As Rufo put it: “The funniest outcome of the Claudine Gay saga is all of the academics coming out in defense of plagiarism and all of the journalists coming out against journalism.”

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Well captured. What comes after absurdity? A massive reorienting back into something sane and real. Gonna be messy.

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When the pendulum swings far out, there's a lot of momentum on the return...

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Bloody Hell, man, I grew up around and still have “under the radar and wish to be left alone” gay friends all around the world. None of them are so “in your face” like these mentally ill creeps. Let me remind everyone that “out of the ordinary and perhaps not “normal” peoples have lived in peace everywhere on earth until some unnatural monster comes along and begins messing with people’s minds about gay issues, or religion, race, national pride…just like pre-WWI and II, where all of a sudden a diversified German peoples were “driven” to discriminate and hate peoples they were never concerned about before—like gay people, or the disabled, or religion & race issues. I’d comment more about who these monsters are and how desperate they are to be “chosen slavers” over all life on earth, but I’d be labeled antisemitic by these racist, satanic Eugenicists—who are again using nationalisms, race and religion as both a cloak and weapon to trap their lesser-slaves and other non-you know who racists.

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Woke Supremacy is the actual “ism” we’re most burdened with presently. To inflate their injured egos and address deep self-loathing, its adherents demean and demote others (“they’re racist, they are deplorable, they are transphobic!”) in an effort to reduce their self-perceived insignificance. It’s not complicated to understand Woke Supremacy, but turning it off means replacing fear with courage and developing a tolerance of vulnerability. Most vexing for the virtue signaling addicted, it requires humility.

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'Certain Sorts of the Mentally Ill'....Yes there is a pathology (possibly) intrinsic to mass-mediated mass society whereby it is inherently skewed towards particular kinds of personality....mouthy kinds, angry kinds, busy-body kinds. Modern Liberal Democracy has given a disproportionate power to these kinds.....partly because normal people - people with a life - are not so one-track-minded, politically obsessed.

And while on this subject, it's about time we stopped sanctifying 'protest' and 'activism'. In dangerous places like Iran and Afghanistan, these things are brave, risky and noble but in the cosseted, cushy West they are mostly just vanity and narcissism.

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I wonder if anyone will make a mental note of the last two school shooters being part of the lgbtq club.

What happens to the children who have been sold this crap? Where do they go with their anger at society turning against them? I hope not into Iowa again..

Great article. It gives me hope for sanity. Thank you! I needed it after yesterday.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Yes, and for many years I believed a spiritual reorienting back to common sense would occur after the personality disorders had their time. We are on the precipice of that but now I wonder if the cultural iatrogenesis is too strong, and institutional changes too enduring. This shitshow might just collapse.

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Mental illness has been defined as an inability to perceive the world accurately. It's one thing for an individual to believe that a man can turn into a woman, or that it's equally safe to walk through a white, upper class neighborhood as it is to stroll through the ghetto. It's quite another when the dysfunctional insist that others buy into their beliefs at pain of ostracism or even legal repercussions. To a large extent, society has not only excused, but attempted to normalize beliefs and behavior that are not only harmful, but are at odds with observable reality.

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When your opponent is literally committing suicide, you may for just a brief moment feel like stepping in. Make sure it is brief and fleeting... The head-on collision among different intersectional groups all looking for their place at the top means at some point they will eat each other... stand down and watch it burn... Women will have to put a stop to this... the ball is in their court...

When men had bud light and Dylan Mulvaney shoved in their faces, Bud Light paid a heavy price... Time to step up ladies...

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All they needed was academia to climb on board and shout “ gender fluidity is a thing!” it from their ivory, ivy covered towers. I hope it eats them all.

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The sane are usually patient enough to allow the insane a little latitude. We wait to see what’s going to happen, hoping the episode will fizzle out before causing anyone harm.

The pretending to be a different sex was allowed to continue because most of us were too stunned and embarrassed for them to say anything; but we waited too long to call it out and now the insane think that because we put up with them quietly while waiting for them to self-correct, we somehow believe that they are right.

You’ve presented it fairly. Good job

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" they draw the uncertain and empty like jam draws ants."

You are too kind. It's more like flies round shit.

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Excellent article. I am anxiously waiting for all at once Can this nightmare really finally be coming to an end!

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I first read Mr. Bergdorf's title as "unwoman." Perhaps "U" will be the next letter added to the alphabet string.

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Interesting essay. That weak people follow trends and who they perceive to be strong is undoubtedly true, but my question is: why now? Why everywhere? Can you recall a time in US history where anything like this occurred?

Similar to the covid protocols (masks, lockdowns, forced injections), it points to a central authority advancing an agenda. Nobody in WW 1 Russia and Ukraine had hatred for dirt poor farmers, yet less than 2 decades later, with just a few years of relentless propaganda, starving kulaks who had made their way to large cities were ignored as they begged for food. People were purposely divided and taught to hate the greedy, wealthy kulaks, just as they are taught to hate the overwhelmingly white middle class now.

Gay's incompetence and stupidity caught the attention of Bill Ackman. Let's hope he follows up on his promise to destroy DIE. Crushing it at Harvard would start the dominoes falling, but I think it's going to be a near run thing.

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