Exactly, how many times we seen tweets from people saying: "I've never been so sick in my life. I thought I was going to die. Thank God I was vaxed - this would have been so much worse".

Do these people actually read what they write?

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The receptionist at an imaging lab (I was getting a CT scan) was asking me the usual list of symptoms questions, and I told her I had covid a month ago and it was a breeze. She asked if I am vaxxed...I said no. She was shocked, I guess she believes the narrative.

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I can hardly wait to go to my doctor for a 'checkup'. I haven't been since 2020. 99% of people over 65 (me) have been vaxxed here. I bet I get a hard sell to correct my ways.

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I had a similar experience: Annual exam in Jan 2021. Question: Have you gotten the vaccine yet? Ans: Nope and I likely won't because of past history of anorexia following vaccines. But I'm open and will wait and see. Following this was a bit of urging to get the jab.

Annual exam in Jan 2020, same doc. Question: Did you ever get vaxxed? Ans: No. His response: Good, smart decision!

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I’ve been delaying going to my doc so I won’t get vax talk again. But maybe she won’t bring it up. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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She works for you, not the other way around. Treat her advice as you would any other advice, a data point that you think about and integrate into your own decision-making process.

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I would tell her to never bring it up again. Just make a not on your file that you refuse.

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"make a NOTE"

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Many of us unvaxxed are delaying medical care because we fear being asked about the vax. Maybe that’s why there are so many excess deaths in 2021-22!

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Do you mean the second exam was in Jan 2022?

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In Jan 2020 your doctor wasn’t getting paid to administer doses of snake-oil.

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I'm 63 and have had a heart attack (2018), have asthma and am diabetic. My doc asked me last March if I was going to get the shot. I said "nope." He left it at that. He knows me too well. :-) And I'd probably be dead by now if I'd taken it.

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But (sarc): you are high risk!

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Yeah, so they say. LOL I've been doing the Zelenko protocol - Quercetin, zinc, lyposomal vit c. Got Ivermectin and antibiotics if I need them. So far so good. I might have had Omicron, but didn't test. I'm not shoving anything in my nose that Gates and Soros own.

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I'm 64 with a health condition involving deteriorating cartilage in my feet, so I go often. Two surgeries last year, and quite possibly another one very soon. I get wide ranging reactions regarding not being vaxxed. I try to be gracious and kind. Here the vax rate for over 65 is about 70%.

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I took a velvet elk antler product for my degenerative disc. It worked. No pain no loss of flexibility. It might work for your foot. Deer antler might also work.

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Thanks for the suggestion, I'm open to trying alternatives.

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The number for the rancher in Colorado who raises elk and produces the velvet product: (719) 657-0942. Grande Natural Meats. Tell them you want to try their product “flex appeal”. I take four caps at night. Piping Rock often has their deer antler velvet product on sale too. Best of luck.

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You must not be in California. I was told no vax, no surgery.

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I'm so sorry. Do you have alternatives? We're in Texas, are former Californians. One more reason to never go back I guess.

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Whoa, are you serious? I'm in LA and Cedars-Sinai sent out an email a while back saying you can't visit anyone there if you're unvaxxed, but I didn't see any mention of not being able to have surgery there. You'd think hospitals, more than anyone, would understand their liability risk in making vaxxes mandatory for surgery. I feel like I should order a medicalert bracelet with "do not vaccinate" in case I ever get taken in unconscious.

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My doctor, himself, got vaxxed early and was a proponent. He also wants all kinds of tests so he can figure out what kind of pills to put me on: apparently an apple a day is not a sufficiently strong deterrent ;)

Appointment coming up, no I don’t want to hang around the hospital for the requested tests, no I won’t take the recommended pills anyway, and I’ve said so, yes they still want masks around the office, and the assistant couldn’t tell me if he still recommended the vax. Told ‘em to cancel, and “don’t call me, I’ll call you if I need anything.”

I’ll be looking for an independent practice, even if I pay out of pocket.

Shame, he’s a thoroughly nice guy, just part of the hospital’s corporate practice.

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

I got a "soft sell". My doc pointed out that I had none of the medical counter indications so the risk from the vaccine was low. Medically, he said, despite being over 60 I was at very low risk of serious illness from COVID but medical logic wasn't relevant. His "case" was that should I need hospitalization or even out-patient treatment for anything, I would receive a lower standard of care if I did not have the vaccine card. So why risk that if the vaccine probably won't hurt.

Subsequently I broke my foot, and needed surgery. I was "fully vaccinated" (which was just 2 shots back then). However I needed a "negative" test to get the surgery. Thankfully I did.

