It might be interesting to have a psychiatrist evaluate the sorts of internal mental dynamics that support Cult behaviors. I have read a lot about the Great Leap Forward, which I suspect is the general model the neoliberal fascists are employing in the so-called "Great Reset" (the aping of the "great" in Great Leap is no accident). I would guess there is a dopamine-mediated reward system being co-opted by the Cult narrative. What made the Red Guards so enthusiastic about destroying their own personal well-being, as well as the well-being of their children and community, and even their civilization? My assumption here is that BLM/antifa is the contemporary analog of the Guards.

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Ask Ted Wheeler about his ability to control the Red Guard.

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I wish more would read about the Great Leap Forward. The parallels are chilling.

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authoritarian socialism: one 5 year plan away from a worker's utopia, since 1917.

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I actually can't quite believe it myself yet there is a fact that is undeniably true. The embrace of these mask fetishes are ideological. If you see a person driving around in their car with the windows rolled up and their mask on you can be certain that person is a Democrat. The person who tweeted this photo is a Democrat. Those who embrace this fear porn and relish the hideously ineffective non-medial interventions such as masks and lockdowns are all Democrats. It should not be true but it is.

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Can't help thinking that the compulsive mask wearing and lockdown narratives aren't just ideological but also plain perverse and sado-masochistic.

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Good point. Definitely true for some of the ones that consider themselves "leaders". I was mostly referring to the folks that seem committed to living in fear. It is really a syndrome I don't understand. They are the ones that seem to say, "Freedoms? What freedoms? I haven't lost any freedoms.". Thanks for commenting. I appreciate your thoughts.

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My general belligerence coupled with informed risk assessment prevent my conformity to this smothering madness. The more we participate in their delusions, the more they demand it. Make no mistake, they will do it again and again. “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”- Frederick Douglass

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Maskless face is the US evolution of the ridiculous dunce cap imposed on the enemy by Mao'se Red Guard......

The mask is the symbol of our disdain for our children.

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I am so happy to be in North Carolina small town atmosphere currently. Have gone in restaurants, grocery stores and independently owned shops with no mask....and most are maskless. So refreshing. These people who are "protecting the community" aren't Police Officers or Emergency/Fire personnel. So...Just. Stop. Please...!

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I was in Asheville two weeks ago and it was, indeed, refreshing. Most people not wearing masks, but I noticed a generational divide, in that the hipsters running the (very good) restaurants seemed full on Cult while people out on the streets were mostly maskless. I am planning to visit Florida soon, and I hear in places like Ft. Myers the masks are much less in use. Lately, I'm just not wearing a mask outside, even in NYC.

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The first rule of Dunning-Kruger Club is, you don't know you're in Dunning-Kruger Club.

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RT if you’d like to join me in my endeavor to become a Covidian Eunuch

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