I don’t know about everyone else, but I think Brandon’s repeating don’t count us out until all mail in votes are counted which could take three days, gave away their plan.

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i get more worried watching him extol "democracy" as our highest virtue.

democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner.

unchecked by inalienable individual rights, it constitutes one of the nastiest forms of tyranny ever devised.

even a king need fear the mass of the people, but the majority of the people wielding the powers of a king has no such worry.

this is why the US was founded as a republic, not a democracy

power must lie with the individual, not the mob

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My favorite Biden screed was about how the Republicans might 'eliminate' gay marriage, and how we needed to 'protect democracy'.

But democracy isn't why gay marriage is legal. People like Biden were against it up until the day the Supreme Court ruled that government has no power to ban gay marriage -- and that's the result of a being a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Democracy was banning gay marriage all around the country -- even in CA.

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And some people, including myself, are still angry that our consistent votes was overturned by some nonsense by a 5-4 split at the Supreme Court. Now if we murmur against it, we are deplatformed, attacked, and out children are having drag queens come into their schools, and if they convince our kids to transition they want to use CPS to remove our children from us if we don't affirm.

Thanks for overturning the people's votes, Supreme Court.

And those were honest elections.

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As much as I sympathize with the current concerns, they're not a result of gay people being allowed to officially get married.

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Directly? Maybe not.

Indirectly, yes, they are. Women, then blacks, then gays, and now child abuse and trans were/are nothing more than a tool to be used and discarded once their useful purpose was exhausted.

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I completely disagree, since I, in the many arguments over these issue that I was engaged with at the time, predicted the present state of affairs should gay marriage become a reality.

I mean, frankly, it's gone beyond even what I predicted.

Nor have I been given a convincing argument whatsoever that civil unions were insufficient for the needs of homosexual couples. That wanted that word marriage, and they wanted it for the purpose of being a battle-axe to wield against their critics, especially their religious critics.

Just ask Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakes.

This was the key for Pandora's box. The voters, repeatedly, said no. But we discovered in 2015, and again in 2020, that votes do not matter to the elitists.

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But in alternate-land where gay marriage is banned, this other stuff isn't happening? I just don't get the connection.

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All of the hyperventilating and pearl clutching over the notion of SSM back when it was being debated centered around the imaginary slippery slope argument about polygamy and the absurd notion of people marrying animals. None of which has ever actually been even hinted at. There was never any discussion around Trans issues it is completely unrelated to marriage access and nothing about marriage ushered in the current radical Trans madness.

How might you respond if someone suggested that *your* marriage should be downgraded a civil union or some other such intentionally second class status? Or that the legal status and protections of your marriage would vary state-by-state?

The whole cake thing is a nasty can worms. Suffice it to say that neither side comes away with any particular moral superiority. Consider for a moment though how you might react if you were denied service with a, "We don't serve your kind here" greeting?

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Well, I can guarantee he doesn't remember back that far....and would lie about it if he did.

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Edit: I will leave my totally uncalled for rant below in place as both repentance and a reminder to read a post more clearly before commenting. Props to the Commander for politely and respectfully calling me out on it.

So the majority should get to vote on whether or not 2% of the population have access to civil marriage -- something the Supreme Court has repeatedly defined as a fundamental right? If so, should they get to vote on interracial marriage as well? What about Interfaith (or non-faith)?

Where do you define the distinction between inalienable individual right and pure democracy (a.k.a. mob rule)?

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...........I think you wildly missed the point.

People DON'T get to vote for those things BECAUSE we're a Republic. If we were a democracy, they would -- with all the minority-shaming (at best) that entails.

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My humble and sincerest apologies. I had read your line "But democracy isn't why gay marriage is legal" as implying that it should not be legal.

Agree 100% with the naked hypocrisy of the Left of this. Biden of course voted for Clinton's vile "Defense" of marriage act (which he signed into law on the very desk he was being fellated underneath), and Obama ran in 2008 on a platform of "One Man One Woman" -- a position which helped the equally vile CA Proposition 8 pass in that very same election. Only after the polling consistently showed a majority support for SS marriage (right around 2011 - 12) did the mixed race messiah flip on the issue. As did Biden.

