live at the expense of each other. I don't see a "Stage 5" listed, but I suspect we are very late in Stage 4 or perhaps the early phases of whatever a Stage 5 is and we simply can't (more likely: refuse to) acknowledge it.

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How do we keep it? We need to understand how to decentralize and SWARM better. Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/135934928?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fhome

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Unfortunately a negative "conviction" has taken over a huge percentage.

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Liberty to interpret the Bible to the tune of c.45,000 different styles, liberty to encourage one's child to become the opposite gender. Liberty is not freedom. Freedom is an internal state of mind. A prisoner can be free, a 'free man' can be a prisoner trapped in his own mind.

The original settlers were moral and religious perhaps, but in a christian sense, not in a universal sense. Christian morals and dogma were never designed for the normal, average man. It's monkish asceticism- Christianity was an esoteric doctrine for deeply meditative thinkers. Hand it over to the democratic mass and they'll turn it in to a circus which is how businesses are collapsed. (US is a bankrupt corporation now.)

Call the Americans old Puritans- the 'Vatican' still owns and operates everything anyway. As consciousness rises, people will start to develop 'Christ consciousness', and then the church system will fail (as per one of their many prophecies), and humanity can finally unite and get over itself.

Till then people battle an ego war in their own mind- thoughts become reality. The opposite it true too- when people calm their jocks the world will again become peaceful.

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It took me all of two seconds to realize QAnon is a psyop designed to titillate tiny minds on both sides of the aisle and discredit legitimate questions about verifiable conspiracies.

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Correct. They keep you thinking about why when we have plenty of bad actors and evidence to name and take down. Fuck the why, act on what they did.

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Dante said hundreds of years ago that we worry too much about the why and not the what.

Oftentimes, the answer is in the what and we totally ignore it.

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I know someone who is a bona fide Q-Tard. It is genuinely disturbing to listen to her, week after week, year after year, gush about how Trump and the White Hats and oh, also JFK who is apparently not dead are going to align and save us NEXT week because NEXT week is "the Big One."

Every week. Of every year.

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It's really sad that otherwise intelligent people have been taken in by it. Amazing Polly is generally very perceptive, for example, but she inexplicably fell for QAnon. I think people who have good pattern-recognition abilities can also be vulnerable to paranoia, which causes that part of their brain to go into overdrive and see suspicious patterns in *everything*.

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I think one of the tenets of being "vigilant" is being also suspicious of suspicious patterns. I think a healthy response also is not taking ourselves so seriously.

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"not taking ourselves so seriously" -- now THAT is something that I can get behind. ;)

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Polly is a clever grifter. She rode Qanon as long as she could, and tried to remove negative feedback from her vids on (I believe it was) Rumble.

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That's disappointing. I have only caught occasional videos here and there, but she does pack valuable info into some of her videos. I remember finding this 2019 one on Ukraine corruption particularly informative when the war first started:


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Yes, she is smart and did some really good work. I was disappointed too after following closely for a while. She has a nasty vengeful streak in her when challenged.

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That's unfortunate but good to know.

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I am convinced, after a lot of "doing research" :-) that Qanon is an alternate reality game. The vast majority of these games are just an addictive way to advertise some product. I thought it was too fiendishly clever for the Trump campaign to employ it, but there were at the time many folks savvy about this form of advertising. Look up ARGs -- you'll see how it fits.

ARGs take on a life of their own because of the unpredictable nature of player responses. It will be interesting to see if the Trump campaign utilizes it (or a similar game) again.

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Fascinating! I always assumed an alphabet agency, but I wouldn't be surprised if it serves that dual purpose.

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Hm, yes. That opens up the interesting speculation that there was an entire alphabet agency devoted to keeping Trump in power. :-)

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I’ve always felt Trump was more valuable to the opposition than to his own party. Consider how incredibly effective a tool TDS was for manipulating the public mind.

I wrote about that phenomenon in an October 2021 piece:

“An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

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That fits in with the incessant efforts of the mainstream to keep Trump in the limelight, doesn't it?

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Trump excels at producing insanity in his enemies and followers alike.

I watched some Q anon videos. They depicted DJT like Jesus Christ. This bugged me and led me to question everything that man has done in office. Especially his Trump shots which he promoted long after leaving the WH.

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I'm not convinced that I agree though I do not disagree per se. I was, however, previously unfamiliar with the concept of ARGs and just had a very fun rabbit hole hop. Thank you for the bunny-jump! ;)

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110 !!!

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And what an amazingly successful psyop it is!

