I take care of two feral colonies, of about 40. TNR'ed, but someone always has to dump a new pregnant one or two, bottle feeding 4 babies now that have no Mom, "look at me, I am your mother now", they just look at me and say, "ya, right, FEED ME"

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I'd say that no post could have been more needed this weekend. Not a cure but a powerful antidote.

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Does that mean we all have to sleep 16 hours a day?

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I had an eighteen old Abyssinian that kept my English Setters in line. I miss her…

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I adopted my first cat last year, and I’m totally hooked. Bring it on.

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We have had Cornish Rex kitties... well since 1991. Caesar and Princess lived 18 and 19 years. Then we got Cornish Rex Pierro, He lived... 9 years, sad, horrible crushing. And NOW, we have Miles Davis cornish rex Red Mackeral Tabby, he is 10 I think. and a tiny brain 5 year old cornish Rex Prin. I love kitties. Usually I am so busy, I never get to snuggle because I have a million things to do.

I had major abdominal surgery last week (4 days ago, ugh), and living on the first floor this week (we are still in 'the big house) and I have been RESTING and snuggling and binding quilts.

Kitties are hysterical.

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I’m not even a cat person and I look forward to this

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Ha ha, love it! My cat did the same thing to a silly but cute little dog one of my flatmates owned! I have a photo of her drinking his water while he watched! Total power play. It was hilarious ;-)

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I had a big female tuxedo/ Maine Coon / Ragdoll type kitty who ruled the roost. She inherited one dog from the previous feline Queen and quickly set her in her place. Her favorite move was to dip under the dog’s chest while dog was eating and rub from nose to tail then do figure-8s around the front legs. Poor dog would stop eating and raise up on her tip-toes to avoid the worst of the cat rubbing under her. She would also rub all over the dog bed then sleep on my parents’ bed while poor dog would sadly sniff her bed then sleep on the hard floor next to her bed. Cat gave a master class in dominance.

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My Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) Roxy passed away in March. I had her since she was 6 weeks old and she was my ‘soul sister’, constant companion, and the best girl ever!

She was cremated and the day I brought home her ashes a black and white cat showed up in the backyard. (It turns out he was being cat sit by my neighbor but belonged to a young woman who was between jobs and housing. I ended up taking over the cat sitting as he liked my house and yard better than my neighbors gravel backyard.) After Roxy passed, I had a ‘session’ with an ‘animal intuitive’ and asked her about Roxy, my heeler, and the new cat Bubba. She said that Roxy sent him to me, as she knew I was missing an animal companion but didn’t want to commit to having another dog, right now.

So now fast forward and Bubba The Cat is now mine! It’s been an interesting ride, living with a cat. He’s a real character and loves his fresh catnip leaf ‘high’ every morning!

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There is only one thing to say. CATS RULE.

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It's great to be among so many kitten fans!! And yes, among people who consider cats "kittens" regardless of age!!

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We had a little 9 pound cat who my 85 pound, police trained, Belgian Malinois was terrified of! If she didn’t like what he was doing, she’d chase him. He learned very quickly not to mess with any of our cats!

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Used to feed strays when I lived in town. Out in the desert strays don't last long. I now have my hands full with javelina, ground squirrels,rabbits,quail, a mangy coyote who can't hunt and an injured roadrunner (who can only hop now, so I have named it "Cassidy". Keeps my indoor kitties entertained for sure! (It's all about the cats!)

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Sweet kitten

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I'm ready. Bring it.

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