My take away is our body’s immune system is an extremely complex system. There is no one on earth that understands how it operates and interacts with our other systems. To create a genetic modifying substance and then injecting it into human beings without extreme testing shows an arrogance that is hard to imagine. The same can also be said about the operation of the earth climate system yet we have people who also think they completely understand it too.

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This is the aspect that I don't understand about those who scream "science!" whenever vaccines or tests are mentioned.

500 years ago "Science" told us the sun revolved around the earth; 150 years ago "scientists" mocked the doctor who thought hands should be washed before helping a woman deliver a baby; "science" 90 years ago thought every child should be fully sprayed with DDT; "science" 40 years ago classified homosexuality as a psychiatric disease; and "science" 5 years ago thought that T2D was irreversible.

What on earth makes them think that somehow, magically, we've figured it all out this year? No more mistakes, nothing we're going to mock or regret in a few decades. The arrogance is staggering.

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This isn’t about science. They also know what they’re doing. This is being done on purpose.

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For the average "neil" or "karen", I wonder if it's so much arrogance as an abdication of independent thought? Humans are very smart animals, but some are smarter than others, and those naturally become leaders in a social group. The others look to the leaders for guidance, and fall in line behind their policy. This works fine as long as it's a genuine familial social group rather than a hierarchical network. But in a civilization, our leaders look to higher leaders, and they to higher still, until you come to a cabal of strategically positioned scamps who have no care about us and no value to us as our leaders. But most people cannot conceive, or do not dare to confront, the fact that at the top of the line of leadership is only parasitism and predation, or what some people would call "evil".

People who scream "Science" are asserting that they cannot do science themselves, and neither can you, but higher up the chain of authority are people who can and do, and they have our best interests at heart.

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Well said. I don’t consider myself a leader but I’m sure not a follower, either. Most of my friends & family have been jabbed several times & Im not having any of that. I’m just independent & want to be left alone by anyone who thinks they know what’s “best” for me & then try to force it on me

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Yes, and these people - your neighbors, your coworkers, your kid's teacher, your kindly postmistress, your sister-in-law, your mother - are everywhere. They are all around us. Their name is Legion.

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Heck, I didn’t eat eggs for about ten years because they said they’d give me a heart attack! I avoided the sun until I was Vitamin D deficient because they told me I’d get skin cancer. I’m well past the point at which I believe what doctors in white coats tell me, unless they also deliver a healthy sense of humility along with it. I don’t see much of that.

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Most MD’s are terrible and yet they always seem to blame some other group for their bad practice. Take the opioid crisis, that may have started with a bad pharmacy company but people didn’t get them without a doctors approval. Yet I don’t see many doctors being held accountable. If the Covid vaccine scam ever gets the punishment it deserves watch how the Doctors will play stupid and say they were just following the CDC or FDA direction

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Took the words right outta my brain! Lol. The also believed scurvy was caused by laziness. For like 200 years.

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kinda slow, huh?

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Not to mention bloodletting that used to be the "gold standard" -- it killed so many people including some of our presidents.

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Vaccines are a sacrament in the church of $cientism

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Some churches too sadly. My neighbor church lady has had 4 jabs. Omg. Poor thing.

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If fact checkers were around 500 years, the earth would be flat.

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It is a level plane…

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Hungarian doctor Ignac Semmelweis was the one about hand-washing. The dean of the medical University currently baring his name was the biggest vaccination nazi in Hungary. That's how much scientists learned in these years. Completely zero.

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This is such a good argument, and I have tried using it with people I know who follow "science" without questioning. They turn a deaf ear. Ah, but I am noticing that they are the same people who think that "we can get socialism/communism right". Stupid, or arrogant? Or both.

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I think the two go together. Most scientists are humble because they know they dont know that is why they do what they do.

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Even if the PH officials thought SARS was potentially a bio weapon which justified their draconian efforts to vaccinate the world with a totally experimental vaccine, they needed to collect data on adverse effects instead of putting blinders on and ignoring the issues. When the vaccines began to fail and caused increased infections and variant production, officials needed to look for other solutions- therapeutics etc which should have been in the pipeline all along instead of vilifying the unvaccinated. When I think of all the money wasted for all the false advertisements and promotion of these vaccines, it makes me sick.

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Should have started with the therapeutics first. Only use the vaccines if needed. Of course, that would have meant we wouldn't have needed the vaccines. So that's why they lied about the therapeutics.🤬

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Can't like your comment. But I like it.

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I liked it and I like it 😀

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I like it too. And I also like many other things I am reading here. I don't like that the like button doesn't do what I ask of it. Perhaps it doesn't like me.

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Under law, the Emergency Use Authorization cannot be implemented if there are other means of stopping a disease. In order for their nefarious plan to work and the billions of dollars to start rolling in, they had to declare all alternative treatments such as Ivermectin and HCQ to be ineffective.

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Absolutely but the pharma companies had dollar signs in their Eyes!

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I honestly don’t believe they’ve had blinders on or are too stupid to trash years of protocol for vax studies & development. The evidence is in the demonization of cheap, effective, safe & widely available therapeutics, the demonization of the unvax’d & vilification of anyone who disagrees & tries to call out the truth - esp doctors, scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists & any other ethical discipline

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Then why have they pursued this course?

