Some vaccines have been worth it (measles) while others have not.

The pediatrician really really wanted my children to get the rotavirus vaccine. I said no. That vax was recalled later due to causing bowel obstructions.

The pediatrician wanted the HPV vaccine for my kids. Again, I said no. It causes far too much damage.

The point is, I had to do my research on everything the doc wanted to inject into my kids. Thankfully I had the option to say no and to change the schedule of shots to what I thought was best for my children; not just follow the herd because we were a captured audience.

That said, because of the last 2 years, I question EVERY SINGLE VACCINE NOW. Every. Single. One.

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this is entirely understandable and much of what i was speaking about yesterday.

faith is "guidelines" has been seriously shaken. and perhaps that is a good thing.

we ought to be taking hard looks at the risk reward of all of these things and making informed decisions.

but we also need to be careful not to be throwing babies out with bathwater.

perhaps we can usher in demands for better, more transparent data access and and a higher class of evidence based medicine from all this.

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I think what we need to be doing is looking at doing one vaccine at a time (they have never been studied when used in conjunction and while there might be data on each separate vaccine, the combo might prove a different story). In addition, we know that the MMR research had a whistelblower...the guy who destroyed the data showing that MMR had a terrible impact on black boys...who became the whistle blower. None of that data went into these studies.

We have also never researched the timing of these vaccines....

Not arguing with you, but I survived mumps, and german measles. The latter I Gave to my Mom when she was pregnant with my little sister. There wasn't a doctor in our state who would deliver her, so we moved. My sister born healthy and was fine, no issues...

Regular measles I cannot speak to.

But I had all the childhood diseases...chicken pox, yada yada yada. Except measles.

Maybe we need fewer vaccines than the 62 plus scheduled now. I think we need to look at the quantity as well as the quality...

Certainly pertussis is a leaky vaccine and leads to little kids giving it to their infant siblings.

You cannot get just a tetanus shot anymore...its combined.

I think it would be great if you would look at all the vaccines now administered to the very young and see what you find.

A lot of us would be interested in your opinion.

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i think there are some legitimate questions to be asked about the wisdom of the current vaxx schedule and some of it looks both over aggressive, needless, and not well assessed. but i don't really have a strong conclusion to share there apart from "warrants study."

this seems like a problem throughout medicine: no one is looking deeply at the combinatorial issues. i watch my parents take 12 or more drugs daily and cannot help but think "wow, there is no way to have any idea what that is doing."

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It’s the interactions and the lack of study on that that worries me, personally. We did a delayed schedule with my first, waiting on Hep B, 2 doses of polio only & skipping rotavirus and chickenpox based on looking at risk/reward. We don’t do flu.

My second son had a horrible rx to the dTAP vaccine with losing milestones and months of watery stool/screaming. Pedi finally concluded it was a vax reaction & suggested we do genetic testing. He has the worst version of the mtfhr gene variant (connection hasn’t really been explored, but there are suggestions that this may have a connection with vaccine reaction, especially when Tylenol is give. In conjunction as advised to do at the time by the pedi ). He won’t be vaxxed moving forward.

I will say, though, that I am relatively unconvinced on the safety studies performed as a whole (particularly for the newer vaccines—both duration and saline/placebo vs inert add ins), the aggression and age at which we vaccinate in the states & the fact that the whole schedule isn’t tested.

Unfortunately, Covid has made us wary of vaccinating at all. Against anything. They truly don’t care about safety of our children & this whole era will unfortunately damage vaccine uptake in the future—regardless of the logic behind it (as presented so well in your post). We don’t know measles personally, but we do know the behavior of the CDC and the AAP. I’m not sure of a way out of this.

By the way, thank you from the bottom of my Heart for your work this pandemic. I’m so grateful to you. Hope that doesn’t sound creepy 🤣

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Hep B is a sexually transmitted disease just like monkeypox with iv drug addicts thrown in. WHY IS IT GIVEN TO BABIES??????

My wife had a bad reaction when she had to get it many years back while she worked as a cop. So it was one of the vaccines our son never got.

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I think the hospitals are getting money for giving it too. My daughter specifically did *not* authorize Hep B for her son in the hospital, yet his vax records on file with his hospital-owned doctor show that he got it.

There's no real way of knowing if they gave it to him or if the nurse just made a mistake or if they didn't give it to him and said they did for money. We just don't know and never will, but she's going to a birthing center for her next baby because we don't even trust the hospitals any more.

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Yup. Stuff like this quite simply doesn’t make sense… Hep B at birth is insane

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I was just having this same conversation yesterday with a friend about the insanity of giving a newborn a Hepatitis B vaxx…a ‘disease’ that is spread through sexual contact or the sharing of needles (drug addicts)…neither of which a newborn baby has come in contact with or engaged in! And likely won’t for many years to come!

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The rationale has been that, since one can't predict who will be sexually promiscuous or simply unfortunate in choice of partner and who will become an injecting drug user, it's best to vaccinate when the opportunity is there. Also, because of the possibility of lack of maternal obstetric care, hence perhaps no documentation of maternal Hep B status, the newborn could be at risk for Hep B as an infant, a serious disease. Big bureaucracies write policies broadly, and so we got universal infant Hep B immunization, at birth.

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I say vaccine reactions run in families. So you did the right thing.

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Shingles from Vaxxed.

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That happens to my son also. He was in high school before he returned to normal. I'm just glad he did.

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I am glad for you.

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I always think: What are you planning to do with that baby that they need a Hep B vaccine almost immediately?

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My two sisters were tested for the MTHFR gene, one has it one has not. I am not sure if I want to know if I do or not. I've got chronic Lyme, and while I did experiement with Vit B-12 infusions, supposedly the right kind, they never did much for me. I'm in an okay place right now, but I do know it sneaks back and I will have long periods of feeling wiped out.

I'm tired and very wary of doctors now, because my Lyme literate one was forced to retire by the State Medical authorities. I think I will go with an integrative doctor now if I can find one. But I also know all my long lived parents and grandparents took NO drugs, not even an aspirin, until their 90's...my poor father was the only one I couldn't prevent from taking the covid injection, and he died young. 96. That is young/before his time in my family. From sepsis.

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Also, it is important to evaluate the effect of vaccines on the natural immune system and overall mortality. It is easy to focus on one thing: the elimination or suppression of a particular disease. It is important to evaluate overall mortality. Are the therapeutics making people healthier or are they just helping people to live longer but sicker? Is there a connection between various therapeutics and the increase in autoimmune conditions and cancer? I am not claiming to know the answers to all of these questions, but I am asserting that the medical community and, thus, the populace have become laser-focused on individual disease suppression/eradication without evaluating the potential long-term health consequences. For example, genetically modifying mosquitos so that they cannot reproduce. All "good people" should want the eradication of mosquitos, but we don't know how that will ultimately affect the balance of the ecosystem.

Thank you so much, el gato, for all your work,


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"All "good people" should want the eradication of mosquitos, but we don't know how that will ultimately affect the balance of the ecosystem."

Indeed... this is where the Law of Unintended Consequences often bites us. It reminds me of the old story of how the French tried to eradicate the rat problem in Hanoi by paying for dead rats. The people began to farm rats to maximize their payments, increasing the rat population, not decreasing it.

The bad thing about unintended consequences and perverse incentives is that we cannot always predict where they will appear. So many times have we (as a species) tried to combat something by introducing a foreign species of some other animal, only to find that now we have a new problem, which may be worse than the one that was supposed to be (and usually wasn't) solved.

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Massive caterpillar infestation in Ontario last year. Stripped the leaves off so many trees. This year they sprayed...zero caterpillars. I can’t help wondering what the unintended consequences of this will be...as much as I’m glad they are gone!

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"All "good people" should want the eradication of mosquitos, but we don't know how that will ultimately affect the balance of the ecosystem."

This is a contradictory comment.

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Little brown bats kept my back yard mosquito free for years--but going up the road 1/4 mile for a barbecue, we were eaten up by mosquitoes

Not being adequately educated on the topic, I would like to say that bats depend on mosquitoes as part of their food supply

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Sheila, good point. Those Danish doctors found out that the girl kids did not die of what they were vaccinated against, but died more often from something not related.


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The fact that they inject all babies on the day they are born with a Hep vaccine is still quite crazy to me - couldn't even get the vit.K injection without the vaccine in the hospital we were.

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Argument for home birth?

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One can decline everything - in DC 2 years ago I declined vit K and hep B. It was put up on the wall chart not to give anything to the baby and my directives were respected. No pushback. They just don't tell the new moms what you can decline - they're trying to get them when most vulnerable and sleep deprived. Being prepared, having a birth plan, and a support person who knows what you want/don't want and will go to bat for you is they key. With my first I had a doula there and she was awesome, with my second it was my sister (doula was virtual as number of support people limited).

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I popped my son out in my living room

No ragrets

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They did that to my son without my permission. Found out he had it at my pediatricians a month later. He's also the son I talk about in my other comment. I was furious. How can that even be legal???

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We made sure to check everything they planned on doing - had to sign multiple papers for them not to apply the vaccine and not to put antibiotic cream on their eyes. The only thing they did we didn't like was put that extremely sticky white but-cream on after a diaper change. That stuff is pretty nasty! We used a more natural lighter one that worked incredibly well - never had any issues with nappy-rash and never had a sticky white goo all over them.

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The Hep-B vaccine causes SIDS. If you want it, get it when you consider becoming sexually active, and don't drink any milk or expose yourself to anything allergenic for a couple weeks.

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This is a huge problem with "medicine" which largely means give them drugs. Many doctors lack the skills and desire to find causes when there is a drug to manage symptoms. AMA and gov't guidelines emphasize drugs to hit some target that the average prescribing physician never question nor actually understand. We use statin drugs to treat "high bad cholesterol" because we can use the drug to hit the desired number. Instead of asking "why is this number high?"

Only when symptoms don't cooperatively subside after a drug is administered do we ask "why?". But often all we've done with drugs is mask the real problem and maybe even made it worse. Doctors seldom connect the dots.

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As I commented on another Bad Cat piece the other day, this goes back to the Flexner Report commissioned by Rockefeller.

It essentially said there was money to be made using patentable, petroleum-based medicines and intrusive medical procedures (allopathic vs homeopathic/osteopathic). So Rockefeller started funding medical schools and businesses to do just that.

As always, follow the money.

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Eustace Mullins' book Murder by Injection, The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America tells the truth about the whole criminal medical organization/cabal set up by Rockefeller.

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This is a great scientific presentation on the toxic overload of the current schedule


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DYK Amish do not have their children vaccinated?

In an entirely unrelated matter…

DYK Amish don’t have autistic kids?

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We could also conclude, using this method, that the Amish do not have autistic kids because they don't shave their beards. The correlation is equally valid and the conclusion equally invalid. I can use this logic to prove that wearing socks causes head trauma (every person surveyed in the trauma ward was wearing socks at the time of event that caused the injury).

Maybe there is something more to the Amish story. Would the Amish label a kid autistic? The diagnostic definition of autistic is so broad today that one has to ask if the growth in autism is largely due to this over-broad definition and the actions taken after the diagnosis. Like giving autistic kids drugs to dull their senses and keep them calm. Or behavioral factors like teaching them to be "disabled" and dependent (I've seen this). A parent of an autistic kid told me that the "special school" his kid was attending was teaching him to be autistic. Taking the kid out of that school and putting him in "normal" school mitigated many of the behavioral symptoms.

Perhaps the Amish don't have autistic kids because they do not acknowledge autism, and are instead prone to address the needs of each child individually? Perhaps instead of declaring the kid disabled they instead focus on learning to function and thrive with the gifts given. Perhaps the difference is culture, not chemicals.

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I’ve seen studies wherein researchers went into Amish communities and studied the children for whatever reason and as a sidebar, they noted there are really

no autistic children within the communities. I don’t remember the studies but I do remember it wasn’t a lack of labeling and arbitrary definitions.

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Blech. Really. Yuck.

The parents who think their kids' autism was triggered by vaccines are dealing with profoundly disabled children. The next thing you'll be telling me us that the Amish can't recognize Downs Syndrome kids. "It's their culture."

Bah. Load of woo-woo.

I'll give you the counter for free

"If the Amish do not produce autistic children, we need to investigate. Maybe it's the vaxes. Maybe it's genetics. Or diet. Or environment (plastics, chemical toxins, etc) or maybe mix.

We should not assume, but we should investigate. Thank you for the information. "

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Amish babies don’t die of SIDS-sudden infant death syndrome

I’m betting Amish adults going forward won’t be dying of SADS-Sudden adult death syndrome, either🙄😝

Believe what ever you like…

OBVIOUSLY it is so much more important to DEFEND THE EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS that never did ‘work’

that are causing myocarditis & strokes, brain bleeds, etc…even in kids,

those experimental injections our GOVT & ea & every one of the NWO WEF controlled idiot GOVTs HAS LIED ABOUT



obviously 🙄

Defending the clot shot =THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!!!

Surely since you believe in them so strongly~ I’m sure you, all your loved ones &

especially your own children have ALL had all OF YOUR VACCINATIONS


& please be certain to always keep your paperwork up to date & with you at all times

so the government

will allow you

to participate in society


I’m sure you have also adopted the new & improved definition of recession, too… ‘cause spewing sweet sounding but obvious lies to look politically correct to genocidal tyrants & the brainwashed fools who still believe them is infinitely preferable


asking difficult & politically dangerous questions🙄

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I was watching a true ghost story series once about Amish ghost legends--all of them logical to their respective communities--and I was horrified as I realized many ghosts were of children deemed "demon-possessed" and exiled to die of exposure (where of course their satanic souls continued to haunt said locations). And from the descriptions,all I them clearly had mental disabilities including some autism.

It doesn't matter if you believe in ghosts or not, the seed stories were upsetting and it was clear they didn't realize what they were describing was very clearly undiagnosed mental issue and not supernatural. They didn't even think to embellish with the supernatural until the part of the story where the kid was a ghost. They actually thought the pre-exile behaviors were proof enough of satanic influence to warrant what happened to them.

So its also possible that when a kid has such an issue and is unable to hide it, they are executed by exposure as demon seeds. No one out here in the "English" World would be the wiser. And before that series, I never would have considered the possibility.

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There are many aspects of the Amish lifestyle that might be beneficial, like not watching TV, doing a lot of physical labor outdoors, not using plastics and other harsh chemicals, low stress lifestyle. Maybe we should all become a bit more Amish...

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There is a fascinating documentary series at Epoch times about the Amish. They are not as uniform as you think. Some are very old world, some not. Each group is different and yes, some vaccinate.


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You are right, exactly like all the sudden deaths of the last few months could be caused by global warming or cold showers.

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In my geriatrics rotation in my Family Medicine residency, our main activity was seeing each other's patients on referral and going through all their meds, to reduce them to the absolute minimum. After I retired, my neighbor's elderly mother was having some difficulties and I told that same story. They asked her doctor to do that, and she improved. I think it's a huge issue, even now, with databases that can cross-reference known interactions. People who go to various specialists and don't have one doc who knows them and thinks about them are at particular risk for the 'add another med' problem.

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I'm 63 years old and every time I do a medical history form and when they get to the "medications" page they say "you forgot to fill this out" because it's blank. No on believes a man over 60 isn't on multiple drugs. When I broke my foot last year I saw 3 different docs who all went through the same dialogue. The 30-something surgeon responded "cool" when I said "nope, that's all of them!". He prescribed opiate pain pills "just in case" but which I didn't use. I took a couple aspirin the first day. When I told him that he said "that's because I'm THAT good!" and we both had a laugh.

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I had a 92 year old lady tourist in the walk-in clinic about ten years ago on no drugs. It was so unusual that I still recall her case.