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"note that, like covid, this was not a thing that team donkey or team elephant did to us. this sort of truly epic damage is reserved for the times when the two parties agree. that’s when they are at their most dangerous. and this is what makes the illusion that you need to vote for one party to save you from the other is so dangerous. because when the chips are really down, they don’t. and they won’t."


And amazing how all the smart people devoted to their own party, regardless of which it is, refuse to believe this.

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Part of it is, they may think there is no alternative.

I have maintained that Government and Government Lite™ are not the only two options. I listen to Dr. Jay Batt, Dr. Drew, RFK, and a number of other talking heads, and despite my agreement with them concerning some things, they still insist that the answer is government. I see this shoring up and backing certain candidates as if this latest group will do anything once subjected to the mill of government.

I think one such pundit said that to counter a broken agency, we need to create another agency to supplant it. That sounds wrong to me. I think the first question is "Do we need an agency at all?" I certainly don't have the answers, but I know that two people hanging out with me for an hour have a much better idea than the state as to what needs I have.

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There's no perfect system to organize human society. For most of history, when a place got too crowded, groups split off and began moving further into new territory. And then they had to govern themselves, and inevitably some people didn't like the governance and picked themselves up and moved away...

Even in those fabled small towns, there's always someone who chafes under the village rules, the imposed moral flavor of the majority.

Even in families--the basic unit--husbands and wives chafe under the demands of the other, the kids reach the age of normal rebellion.

Even in pack animals like wolves you get the odd guy out, who is then actually forced out and either he dies or builds a new pack and he'd better be its alpha.

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There definitely isn't, and I am not one to think either that "no system is the best answer." But I am of the opinion that "the least amount of government possible" is the best answer.

The good news is, that at least in human society, there is a broad definition of what an alpha is. There are people that will not win the physical game, but they don't have have to play that game. And the notion to make the "game fair for everyone" is ridiculous. I thought of little people signing up for the NBA, or overweight guys running Olympic marathons.

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Yes, sure, I agree. Making it work in real life is impossible. Nice cooperative little settlements always devolve into personality power struggles eventually.

Civilization was invented to tame the worst of our natures and exploit the best for good purposes. But there's always someone who doesn't like being told not to steal, etc. There's always someone thinking he's smarter than the rest and thereby demands the right to make the decisions for the group. This can't be cured.

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I think while it is impossible to work, with the right checks and balances, we can sustain it without too much erosion for a time.

For some reason as I am thinking of this it reminds me of college parties we had at the stadium in our small private liberal arts college in the deep south back in the late eighties.

On a lark one night we went and partied at the stadium. There was no security there, and we drank beers, listened to music, and cleaned up afterwards. We had a great time, part of it was the spontaneity and novelty of it.

As time went on, the parties got bigger, more organized. And as such the parties snuffed out and eventually died. This happened a number of times with different college activities. I knew that subsquent parties would not be as good as the first one or two precisely because of what you say..personality power struggles.

I imagine that today, such a party might not even be possible on this same college campus. But I think we can make an environment where such opportunities like this are more likely to happen.

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Everything depends on the temperaments and personalities of the people involved, as you saw. In a free society, organized on the values of civil rights of citizenship, people will always be forced to deal with people whose temperaments and belief systems are disagreeable to them.

If Constitutional laws were enforced and unconstitutional attempts to govern were disposed of forthwith, we'd manage reasonably well. But neither of the political parties want pure Constitutional secular civil values.

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NIH grant writing in biomedical sciences is the foremost objective in all PhD training. It’s not about how to be a good scientist, commitment to hypothesis driven research where you test with experiments whether your idea is true. The main message is survival. You can’t be a scientist without grant money. You can’t be successful unless you have millions in public money. The way you write a grant is to “sell your research.” Connect it to the interests of NIH regardless of whether that connection is there. It is from this pool where we derive our experts. They are experts because they are skilled to get all the right combos to get grant money.

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My daughter is one of those Grant writers on a local town level. She knows where to find the keys and how to put them in the correct Federal keyhole. That has allowed her to do some really nice improvements for the town she works for. In reality, I am paying for her town improvements and her salary with my taxes. What a country!! 😎😎

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It's all just a legal grift. And we fund it involuntarily.

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No joke I found an ad for this company on social media. Where there is a free flowing spring, a pipeline will built to contain it and sell it. In this case the grant stream is plentiful enough to build a company off of to get a swig of that federal money.


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Search string "For every" and read to end of paragraph.

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Derangement x hallucination = CULT. Modern cults have many similarities with previous ones: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-become-a-cult-leader

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Yes. Exactly. And all religions are cults. Congratulations for looking in the mirror and wagging an angry finger at it.