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Depopulation + creating tons of new millionaires and billionaires getting richer. Win-win for the evil globalists.

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What profit a man when everyone you love is dead.

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The man doesn't love and will own the world.

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Well, in the UK, doctors put their brains in neutral, looked steadfastly at the floor, and collected between £15 and £30 per vax administered.

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And administered buckets of midazolam to ensure they would never breathe again....

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For the benjamins…

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Should have started with the therapeutics first. Only use the vaccines if needed. Of course, that would have meant we wouldn't have needed the vaccines. So that's why they lied about the therapeutics.🤬

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You’re right

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In a way collective fear allowed the regulator captured by pHarma long ago to ignore common sense. That is reflected in Pfizer's demand to require indemnification from governments in order to access their drug. Pfizer and Moderna greed got us here but governments allowed it. The worldwide groupthink and trust in US authorities led the world astray. The NIH budget and funding depends on pHarma so ultimately our Congress is to blame. They preferred bribing citizens for votes instead of directly funding health agencies. A lot of blame to go around ending with our citizens voting for these people.

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Governments aided and abetted it. Never been a clearer example of why the state is evil and should be abolished.

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Governments are useful to organized around a common purpose. They need to be small and limited in power as the US founders envisioned, not what government has become.

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Organization and government in the same sentence is oxymoronic.

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arrogance or intentionality

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callous indifference

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That's about right. Except Dr Bill Gates understands it. I know this because I heard him refer to himself as an expert in immunology on PBS with Judy. 😵

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Disgusting. More like an expert at propaganda, promoting fear for profit, and murder.

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well he is an expert in creating viruses...

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Best description I’ve read of Gates is he is a monopolist.

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Bill Gates of Hades has no degrees, he’s a drop out opportunist who appropriated others’ inventions as his own. He’s a front-man /creature for the real power brokers.

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I grew up in high tech. Despise is too mild a word. Hate him with the white hot heat of a thousand suns comes closer.

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Completely understand AND can control it. Morons

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Some people, the more they know, the less they assume is left over that they don't know. They know so much, are so impressed by their own knowledge, their own dogmas (and through transference, by their own oh-so-knowledgeable selves), they figure whatever else there is can't be all that important. (E.g., Sam Harris village atheist types.) Others, the more they come to know, the more astounded they are by the inexhaustible depths of their own ignorance. (E.g., Ecclesiastes, Socrates, Kierkegaard.) But one thing that the pandemic has brought to light is that there is an underappreciated emerging "master-science" at work in the world of practical/political endeavour in the internet age(?), the science to rule all others: the mighty science of nudges.

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Vital to distinguish science from technology.

What's happening now is tech, and they will push it for profit. Infinitely.

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I am of the opinion it wasn’t arrogance, it was opportunism. mRNA therapies have taken on the mantle of ‘magic bullet’ - original work for cancer treatment, but also now I read for treatment of heart disease and I suspect much more.

I think the pharmas were well aware of the uncertainties and risks making ethical clearance for large scale Human studies difficult to obtain and legal liabilities for misadventure high.

What better than an excuse for a Planet-wide trial on hundreds of millions, with automatic Government clearance and zero legal liability as Governments have guaranteed no liability.

If, as may be the case, the future holds an unfolding health catastrophe, nobody will go to gaol. Those in Govt now will have moved on, claim Executive immunity, they were ‘doing what they felt right (to save granny)’, the pharmas get a ton of data.

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mRNA has been around & trialed for decades, is my understanding. But they’ve NEVER been able to “get it right” & all of the animals experimented on, died. Those that developed these so-called “vaccines” KNEW this, & did it anyway. Tossed out every former protocol, threw out all of the stop-gaps to pull them off the market if there were only a handful of deaths, as in the past. Not content to experiment on only those in a vulnerable population, they’ve actively - & evily, IMO - pushed this, untrialed, on the healthy, the young adults, pregnant women, children & now infants. And it’s STILL under EUA 2+ years later!

It is arrogant, opportunistic AND evil. And not a mistake

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It is supreme arrogance, an arrogance that comes from stupidity. Stupid, intellectually lazy people oversimplify things and then think that the cartoon model they have in their brain is all there is. Their intelligence is too limited for them to see what they are missing, and anyone who tries to explain problems and complexities has to be denied and brushed away. If that stupid person is a narcissist and is ambitious, and then gets a lot of power, s/he becomes extremely dangerous. For example, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates. Of course, the psychopathology of both of these monsters goes far beyond the Dunning-Kruger effect, but they are enabled and empowered by all the lesser Dunning-Kruger sufferers around them. Intelligent people who go along with it all to get along are simply cravenly immoral.

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Thank you, Grandma Bear, well said!

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I think the 'arrogance' is probably better explained by profit motive, enabled by regulators and scientists either cowed or bought off.

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Yes, the profit motive explains the pharma angle and the propaganda! However, it doesn't explain the laypeople who - even if they're blind to regulatory capture and profits- seem to genuinely believe that now in 2022 scientists have figured it all out.

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The hubris of changing complex systems without deep humility for the complexity ...

Interesting / disturbing free online conference this weekend, "Stepping Into the Future" (w/ session on "Moral Enhancement").  From the "Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies". 

Sharing for FYI, I'm not affiliated with the group, nor do I know anything about them, just somehow on their mailing list. 

