Colbert’s vax-scene skit has to be the cringiest propaganda of all time

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well, other than literally every time jerome adams opened his mouth.

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or Ashish "God gave us two arms..." Jha

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I'm still going to have to give it to Colbert. It was advanced cringe and blue pilled.

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You can't credit him. He didn't realize how awful it was. He's one of the worst Rubes

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Jerome Adams was the first one to red-pill me with his flip-flopping tweets in April 2020.

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Jerome Adams?

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His hypocritical tweets red-pilled me, not anything he did. He tweeted that the week of Easter 2020 was going to be the "worst week of most Americans' lives. Our Pearl Harbor/911 moment." And then it wasn't. That's when I first realized something wasn't right.

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That's the one that will stick with me forever in particular.

Also, it's interesting to see that "Place a trusted messenger on The Joe Rogan Show and Barstool sports..." tidbit in there. Ahem, Sanjay Gupta, anyone?

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I did enjoy the grilling that Joe dished out about about CNN’s lies about his taking “horse paste”. It took a few rounds, but Joe remained undefeated!

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Oh, I so enjoyed watching Sanjay squirm and double-speak. I wish Joe would have completely gone for the throat, but I know that's not his style in his pod format and one of the reasons he's able to get so many varied guests on. I'm fine with that, that's his prerogative. He's doing far more than most other "legitimate" journalists are doing, and shame on all of them for not doing what their profession demands of them.

I believe we need to drive a stake into the ground and forever (or until a massive recalibration happens) differentiate between "journalists" and "propagandists". It's a distinction that can't be blurred. We need true JOURNALISTS to recapture their profession. But boy, how money talks.

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But once Sanjay slithered back to the safe space of the MSM, he doubled down on the idiocy.

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Like, the NEXT day, IIRC.

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Oct 12, 2022
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WTF kind of comment is this? Gato, I would strongly encourage you to remove this comment and block this bot. And if you're a real person Ikari, get the fuck out of here.

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Maybe drive that stake elsewhere or they'll come back

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And I bet something very dark and oozy would flow, before clotting itself into a monstrous shape.

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Feeling you.

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Yes, I was hoping someone would point that out. It was a bold strategy, Cotton, and it didn't pay off well for them at all! 🤣

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I zeroed in on that one, too. I know Gupta asked to be on his show and everyone kind of expected that he was sent there.

What popped in my mind was Rhonda Patrick's latest appearance. She has a HUGE following due to Joe. Her episodes are always greatly anticipated. She's cute, unassuming, and trustworthy.

There was a lot of talk when it came out that she seemed "planted" there with a message.... literally on index cards.

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I think of them all as regime, Corporate Comedy.

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They are the new court jesters for a junta lacking even an iota of a sense of humor.

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I was appalled when I saw clips. I don’t watch the show. I always thought he was slimy.

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I used to love the Daily Show so much that I recorded it to watch the next day. I even watched the Colbert Report. But after reaching a certain point in learning about the "medical mysteries" of our time, I find I can't stomach any of those shows anymore. The propaganda just jumps out at me. I did enjoy, however, a repost of the clip where Colbert squirms as Jon Stewart points out how obvious it is, where the virus came from.

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That was delicious

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Oooo. I’d like to find that one.

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Not to argue with our kitty pal, but the notion that these folks "sold their souls" for crypto-bribes presumes there was much left of those tarnished spirits to sell. I don't doubt that grotesque manikins like Colbert accepted the cash. But let's call that the "dumb money" (which is apparently the only kind USG knows how to spend). He probably would've done the same crap on the cheap, if not for free.

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That reminds me of Jimmy Kimmel. His behavior towards "anti-vaxxers" even before the "pandemic" was atrocious. I get that he's grateful to doctors for saving his daughter's life, but the same system killed or caused permanent disabilities in other parents' kids. How dare he demand sympathy for his own family's suffering, while denying and mocking and demeaning other families with dead or disabled children!

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Everyone seems to forget Kimmel's behavior on "The Man Show". I mean most of it was hilarious if you actually have a sense of humor detached from your fake virtue, but decidedly misogynistic, arguably racist and crude by today's standards. Sure in those days so what. I still say so what, but these virtue slingers are so selective in applying outrage, it makes total sense that many of them are paid to lie.

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I was going to write something similar. His pal Coward Stern has also gone full fascist about the shots.

It's as though this is their shot at redemption with the cool kids.

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Stern left his house in East Hampton for the first time the other day. I hope he gets every booster. he wished death to all unjabbed

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And to think that the Libertarian Party of New York once chose Stern as their candidate for governor. I was present at the convention that nominated him. He had scantily-clad girls dancing next to him during his speech. What a mockery, but the LP bigwigs were too star-struck to realize or care what he was doing to them.