I asked "what if" questions. I was told that if I tested positive, they would not allow the surgery for at least 14 days after a negative test result. If I were not vaccinated, test or not, I would have to be vaccinated then wait at least 6 weeks after that, test negative, and then maybe. The podiatrist doing the surgery said if we delayed more than a week, I would likely not fully recover.

So my primary doc was right - lack of vaccination status would have resulted in a substantial (and life altering) lower standard of care.

Good medical logic, right?

BTW now have had all three jabs. First one no problem, second one took me out for 2 days, third one made me feel like crap for a day after. And my surgery went well, I'm walking.

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Have you had d-dimer and troponin levels checked?

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Now it was changed to "Thankfully I'm vaxed and boosted or it would have been so much worse."

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Barnum was right.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

19th century: this way to the egress

21th century: this way to the vaccine

those 19th century people were so dumb! let us all laugh at them.

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Next: "Thank goodness my 35y/o husband died from the booster, dying from covid would have been much worse."

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Who knows if they read what they write. One thing for certain they don't read bad cattitude or they'd never write the "Thank God I was vaxxed" statement!

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Ain't that the truth!

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I've been studying the relationship between those that would throw themselves in front of a bus in order to save Fauci's life to those who drank kool aide in group psychosis, or killed pregnant actresses as members of a cult, or believed they were chosen to join God when a meteor passed by earth. You almost hit the nail on the head with "Thank God I was vaxxed". Just shift that about 90 degrees and it makes more sense this way: "Thank the vaccine, our savior. Those who do not worship vaccines, and follow our prophet Fauci, are unclean heathens deserving of all that fate deals them." And solely based on personal experience, I've noticed that those who have a strong spiritual base do not seem to be affected by the false dogma. Ironically, it seems to be those who self-identify as atheist or half-assed agnostic who are seemingly the most devout to this new religion.

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I am an atheist and I've seen this odd shift myself in the community. I call it the Cult of Not--when you focus so on what you hate you become as culty on the other extreme. First the focus was on fundies who wouldn't take a kid to the doctor even if they were screaming in pain because Jesus, and it developed into a counter reaction of letting doctors do whatever they want without question. If you demand the right to informed consent or to know the rationale for the doctor's opinion, you'd get "are you a doctor?!" over and over. Ironically, they started acting as irrational on that extreme as the fundies they were reacting to and distancing from, and as dangerous.

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Pizza is safe and effective.

Get pizzanated.

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I find the safest treatment is to avoid all contact with the medical profession… aka the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial-complex… unless blood is draining rapidly from your body. Look up ‘iatrogenic deaths’.

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I couldn’t agree more. Sad but true

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Plot twist: the pizza is nothing but the super sharp corners that slice up your mouth and throat all the way down.

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All this deceptive marketing started with French cuisine. "Jaques, what do you think we should with all this leftover goose innards?"

"Good, question, Francois. Let's whip it into a paste. Call it foie gras and charge people 1000 times what its worth."

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Oh no, it is worth every penny! Yum!

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It's so good! Aww, man. Now I want some foie gras. Well, I have some chicken livers in the freezer so I can make a pate.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

I haven't had any chicken liver pate for about 22 years. Can I come over? 😉

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Considering how much I usually end up making, yes please come over!

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Thanks! Be right over!

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My Mom used to make it with chicken livers, which I love, so needless to say I loved it, too. Great on crackers! She used to make extra to give to a family friend that just loved it! God bless them all!

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Ooooh! Chicken liver mousse with a dash of sherry in it, on a crusty baguette, with a glass of white burgundy. Now I’m hungry!

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May I also suggest parmesan wafers substituted for the crackers? I got hip to those once I started keto. Adds a nice sharpness.

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Yes, that sounds yummy!

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You know, at first I didn't think I would like the parmesan wafers but I was definitely wrong.

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Je ne pense pas !

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Totally. Save me some!

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Obviously, you have never had foie gras. :-)

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I threw up in my mouth a bit. I'll take cheez-whiz any day.

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Well that explains it. I'll stick with my homemade goat cheese... and foie gras!

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You have homemade goats???

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No... I milk the goats, then use their milk to make cheese... or yogurt or gelato.

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Sucker! falling for the "if it's French it must be better" marketing.

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Nope. I love tripe too. Yeah menudo!

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Which is just fine. 😊 There’s a lid for every pot, as my granny would say.

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Is that a Dutch saying?