I can believe there's (some) people, working on "posthumanism" with good intentions, who don't see these lines being crossed as violations of life itself ... who think they're the wisest ones to build the inevitable. . . Who don't understand how horrifically this can be misused, or who don't want others to understand that ...

From IEET -"This coming weekend, the Stepping Into the Future conference has session on "Moral Enhancement" - Are we fit for the future?

Arguably high degrees of moral fortitude are required for humans to coordinate through some potentially rough times ahead and avoid existential crises.

This session discusses enhancing human morality to achieve civilizational resilience, while considering freedom & autonomy.

It consists of 2 talks and a panel: Pramod K. Nayer (Hyderabad University) - Posthumanism and it's Moral Imperatives 

James Hughes (IEET) - Cyborg Virtues: Using BCIs for Moral Enhancement 

Panelists: James Hughes, PJ Manney and Pramod K. Nayer - 

Panel: Are we fit for the future?  

The three other sessions are “Engineering a Better Future”, “AI Safety & Longtermism” and “AGI Architectures & Agency” 

See more: http://www.scifuture.org/events/stepping-into-the-future/#agenda "


(In this 2010 article, J. Hughes, executive director of IEET (& author of Citizen Cyborg), says -

"If the imaginary moral community of humanity is flexible enough to expand beyond white male property-owners to all human beings surely it can expand a little further to include gorillas, cyborgs and mutants.")


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"I can believe there's (some) people, working on "posthumanism" with good intentions..."

Road pavement, meet Hell.

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My cliff note: So it’s better to have a fake vaccine card than actually getting the mRNA shot

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pureblood and proud, if they wont let me do something because im unjabbed so be it, i'll be here in 5 years when they all need help to get to the hospital

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Best to not play their game at all.

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Unless you're in Canada, and a fake vaxx doc risks a $750,000 fine and 8 years in the big house.

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What is the penalty for a fake vaccine?

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Mass crucifixion, Roman-style.

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Works for me.

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The law also used to say whites only and report all jews to the nazi authorities.

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The key is never admit it. Refuse to disclose private information. Better yet, refuse to answer questions. They have PROVE you faked it. Unless you say you did (lots of people buckle) it, there really no way for them to prove it.

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I'd rather take the risk of legal trouble for faking a medical record. Due to existing privacy laws, the chance of you getting caught out is so low anyway. Don't take these vaccines under any circumstances and its your duty to try and convince anyone that you care about that is on the fence to stay far away

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Until they digitize and make it impossible for the rest of us to hide out. Then they plan to starve us because we won’t have the requisite proof of vaxx.

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That's why we're moving somewhere we can grow LOTS of food all year round!!! Just have to get someone to sign on the dotted line for our house that's on the market...and we're moving!

I have also been stocking up on packaged foodstuffs. Won't last long, really, I suppose, but supplemented with lots of fresh food from the garden + eggs from our very free-range chickens, and it'll be enough to get by :-)

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That’s where the 2nd amendment comes into play

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impossible? have you never seen a g5 tower burnt out? the masses have the power to take it down once enough them see the trouble thats coming

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I got hold of eight "novelty" vax card in 2020. I didn't have to use them, wife did once for work, same for my nefew. Destroyed them last year. We decided early on not to take an experimental vax, no matter what the consequences, and home school our kids (x3). BEST DECISION WE EVER MADE. The key was that we have been saving 75% of my wife's paycheck for the last 12 years so coundn't be forced b/c of money.

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Sounds good but most people don’t have an idea about how to get that🤷‍♀️

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Thank you for reviewing this pre-print article. Very well done.

I spent 30 years in drug, vaccine and device development as a consultant retiring in December of 2019. Given my limited experience with mRNA cancer treatment programs around 20 years ago, our thoughts at the time, based on very limited preclinical work was that "We can't tell what these things are going to do.". Those programs were quickly abandoned by investors. To my knowledge nothing was ever submitted to the FDA.

When I first heard in 2020 that mRNA technology was going to be used for the SARS-CoV-2 treatments I was shocked and I told everyone who asked me to avoid them until we saw long-term safety data. At the time, I suspected that there was a least a 10% or more chance that many people would experience some sort of mild to severe immune system dysregulation. I doubt anyone has any clue on how to predict who is and who is not susceptible or how it will play out for any one individual over the long run.

We have learned a great deal about the immune system since I was a lab rat working on a NIH program studying the immune response to malignant melanoma in the late 70's. Unfortunately, we remain very ignorant of how the immune system functions in total. Some folks occupying powerful offices refuse to admit that fact. The arrogance simply boggles my mind.

I remain a member of the control group at 69 yo.

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I worked in preclinical pharmaceutical research as a data technician from 1980 to 2017, and I did not hear anything about any kind of mRNA testing being done at my laboratory (MPI Research, you probably have heard of them). So when you say these programs were quickly abandoned by investors and nothing was submitted to the FDA, I can believe it, at least as far as MPI Research was concerned. I too am a member of the control group and when people ask me why I point to my nearly 40 years' experience in the field and the fact that NO preclinical studies were done on these things as far as I know. Because if they were being worked on at the time I left MPI I would have been in a position to know, and they were not to the best of my knowledge. I wonder how many of us who have actually worked in the field remain unjabbed--I suspect quite a few.

