it worked better than masks!

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(Vaxx takers): My button didn't work because you didn't press yours!

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My button works, but only because I'm wearing a mask (not).

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But who was in the control group ;)

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the button did not work for those who failed to click it

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Haha! It worked for me too.

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I’m curious if anyone has looked at the data trends to identify whether states/countries with mask mandates have *increased* instances of bacterial respiratory infections and other negative health consequences associated with mask-wearing (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority).

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I live in Oregon and have had a six-fold increase in incidents of pneumonia, sinusitis and bronchitis since mask mandates began. I'm DONE.

Thanks for your comment; will check out your link!

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Greetings and commiserations from a fellow Oregonian, Constance 🤗

Do you have a reference for those stats?

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Yes. My nurse practitioner and I went through my chart and counted them.

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Recommend nasal wash (Neti pot or I just use a sterilized glass bottle): 2-4 oz distilled water and pinch sea salt cheapest. If able add: about 1/4 t. xylitol to 1/2 t, 3-4 drops eucalyptus oil (best if organic, other oils have also proven helpful), 1/4 t sodium ascorbate optional but I find it helpful with allergies.

But, I applaud no mask too.

I have heard of red thyme oil also but I bought a bottle so strong I can’t use it even one drop. Test one drop of any oil before going further.

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egm’s blue button worked and so has my neti pot. I have been regularly using mine especially when I travel. Dr Peter McCullough recommended including povidone iodine in the rinse. I have not so done that but have used a swab coated in H2O2 prior to rinse. I also use coconut oil in nostrils before bed (anti microbial and moisturizing).

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I do 2 drops of the iodine/povidone 10% solution (not diluted as FLCCC instructs) in my neti pot with purchased saline packets. The coconut oil is a great idea especially for those of us in cold, dry climates even if we have vaporizers running all day.

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Thanks so much for the amount of 10% P.I. you use! I have been meaning to look up recommendations on that. Pulling out the netti!

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McCullough says if it burns, it's too much. Sometimes it is a little bit stinging, but I have that with the saline too. Plus, I use tap water bc I need the temp right and we have a well not city water. Once I followed the instructions on the FLCCC site but didn't realize it needed to be diluted first. 😫😫 My sinuses were on fire!

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Thanks, Kelly! I also swab with H2O2 after going out. Coconut oil is a great idea!

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Laura, there's a huge difference between essential oils (can be toxic if improperly used!) and infused oils. I use a xylitol nasal spray but your recommendation to lavage with netti makes more sense! I am pretty sure I have sodium ascorbate. Thanks so much for the benefit of your experience!

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Actually I should say the same to you. I am happy to receive better information on essential oils. I admit I’m doing oils some by trial and error. I know a lot more about nutraceuticals.

I did read eucalyptus oil is supposed to be one of the best for killing covid (there was actually a study done on surfaces with covid and eucalyptus oil worked best. The study was not internal but external (like using Clorox on surfaces)). I think cinnamon oil and peppermint oil were also effective but less so. However, they may be better internally. SPEARMINT internally is also a covid fighter. In fact, anything with Rosemarinic acid (yes, think Rosemary, but Spearmint was actually highest content when studied). So it’s possible Rosemary oil and spearmint oil (I’ve never seen that but?) might be good.

But I’ve also used a substance called Alkolol which is available at some pharmacies. It is intended for nasal application and has oils in it. You can look up ingredients on Amazn. It has s very small amount of wintergreen oil in it. Note that wintergreen oil has a toxic internal component in high quantities so I am Leary of trying to find a cheaper source for it.

To your comment about xylitol nasal spray: it’s a lot cheaper to buy a whole $7 package of xylitol than the $7 sprays. I don’t have that much money.

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I just want to make a PSA to ensure everyone knows xylitol is toxic to cats and dogs, and essential oils are hazardous to them (and birds), too. Everyone, please be careful if you have any furred or feathered babies at home!

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Laura you are soooo right about the xylitol... I have some of that, and you also reminded me that I actually have Alkalol in the cupboard I never opened! Wooo-hooo! Thanks so much!

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Thank you! I also atomize diluted, food-grade H2O2 and use ozone insufflations.

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I recommend freeoregon.us

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My feed just announced that the Oregon Politburo just decreed that the school mask mandates are now permanent, but that "permanent" does not mean "forever".

