Just before I read this our local morning news reported on the new variant and had some idiot doctor state that the vaccinated had much less chance of severe illness than the unvaccinated. He also said how important it is to be boosted and to get the new booster coming in October. Much of the public gets all their news from sources such as this and have no idea of what’s going on. I don’t think we’re winning this battle or the climate change battle because brainwashing IS working.

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the tricky bit with this is that it may be, in a certain narrow context, true.

once you have a case, having been vaxxed may make it less severe. the evidence that it at least used to do so with ~50% reductions looked sound. whether and to what extent this is still true under omi is not clear. it looks like it has faded to me, but i'm not sure.

but this is not the whole equation. if you have 4X the case risk, even a 50% reduction in severe case outcomes still yields twice as many.

much of what is being called "vaxx efficacy" is ignoring that and engaging in bayesian datacrime especially as it's taking the overall higher rates of spread as exogenous and not a function of vaccines.

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I could care less about any so called benefit these products may have. First, I don’t believe I need it as I have a good stock of the real antivirals. Also, I don’t want to introduce into my body a continuously spike producing poison known to kill and harm. I refuse to be part of an evil drug trial and will forever remain in the control group.

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on the vaccinated spreaders, it's a bitch, but I say put em all in camps....or at least, beat the drums for camps....seems fair/right thing to do....

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to become the awful, coercive bullies we hate?

have to disagree there.

do that and we've already lost.

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Agree 100%. Most of the hysterical comments around shedding (a real concern with live virus vaccines but misapplied to mRNA vaxxes) seem to have a strong component of this IMO.

There's a desire among some of us who happened to get this one right (probably a subconscious desire but it's still there) to tar the vaxxed as unclean, in the same way many of them did to us. Payback feels good at a base emotional level but it's rarely the right thing to do.

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How can you be sure shedding is misapplied in the case of the mRNA jabs, please? For sure it will be different, but I don't think there's a reason to dismiss the possibility.

https://unglossed.substack.com/p/liquid-cancer has more about exosomes carrying spike generated following these jabs, quoting https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34654691/ :

"Circulating Abs were detectable only after the second booster dose of vaccine (days 14), and the amount of exosomes containing spike protein was increased up to ~12-fold maximum. These results strongly support an important role for exosome induction conferring immune responses following immunization. This is further supported by our finding that immunization of mice with exosomes from the vaccinated individual with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein resulted in the development of Abs specific to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein."

Exosomes can be shed in saliva, sweat and so on, for inst https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28899687/ how can we be certain those are not spike containing exosomes? I'm inclined to ask more questions about whether there might be a mechanism present which would explain anecdotal shedding type events I've heard of. I'm not a specialist in human biology but I think it's possible that exposure to spike in exosomes from close contacts could very well result in immunity related effects.

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Those are the reasons I'm doing the flccc.net post vaccination protocol even though I've not had the vax. I figure I have been, and will continue to be, exposed to the spike proteins even if I don't get sick right away so I may as well take some preventative measures.

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Not that I agree about imprisoning anyone, but I don't see how your assertion is justified.

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Hi Jeff. The mRna is not breaking down like normal RNA.... Which make it also a 'live virus', or am I missing something

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Marius it's not quite like a live virus. A live virus has a DNA or RNA 'message' encoding all its proteins inside a virion, a particle designed to protect the message. Whereas the mRNA product is yes, a message to the cells which take it up, enclosed in an artificial vesicle called LNP (lipid nano particle). One difference is that the mRNA product doesn't as far as I know encode instructions for packaging and releasing the mRNA message. But something similar may be happening with exosomes, which are extracellular vesicles, which might be used by the cell to dispose of the spike proteins built in accordance with the mRNA instruction supplied in the jab; it appears those exosome+spike are causing an antibody response. Another key difference here is that the exosome+spike is not self reproducing -- it is not a packaged message with instructions to make more spike. So although there concerns that I think are legitimate about the effects fof shedding, it's not quite the same as a live virus infection in those two ways. I don't think anyone has found any evidence for the mRNA being shed from the body, the concerns I have heard of are more about where in the body it is accumulating, whether it ever breaks down, and what the longer term effects are on the body.

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Sorry about that malfunction!

I have a feeling SUN was being sarcastic - just revealing the mental sickness that came from all of this as Desmot describes. Frightening.

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Geert posted the other day that the virus will eventually mutate in the vaxxed to the point where it will overcome natural immunity in the unvaxxed.

I wouldn't mention it [it had an end-is-near quality] except that he was good at explaining why what you're showing here would happen.

It wasn't clear to me whether he meant the natural immunity from a previous infection or the kind of herd immunity we're seeing in countries with low vax rates.

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Geert has been very consistent for 2+ years that the unvaxxed will be fine.

He's stressed that over, and over, and over.

Are you sure you read his post correctly? Can you link me to the post where he suddenly does a 100% about face on his consistent messaging?

He's said many times that the unvaccinated will get sick, but they'll be fine because their immune system is capable of updating the virus database.

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Well, I know a lot of unvaxxed people, probably including myself although I can't know for sure what I had, but many many unvaxxed around me have gotten sick lately with similar ailments (mild to moderate cold type thing), and recovery was quick. So from what I can see, with the current whatever-it-is going around the last few weeks, the unvaxxed do just fine. HOWEVER, the vaxxed who have gotten sick seem to have a worse case of it than the unvaxxed.

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Agree with that summation of what GVB states. GVB's position also acknowledges that immune-mediated enhancement of infection means increased opportunity to get Covid-19 (whether injected or not). But unvaxxed will be fine. GVB also posits that, due to the increased number of immune-compromised vaccinated individuals, other diseases may appear and/or increase in prevalence. And even then, GVB asserts the unvaccinated will be fine.

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Yes. This is the way I have always heard his speak. Unvaxxed sick, but will probably get over it. Vaxxed, die off.

