But if AI contradicts the acceptable climate narrative, and demonstrates that humans are not driving climate change, will that result be buried by the grifting philanthropaths who plan to use the narrative to control us all? Just wondering…

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“earth shaking”

Good one 😹

What would be really interesting is if AI could detect when *unnatural* disasters occur and expose weather manipulation. Perhaps AI can actually be used to help us turn the tables against the philanthropaths and tyrants.

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I have little doubt that AI will be able to more accurately diagnose disease. And then, when they use the AI to analyze the outcomes of treatment plans, and discover that what it means to be human, and healthy, require something a machine can perhaps suggest but can never provide, when AI looks at decades of data and concludes, most of these interventions have not, on net, improved life, we may have a chance of survival.

We better figure out what it means to be human, and what humans need, and fast, before the entire medico-military-industrial complex nails the truth well shut.

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Too bad that everything Covid had been analyzed this way. Unfortunately for us false data doesn’t produce truth .

If the data is( gets) tainted than the AI is dangerous . If we had accurate data( ie death certificates during Covid that actually told the true cause of deaths during the, let’s say 5 years so we could include valuable baselines BC (before Covid) and had valid, in enough depth to rule in /out jab related deaths autopsies , we could have seen the costs/benefits of treatments( and also Non Treatments-treatments withheld!!!)

It is very Telling that the data collected was insufficient . In this day and age! We were able to analyze this inside and out ! Everything became upside down! That is the Biggest red flag that Everyone should have identified.

Censorship was their game!

AI did that very very well indeed. In this case AI was applied to “ their( Mr Globals’s) benefit!

AI was effectively and abundantly used against the people’s of the world!

If they could do this to us already what will they do to us next?????


Have we heard that before?

Our job is now to see with our own intelligence, to spot it, to anticipate the ways and stop it. We all must do our little bit.


We have to anticipate it and stop it before it happens.

It will be next to impossible to reverse their Control once they gain it.

Kissinger did say that if you control the food you control the people. Or was it if you can control the water…

Or was it , if you can …

Look for it. It can be seen what they are going to do.

What if the grid goes down? Our communications with each other shattered? These are Big Big Questions.

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Climate models aren't designed to predict the climate.

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I want to trade stock options with this model. Where do I get it?

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It's a trap (in crustacean-like voice)! Within a year we will told the very best AI's predict that we either get off fossil fuels today or the world ends tomorrow with reported highs in New York City of 150 F by the Summer of 2030.

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All well and good .... as long as the power stays on:)

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Yet another tool for soulless corporations to use to maximise profits for the 0.0...01%, while minimising everything for the rest of the people.

Guess what private health care plus private health insurance plus predictive AI will mean for anyone with the "wrong" genetic make-up?

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Maybe no one will try and game weather forecasts, but if there is a chance for humans to prove their greed and mendacity, they will. Before you trust ANY AI output, ask it about race differences in intelligence. Then you will know if some programmer wrote in woke rules via "if.. then, else".

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I just pray the government and other powers of evil cannot completely corrupt it. Maybe AI will be intelligent enough to see it coming.

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"they do not propose to tell AI how it works, they going to ask AI to tell them." now let's have it do that for government.

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> imagine what this weather system will be able to do when it becomes massively distributed and can take temperature and pressure and humidity data from a billion cell phones and computers all linked together and talking to each other to solve problems.

Unless humans start flying around much more (where are those jetpacks while were on it?), vertical distribution of temperature/humidity will still be missing.

We have lots of surface data and lots of satellite data but what's in between is quite scarce.

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I'd be curious to know if the "Weather AI" is having ENMOD added as a data node array input???🤔


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I'm sticking with "AI-skepticism" for now. The quoted texts above, as always, need to be discounted to an extent for grantsmanship fluff. Fact is, the accuracy of 24-96 hour weather forecasts has improved by orders of magnitude in the last 25 years - all done by humans using "models" - which properly deployed certainly are not at all a fraudulent way to proceed (contrast the shameless "pandemic models" or "climate models" - talk to a meteorologist about "climate" and what the eyeballs roll up!) - And read again: the quoted texts are all about "models" - humans fashioning models, models telling humans more - and telling them things they are surprised to find their models generating.

Humans - at their best - are damn smart! - that 2nd cat is gorgeous - but a human (using a computer) made it - not so called artificial intelligence.

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The problem will be the folks who try to monetize and control this info. The AI figures it out but then Google will try to control that data and don’t forget to pay for your subscription service to access that data... Right now the gates are open, it’s still refreshing and there are so many possibilities....

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