But don't you think, like the vaxxes, "She could have been so much better!" /s

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audit the whole thing and then audit the auditors

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I know, huh? I'm older than you, and watch my sister doing the same thing. I do have a bit more confidence if they are all obtained at the same pharmacy...but different doctors and different pharmacies don't allow for catching any warnings. That is IMHO, a little scary.

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multi-morbidness + multi-pharma therapies must be a real challenge for a) treating current patients and b) performing RCTs on new treatments. Then toss in unique human genetics variables.......

Treating folks and and measuring objective outcomes ain't for sissies (or bought and paid for gov agencies!).

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So what can we do? Personally, I trust the people on substack (Like yourself) more than I do our institutions. I think all our health institutions, state and fed, need to be razed to the ground. Local, distributed, independent people like yourself and Igor and Ethical Skeptic need to be paid by US, the people (not by corps or NGO's or foundations) to advise...on the net, distributed, and available to everyone

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One more thought now that vax hesitancy is riding in USA, why not complete some RCTs now, since ultimately parents are responsible for their kid’s health. Plenty of willing placebos ready to rumble. Can’t say it’s unethical if parents are willing to take risks and accept outcomes. No???

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Gato. Thx for tackling this sticky topic for millions of concerned parents.

Regarding spacing out vaccines and or separating out “combo” vaccines, see the schedule in Japan.


Note that MMR is separated out and the timeline schedule appears more flexible.

Food for thought.

Lastly Pediatrician Paul Thomas, et Al did a pretty robust 10k plus patient study on both schedule flexibility and adherence to any schedule at all. What’s your thoughts?


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As I have understood it, the schedule was backed up aggressively to capture the poorer medicare populations who statistically dropped off the pediatricians "well visits" radar at 3-5 years. Of course who pushed for that change? Follow the money. Children of the 80s had their shots last until age 8 or later.

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I am particularly interested in your opinion regarding Vitamin K and Hep B being given to infants the second they are born. My strongest research says NO WAY, a conclusion I reached after watching Dr. Suzanne Humphries or Dr. Sheri Tenpenny’s YouTube on Vitamin K and after reading about how so many newborns are having brain bleeds now which makes “them” want to give more shots but many believe it’s because their little veins have been through so much squeezing going through the birth canal that the shots are too much for them to deal with. Kind of a vicious cycle thing that started when they started doing these things to newborns.

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Unless the mother has Hep B or high risk (is a drug-user that share needles, a sex worker or sexually promiscuous or in a relationship with somebody that's promiscuous) there is no reason to give a newborn a HepB shot at birth. It's one the most ridiculous things. Not a doctor though, so talk to your OBGYN about it - but have some fact ready since quite a few of them will act like you're an irresponsible baby-killer if you ask them not to give a vaccine or put antibiotics on their eyes.

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Well said.

They (MDs) said in my day that you could only get mumps a second time if the first time you had it only on one side of your face. I had mumps three times. Two doubles and one single. Then the Mad Dogs told me I would be sterile. (Sometimes during difficult times raising my two biological boys I wish I had been!) I have had measles, German measles, chicken pox, whooping cough and shingles. They were no big deal, although whooping cough was a little spooky when I would try to stop coughing and couldn't. Man-up folks and seek natural, not artificial, immunity.

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Very good…am right there with you!

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My mom had German measles when pregnant. The baby had partial hearing loss and a couple internal issues that showed up later (age 9 and age 40). And maybe more? TBD!

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I am sorry. My little sister is taller, smarter etc. than the two older ones.

I swear though she has powers...I hope she uses them for good. Serious.

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If vaccines are so great and the benefits outweigh the risks, why are the manufacturers immune from all liability when they kill or maim children?

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That is part of the regulatory capture/corruption problem...

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Because of trial lawyers who present sympathetic cases, whether caused by the vax or no, to juries, who are happy to punish vaccine manufacturers, who are portrayed as the big bad wolves. They can be, we have learned in spades recently, and perhaps they are, nowadays, but they also make MMR, the subject of this piece. There were many lawsuits over issues like thimerosal and autism, and reasonable people, we see in the piece and the comments, can disagree on the evidence. But the upshot was that the manufacturers threatened to simply stop making any vaccines, so (in 1986, maybe?) Congress passed the bill protecting them, but setting up the fund that was meant to pay for childhood vaccine injuries substantiated through [some process, the details of which I don't know].

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These are probably the programs to which you referred ~ url below. I haven't heard much that's good about them, and IIRC, the compensation amounts are limited. Nice how the government gave liability protections to Big Pharma at taxpayer expense...


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Yes, that's it. I haven't heard good things, either. It's a difficult issue, given the propensity of trial lawyers to make money off 'good' trials for class-action suits, the financial benefits of which mostly go to the lawyers. Some may be valid problems needing a remedy, and others may be just ways for lawyers to make mo' money, mo' money, mo' money. Sad.

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I wish they had Stopped making vaccines

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The only way the jabs were allowed to see the light of day was through legal indemnity combined with an "emergency use authorization." No refunds LITERALLY for those that are/were jabbed.

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It’s not the emergency use being referenced. It’s that congress passed a law a few decades ago that if the shot ends up on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule, ALL versions, for all ages, are exempt from liability claims. If a Tdap or Dtap causes permanent brain damage, the manufacturers aren’t liable, even if a bad batch causes thousands of deaths and permanent disability.

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That is correct, and they have had bad batches in pockets of this country enough times —- there was a biggie in TN that I know of. They then began shuffling batches so it didn’t stand out as badly. The vax payout program is way backlogged, very hard to get payments out of, and generally

has a bad reputation. In 1986 Reagan created it so bad companies could

keep peddling vax i impeded by continual lawsuits. It started as a good thing, but has backfired.

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Excellent question!!!!

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Yes, however this almost never happens. The medical establishment insists you vaccinate your child "to the schedule" (74 vax doses by the time they reach 18, two-thirds of it by kindergarten). People who would like to selectively vax or spread them out over time are castigated as anti-science loons putting society at risk.

Most pediatricians demand you follow the schedule as that's what the AAP demands of them. People who have not experienced this themselves have no idea how it works. The schedule has been loaded up with all sorts of vaxxes that are for diseases that are not life-threatening for children (flu, rotavirus, chicken pox) or are incredibly rare. The schedule has tripled since 1986 when vax manufacturers where indemnified.

The autism debate is important but ultimately a side issue. The real question is who gets to decide what is injected into children, their parents or a corrupt medical establishment. I'll go with the parents on this one.

Edit: fixed date of when vax mfgr's were indemnified, it's 1986 not 1984.

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Yes. That is all true. Thankfully it wasn't the case 23 years ago when I first started my family. The pediatrician let me do my own thing, refusing some (Hep B for a baby? nope) and requesting separate shots for mumps, measles and rubella. Back then, you could do that. I also sent my children to private kindergarten which allowed me to wait on the chickenpox vaccine longer..... hoping they would catch it (no luck..so they got that one when they entered first grade).

The pediatrician and I had a strong relationship of mutual respect. I went in with my studies (the Japanese seemed to have a lot of good data 20 years ago) and my own timeline. I never allowed a shot during the winter or when the kids even had a sniffle. They had to be perfectly healthy.

I think those pediatricians are few and far between now. I honestly don't know if I would give my children even one shot now because once you do, you're tied into all of them. Or perhaps we would have to find a state that allows flexibility? I don't know.....

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There are only a handful of states in the US that still even allow or accept any type of ‘exemptions’!

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But the Pharma companies have successfully ‘bought’ the state legislators to push and pass legislation in all 50 states, that children must be ‘fully vaccinated’ to attend public and private schools. And in many states like where I live in CA, they allow for absolutely no ‘exemptions’ of any kind to get around this requirement. The ‘childhood vaccine schedule’ is as big of a Scamdemic (that few know of or talk about) as Covid is!

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This is very true but it's even worse than that.

There is not a single state that requires vaccination "to the schedule" for school. States have requirements for some specific vaxxes (usually polio, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, it varies by state) but almost none require rotavirus, HPV, PCV, and flu as examples. Most states require around half of the schedule for school. Plus most states have exemptions.

But you pediatrician will not tell you this unless you make an issue of it. They will vax "to the schedule" as that's what the American Academy of Pediatrics tells them to do. Our (former) pediatrician outright lied to us and told us the full schedule was required for school. We fired her.

Do your own research before you take your child in for shots. You cannot trust what a pediatrician tells you. Also, be strong and hold to your convictions, these people love to lay on the guilt thick and heavy.

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They get kickbacks from pHARMa and some insurances if their clientele is x% vaxxed.

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My niece and several

people around us have recently moved from Cali for that very reason.

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Because those designing vaccination programs are more concerned about cost management and compliance than crafting a finely-tuned schedule.

Many things may be simultaneously true. That's often lost in argument.

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Insurance reimbursement is linked to the vax schedules. If your child is not vaxxed on schedule, the pediatrician receives less (no?) pay. Same for internists and general practitioners — if the patient don’t follow the current preventative recommendations (vaccines, various procedures like mammograms and colonoscopies), the reimbursement is reduced.

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I was kicked out of my pediatrician's office when I wanted to put a pause on vaccination after my son had a severe reaction. By not "following the schedule" and wanting to be more judicious in administration I was deemed unexceptionable for service. I want to note my first son had a very bad reaction at 2 after having followed the schedule on time to the letter unquestioning. My second son was on schedule until he had a similar reaction at 12 months and that woke me up and made me tap the breaks and want to ask questions. They kicked me out.

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I screen shot your comment and sent it to my nieces who both had babies in 2020 that are now 2. I believe they got the newborn vaxxes when they were born but none since then. I have been on a serious campaign to tell them about all the vaccine injured babies & kids, and to convince them to home school their girls, and not in the public school system, as they won’t be all vaxxed up by age 5!

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Good, feel free to share. I regret now that I never took the parents who said their kids were injured seriously before I was one. It was pretty clear though the vaccines given were the culprit. I am pregnant now with my third. We found a functional medicine pediatrician and they don't vaccinate. We also are heading into our first year of home schooling.

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Good for you. I'm impressed.! Wish I knew years ago what I now know!!

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Oh so sorry that with your first two children you learned ‘the hard way’ about the dangers of the childhood vaccines, but now with your third you know what to do (and not do)! I will also share your response with my nieces. (I never had any children. These two nieces (who are sisters) are my ‘baby girls’ and now Moms! And their girls are the must precious ones too!)

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This is something you never hear talked about in the general media, how aggressively vaccines are being overscheduled in children. Not having children I was not aware of this. I do have pets who get one or two shots every year or every other year. The more I deal with the (human) medical establishment the less I respect it; I trust my vet far more than I trust my doctor! I just started physical therapy for a joint issue. My therapist told me that many of his patients say the same thing I do, that they have gone to a doctor about this or that and found that his exam was much more thorough than the doctor's!

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News flash veterinary medicine is as bad in regards to pushing unnecessary vaccines…it’s a serious regular revenue stream for them. You can blood titer your pet for antibodies to what they are being vaccinated for. I never revaccinated my Cattle Dog after her round of puppy shots. Always blood titer tested her. She always had sufficient and high levels of antibodies. She lived to be 15!

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Mercola Pet is awesome for these kinds of questions. One thing that stopped me

from getting my cats, dogs and horses vaxxed were ALL the vax injection site tumors people were getting. Red flag.

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My ten year old very fit border collie is totally unvaxxed, as were both his parents. He has never ailed.

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My vet must be pretty unusual in that I have never felt pressured by them to vaccinate for every little thing under the sun.

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Same, and I have had several vets over the years. My cats are indoor cats, so I skip the vaccines, and they don't push them.

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A vet testified before Congress about cancer from vaccines.

There is no adjustment for size, it's one size fits all.

A great Dane and a Chihuahua get the exact same dose

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Dr Sherry Tenpenny was instrumental in exposing the Tdap/dtap , and in getting Congress to do something. Unfortunately , as usual , it was 100% in pharma favor.

She has thousands of studies , data , and info that is unfortunately not something most access before making life altering decisions

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Yes! Love me some Dr. Tenpenny! I have been watching & listening to her since March 2020!

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Unfortunately I have been reading for decades , after my son was injured by MMR and I was injured by hepb

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I wonder if that is possible now. The medical establishment doesn't seem to value critical thinking; many doctors "just follow CDC guidelines". And some pediatricians are now saying that if patients don't follow the vaccine schedule, they can no longer be part of the patient practice. Sad, but true in 3 cases I know of in 3 different states. I find that unconscionable.

So yes, while I would like to agree fully with your response above, it doesn't seem possible given the current climate.

But.....I suppose parents like myself with no "skin in the game" (because our children are past vaccination ages) could make a go at getting better data for future grandkids.....I recall researching every vaccine before saying yes. It's a lot of work.....but it could be done.....

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They would have to put someone with credibility in charge to review all the vaccines. RFK Jr is one person most people would accept but the RINO's and DINO's will never allow it.

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Ask your doctor to explain the benefits of flu vax in healthy people between ages 4 and 60.

Bring popcorn.

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Had that talk with several docs. Noted my personal history, which is that every time I've had a normal flu vaccine I've had an adverse reaction. Also the times I've had the flu can be counted on one hand (in over 6 decades now). Two of the three times were years I got vaccinated - so I got really sick twice those years.

Only one of the docs interviewed had the right answer - the risk exceeds the potential benefit. Guess which doc I "hired" ?

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Agreed, it's far too much for most parents. The professional conditions, motivations and rewards around childhood disease vaccine development profoundly differ vs the 60s-80s. As a family we do research for a living and now find our own parental burden too high, whereas pharma's aggression for schedule expansion has become cavalier and most doctors lack basic education and authority. So the default position, even for those with the time and tools, is naturally to drop the castle gate and say "wait!" Which infuriates the Pushers and turns them into Punishers. As trusting parents get their kids taken for a pharma ride, these abuses are going to harden memories for the next 100 years and longer.

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Until we have studies that compare vaccines to a saline placebo (not some other vaccine or a concoction of adjuvants), we have no idea how “safe” any of them are. Until we have powered studies of vaxxed vs unvaxxed, we have no clue what the consequences of the vaccination program.

I’m old — I had all the childhood diseases, as did everyone I grew up with, and I don’t know of a single soul who suffered more than mild symptoms — it was just part of growing up, part of training your immune system. While I haven’t the sources to hand, there are studies showing that having those childhood diseases is protective against certain cancers, particularly brain cancers.

I used to genuflect at the altar of the Church of Vaccines, but no longer. As long as Pharma controls the data and remains indemnified, I’m firmly in the vaccine skeptic camp.

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The reason vaccines are compared to non-saline is because, when testing a vaccine one must test it where the disease occurs, or you can't tell if it prevents any cases, so that has often meant a developing country, the leaders of which then ask why *their* children are used as lab rats but get no benefit from the study, since they can't afford to buy the vaccine once it's on the market. So human subjects research ethics requirements are that all study subjects should get a benefit of some sort from being in the study, but the incentive can't be so great as to have the effect of pressuring people who otherwise would not volunteer, because it would be too much like forcing their participation (and, yes, I know that millions have been forced into the covid injections, and that has been one of the stunning aspects of the whole fiasco). One way this issue has been handled is to give, e.g., Hepatitis B vaccine as the comparator for a Hepatitis A vaccine trial. There should be no effect on incidence of Hepatitis A in the Hep B vaccine group, and the Hep B group would get the benefit of being protected from Hep B (you don't have to agree with the level of protection, just know that that is the rationale). Safety is mostly addressed in Phase I, not the big Phase III clinical trials, but I believe that drug and vaccine manufacturers have begun (or perhaps I just recently noticed) to rely on "post-marketing surveillance" to find less obvious health risks. That simply means they put the product on the market and see who keels over (and they're not doing this to standard for the covid injections, either). Ideally, the comparator vaccine has all of the same contents as the intervention/test subject vaccine, so the only effect of the intervention should be to either prevent the disease or not; it clarifies comparisons. That too weighs against using saline. A trial for adjuvant and other contents would compare injection with those constituents, ideally separately, with saline, but I don't think there's enough economic incentive to do that, since many of the constituents are accepted as 'normal' (including who knows what in the covid injections, of course - the whole thing has so disappointed we who took all those certifications in human subjects research protections and whose scientific careers would have been quickly ended had we done 1 zillionth of what has been done) and, importantly, they aren't patentable, which is what provides the profit in drugs and vaccines. (I too had all of what used to be called in medicine the "usual childhood diseases," which came with its own handy abbreviation for patient notes, UCHD, and I too have become a vaccine skeptic. I too am old, and I may have had my last vaccine ever.)