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Neko, yes, I know he's been consistent.

Here's the link. Fifth bullet point. Where he talks about previously asymptomatically infected people becoming re-exposed to a more infectious variant as a result of mutations in the vaxxed and the non-neutralizing antibodies of the previously infected enhancing infectiousness.


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I’ve seen some of his end of days predictions. Is this Marek’s of which he is speaking or just that more folks “ getting” this mean more chances for exposure?

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I would also add that Geert has consistently tried to keep up an optimistic view.

He has consistently said that even the vaxxed could be saved with early antiviral treatment.

The problem comes when doctors are prohibited from treating early with antivirals that work and patients are scared from using such treatments by the Big Pharma-owned media.

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Geert, as a DVM, understands Marek's, unlike virtually every other immunologist I've read or watched on a podcast over the past two years.

And Marek's showed clearly that mass vaxxing campaigns with a leaky vax during a pandemic will create a more infectious, more deadly virus.

Geert has talked about Marek's, but he doesn't mention it in this passage about the previously asymptomatically infected getting ADE. However, I believe that's what our experience with Marek's implies.

Geert has mentioned that his breadth of education and experience have helped him make more accurate predictions about the mass vaxxing campaign than others whose education is more narrow.

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No need to do that ... they'll soon all be lying on the roads and in the parking lots outside of hospitals... dying

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No Bad Cat, not to be the bullies we abhor, but to give said bullies a taste of their own medicine in the hope that the way it makes them feel will wake them up to what they've done and prevent them from doing it again. Humiliating the German populace after the horror of the Holocaust comes to mind.

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I bet we’re not even capable.

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Thank you; two wrongs don't make a right.

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I have a feeling S

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It was only a short while ago that there was talk(CDC, I believe) of putting us in green zones. I oppose any idea like that no matter which group proposes it. Do not allow anyone to let you become what you abhor.

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I agree. I had a whole “Yea, those jews were my

friends but the nazis said…” thing in my head for a second.

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Let's avoid developing our own "mass formation." We can continue to take care of ourselves, and it will become obvious that as a group the unvaccinated have lower disease prevalence and lower mortality.

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This is a conundrum for us unvaxxed that live in these highly vaxxed areas. I may be less likely to catch Covid on my own but if I’m constantly around vaxxed super spreaders it’s almost inevitable I catch it. I’ve had it twice in 6 months but in fact. Both times I caught it from a vaxxed person. Thankfully it was mild both times with the last bout being almost symptom free.

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You have not caught a fake virus. You’ve been poisoned by a vaxxer bio weapon.

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"vaxxed super spreaders" LOVE IT!

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"but I say put em all in camps...."

We have a provocateur. Welcome!

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Not necessarily a prov.

We've all felt some hits of "do to them what they did to us."

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That will backfire on you/us. There are 80+% of the vaxxed and the government's solution would be to isolate all the "unvaxxed" for our own protection of course because they care so much about us LOL.

I find the best way is to offer them some help. Something like:

"If you are concerned about damage from the vaccine check out the "I-Recover: Post Vaccination" protocol at flccc.net"

Once they go there they will start the long trip back to reality. Humans go mad in herds but regain their sanity one at a time.

Another handy thing to point out to them is that they are NOT stupid. A lot of very bright people fell for it (Steve Kirsch for example). They got taken and they need to get over it.

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Not bright enough. I offer the “short trip”….such wattage can manage.

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There is nothing to spread. Covid is fake

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So the vaccine elicited immunity subsidized by boosters are not effective at all against Omicron infection although they may mitigate the severity of the case? My sister and husband got their 4th shot a month before a trip and both caught Covid. They were persuaded to take Paxlovid; they had relatively mild Covid cases, but they both had a very unpleasant and much worse relapse several days later. After a month and 2 weeks of antibiotics, they're well.

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Yes! Paxlovid actually causes relapses.

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We saw that with Fauci.

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el gato malo, I've been wondering for a while and haven't seen anyone discuss it... for all the people who had the coof before the injections came out they gained natural, broad immunity. When they took the injections, what happened to their immunity? Do the injections damage their immune system in the same way, or in a different way, or are the injections a temporary poison they get rid of by shedding?

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It depends on the strain. If they had alpha before vaccination, it looks like the vaxx reinforces OAS, so they have worse outcomes with omicron. Robert Malone wrote a two part substack on a recent study on this issue. Will find them and link.

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Oh, yes, thanks. I missed these. I've been wondering, too, since my vaxxed family members have all had COVID either before or after their vaxxes, and I was wondering what the hybrid immunity effects really were.

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I believe the results are different if the vaxx was first, then followed by infection, since the strains circulating after the vaxx are different from the vaxx spike protein. The problem with having Wuhan then vaxx is that they basically received a triple dose, so the vaccines reinforce the antibody response to the original infection.

Someone else can probably explain it better. Malones two articles are, admittedly, very complex.

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Thank you! Not good news at all. I was holding out hope for some of my family.

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Sorry I think Malone refers to it as the “Wuhan” strain not alpha. Whatever strain the vaccine is based off of.

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I look forward to reviewing Robert Malone’s article but anecdotally I believe my husband and I had the initial strain ( Wuhan) January 2020. He got vaxed in March; I did not for medical reasons. In May we had unconfirmed Delta. The symptoms came on fast at almost the identical time and lasted for a duration of 3-4 days. His symptoms were a little worse but I took zinc. He didn’t. Since then we recently had a mild cold - his was worse with a cough and he caught it first, but both of us had colds that were short and mild. We tested for omicron but the results were negative; we never had muscles, fever or sore throat. All of our vaxxed friends have had Omicron. So I would say even tho my husband was infected then got vaxxed, he seems to be doing ok now from an immunity point of view. We do take lots of supplements though.

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It’s been a while since I read the articles but my recollection is that the study looked at Omicron reinfections, not Delta.

