“That government is best which governs least.”-Henry David Thoreau

That used to be a very American attitude.

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I have never heard that take on anarchy before, but if this is anarchy, I will gladly become an anarchist.

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you and Michael Malice have converted me!

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I think the biggest problem with both Team Donkey and Team Elephant is that they both refuse to accept that giving people freedom means that sometimes that means you have to allow people to do something you don't like. It takes a huge amount of humility and a brutally honest assessment of human nature to say that your team indeed doesn't and can't possibly get everything right, and it's better for society as a whole to allow people to make most decisions for themselves.

This line of thinking will not win you any friends among the rich and powerful, because many of the rich and powerful have forgotten that it was this same freedom that brought them to the place they are today. Or perhaps because they remember this but want to keep all the power to themselves. Either way, it remains implicit that what matters the most for those at the top is power.

I imagine this insight into human nature and humble admission of the fallibility of power is why Benjamin Franklin was dubious of the longevity of the work of the founding fathers of the United States of America. When asked what sort of government they had just formed, his reply was, "A republic, if you can keep it!"

It is the people's responsibility, NOT the government's, to "keep" their republic. We are the lions. Stop asking the donkeys or the elephants to do a lion's work.

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I think it was GummiBear who recently said if you want to be left alone, you are now a right-wing extremist.

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So pleasing to find another anarchist on these Interwebs. Our tribe needs all the warriors it can find.

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Anarchy is wonderful in theory, but breaks down when you're attacked. In Barcelona, during the Spanish civil war, the anarchists were doing fine until they had to elect the generals to lead them, and because it conflicted with their principles, that failed.

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Sorry, off topic, but anyone seen Billy G. lately? Been kind of missing on TeeVee of late. And funny how Warren Buffet exited stage right from BMGF last month, not long after Melinda exited stage left. You'd think they were like rats leaping from a sinking ship, or something, if they were rats and the BMGF were a sinking ship. Hey, wait a minute...

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What if the power center is not government?

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