And then after gaining all this publicity for himself, Stern dropped out of the campaign on the pretext that he didn't realize that candidate financial disclosures would be required.

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I went to the national LP convention in 2016. Wow what a lot of nut jobs. Friendly, nice but really wacky. I liked Austin Peterson but they blew it and nominated an old pothead Republican Gary Johnson

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I totally missed that. You must’ve been frustrated—there to do something and it turning into a stunt

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he was probably well paid to go full fascist.

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Indubitably. The most recent contract likely had huge “performance”bonuses.

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Oh, such a BINGO

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He’s off my list as well or should I say on my list?

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I cancelled my husband's satellite radio subscription (with his permission) and I made sure to tell them why

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Mine won't be renewed in November. I've justified it to myself so far because my gains on their stock (it was pennies at one point) covered the cost.

Now the cost is to my dignity and intelligence.

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That's the one that came to my mind immediately as well. 😆

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everything about Colbert is cringie. Cannot stand him. Not in the least bit funny

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This is a comment I wrote at the time:

I think the pundits have this all wrong. Colbert's performance wasn't intended to convince people to get vaccinated, it was meant to assure those who are vaccinated that they did the right thing. They are now aware they need boosters. They know risk attends every shot. They know the long-term effects are unknown. They know that many medical professionals are among the millions who are refusing to get vaccinated. They may be aware that the vaccinated are becoming the majority of those hospitalized (even after adjustment for the proportion of a population that's been vaxxed). They may have since become aware of the actual cost/benefit analysis, and realize that they took a greater chance with the vaccine than the threat (because they are young and/or healthy) posed to them personally by COVID. They are afraid they may have made the wrong choice. They need reassurance. They might like to imagine that Colbert's performance might make more people get vaccinated, because they would be comforted to know that there are more people in the same boat - misery, and fear, and discomfort all love company. That's what this was about. It was aimed at Colbert's audience, to make them feel better about their choice and, in assuring the righteousness of the own choice, to encourage them to support mandates to bring everyone else into the fold, so they can all be happy sheep together.

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Stupid is as stupid does.

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Colbert and his ilk are nothing more than cheap whores.

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Especially considering his boldness at the white house press dinner where he mocked George Bush who was sitting right there, and slammed the media for just taking dictation and not doing due diligence as journalists ...

Nothing says integrity like the Vaxx-Scene dance, Colbert. Your soul will cringe at that for eternity.

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That was HILARIOUS, but not in the way he intended!! I still LMAO every time I think of it.!!! The VAX Scene.. So friggin stupid with the people dressed up like syringes. ROFL. Oh man too funny.

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Yes! The boom, in your face moment is actually a colossal chump moment. Soft brain.

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Who is "Colbert"?

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Both a tasty cheese and not-so-tasty cheesy "entertainer".

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About 10 years ago, he lured thousands of people to DC for what they imagined would be a political rally- "The rally to restore sanity," something suggested as a joke, but which eventually materialized with the enthusiasm and support of fans. He then appeared on stage stuffed into an Elvis outfit like a pork sausage, and proceeded to engage in the needle-type antics, including slogans like "9/11 was an outside job."

If you can capture a sense of disillusionment (not to mention the type of astroturfing suggested in this article) in one tidy vignette, that would be it.

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And you paid for it.

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There's full Colbert Vax-Scene box set 10 min gag me skits w/o Screwtube page views.


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Good God! His audience is comprised of #AmericaTheStupid.

This was a military style mind control operation if I ever saw one! The ones that fell for it lack discernment and believe their faithful TV over any logical argument!

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It seems to me that it was mocking the vaccines.

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Nah, there's some nasty digs at anti-vaxers and here in NYC every entertainment venue had jab passports at the door & expanded in 2022 to include all contractor & volunteers. In the Iraq War - Dubbya Cheney era Daily Show was smart & funny.. Colbert alone never as good and intolerable since he moved to CBS manifesting severe Trump Derangement Syndrome and tied w Rachel Maddow for Goebbels Achievement Awards.

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Someone keep a copy as evidence in his trial.

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Ironically, I think it was Jeff Tucker that pointed out (more eloquently than others) that if the vaccine worked, it would not need all of this nudging and marketing. People would willingly line up for it.

That they dumped a billion into the deceptive government funding to promote it is Exhibit A in the case against it.

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Because I am a thinking person, I kept a running list of concerns about the shot. I am also a reasonable person and was open to reviewing data in favor of the shot. But it was never provided to me. Instead governments offered lotteries over evidence and impugned those of us that didn't fall for it. With every word out of their mouths, I knew not getting a single shot was the right decision. No matter that my family screamed in my face and my so-called friends mocked me. No one is screaming at me or mocking me now.

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Good on you!

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In Austria they offered 30 free min in a brothel to people willing to be jabbed on-site. Talk about a hard sell!