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I think I've read that ADE is more of a risk with post infection vaccination.

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If you are correct, this is pretty ironic considering the jabbed called us unjabbed selfish. In fact, it is the opposite.

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I appreciate the honesty in this assessment.

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I'm extremely curious of your prognosis for the unvaxxed with natural immunity. I haven't been sick a day since I had what I believe to be delta in Feb/Mar of last year, even though I've been around vaxxed friends who got hit recently with omicron. Since it seems to have found a comfortable home in the vaxxed, it seems the pressure to mutate would be lessened.

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There is a recent study from Qatar that says as of now original infection in unvaxxed no longer protects against infection.

I can confirm. I had COVID in March 2020. Since then I've traveled all over the US, gone to crowded dance clubs and bars, traveled to Peru and back, and live in NYC and never got reinfected until May 2022.

Here is the study:


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And survived . . . I'll stick with my natural immunity, whatever that brings.

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Yes my reinfection was about 40% as severe as my first infection.

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As anecdotal evidence I attended a 3 day party w a bunch of vaccinated and many of us came down with Covid. I, as an unvaccinated, seem to fair better, mostly recovering in 48 hours compared to several who were sick for much longer and with worse symptoms. I do take vit D though.

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Curious about the implications of this.

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Some battles we are winning. Take a look at the vax uptake for ages 0-5. Or even 5-11. Cali had to completely abandon their school mandates because even there, parents weren't having it.

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Thank God. I was really saddened by the fact that they approved and recommended children to receive this therapy.

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The CA vax mandates for kids are simply postponed until the 2023 school year begins. And Pfizer is now fully approved for ages 12-15. I’m going to have to try to get my kids exempted or home school next year, or even leave the state.

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PLEASE do do any of these options. For my kids, 13 to 8, I know their dating and friend pool is being reduced and weakened bc of these jabs. For our future son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, for our chances at having grandchildren, spread the word- don't covid vax your kids!

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The mandates are only postponed until next year.

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Man, the brainwashing is powerful. My sister is an M.D. who firmly believes in the vaxxes. She's had 4 herself. I've supplied her with data and graphs on what's really happening, and it just falls on deaf ears. She trusts her superiors and her government, rather than her own eyes. I love my sister, but I would not want her as my doctor.

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Too many doctors are trained on a checklist approach.

If patient has X, Y and Z, we prescribe them W. End of discussion.

The issue is this logic can be deadly if all the assumptions that lead to prescribing W are flawed, incorrect, or deliberately incorrect by the big pharma sponsors of the study.

Modern doctors are not taught critical thinking. They are trained like robots.

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At every era of medicine there were hugh numbers of treatments that were, for the era, the standard of care, only to later be found wrong, and so absurd, that it's hard to believe anyone could ever have believed them.

Why can't the medical community exhibit a little humility and learn from history.

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Yes, sadly, that's what I'm seeing. I wish there was a way to figure out who the truly good ones are. I don't see a need for these factory docs; I can read pharma sales brochures myself--why should I pay somebody $300 to do it for me?

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yes most doctors are trained to apply knowledge, not to conduct original empirical research.

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I think MDs are taught to believe data and graphs, but not *your* data and graphs. I think that's the explanation for why doctors in general do not "trust their own lying eyes." They've been taught to believe the statistics generated by RCTs which were run by big drug companies, analyzed by statisticians-for-hire, and rubber stamped by the FDA. Beyond that, they don't care about data and they know their own experience is "anecdotal" so they ignore it.

I've also been told by at least one statistician who worked with MDs that MDs really don't understand statistics. They don't understand confidence intervals, T-tests, non-parametic statistics, bayesian analysis, the limitations of correlation or whatever topic. (And why would they? It's a different rather confusing specialty.)

The problem is that MDs *think* they understand statistics better than they do. And they expect to be heeded because they got straight As in college or something.

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Yep, and they never read past the abstract. I can't tell you how many studies I've read where the actual data, presented in the paper, directly contradict the abstract & conclusion, but you'd have to read the damn thing to know that...

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So interesting. Yes. I haven't read that many papers all the way through lately, but it does seem like that sort of problem has grown and grown over the last two years, especially for papers that relate to Covid 19 topics like vaccine pros and cons, efficacy of social distancing, masking, school closures, lockdowns, etc.

A lot of times the plainest reading of the data contradicts the author's conclusions, or just fails to support the author's conclusions, because the authors fear having funding cancelled, or the authors work for a pharmaceutical company or the government.

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I think another systemic problem is that medics I know have said 'I have to trust my colleagues'. In the press of work, the way to get the work done is to trust that the colleagues are correct. It leaves the whole health delivery system like a beehive invaded by parasitic wasps or cuckoo bees. The pharma reps evaded the gatekeepers and inserted their beliefs straight into the health delivery system.

One thing I would like to see moved forward is a way for medics and other health care professionals to have group study time for continuing professional development, maybe a bit like a research biology lab's weekly meeting. No pharma money allowed, and a lot of practice in reading studies together, thinking about the weaknesses and implications and applications to their practice.

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I like that beehive analogy!

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This is the problem.

All the well thought out research and studies will not convince people that the earth rotates around the sun. We are in the dark ages once again.

But, people are becoming keenly aware of what is happening around them.

They see people around them that have had all the vexes and the multiple times that they have been sick with covid.

They know something is not quite right. It's a groundswell.

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Some people live with their heads in the sand and I know a lot of them.

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My experience with almost every MD as well. Probably the years of familiarity with a fairly honest medical knowledge system that disarms them from recognizing what is now taking place.

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I think this is the case with the news media, as well. Although we all realize they've been captured for decades now, they were never so blatant about it. In the past, we could at least trust their local crime stories or weather reports. Now, every single word that comes out of their mouths is far more likely a lie than truth, but yet, there are those who trusted them all their lives and just can't face the reality that it is, and was, all lies.