Technically DJT was the first President elected to support it (and the only R in the 2016 primary to do so). I find it equally appalling that the majority of gays still refuse to at least give him credit for that, being instead so blindly committed to the Democrat party that has consistently kicked them in the teeth whenever it really mattered.

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The SC did not put gay marriage into law; they created a protected space for it to exist, essentially by finding that it was none of the business of the state to decide who could or could not marry. That way, it cannot be revoked by decree, or by the tyranny of a majority who believe it should not exist.

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Correct, and thank you for pointing this out. I would add one minor correction though.

Kennedy, in his majority opinion in Obergefell, did not say that the States did not have the right to decide who could marry, he said that if a State did decide to license the institution of Civil Marriage (which they all have) they can not arbitrarily exclude same sex couples based on gender. Contrary to a small but vocal minority who still oppose it, no new rights were "invented" or "imposed".

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Great point. That is a classic example, too, of diversion - covering the true problem by debating the wrong thing. The question we should have debated is why it matters, why marriage confers a different status under the law. There in lies the real problem.

But instead of focusing on equal rights under the law, it became a means to mandate recognition. The first is readily corrected by eliminating any point in law or regulation where marital status causes different treatment. That got lost in the emotions.

And lost in all that was any semblance of reason or meaning.

Great analogy!

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I absolutely cringe anytime someone says "what about the needs of the many". People much, MUCH, smarter then the twitter loud mouths of today have debated this issue ad nauseam. The only option is sovereignty of the individual. All other paths lead to tyranny.

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"The only option is sovereignty of the individual."

come again? sovereignty of the individual?

what does that even mean in the context of the form of the state?

"All other paths lead to tyranny."

please define tyranny.

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the usa was founded a republic because at the time there were in essence only two forms: republic and the equivalent of kingdom.

and they sure as hell didn't want a kingdom!.

and claiming there is a contradiction between republic and democracy bears witness to the fact that there is a severe lack of understanding of the terms.

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No, the founding fathers considered and explicitly rejected Democracy as being capricious mob rule. They chose a Republic deliberately. The electoral college system was instituted precisely to prevent permanent rule by a simple majority.

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True. I believe this is documented in The Federalist Papers.

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great britain: kingdom and democracy.

sweden: kingdom and democracy.

belgium : kingdom and democracy.

france: republic and democracy.

germany: republic and democracy

do i really need to go on?

republic and democracy are not contradictory.

nor is democracy a capricious mob rule.

the founding fathers had no idea what they were talking about.

at the time there was only one single working democracy, more or less democratic that is.

and that was neither a kingdom nor a republic....

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All of these kingdoms are Constitutional Monarchies, with the sovereign as symbolic head of state and a constitution to protect against mob rule. The USA is a constitutional Republic. The founding fathers were very well versed in political philosophy and history, and much better educated, even than most college professors today. They knew very well what they were creating.

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Sweden had voting before we even became a kingdom. One man, one vote: the swedish word for vote and for voice is the same to this day.

The king could make a decision by edict but that decision needed verification and approval by the council which was made up of elected officials from clergy, farmers, nobility and burghers - no approval meant nothing got done, and the Stands voted in their own members of the Kings' Council, the king having no official say in that process.

The idea that monarchy ever meant that one man ruled all is Hollywood history at its finest: in reality, your president is an elected king in all but name.

It's just that you need to feel special, really, thinking everything that happened after the Declaration of Independence was/is in any way unique.

It's not. At all.

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indeed they are.

and what about the republics that are democracies?

if republic and democracy would be contradictory they would not be able to exist...

a constitution to protect against mob rule?

you might want to look that one up....

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Most of the European countries are not national democracies. EU has more sway than any national government.

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what, may i ask, is a national democracy?

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All government is the domination of the many by an elite, select, few.

There is no contradiction between the Soviet Socialist Republic and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. These are all just words, “signifying nothing”.

And BTW, the USA was originally founded as a Confederacy.

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All true, but in truth it doesn't take a majority, even.

