I applaud all those who are relentlessly sifting through those documents and helping to uncover the biggest scandal in history!

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Does it seem like The Joker Alex Berenson is pretty cavalier about the Pfizer dumps.

"We already knew that the data on pregnant women wasn't in..." (paraphrase)

Then why were pregnant women still mandated to get the injections in many companies?

It seems to me that he is just bored with the COVID beat, and is getting his clock cleaned by Naomi Wolf and others now. Seems like he doesn't have any clue what life is still like for many trying to live with ongoing issues.

Am I alone in this?

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So much to wrap my aging brain around- I skimmed these articles and since they are so well written get the "jist" of the matter ! Thank you- but when do you sleep? My cats sleep a LOT- you are a different breed for sure!

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Hopefully when Pfizer loses their immunity, the government will as well. This has been the greatest con job in the history of the world.

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

~ Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

We are living in a time where the scale of corruption and grift is unprecedented in history.

The infernal corporatist-fascist regime the progressives have inflicted upon us has reached its foreseen and inevitable apogee, where the State steals some 40% of the national wealth, distributing it to concentric circles of cronies, and enriching favored businesses through "public-private partnerships" and other scam euphemisms, at the expense of the rest of us.

And yet, as gato's "analytical ecosystem" demonstrates, we also live in a time where vast numbers of people have access to vast amounts of information and the ability to collaborate in parsing and analyzing the data to find the truth behind the empire of lies.

This is the struggle of our time.

Over two centuries ago, the American founders constructed a legal framework to restrain government and prevent tyranny. This framework has utterly failed and is unlikely to return.

We have the power and tools at our disposal to construct a new, more pragmatic, powerful and durable framework:

Leave the vermin nowhere to hide.

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After seeing that enrollment surge just before the FDA meeting, I have to ask: were Dominion machines involved?

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This is literally the kind of shit I pulled in 10th grade chemistry class to make my lab report work after botching the experiment. “Uh …. let’s just make up that number.” I cannot believe these are actual medical officials. I can’t wait to see what else is unearthed. Well done, gato.

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Biggest Fraud in human history!

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Great analysis. My question is: while focusing on Pfizer are we ignoring Moderna a company with zippo clinical track record and deep ties to NIH? Is there a FOIA in the works for Moderna too? And the complacent NEJM who published these trials despite math errors in numbers of enrollees who were discontinued? Can we call into question the NEJM peer review process? Don’t try to contact the authors of Polack and Thomas (Pfizer 6 mos) studies. They have all left. Only deep Pfizer employees will address questions about data and even then they give inadequate answers.

Thank you for doing the deep dive needed.

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Whenever I feel overwhelmed with the weight of global "health" tyranny, El gato re-energizes my will to fight for our children.

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"it’s been a stunning volte face from when gottleib was running the agency and they were truly the global gold standard. i’ve never seen a regulator devolve at such speed"

Sorry, I disagree. The FDA was junk for decades. They just were not under the microscope then as they are now.

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So they gave the site 4444 placebo group saline for two shots, and then gave them the pfizer serum for two shots after that. Does that mean that adverse affects from the serum shots were then attributed to having occurred in the placebo group? They knew the serum was harmful, so they had to harm the placebo group to make the harm look like something that had nothing to do with the study? That's pretty evil.

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"they cannot bury us with data, we’re going to overwhelm them with capacity to read it."

It's been Game On and Grey poupon from the onset for me. The day they said, '15 days to fla..." I left a puff of smoke in my wake digging into the history of everything from masks to vaccines. I even read all 3200 of Fauci's leaked emails. Lotsa winners in there.

These people are completely oblivious to the fact there's an army of people watching and cataloguing EVERYTHING.

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This reminds me of the election 2020 analysis. Lots of highly motivated, skilled data analysts producing damning evidence from all angles refuting the official results using publicly available documents. And then? Nothing. What’s different this time?

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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires, among other things, that CEOs and CFOs of public companies certify the accuracy and fairness of reported financial statements, and that they have taken actions such that all material information is made known to them and that they have disclosed “to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.”

Hypothetically, what would you call misrepresentation, manipulation, hiding or falsifying data regarding safety and efficacy of products, thereby knowingly putting at risk the health and lives of perhaps billions of people in exchange for billions of dollars in profits? Immaterial fraud?

Remember, they got Al Capone for tax evasion…

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Fascinating stuff. The whole house of cards falls from the beginning. It’s going to take quite a lot to convince people of the corruption though. People are waking up one by one, but so many can’t get their heads out of the indoctrination since youth of ‘the government is here to protect you.’

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