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Southern. She was from eastern North Carolina, of English and Cherokee ancestry.

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The pizza will shorten your life, unless you thoughtfully wipe each slice with sanitizing wipes.

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And keep the slices socially distanced by 15cm

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Don't forget to separate each piece with a soggy napkin

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They sold MILLIONS of test to people that were never sick!

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No, they used our taxpayer money to test because all the idiots thought it was 'free'!

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I meant "sold" in the convince sense...and you are right. Mostly paid for by those of us that never got tested!

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And then those tests produced thousands of false positives which helped to run-up their "cases" and stoke more fear.

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Your agent better get on the horn to Little Caesars pronto as you've got a million-dollar idea right there.

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My double jabbed (and boostered) friend over in England was laid low with the virus at Christmas time. She would certainly have died without all the jabs, or so she tells me.

I’m unvaccinated and, in spite of sharing a bed with my infected, symptomatic (double jabbed) husband and getting him to breathe on me, I’m still Covid-free*.

How can I spin this using the same marketing strategies and flawed logic as our lying governments and all their willing dupes who walk amongst us?

This perhaps: I didn’t catch Covid from my husband, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. If I’d had the vaccine, it would certainly have been so much worse. I mean, OMG, I might have - gasp! - caught Covid.

I don’t know. Is that how you play this game?

* The only reason I’m trying to catch Covid is because a positive PCR test here in Australia will buy a filthy unvaccinated citizen a 4-month ‘green tick’ exemption. Without a green tick or temporary green tick exemption, I’m not allowed to visit my mother in hospital (she has cancer).

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I'll bet the reason you can't catch covid is because you've had it and didn't know it. I had it in 2020 (I think) and only had mild chills and fever for one hour.

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I think you might be right. I might have already had it too, without knowing. I had a really bad headache and a couple of night sweats back in December, but I wrote the former off as stress (brought about by teaching my 17 year-old how to drive) and with it being Summer here, well, night sweats are par for the course!

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The Spanish Influenza didn’t need a global marketing campaign to convince the people burying their neighbors that it was a killer. The blitz, the intensive media pressure, the bureaucracy-fed, fad-driving dynamics around this COVID thing is like nothing ever seen before.

Amazingly successful. Desperately evil.

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Well, I'll say this: for all you more science-literate folks who talk about things like "strong signals" etc. etc. etc.--medical ads are extremely useful to keep eyes and whiskers on. I myself--only, like Ernestine, a HS graduate--have noted over the decades how the prescribed uses of biologics like Humera and its sisters have greatly broadened. Weren't they originally for rheumatoid arthritis and now for a whole bad salad-bowlful of maladies? Why is it so normal for the middle-aged to be ravaged by auto-immune diseases? I swear, I used to be scornful of those who were adamantly opposed to the "regular childhood immunizations," but I'm sure starting to wonder. I'm in the first generation who received polio vax, and had the smallpox vax as an infant, and as an adult, in prep for traveling, got typhoid and hepB vax, and rubella vax after giving birth, and I only have 2 auto-immune conditions but one can be blamed on having my tonsils out at eight...

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I think some of the rise in autoimmune disorders is due to increased understanding in what causes many ailments that have actually been around for quite a while - rheumatoid arthritis, certain severe allergies, chronic dermatological conditions, etc. So better identification leading to more diagnoses - the way we classify and count things changes, and so we can see some "increases" that are actually a function of those classification and diagnostic changes.

Some of it may also be the result of changes in the gut microbiome of humans since the end of WWII. I worked with a researcher who was studying gut flora and fauna, and he believed there were clear connections with the types and numbers of certain gut bacteria that definitely played a role in many chronic diseases, including (especially) various allergies and autoimmune disorders.

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The typical American diet of highly processed foods and several fast-food meals per week is also crap. We need to go back to the basics and go back to eating whole foods (preferably non-GMO) at home.

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I was healthy until 2008 when I got e coli in a restaurant. Developed an immune disorder so now my body attacks itself. I eat square meals, watch my weight, exercise, take supplements, etc. I believe the gut is very important in immune system health.

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Beyond all doubt. Also essential to the body's economic well-being. To judge from the fumes, I have a paper mill in mine. 🤡

On a slightly serious note, now that I'm in my 60s I take more interest in my diet. Less than two weeks ago I learnt I have high (~ 150/90) blood pressure. I don't yet (want to) take meds for it. Fortunately much in my diet can be jettisoned (e.g. salt). In just 8 days or so, I have it down to about 130/80. Still high, but big improvement.