And there's no proof I can see that The Party in fact represents a majority of the people. This may be where hope lies. It is more like a cadre of kings in collusion to retain power. All wearing masks so that we can't see their true identities. With too much of the majority tricked into thinking they are who they say they are.

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Tocqueville and Tytler had a lot to say about this.

Although I don't necessarily agree with all their politics.

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Funny Canada can do hand counted paper ballots and not only get the results the same day, but the Eastern results already in by the time the polls close at 8pm on the West coast. The whole thing is locked, stamped and sealed by midnight on election night.

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Not sure I like the idea of the Eastern results being reported before the Western polls even close. That sh*t happened in Florida in 2000, when the eastern time zone part of FL was reported while the central time zone part of FL (the panhandle, heavily Republican) was still voting, which led to FL being (prematurely and inaccurately) called for Algore, which no doubt suppressed *some* of the late panhandle voters who heard that their vote wouldn't matter anymore, because Algore had already won the state.

NFW. No reporting of results ANYwhere until ALL polls are closed, IMO.

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I agree. All counting stations must hold off reporting until they can announce at precisely the same time!

Staggered reporting of results allows more plausible cheating. The cheats then know exactly how many votes they need to fabricate to win by a margin small enough not to look too blatant, but big enough not to trigger a recount. There has been an alarming pattern of apparent election night wins, apparently by a comfortable margin which over the course of a few days erode into a loss. This is at least highly suspicious!

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Yup! And in Pennsylvania they're still trying to figure out how they're gonna count even though they had 2yrs to figure it out!!!! Keep an eye on PA. Nothing will surprise me.

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Well they needed 2 years and 6 hours. They'll figure it out at 3am on Nov. 9.

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Ya think!

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Pennsylvania looks especially dicey. It would not surprise me to see Oz with a substantial lead at midnight, and then see it magically disappear overnight and Fetterman in the lead by morning.

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That's what they do. As soon as polls close at 8p on the West coast the Eastern results, which have already been tabulated, are released. Usually you know the outcome of the election by 9pm.

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Actually, they declare the elected PM before the west coast polls are in because it wouldn't make a difference at that point. Seriously, it was 4:30 MST in Alberta when Turdeau (sp intentional) was last elected

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Are you sure? I recall waiting until the polls closed in BC to see the results posted on the news shows.

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The Liberals had secured enough seats to declare in the last two elections before the west coast was officially included

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Ahh, got it. I read it to say that the East Coast results were already *reported* by the time the West Coast polls were closing. My bad.

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They give a play by play, minute by minute once the votes start coming in

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This is true but Canada is far from perfect. With the population balance in the eastern provinces the election is declared while I'm in a voter lineup in Alberta. Hardly encouraging when the east and west are polar opposites politically

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It makes you wonder why Canada is so f"d up!

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'First past the post' voting system and no electoral college. It means that Trudeau can consistently hang on to power even though a majority of the electorate loathe him.

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Yes, that's it. Plus you can't directly vote for the top guy, in Canada, the PM, unlike most countries. Stupid British system. You can only elect your local rep or MP, and the party with the most MP's forms the government. And the Senate is all appointed cronies/stooges.

It's even worse in Britain. At least in Canada you can swarm the party leadership nomination, so anyone can vote for party leader, as was recently done in the Conservative party, getting the Populist Pierre Poilievre elected, whom the establishment and media hate. In Britain even that is done by MPs. So thus you get WEF/Bankster puppet, Rishi Sunak, which conservative voters don't want.

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What is the population of Canada? It’s less than California

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Doesn't matter. It's not like one precinct is doing all the counting for the whole country.

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That's right. It all about having many polling stations, which makes it much more convenient for voters and poll monitors (at least one from each party), so each polling station can quickly tabulate their results and that can easily be aggregated in a central location. The paper trail, verification is held in each polling location, with paper ballots and signatures in the voting record book. So it really doesn't matter how large your country is, it's all the same procedure. I imagine the USA did something similar before the voting machine charade was foisted upon them.

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And elections in Canada are run by an independent agency: Elections Canada is the independent, non-partisan agency responsible for conducting federal elections and referendums. And every province has a local independent agency to run their elections I.e. Elections Ontario, etc.