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I worked in research for most of my career and am well aware of the ethical arguments. But. We are left with “studies” that do not have a true control arm. And we have no clue what harms are being caused by whatever is used as a “placebo.” Ditto the adjuvants, many of which are toxic. In my darker moments, I believe the ethical argument is an intentional obfuscation to hide the damage being done and to ensure profits continue to flow.

Some excellent comments here, including yours. A conversation worth having.

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I'm not going to defend the vaccine industry here; I'm *way* too disappointed in so many institutions in which I used to believe. You could be entirely correct.

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They use adjuvant or another vaccine as " placebo" in order to HIDE all side effects. There IS NO follow up long term. Most end monitoring after days. Doctors refuse to report to VAERS just like currently , for the same reason.

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I love you man and I understand where you are coming from. (So you know what is next...)

But the problem (and it is a profound problem) is that the medical establishment has been engaging in wholesale murder and harm for the last two years. Medical authorities have lied to us on mask effectiveness, dissembled on the Covid origin story, ignored vaccine injury, altered historical data (see Mathew Crawford’s articles on the DMED database), relied on flawed studies to withhold life saving early treatments, and conducted shoddy (if not fraudulent) clinical trials in order to market ‘vaccines’.

Can we trust anything the medical industry tells us about anything going forward? In the era of erstwhile prestigious but now corrupted medical journals (remember Lancetgate?), captured regulators, cowed physicians, and compromised academics, how can even “well conducted RCTs” be taken seriously?

The destruction of trust is one thing. The anger is another. In my case, hatred of those in charge and contempt for those that did not speak out.

So you may be right about the Measles vaccine. But I am not at the point where I can take a real interest in looking for step function responses to vaccine introduction. I have other things on my mind, some tending to the ad hominem.

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The destruction of trust is the single most significant outcome from the COVID years. Both for historically respected institutions (medical bodies, msm, government for some) and that of our fellow man (the hysteria of 2020 has faded some but ruined many)

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Well said.

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"perhaps we can usher in demands for better, more transparent data access and and a higher class of evidence based medicine from all this"

This is the crux of the problem. Until regulatory capture/corruption is eliminated, studies to determine what is driving the rise in autism will not be done, or as we have seen with COVID and the COVID "vaccine", studies will be designed to fail and/or support the narrative. The autism issue is complex and may result from a combination of factors that could include some vaccines and their adjuvants, as well as environmental factors. The processed food we ingest, genetically modified plants/animals, the poisons used in commercial farming (e.g. glyphosate), all need to be studied. Unfortunately, the agencies regulating/approving use of the latter are the same corrupt agencies behind the COVID debacle.

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There is also no option to take a stand alone measles vaccine ~ it is no longer available in the U.S. that way. I don't want the Rubella vaccine because it is cultured in human cell lines taken from aborted babies and YES the fragmented DNA does make it into the vaccines (even if you can somehow rationalize the immorality of the procedure). Here is a study that examined that: https://soundchoice.org/our-research/open-letter-to-legislators/

Japan has a safer and more ethical version of the Rubella vaccine but it is not available in the U.S. Merck won a monopoly on the MMR by claiming 95% efficacy levels for mumps which was much higher than the competitors. Two of their top scientists filed a whistleblower lawsuit over 10 years ago which alleges that they added rabbit antibodies to their samples. I believe you would agree that we should all be anti-FRAUD. (This is not new to Covid-19) https://www.reuters.com/article/health-vaccine-idUSL1N0YQ0W820150604

The government did a study comparing Priorix to Merck's MMR, when it looked like the lawsuit against Merck might proceed. It involved over 5,000 children aged 12 -15 months and they "excluded children with... a history of allergic disease or reactions, or acute disease." It showed that for BOTH brands, 50% of the trial participants had an adverse reaction, 10% had to visit the emergency room, and 2% of the reactions were classified as serious. Additionally, 3.5% of the children developed a new chronic illness within the next 6 months (generally atopic dermatitis or eczema). They tried to hide these results ~ you can only see them by clicking on Supplementary Table 6 in the paragraph on Reactogenicity and Safety Assessments: https://academic.oup.com/jpids/article/9/2/194/5372494#131942742

There HAS been an excellent study done showing that fully vaccinated children have higher rates of several autoimmune issues than unvaccinated children. The doctor who participated was hounded and had his license to practice punitively revoked (and then reinstated). The study was peer reviewed and published but then pulled. Researchers are routinely and systematically attacked if they attempt to look into the safety of our vaccine schedule. https://ipaknowledge.org/ipak-vaxxed-v-unvaxxed-study.php

There are also convincing studies showing that the aluminum commonly used in adjuvants is able to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage. Here is one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6223008/

The gross negligence when it comes to actually studying the safety of vaccines given to children is criminal and is also not something newly created with Covid. Hepatitis B is given to newborns on their first day of life and the trial participants were followed for either 4 or 5 DAYS depending on the brand. Section 6.1 of the package insert states, "In 36 clinical studies, a total of 13,495 doses of Engerix-B were administered to 5,071 healthy adults and children... All subjects were monitored for 4 days post administration." Hepatitis B is not the only one to have trial safety reviews of less than 2 months. Hib: ActHIB (3 days solicited / 30 days unsolicited) PedvaxHIB (3 days solicited/ 3 days unsolicited) Hiberix (4 days solicited / 31 days unsolicited) DTaP: Infanrix (8 days solicited / 28 days unsolicited) Polio: Ipol (3 days solicited/ 3 days unsolicited).

I actually agree with your position that SOME vaccines may be beneficial and I agree that they can be effective against the target disease. However, it is very difficult to assess an honest risk/ benefit. Many of the positive studies were on much older versions of vaccines (prior to human cell lines being used) and they were done on populations that had far fewer vaccine doses. The WHO admitted that the safety of giving multiple injections at once has NEVER been studied. They said that adjuvants are necessary and they can't even use the same adjuvant for every pathogen but there is NO data on how the adjuvants might cross react.

If you are willing to allow for choice that is all I am asking. My child was obviously vaccine injured (severe full body eczema the day after his 4 month shots followed by numerous food allergies). You can choose to believe parents or not. But NONE of the vaccines are as safe as they claim. Parents need to take the time to research thoroughly and take into consideration family medical histories.

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Thank you!!! I’m reading the sources I hadn’t seen before. I love links!

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Great comment, Jenn!

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My issue isn’t that I hate all vaccines. It’s that the government prevents choice. I wanted my newborns to get a vitamin K shot at birth, I had to choose between “all or none” and give them the completely useless Hep B. While our pediatrician is good about alternative schedules and picking and choosing, the company that owns him is not. My daughter is getting ready to get the boot because we are pausing all future vaccines until she’s older (she’s 11 now). If she steps on a rusty nail, our first trip will be to get a tdap booster. But her immune system is a disaster. She’s technically allergic to every major allergen, though only peanuts and tree nuts illicit a response. Every allergy blood and prick test is all red. Her gut is a mess. She has asthma. She is a tough as nails girl so she’s a top swimmer AND soccer player in our urban county, and top student who also won the character award at her private Christian school, but her body can only take so much and anything that can mess with either her immune system or gut needs a pause while we work to heal her, which will take years. Unfortunately the “medical” establishment is only interested in our money for procedures and shots that might be hurting her. 😩

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If she ever needs a tetanus shot, ask for tetanus immune globulin to avoid the tdap.

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Can you even get it anymore? I had to get tetanus, and it was the Tdap..because that they told me was how it came only.

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As far as I know it's still available. It might depend on where you ask for it. When I requested it for my son (20 years ago) it was in the ER of a big suburban-Philly hospital that's a Level II trauma center. I don't know if it would be easily available from a doctor's office.

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I tried in our emergency room (animal bite). Not available so they told me.

But it wasn't a big hospital. So there is that.

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Uhh... That is a bad idea.

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I'm interested to hear why you think that.

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Well, it's a pooled human blood product. That's kind of creepy for one, but for two, there's a great deal of different proteins present in it, which seems like a bad idea if you're concerned with possible reactions. Much cleaner to get the toxoid injection (?).

Here's the prescriber info for HyperTet (tetanus immune globulin): https://www.hypertet.com/documents/2533658/2533707/Prescribing+Information+HyperTET.pdf/e59905dc-8f3b-ab66-772c-094525b011b3?t=1686302833759

Check the warnings. The manufacturer doesn't allow copy/paste from the document, interestingly.

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The hep b contains more aluminum than a 200 lb man can withstand orally . Injection of newborns with that toxic load has consequences.

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This sounds inaccurate. Half of my cookware is aluminum. Probably more than half.

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See if you can find someone near you who practices TBM to help her

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What is TBM

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Total Body Modification. Majority are chiropractors but other professions too. They have different techniques to switch on the immune system or lift a suppression on the immune system, help the gut , allergies etc. I use it along with other things but I'm in Australia

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Absolutely it needs to be open source and not done by a government agency. If it works, it will sell; if it doesn’t, it will rot on the shelves. This is why the alphabets need to be abolished. They are no longer necessary. The consumer should have many options and companies that they can count on for sound advice. Assuming individuals want to farm out the critical thinking needed to make these decisions.

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Can't believe anyone after this wants to continue to farm our their critical thinking...except I see if everyday. It makes me so sad.

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Some people are too stupid to do their research, and they need to defer to some other source. But not one that is corrupt or fraudulent like our federal government.

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Sorry, no babies here, pure, unadulterated bathwater, safe to throw out entirely!

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Did you look into the collapsing rates of infant mortality in Florida, after parents became vaccine hesitant? 2022 infant mortality is 15.7% below 2020 infant mortality. Igor suggests half of infant deaths could be the result of childhood vaccines. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/florida-vaccine-hesitancy-reduced

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The SIDS rate in Florida dropped by about 9% during the plandemic when most babies weren’t getting their “wellness” checkups. Like SADS, I’m betting SIDS is vaccine-related.

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And you would be right.

Bioinformatics analysis links Sudden Infant Death Syndrome to vaccine induced autoimmunity against cardiac muscle proteins


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Thanks for the source! I find my senior brain (great all-purpose excuse for a multitude of sins) is pretty good at retaining the broad outline, but fails miserable at tracking sources and recalling important details. One of the best features of substack is the quality of the comments.

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The Rotovirus vaccine is a great example here too, because, at least according to RFK, one of the people on the advisory panel (Offit maybe?) got paid millions as a result of the vaccine getting put on the schedule.

I guess when the head of NIH ethical oversight is married to someone she is supposed to oversee, these are the outcomes we can expect :(

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That's ideal, but unfortunately, with the lies put out by pharma and the misleading conclusions promulgated by the cdc, there's no good source for people to turn to. Thus, they either slavishly follow the "experts" at CDC/FDA or they rely on their personal experience. The one person who got really bad flu or the one person they saw on Oprah.

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For fully footnoted , reference rich information look up Dr Sherry Tenpenny , RFK Jr. , Del Bigtree at the Highwire . RFK and Del are currently suing and winning , you can read the FOIA documents yourself.

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I was a student in Romania in 1990, right after communism fell, one of our political science professors was trying to defend the fallen system with the exact same argument, "need to be careful not to be throwing babies out with bathwater"

imagine defending nazis at Nuremberg with this argument, so you understand how ridiculous this is

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about

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Well, that is indeed the danger. At a certain point one makes the determination that a certain group is the enemy and then one treats them that way. Pleas for nuance and understanding will go ... unheeded.

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I do not look at risk/reward when I eat the unsprayed fruit from twelve varieties of fruit trees. I do not not look at risk/reward when I feed my family the antibiotic-free deer I harvest. I do not look at risk/reward when I go walking, swimming, or bike riding. I sure as hell would look at risk/reward if I took drugs, but I do not take them. MDs are drug peddlers because they were given a pro-drug education in their med schools that are captured by Big Pharma.

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My teenage son and I were both sick around the same time a year ago. Neither one of us had previously got the injection. Too suspicious of the rushed campaign to do that. I eventually ended up in the hospital for a week with confirmed severe covid, he was never tested.

Flash forward to the fall. I'm fully recovered and have natural immunity. There's no way I'm taking that shot now. I was suspicious of long term side effects and luckily, despite my illness, I don't have take any chances now. I suspect my son had the covid as well since we were both sick at the same time.

My wife and her mother start agitating that my son needs the shot. I eventually convince them - through data and patient conversation - that if he has antibodies, he doesn't need the shot. I call the pediatrician to get a test ordered and SHE REFUSES. After several phone calls, the nurse finally admits, "The doctor thinks antibody tests can be 'misused' and she always recommends vaccination."

So I get him a test at CVS and he's positive for antibodies.

He's hasn't been back to see that doctor.

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Umm. Went to primary practice 3 weeks ago, middle-aged male nurse doing preliminary checks before PA arrives, asked if I had been vaxxed. I answered in negative. After a few moments with his clipboard he remarked, "I respect your choice." He need not have said that. Had first gone to this practice a year ago, several times in July (too much wood-splitting caused back injury), and was vax-asked each time--although no pressure ever put on me to take it. On the other hand, this practice still requires masks; has the nerve to post on its mask sign 'by law....'. No such law exists. A Lie. But I'm not going to waste my time disputing this. I think.

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I got that "I respect your choice" line more times than I could count when I was hospitalized a year ago. Faux-respect but implicit judgment.

Most of the time that was as far as it went, but one doctor wanted to harangue me about it IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM. I was weak, drifting in and out of consciousness, feverish, with an oxygen tube in my nose, and he was literally telling me - the actual words - that it was "not smart" and "selfish to your family" that I hadn't received the injection.

If only I could remember his name and go back to the emergency room and confront his sorry ass a year later after everything that has happened and been learned since.

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And I'm sure this has been said a million times, but can you even imagine had a healthcare provider said to a lung cancer patient "well, it wasn't smart of you to smoke 2 packs per day for 30 years - your selfishness hurts your family." Can you even imagine? Or to the gay, AIDS patient: "too bad you couldn't refrain from your risky sexual behavior"? The practice of medicine will takes decades to recover its lost credibility.

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You imagine those quacks will recover their reputation? I don't.

For four years as a child I was a victim of the Soviet medical system. Mostly Soviets received "care" in hospitals. They never allowed family to visit and they proceeded to verbally and physically abuse us, among other things. Now I'm seeing this behaviour emerge in America. The first step after centralizing hospital administration and providing top-down rather than individualized care was preventing family visitation with COVID as pretext. When they isolate you they can do anything to you. Today we still have a large number of humane doctors and nurses, but that's already changing. They system destroys their humanity.

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This is a very important comment

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GE, a sobering but necessary comment. I've been thinking about how the true end goal of "Obamacare" is what we now see on display in our medical system: corporate health. There is a book I need to read which discusses the transformation of the care model from focusing on an individual's presenting issues to now focusing on large-scale and population-level health measures. Covid has accelerated the achievement of the goal, I think. The name of the book is: "Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns" by Stanley Goldfarb (former curriculum director at UPenn Med School).