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There was an interesting study that compared the overall health of Finns and now-Russian subjects of Finnish ethnicity in the Karelia area, where the two populations were genetically identical but those in Finland had better sanitation infrastructure, and the ones with more primitive facilities--i.e. exposed to more natural pathogens etc. etc.--had fewer autoimmune diseases.

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Logic suggests that if we are exposed to pathogens early in life we can improve immune function. Children today may be too clean for their own good. Some say that anti-bacterial soap does no better than plain soap but kills more stuff. Maybe some of that stuff is good for you.

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Fascinating! Really. While modern advances have brought with them some better living conditions and longer life spans, we are distancing ourselves from pathogens against which both individually and as a population we used to gain immunity from due to exposure. We’ve talked ad infinitum on these stacks about some of this related to covid, smallpox. Never thought of autoimmune disease. But I’ve heard of people who ate all sorts of weird dirt as kids have far fewer allergies. So all of this figures into immunity.

When did we shift from this immunology 101 from common sense to this “afraid of everything” mentality and “I must be safe from everything , including safe from YOU” mentality?

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I’ve seen a few statistical studies that showed a fairly clear correlation between heart disease and cardio disease risk and increase in vegetable/seed oils vs the former animal oils. Quite a reverse but it is pretty startling. One researcher graphed it in time against rises and falls in sugar and white flour increase and, while there is small correlation, it is nothing compared to the seed oil graph.

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I also have noticed an increase in auto-immune conditions across the board; not only that, but it seems that young adults are a lot less healthy these days as well. I am in my mid-60's, and have not missed one day of work due to illness in five years whereas there is scarcely a week that goes by that my much younger co-workers don't call in at least once. Are they really so frequently sick or is it I-don't-want-to-work-itis? Like you, I had polio and smallpox vaccinations and tetanus shots; I did get the flu shot a few times but decided that it really didn't seem to make a difference whether I got it or not so stopped getting it. I am thinking a lot of it has to do with diet in one's youth. I grew up eating fresh organic vegetables from our garden before organic was a thing, and I credit my overall good health to that.

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I think everything is complicated. My maternal line has an extremely strong history of serious heart disease and fairly early death, and my mother was conceived during her mother's refugee flight from--guess--Ukraine!--and retired on disability at age 60. But she lived to 87 (til the docs killed her...) because having a grandchild was like the elixir of life--rejuvenation right before my very eyes. Decades older than each of her parents.

I grew up on Minute Rice and canned green beans etc. etc. (she began cooking good stuff after I left; my brother was the beneficiary of those), but I've been a regular user of vitamins incl. lots and lots of C since my 20s (I'm 72, decades older than age my maternal grandparents died), and I tend to recover pretty fast from anything I do catch. If I visit people with cats I take plenty of C beforehand and pack strong black teabags just in case (haven't been on any prescribed meds in many decades).

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Gates ads: eat meatless products packed with all vegetable oils. /s

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Yeah. Vegetable oils that are high in Omega 6's that cause inflammation. Meatless products containing GMO vegetables and Lord knows what chemicals.

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I'm not a scientist, but I know my body. And my body reacts to rapeseed "canola" oil as if it is a toxin. How many thousands or millions of years did humans exist before technology enabled the expelling of oils from seeds? How many years have we been forced to adjust our bodies' systems to these things that have only been humanly possible for a comparatively tiny time period?

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They're just taking days off from work. They're not, for the most part, sick. When they are sick, they usually come to work to pass it around, because they've used up all their sick time.

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Yes, I agree. Many young people have a casual attitude to work. My son worked in hospitality and couldn't believe how often people just didn't turn up for their shift (meaning someone else like him had to cover). Same with being late.

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I used to work with a guy that would call in and say he was going to "be 1 to 6 hours late." (We worked 12 hour shifts.) Management was totally fine with it.

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I don't mind so much if the job is for a big organisation which claims to really care about their employees 'wellbeing' and all that BS. However, it really hurts small business owners. My husband is self employed and he needs casual help from time to time and nearly always gets older people like himself to do it. He would like to employ younger ones but they usually aren't interested or don't show up.

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AFAIK, it's only the giant organizations that mandate jab for job, and no matter what they say, they do not "care" about their employees. Them saying they "care" about their employees "wellbeing" IS BS. They may say they do this or that "wonderful" thing, but it's usually a very small subset of the workers or it's really management that gets the "wonderful" perk. So, why is it ok for them to demand it when they treat their employees like trash? --- Your husband is helping out older people that are probably discriminated against by the huge companies for being "too old" to work there. Also, if the younger ones aren't interested or don't show up, do you really think they'd be good employees? Do you think they'd do a good job at something they aren't interested in and don't care about? It kinda sounds like you want to discriminate against older folks, as well as demand jab for job.