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Or, years of hiding behind” standard of care” to avoid even a whiff of liability.

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My wife got the Omicron a few months ago and a few weeks after she got a booster. I mentioned to one of my docs that I didn't think that the vaccines were the answer and he had the gall to state that she was only alive because the booster kept her symptoms mild. That is apparently the narrative pushed on the doctors and they repeat it like parrots.

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they are financially incentivized to buy in

none of them are doing any of this for free

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You disparage the parrots. More like lying idiots. :-)

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Medical malpractio ners.

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And many people believe that lie.

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Yeah, wtf would possibly be the mechanism for such an outcome?

Doesn't limit infection / transmission, but does lessen severity?

Not the idea of a vax - PROVIDE IMMUNITY.

Sounds like magically worked, in not quite as good and completely different manner.


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"Unvaccinated people have about a five times higher chance of contracting the virus than those who are vaccinated and boosted, while chances of hospitalization are 7.5 times higher, and chances of death are 14 to 15 times higher, said Dr. Gregory Poland, head of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group."


15 times chance of DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET VACCINATED YOU FOOL!!!! Again!!! Say it louder!

lol This is the Mayo Clinic.

Resistance is futile. You will become one. With the Borg.

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that would imply a vaccine efficacy in case prevention of around 85%.

1. that signal would be SO clear you could not miss it in the society scale data. instead, we see a clear inversion of that.

2. not even the CDC is claiming that. he's literally using the instantly falsified original claims from the clinical trials on the original variants.

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It has to be disingenuous. I mean, just word of mouth, everyday experience would have to be so counter to this claim you couldn't be unaware this is untenable. These are not people who aren't able to easily understand or don't think about medicine much.

They knowingly lie.

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As KBM says. They are gathering stats from the very early days ( everyone was unvaxxed) to make the case they wish to make today.

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Thank you. I was wondering how, what on earth could be behind this. Makes sense. That original trial is inviolate like the gravitational constant.

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That may have been true at one time, particularly right after the vaxx came out, but cannot possibly be true now. I think the powers that be know that but aren’t interested in changing the message.

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But so many people listen and believe:

"About 26.1 million average weekly listeners tuned in to NPR programming during the year, down from 28.0 million in 2019,"

It sounds like a cult to me. A really crazy one at that.

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state sponsored propaganda with a dying (no offense) listener base

there's a reason they work so hard to capture the flows of the entertainment/jester industry, it serves to supplement this crap, and when the state radio dies they'll lean hard into netflix/hollywood/disney (already are)

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But Mayo is the authority here, not NPR.

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Very crazy. Every time I hear a little snatch of the programming on our local station it seems to be 49-51% covid with the balance being some sort of variant on a Critical Race Theory Script. Amy Goodman seems like some kind of strange talking pill emitting script loops.

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Goodman is a loon. Pick a topic. Any topic. Goodman is almost certainly on the wrong side of it.

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I saw her interview Gene Simmons’s, lead singer of rock band Kiss. She figured she would give him a whipping in and pin him for being a male chauvinist in front of her Woke audience. With her lifeless raspy whine, she started in on him with her “impartial examining psychiatrist tone” she began: “Why are you compelled to project such a high -energy, hyper-masculine persona in your performances?” Instantly he came back with something like, “I don’t know…why do YOU project THIS dried-up, affectless, neutered character in YOUR media appearances?”

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Plus Ukraine proxy war propaganda.

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My doctor is one of them.

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It hard to tell the difference between it and an extortion racket. We pay almost double other developed countries for widely worse outcomes.


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And yet every time the GOP controls the legislative branches, they somehow fail to defund NPR. I will have confidence the GOP plans to stand up for anything at all, when they follow through on kindergarten-level stuff like defunding NPR and the Ex-Im Bank.

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Hmmm, GOP ... Sounds like more alphabet soup to me!!

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But send us more money. We'll get 'em next time! Promise!

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Alphabet soup news sources...

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accurate news sources from the highest bidder

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"this program brought to you by the phat coffers Pfizer/BioNTech assembled in the great fleecing"

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I think that there is a subtle shift going on, based on this:


They actually mention 'original antigenic sin.' They actually give time to the the idea that more boosters might not be the desirable thing to do.

It's not much, esp because part of the 'hesitation' is "well it might confuse your body for the NEXT UPDATED round of vaccines we are rolling out"--but if they are allowing this info to be broadcast on National Propaganda Radio, I'd say some producer or editor there has gotten a new memo....

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What’s funny is that people take these shots because they want to live while I and the rest of the unvaccinated won’t take these shots because we want to live.

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I didn't take mine bc I know if God wants me to live, or to die, God's gonna make that call. I can prep all I want but if it's not God's plan for me to survive, oh well. Just like I can be as careless and reckless as possible, and if God wants me alive, oh well. Not saying I don't live healthfully, because I do, b/c that's what feels best for me, now, but I'm sure we all know that 96-year-old-smoker who lives on Oreos and potato chips; we all know that yoga-practicing meditator who got cancer at 36. We all want to live, what we want doesn't always matter.

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Wanting to live and being afraid to die are two different things.

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Getting the poison is like playing Russian Roulette.

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Same memo in Australia. "some immunologists say it's not behaving the way the virus was expected to behave".

Still boosting for protection against severe disease but even mentioned fears the virulence could overcome this protection.

Someone up high is secretly DYORing on the internet while no one is looking.

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Fascinating! Love DYOR that is new to me.

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But their argument against this summer booster is that it will interfere with the fall booster because there is not enough time in between them. They aren’t backing off from these horrific kill shots. The message is we still want you to get another shot.

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I know, I know, and would we expect anything less from that party mouthpiece? No, but I was kinda stunned to hear like, actual information snuck into the story, alongside their usual rot. You know, like maybe the ONE curious person who heard that phrase would want to find out more, and do some research, and eventually....end up here? And say no?

I can dream, anyway.