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Why stop there?

Why not all belief systems are cults?

Entropy, chaos.

Humans require a system of values.

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A free society cannot endure with a government that keeps secrets.

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Unfortunatley for that hypothetical free society, I assert that no governent can endure if it can't keep secrets.

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I came of voting age in the late 90's. I was raised in a staunchly Republican home and hero-worshipped George W. Bush. I was 100% gung-ho onboard with with the Patriot Act, WMD hunting, invading Iraq, killing Hussain, creation of Homeland Security and TSA. Necessary temporary measures in dangerous times, I consoled myself. The first scales fell from my eyes when we began to see the truth that there were no WMDs, but we're being cajoled to believe that didn't matter because these were bad guys that we should "get" anyways. Then the Patriot Act never went away, but it's purview continually expanded until today it used against parents who don't want porn in their child's school.

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Me too. We all should have listened to Ron Paul.

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Ron Paul was one of only 3 republicans in congress to vote against the Patriot act.

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Many of us saw Patriot Act as a threat the moment it was introduced, tried to call attention to the perils it posed. But not enough listened. In our own circles of influence or in the halls of power. One thing I give it to these cretins drunk on power, they're usually clever enough to tell us their true intentions, hidden in plain sight. Like telling us that the Patriot Act was identifying who the target actually was, Patriots, not who were being protected. And calling television broadcasts "programming," telling us what they were actually doing to viewer's minds. Plain sight. Hidden in plain sight. It's their favorite hiding place. They know we aren't looking there. Maybe we should start?

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Funny enough, cancelling our TV subscription in 2004 might have been the time of real awakening for me. Unplugged from the Matrix.

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It took me until 2013 to turn it off, I finally gave away my TV in 2016. And I never had placed a TV in my bedroom, though I did fall asleep with it on in the living room many a time before I stopped watching altogether.

When I'm out in an establishment or over at a friend's house and one is on it's kind of jarring to my peace, especially when commercials blare. And boy are those stupid, truly aimed at the 'Idiocracy' mind.

For anyone thinking about ditching TV programming it's not hard, clips that matter get shared on the internet. And the 'withdrawals' you experience are surprisingly quick. In a few weeks as you develop new routines you don't miss it, not even your favorite shows you think are indispensable. If you really must duck into one from time to time you can usually find it on the internet to view on your computer. The small screen and format allows you to keep more control over your viewing practice. Easing back and settling in isn't as comfortable as the big screen TV format, which is when our brains become more passive receivers of programming than active seekers of information. And keep that limited, selective.

Before I met my spouse she watched TV regularly. When we met I hated it being on and she knew how uncomfortable and disinterested I was so it stayed off. When we moved in together she still had shows she liked to watch, but gave them up for me. At first just intending to be temporarily. And quickly, within a few weeks she stopped watching TV altogether, too. It's an easy bad habit to break. Which may or may not have something to do with why both of us have resisted the effects of the programming and rejected all of the insanity.

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Just rewatching HBO's Rome about the fall of the Republic and realized that it fell long before Caesar crossed the Rubicon. The ground was laid with mass slave labor to replace free Roman farmers, moral degeneracy of the upper classes, and constant war, among other things. Sound familiar?

So when they murder Trump next year, riot in the streets to celebrate it, standardize remote voting and sham elections, and Joe (or Gavin, or Michelle) gets reelected, what happens then?

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You forgot pack the court, eliminate the electoral college and end the filibuster.

Not sure what happens, but there’s no going back. Hopefully peaceful separation.

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Rome had Carthage to keep it on the up-and-up.

The USA had Soviet Russia.

Rome crushed Carthage. USA outlasted Soviet Russia.

"History doesn't repeat but it does echo." (Samuel Clemens?)

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History in fact does repeat itself, constantly. The problem is that human memory is too short to recognize the patterns.

The end of the Roman Empire was marked by decadence and societal malaise. We see the same thing today in the West. Most of society is detached from what’s going on around them. We draw the parallels. We see the problem, but we can’t seem to stop the locomotive or pull the switch to avoid the inevitable slow motion wreck. It’s bizarre, but not unique in human history.

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The plan is to collapse the system so the Reset can occur with Schwab, Soros and Gates assuming full ownership of the world. Instead of spending so much energy battling that dying system we should be setting up new ones to survive and reject Klaus Schwab.

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Here's the answer to all your questions... if you dare to follow this rabbit hole: secret satanic and masonic societies wanting to murder 95% of the global population.