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I wish someone would look into why this technology created specifically for cancer treatment is not used in cancer treatment. Why was it repurposed to respiratory viruses? Must be a bigger market to make money. They can now give it to all healthy people not just cancer patients.

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As I recall we all thought that FDA was going to treat it as a "gene therapy" because that is what it is. In the early 2000's, that was likely going to be a very expensive and drawn out development program with limited research data to show it would actually work. That sort of thing spooks early stage investors. As far as I know not much changed and then things like check point inhibitors came along. For some people those work very well.

Unfortunately, now we get to see if mRNA technology can cause or exacerbate cancer. I hope not but that is a real possibility in my mind.

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[Disclaimer: My "knowledge" is limited to having read various articles.] I believe that early mRNA trails in humans were disappointing because the immune response (I assume: the generation of the desired antibody response) in cancers faded with subsequent doses. It was decided to repurpose mRNA as a "vaccine" because it was assumed it'd only need one (effective) dose.

Here's a "muckraker" type article that may have the comments:


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15 years in biopharma. My first reaction to mRNA vaccines was "this will be an autoimmune nightmare". Well it's that, and more. Also control group here. I also begged folks to wait... and pretty much no one listened to me. People fail to realize that the immune system isn't plug and play, and the level of redundancies - some which we understand and many that we don't - make the outcomes from mRNA just unknowable. In my opinion, those that are truly intelligent know that there's just so much we still don't know about the immune system.

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I thought it was pretty clear that most of the public health efforts in the US regarding vaccines was to create a trial run for the mRNA treatment platform. On paper, the mRNA platform is sold as a revolution in medical treatment with the possibility of massive profits that can be scaled from full worldwide vaccination programs to individualized treatments for rare cancers. The pharmaceutical companies just couldn’t find an initial application that would allow it to be pushed through the regulatory agencies without a high risk of failure. The Covid vaccination program in the US was not about treating Covid, it was about establishing the mRNA platform.

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Your work is fantastic and so needed. Have you run across any studies about how the blood has changed post-shot? I'm concerned about the blood supply, and contamination from plasma and blood transfusions from those who have gotten shots. I'm working with a few people to start evaluating whether a separate blood bank might be necessary. Any articles or researchers you can point us to is much appreciated!

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I brought this question up with an acquaintance who is a PhD executive at a large urban blood bank about a year ago. I brought to his attention the difference between how C19 infection and vaccinated individuals with their spike protein protection was being handled vis a vis the policies centered around HIV and AIDS back in the 1980's. I'm a retired MD with plenty of transfusion experience so I had a pretty good grasp of the issues. My acquaintance responded, basically saying that the mRNA was quickly degraded (which we now know for certain is incorrect and which I pointed out to him couldn't be known for sure at the time) and was therefore not an issue. We continued to have a discussion for about a month via email when I had a question that he brought up with the chief (his boss) of the blood bank and then he abruptly cut off communication. There is obviously a Party Line on the blood supply. Establishing a non-vaccinated blood supply would be extremely desirable, but will be a truly Herculean task. But one must start somewhere. For what it's worth, all unvaccinated should be aware of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses refuse banked blood that has been removed from a human body. That led to the use of many special methods to avoid blood loss or the use of banked blood for that population. We learned through that experience that most people can tolerate far fewer red blood cells than was previously thought prudent.

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Thank you. I appreciate your JW tip. Now we have to pray to God not to get in a horrible accident requiring any blood.

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There is definitely an “approved narrative” that the poison is “safe & effective”. If they’re trying to depopulate, they certainly wouldn’t want it getting out that vax’d blood is tainted & might harm whoever is transfused w/ it.

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The vax free blood bank carries a serious political risk to the donors in my opinion. Having given blood they are, one way or another on some kind of a list, or at least discoverable. Sign up on line? Stopped me cold when I looked into it. (Just like 123 and Me etc? ) Vax free blood may by necessity be a in interpersonal and black market item. (I won’t even go into the black market/black humor sperm bank issue). It’s the same if you are stacking precious metals. The record of your purchase is right there in the sellers business records available to criminal hackers, public and private.

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I can’t disagree. It sounds so crazy to even say it, but I think the unvax’d, as a “minority” & “clean” could be rounded up & “harvested” (so to speak) for the purity or normalcy of blood, sperm, organs - & also to be punished for independence & defiance? I feel like I’m losing touch w/ reality for even thinking these things.

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The unvaxxed sperm joke is delusional. Think of all the unvaxxed sperm popsicles in existence. Sperm is cheap

Unvaccinated zoomer women will be the hottest commodity within 2 years

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I wonder how many there will be? The young men & women seem to be pretty keen on compliance w/ shots, masks, etc

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Excellent point Tex...you caught me trying to get a laugh relying on a (n obviously, and well worn) “last man on earth, male delusion. Pureblood wombs will clearly be the rarer commodity...until they figure out the “Matrix” solution (what an influential movie that only got about 3 stars when it came out). Maybe the mud blood girls will be assigned to making parts for cyborgs?

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Of course, I’m thinking some gov entity has a pretty good idea of who hasn’t been jabbed, from lists of those who have been (& for them, how many times, since the goalposts keep changing re what constitutes “fully” vax’d)….