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How independent, though? Anything like Dominion?

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38 million

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We are about to find out just how well the Dems can scale down from rigging one big race to lots and lots of smaller ones. I would think there is no way they will let PA "go" - I just wonder if it will be Fox again next Friday or Saturday who will "declare" Fetterman the winner. Although the PA supreme court did get in the game with their invalid mail in ballots ruling. It'll be interesting. If Lake "loses" in AZ things could get a bit Brazilian here! Fox station there has already flashed a graphic showing a 47% defeat for her "in error". (She is up at least 5% in the polls.)

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Oh god, I’d forgotten that. If Uncle Festerman wins, it best be with record low voter turn out. I can understand not voting for Oz but choosing to vote for the afore described Mr.Potato Head.... “c’mon man! “

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There are people who will vote D no matter, braindead or not. In the Festerman case, they are planning on uploading his wife to the Senate when his operating system shuts down.

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The media reports in PA make a point to place emphasis on undated or misdated "ENVELOPES" when speaking of the SC ruling. I remember the UPS driver who disclosed delivering pallets of ballots to Harrisburg - pallets of never folded ballots, no envelopes involved. I imagine somewhere they're printing out pallets of ballots again.

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Pollyanna says whoever these people are willing to go to these lengths are really awful amoral vermin.

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Didn't Fox do that in Michigan as well? No, they just cut off Tudor Dixon's opening statement in the debate.

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It would be costly to rig a lot of small races. Guess that's where all the money earmarked for Ukraine really went...

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The democrats have figured out how to exploit the few loopholes in a constitutional federal republic for the general election.

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Loopholes? Their level of chicanery is equivalent to sailing the Exxon Valdez through the gaps. Broadside!

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LOL! So true.

They've ripped a new ass, so big, in the integrity of our elections...you could stick a 2X4 in it sideways.

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Don't give Paul Pelosi ideas!

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Zuckerberg funded the rigging of a lot of small races. https://capitalresearch.org/article/states-banning-zuck-bucks/

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Zuckerberg could only afford $450 million or so, so that limited what could be rigged. That is why the down ballot-votes either favored Republicans or were left completely blank, a red flag for cheating, if there ever was one! Imagine what could be done with tens of $billions!

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I think you are underestimating their resources. suck is only one of many funding sources. I think their funding of funny business is well into the billions. We only know the specific numbers in a few cases.

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I meant to type “Zuck” instead of “suck.” No matter, either works.

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Did Tapioca say that last night?? That’s reminiscent of Pelosi two years ago publicly saying “ Don’t worry, there is no way, Donald Trump is going to win “... say what?

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Yes! I believe her exact words 6 years ago were “Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States. Take it to the bank.”

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Obama said that too.

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Guaranteed the the Important Swing States will not have results until they determine how many votes they need tot manufacture for Team Brandon to win.

Of course, that might be more people than are in the state, but hey, who's going to do anything about that? The courts? The DOJ? LOL. We're f*cked.

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They have to count the real votes first because they have to know the amount to (BARELY) overcome. Then the votes are manufactured from various weakly "secure" means, absentee (not kept track of, how many were sent out? Unknown in most cases)ail out/in votes (which are insecure they don't check signatures, one place Maricopa Co, turned off IR scanner, other places have blurry ballots, were these forged? Unknown) this is in addition to not checking ID for walk in voters, several incidences of huge numbers of ballots found in trash and elsewhere (were these opponents of "democrats"? Unknown)

You can go on and on and on.....

Just like crime, they don't want to fix it, they want to EXPLOIT it, each side for different reasons. Some of the overall disfunction is by our adversaries like China, Iran, and probably Russia (just because "democrats" claim it's Russia, it might interestingly be true (not just Russia though)

Of course the FBI doesn't care, it's no longer a law enforcement agency, it's more a political entity who squashed legitimate investigations and other timesakes accusations out of whole cloth (Marl-A-Lago, Jan 6, Whitmer "attempted kidnapping"- just a few of late, wonder what else they "missed"?)

Just as is written about above, each entity has its own ac to grind, nobody wants to fix anything just pass their monstrosities of spending bills and for Gods sake, don't let the other side get anything done!