How can such absurdity and insanity persist? Is it powered by some sort of infernal perpetual idiotic motion machine?

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I have heard that parents in IL have gone after the superintendent elected officials and anyone in the district who is bonded, gone to the bond company saying they are going to seek charges for the illegal medical activity. The bond company tells their clients they're on their own and the mandate went away. Worth looking into. Team Reality people are talking about it

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Oregon is trying to take away the power of school boards to fire superintendents. See SB1521

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Liberalism is a mental illness. Author Michael Savage

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Mask wearing in school was voted overwhelmingly to continue here through the end of the school year!! (last month) in sad old Loudoun County, YES THE Loudoun County Virginia.

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We still have a mask mandate for the kids in our private catholic school (with opt out option but you have to provide a good reason) in conservative NE Florida. I am not kidding. At the schools town hall tonight only three adults were masked. Same at church on Sunday, only very few people are masked. It’s completely ridiculous.

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Hey, we're waiting with bated breath over here in Fairfax to hear what the judge decides about our mandate. Aren't y'all suing your school board?

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Buna ziua libertate! The Politburo always has a 5 year plan!

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I know, I heard 😣


“infernal perpetual idiotic motion machine” — I’d say that sums it up pretty succinctly.

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It's powered by communism.

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I am sure there are a few studies out there. I will see what I can find. I totally believe there has been increased bacterial infections. And the teenagers, and the extra pimples. This whole thing is such a disgusting ordeal. grrrrrr, I will sit down and be quiet now

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I had a friend with periodontal disease and his dentist told him to avoid the mask where possible.

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Oh, wow. I hadn’t even considered the periodontal consequences.

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I have a 17 year old and you can trace the pimple lines on his face correlating exactly to the outline of his mask. And he only masks up for 5 hours a week!

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That must be fantastic to ones microflora. These people will ruin us one way or another! ;-)

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“Only” 5 hours a week…👎

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Yes, I remember reading maybe March last year a dentist saying he'd already observed an increase in caries as a result of masks increasing CO2, increasing acidity.

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Awesome and thanks, Rosemary!

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well of course, here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.732047/full Some of the "studies" are silly.

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this is interesting. If I find more I can send them to you directly if you like https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/219248 this is quite amazing. ... "plandemic" indeed. 😡

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Fabulous, thank you! I’m sure others appreciate your references, too, if you’re fine sharing them here.

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Several family and friends had eye infections from wearing the masks while working all day long. It led to them taking sick time.

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Makes perfect sense! That’s another angle I haven’t seen addressed.

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this med page, an ophthalmology office that does routine intravitreal injections, (yes sounds awful, but I am a nurse and this does not make me want to throw up as long as they are not doing it to ME), during these covid times. Interesting that docs have a concern about masks and infections while doing the procedure. https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/asrs/94947 Now see if I was working with these docs, I would prepare a surgical area, get rid of the mask and just apply a sterile breathable drape. okay, maybe I did not read far enough. Masks create germs, and this article shows that men or "humans that grow facial hair that requires grooming" generate more bacterial growth on a mask.

Kids, Margaret Anna, do not get me started. 😂😂 it is comical. Nose picking mask wearers. Kids should not have to wear a stupid mask

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Just saw this on the blue avian abomination - severe, chronic blepharitis caused by mask use and she's not alone.


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Here's another one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32671665/

Face Mask associated Corneal Erosion Syndrome and Corneal Infection

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Looks like the censorious bastards yanked it.


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Yeah, I'd wondered how come it was still up.

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From a commenter on that thread:


Face Mask-Associated Ocular Irritation and Dryness

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‘ Widespread use of face masks, while essential for the prevention of novel coronavirus transmission, may cause ocular dryness and irritation.’

Oh really? essential for prevention - Sweden didn’t get the memo.

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Yeah, without that statement the study probably would've been axed by the journal editors. And how about all those public figures who, while announcing their COVID-19 infections, make it a point to state how much more devastating their case would've been if they hadn't gotten jabbed? 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I expect you are right. The claims that I got it less seriously because I was vaccinated’ are unfalsifiable like, climate change will destroy everything in 100 years unless we do something.

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Crap, Twatter is "not retrieving tweets" from that acct for me. Got the source link to a case study?

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Link doesn’t work.