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Wow, that’s both scary and pathetic.

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With a chaser of Viagra and penicillin?

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Oh really, they couldn’t run a f*k in a brothel.

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At best, the overt/covert spending could be claimed to be in the goal of "public health." Most of us would think the claim is rather weak with the Covid-19 products of course. An equally valid, and I suspect closer to the truth, perspective is that that billion dollars and perhaps other monies, were de-facto free advertising to a handful of Pharma corporations with a protected market on a high-profit, paid-for-by-government (and sometimes mandated) set of shoddy goods.

In defense of advertising: the truth is somewhere in the middle. Just because a good/service is is good (or bad) doesn't mean that customers will flock to (or avoid) it. Promotion, publicity, advertising is needed. If that were not true, then it wouldn't exist. There is an old saying "Half of the money spent on advertising is wasted. The problem is, we don't know which half."

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Deeply disturbing. One of the more shocking moments was that James Corden video where he sings and dances in the New York streets celebrating the return of freedom thanks to the Covid shots. I suspected that some big payoff drove shills like Sting, the Foos, and Springsteen, among so many others, suddenly to become spokespersons for Big Pharma and government. Sadly, my basket of loathing long ago became overfilled. On the bright side, I’ll spend the rest of my life ignoring the glitterati and their minstrels.

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Good musicians. Clown humans. I can't enjoy Foo Fighters the way I used to, knowing how they behaved. I try to separate the art from the person, but I can't. Same with NFL, NBA, movie stars, etc. Good news is it has made me much less of a spectator and more of an active person for my personal enjoyment time- some epic wakeboardng and mountain biking for on old guy!

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When I was younger I was a jazz musician and somewhat of an arrogant jerk. I probably still am at some level but life has taught me humility and self-awareness.

I'm pretty sure my attitude came across in my playing and how I dealt with people. The art is the artist as much as the artist and their their promoter may try to pretend otherwise. Look at Bono and Sting.

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What did the Foo Fighters do?

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Grohl is a big vaxx-partheid proponent including participating in a vaxxed-only concert in New York in 2021.

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I believe they had to cancel a vaxx-only gig because one of the members contracted covid, can't help but wonder about the cognitive dissonance swirling around Dave Grohl's mind after that.

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Oh. Another dead to me.

Like vax-parteid

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I'd like to know who played the concert. I had forgotten about it.

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The inverse relationship between my basket of loathing and number of fucks to give is something to behold.

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There are a few who didn’t take the money, including Van Morrison and Eric Clapton (who suffered from the shots so badly he couldn’t play guitar. And refused to play venues that even isolated the unkabbed)

I know many of us minstrels who didn’t take the shots and we lost a lot of work

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As a former musician who still plays a little I didn’t intend to paint with a broad brush. The “minstrels” to which I referred are the highly paid propagandists. I know a few people who lost gigs due to de jure or de facto (band mates refusing to play with unjabbed members) jab requirements or venues being shutdown due to the acts of tyrannical state governors (soon to be re-elected Michigan Governor Gretchen (“thank you Governor, can I have another”) Whitmer, for example but that’s a different tirade).

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“God like we needed another huge and once respected thing completely discredited.”

The Nobel Prizes were discredited for me back when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 ~ 🤦‍♀️

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What? Yasser Arafat didn't do it for you???

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Henry the K.

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Back then, I wasn't paying attention ~ 🤷‍♀️. At least now I know who/what Henry the K is!

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At least Arafat, Rabin, and Peres actually did some work which resulted in the Oslo Accords. ..

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Yeah. Obeezy just droned people.

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The Droner in Chief

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Yes! This is exactly what I thought when I read that sentence.

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What did Mussolini call merging of state and corporate powers? "Accuse your opponents of that which you are guilty." Rules for radicats.

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My default position on every claim nowadays is "that's bullshit, I don't believe you". I have an open mind and will listen to their position but it's rare for me to have to change my opinion.

Being skeptical began back in 2005 when every expert in my field (homebuilding) said home prices would never stop going up and there was no bubble. What utter crap. That led me to wonder how many beliefs I held then were simply because I "trusted the experts". I started investigating my positions on manmade global warming and "healthy diet" after that and while it was painful to see how badly I'd allowed myself to be manipulated to that point, knowing how to see through the bullshit has served me well since then (other than the destroyed relationships with friends and family who hate that I don't see things their way).

As el gato malo has said time and again, manmade global warming is built on a foundation of lies and twisted data. Conventional dietary recommendations have no basis in fact. Conventional medicine (sickcare via pharmaceuticals) is much the same and is undoubtedly motivated by profit and not the welfare of the patient. It's fortunate for all the people involved in these lies that I am not in charge because it would be a long, long time before these perps would ever get out of prison.

I'm so tired of lies, corruption and people selling their souls for a few dollars.