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Just like the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania who was going to disregard the Supreme Court and count incomplete ballots anyway till the Pennsylvania Supreme Court told her no.


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🙌 Aaannnd Obiden for another steal!

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Yes it did. As if there's no possibly way to count mail-in ballots BEFORE election day. Nope!

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My husband says “ stop dissing tapioca”... as in the real thing.

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As if we didn’t know. Nauseating.

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It’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes.

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The whole process is a divide and conquer charade.

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And maybe who prints the ballots.

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Who programs the ballot machines

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You go first.

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Don't. Absolutely nothing whatsoever will come of this.


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And it makes the defeated party feel overwhelmed and isolated. That is why even dictators regularly hold plebiscites, and always seem to arrive at the magical 'Dictator's Dozen' of 97%. The 3% are of course, the evil enemies of the state, small enough to be insignificant, but against which the rest of the population must be kept in a constant state of alarm and rage.

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Plus for them it matters because it's like spinning Wheel! Of! Fortune!

80 billion for my snorty son in his underwear, plus launch that game about the bat virus.

Your billions for Enron / Banking / Housing and Loan / Weapn. / Snooping in people's email / Gas friends have to wait their turn.

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Biden went from "saving the guardrails of democracy" to telling people in advance that tallying the votes will take a long time. When the polls look dire for Democrats, this rings of election tampering.

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Funny how it didn't take nearly as long to get the votes counted when we were using mechanical voting machines with levers.

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This is like, a basic truth. Why no pushback? Are people afraid of sounding like that old fuddy duddy who won't get a smart phone?

*whistles innocently*

Here's a "one-issue" for local elections: HOW ARE YOU GOING TO COUNT MY VOTES?

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The counting will continue until the desired outcome is reached.

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"Don't look behind the sofa. Let's play hide-and-seek."

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"Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking. They want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation".

- George Carlin

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When the Miss America pageant voting has more auditing than USA Federal voting, there is a problem.

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Only 'cause it's true.

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My proposed voting system would be very easy:

National HOLIDAY

In person ONLY with provisions for deployed military

VALID photo ID

Thumb DYE

HAND counting

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/Public/ hand counting.

And yes, this beats any high-tech solution hands down.

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Yes, I agree with the monitoring/recording of the hand counting.

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The Cyber Ninjas audit was live streamed to the public from many different camera angles. That is how counting ought to be done!

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But it was all smothered in FUD by the media, and Brnovich made sure to fix the final report. God but that stank.

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Brnovich was a wolf in sheep's clothing. I suppose he thought he was fooling the rubes by posing with nunchuks just like Bill Barr posed with his bagpipes. Obvious duping delight on their faces, in retrospect.

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I'm posted overseas and vote via mail-in ballot - not military. I go through all the checks to register to vote - complete the registration form, provide copy of my DL. To register the first time I had to bring my DL as well as naturalization certificate. NEVER voted while an LPR - green card holder. I vote on time and then spend weeks fretting if my ballot will make it in on time when sent from overseas.

I've observed elections in two different countries - one was a two-day thing (Saturday and Sunday) and I stayed at the polling station until everything was done from admin side to ballots counting, sealing of bags in front of observers - no shenanigans - absolutely nothing digital - paper ballots, hand counting. Voters had to show their ID, be found in their voter registry for that polling station before given ballots and then their thumb sprayed in very visible purple ink to show they've voted. There was no leaving the room we were in (a classroom in an elementary school) for any breaks until it was all done - polling station closed at 7 pm, counting wasn't done until 1 or 2 AM Monday morning.

Most recent election observation this year - different country. Need ID to vote, find your name in register and sign on the line that you voted, ballots are paper - they get stamped on the back and signed by the polling station supervisor, when ballots counted they have computer screens and a magnifying glass they put the ballot under so everyone can see what's on the ballot (for election commission members counting as well as observers).

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If wishes were horses, beggars would ride 😝

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Unfortunately, NOTHING has been done about the Dominion and ES&S machines.

And nothing ever will be done because BOTH sides are IN on it!