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Leo Dicaprio is an Al Gore acolyte ... so he is aware that 'sea levels are going to rise 20ft any day now'

Why would he invest millions into building this resort that is inches above sea level?


Obama build a beach front house in Hawaii... hmmm... he's also an Al Gore fan.

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Actually Obama bought the house where Magnum PI was filmed in Waimanalo, Oahu.

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This article sets the gold standard of writing about covid, well researched, lots of material presented etc.

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The only thing missing is the kitten unspooling the yarn ball at the end 😸

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i ran out of space.

there are limits to the size of the emalis or they bounce from gmail etc.

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At this point I'd trust the medical guidance generated by a kitten chasing yarn on a keyboard over government health authorities.

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Not that I'd wish the job on anyone, but...


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oh yes, that, and winding the yarn ball around and through the legs, furniture, and everything in it's path. Makes an interesting complicated design

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Lol! Margaret Anna, with that thought in my mind I think you might have your own kitten or two?

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One has to wonder, how much longer will they be able to "hide" this?

These "vaccines" SHOULD have been withdrawn as soon as it became known that they are non-sterilizing and its scandalous that the so-called Public Health Agenciies, Governments and (in general) Physicians are asleep at the wheel (or the driver is a politician).

And although it's unlikely at this stage of a pandemic, we are to a certain extent at the mercy of "molecular roulette" and if we get unlucky and a really virulent strain does appear, this could get very unpleasant very quickly and the death toll in the vaccinated would be catastrophic (no pun intended!)

How will they explain that away?

And instead, the "response" to all this (UK, Germany and others)? Calls for More Mask mandates, Lockdowns and probably vaccine mandates as things get worse. The ignorance just beggars belief.

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Just to add that this IS known by authorities who do nothing. The US is the most egregious where CDC has data but never released it for the rates of infection/hospitalization/deaths between the unvaccinated/fully vaccinated/boosted.

The UK and some other countries were publishing this data in full regularly but as soon as it started to provide a further source of proof for the same issues raised here, they stopped publishing the data. That's how we know they know!!

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It's already too late to change course

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Dear God. If this ever comes out, if the media actually does their job, could you imagine the societal consequences?

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"Huh, but that means my immunesystem is locked in and that they knew this from the start? That can't be true, if they knew this they wouldn't of started jabbing people, especially not kids, so it stands to reason it can't be true. Hey, 'America's got talent' is on in five!"

Still, we must fight the good fight especially for those that can not or will not lift their heads. When the pack turns, it will always have turned.

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But, for a truly healthy society, it must go through all the pain of full blown disclosure and then be taught about it, honestly, for the next 200 years!

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In government, as in any bureaucracy, there is no such thing as consequences.

However, what you will get plenty of is the same politicians proposing "solutions" to problems that they themselves have created.

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At some point the cause-effect conclusions will be impossible for the MSM to ignore: more vaxxx = more coof.

The Unwashed Purebloods will refrain from "told you so" until the final vaxxx funeral.

I often wonder the extent of buyers' remorse in the Noble Vaxxxed.

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i really think that "purebloods" is a term we need to drop from our lexicon.

it blames the victims who got fooled and smacks of elitism, othering, and bad eugenic overtones.

i don't believe it serves us or the debate.

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We warned "them."

"They" did all "they" could to destroy us legally, economically, socially and in our health.

"They" were the ultimate bullies.

I, for one, will never forget how "they" othered and bullied us based on their oh-so-smart elitism.

To this day my family suffers because of what "they" did to us.

Besides, do you honestly think "they" will ever admit to their mistake and poor judgement? That their vaxxx mandates will just go away? Right now no foreign national can legally enter the US with that "fully vaxxxed" card, and school districts in prog areas are forcing kids to wear suppression muzzles in school.

This is war. Facts don't stop wars. Psychology can.

These perps have earned their derision and "othering". "They" do not think "they" are victims. "They" still, to this day, want to see us vaxxxed and destroyed.

Warriors can fight in different ways and with different tactics. I admire you and others factual defense against the toxxx vaxxxes. I would hope you would appreciate how other warriors supplement your tactics with psy-ops of their own.

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no, "they" did not.

a few people did. these are the political liars and oppressive authoritarians and cronyistic regulators. a few people were wild eyed loons. but most people just went along to get along and most got fooled because they did not understand that the "experts" were not expert and that they would lie even if they were.

indeed, it is a war for the hearts and minds and we win by winning the vast middle that was just trying to survive this and had no idea what was being done to them. othering them as "non-purebloods" by using a deliberately provocative and divisive term does not further that.

what you call a "psy op" just feels like hubris that will rebound to hurt us. it's friendly fire to make it hard for the middle to join the cause.

there are lots of ways to go after those who did this without invoking the language of eugenics.

i get your anger, but i think you've misfocused it.

i'd really recommend dropping that term.

it hurts us. you're playing right into the opposition's hands.

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I'm no fan of the word pureblood. I think it is dangerous.

However, a lot of folks on the stacks' have young children.

There's been no bigger nightmare than having young children during this time.

It is hard to understand for those who didn't.

It is also hard for us to grapple with the fact that parents who didn't have young children virtually offered no help at all in our battle against school boards, etc.

But as you say I do think pureblood is not right and has the same sort of level of danger we saw in the 1930's...just the other way around.

In my heart, I feel like we need to forgive them because we would probably hope for that - if the tables were turned and we fell for the grift.

Just my two cents

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I would refer you and Gatito back to the quote: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

The innocents that you speak of believed the absurdities. They internalized the absurdities. They embraced them to the point of accepting totalitarian actions. What makes you think that they will not willingly, enthusiastically, and gleefully commit atrocities initiated by the same experts and leaders that led them to their Jim Jones moment?