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I participated in a few medical vaccine studies. They were always for an already approved vaccine for which there was a need for additional information on immune reaction, etc. It took me a while to figure out health issues that developed in the next few years that are auto-immune based. I am convinced they were a result of those vaccines. I'm with you. I no longer trust the whole regime of childhood and adult immunizations

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The original idea was genius--give everyone cowpox so they wouldn't die from or be hideously disfigured by smallpox. No additives or stabilizers or adjuvants or whatever all that modern crap is. Just a mild bug to beat a big bad bug. And then the smart people got their hands on the principle and ruined everything...

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Even the cowpox thing may have been debunked. There are several on these stacks showing the historical graphs that the main thing that wiped out many diseases is simple hygiene.

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My take on those opinions is they missed the obvious: herd immunity. We didn't survive all these millennia with incompetent immune systems. We have upward of 100 trillion viruses in our bodies at all times. And just under that for bacteria. In many ways, we still live in the "primordial ooze", and that has actually served us well. Mitochondria may actually have been viral in origin, but provided advantageous health and survival benefits, so our bodies incorporated them into our own gnome. My son, who is in the military, was tested for immunity prior to what used to be mandatory inoculations. Tests show that he's immune to measles, mumps and smallpox, despite never being vaccinated for them. There is a lot that we don't know, and that is what some people are uncomfortable with - it's why they gravitate toward the victory cries of superheroes who claim to save the day with science. But there are certain things that we do know, even though they require moral fortitude to defend and personal sacrifice to accept: medical narrative, especially surrounding vaccines, is rife with propaganda and false hope. And their safety & testing track record is abysmal.

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I've heard that too. Maybe the key to everything is let 'em roll around in whatever but wash their hands after. And a big cup of ginger tea as a nightcap to keep down the parasites...

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Does it inspire confidence when studies are needed for already approved drugs? I'm reading RFK Jr.'s Fauci book, which I realize is a biased source. But the tales he tells of vaccines, even the approved ones in the USA, are dismaying. No placebos, no control groups, really? And we're not even talking about the pretend studies for the rushed Covid-19 "vaccines."

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No--three conditions. Hay fever in childhood; that turned into asthma (triggered only by cats, damn it!) in adulthood, and blepharitis in middle age. The last two strongly tied to stress, but they are real physical maladies...

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If I pay for a marketing degree from Prestigious University, will I look like that gal in the photo...?

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Probably not.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Sunscreen. Greatest marketing for a downright harmful product ever. Outside of Aspartame. And margarine. Fat is bad. OK yeah, there are lots of those things. And you know the font of most of those big dumbass ideas? Government. If they didn't come up with it, the OK'd it and then declared it righteous.

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Where can I get some information about harmful effects of sunscreen please? Thanks!

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You can get it all over the net. I googled "harmful effects of sunscreen".



I live in and have always lived in a sunny state. I used to use regular sunscreen because I am fair skinned and my derm told me to. Then my new derm told me the chemicals may be harmful so I looked into it. It turned out to be very eyeopening The worst is oxybenzone. I now use zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (Goddess Garden). It still makes you look ghostly, but not like zinc from long ago. Only on my face/neck/chest. Sometimes not. I wear sunguard long sleeve tops (wicking and spf in it) when playing sports or hiking. The rest of the time the sun hits bare skin. So far no burns. That is what you want to avoid.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Thanks, I will check out these links. I have very fair skin and get sunburnt very easily. As I get older I avoid the heat of the day but l aim to have a long daily walk.

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Carol Ann, look at the environmental working group cosmetic safety database. Every year (before US summer?) they post info on this. great resource

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Thanks. I don't live in the US so the products available may be different here in New Zealand. Also I've heard that sunscreen can block out Vit D (or prevent it being absorbed or something?) but don't know how true this is. Having being taking D3 supplement for a while now.

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Sure. nothing to buy on the site that I am aware of. but lots of great info. And worth looking out for their sunscreen research.

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Weird how every drug commercial has 15 seconds of possible adverse effects, but the vaccine commercials are silent on the issue.

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They give a handout at the time of the vaccine. Someone I know got the info AFTER the jab! How’s that for informed consent?! I haven’t seen commercials with disclaimers for the vax, but I rarely watch tv so...