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Thank you for this thoughtful reply and encouraging information for those of us who would wish to avoid blood transfusion if it were ever to become necessary.

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Interesting. Are you allowed to share that final question that ended the discussion?

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I went back and looked at my email exchange. There were many questions posed and answered and I saw that his CMO (presumably Chief Medical Officer) was plugged in on his side after an early email. These exchanges went on for three weeks. So I don’t know for sure why he stopped replying and I didn’t press the matter. My overall impression was that they hadn’t heard of problems with vaxxed blood, didn’t think there would be and didn’t intend to look for any problems, since “the benefits of the vaxx far outweigh any disadvantages.” Same old mantra.

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I am too & ive not seen this addressed anywhere

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Feel free to email me at kathleenRkauth@gmail.com Just getting started, but I'll keep you posted!

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I had rudimentary human biology and microbiology in nursing school and was able to follow much of what you wrote. However, I would like to thank you for the cliff notes. I didn't major in immunology for a reason. On another note, my soon-to-be grandson in law has been accepted into the PhD Microbiology and Immunology program at a local university and I'd like to share this with him. He and granddaughter couldn't wait to get their shots and boosters. It's the age, I guess (very early 20s). They think I'm wrong for not getting them and are perplexed that Grampa has had problems.

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It's because they want socially or/and professionally align to the masses. They have not enough knowledge and definitely in the beginning of your career you do not want to speak up as it would be a straight career suicide so they will go with the masses.

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Amazing work. Thanks for doing this. It’s going to take me several read-throughs to get a better grasp of it. What has been crazy to me, as a not-as-intelligent-person as so many of those here, is that we so take toying with the immune system so lightly. I don’t understand the mechanisms underneath, and I don’t feel so bad about that, since so very, very few do. What I do know is that I have two kids profoundly damaged by SOMETHING. And all my regular doctors have shrugged it off. Give a kid an autism label, and you can shrug off anything. But having found a doctor who is sleuthing just about everything, what we’ve found is “mysterious” immune system dysfunction. Random viruses replicating (like mycoplasma) out of control with no symptoms except psychiatric ones. One kid came positive with a whole host of issues like thyroid antibodies, B. burgdorferi, etc. But he’s “just autistic.” Neurodiversity is really just immune system dysfunction whitewashed. I’ve gone from “meh” about vaccinology to I will shield my kids with my life from any further unnatural immune system provocation. To be a little overly dramatic, we’ve played with fire and patted ourselves on the back for it, and now the world is burning down and we wonder why.

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sometimes it takes a "not-as-intelligent-person" to say the emperor has no clothes. I have long resisted all vaccines for this reason. Not that they can't be helpful (if small pox broke out, I'd be first in line) but we have within a very short period gone from invention to mass vaccinations of 80ish jabs of known inflammatory agents and at the same time experienced an exponential rise in auto-immune disorders. Is it causation or just corollary? We don't know because nobody is looking. Our system compartmentalizes saying that this chemical in this amount is safe, but not considering the total load of the cumulative effects of all of these jabs. I take the position that what we evolved in is what we can process best, not that it is a perfect guidance system, but it certainly gives context when data seems to go against common sense.

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I am starting to wonder the same thing about whether we are overusing vaccines. I do believe that there is a time and place for them but--as with antibiotics, you can have too much of a good thing. I spent most of my life in pharmaceutical research and have come to the conclusion that less is more and that medicine should supplement, not replace, the body's normal functions; in other words it should be when all else fails, and the body can't heal itself, such as with insulin for diabetics.

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Exactly. If you look at the sheer assault on babies under the age of 2 - it's breathtaking. I have four kids, dutifully vaccinated them all with the 72 doses of vaccines required by the age of two. I thought that was overstated when I saw that number, until I pulled out vaccination records and counted them. No one denies that it's great if we can avoid polio. And that maybe measles would be pretty sucky to get, so nice if we can avoid it, but we don't take them on a a la carte basis - as parents, we're told to get them all or you're a terrible parent. And injecting a one-day old baby with the incredibly aluminum-toxic hep B vaccine on the day of birth is what blows my mind the most. Sure. No one wants hepatitis. Vaccinating is useful in its place, but regardless of risk factors or even likelihood of the child to even come in contact with a hep-b infected person, it's just routine. And we really have no idea what the long-lasting impact is. We don't ask. I never walked into a doctor's office and declared that the crapload of vaccines my kids had to get caused their autism, because I think it's a multi-pronged problem and cause, but in the last years of looking into the oversight these products get, I am convinced, more and more, that I have unknowingly sacrificed my kids on the altar of imaginary herd immunity.

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One thing is for sure, we need open debate and dialogue. Not bills crafted by special interests, passed in private committees, and voted party line.

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WOW! Not having kids myself I had no idea that they needed so many doses! Even my cats don't need that many--they get one shot annually for rabies and a couple of other things and that's it. When I was growing up in the '60's all we had was smallpox and polio (I remember getting sugar cubes at school as part of an "experimental program") and maybe a couple of others. 72 doses before two is insane! No wonder kids have so many problems these days. And why would an infant need a hep B vaccine unless he or she came from a high risk environment?