As a nurse, I used to encourage young women, in particular, to pursue nursing for a career. I also used to think med school a good option for a few of my children. I don't feel that way anymore.

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Monkeypox, anyone? Seen the recommendations for '2 weeks to flatten the curve?' 'Refrain from male same-sex sexual intercourse (or similar) until the pandemic abates?' 'Your selfishness hurts the whole world?'

And it will take more than decades, if medicine can ever fully recover; med schools have become part of the woke indoctrination industry. It will be difficult to find a competent physician, given their lack of critical thinking and ability to assess the evidence.

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I'm a gay man, part of the demographic most at risk for Monkeypox. It's my opinion that having lots of sex with near (or actual) strangers will always be a dangerous practice. Yes, HIV infection can be prevented with condoms or chemically, with PREP. But there will always be another virus around the corner, today Monkeypox, tomorrow who knows.

The solution, I think, is to reconnect emotional and physical intimacy: to limit sex partners to those we actually love. Such a policy might do more than keep us sexually safe; we might be happier too.

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Ah yes--I imagine that a year ago it was indeed a line of dismissal. This month, I took it as meaning other since we have had months of adversities showing up. Who knows how many sick-from-the-jab patients he has been seeing. And no one has ever used that line with me in any other 'healthcare' setting.

I bet you could find out his name: you know everything has to be documented. Some of those people are really harsh. I suppose especially in the ER where they must see more pain than most practitioners do.

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His name is in your medical record from the visit, to which you have a legal right. You could write him a letter.

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It's better you don't know his name and can't find him. I'll bet you'd find he is without remorse for his treatment of you.

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That's rich about that evil doctor saying "tests can be misused." Every institution is compromised by corruption and evil.

People like that need to be smacked in the face with the narrow side of a 2x4.

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Or the flat of a 2 x 6?

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.300 AAC works too...

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Easier to get off in court after a communication with lumber, I hope

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Sounds like the doc is getting kickbacks on that shot.

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Yes, it's called being a salaried employee and doing whatever your boss tells you to do... as opposed to having integrity and independent professional ethics.

We would consider it to be a downside of corporate medicine, but to the Obamacare crowd, the reduction of private practice and getting more top down control was the point.

It's the exact same reason why - after I was out of the hospital and recovering - the pulmonologist was still pushing me to get the shot. I am fairly certain that he knew from his medical training that it wasn't necessary - and possibly harmful - since I was now recovered, but the hospital had told him to push it on everyone and he wanted to keep his job, so he did.

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Corporate medicine is a huge problem. I know firsthand. I have a family member who runs 20 hospitals, and all they do is manage based on the numbers. They look at this stuff all the time and require 100% complete compliance from their doctors and lose the best ones because of it. The only ones that stay are the sheep.

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See page 4. $400 per kid for completing Combo 10.


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Need to put this up on billboards next to the highway.

Your trusted local pediatrician is bought-and-paid-for and you don't even know the half of it.

Sick. Vile.

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Tried to love your replay but it wouldn't work.

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Haha “cat box”

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My first time at my new Primary Care doctor for a checkup last summer. Of course the vax question comes up. I believe I had the 'vid in October 2020, but I was never tested. I asked for the doctor to set up an antibodies test - he refused, for the same reasons, "tests can be misused" (and I know you can simply donate blood and they do an antibody test for free).

That was my first and last time with that doctor. I promptly canceled my follow-up visit to go over the rest of my lab results. They were all available via MyChart anyway.

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Test results can be misused?

How does on misuse information? This doctor was actually making an argument in favor of ignorance (and in this day and age of doctors stereotypically ordering hundreds of tests, none of which apparently come with the worry of misuse).

Information is not a bad thing to have. Ignorance (lack of knowledge) is the thing most likely to be misused, such as the way that doctor attempted to misuse the ignorance about the antibodies to sell a product in which she has a financial incentive.

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In regards to the virus tests, neither can provide differentiation. Completely useless for the application.

They still count TESTS as CASES no matter the final result though, so what does it really matter?

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Agreed. To get to my point first, the problem I foresee is that the mRNA injection "science" may start replacing the more traditional vaccines, and this is where I would take issue.

One other point I would like to make is the gross number of vaccinations that have come out and have been deemed "necessary" by the powers that be.

Personally, I researched all the childhood vaccines (vaccines in the traditional sense) back in 2006-ish onwards. Why, my first son was born. What I researched and felt was the right approach was a modification to both the number of vaccines injected at once as well as the timeline the vaccines were needed. I felt societally we throw too much at their little bodies too soon...and so I reviewed all the timelines and modified this as to allow more recovery for them between receiving the necessary vaccinations, choosing which ones were necessary, and rejecting the BS ones.

Could the increased number of vaccines given to these kiddos on such a shortened timeline cause autism. Possibly. I'd add in many different possible factors changed since these vaccines were introduced. Something, or more likely, "somethings" were colluding and causing a spike in autism. Really, too many factors all at once to be able to definitively proffer a based answer.

I do not disagree with our brave author and truly have no desire to prove anything scientifically or otherwise. What I will say is that the research I did and the path I took seemed to offer more risk reduction, whether based or "just felt right", and did not place my sons in anymore potential danger from modifying the schedule and number of shots they received (actual herd immunity helped here, even with animal stores present I'm some) and only receiving the true, vaccinations from diseases that could otherwise be life-altering, to state it generally.

The other "fluff" vaccinations I saw as unnecessary and as them being a profit driven scheme by the vaccine companies rather than as a useful tool to preventing serious dis-ease or death. Flu, chicken pox, COVID, gardasil, etc.

What I believe is that, as we see with anything and everything, what was a good intended program, went too far.

Just my two dollars worth (formerly two-cents worth but inflation, you know...lol)

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Regarding the inflation--my grandfather (born 1880) used to give us (1950") each one silver dollar each Christmas. When silver dollars were no more, he upped that gift to a two-dollar bill, as he said the paper was worth less.

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Yeah, it is. Moving from the gold standard to the PetroDollar allowed the corruption to grow deeper roots and spread as quickly as monkeypox during a LGBTQ parade...lol.

When I "deposit" any checks, I provide my trade name by-line, reserve all rights w/o prejudice, and "Redeem as Lawful Money per 12 USC 411". This way, I protect it better.

Granted... Our PetroDollar is fastly becoming a thing of the past, purposefully, to bring about the digital currency they want to control us with. So having silver (precious metals) is a great investment right now, IMHO. That and some spare ammo and food seem like a good investment as well. I do look amazing in my tinfoil hat, in case anyone wanted to know. 😉😁

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And the sad thing is that we each put each silver dollar into our personal savings account, saving for college (which we did from age teeny-hood--this was New England). If my mother had put those silver coins into her safe deposit box instead......

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I concur --in active fashion-- on all 3. Also--I am blessed (although I did the work) to have 2k and 3k square foot veg gardens 500 miles apart.

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I would like a tinfoil hat also...did you make or buy yours? :-)

I think they are a really necessary fashion item nowadays...

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I ended up having to create my own, but it was well-earned after becoming an American State National. (Look up on YouTube "Bobby Graves Part 1" and listen to this autoplay 3 part series, then got to our American site tasa.americanstatenationals.org for more info)

Good to be a real, living American on the land and soil jurisdiction. I'd recommend any who truly love the values of America to at least DYOR into this.


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Last time I checked a real silver dollar was worth about $25......

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Or perhaps, worthless.

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Yep this is me. The HPV we said no. We did flu for my son who has asthma on the doctor's recommendation but he's had flu more often than anyone in the family - I don't "blame" the vax, obviously having asthma puts him at higher risk. But if it doesn't keep him from having the flu, then why do the vax? (As an adult he hasn't done the jab.) I have had yellow fever and typhoid jabs, take malaria meds when I travel for work. I KNOW that the typhoid jab isn't hugely effective in Uganda but it does offer some protection and typhoid is bad. I KNOW that the malaria med isn't 100% effective but malaria is bad. Covid wasn't bad to start with and it was obvious the whole jab thing was a scam. So of course now anyone with a brain is questioning all of it. But working in Uganda's largest slum and dealing with all these diseases regularly, I am still pro-vax for ones that are proven to work with low-risk. I see the alternative every day.

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The DOD did a stuy on the flu vaccine...it turns out the more flu jabs, the more you get flu.

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Yes. My limited research into this concluded that "if" it protected from that season's flu (which mutates so quickly, it's a crapshoot) then the following year, it was shown to have negative efficacy and allow some of those who got this particular vaccine to end up having a worse flu.

This was my understanding from what I found for research, right or wrong. Suffice it to say I don't subscribe to the flu vaccines.

Even better in a way, this whole scamdemic brought a lot of research to light regarding URIs in general, and specifically those that mutate rapidly such as flu, cold, cov, and with this brought many natural remedies that work to light. Not just Vit D3, C, Zinc, but also quercetin as one of a handful of useful ways to combat these viruses.

So while the sheep followed orders, those who used their discernment, asked questions, and seemed real scientific answers... just figured out more ways to effectively prevent and treat these dis-ease quite handily.

And further, some of us also did this analysis of our "government system" and found a historically accurate path to true freedom from these corrupt criminals who are desperately trying to hold onto their power and relevance over us.

Together, we can stand together to stop medical tyranny and our tyrannical system.

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And just this week I was checking into quercetin--as one of the marketed versions comes from Euro elderberry--I have lots of sambucus canadensis, the N.A. version--but quercetin turns out to be a flavonoid, and found in all those brightly-colored veg and fruits--even tomatoes!

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Typhoid is an oral vaccine? Or at least it was when I got it. Is there a different one?

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Yes, there's an injectable version. When I was practicing travel medicine (last in ~2008 or so), the oral vaccine was difficult to get.

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Nifty. I didn't know that.

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It doesn't last as long as the oral vaccine, but it's easier, as long as one doesn't have a needle phobia. I preferred the oral vaccine, because it confers gut immunity, which is what one needs for typhoid. I can see why people mess up while taking it, though. An hour before you eat, no antibiotics (so finish it before starting anti-malarials), not too hot a liquid, keep it in the fridge, a dose every other day (if I'm remembering it all correctly).

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Doctors literally PUSH vaccines for money.


See page 4. Under Blue Cross-Blue Shield, pediatricians get $400 per kid that gets the Combo 10 vaccine program as long as 63% of the kids get the Combo 10.

Sure this information is from 2016, but does anybody think it's any different? Hell, the payout percentage is likely LESS now.

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Had heard recently that doctors were getting a kickback for each vax. Now I see the evidence. So sad to think I cost my physicians $$ each time I refused mammogram or colonoscopy. Taking a page from the Covid program, wonder why Blue Cross didn't offer me an ice cream cone or a year of donuts for taking those screening. Wondering how you got your hands on this file.

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Now think about the Hepatitis B vaccine in newborns.

Whenever I meet someone in pediatrics or Ob-Gyn I ask about this. The response is usually incoherent mumbling.

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Pretty obvious between his contempt for moms who don’t inject their babies with liability free pharmaceutical products and the sociopathic comment he made about parents who make up autism stories about their vaccine injured child Gato is a childless male

But bE uNgOvErNaBLe just not in ways he thinks make you a Karen

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I'm not so quick to judge.

Lots of people I know, who saw right through the COVID baloney, did the same kind of homework our host has done and continue to vaccinate their kids with MMR, TDaP and Poliovax. Myself included.

Yet I'm not going to talk down on another parent for choosing to forego these vaccines. And I didn't see any suggestion that our host is any different. Has he advocated for any kids to be kicked out of school for lacking MMR? Just the opposite, I think.

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There's actually a reason for this. Babies born to moms *who are infected* with hepatitis need this shot. If mom is a prostitute or drug user, or if she received no prenatal testing, or if her man sleeps around, there's a chance she could be infected without anybody knowing it. Immigrants from certain regions are higher risk because the disease is endemic and affects some 8% or more of the population in their country of origin. BUT the hospital staff aren't allowed to make judgement calls on that based on your self-reported lifestyle. They have to assume you *could* be in a high-risk group and make recommendations based on that. Only you actually know what risk-group you belong to, so only you can make the appropriate decision about whether or not to opt out. But if the hospital staff tell the truth, it'll make it sound like they're accusing people of being hookers and addicts if they recommend it, and people may refuse if they're trying to hide something like that. Does that make sense?

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It only makes sense if you're working from the position that these vaccines could never do lasting and profound harm to the developing brain. That vax typically contains 850microgram of AL

Which, can most certainly damage the infant brain.

HOW THEN could we ever honestly assess any baseline neurological functioning for any child when we are arguably exposing them to the risk of neurological injury AT BIRTH?




What happens when you disorder immune function at birth with an unnecessary and harmful injection? AT BIRTH?

Also -- I read medical records for a living for various reasons. I have seen firsthand hospitals administer the HepB vax at birth despite 1) a negative HepB test on file for mom, 2) despite a baby being born premature and being WAY under the recommended weight for the shot, meaning it is CONTRAINDICATED (unfortunately this poor baby died at 5 months old, but do you think anyone gave side eye to her being given contraindicated treatment by hospital staff? Or even pondered that as part of what could have contributed to her death?? I'll give ya 3 guesses, and the first 2 don't count), and 3) despite a parent giving a firm and clear directive that she was refusing that injection.

Your comment paints the HepB at birth as having validity in a risk/benefits analysis, and being painted as malicious based on a layman's misunderstanding all of these complex social issues. It is neither. It is an unnecessary assault on the infant brain at birth, which has life long consequences for many. I can think of few things as malicious as that.

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Yeah, this is why it's important to do your own research, and not hand all the decisions over to medical staff. They are operating under constraints that have nothing to do with your child's safety and well-being. It's important to understand that.

Hepatitis is also really bad for infants. We opted out of that shot because our kids weren't at risk. Hospital staff aren't really allowed to talk about risk/benefit analysis, so that's your job as a parent. That's unfortunate, but that's the way it is. Hospital staff are forced to operate on the "ok to cause a some injury to everyone to save the lives of a handful" model, but you as a parent don't have to accept that for your own kid.

Just because *you* know that your husband isn't patronizing hookers while out on a business trip, and then bringing infection home to you... well, some women get snookered and the hospital staff isn't allowed to just take your word for it. They are dealing with the dregs of humanity every single day, where a whopping 25% of pregnant women have partners who cheat on them. They *have* to have a blanket recommendation that takes into account all the stuff they don't, and can't, know. Personally, I think they chose wrong. I don't think it's right to do some small amount of damage to all babies, just because some women lie about their risk status, or are lied to by partners about their risk status.

Frankly, I was deeply offended that hospital staff had to treat me like a potential hooker, but it was a lot easier to say "no" to the shot once I realized why they had to do that. In a perfect world, they could just tell the truth and we wouldn't have to try to second-guess everything a doctor mumbles through that invisible muzzle. But that's the way it is.

I think you misread me as thinking that babies need that shot. I think most don't need it and shouldn't get it, and it would be better to give it only if the mother tests positive, and risk a few cases of transmission to infants rather than risk damage to a bunch of not-at-risk kids. But since hospitals aren't allowed to discriminate between high risk groups and low risk groups, and there's no way to tell if you've acquired an infection since the last round of blood tests (and not all women even get prenatal care) I can understand *why* they make those recommendations even if I disagree with them. If you grow up in middle-class America, you can go your whole life without ever knowing someone with hepB. In Southeast Asia, though, it's so common that liver cancer is the leading cause of death. They *don't* routinely vax for it, and it's common for babies to acquire the infection while nursing, from a mother who doesn't know she's infected. Blanket-vax-everyone decisions from on high are trying to avoid that scenario. Like most one-size-fits-all decisions, it sucks for most people.