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this is an arguably immutable fact about humanity.

people are always like this. that would seem to make the key question into "so into which valance do we want these people to drop, ours or the statists?"

we're holding a winning hand to draw the middle right now.

why adopt language that will inflame and alienate them?

that just drives them back to the dictators.

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"What makes you think that they will not willingly, enthusiastically, and gleefully commit atrocities initiated by the same experts and leaders that led them to their Jim Jones moment?"

Because they have not done it. Extrapolating your fear and ascribing psychotic behavior to the population at large is irrational. Taking a vaccine in good-faith (albeit misplaced good faith) does not make one genocidal.

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Voltaire I have been signing my emails with for uhh almost 3 years. It irritates the heck out of people.

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I'm not understanding the intent of your comment?

So much can be lost communicating through a chat format

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I know this. Those very words are summarized in Desmets book.

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We must each ask ourselves how much of this resentment we feel is based on the vax no vax question, and how much on some real or perceived and yet unavenged slight we received at some dinner party five years ago. When the ‘center does not hold’ and violence begins in revolution or civil war, the first deaths are always steeped in personal grudge, jealousy, revenge etc.

This situation has given me a great opportunity to reevaluate all my “friends”. If they didn’t act like friends when I needed them they simply got marked way down without my having to say a word. They are just kept at a distance now and I have found others to replace them. The revenge is this, if you need that: all their lives they will have to be themselves. What worse could you wish on them?

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I don't despise them... however I have no respect for their cognitive abilities... they are to me .... like small children... although I do treat them without condescension when I interact with them -- I am thinking negative thoughts...

I had to get some Voltaren after a rib injury skiing so I can get back on the ice -- so had to visit a random GP yesterday --- she was wearing an N95 and they had a sign on the door 'do not enter if you are unvaxxed - call ....' I called and they wanted to make sure I was 'clean' before coming in.

I tried my best to hide me condescension but when she offered to give me all sorts of tests (cuz I'm a new patient and she's into preventative meds)....

I am sure my disdain we evident when I said I try to avoid all meds (and I will only take one voltaren - before i skate - not the 3 per day you recommend) and I prefer to practice a radically healthy lifestyle so I don't think I need any tests.

In a 'suit yourself' tone she said I can't force you to do any bloodwork.

It's much more difficult to cloak one's disgust -- when faced with a trained medical professional wearing an N95 - she'd be 4x shot up too -- cuz it's safe and effective.

I don't hold the average person to this higher standard... I just think of them as child-like.... they know no better -- and they are good children - they do what they are told :)

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Agree. It suits who ever is co ordinating the general terror being unleashed on the world (virus, vaccine, war, energy crisis, famine) for the population to be divided. It’s imperative we resist that and stick together, and, I think Maajid Nawaz is correct when he says resistance should be peaceful- physical combat only gives government a reason to locked us down by force

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Point taken

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Maybe my tolerance had been worn thin.

Maybe my mind is finally going Full Biden.

I'm just wondering: can you name a couple of examples where going "high road" affected the perceptions and behaviors of neo-communiust progs?

I can't.

And what's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

In my personal experience adopting the Alinsky Rules has been far, far more effective in effecting actual change than being nice to these evil meat puppets...and expecting them to be nice and reasonable back.

I "get" the high road argument, and would adopt it in a nanosecond if it worked.

Being nice to Fauci, Bourla, and all those who slavishly follow them will never, ever work. Presenting evidence to them has not worked. In fact, they dig their heels in even more.

This scamdemic has cost me personally over $500k net, and has prevented my family from getting together. Maybe I'm the Lone Wolf here, but I tend to be a tad bristly with people who cost me dearly in treasure, blood. and family.

It's not theoretical to me and mine.

Please bad cat, you go high with facts and dignity. I'll go low with body and mind shots. Maybe a dual-point attack will bring better and faster results. Because the progress, so far, has been waaaay to slow to save humanity from this pure evil.

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I have been calling out young men that continue to wear mask.

How do you feel about that?

I'm curious, if you think that has a chance to be effective. I do. But, only young men.

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If I did not ultimately believe this is the end game https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220 believe you me --- I would not be taking any high roads... in fact I'd be stabbing these f789ers in the back... kicking them when they are down ... and throwing petrol on them and their families and burning them alive

Remember this:

I remember when I was with Special Forces. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate the children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for Polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn’t see. We went back there and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember… I… I… I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized… like I was shot… like I was shot with a diamond… a diamond bullet right through my forehead.

And I thought: My God… the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not monsters.

These were men… trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love… but they had the strength… the strength… to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment. Because it’s judgment that defeats us.”


Any Pfizer employee would be a target... their spouses - their children .. legitimate targets... any journalist spewing lies .. a target... their families a target.... anyone from the janitor to the head of the CDC - a target - and their families....

That is if the boot of totalitarianism is being applied to your neck. Politeness is weakness when dealing with that

I repeat:

Horror. Horror has a face… and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.

But I do not believe leaders of previously liberal democratic countries suddenly decide transitioning to a totalitarian regime is a great idea... so I do not desire to invoke horror to defeat them

They fear something ... the fear is so great that they are convinced embarking on extinction is the lesser or two evils.

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Most normal people didn't wish any harm on people who didn't get vaccinated. I saw no evidence of that in any of my circles, and being from NY I can guarantee you 3/4 of them were injected. The Bishop in my church was pleading with us to take it and respected our opinion to the contrary.

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Most doubtless did not wish harm on the unvaxxed, but they didn’t want them at their weddings or in their “pods”

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Agree. My friend no longer speaks to me over all this partly because she saw a “pure blood” sign at the Canadian trucker convoy and accused me of being a bigot. I tried to explain that it was a misguided attempt to show vaccine harms, but she couldn’t get past it, in large part because she’s black and Jewish. Meanwhile she’s known me for over 30 years to not be a bigot, but this debacle just hijacked her brain. So, agreed, that term is too loaded with prior bigotry, even if meant well. And I think we all mean well here.