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You’d probably enjoy the Suspicious Observers channel on YouTube if you don’t already.

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I'm already a subscriber.

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Yes, your conclusion nails it. The distrust grows by the day and is starting to call into question the many places that were on e considered trustworthy beyond doubt (doctors?). I’m still peeling back layers of trust I didn’t realize I had, and I was already a skeptic of “modern medicine” before this clown show debacle.

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It's sad when we've come to consider the once respected 3 letter agencies and medical practitioners, the gigolo's and whores of big pharma. They may lead the "high life" now but there will be hell to pay.

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Gato, please, add the scene where the stand up comedian faints when mocking the unvaxxed!

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Thanks for reminding me of that! Priceless!

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Oh yeah!

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If memes can demonstrate to the populace that the fiat digits the CDC paid the comedians to mock them are directly connected to the fact that it’s Kraft Macaroni & Cheese with a side of Maruchen ramen again tonight and “no, we can’t drive to the beach because this tank needs to last all week,” maybe we can turn this thing around.

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And that those comedians were paid with a transfer of your wealth so that they could drive Maseratis while telling you to eat bugs and take the electric bus if the lights are still on-that’s also an important message.

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That feeling when Colbert works for Goebbels.

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Sadly, the Narrative is still working here in in-Sane Francisco. Queue at the nearby Kaiser vax site was 60-75 people deep both times I passed it yesterday. I wanted to yell at them - do you know that the jab is not recommended for under-65s in Norway? But they’re too far gone. Lining up to play the California Clottery. Deeply disturbing.

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They just started to vaxx up babies from 6 months old on in Thailand! Mask addiction more then before the mask mandate, and i also lost all hope for the truth to prevail. Equanimity is the only way I can go on.

At least we know now we are not alone in not being hypnotized!

May you all be well!!

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Equanimity. That is a perfect word. Right where I am as well.

You are absolutely NOT alone.

Blessings for those with eyes to see, ears to hear and if I may be so bold, hearts on Christ.

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Sad. People where I live are back to double masking.

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My son goes to a Catholic school. No mask required. Yet several students come out every day with a mask on. I feel so bad for them - they're just as brainwashed as their parents.

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Well, I guess they will continue to dwindle the population. I am deeply disturbed as well.

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Alas Goebbels would have killed for that bulleted list and the ease of propoganda today. The things he could have done. Would there even have been a WWII?

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Yesterday I posted a Goebbel’s quote on Fb (fascistbook) & within about an hour I was notified it did not meet their “community standards”. Hence a 30 day ban. Geesch, I thought the gooonies at fb would appreciate it. Nope.

I gotta stick with enjoying my cat & these superb Substacks by El Gato!

FB has gone the way of late night comedy...so infantile & uninspiring & lacking in any moral foundation of advocating for truth - even a quote from the former master of propaganda who now looks like kindergarten level.

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Wow, troubling thought.

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The harder they pushed...the more I waited. The more I waited, the more people were censored. The more people were censored, the more I researched. AND well, the more I researched, my mind was blown by the level of corruption, lies, and utter evil that's out there in very high places. God be with us to find and spread the truth.

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It's one thing to be paid to push propaganda, but I laugh at the many who simply did it for free.

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None should be surprised at how cheaply some will sell their souls.

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You’re right but still I’m surprised

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Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.

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Someone please tell me they paid "Rage Against The Machine" too. That would be perfect.

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The other shills didn't bother me. Seeing Rage turn their anti-establishment schtick to the service of the establishment kinda got to me. Hey Rage, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

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Nothing says punk rock like shilling for Pfizer.

And let's not forget The Foo Fighters and their vax mandates which promptly led to their drummer dying from a heart attack.

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Never liked Foo Fighters anyway. But Rage, in the late '90s, was awesome.

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Yeah, they really were. Sad they turned out like this.

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Have you checked out Jello Biafra? He’s turned into a total shill. I never cared for Howard Stern but he’s the same.

Jonny Rotten seems to be one of the only ones who got based with age. I guess that’s the price they pay for not dying young.

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Yes, Jello Biafra. WTAF? Makes you wonder if these bands were fakes from the beginning or somewhere along the lines they just changed. All of my former "punk" friends are raging leftists now, love big pharma, think Biden is God, have gotten 100 boosters, and hate freedom but love, love, love big capitalist, fascist corporate America, big tech, and Blackrock. Go figure.

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The faggot guitarist took a side job with the NYT, close enough.

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"and this is how you can tell that our would be overlords are not actually terribly smart: these cut rate supervillains are unmaking the very firmament of their own power."

It is getting entertaining. It is true I think, an elite becoming so insular and so sure they can do and say whatever they like, is the sign they are about tho fall.

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One could feel the odd synchrony as a consumer but to now see the propaganda campaign in print like that really boils my blood. Sick.

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