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Amen. Vaccinating a newborn is barbaric. People forget to consider all the other toxic garbage in the injections, especially the metals — although thimerisol is supposed to be discontinued, I believe some shots still contain mercury, and the aluminum quantities are hugely excessive.

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Yes, barbaric. Thaink of it this way, damage a child's brain at birth and you will never have a child without vaccine damage. They want all kids vaxxed up so there are no controls.

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Reading these so much later because someone else is, too--and sent me a comment

But the hospital gets a kickback for every shot given---so who the heck cares about your directives or your baby's brain?

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Tried to like your comment but it didn't work.

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Mea culpa. This was my understanding of the situation, but it appears there's a different protocol for babies born to mothers with active infection, or at very high risk of same.

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I am on my third pregnancy. The first two I was tested for Hep B prior to giving birth. I was negative and the vaccine is still pushed.

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Yeah, it's unseemly.

There's a case for getting Hep B done in elem. school. There's even a (slight) case for starting the vax series before sending little ones off to day care (do you really know the health status of all the workers?).

But when they're low-risk and literally still covered in vernix? Pushing anything not strictly required at that stage makes far more enemies and skeptics than these health established numpties can even imagine.

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Literally false.

There is a separate protocol for actual high-risk births (involving the use of Hep B immunoglobulin on top of the vax).


The idea that hospitals can't or won't screen laboring mothers for high risk is false. Otherwise this special immunoglobulin protocol wouldn't exist.

The Hep B vaccine was studied for years in infants and I'm confident it's reasonably safe. But it's also not of any meaningful benefit to the vast majority of infants who receive it. You can give it any point in elementary school for the same overall benefit (that benefit is: if these kids grow up to become fast-lane gays or junkies they'll be protected).

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I have questioned the Hep B vaccines for infants (I'm in Canada & I think it's Grade 6-7 here?) but I have a grandson born in US who was given Hep B vax at birth. I was a chemo nurse in Vancouver, BC in the mid 80's & had the 2 dose series then because I worked with a population that included drug addicts & gay men who were also drug addicts and prone to obscure cancers. It eventually changed to a 3 dose series which I received in Ontario (because my titre was low) & had to repeat one more time, after which I became labelled a "non responder". So, it's not necessarily a given that infants who receive Hep B shots at birth, or early on, will remain protected. I've known many people who've required boosters, and not a few more who became "non responders". I had measles as a young child and yet received the vaccine in kindergarten or Grade 1 (early 60's). I am not at all uninformed at all about vaccines (have given many) and their benefit, but Covid has caused me to question "received" science. It's sobering. (I declined the Covid vax due to, among other reasons, a very bad reaction to my one and only flu shot - and retired to avoid being fired. Got my first pension payment the day my employer fired all unvaccinated staff)

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Glad to hear you got out when you could. Canada has really shocked me with its frankly tyrannical approach.

I know that scientists feel they can bootstrap a lot of long-term conclusions based on short-term hints, but it has really got out of hand.

If giving the Hep B series to infants became a widely accepted practice in 1991, how can we *really* know that it confers "lifelong" immunity until we hit the 2050s and do some intensive follow-up on large numbers of retirement-age people who got those shots in infancy? We can't.

If Covidvax was EUA'd in December 2020 based on studies that explicitly excluded pregnant and nursing women, how can health authorities have had such absolute confidence, starting in spring 2021, that these shots would not affect fertility? Nine months hadn't even elapsed since reproductive age women not pre-screened for pregnancy started taking the product in large numbers (that would be nurses and other priority hospital workers in ~ Jan. 2021). Anyone with two hands to count on could tell that those fertility assurances were complete garbage.

Back in the 1990s the medical establishment was modest enough to admit that lifelong immunity after infant Hep B vax was a speculative conclusion. Now, they kick you off Twitter for pointing out just how transparent their malarkey truly is.

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Good to know. I'm still assuming the reason they want to give it to *all* infants is because of social stigmas, and people lying about risk groups. That doesn't make it a great idea, but there's a *reason* they're pushing that particular one on newborns, and not all the other ones. And it's because ghastly family/home/risk situations are way more common than most Americans want to believe, and *that's* the target group for the shots. But they're not allowed to say that so they recommend them for everyone.

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Look, I'll spot you some good intentions on this example, but this habit of dissembling and nudging and winking and speaking half-truths to patients is *the same* attitude that lead to all the Covid spin-doctoring and lying and coercion that we've seen these past 2.5 years.

Medicine and public health have fallen so incredibly far from the basic premise of treating adults like adults, and so much recent evil flows from that.

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I won't argue that one. I very nearly subscribe to my great-grandparents' view of the medical profession: "The way to stay healthy is to keep away from doctors!"

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Incoherent mumbling might be "I don't want to discuss this because I don't want to perjure myself" and it might reflect "I don't want to discuss this because I would have to admit my ignorance". I have lately had cause to count the number of specialists H and I have visited, who simply had no clue. But didn't/couldn't admit that. Then what I am paying that fee for?

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Rotavirus is another illness that's a big nothing as long as you keep your kid hydrated. Both my boys had the virus before the vaccine was available and aside from really horribly smelling diarrhea that ran out of their diapers like water, they were still up and playing through the whole thing.

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I like your comment! …I ‘screen shot’ it and sent it to my two nieces who are moms to 2 year olds. I’m on a serious campaign to get them to not vaccinate the girls (beyond what they got when they were born) and to go the homeschool route. In CA where we all live there are no ‘vaxx exemptions’ allowed for kids in public or private school!

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Good for you Frontera Lupita!

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Which in and of itself should raise some serious questions.

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With no liability almost all incentive for a uniform and safe product disappears

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I wish I had said no to HPV. I wonder if my kids will have fertility issues from it.

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Consider looking into it really deeply, and then finding out abt detox/chelation of at least the aluminum if nothing else.

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I feel the same way. I apologized to them for agreeing to that one.

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I question now every single vaccine also as you

It's fantastic to speak about cost/benefit analysis and that some vaccines are probably on the benefit side. Should I believe it though? My doubt comes from the fact that childhood vaccination program is a mandate and there's zero liability!

Also after the last 2 years one thing for sure: not a single politician or mandate is because of your health...

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Have you ever wondered through what biological mechanism injecting antigens + other vax ingredients could cause the intestines to fold over onto each other? The rotovirus vax really kicked off my journey to try to understand how these injections can disrupt the brain/gut/immune axis and cause massive and profound physiological dysfunction (that most would scoff at and say "a vaccine can't cause THAT!")

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Yep. Ditto here. Knowing what we now know about the companies that make them... I'm not sure I want to touch anything that's been on the market for less than forty years, and even then I have questions.

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My personal rule of thumb is to try extremely hard to limit my prescription drug intake to generics only.

- I'm a cheapskate.

- It must have been around for a long time and in fairly broad use to be of interest to a generic mfgr. Long enough for the true safety profile to emerge in public.

- Profit margins are so thin that no mfgr will risk a ruinous lawsuit (cf. Vioxx) pushing garbage that has bad and not fully disclosed side effects.

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Heh. Seems like a fairly reasonable approach.

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rotavirus is generally not necessary if you're breastfeeding, and not useful beyond infancy. We opted out of that one also.

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Can you send references for rota specifically?

I struggled with the decision on that one for my older kids and for my youngers want to make a better informed choice.

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They pulled the rotavirus vaccine off the market because of the side effects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2094741/

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They replaced the obviously dangerous 1990s version with a "safer" version of the rotavirus vaccine in 2006.


It's currently part of the standard childhood set. And, as I recently learned, if you turn it down you could cost your pediatrician some serious incentive payments. So your pediatrician isn't going to make it easy to turn down.

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Thanks for the info ~ I was unaware. I declined it for my oldest and then it was taken off the market. I didn't know it had been re-introduced. None of my three kids had it.

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I wish I had one! I read up on it pretty obsessively at the time... but that was more than ten years and two computers ago now and I don't still have the citations. I do remember reading about it specifically in the context of breastfeeding and digestive illnesses in infants, and deciding on that basis to delay it with all the other vaccines, and then when we got to the one year mark and went in for the first immunizations, our pediatrician was like "oh, he doesn't need that one because it's only dangerous for babies."

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This is the same for me. I don't have the knowledge of the cat and many others even though I have done a lot of research. Our son got some vaccines (he had a reaction to the MMR...as far as we can tell), but like you, I WILL NEVER TRUST A VACCINE ever again, as I do not trust the vaccine companies. At this point, who's to say they're not adding other crap to the vaccines that in the past did legitimately test well? Honestly, at this point, I would say that scenario is likely. I would have never thought that even a year ago.

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And this is that "gone too far" thing I was speaking to earlier.

How I see it...

The absolute "critical" Vaccines with a spread out, logical schedule should be a Column 1 Vaccine (the name doesn't matter, so call it what you will). These should only include the really necessary vaccinations that protect against death and severe side effects. This should be produced on American soil, in an American Lab, and tested per batch. These should be essentially a break even offering as offer a public benefit. Each one should be separate, each ingredient and the percentage of each clearly labeled. We should put in place tests to assure that each "individual" is in a safe zone to receive these (allergy test, etc.). And because we are a free people, we should be provided all the pros and cons in a simple manner so we can decide for ourselves to take these. (Real herd immunity exists so the percentage of people who are safe and decide to go ahead with these should cover the low percentage of people who can't or don't). This should be a not for profit company who is third party tested. End of story.

2nd Column vaccines are those that have been around for more than 15 years, rigorously tested, and can be offered by for profit vaccine companies. All ingredients listed, pros and cons listed, should protect whoever receives them for at least 5 years (maybe more), and should have a schedule that places them far enough apart from the column 1 vaccines so as to allow the body to rest properly between. None of these should be required to take for anything other than governmental work - military being one example. These should be covered by liability laws.

Column 3 should be what doesn't meet the above criteria, flu vaccines as one example. All data should be available to make an informed decision. These should be approved for use and then active for 7 years with minor modifications (once again, think flu vaccines needing to change the dominant strain proteins covered for their predictions). Same liability, same ingredient list. (Liability means they will self impose 3rd party sampling to cover their arses and to market this as actually safe to the public). These are only required on a case by case basis for strict reasons... Like during war on foreign lands and actively being deployed to whatever region kind of thing.

Column 4 Vaccines - experimental or new to market... mRNA tech would fall into this category, sort of... These have passed all testing phases, 3rd party reviews by independent labs, etc. No one will ever be forced to take these, ever. If they work well and we are in the middle of a true pandemic, people will line up to take them because they don't want to die. Everything else said on Column 3 stands. If they are the subpart Experimental, the batches and ingredients can change by a certain range of percentage more, but a general ingredient list should be offered so at least who ever is lining up to take them knows what each ingredient is and an approximation of how much for each. This should be a big deal to take these and all involved should be provided all the data up to that point, the side effects, everything to be able to make an informed decision.

Marketing for any vaccine should be limited to true pandemics ONLY, and if during such an event, the public should be made aware of this without "selling" the product, rather, just being informed of their existence and where it can be found. No amount of someone else's safety should ever enter any conversation unless brought up between the patient and their doctor. No records for any of these, short of maybe column 1, should be shared with anyone other than if applying for certain government type service corps - army, navy, etc. Maybe certain travel regions of the world too, and we could design a system that protects people's freedoms and safety - like a fly to Africa in a known hotspot for ebola... May warrant a quarantine cruise ship back home rather than a 16 hour flight through three countries. Whatever, you get my point.

We can protect safety and freedom logically, hold accountability where necessary, allow profits to be made by free market decision making all while approaching this logically, morally, and ethically.

I'm open to suggestions, but this should offer a decent framework for how it quote possibly should be. That's my $2 worth again, I no longer accept crypto for payment, silver is preferred but I'll still take the PetroDollar too. 😉😁

You are all awesome peeps (generally). Great, thought provoking article, always glad "a cat don't got your tongue" boriquagato ...lol.


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Excellent suggestions.

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I can't seem to "like" this comment, so I'm.posting a reply to say I agree!

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I feel that this a reasonable position. The Dutch minister of health compared the shots to hot dogs once, saying people still eat that shit without knowing what all it’s made out of. The thing is, I also don’t eat hot dogs. So I didn’t feel his reasoning applied to me...

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This made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

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Funny, I got the tetanus shot yesterday at my first visit to my doc in 3yrs. And yes I checked the vial to make sure the nurse wasn't sneaking in the covid vax. She did ask "have you had YOUR covid vaccine" I replied NO!

I did feel insulted and probably should have replied there isn't a covid vaccine with my name on it but whatever. I wonder what that did to my BP reading... the doc never mentioned anything and I was on my way in 5 minutes.

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Tetanus is also a bit of a scam. You can get the shot AFTER a specific incident that could cause tetanus infection (a cut exposed to farm animal feces). Before the vaccine there was only approx 500 cases of tetanus annually in the US.

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Can kill though, My uncle died of it aged five, fell off a farm cart, cut his hand.

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right, but if that happens you just get the shot after the injury these days. Not really any point in doing it as a preventative.

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I agree with you! My cut that the PCP had me get a tetanus shot for, didn’t happen on a farm but in my kitchen. No animal feces were involved!

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It takes several weeks to work so you got scammed.

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“Tetanus vaccine is probably one of the most ridiculous vaccines ever. Your chances of getting Tetanus are about the same as walking outta here and getting hit by a meteor. If you get a cut or puncture wound and you put peroxide on it, your chances of getting tetanus are zero because tetanus organism is anaerobic. It can not live in oxygen. Tetanus comes from the bowels of animals. As long as you don’t have a sheep or a cow in your house, I don’t think you’re in any danger.”

-Dr Russell Blaylock.

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Agreed. "Tetanus" (always struck me as an odd name tet-anus... Hehehe, he said anus, hehehe) is undoubtedly hard to get. As authored by Sharon, it is anaerobic, so a cut or scrape really doesn't expose one to this mechanically, and using H2O2 to clean it is sensible for sure. From my limited recollection, it is deep, puncture wounds where there is no O2 present that allows this to fester and gives it the conditions necessary to thrive. But it's a perfect shitstorm of events that leads to this occuring. Regardless, getting the area cleaned out is key. And as a sidenote, Manuka Honey is a great substance to help heal with, it naturally produces H2O2 while having the benefits of honey in general plus the added antimicrobial benefits of what makes it "Manuka" ... Hmmm... I wonder if one could make a special honey similar to Manuka but instead of the tea tree plant as bee pollen, inviting the bees to use the wild oregano plant (vulgaris)... Tea Tree (melaleuca something or another, doesn't grow in my zone but wild oregano does, which is why I'm thinking "out loud" here...) Anyways, solid point - hey, tenanus puns intended - that you make here Sharon! (Yes, two puns point could be needle or sharp object that punctured you, ha...ha...ha... Sorry, no drum and cymbal set. 😁)

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Amen to that…no livestock are living in my house, except maybe my crazy cat!

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Actually I wished I had declined a tetanus shot I got a few years ago, after I had a cut on my finger that took me to my PCP, which the PCP recommended. I feel we carry immunity to it, especially since this one is the third or 4th one I’ve had in my soon to be 70 year old life! I’m fully immunized for tetanus and lockjaw. This whole vaxx thing IMO is one giant Big Pharma scam!

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I appreciate your intellectual honesty, and that is regardless of whether we even agree on the premise. Intellectual honesty is critical, and it's important that you are not scared to speak your mind regardless of whether your audience agrees or not!

I would like to ask you another question from the angle I have been thinking about it lately: We in the modern culture are completely conditioned to believe that getting sick is bad, period. But what if getting sick with various things as a kid and surviving those things is an important part of human development? For example, when I was growing up, I had measles (twice,, I believe, even though one is supposed to have it only once). It was considered normal to have it. And what if human body learns an abundance of things by overcoming a disease in a natural way, as opposed to just one trick when overcoming a vaccine-induced attack?