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I think ethical skeptic, Megan Mansell, Aaron Ginn or Ian M has. I've seen the case made repeatedly for more coof in maskland, even the Florida county data shows that.

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I know that my daughter became ill with sinus/respiratory problems after she was required to stay masked at work all day long, rather than just during surgery (surgical circulator RN at an Arizona hospital). Of course, the jabbed nurses don’t have to keep the mask on all day.

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I doubt those figures will get published. And don’t forget all respiratory infections, fractured bones, heart attacks = CoVid.

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True 🤦‍♀️

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Thank you for the letter. Just joined your substack. from fellow oregonian.

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Aww, it was my honor, and I'm delighted to welcome you, Atlandea! 🙌

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Take a look at Contact dermatitis due to masks and respirators during COVID-19 pandemic: What we should know and what we should do


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Take a look at Facial masks vestibulitis: the risk of mismanagement in the COVID-19 pandemic https://www.mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/article/view/11873

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Awesome post via link!

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not to disrespect the heroic work you've been doing since day one here, but all those graphs are based on a meaningless PCR test. The three initial studies in 2020 - cruise ship, aircraft carrier and the very first Stockholm study - showed 83% natural immunity or resistance against Covid. If you do science and you do the same experiment on very diverse populations and you keep getting the same answer, that's because it's the right answer. By now the books have been so cooked that we have no idea of the true lifespan, infectivity or lethality of Covid but what is absolutely clear is that it ceased to exist sometime in 2020.

Did it morph into a little sniffy cold? Or as one researcher has claimed, 12,000 little sniffy colds? Who knows? Who cares? Little sniffy colds don't kill anyone except the very infirm or the very old. Lockdowns, divide-and-conquer, vaxxport never had anything to do with health anyway. It's all about fascism and although I respect and appreciate people working the numbers, the old saying "garbage in garbage out" is no less applicable. Sorry to be a spoilsport but IMO we are spinning our wheels focusing on meaningless numbers when we should instead realize that the plandemic was an attempt to get a needle in every arm for the purpose of creating an internet of surveillable, injectable, easily killable bodies and no other reason.

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I have the same feeling when I see stats based on damned tests wrongly interpreted. Malcolm Kendrick wrote a great sceptic article in which he said he would not talk about covid any more because it was all a complete mess.

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Party pooper

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Yes, a gazillion research papers based on a pcr that has zero covid in the processing plus high cycles but has influenza A&B, strep, adeno virus and plant virus to generate ~ 97% false positives. The RAT "tests" aren't worth anything either. I saw the other day that FDA authorized a pcr that discriminates flu, cold and covid but will it actually become common place?

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Worked for me. But I'm not vaccinated and I wasn't wearing a mask. Is that OK?

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I have never been more disappointed in society as I have been in the past 2 years. Thank you for some common sense in this current stupid world.

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i kinda wish the button was red, but yeah, it worked. regarding masks, my state's politburo requires them. i'm in that small but cheerful idgaf contingent that ignores the rules and shops without the obedience garment. i'm a little old, but i'm fit and i take my vitamin d. i truly don't gaf what anyone thinks. i'm strong and liberated.

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First, this is to let you know that the "like and comment" button worked for me, an unpaid subscriber. Second, I want to thank you for your work and your writing. You have been a really bright spot amidst the dismal tidings we have been hearing from some folks.

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agree agree agree.

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Just pressed Like first, then went back and pressed Comment. It worked. As an aside, mask mandates have been in my and neighboring areas of California (Sacramento area), and they have little relation to whether people wear them. That is to say, even our law enforcement stated in the past and when the current mandate started that they would not enforce the mandate. People who don't want to wear masks do not wear them.

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I saw, I clicked, I conquered. ~ paying subscriber

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All good, now where in the name of Jasus did I put that damned mask.....?

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I think I have a few laying around the back seat of my car.

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non-paid user that was able to see and click the like button.

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The button worked! Unlike masks.

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It worked, and Neil Young removing his music from Spotify was the most important NPI of them all. He couldn't have timed it better!

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Button worked, even for non-paying freeloaders like me.

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paid subscriber - button works, but I probably just lost points on my social credit rating

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I clicked the 'like and comment' button and here I am. No error message. I take this opportunity to thank el gato malo for his excellent posts. Please keep it up. It's a service to the planet.

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