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So ridiculous. Top Secret machines, no one is allowed to examine their software or even do a virus check on them. And any News organization that presents any indication of voting machine malfeasance gets hit with a $1B SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) suit that will bankrupt them. I thought SLAPP suits were supposed to be illegal.

Counting votes is the simplest software you can make. There is nothing easier than counting. Having special high-priced machines with secret proprietary software just stinks. You could make those machines for a $100 each mass produced and total open source and 100% verifiable. This is obviously chicanery. And it didn't start with the 2020 election. Look at the blatant voting machine fraud in the Tim Canova vs Debbie Wasserman Schultz election:

Why Did Bernie Abandon Tim Canova & Election Integrity, Jimmy Dore:


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Not only all that, but the machines are ILLEGALLY connected to the internet and can take "UPDATES" via USB and Bluetooth when counting.

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Biden's speech yesterday 'neglected' to mention that the DNC literally bankrolled many of these MAGA candidates so they'd win and face a Democrat in November.

Now that's happened, Biden claims to be dismayed about how many MAGA Republicans are on the ballot. But if they're the most dangerous threat to America -- WHY DID YOU BANKROLL THEM??!?!?


Edit: Some of you might remember that this is literally what they did to run against Trump in 2016! Leave it to the Democrats to double down on something that JUST burned them in the ass.


In its self-described "pied piper" strategy, the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new "mainstream of the Republican Party" in order to try to increase Clinton's chances of winning.

The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee called for using far-right candidates "as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right." Clinton's camp insisted that Trump and other extremists should be "elevated" to "leaders of the pack" and media outlets should be told to "take them seriously."

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I remember all this coming out. They figured Trump was the easiest GOP candidate for Hillary to beat, so they sabotaged the other Republican nominees. Too bad about the FEMA camps they had ready to go as soon as Hillary was sworn in.

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I betcha about 5 Democrat voters know this.

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"if you want trust, stop posturing and solve the problem"

Trust is not what they want. Power is what they want.

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Thank you! I've been waiting for someone with an audience to point out that the only reason we are still complaining about unfair or untrustworthy elections is that we haven't done what's necessary to ensure them. It's simple and not hard to accomplish.

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You wanna see an absolute disaster in corruption? Look at this from Coos County, Oregon.

To wit: The Coos County Republican central Committee made a public records request of all ballot images. County gives a very high price, and the committee asks just for the adjudicated images. County replies, um... we have no images from the election.

A day later the county clerk resigned.

The committee asked to have all the ballots re-scanned using the original machines, since that's what decided the adjudicated ones, and btw, the county should eat the cost, since they're the ones who have lost/destroyed the images. The county says no.

The committee filed suit, and asked for a temporary restraining order to stop the further destruction of the Nov 3 election evidence.

The filling of the county clerk position was also a bit suspicious - they didn't follow the normal hiring procedure (they went through some motions) and just appointed someone. The replacement just happens to have been the county democrat party chair. This interim clerk publicly expressed disdain for republicans there in the county. Citizens complained about the conflict of interest and the commissioners played dumb.

This interim clerk conducted the primary election in 2022, and used non-security envelopes that also had the party preference listed very prominently seen through the plastic window on the outside of the envelope. (a code number is tied to each party)

Also discovered was the change of numerous people to non-affiliated voter (NAV), meaning they couldn't participate in the primary (approx 25%). They were not allowed to get a replacement ballot with the right party. They believe the SOS or DMV changed the party, but the denial of replacement ballots was a county clerk issue..

>60 people signed up to be observers when the ballots were counted, and consisted of democrats, republicans, Constitution and NAV party members, and the list was delivered twice to the clerk's office prior to the election. The county also limited observing for each person to 1 hour.

The calendar online was not kept up to date and also had large blocks of time blacked out without explanation.

One observer was asked to leave after 30 minutes after they complained that they were unable to see how a verifier was doing the work. The replacement observer was allowed to do so past the 1 hour limit they had placed on everyone.

Other violations included not being granted access, access time cut short, observers sent home indiscriminately.

At 10pm on election day all observers were removed except for a prior chair of the county democrat party.