On my end, where I am at right now, I feel that the principle of intelligent training by "somewhat controlled expose to crap," be it physical or emotional, is a concept that has been useful to human beings for probably millions of years. However, I am not sure at this point in time if "vaccines" were ever done right. It may be very well possible to do them right but it doesn't look like they have ever been right, due to general arrogance, lack of an understanding of a bigger picture, and commercial interests.

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But what if getting sick with various things as a kid and surviving those things is an important part of human development?

this is a very interesting issue and somewhat nuanced.

some kinds of sick are not good. avoiding measles, smallpox, etc is likely a big net benefit.

but not being exposed to lots of colds, flus, bacteria, eating dirt, etc seems linked to weak immune function and the development of auto-immune issues.

if you are not familiar with it, i suggest reading the link on hygiene hypothesis. i suspect you'll find it thought provoking.

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From what I have been reading and pondering, it seems like trying to replace the natural design of things (including ways of keeping healthy in a very complex world filled with dangers) with techniques driven by a very incomplete and often arrogant perception of how things work usually backfires. The biggest problem is that modern science tends to be myopic. There is just no intellectual or emotional tradition in the academic science to ponder things like, "What if my genius invention causes problems three decades or two generations later? And if so, should I shove it even though I love it so much?" Etc.

I have never even heard about measles being dangerous until I moved to America. when I was growing up, it was just something you were supposed to get as a kid, and you stayed home and didn't go to school, and it was not a big deal at all. Same with a million other childhood diseases. Now, the problem today is that everything is freaken poisoned, and people's immune systems are wack--but then instead of stopping to poison everything, the deep pockets continue poisoning everything and sell us products to make us "safer.:

Now, one may argue that eating dirt, on the other hand, can result is severe parasite infections. And again, a strong immune system can handle it just fine. A poisoned one may not handle it so well, Again, boils down to stopping to freaken poison everything! (which is not going to happen unless the entire thing collapses and we start from scratch).

All very complex!

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You are on to exactly my thinking on all of this. These diseases pose a healthy challenge for us and are part of the human experience. Why must we continually mess with nature? Right down to the GMO mosquitos they are releasing, what on earth are these psychopaths doing?

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Love this so much! Yes!

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I notice the 3 year olds wearing bike helmets when riding a tricycle on the sidewalk. Oops my bad---no none rides a trike--only teeny bikes.

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In 1820 the life expectancy in the world was 29 years. Nearly 50% of children died before reaching the age of 5.

In 1920 the life expectancy had nearly doubled to 54 years. That still meant about 25% of children died before the age of 5.

Today, global life expectancy is 73 years. 0-5 death rates are at 4% worldwide.

The change can be marked by 3 major events over that time period.

1. The industrial revolution made modern agriculture capable of feeding most everyone.

2. Germ theory and the idea of antiseptic healthcare. (And yet hospitals and other healthcare facilities are still the locations most associated with premature death due to infections)

3. The rise of antibiotics as treatment for bacterial infections and vaccines for prevention of viral infections.

None of these happened overnight and really happened across a wide span of time so are really difficult to point to on a chart and say "That was the moment this event happened".

But it isn't distributed evenly across the globe. The difference between the 0-5 mortality rate from best to worst is about 65 times. In western countries like the US the 0-5 death rate is about .2%. In Nigeria it is 11.4%.

Before you think "maybe not getting diseases we now give vaccines for is causing health problems" just imagine what it must be like where the average grandparent can expect to lose 1 grandchild to childhood disease before the age of 5. Which would you rather have, a dead grandkid or a 2% chance of having one with autism.

And while autism can't be definitively pinpointed to any single cause yet, there are some interesting correlations. As marijuana use increased over the years, autism increased in the same time frames. Every mother of a child with autism I have ever met has admitted to having used marijuana before they became pregnant. Women are born with every egg they will ever have and those eggs are exposed to every substance that enters the woman's body for her entire life. And the same goes for all sorts of other substances we don't have any clue how they affect those eggs in the ovaries that showed increased rates of use over the same time frame.

It is easy to pick apart the individual cases but a huge mistake to throw everything back to the way it used to be to prevent the small anomalies that as yet haven't been explained.

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For all we know it could be Diet Coke or junk food or birth control pills.

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Even if it were, the FDA would never tell us because both of those things are big money industries that have politicians bought and paid for.

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Agree with the arrogance suggestion. I have heard stories from the 40s and 50s and the inventions back then. There were good ideas. And scientific advances. And a heaping of arrogance for sure.

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Getting measles as a child arguably falls into the category of net benefit because of the infection/immunity continuum. A woman who contracts measles as a child confers robust transplacental immunity on her baby who is then protected until they are in an age group where measles is unpleasant but not dangerous. The child is then protected for life, and if female passes robust transplacental immunity to her babies. And so on and so on. Vaccination interrupts this continuum. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have measles vaccination as an option; I just think it’s important to recognise that this infection/protection continuum exists, and that interrupting it is not without problems.

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Trish C thank you for mentioning this. It’s something that I feel I was robbed of as a mom.

I’ve also read studies on how measles “resets” the immune system and can help individuals no longer have allergies they used to have after they have measles.

I do believe that benefits can come from illness. We are arrogant to think that we should avoid strengthening the immune system with natural infections that are common and not severe. The immune system is still not even completely understood.

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Vaccine immunity is not transferred to the infant, another argument for experiencing childhood diseases. I’ve always been puzzled by the fear of measles (and the other childhood diseases). I grew up before vaccines were available and childhood diseases were just part of growing up. Calamine lotion and a few days off school — a bit like having a cold but without the runny nose. I think we’ve made a mistake in vaccinating into a dependency.

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Some immunity is conferred transplacentally from a vaccinated mother, but it is of much shorter duration.

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Measles also protect against certain cancers.

FYi you could no longer get separate shots after they astroturfed the pediatric gastroenterologist .

There are also two whistleblower scientists who developed the mumps portion of the MMR , who revealed they lied about the efficacy and committed fraud deliberately with certain substance that skewed results . That's why there was an " outbreak" in some college kids .

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Yes, I think that's one of the main things our beloved cat forgot to take into account.

Another would be: Though the "vaxxed/unvaxxed studies are hard to do because confounders" argument is true, I find the "a universal vaxx recommendation could never be justifiably made without thorough life-long vaxxed/unvaxxed studies, at least absent direct threat of death or lasting injury" position at least equally compelling. This of course leading to having to decide case by case.

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I am of course looking at this from a privileged western world position. I recognise that there’s a whole different discussion to be had with respect to, for want of a better term, underdeveloped countries.

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This is my biggest concern.

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Also some research that it's made asthma and allergies much worse, because our immune systems are designed to be working. When I got zika living in Nicaragua, for about 3 months I didn't have nearly as many migraines or most of my migraine symptoms (nausea, etc). When I visited my neurologist in the states, he first burst my bubble that I'd discovered a "cure" for migraines, then told me it wouldn't last. (He was right!) He said they used to treat syphilis by injecting people with live flu virus so they'd spike a high fever. The immune system cranked up and took care of both. (For obvious reasons they stopped doing this, and idk that syphilis was forever cured, but it helped symptoms anyway.)

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Are you sure? I expect they treated syphilis through malariotherapy, not influenza.

See the following papers:



I have a hunch that fever therapy could be useful for many other infectious processes, autoimmune disease, and cancer based on this history, and probably safer than administration of a live organism like malaria (even if it is the less pathogenic species), too.

Fever therapy was widely used in the US before WWII and the advent of antibiotics. It was used for all sorts of things and a variety of bacterial vaccines were deployed.

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We have forgotten that fevers serve great purpose and are always in a rush to take “fever reducing” meds to get rid of the fever. Fevers can be scary but in our home we ride them out and let them do their job; it usually means my kids get better faster than their peers, and are slightly less comfortable.

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My one son always says, "let the fever burn the illness out of me, mom!"

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The dangers of fever are vastly overstated. People have spiked 114F fevers and have been fine. Personally, I put "unregulated" fevers (they are regulated.... just not exogenously) in the same box as letting your kids do physically dangerous stuff without intervening. Kids need risk for their brains to develop properly. Kids likely also need fevers for their immune systems to develop properly. How could it be otherwise? These are highly adaptive responses honed by millions of years of evolution.

And your personal experience of your children recovering faster is supported by peer-reviewed data. Administering antipyretics to children likely prolongs their infections:


NOT administering antipyretics to covid patients probably could have saved a lot of lives, too. Because lowering fever causes cutaneous vasodilation and lowering of blood pressure. What this then leads to is medical staff giving covid patients fluids to raise their blood pressure, which turns the patients into big bags of water and fills the lungs, which then results in patients being put on ventilators.

Offering so much much “supportive care” is far worse than doing nothing and letting the body do what it was evolutionarily designed to do. We are the only warm-blooded species that attempts to lower its fever and do all this other nonsense with hydration and feeding when sick.


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Modern society: Clinging Too Tightly.


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My mom was totally against medicating against fever. So my brother and I just stayed in bed with our fevers. We survived just fine....

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Sauna - really hot traditional sauna - nothing like a good sweat

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I think it's legitimately beneficial as well to raise core temperature when suffering from an infection. In fact, for fever vaccine therapy, we recommend pre-warming the patient so that rigors are not as severe. And saunas in general are likely quite healthy, partly due to the production of heat shock proteins.

For cancer therapy, I don't think that type of hyperthermia is as effective as fever therapy and I suspect that will turn out to be the case for the treatment of occult infections and autoimmune disease as well.

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Holistic medicine embraces fever for healing, as well as saunas. If I understand correctly, sweat produced helps to push toxins out of the body through the skin. So you remove toxins while the fever energizes the immune system. Sound pretty good...

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My neurologist suggested I try Preventa migraine (trademark name). It is actually vitamin B2 and magnesium (not oxide version though). Vit B 2 - 400 mg and magnesium glycinate 400 mg is what I take as that Preventa is expensive. Anyways, my morning migraine headaches (not the aura type) are 75-80% better. I was pleasantly shocked. If you haven’t tried it, you may want to.

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Not to detract from this amazing thread, but magnesium, in general, is very underappreciated by most people. I started supplements about two years ago and what a difference it has made. A great book for others: The Magnesium Miracle.

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You have to be careful not to overdose magnesium, and should be careful about the chemical form as well. But most people are deficient and need more, especially the elderly.

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True. The doctor who wrote the book I mention in my original comment addresses this concern.

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I thought it was basically impossible to overdose magnesium, as it will come out in your stool(often causing diarrhea)

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You started your response with a capital letter. Imposter! Who are you, and have you done with the real el gato malo?

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They use measle virus to fight cancer. Maybe there are some positive long terme effects of the natural infection... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3926122/

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Jul 27, 2022
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Yes. Live measles virus can indeed induce cancer regression. So can infections with a host of other viruses and bacteria.

The vaccines for said pathogens can also be deployed for this purpose.


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Contracting measles has cardiac benefits.


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This reminds me also of the apparent correlation between vaccinating children against “chicken pox” and rising incidence of shingles in their parents. I believe I’ve read that for the parents, re-exposure to the virus (while caring for their children ill with chicken pox) served as a “booster” which used to help keep shingles at bay..

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As I’m still suffering from neuralgia from my shingles infection of a few months ago, I sure wish my kids had had CP. they weren’t vaccinated but we never came across it to infect them. The infection itself was no fun, but this lasting pain sucks too.

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YES!! This! I was thinking the same thing.

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In the natural world, litters are large because overall survival is low. Offspring that make it to adulthood are tough and long-lived.

It takes a bit of traveling and living in countries where childhood mortality remains high to understand what pharmacological intervention can mean.

And global travel also means that diseases still taking a high toll on life and vigor abroad will always be brought here too.

Civilization has its fault but going back to the paleo lifestyle and thinking it's the Garden of Eden is greatly delusional in the scheme of things.

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Jul 27, 2022
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Adequate Vitamin A levels do wonders for mitigating measles.

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Robert Malone made just this point in his discussion with Joseph Mercola

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What point did he make?

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That much of the improvement in public health stemmed from hygiene and diet improvements. The interview is long but valuable (I do my ironing at these times)

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They never will solve the poverty, pollution and malnutrition problems.

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yes, it would be so interesting to look at all cause mortality/health in those that got measles and those that didn't but probably not a possibility

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not to mention chicken pox - here in the US it is nearly impossible to get chicken pox now that most of the children are vaccinated.

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Yes, and the chickenpox vaccine is the likely reason for shingles outbreaks in ever younger people. Gary Oldman, PhD has discussed this in a rather fascinating talk and it's amazing it's still on YouTube.


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I think I got the shingles because my immunity was never boosted from my kids getting CP. they weren’t vaccinated either - if I didn’t have an infant I could’ve exposed them to the shingles for a “wild” version of CP but I didn’t.

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Yup. That’s exactly what’s happening. Now we have teens who have had 3 chickenpox shots who are getting shingles.

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You know, the first time I even heard of shingles was in the very early 70's, when my nonagenarian grandfather suffered from the disease. I had an 'old' family--all greats and grands were in their 80's plus during my childhood. Lots of chickenpox going around during their lives. Not even the spinster great-aunts were affected.

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I read a lot of older (pre-1960s) books and stories--children's and adult's. It is interesting to note how often illnesses like measles, mumps, etc. are mentioned in the plot and for the most part are mentioned in passing as if back then they were no big deal.

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Yes--in fact one of my earliest reads (probably published ~ '53) was my older brother's Sunday School book, a several-chapter tale about a little boy named Johnny (just found it: The Little White Church, Imogene McPherson, 1949!) --in one of the chapters he was in bed with measles. His mother closed the window shades because the light hurt his eyes. I was too young to have any recollection of measles; remember chicken pox at 4, and the mumps (and gave it to my little brother) at 8--so 1954 and '58. They were no big deal, simply an expected part of childhood. My daughters (born between '78 and '87) all had chickenpox, but not the others as they had MMR shots.

I love reading children's lit--read everything my daughters took out of local library.

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Yep, I've always loved children's lit. 💛 I discovered a few years ago that children's librarians are purging all the good old books from the shelves--in many cases the deciding factor is if they haven't been checked out in a year. It's now one of my personal missions to rescue those books at library sales, garage sales, etc.

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Ahh---thank you so much for that piece of info. My husband long ago set up shelves on all wall spaces in our open attic, books are now double, triple stacked. But we'll find a way somehow to rescue unloved books.

And while I have you on the phone :) I am trying to locate a children's book from probably 1880's, a collection of stories. It had a pale blue cover (by the time I read it, ~1959) and the story I remember involved a boy who found himself in a real candyland--where the streams flowed with lemonade, candy on the bushes. My daughter was recently trying to tell that tale to her 5 year old but knew no more than that (she probably made up a story to flesh out the memory). I went on-line hunting last year to no effect. Any ideas?

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Oh that's so great 💛 We are running out of shelf room too, but we won't stop!

Sorry, no idea on the story--it does sound very similar to the children's song Big Rock Candy Mountain though.

I don't know if it still has this function, but many years ago I posted on Alibris.com (I think) looking for the name of a children's book I could not remember and someone was able to tell me what it was. I'll keep an eye out for your story--always fun to meet people who love children's books as much as I do!

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Hello Tessa,

I was listening to the Malone-Mercola interview yesterday; noted that Malone makes that point (https://www.bitchute.com/video/LEmJ6bd571Yz/ [~ 1:28]) about children needing exposure to pathogens. I actually noted this for my daughter, and am pleased to offer it to you. "Met" you on Mercola; thanks for what you do.

