There is no longer any difference between the fourth estate and the deep state. There may have been a separation at one point long ago, but it's been long erased.

The backstabbing fifth column "journalists" will burn brightly in hell, right along side the viper accomplices in "government".

To the author's point: Facts don't matter, and 'true' and 'false' lose all importance and degrade into 'belief' - for most of humanity - the moment they are politicized, here's why: https://tritorch.com/folly

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This reminds me of the South Park episode where everyone had to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

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The bigger problem is that it's not even close to being about one person. The Federal Government is so huge and unwieldy, it hardly matters who the president is. Trump on steroids for 8 years would hardly be a speed bump on the road to the Orwellian totalitarianism we are headed for. That said, I'll take a speed bump over a doormat\enabler any day.

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Gato, how can you make me laugh and feel despair at the same time? It’s a gift, I guess....

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i am a one issue voter.

i vote against democrats

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I’m very fired up to vote for Kari Lake. I see her as the most important political figure in America. She will pull Finchem, Hameduh and Masters over the goal line. If she follows through on her promises she shows how the State can secure its border, she runs the woke out of our schools and she does a true audit on the 2020 election. How can we not be fired up?

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Please remember that it's always best to vote IN PERSON if at all possible. Also, when you vote tomorrow GO VOTE AS LATE AS POSSIBLE. This helps prevent them from running early analysis for Fractional Vote Manipulation.

Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers – BlackBoxVoting.org


Video about Fraction magic:


Arizona IT and Elections Expert: Elections Assistance Commi

ssion Was Aware That Machines Could Be Hacked in Minutes


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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

I'm excited to be voting for DeSantis. :)

I moved from California to Florida in 2019- just in the nick of time!

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- Abolish the Administrative rule-making system and the Administrative Court system

- Eliminate government employee unions. Make all gov't employees Schedule F Employees

- Eliminate each of the 518+ Federal agencies/departments that cannot be tied to the Constitution, then,

- Conduct thorough top-to-bottom Constitutional review of 100% of the remaining Department/Agencies rules/policies

This would be a good start....

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

I really recommend Simone Weil's "On the Abolition of All Political Parties".

Because neither the problems nor the debate nor any solutions are new.

Edit: best get a physical copy, for obvious reasons.

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The choices before in the period from Bush I through Trump did not make much of a difference. Both parties supported an oligarchy which, whether you elect McConnell or Graham or Feinstein or Schumer, you get the same pro-oligarch policies. Trump presented an option. How do I know? The oligarch candidates hate him and are trying to excise him and his supporters. The US is not destined to exist as it was envisioned - a self- governing republic governed by free citizens who are free to run their lives and local governments. In fact, we are far from that now. However, if we only elect “approved” candidates, we will lose it completely. Trump is not attacked and harassed because he’s a bad person or a beyond the pale, but because he is willing to oppose the oligarchy. If Mother Teresa challenged them, she would be denounced a racist, Nazi, fascist, etc. My advice is vote for the candidates who challenge the entrenched political oligarchy.

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As an avid reader of the late-P.J. O'Rourke, I long ago resigned myself to the reality of the Uniparty or the "Left-Right Party" as P.J. referred to them. After eight years of Dubya and neo-cons, I'll admit to naive optimism and voting for Obama in 2008 seeking hope and change.

Hope was quickly throttled when Obama bailed out the banks and was given the Nobel Prize for nothing. Moreover, nothing changed. In fact, "it" became worse.

Alas, here we are.

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I do not believe elections were this dirty and nasty until the Clinton Cabal arrived in DC.

Before then, people were civil.

Obama was divisive and derisive

I believe he brought this country down to it's knees, pitting people against each other, pettiness, outrage and just obnoxious. "Obama's Army"

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For me, voting is an act of self defense. Which one of these evil clowns will damage me the least.

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With the note that I've regretted every vote I've ever taken--

I was deeply moved to vote for Obama in 2008; I felt that I'd seen historical change in my lifetime, and it was the first time my kid was eligible to vote, and when we spoke on the phone, after midnight, that election day-into morning, sharing that moment with my own child was unforgettable.

Voted for Obama again, but with the dread that Romney might win.

Would not have changed either vote. Deeply regret having been, you know, fooled.

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The Gatolian Dialectic:

1. do the same thing

2. get the same result

3. act surprised

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