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“Safe and effective”. Right! Ha!

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Imagine Smith&Wesson using that tagline.

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I hadn't watched actual t.v. in decades (many VHS tapes repeatedly, so still an escapist) when I first saw Fox News at my sister's. I thought it was satire. I hadn't seen it during the Trump era until, again at a relative's, I started seeing pharma ads for the first time. I don't know for how many decades people have been watching the healthy looking life fulfilling actors engaged in sports or walking on the beach with that chryonish text being read quietly, the lists of atrocious outcomes ending with "and even death" I think that must've brainwashed people subliminally to expect that all glorious pills will work except when they don't ("and even death")over decades. When you haven't been exposed to this and innured to it, it is really shocking. I remember one drug that was supposed to be an appetite suppressant, for which the side effects included bleeding from the palms. The Big Pharma stigmata. This virulent rot has been pulsed into people's brains for a long time. This latest schist builds over that. Frog boiling slowly. And even death.

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I love all the ones that in their “speed” reading the adverse effects includes problems with immune suppression. Hmmmm....

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I heard steaks through the heart did a better job. And tastier.

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I've got a personal steak in that. I'm a steakholder.

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I'm not lactose intolerant. Where did you find your electric cheese straightener, my hand powered one is so tiring!

There is a pretty good description of the sales/control techniques in Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, 2019. Many of the same players are involved with the WEF and plandemic.

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Honestly you are killing me😂😂😂😂😂

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Saw a commercial for Walgreens this week with a montage of everyone out and about having fun, ranging from bars to clubs to school etc. The message was to be vaccinated so you can have fun. Oh, and the only masks in the commercial? The kids at the school.

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I wish China would market short Hair cuts for teenage boys. I’m so tired of my 14 year old’s puffy front do which he is never happy with….I sound like my parents.

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Vaccine, booster, booster, booster is the new wash, rinse, repeat.

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The Chief Marketing Officer of Pfizer should have been the 2021 person of the year.

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Vitamin P. You gotta love it!

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not related but thought i'd share since its so funny


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Talk about deceptive propaganda! Today, my 17 y.o. woke up with sore throat and cold symptoms. I kindly offered to have him tested and treated with IVM (which I bought last summer online via Singapore/France). He replied: "NO, I will not have horse medicine!". I almost flipped out. Lost it for a few minutes. Then, made him watch the 11-min video about Ivermectin posted on the FLCCC website. Thank God for the work of Dr. Kory et al. I've been consumed about all things covid since the whole plandemic started. This kiddo is lucky to have me as his momma. He got an earful from me, justifiably so. ;-) I ended the lecture reminding him that the CDC ads telling people to not take horse medicine is what we call propaganda, NOT truth. He finally agreed. Sigh. The state of vigilance is never-ending with our teens and young adults.

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

"They're young, they're hip, they're fashionably dressed, and they do like science and sh*t!"

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Dude, Little Caesars? I've lost some respect for you....

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i was looking for a terrible pizza brand.

good pizza might actually work...

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Phew, that's a relief! Confidence restored.

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If you're ever near Austin TX I'll make pizza from scratch and have you over.

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The sales pitch was criminally good.

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If only we could make it so.

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In honor of the late great Bill Hicks, I shall plant some seeds (NSFW):


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Thank-you for that one! Pretty much sums up how I feel lots of times.

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Coming soon: vaccine to stop the spread of Russian armed forces, or if they invade it’s ‘less serious’.

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And the marketing, worth billions of (insert currency) was at no cost to producers/retailers. Advertising and promotion were produced and broadcast by Governments at National and local level and paid for by taxpayers, celebrity endorsements, including by royalty, were free, public relations handled no-charge by the main stream media. And finally, people reluctant to buy the snake-oil were bullied, coerced, tricked, bribed into buying it by Governments, institutions, businesses, the media and law enforcement agencies.

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I hear they are marketing a 3rd world war very well now as well. Who would have thought they could get hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to go on the streets and demand an escalation that could lead to nuclear war. Amazing marketing.

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Does the garlic keep the Covidians away? I might have to change my pizza!

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I have some questions for all you good people. I call on your honest self-examination.