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Thank you!! xo

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Thank you for this and your other comments which reflect my current understanding about sickness and vaccines. You know what we don’t talk about enough is that military investigation (I have no idea what name to even look up) into street urchins in India. Apparently the ones who don’t die have iron clad immune systems and the US military wanted to get themselves some of that for their own soldiers. Thing is, there are no short cuts to good health or exposure at the point of a hundred needles. When we will learn our lessons? The arrogance is pathetic.

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There's a difference between surviving, and having robust health. Don't fall for any romanticized nonsense that suggests otherwise.

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This feels extraordinarily condescending because most people actually start out as pro-vaccine. It's simply accepted that they are a net boon to society. If you want to be universally reviled or derided, become anti-vax. Not a maxx-vaxxer.

So yes, let's stop playing "edgelord."

A big problem is that there is a lot of game-theoretical stuff going on here. The population-level risk of dying from many vaccines is actually on par or greater than your risk of dying of the disease at transmission rates for the past 50 or so years, if you live in a western country. So naturally, if transmission is exceedingly low, even when there are notable outbreaks, many people will still gravitate to the anti-vax position because of their cost/benefit calculation.

The idea that death or encephalopathy from vaccines is really low and lower than the risk of getting the disease is true for many diseases besides flu. But the problem is that when the transmission of those diseases becomes so low, the vaccine risk becomes greater. This is the entire reason that the US switched from the whole cell pertussis vaccine to the conjugate. The vaccine used now doesn't stimulate immunity as robustly, but it's also less dangerous. It's also the reason the US stopped using live poliovirus vaccine. This isn't a conspiracy theory -- you can look it up in any microbiology textbook.

That said, there's ample reason to believe the efficacy of many preventative vaccines is oversold, and the links provided in your prior post by myself and other various readers are indicative of it.

The efficacy also isn't static over time. The MMR and pertussis vaccines are both much less effective than they were decades ago.

Measles outbreaks would need to be huge to achieve the death rate that the measles vaccine achieves on a yearly basis. Last time I checked, on average, the measles vaccine kills 10 people per year. When is the last time someone died of measles in the US? That's why freaking out about measles feels like hysteria to many of us because this has been a clearly moving target over the decades to use very isolated cases to create fear.

People are going to make different decisions based on different data and their own risk-benefit analyses. That's what living in a free society looks like. If we get a bunch of outbreaks and people start dying of various infectious diseases that were previously gone, then people may go back to vaccinating (maybe).

People generally learn through the school of hard knocks. They are not intuitive types who learn through data analysis and complex persuasive arguments.


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"This feels extraordinarily condescending"

given the comments i got yesterday that were an endless chorus of "kitty need a redpill" and "i hope one day you look at this and get clued in" etc, i don't think so.

it was a response to all the dismissive assumptive rhetoric and an attempt to get past it and onto data.

and no, the measles vaccines is not killing hundreds per year in the US.

the argument in your substack is already addressed. deaths had already declined, but cases did not. and focusing myopically on deaths vs, say, hospitalizations or cases (as measles really sucks) is not a valid methodology.

you're trying to avoid much of the issue. just because something does not kill you does not mean that it is not worth mitigating.

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"given the comments i got yesterday that were an endless chorus of "kitty need a redpill" and "i hope one day you look at this and get clued in" etc, i don't think so.

it was a response to all the dismissive assumptive rhetoric and an attempt to get past it and onto data."

I get that. But I was not one of those people.

"and no, the measles vaccines is not killing hundreds per year in the US."

I never said that it was.

"the argument in your substack is already addressed. deaths had already declined, but cases did not. and focusing myopically on deaths vs, say, hospitalizations or cases (as measles really sucks) is not a valid methodology."

This is an interesting argument given what we are experiencing with covid.

"you're trying to avoid much of the issue."

No, I'm not. I simply have a legitimately different cost/benefit analysis than you do.

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All good points, Monica. It’s very odd that gato used the word hundreds when you clearly stated 10. Gato usually is a numbers person with well-defined arguments, but for some odd reason has chosen to only use the argument that “measles suck”, which is not a valid argument at all. I had measles as a child as did all my friends. No one got particularly ill. The incidence of serious measles incidence and its categories undoubtedly exists. Why not refer to that, rather than just “measles suck”? Very un-gato like, imo. I want to emphasize and strongly agree with your last sentence!

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Maybe he simply meant that hundreds would die of the measles yearly, and thus that makes the small number of vax deaths acceptable.

I disagree both because I think adverse events are vastly underreported and also because I believe febrile childhood infections have lifelong benefits.

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I know nothing of the benefits of childhood infections (despite having done a pediatric internship), but I agree on the under reporting. Still trying to wrap my head around this switcharoo by gato. When Unz reversed direction it was non-stop ever since. It will be interesting to see if this is a one-off or if the gato joins Unz in the Hall of Infamy.

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I believe what you are arguing Monica, is that currently the number of measles cases and their outcomes do not warrant childhood vaccination en masse. Correct me if I am wrong.

Gert Vanden Bossche has discussed this topic on multiple occasions explaining that if you halt the measles vaccine as an example, you will remove this herd immunity (that you use in your argument) for future generations. At some point in the future, you may reach pre-vaccination levels of cases and outcomes. I believe EGM used similar numbers above to demonstrate that having an outbreak of measles would be overall worse for the population, than suffering consequences for mass vaccination. He was comparing a hypothetical extreme to the current mainstream extreme, to determine the overall risk/benefit for the population. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

I do agree that more robust and current analysis is needed for these vaccines. More importantly would be long term analysis on vaccination vs immunization through infection (natural immunity) and an emphasis on measurement with clearly defined and useful endpoints such as all cause mortality, while minimizing potential confounders (socio-economic status, access to healthcare etc).

We do not have the data to conclude that certain vaccines are preferable to contracting the disease they should immunize against, however there isn't sufficient concrete evidence to risk recurring mass outbreaks either.

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See my comments elsewhere in the thread.

Yes, I agree with GBV that that *may* happen. I’m fact it could be quite bad as protection through IgA in mothers milk may not be there because mothers are vaxxed instead of naturally infected. But there’s a whole bunch of bad stuff that people warn about that never happens.

You know, GVB has also been doom mongering for over a year about a “tsunami” of Covid-19 deaths including in kids, that never happened.

People need to see through the scare tactics. It’s not even that those using these tactics don’t mean well. They do. They are true believers.

Tactics like posting pics of extremely severe cases where people are covered with pustules, papules , etc. A picture of a fat kid on a ventilator isn’t an argument for vaccinating them all for Covid-19.

Maybe we would have 1000 childhood deaths from measles but maybe we would not have 2000 childhood cancer deaths.

These tradeoff calculations are not that easy to make because there are so many moving targets and no one actually knows what the true benefits and risks are.

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She said measles vaxx kills 10 people a year, not hundreds. Where did you get hundreds from?

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I appreciate this post, actually. My first kid got the full slate of current shots, minus chickenpox and HepB. My second kid got the same ones I got as a kid in the early 80s, because the stuff his brother got just seemed so excessive and unnecessary. Like, how big is the risk for all those things, really? My youngest, now 3, hasn't had any, because he was just getting to the age when we usually start, when everything got shut down, and it became a gigantic hassle to go down to the health department. So that got delayed indefinitely.

But here's the thing: of my three children, the oldest has the poorest overall health. None of them are unhealthy, and none have ever been sick enough to require antibiotics, but he takes longer to get over colds, has less stamina, and is shorter for his age. Middle kid does generally better on all those counts, and youngest... eh, it's a little hard to tell at his age, but it looks like the pattern continues there. He's the tallest-for-his-age of the group, and remains in very robust health. When our whole household came down with the latest edition of covid some weeks ago, littlest got over it first, and bounced back the quickest. Is that just a function of age, or do all those shots prevent serious disease at the expense of making you more vulnerable to ordinary disease?

I'm still on the fence about whether/when to get the youngest any shots at all. I'm inclined to follow our old pediatrician's advice: "If you only get *one* shot, make it the polio shot". Maybe MMR and tetanus. But I think we'll stop there. There just seem to be way too many after that, with diminishing returns and accumulating risks. But this post is the kind of data I need to see, to navigate this.

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Yeah, in the same boat with my two kids - the first one got some of the shots and the second is a covid baby, so she's not had any yet. Neither had the MMR yet, since I decided it's best to wait till after that age that autism typically presents - that way at least people wouldn't be able to say that it's just that age. In our current day and age where measels have been mostly eradicated in the west, I don't understand why it's not just policy to wait a year or two to get the MMR shot, the risk of getting measels in that additional year or two is minimal while the societal good of eradicating the stigma that the shot is causing autism (since people won't see the temporal association anymore, right?) would be that measels will remain eradicated.

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I like your thinking!

We did a lot of weighing on this. None of the kids had any shots at all until after their first birthday. Didn't do formula either, so figured with the immune boost from breastfeeding, they were at least somewhat protected for that stretch, by my own immunities.

We opted out of HepB because we're an extremely low risk-group for that. Opted out of varicella because the disease just isn't that dangerous (and at this point I'm fairly sure they've had it-- I'd like to get them a titer test at some point). Opted out of rotavirus because we were nursing.

The thing is, though.... both my husband and I have a fair number of autistic traits. He actually has the diagnosis to go with it. I was never disruptive enough in school to require one. We figured it was genetic and all our kids would be like us in that respect. So... we *expected* our kids to be at least a little autistic. My eldest, now 10, who (coincidentally) has had the most shots... definitely has some autistic traits. It's not a big deal to us, doesn't hold him back in life, it's just that we coach him a lot on social matters (the way we *wish* someone had done for us), and we're careful about schedules and overstimulation.

What surprised us is that our younger two kids seem completely normal. Sociable, engaging (charming, even!), good eye contact, walked and talked at the usual age...

I never bought that shots caused autism. Just seemed like everybody would have it now, you know?

I have doubts about that now. It nags at me, like... what if it really *was* the shots?

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Dr. Toby Rogers has a wonderful thesis on Autism.

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My opinion is that it's not just one thing - it's a combination of a massive amount of different pollutants we are exposed to these days. My guess would be heavy metals and that might be why vaccines could potentially also contribute. Read up about how lead is now everywhere thanks to the lead they added to gasoline - so everybody gradually had more and more lead in their system. Add to that the mercury from vaccines and it is perhaps just what pushes some kids over the limit. But it could also be completely unrelated to the vaccines and be some other pesticide or other pollutant or just our bad eating habits, not enough iron or too much iron or some other nutrient. There are so many things it can be and it really doesn't help doubting yourself about giving your kid a vaccine - but that is one of the reasons this is such a difficult thing for parents, you don't want to find out that something you gave your kid was bad for them, and that's why it's so reprehensible that anybody with doubts about giving their kids vaccines are labeled some loony anti-vax flat-earther. It's just a very difficult decision for parents to make, especially knowing how little you can trust pharma companies.

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Yeah, I don't beat myself up about it. I think if it's anything in that direction, it's-- like you say-- vaccines plus all the other crap we're exposed to in a world full of chemicals. I'd add mitochondrial dysfunction to that list. Maybe most people, you can expose to a whole lot of chemicals and just get a little undefinable underperformance. And maybe you take people who are already not running at 100% in the mitochondria department and expose them to the same boatload of chemicals and you get autism. Who knows? You do your best, and try not to sweat the rest.

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The Danish don’t give aluminum containing vaccines at same time as MMR.

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2 kids over 10. Never vaxxed at all. Get over everything tres quick or don't get sick, but we homeschool, so not exposed to physical (or mental) viruses, except ours. And some playdates.

Friends with vaxxed kids, sick 3-4 times a year. but they're in school, so not a great comparison, unfortunately.

Also - 2 small a sample set for conclusions, of course.

fyi, eldest has allergies, which I largely associated with vaccines. But, at best, there are other causes apparently.

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Yeah, it's mostly the school and all the other kids that cause the constant sick situation. My daughters were never sick, then they started school - now it feels like it's once a month they bring a virus home and they are in a really small class!

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The polio shot if you want a chance for your child to develop polio, from what I've read.

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Well, the live polio vaccine really seems like the worst idea ever - you won't get polio but you will get polio-like disease.

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you "liked" the comment that said this:

"arguing that all vaccines are bad just makes you look like a dipshit."

stunning and brave

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This is the point I’m agreeing on. And I think this one could sneak up and consume your time for years just because there’s SO much here. She’s right though. Many of us start out as Pro. And then, sometimes over the span of years, the needle shifts.

There are two kinds of antivaxxers: those that think God or Nature will save them, and those that think the system is corrupt and actively trying to kill us. Many of us pro folks end up walking one of these roads (sometimes both), landing somewhere along the way, turning around and questioning it, sitting, exploring….

Rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water here, maybe we ought to hear it all. Slowly. Carefully.

I am saddened because many of us warned about the covid vaccine… but why is that? Most of us (moms) have spent hours learning the ropes of the FDA, Pharma companies, those DEEP pockets, ties, incentives, laws, lobbyists etc..

We knew VAERS was crap. We knew about the vaccine court. We knew about made up cohorts. Failures. Buried evidence…

Guess what? NONE of the covid tactics surprised us. In fact we were crying inside because we said “it’s the same game they’ve been playing for years,” when folks thought this was something new, something different.

I’m not qualified. I have no medical degree. In fact, no one should take my word for this. I’m just saying… as someone who was here and moved on, I’m asking for the benefit of the doubt here.

That said, I agree with this being a little dismissive. But then I’ve been dismissed a ton and stopped caring. It’s fine. For me. But maybe not for an open minded audience. Not trying to wage a war here. Just kindly consider maybe we’re not quacks.

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It is awfully hard to assess the risks of vaccines when the last year has shown me that the medical profession, public health professionals, research doctors, journalists, government, science journals will all actively suppress information.

You can't make a risk assessment when people are destroying their data because it was too scary to publish. I can't cite the data they trashed. No one can.


How many other studies just don't happen because of the fear of what the results might be? So you can point me to the respectable articles in the proper journals and I wonder what I'm -not- seeing.

That is what the covid pandemic has taught me. I would have and did accept the argument that some vaccines are worthwhile when I believed that there were more honest researchers and less institutional dogmatic conformity.

Yes your scary measles picture is scary-- just like the monkeypox photos we are bombarded with every day. It is also a cheap tactic.

At this point, I'd be willing to take the risk of measles coming back over the risk of trusting the medical establishment to be honest about their research.

Earning back trust is a hill they will have to climb for many years.

As for this substack article, I can go literally anywhere else on the internet to see vaccine cheerleading and scary illness pictures to motivate me to get the next new thing injected. Why should I come here for it? Plus the added snark about what type of people can sustain "discussion and goodwill" when you are throwing around scary illness pictures is especially rude.

How do you think the parents of children who suffered sudden and drastic declines in health or died shortly after a routine vaccination appointment feel about the underhanded accusation that they may not be the "sort of people [who can] sustain discussion and goodwill despite disagreement?"

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There's a famous 1969 Brady Bunch episode about the measles that is rather amazing that highlights the cultural milieu surrounding the disease at that time.

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I recall a meme using ‘60s style graphics — “Tommy has measles so go over and play with him. Let’s get this sh*t over with!” I shared that with some of my contemporaries (I was born in 1952) and we all had a huge laugh over it. I will never understand the fear that has grown around childhood diseases — none of my generation or their children suffered any but the most innocuous symptoms. Which is not to say that no one suffered or died, just that the lived experience bears no relation to today’s reaction.

And never forget the adjuvants included in all of the vaccines, especially the metals.

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As how about combining vaccines in single visits. There has never been testing on combining different manufactured shots at the same time to mix in the blood. Some ingredients open the blood brain barrier which allows live viruses and other harmful ingredients access to the brain. Combining Tylenol with vaccines has even shown to cause Cytokines storms and yet pediatricians tell parents to dose their kids with Tylenol before shot appointment. The science hasn’t been done because no one wants to know the answers.