Speaking of Hep B, there's been a push to get us Boomers vaccinated for it, though it's taken a back stage to Covid lately. The reasoning is because IV drug use was supposedly rampant in the 1960's and 1970's everyone in that generation is at risk, which is bullshit. Not everyone was a druggie back then and shared needles. No, I haven't got my Hep B shot, and I am not getting flu shots anymore. Nor am I getting a shingles vaccine even though I had chicken pox in my 20's. I thought about it but then when I was at the pharmacy and saw that "1 out of 3 people who had chickenpox get shingles", well, what that really means is more people DON'T get shingles than do; and mine was such a mild case of chickenpox that I scarcely even knew I was sick. So I decided to take the risk and not get it. Compared to my much-younger coworkers I am very rarely sick and then it is usually only a 24-hour thing.

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Older generations had a much more common sense approach to vaccination. I just downloaded the general childhood schedule now and it shows about 50 doses by the age of 5. But then I pulled my kid’s actual record for kindergarten, and yep, added up to higher. And we wonder why our kids are the sickest they’ve ever been. Riddled with autoimmune and neurological disorders. It’s insane.

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But why? If the mother does not have hepatitis and you don’t think your baby will be using IV drugs or selling their body for sex would it ever even be recommended for all but the smallest percentage who are born to a Hep B positive mother?

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Exactly. I can’t get anyone to explain to me why hep-b vaccination is now standard for babies. And on the first day of life, no less. It’s criminal.

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I have a medico friend who said YEARS AGO to me that the reason they give the Hep B injection to newborn babies is because the Drs are not sure which parents may be IV drug users, so they just give all babies the Hep B injection to be safe.

Now as a fellow health practitioner, I actually ask people questions rather than just assuming things. Sure, some people might not want to answer truthfully, but for the 5% of parents that MAY be IV drug users, jabbing the babies of other 95% of parents who probably don't do IV drugs, well, that seems a bit stupid to me.

Basically, more jabs = more money for pharmaceutical industries. And if you can increase your patient base to include EVERYONE from the day they're born, well, your place high on the stock market is assured.

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My children have had zero vaccines. Perfectly healthy.

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I feel the same about GMO... an amazing technology that needs to be on the margins of society, not replace our traditional foods within a decade.

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The Seneff paper has been accepted through peer review though it's not posted yet. If you look it up on Research Gate she posted a comment about it under the paper when someone criticized it for that reason.

Also, speaking as someone who did their graduate work in interferons and worked for several years researching them if this turns out to be sustained and gets worse with subsequent shots the effects of this could be catastrophic. It's early and hopefully the effect is transient. I'm just not sure yet.

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It is no longer a preprint; looks like final typesetting. A lot can happen in 3 hours!

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Apr 22, 2022
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Maybe. The problem is there are many subtypes of type I IFNs and it would be difficult/impossible to replace them all. The two most commonly used are/were alpha2 which was used previously for Hep C and Beta which was used for MS. Alpha is associated with some harsh side effects or as one doc said at a conference I was at "patients know when they're on IFN alpha". If it turns out you have a large population that has this suppression I doubt you could put them all on IFN therapy or that everyone could tolerate it.

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Apr 23, 2022
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Best guess would be increased susceptibility to infections and cancers. The viral piece is the most well studied. The TLR aspect is interesting in the article as well. I do remember seeing an animal paper a while back that there was a reduced response to viral/bacterial infection due to decreased responsiveness of TLR 4, 7 and 8 (iirc). Again how long that effect lasts is an open question. IFNs are part of the initial response to infection and can "interfere" with viral replication so any infection would be able to gain a greater foothold due to damage in the system. Long term I don't know, there are genetic polymorphisms that can lead to lower IFN response. It may be worth looking into those to see potential outcomes.

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"the responses will be so varied (and so prone to look like other infections or conditions) that sorting them out and properly attributing them would pose a serious challenge even under the best of conditions." bingo. thank you. citizens of troy, meet your new horse.

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It’s the perfect weapon, the perfect crime really. It will take decades if ever to prove anything against these criminals and most will be dead by then or simply untouchable due to their wealth. Only God’s justice can make them pay! I’m afraid they’re gonna get away with it…

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no they won't get away with it. dead people have families and relatives who won't forget. and let's not forget. we are the majority.

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My friend at work has started having bad headaches and pain in her eye, they said she had temporal arteritis and the hospital said they’d try to save her sight. They are no sure the causes as it’s rare but it’s inflammation of the arteries the temple artery from the brain to the eye. It’s likely auto immune causing it. The nhs hospital haven’t even started her on steroids yet which is important to avoid losing her sight. They’ve said we’ll try to save your sight. I know this is a result of the Pfizer booster, she had the az first two and she didn’t want the vaccines but the fear had got to her and the relentless hounding and harassing from our managing partner in the new York office. I watched the latest highwire last night and I can only say we’re going to see a lot of our families and friends who’ve taken this not live a long life.

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Autopsies were highly discouraged from the onset, so odd things would not have been noted.

Do you think the originators (perpetrators) of the Covid scheme already knew this?

The only clue might have been the animal research after SARS-1; somebody like Dr. Byram Bridle or Dr. Geert vanden Bossche would have followed those studies.