1. Is the world Covid situation really getting better?

2. Have any government emergency powers gone away?

3. Is suspending mandates the same as ending emergency powers?

4. Do you suspect your government might already be a branch of the NWO?

5. If so, is political theater used to keep the populace quiet?

6. Is a vote coming up in your country? Will you be allowed to win?

7. What word magic makes you think “protesting for freedom” is the same as “fighting for freedom”?

8. T. Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Do you believe it, or just pay it lip service?

9. What proof is there that pure, pristine, passive protesting has actually changed government policy?

10. Is pure passivity proof you're more moral than your enemy?

11. Do you think erudite factual articles will ever change the mind of your enemy?

12. Does it occur to you you're in a real war?

13. Do you know that before an army can fight, it must purge its ranks of traitorous self-righteous karens who scold about moral equivalence?

14. Do you know that in war you must have no illusions about your enemy, make a strategic plan, and use measured, incremental force?

15. When will you put aside childish idealistic fantasies, and deal with adult reality? Can you ever admit you're living on hopium?

16. Why do I bother with these questions, when everyone is in mass formation, the evil people with theirs, the good people with theirs?

Whoops, too many questions, I've already lost the typically short attention span of my audience. Sorry, my bad. Just carry on as usual.

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No I paid attention. I will give it thought though before responding.

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Thank you for your thoughtful attention.

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Final comment:

All of you refuse to directly address my questions, because the answers make you so nervous and uncomfortable you can't emotionally handle it. You're living in psychological denial. I never insisted I have the only correct interpretation. But none of you even try to hold a rational discussion with me about a viewpoint different from your own. Instead you offer only self-righteous conceit and gratuitous anger. That makes you the same as the tyrants you pretend to oppose. There's nothing left to say except that you deserve your fate, and it's heading like a freight train straight to your door.

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Or maybe we are busy. Traveling, working, raising families....

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That's because you're an abusive, insulting asshole, and a troll. And maybe an agent provocateur on top of that. With people like you, there is no possibility of rational discussion - you sound a lot like Curtis Yarvin, a Dark Triad type - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201812/beware-the-malevolent-dark-triad - and your last sentence sounds a lot like projection on your part.

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I normally let comments like yours filled with vile invective, incurable ignorance, infantile tantrums, hollow threats, illiterate logical fallacies, and vicious, libelous personal attacks go unanswered. But in your case, I'll make an exception. So keep your yap shut and clean out your ears...

First of all, try to get it through your permanently thick skull that I hate the New World Order, I detest the globalist mafia, and I want justice done by seeing them all publicly hanged.

Next, I'm going to keep using my God-given right to freedom of speech, to say whatever I believe is useful, in whatever way I choose to express it. Neither you nor anyone else is going to stop me. If that happens to upset you, then you need to be forcefully reminded that you are solely responsible for your feelings, nobody else, just you. Your attempts to blame somebody else for the way you feel, is just a pathetic rerun of the victim game, that blames everybody else for your own damn shortcomings. I refuse to get sucked into it, so the burden is right back on you, chuck-0. More importantly, your absurd attempt to play tone police is just a thinly disguised way of avoiding the real issues, in other words, the coward's way out of a meaningful argument.

Do you have the slightest clue why I speak this way? Have you even once tried to rub two brain cells together and think about it? I'll give you an analogy (do you know what an analogy is?), see if you can figure it out...

A farmer needed a mule to plow his land. He went to his neighbor to see if he had a mule to sell. The farmer asked if the mule had any problems he should be aware of. The neighbor said that the mule would do anything he asked.

So the farmer took the mule home and the next day took him out to the field to plow. The farmer said, "Git up!" But the mule did nothing. Nice words, bad words, the mule still did nothing. So the farmer called his neighbor to come over right away.

After the farmer explained the problem, the neighbor went over and picked up a two-by-four. He hit the mule over the head and whispered in the mule's ear. The mule then proceeded to plow the field. The farmer said to the neighbor, "Why did you hit him with the two-by-four?"

"Well," said the neighbor. "First you have to get his attention."

In your case, we're not talking about a mule, we're talking about a jackass. If you want to keep your little shit show going, then keep making more replies here, but it's already obvious to everyone that you're just making an even bigger fool of yourself than you already have. Good luck with your pathetic life, because in the coming months as the NWO takes over because of do-nothings and know-nothings like you, you're certainly going to need it.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Gee.. Was it really necessary to write the short attention span comment? Yeah, lots of questions but why ask if you think “your” audience won’t read them? (I read them).

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The demonstrations like we've had are very useful, the most important thing is that they tell people that they're not alone, the next thing is that they talk together and form relationships - which can be long-lasting. It's *that* which can create change, not the signs or chants or marches.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

I agree. I have formed several new relationships with like minded people from participating in demonstrations. Although, admittedly, primarily from being on mailing lists and volunteering. It’s helpful to align. Our numbers keep growing as we attend state legislative hearings, give testimony, write letters to state reps, senators, congresspeople, etc.