Ballot collectors were not deputized, and the interim clerk said only one driver who would deliver all the ballots for the county, who just happened to be a long-time elections official. The interim clerk turned down all offers for someone to ride along as a witness.

Except, that observers watched several people delivering blue ballot bags. One was a boyfriend of an election office worker, bringing them by motorcycle. One person was deputized AFTER the ballots were dropped off. Others observed dropping off ballot bags are unknown if they were deputized.

Despite references to election law, results were going to be updated every two hours on election night, but no updates appeared. Counting ended at 1AM. The law said that all ballots have to be counted that day. It took nearly a week to finish the count.

A large stack of unsecured ballots bearing an undelivered sticker were seen. The clerk claimed that it was 1610 ballots, but when the list of eligible voters was run against the USPS Address Verification API, it found 2,351 addresses invalid.

That only checks to see if the address is valid, not that the voter actually lives there.

There's evidence that ballots sent out to people who didn't live at the addresses were either not delivered or were sent back with notation that the person(s) didn't live there. But the ballots disappeared. Nobody knows where they went, and as such, the corrections to the voter registration database were not done.

One candidate watched her vote count as it went up and down 4 times. County claimed after they submitted to the state that nothing changes.

The end of the video includes a plea for everyone to be election observers before the confidence of the people disappears. There were several recommendations made, such as getting rid of mail-in ballots, ID presented at the time of voting, etc.

A documentary about all this is found here: https://rumble.com/v1p3xir-the-curious-case-of-coos-county.html

The three part report that I summarized is here:

pt 1 - https://auditoregon.org/the-curious-case-of-coos-county-2020/

pt 2 - https://auditoregon.org/the-curious-case-of-coos-county-how-did-she-get-here/

pt 3 - https://auditoregon.org/the-curious-case-of-coos-county-2022/

(Oregon is a mail-in ballot state. You DO NOT want that allowed in your state! I'm in California, and it's a source of fraud here. Do NOT allow California style election laws to be introduced in your state! When CA Gov. Gavin Newsom tells you it's a model for the nation, don't believe it!)

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Hi badcat,

I have a better plan than yours. Simpler, proven, cheap, and fast. And no computers are involved, so nobody has to put faith in "blockchain" or "public key encryption" or any of the other buzzwords that most of the public does not understand.

Paper ballots, with clear boxes to tick. Volunteers (chosen jury-selection style) sitting at tables with big, transparent plastic "urns", into which each voter deposits their paper ballot after filling it in and stuffing it into a simple envelope. The whole process is watched over, at each polling place, by designated representatives of each political party. Same goes for the counting, when voting closes. Votes are counted on-site, not transported, with reps of every party that wants to be there watching the count and verifying it. Numbers from each voting site are then agreed and known to all parties, and transmitted by a phone call to the regional count-center. (Paper documents certifying the count, signed by the volunteers and observers, are created and sent by physical transport, along with the counted ballots, in case a recount should later be needed. This, too, is overseen by the public and party reps, not handled by the in-power government alone.)

This *works*, and the results are known before 1am on election night. How do I know this? This is precisely how Spain has handled its elections since transitioning to democracy in the late 1970s. I'm an American living in Barcelona, for the last 20 years. I cry with shame every time I see U.S. elections unfold.

Nobody, literally nobody, talks or whispers of fraud here. It's essentially impossible. The Spanish are proud of their system, and rightly so, looking on places that do electronic voting as though they are insane. (Which, basically, they are).

Problem. (For your proposal as well as mine). The constitution leaves voting laws up to the states, so you have 50 different incompatible, wildly different systems going on in America. Good luck trying to convince all the states to switch to a genuinely secure, verifiable system...

But to those who want to try, I say: just propose emulating the Spanish system, not some new-fangled crypto-technology scheme that 90% of Americans will be easily induced to doubt, no matter how secure it in fact may be.

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I would spend my daily allotment of upvotes on this comment if I could.

There's an old truism in the history of technology: "You cannot apply a technological solution to a sociological problem". People will always find a way to circumvent high-tech solutions. The more complex, the more flaws to exploit.

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Exactly how it works here in Israel. We had elections last week, and though I'm far from enthused about the choices, no one suspects fraud, ever. The nonsense in the U.S. is a huge embarrassment.