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I'm not in the field even remotely, but it is my general understanding that in normal times an autopsy is seldom done unless there was a specific reason, such as the possibility of foul play or an otherwise unusual death. If Granny died in the care facility at age 95 of pneumonia, or a child was run over by a car, etc the cause of death can be reasonably determined. Also there is the resource issue: dong the autopsy costs time, money, resources and personnel are probably very limited.

Now, I realize come the pandemic we live in somewhat abnormal times. Couple that with the apparent DIS-incentives that the medical field experience in asking difficult questions, and you could understand why few autopsies are being done.

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I clicked on the heart--your comment is good, but the heart won't accept my click. Good comment.

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Yeah, that keeps happening to me but I don’t understand why???

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Yes, it is quite puzzling. Doesn't happen at other websites.

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the hasty pfizer rat study on lnp uptake has just been translated from japanese. brilliant bridle analysis via paul alexander: https://palexander.substack.com/p/dr-byram-w-bridle-a-hero-of-mines

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Wow…I’m saddened & scared out of my wits for family & friends who have taken these poisons, if even some of this turns out to have merit. Thank you, Gato, for the deep dive

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Thing is Cindi...how will you know? I have a good friend early 50s absolutely perfect health outdoorsman..but also a follow the rules guy, so, boosted to the hilt. Now he has heart problems, which started soon after the boost. Is it real or is it Memorex? Honestly, I don’t know of course, and I don’t think he has made the connection at all! I’ll bet he has not read one thing about the vax injury heart issues. Just not on his map. Certainly I am not going to mention it, because how do I know? As Gato here says, we will only maybe figure this out years from now looking at actuarial tables. So far in my own little mIcro world I have to say, the only people I know who are “sick”..usually heart problems... have been vaccinees and none of the vax free people I know have any problems. If that is everyone else’s experience I guess we will know soon. But even then will anyone notice. Take a look at old photos of our WWII soldiers. I’ll give you a dollar for any enlisted man even 10 pounds overweight. I never knew any fat kids in grade school. Now it is “normal” . Slow boilin’ frog.

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Polar, Certainly those mandating this s#¡+ have ensured that it will be difficult to ascribe symptoms to the jab. I have several true believers who’ve had @ least 2 & 3 jabs who would never believe that anything bad had anything to do w/ the shot. And I can’t mention the potential to people like that either.

And in all honesty, I know a number of people who have had shots & no issues so far. But yes, the vax defiant are all doing well!

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I think you are on the money, PolarRoller!

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So reading about Fauci from RFK, Jr. one can come to the suspicion that highly toxic HIV treatments like AZT were favored to sustain a high death rate from "AIDS" and keep the money flowing in for AIDS research.

At first I thought the deliberate infection of nursing home residents in blue states and the liver-toxic remdesivir were the AZT of covid-19: strategies designed to boost the death rate to get fear going.

My thought was that the purpose of boosting the death rate was to get through the oppressive covid restrictions and to drive acceptance of the injections.

However, lately, I am considering that the injections are ALSO the AZT of covid-19. Places like South Korea and Thailand basically didn't have a covid-19 problem before injecting their populations. The injections have so many potential avenues of health destruction that I am seriously losing count despite having hundreds of bookmarks that I try to organize.

What I will call the AZT strategy is the solution to something Fauci outlined in some roundtable discussion video I saw. They were talking about how it took too long to get vaccines to market to deal with epidemic outbreaks of things like the flu and so they needed to spread fear to get the public to accept the short circuiting of vaccine safety studies and go straight to market. I believe avian flu and swine flu were hyped as potential mass casualty epidemics but it didn't really pan out and the public wasn't scared enough.

Queue the Wuhan dropping dead videos, welding doors, and mass panic, BUT you still need actual deaths in Western countries or it would be just another SARS scare, which didn't impact the West nearly as much as Asia. So you put sick people into nursing homes to kill off the other residents. There's your highly age stratified early pandemic mortality.

Once the election rigging was cinched, all that was left was to perpetuate the covid crisis by disabling natural immunity through injections, while making buttloads of money for the 'right' people like certain early investors in BioNTech.

So the injections serve the AZT strategy [make the disease worse with the cure] by harming people in ways you can blame on covid (more fear) while simultaneously prolonging the pandemic. Note it is very convenient that a heavily spike modified omicron variant of dubious origin shows up late 2021 to cause a new wave after booster uptake was slowing.

The incredible pressure placed on people to get the injections can be understood as an effort to hide the damage from them because of the danger of comparisons with the unvaccinated control group.

It is all very slick and well thought out, but I guess it was planned and gamed out for about 20 years. The question is when things will slip out of control. I am watching for when scapegoating begins as a sign of that.

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Apr 22, 2022
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So sad, so sad, so disappointed!:


Oh please Satan, hear my prayer, make them suffer next time, I told them so, I tried to teach them, now they will take me seriously (about 5 min in):


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Posts are possibly out of order. This is 1 of 3, not including my original post with the links to two videos.

After sleeping on it, let me make clear that I am engaging in hyperbole and sarcasm when I put words into Bill Gates mouth (or hidden thoughts into his brain).

My perception of creepy vibes in no way constitute two smoking guns (1) that he prays to Satan (like I said) or (2) is designing pathogens for future release (I didn't say that, but I did imply it in between the lines). I had a "Dr Ardis Snake Venom Moment" there. I say this because I hate it when others exaggerate, because exaggeration leaves one vulnerable to counterattack.