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

For example, I start with this video (2 minutes):


(caveat: pot destroys your brain…)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the owner, with his 2 grown up siblings, failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)… by the way, he took an insurance policy against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them. The inside information about the future 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!:

4 min. (0.75 speed):


Where’s the plane for the 2nd Tower (WTC1)?


Controlled demolition?


Why is 9/11 called a Pearl Harbor event? Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.) and MUCH MORE:

Please read and watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Pllllleeeeease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com, and maybe yandex.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

Proof of criminal intent:

Points 7 and 8

Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures

Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (howbad.info)

Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate

That proves:

A. There's zero Government control

B. There's zero Manufacturer liability

C. There's zero Media coverage

D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!

E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)

A school buddy told me "I know you make sense but if I recognize it's true, I won't be able to enjoy life anymore".

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


Change goes in hand with the number of awakened! Thank you for sharing this to save lives!

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Amazing. Thank you for the links.

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The conclusions that the state threatens the people and profits from war were reached long ago by Randolph Bourne, HL Mencken, Murray Rothbard, and many others. The remaining question is: what should we do to free ourselves?

I address it here


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Jim, I am so glad that you posted this link. I subscribed. Nice to meet you through the internet.

And how fitting that we met through El Gato Malo's website. We would have little chance of meeting in real life. He's right, you are right (in your writings); these new communities are important.

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You’re asking the right question. I haven’t read your article but I’m about to.

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For me the indicator is what was missing. Before 2020, you could throw a stone and find opposition. People argue about inconsequential things all the time like "who is the best guitarist." or "best action movie." They can't agree on that, and yet...vaccines are safe and effective, and if I don't stay inside, grandma will die.

And Viva la Ukraine!

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Nothing these secret intelligence agencies and US military adventurism have done has made us safer. It is the reason the World Trade Center was destroyed and our freedom to travel is severely restricted. And it is why we now have to carry universal ID and the loss of other freedoms as well. It is the deep state and it needs to be destroyed.

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I get the idea of trust-able communities. But how does one in Florida contact one in New Hampshire? Over the Internet? How do you build the communications infrastructure? I am not sure that perfect encryption will ever exist.

I do not want to be negative, only practical. What will work to get us out of this? I still say separation is the only way out, and it is highly unlikely it will go peacefully. The history of every communist regime shows that.

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there are many forms of strong and open encryption that can be trusted.

the real key will be decentralizing networks so that there is not a parent co that can be strong armed.

the public square, money, commerce, speech, and networking must become an open source protocol owned by no one in which all the users are stakeholders, not customers (or worse, product).

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You mean, like... everyone praying, getting directions from God, and small and simple thins from individuals oppose all these efforts at control?

Sounds like a plan!

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Yes, yes ... please continue.

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What about the infrastructure? How is it owned and maintained? And wouldn't the people who build and maintain it always know how to get into it?

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Well done again. Nice too see, not that I thought you would be, you're not the dolt celebrating the king of the shows arrest. I just dumped two paid substacks as it dawned on me they think Trumps the real deal and the comments are full of morons rejocing how the "Storm is upon us" and GO Trump, it's our time. I can't believe the stupidity of these people after all these years. They STILL think he's the guy. 10T in debt, Obama did 10T in 4. Lockdown the country, killed small business, padded the pockets of the elites and made them stronger. THEN! He not obama or Biden or Bush presided over the WEF eugenics program and thus has maimed and killed untold numbers? Shall I go on? Naw. It's too obvious for anyone not filled with false hope, stupidity, and down right fear.

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They have a bunch of convoluted theories to excuse him too. "The original shots were not mRNA but Trump thought he'd win again and needed the vaccines to reopen America. Fauci and Birx were too clever, and the swamp was too deep but now he's figured it out. Trump doesn't mean what he says about the shots. He's playing 4D chess. He has a bunch of white hats waiting to save America. Sit back and trust the plan."

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That's Qanon in a nutshell. Well done.

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Dear God. I'm trying to get away from you people. You're worse than liberals. They're just braindead. You're using your brain sort of but you've GOT to be kidding me. Do you know anything about economics? Tell me about the 10T added to the debt? The country closing? He didn't fire Fauci. He's FOS. And you will see this is true. Please no more.

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I was quoting other people. I don't believe it myself.

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What do you mean by he locked down the country? Because frankly strict quarantine on arrival into this country was one of the few measures that made any sense (although the quarantine should have been a thirty day minimum and it was too late anyway). But other than post entry quarantine Trump didn’t lock down the country. He left it to the states which is why South Dakota was able to stay open and why Montana opened back up quickly, and gave both the governor and the entire Democrat party the boot in the 2020 election. I mean I think Trump royally flubbed much of his handling of the pandemic but I don’t see how you can claim he locked the country down. He left it to the states which was one of the few things he did right.