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Very unfortunate. I suggest your "friend" would just find another reason to nullify you. Your real crime was not the use of a word. Your real crime was not falling into line, as she did, with the demands of The Overlords. Maybe your real crime was her simmering perception of your White Supremacy.

Critical Thinking has not been taught by most parents or in schools for decades now. It is the lack of this important skill, that has led this mass lemming behavior.

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Peregrine, just based on what I’ve read this morning on this stack, your posts are especially awesome.

Thanks for your strong powers of observation and excellent discernment, and your ability to articulate complex matters that at heart may be simpler than we imagine.

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Bigot definition:

": a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance"

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Here is a comment from a real bigot:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s description of those who oppose vaccine mandates as “extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists,”

He exactly follows the definition of a bigot and is hated by many Canadians.

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It’s hard when the vaxxed wished death on the unvaxxed because we wouldn’t just fall in line. I know it’s better to have a humble attitude, but damn, they did not like the fact that we have the ability to discern and to just say no

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Or just reading the facts put out by the drug companies for their prototype drugs. Never take a new drug without reading the insert.

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I was recognizing yesterday that I'm going to struggle with this personally. I bear no ill will toward those who got the vaccine without weird coercive levers, because they judged it right. But those who caved to artificial pressure thereby politically enabling further pressure, I'm going to grapple with some contempt for.

It's almost like a bad dream now, but it hasn't actually been that long since many of us were waiting on pins and needles for the decision of nine unelected judges whether we'd be keeping our jobs.

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Imagine how they feel where gubmints could quarantine unvaxxxxed...just because.

There is no arguing against The Great Reset and Young Globalist Leaders. There is no taking the high road against them. These criminals would rather fire up the gas chambers again before capitulating to the wishes of the unvaxxxed.

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then there is no hope for society.

you're becoming precisely what you seek to avoid.

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There's always friction. I think it's useful to attend to whether we are accidentally buying into what John Michael Greer calls 'the myth of corporate triumphalism' in this essay https://www.ecosophia.net/getting-beyond-narratives/

JMG: "Make an effort to experience the world around you as though today’s global corporate system isn’t a triumphant monster, but a brittle, ungainly, jerry-rigged contraption whose managers are vainly scrambling to hold it together against a rising tide of crises. See the issues that engage your activism in that light, not as though you’re desperate, but as though the system is. It’s a very different perspective from that of most activists, and reaching it even in imagination might take some work, but give it your best try."

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This captures it! Because accepting coercion means enabling it for us all. It was taking a gamble that they would be the ones alright even though others wouldn't. Like, 'hopefully I won't be the one injured," even though just by participating, which emboldens the perpetrators and leads to more people forced to get the shots, of course more people will be injured.

Still, I have compassion that the pressure on some coerced was greater than on others. If you are told you can't see your loved one or if your family is in the US and you can't move here to join them without the shots, those are especially difficult situations. College students are very unlikely to have developed either the understanding or the strength of will to stand. And while I can't judge between them all, I know too many people were far too easy on themselves. This was the time to take a stand and all who could make a sacrifice for others' freedom and their own should have done so.

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Agreed. Lots to consider. Well said.

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Coercion I can see. Being fooled - no excuse.

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Well, if you're in the military or a Fed employee, you're still waiting on pins and needles...a year since we were first threatened with job loss.

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Very true. The nightmare is ongoing for many.

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6 months almost since I actually lost mine.

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Lost mine on Oct 19, 2021, and it seems I’m now permanently in early retirement since our governor in WA state recently, quietly, permanently extended the vaccine mandate for all government workers - fully boosted, no exemptions.

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You're absolutely right on this.

I warned some of my family to stay away from the magic sauce but they relied on the "experts". I hope it turns out well for them and I never brought the product up to them again save for my sister. We were talking a few months ago about he vaccine and I remarked that I guess we can all agree that it really is not a very good product and not effective at all. She agreed. She's a nursing professor and was all in on the magic sauce. No more.

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Yes, we have had this exact type of conversation with people with whom we had realized ahead that pushing would do no good. Waiting till they are open and saying, "these vaccines haven't worked like they said they would, have they?" And the people agree! Including people who politely disapproved a year ago with our choice to not get vaxxed.

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Agreed although a large percentage of those "fooled" were smug assholes when they thought they were right. And also facilitated the environment that trampled on others rights. They deserve to be derided with great zeal. The ones that were forced, coerced, and just went along to get along don't deserve the same level of response.

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I prefer to use the term "authentic control sample" for whenever someone wants to really do some real research...

Mark me sceptical on that.

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It just makes me sad. Half my family took it and argued vociferously for it, even though I had COVID early. Every thing coming to light now, I used to argue against it, but no, they took it anyway. Sad.

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I agree. Your case is strong if you display actual nobility rather than unearned, false nobility.

And I won't say I wouldn't enjoy gloating and rubbing their face in it either.

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Is it okay if I call the jabbed 'mudbloods' ? The 'victims' didn't get fooled; we were told repeatedly that taking the 'vaccines' was a choice, and that if you made the wrong 'choice' you deserved the consequences. The mudbloods chose poorly; they are not victims.

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I thought the same the very first time I heard it - "blood" = "Blut" as in Blut und Boden - no go!

I feel fortunate to have resisted the experimental gene therapy; people I care about who did not, may need me and my care - that is the reality ahead.

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How were they fooled? It was all right there laid out in the warped speed trial data. If people didn't do their homework that is their own fault. They weren't fooled, they were lazy and ignorant (minus the kids who had no choice from lazy and ignorant parents).

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Is it hypocritical that I agree with you? I wrote a whole piece about the term being problematic... But it stuck, and now here we are...