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The time for the demonstrations was at the beginning… you tackle a forest fire when it is still just smouldering, not when it is a raging inferno which can engulf you - as has happened.

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Ok, here's my response. My apologies if it seems contentious or rude.

First I refer you to my question #9, which, with respect, you did not answer.

'Telling people they are not alone' is fine; talking together and forming relationships is fine. However, they are not ends in themselves. That is a primary misconception, and a horrible mistake. Perhaps you feel that, given some unspecified amount of time, absolutely everyone in the country will come together and believe exactly the same thing, and in so doing, will cause the vaxx tyrants to change their minds and revert back to 2019 conditions. For a variety of reality-based reasons, that is just never going to happen. I refer you to my questions 1,2,3,4,5, and 9, all of which you ignored. Unfortunately, the answers to those questions are the crux of the matter that now faces each and every one of us. I'll try to say this with kindness, but ignorance is NOT bliss.

Now is a good opportunity to talk about Truth, with a capital 'T'. Here is what I firmly believe about Truth. First of all, Truth is a process, not an end result.

Truth is when you stop any self-righteous reality filter from spinning around in your head. Truth is when you use the standard empirical process to test real-world data against a serious, adult hypothesis, then use your God-given honesty to accept, reject, or modify it accordingly. But you don't change the data to suit your reality filter, no matter how noble it may be.

We are in a war (my question #12), and our enemy is not stupid. He is, in fact, quite clever, and unyielding in his goals. The only thing that will make him stop is force. I'm sorry you don't like that answer, but by the time you finally accept it, it will be far too late. We are living in a postmodern, post-Truth world. Unless we can all shed our respective mass formation narratives (yes, you have one too, see my question #16), no matter how moral we believe them to be, we should all just prepare to be assimilated into the New World Order.

I guess I should change my name to Cassandra, the woman of Greek mythology.

If you don't know that story, please look it up, it can be very instructive.

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You need to acquaint yourself with some recent history - recent, as in 1989. In most societies, most workers are drones, they come in and get carried along and then clock out. They're usually incapable of doing much, even if they wanted to, which, by and large, they don't. On the other hand, there are people in the workforce who do actual work, figure out actual problems, and get things done. There aren't many of them, but if they decide to stay home and drink beer, or go fishing, the company is done - neither drones nor management can do the work - and scabs from Mexico or wherever can't, either. And they may not even be literate in Spanish, let alone English. So it's possible for a very small group of people, when informed by management that they have to get vaxxed, to tell management to go get f*cked, and take the week off - and no cargo gets unloaded in a major port for a week. They didn't need to use any force at all. Same case for truckers and train drivers. And robots need maintenance and repairs. For that matter, who are the absolutely indispensable employees in hospitals?

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That's a nice story. Perhaps you've heard of AI? Technology? Mass formation, essentially the same as a religious cult? BTW, what makes you so sure that the tyrants aren't trying to initiate a total breakdown in society, you know "Build Back Better"? Do you have telepathy, that you know exactly what they're thinking?

But if those narratives help you get to sleep at night, then by all means, keep believing in them. It's obvious that you believe you have a monopoly on morality. Meanwhile, reality marches on.

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Yeah, sure I've heard about AI, I was doing neural nets research 30 years ago. I know that stuff pretty well, actually. Either you're pretty f(cking gullible and believe the junk in the popular press about AI, or you're a stupid software developer who churns out tons of cruft and think you know everything. You don't. You can find out.

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Ah good, you have no arguments, just ad hominems. In my book, that means you just lost the argument. Good luck with all that, chuck-0.

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Funny, it can actually be said for all sides. There are always opportunity when people are scared.

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How did you know I was preparing pizza today? You must be clearvoyant LOL

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You bring much needed joy ~ thank you.

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I don't watch TV so I wouldn't know about these ads you refer to.

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As Benny Hill said “he is such a good salesman he can sell a double bed to the Pope”

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Where can I get me one of them electric cheese straighteners?

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I am so glad I don't watch ads or listen to terrestrial radio. I even got rid of ad based software because I got so sick of seeing the lady flexing her arm with the "take your best shot" slogan with a giant hypodermic and the one ad with a picture of someone half dead in a hospital bed with a respirator shoved down their throat saying something like "don't end up like this, get vaccinated!". Disgusting. Little Caesars sux. Lol. But I do admit that when I was in college, 2 pizzas for five dollars fit the bill nicely.

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