I get really upset when people quote from Bill Gates' TED talk (circa 2011?) about using vaccines to reduce population by 15%, because there is no smoking gun there. He could be referencing an economic theory of development, that I learned in the late 1970s, that poor countries produce lots of babies as "insurance". As wealth and health increase together, social security systems develop, and birth rates go down. Back then, South Korea was the "poster child" for this theory. 15% would refer to a drop in future birth rate (from increased health security, not a subtle contraceptive in the vaccine), and not killing off 15% of the population post-birth.

Like Jesus says, sawdust in other's eyes, a plank in mine.

On the other hand, such nuance and ambiguity in the TED talk could be a form of "plausible deniability" and he actually is talking about killing off 15% of the post-birth population.

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Apr 22, 2022Edited
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Posts are possibly out of order. This is 2 of 3, not including my original post with the links to two videos.

Speaking about body language in Gates' videos, there is the one (I didn't bother looking it up) where he squirms and grins, and says something like "Epstein is dead isn't he". And of course, I think, yeah, you paid off the guards to kill him and destroy the video.

I did look up the "Smallpox Video" (circa November 2021) but didn't list it because the body language wasn't as creepy as I remembered it. My memory was contaminated by timing, about 1 week or so after that, smallpox was found in a Merck freezer. And the Ghislaine Maxwell trial was heating up. So the thought that came in my mind at the time (knowing about the Epstein Video and Merck news) was that Gates was hinting to the prosecutors "Don't you dare tie me to Epstein and underage girls, or I will release my stash of smallpox".

Creepy vibes, thoughts pop into my head, but no proof, no smoking guns.

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Posts are possibly out of order. This is 3 of 3, not including my original post with the links to two videos.

Sometimes I think to myself "maybe Gates just has mild Asperger's" and I misinterpret his body language. I'm just a mean and a bad person. Not creepy at all! This remains a possibility.

But together with the other stuff like hanging out with Klaus and the WEF. Having too much monetary influence over the WHO. Too much power over grant funding. He could tell a University to fire anybody that offends him. Premature testing of poorly designed vaccines in Africa and India.

Then there are the Vaccine Passports, and Gates funds research (like quantum dot tattoos) which could represent the Biblical Prophecy of the "Mark of the Beast" (not the prophecy per se, but the early stages or precursor thereof). I was a Christian as an undergrad, then an atheist in Grad school and 4 decades afterwards. Then the pandemic hit, I saw news about the Vaccine Passports, and I said to myself "I know what this is...".

Gates is right in the middle of it all.

(No, I don't think Gates is the "AntiChrist" or "The Beast" or "The False Prophet"; probably too old and not enough charm. I just have to add, with reference to a Joe Rogan quote, that Gates has now become "just too fat with big manboobs" to be the actual AntiChrist. You see, I am a mean and bad person after all.)

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Great essay, el gato. Clear and understandable..and horrifying in its implications.

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I've done a breakdown/walkthrough of the paper complete with definitions. It's very complex and a broad subject area, but quite a compelling hypothesis. There are other papers confirming type1 IFN suppression out there too.


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Señor Gato, I think the article mentions “exosomes” and not “exomes”. Since you bring “exomes” just after the “exosomes” quote, I just would like to make sure that paragraph is correct or relevant. Cheers!

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you are correct.

did not change the meaning but was mistake on my part.



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Not sure you're able to read all comments, so I repost the link here. Stephanie Seneff and others predicted everything we're seeing now.


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Yes spotted the same. Paper talking about exosomes: "Exosomes are small, single-membrane, secreted organelles of ∼30 to ∼200 nm in diameter that have the same topology as the cell and are enriched in selected proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and glycoconjugates." Stephanie Seneff has talked about the roles of exosomes in this mess. Pandata.org should have a video of her talk at our open science session up soon.

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Watched a live interview / Q&A yesterday at Kirsch’s. One of the reviewers wanted to outright reject the paper, but Seneff et al. fought it. Download the pdf while you can, as Elsevier might decided to still can it...

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See something save something.. get a toolbar button to save as you surf & bonus any 404 Not Found or other missing will redirect to Wayback copy IF someone saved it.. everything disappears in time.. try Wayback it's awesome!! :~)


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I haven't read this bad cattitude post yet, but the top line seems quite related to the latest MMWR attempt to scare people. It says there were 60,000 MORE covid deaths in 2021 than in 2020. And it was the third highest cause of death after Heart Disease (#1) and Cancer (#2). https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/ The word "vaccine" or "vaccinated" does not appear anywhere in the MMWR article. Odd.

Funny thing is, over two thirds and almost three fourths of USAmerican adults were vaccinated in 2021. How many of those excess covid deaths were caused by covid vaccines?

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Should have started with the therapeutics first. Only use the vaccines if needed. Of course, that would have meant we wouldn't have needed the vaccines. So that's why they lied about the therapeutics.🤬

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Thanks gato! This is not the first time I read about TLRs. For anyone interested, check out this article:


According to this, they had to intentionally suppress (partially) the innate immune system, the keys being TLR 3, TLR 7 and TLR 8. After reading that, I began to wonder if they studied for how long does the innate immune system remains in that state (this sent shudders thru me - these idjits with their hubris could be messing with something way too complex to our primitive brains).

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