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Yws the states decided, that's true. But really that's the tip the iceberg. He sent in no national guard to protect the cities as President he had the power to do alot more. He's a complete failure. He made mistake after mistake after mistake if he wasn't following a script. He was asked about Q. He said you'll be surprised who Q is but never told us. He didn't fire essentially anyone but Steve Bannon who was the best guy he had. OK he fired comey, he had to do that. He presided over the jab, said it was wonderful, and took it himself. Thats all i need but there a a plethora more. He didn't help anything. Everything got worse. LBGTQ bullshit, division was an all time high. Also importantly who allowed 10T in debt to be created in 4 years? Obama did that in 8. He's helping bankrupt the country, presided over rhe WEF forum depopulation program.

Got untold numbers of people jailed whilst begging them to come to Washington to accomplish nothing. Pense my ass. He knew Pense wouldn't back him. It's all a show. You really have got to be kidding me He didn't lock down the states, so what. The list is endless of his bullshit. They are all.spokes on the wheel. And if for some reason if he's not so what, he's only made things worse, intentions are great and all but if the result is the same. More debt, more death, more division. May I ask? Who fucking cares

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Those are solid and specific points and they are the points you should have initially made. I think precision is important in these discussions. Like I said before not locking down the country and letting states decide was one of the few things he did right about the pandemic and I think it’s important to recognize that. I don’t think he had any obligation or frankly the right to send in the National Guard to protect the cities. That’s up to the local authorities and local communities, (now if they request additional resources such as the National Guard then I think he needs to provide those) the fact that none of those cities went red or did anything different after shows that the majority of citizens in those cities were perfectly happy with the status quo. If the people of Kenosha want to vote blue then they live with the consequences of voting blue. Letting the states and local communities make these decisions is the best way forward. It’s important to be precise in these discussions and not to just throw a bunch of stuff out and see what sticks. Don’t claim he locked down the country when he didn’t, because when I know that claim is erroneous then it’s going to be rather difficult to take the rest of your claims seriously even if they are 100% accurate.

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I really don't know who you think you are telling me what to say or how to say it. Doctor, of course. We're you on the military too?. You're points are worthless and ignore the facts that matter. Voting? The whole election system is rigged in so many ways its laughable. Additionally, the people in those cities are not educated either working multiple jobs just to get by or they're on the govt / socialist dole. It's all a plan. Bad food, bad education or indoctrination. TV, liqueur srores, sex 24/7, broken families. Many are like animals. All cultural.

It's gone. Trump is another spoke on the wheel or a fool. He presided over 10T in debt creation and over the biggest eugenics program to date. Who gives a shit about the rest of it. I'm not wasting anymore time talking to you Doctor. Furthermore the fact you are a doctor means I have no respect for you. You're the most brainwashed of all. What? A doctor of western medicine?? 🤣🤣🤣

Or psychologist? Which dare I say is a bigger laughing stock??? Any doctor is indoctrinated with bs just kind the poor in those cities. I think circles around most people and voting guides are as clear as reading Mandarin to a person who hasn't learned a word. Bye doc

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I’m a veterinarian but there are lots of other types of doctor out there that aren’t human physicians. You of course can say what you want, but when you’re wrong you should expect to get called out on it. You were wrong, Trump didn’t lock down the country.

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Yeah I read you're a vet. Biggest shysters out there. Horrible playing off people's emotions guessing 90% of the time. You're a fraud.

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Since you brought up Satan, here's the Apostle Paul's take on the Deep State and its basis.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12)

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Harry Truman lamented in a Dec 22,1963 Opinion Editorial in the Washington Post that the CIA had become a "policy-making arm of the Government." This was sixty years ago. He wrote it one month after the JFK assassination. In those sixty years, the "intelligence apparatus" has matured, enlarged, cooperated/merged with other apparatuses globally, established "assets" in nearly every significant government, military and media organization on the planet. There are undoubtedly honorable, ethical people working in this leviathan. However, the fact that the system is "above the law" and omnipotent means that it will attract psychopaths, self-deluded ideologues, power hungry bullies, greedy opportunists and all types of unsavory characters. Such characters will thrive in such a system and will direct it, overruling or expelling any of the "ethical ones" who try to impose morality on the system.

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I think every alphabet agency in the govt has become that way. Look at the power of the CDC and DHSS.

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