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As a vindicative and curmudgeonly Scorpio, I might be tempted, in some circumstances, to use the term “pureblood.” However, although I am not jabbed this time, I was jabbed plenty of times as a baby, so my bloodstream is not “pure” in any case. I think a lot of us are in this same situation so it is a bit fraudulent to try to claim this mythical and elusive “pureblood” status, so I won’t—the better to denounce all these medical frauds and scoundrels with a pure and clear conscience! LOL!

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I agree with you and addressed that the term is problematic in a piece that I wrote about a week ago. I, too, was jabbed as a baby. Not as much nor as often as babies now, but it still happened. So what does that make me if we're going to split hairs and get into the mess of an ideal like purity? Etc. Ultimately, I chose the name that I did for my Substack as a sort-of parody band name in order to process my trauma around all this garbage. I like to think there will be a point in time when I've found my peace and can either let the 1s and 0s settle into techno-dust or delete it as I have many other caches over the years.

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"Sheep/Sheeple" as well.

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I see it as a descriptor only.

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The ones saying "I told you so" might be ones I know. They signed the consent, they said, "we might all be sick in 6 months we don't know." And, "I'm glad you're not jabbed, this way there will be someone around to take care of the kids..." Maybe it's a little passive aggressiveness on their part, surely they don't believe it.

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"i take no joy in this hypothesis gathering such compelling evidence and keep trying to falsify it because, frankly, i’d sleep better."

There is no joy in illness. But perhaps it is ultimately for the best that the vaccines fail spectacularly. If they fail ambiguously, the failure will be covered up, and the medical-fascism will continue and become even more oppressive. Perhaps undeniable failure of the vaccines is our best hope for salvation.

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My husband and I are both unvaccinated. I have had two viral syndromes in the past several months and my husband had one. The one that we both got was similar to our Covid experience in December 2021 but much shorter duration. We did not test because neither of us wants to give more money to these testing companies either. And I honestly have no idea the actual accuracy of these stupid tests. This is the problem when you make medicine so political… There’s no clean data so you feel like you’re just chasing your tail trying to figure things out. For me the fact that they’ve made it so difficult to see the big picture means that they know the vaccines are a bad deal.

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A bitter sweet pill for sure. Now for the more bitter part where the experts tell us to mask up, get vaccinated, and that those that aren’t vaccinated are the problem.

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It is really remarkable that we (our public health “experts”) undertook a widespread vaccination campaign during an active pandemic (never done before) doling out mRNA vaccines never employed before but we fail to look at data honestly on this from every angle. If OAS is in play here it needs to be mitigated by stopping the use of non adjuvant vaccines like the mRNA ones. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is not science based. To retrain the immune system APCs need to be re-recruited to present the antigen. That’s where adjuvants potentially come into play (think tree bark Novavax).

For as long as the vaccines have been rolled out I have looked to the data on them. I do not like what I see, nor the ignoring of that data by the “experts.” I too take no glee in seeing what is becoming more and more apparent. Thanks for this post.

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Well done Sir! And THIS: "the basic mechanism is really very simple: antigens that were recessive become dominant in order to evade the fixated immune response generated by an inoculant that did not work to stop colonization, carriage, and contagion."

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Thanks, Big Bad Cat. Grim, but Vanden Bosche and all the rest were right. Nature always has the last word. Derp.

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Bravo, Scotland!! "Big Bad Cat". The BBC news!

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What is the prognosis for the unvax’d? Will variants become more virulent to us? Or will it more affect the vax’d in a bad way? Or both?

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This is what I would like to know. And for my 82 year old

mom who is vaxxed and boosted and just got over her first case of Covid that was pretty severe, will it be worse next time?

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Unfortunately yes. She should insist on agressive antiviral treatments next time she is infected and stop boosting.

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Another insightful read, thank you! I am sure this has been covered, I am just having difficulty locating any information, but does anyone know of articles/studies about the “new safe & effective” Omicron version of the mRNA injections? I have been wondering for awhile, how the “one trick pony” immune systems of the injected will respond to an “updated” injection when those same immune systems seem unable to mount much of a response to natural infection? Sorry if I’m rambling…..just woke up, lol. Any info would be appreciated!

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this was linked above. i think it speaks to your question.

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Jen C, I would suspect that by the time a new vax for a new variant comes out, that variant is already obsolete & replaced by another “new” variant that would require another “new” vax. Hamster wheel stuff. On the other hand, they promise new “vaccines” in 100 days or less! & no pesky years or even months of trialing to make sure they “work” as advertised

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You'll notice that we stopped going through the alphabet and now everything is an Omi subvariant? That's so the sheep don't realize their 'new Omi' jab was for something 3242 variants ago.

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Didn’t it stop about when we got to “Xi”????

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That was another one of the classic moments, in this whole swindle. Right up there with the floating hospital ships.

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😂🤣 I HAVE heard of “Ninja” & I think some other new Greek name, but yes, it seems to be all omi all the time now Simulation Commander!

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Spokane public radio had a piece yesterday about how hospitals are running at 130% of capacity (not covid) in the Puget Sound area. But eastern Washington doesn't have the same problem 🧐🧐

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Neither does Idaho.

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even in spite of all the people coming to Idaho from the coast.

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Most of (but not all) those coming to Idaho from "blue" states are doing so because they identify with the values there and want to preserve them. That is true for my family and many of our friends, who realize that there is no safe refuge from the agenda afoot, but that it's better to at least join and build a community of people with shared values. Maybe we stand a fighting chance that way.

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I just wonder what the future holds?? I know of people that have had it 3 times, though not locally. Will it just be a crappy flu some people get multiple times a year? Do oas immune systems ever catch up to it?

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I had it three time unvaxxed. Wuhan strain and Delta were unpleasant with the classic symptoms but mild. The last time I just felt tired and achy for a couple of days, no other symptoms. Vaxxed friends are getting ill repeatedly and for longer. I worry for them. If I have one regret of the last 2 years, it's that, although I shared plenty of information, I didn't try to dissuade them. I would like to know if OAS wanes with time if they stop getting boosted.

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