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Glad to hear that Israel functions similarly, and Canada (based on another reply). It's crazy how the USA never looks at how other countries do things.

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The best and most secure way to surreptitiously control a "democracy" is to restrict the range of candidates to those who are controlled. Let them have their trivial differences and focus the debate on those. Then any outcome is acceptable.

This nonsense with rigged voting machines and phantom mail-in voters and the like is definitely Plan B.

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Canada’s federal election is very similar....

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How about this...go back to the founders form of elections and kick out the illegal aliens. You won’t need technology....

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How about "only stake-holders (net tax payers) can vote"? How can anyone say that is not fair? If you don't have skin in the game, STFU.

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Racist. So is blockchain.

What else you got?

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Not racist but classist. Plenty of well to do black folks out there fyi.

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Unpossible. The racist white power structure would never allow that.

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Good thing that it doesn't exist then. CRT is bunk!

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Doesn't exist?? What kind of fool do you take me for? Next, you'll be trying to tell me that men can't get pregnant! Outrageous.

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I’d be good with that...property owners only.

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Hell yeah. With the barrel of a gun if necessary!

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Go vote in person on the day of if you can, by mail or early voting if you must.

Even if your district is secure, we need the turnout and total votes. Win to the point that the rubble bounces. And it will help those of us in purple districts: they're allowing no-excuse mail-in voting here in New York, so we need the rest of you to turn out real votes, everywhere. Otherwise, we'll be listening to another two years of the "81 million votes!" chatter. Make that number go the other way, please.

(and why vote in person on the day of? IMNSHO, early voting and mail-in give them an idea how many ballots need to be printed or harvested, don't give them that, make them act in a panic and make any fraud obvious)

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Bring bazookas

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Writing code according to Diebold / Dominion

- Writing code to tabulate a Vote for a US President

You must develop secure code that allows a single user with a unique ID number to touch A or B on a screen, record and tally the totals for A and B ensuring that the ID number is only used once.

According to Diebold / Dominion - Level of difficulty for coding purposes - almost impossible / incredibly complex / requiring tons of proprietary patented secret code

Acceptable error percentage ~ 10% due to extreme difficulty / complexity

- Writing code for a functioning worldwide ATM network that includes street vendors with smart phones, restaurants, 7-11’s or any establishment on the planet that uses debit / credit card transactions including all worldwide online internet purchases whether with a PIN or by “tapping” or just by logging into your online Amazon / EBay or any other account while ensuring complete absolute security of all funds.

You must develop secure code that allows several people using a designated number to access their funds anywhere in the world, simultaneously, make any purchase required in any currency, for any good or service or cash advance, instantly calculate the international currency exchange rate as supplied by outside exchanges and banks, instantly determine whether or not their account has the funds and allow each person in different locations to do so in real time anywhere in the world while accurately recording the results that are then reflected instantaneously in your account balance. You must be able to track this and ensure that all transactions are accurately recorded from any terminal anywhere in the world for multiple transactions using hundreds of different languages and hardware and software systems developed in many different countries and languages with the entire population of the world.

Level of difficulty for coding purposes - Easy Peezy, Lemmon Squeezy

Acceptable error percentage - 0% because it’s so easy and the repercussions of messing up a transaction for the purchase of a chocolate bar would be catastrophic

Does this make sense to you?

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Well said. How can anybody believe that crap, a simple counting machine, Taiwan could produce them by the millions for $100 each.

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Was discussing this yesterday as our Secretary of State ran infomercials on how open and transparent the system is. “Come see people rushing about, doing things! There, open and transparent. You can trust us....”. Oregon 🤦‍♂️

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Ha ha! Oregon! Great punchline to follow that lead up!

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Oregon's been all-D ever since it went all-in on mail-in ballots for everybody (and their dog, ha-ha). That was 1998.

"​​​​​​​​Oregon has the most convenient voting system in the country. Since adopting vote-by-mail, Oregon consistently ranks as a national leader in voter turnout and security."


So much that they need to run infomercials about it every election.

How big of a wave will we need to wash away this mess?

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