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If I recall that episode was not included when the show made it to streaming platforms...

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And the newspaper clipping reporting when young Prince Charles had measles

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Absolutely! I just saw this quote from Jay Battacharya at Stanford:

Public health had a good run, but it is now dead at the hands of public health.

I had listened to many of the pro and con arguments regarding vaxxines over the years, doing my best to winnow out truth from fiction as regards decisions for my children's health. Fortunately I had the benefit of a great doctor who walked with us on the journey and sincerely helped to identify risks and benefits.

But since COVID I've become aware of the depth of corruption and megalomania rampant in medicine. I had always known that Dr. Salk was a ruthless narcissist, but Tony Fauci makes him look like a kindergartener. Or "people" like Robert Gallo, Fauci's right hand scientist, blatantly stealing the AIDS limelight and award from Dr. Luc Montagnier.

The competition and fawning for money has created a perfect cesspool for growing soulless psychopaths bent only on money and fame. The whole system appears to be rotten through and through, from the head honchos all the way down to the pathetic little weasels in the lowest lab positions, scrabbling around their overlord's feet for a few crumbs. Professional journals have sold themselves for a piece of the glory (or because they are afraid of their master's whips).

When you have such unbounded ambition and corruption, it isn't really possible to know what compromises have been made. Like the wife that has finally uncovered evidence of her spouse's infidelity, how long has this been going on? How far back to do we have to go to our last good grip on truth?

Sadly, I'm being forced to conclude that much of this mess had it's start in the post-war 1950s with the development of cold war secrets and black op funding. We've been swimming in filth for a long time. And it's going to take a REALLY long time to determine how badly the truth has been compromised or eliminated.

But until we can sort out what has happened, I think it is prudent to stop consuming ANYTHING that hasn't been thoroughly vetted and tested. And it might well be that some babies get thrown out in the filthy bathwater and some things that were actually helpful are jettisoned during the house cleaning. This only makes the crimes we've endured all the more evil; the race to megalomania destroyed many beautiful and honorable things on the altar of ego and selfishness.

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Regarding "swimming in filth for a long time," I read "Poisoner in Chief" about Sidney Gottlieb. Of all the dirty revelations in the book about thinks like MK Ultra, the most heinous and disgusting was that we covered up and protected the guy who ran Unit 731 in order to have access to his human experiment results. The US government even went so far as to deny that any crimes of human experimentation had been committed by the Japanese in order to cover their complicity in sheltering him from a trial.

With respect to jettisoning things until we find out what works, that is what I would propose. They won't conduct trials of the overall health of unvaccinated versus vaccinated, so we'll have to just do it ourselves as best we can. If there is some catastrophic death wave of measles, then the reward will be better established. The idea that not giving MMR shots to some children is unconscionable comes from people who are conducting the largest and most dangerous human experiment in history with the covid shots. It is laughable and we can dismiss it out of hand.

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Yeah, he was a piece of -um- work, that one was.

Americans have much to atone for. The evil that has been done in our name is staggering.

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And is being done in our name. Ukraine biolab, anyone? I used to be pretty much of the 'my country, right or wrong, because my country is never wrong' party. No more. Not since March 12, 2020.

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Fortunately, some vax vs unvax studies are starting to see the light of day. Dr Paul Thomas did one with the patients in his practice, whom he gives the freedom to follow the CDC childhood schedule or not. Bottom line was, after following their overall health outcomes for 10+ years, the vaxxed experienced more childhood illnesses (ear infections, allergies, asthma, etc) than the unvaxxed. The others (that have been allowed into public view) corroborate these findings.

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Good! The next step is for gatopal Dr. Jay to go full Mike Yeadon:

“This evidence, a transcript of a meeting between drug companies, regulators, medical people, etc.

In very brief, an agreement was reached to cover up childhood vaccines & neurological injuries.

Steered here by an interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr, you’ll see it fits with & is all of the pattern that this class of people, now as then, have absolutely no compunction & will do evil things for money & power.

Best wishes,



Also see:


Channel: @RobinMG

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BRAVO!!! Thank you for that.

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You do some truly excellent analysis here, but I stopped reading this piece as soon as I saw you write that measles is a nasty disease. No it's not. It is incredibly benign for otherwise healthy, well-nourished children It is a serious problem for the malnourished, as well as for some children who are immunocompromised. On the hand, autism is a serious life-long disabling disorder for all children, and the MMR vaccine causes autism. Not in infinitesimally small numbers. In very significant numbers. You cannot show us a study that disproves the testimonials of tens of thousands of parents, because there are none. The government and drug companies will not allow them to be done. The medical journals will not allow any that are funded independently to be published.

Parents are being forced to choose between a mostly benign short term illness for the very real risk of lifelong disability. This is insanely corrupt.

Not to mention, measles infection in childhood reduces the risk of a number of cancers later.

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All due respect, I would posit the MMR does not cause autism, per se. It is the mercury and that was in MANY, if not most vaccines. So, yes, the merc in MMR was causal, but the same merc in hep-B and other vaxxes was also causal. It's just that Wakefield first found out from the MMR, so everyone focuses on it, rather than what's in it.

And, yeah, I think Wakefield was viciously targeted by a ruthless pharma industry doing damage mode. All those studies and those claims - are bullshit. But just a gut feeling based on other research into this long-standing cartel of corruption and death.

I mean for God's sake - Thalidomide? Vioxx? The Cutter Incident (1950s)?

Big Phraudma didn't JUST break bad 2 years ago.

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Based on my experience in the vaccine injured community, the 18month dtap seems to cause the most neurological damage. I haven’t come across as many kids injured by MMR. The kids who took issue with the MMR almost always have high measles tigers, suggesting a possible chronic infection.

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I think… I could be mistaken, that having high titers and getting another dose has a higher adverse reaction? I’m not sure on that though, one of the things I heard but haven’t delved into so don’t quote me on that lol.

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It's the aluminum amongst other adjuvants....

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The MMR never contained mercury

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He had me up until he started disparaging Dr. Wakefield. Then he lost me. But I kept reading to see if he had the intellectual honesty to then follow up with the fact that more studies have since vindicated Dr. Wakefield's findings, and that retracted paper was eventually republished. Hmm, guess kitty didn't continue his research. What a shame.

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I just want to yell “Vitamin A!!!”

But then people just rant about it being toxic…

Not understanding either scenario clearly.

Yeah nutrition has a lot to do with measles, seemingly vitamin A status says a lot.

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Autism seems to me an umbrella term for what are probably a number of different conditions - the symptoms are so very different in different children - so I would expect causes to differ too. The MMR does not cause all cases of what is called autism, that's for sure. I have a close relative with an ASD diagnosis since 10, this person did not receive the MMR vaccine. I'm pretty sure the cause came in the womb - maybe a deficiency or deficiencies of nutrients, or a thyroid dysfunction, something like that. But so many parents reported a sudden collapse in their children after the MMR that it seems likely to me that it at least massively exacerbates existing conditions, perhaps in children with immune problems.

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And reading the tragic account lower down of a reader whose daughter's communication collapsed after MMR, I recall that my close relative with an ASD diagnosis (the trouble is really extraordinary high anxiety levels) has unusual reactions to infections. There was barely a cold in childhood (and other parents of ASD children noted the same) - I wondered if there was a link to iron deficiency. But when swine flu came there was a very strong reaction to it, and some viral infection in the teens caused something like a minor nervous breakdown. The symptoms were felt as hugely magnified, hugely distressing, and perhaps they were also actually worse.

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The way you write about Andrew Wakefield is dodgy. you repeat the allegations without discussing any evidence against them. You say the 10 authors retracted. what they said was no causal link was established in the paper between MMR and autism. In fact the paper never made that claim. So. Here was everything in the original paper about vaccines: two sentences in the conclusion: 'In most cases onset of symptoms was after measles mumps and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine thsi syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine. ' So the retraction was retracting nothing. You don't mention that the other co-author, Professor John walker-Smith was completely exonerated on appeal. None of this subtlety makes it into your piece, which is a pity.

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And my understanding from interviews with Wakefield is that the only reason he also did not appeal is that he didn't have the financial resources to do so at the time. Medical boards have clearly been weaponized against doctors. Dr. Paul Thomas lost his license after publishing a REQUESTED data analysis of his patients and look at what they are now doing to Dr. Peter Mccullough. There are always two sides to a story. I was shocked when I read the infamous Wakefield paper to see it was about bowel issues in autistic kids with a passing mention to the claims made by the parents as to how they believed their child's autism originated, not exactly what I had been lead to believe it was.

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Yes I was actually a bit taken aback by this article, all bristling with come on everybody you need to open your eyes to the actual science/data. Then he takes a savage swipe at Wakefield as if he has come straight out of the provaxx-nothing-to-see-here-crowd. It's all very well citing your sciencey studies, but the evidence from individual cases is overwhelming that taking the vaxx triggered onset of autism. Plus, well, I'm not going to say read JB Handley, but if you have read it, and you're still talking that way, then I don't know what you are doing with all the hard evidence that the government has admitted liability in at least some cases, and the backstory is shocking. Plus the suppressed Atlanta study. So yeah, this is a very very very difficult business, and bad cattitude has exhibited a bad attitude, in my view, in slicing and dicing Wakefield this way. Seems a pity, like bad cattitude lost his mojo there for a moment. Sure, cite the studies, but there's no need to pile on wakefield like that, it only demonstrates you haven't really looked at his whole case.

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I'm not quite done here. Those allegations of fraud against Wakefield are false and have been completely discredited. See Chapters 11 and 12 in Vaccine Epidemic by Habakus and Holland. Completely discredited. So really, bad catitude, this is quite scandalous that you repeat these allegations of fraud and misconduct from behind a pseudonym no less. You claim to have read everything, so how come you are not aware of the fact that these allegations are false? Not to be a complete dick about this, but how would you feel if someone accused you under your real name of fraud and malpractise when no such thing had happened? This has really taken the shine off your article. Far from demonstrating your amazing openmindedness, you've outed yourself as just as close minded as the mob. Do better, as they say.

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Thank you, Simon! I tried to like but wasn’t working. When otherwise compelling writers turn 180 and actually become purposely deceptive I smell a rat and become suspicious. Hopefully the real gato will apologize to the readers and take care of this rat.

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He should apologise. This is an actual shocker. The worst aspect for me is that it proves he hasn't done any kind of decent due diligence on Wakefield, yet has no hesitation in slamming him in the worst possible way. bad cattitude has gone from my favourite substacker to a jerk overnight in my book. Fix it, bad cat.

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Something like this is very deliberate. I’ll continue to read him for a while, but now with a much more critical eye as all trust is gone, even with an apology. I’m beginning to wonder who he may be working for as I’ve seen similar writers do this. Ron Unz comes immediately to mind.

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The authors retracted most likely for the same reason gato uses a pseudonym on the internet. Yellow freakin fear.

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Someone else posted this video of Wakefield in his own words, but it was first time I had watched it. SO worth it.


He reminds me of McCullough, Cole, Malone and all the other giants who have stood tall through Covid.

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Thank you for that link. I view Wakefield as an honest actor that was maligned. His book detailed it nicely for those needing the “other sides” view....Nice reminder of the issues with polyvalent vaccines and the early issues with MMR that were ignored. Monovalent seems the best way to approach. Incidentally, you can see the full MMR trial data from the 60’s via ICAN.org under their FOIA page. A shocking amount of AE’s were reported.

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Here is the full Murch/JW-S, et al commentary in Lancet: Retraction of an interpretation

This statement refers to the Early Report “Ileal-lymphoid- nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children”,1 published in The Lancet in 1998. It is made by 10 of the 12 original authors who could be contacted. It should be noted that this statement does not necessarily reflect the views of the other co-authors.

The main thrust of this paper1 was the first description of an unexpected intestinal lesion in the children reported. Further evidence has been forthcoming in studies from the Royal Free Centre for Paediatric Gastroenterology and other groups to support and extend these findings.2,3 While much uncertainty remains about the nature of these changes, we believe it important that such work continues, as autistic children can potentially be helped by recognition and treatment of gastrointestinal problems.

We wish to make it clear that in this paper no causal link was established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were insufficient. However, the possibility of such a link was raised and consequent events have had major implications for public health. In view of this, we consider now is the appropriate time that we should together formally retract the interpretation placed upon these findings in the paper, according to precedent.4

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And for this he was delicensed and hounded by the press and we have covid orthodoxy skeptics swallowing hook, line, and sinker that he was a FRAUD.

It's time for the gullible and credulous to realize that Big pHarma will stop at nothing, but they're going to need some more lessons from the school of hard knocks. (Is gatopal Dr. Jay still recommending the covid vaccines for certain segments of the population? Is Dr. Jay a DIPSHIT? Maybe.)

Big pHarma will attempt to take down anyone they can if they pose even the slightest obstacle, even if that person is a Nobel Prize winner:


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It’s definitely complex. Battachyra published that early study from Santa Clara County that showed the actual case fatality rates of Covid were not dissimilar from a bad flu. Co-authoring the Great Barrington Declaration was valuable as well, imo. But then he made sure his own mother was vaxxed!

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Jesus. Well, at least he put his mother with his mouth is. 😂🤣

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Exactly. And no mention that subsequent studies were done, which corroborated Wakefield's findings, thus vindicating him and leading to the paper being republished. Very disappointed with the kitty.

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I agree here too, more than meets the eye. For what it’s worth I used to think he was batshit crazy. Now… now I’m less certain of that, for sure.

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Unvaccinated kids are FAR FAR healthier. Overwhelming evidence proves this, I see it every day of my life as a teacher of 20 yeas and parent. I can see that a child is unvaxxed immediately when I meet them. They are vibrant, focused, calm, their eyes are bright, they look great, their speech is advanced. Anyone who does not know this has been deeply fooled, so tragic. .

Unvaccinated children are FAR healthier

“I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest,” says Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician and addiction specialist who has been practicing medicine for 30 years. “I’ve had a team compiling data for a research study that is now undergoing peer review—some of which is published in my new book, ’The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.’ The data is surprising and counter-intuitive, perhaps, but it shows very clearly that the incidence of chronic disease and brain abnormalities in the entirely unvaccinated children in my practice, even those with siblings with autism, is much much lower than in children following the CDC’s recommended schedule.”……

"I observed that my unvaccinated children were healthier, hardier and more robust than their vaccinated peers. Allergies, asthma and pallor and behavioral and attentional disturbances were clearly more common in my young patients who were vaccinated. My unvaccinated patients, on the other hand, did not suffer from infectious diseases with any greater frequency or severity than their vaccinated peers: their immune systems generally handled these challenges very well."--IPhilip Incao ……….

“The children I have who are unvaccinated are, across the board, healthier;

and I can just tell you that.” Dr. Cornelia Franz, 30 year pediatrician…..

“There is virtually no autism, asthma, allergies, respiratory illness, or diabetes in his unvaccinated children, an impressive statistic when compared to national rates.” Dr. Eisenstein and his practice have cared for more than 50,000 children who were minimally or not vaccinated at all. …..

“I see daily in my practice evidence of vaccine injury and I hear stories almost every day of families that vaccinate children and then decide not to vaccinate and the unvaccinated children within the same family are healthier, more socially adjusted and more capable academically even though their parents are older than the siblings who were born first and were fully vaccinated.” Dr. Kelly Sutton, M.D………..

“As a concerned, compassionate and considerate paediatrician, I can only arrive at one conclusion. Unvaccinated children have by far the best chance of enjoying marvellous health. Any vaccination at all works to cripple the chances of this end.” The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children by Françoise Berthoud, MD….

“Doing this for 15 years now, I will share with you that the vaccinated kids are the sickest, the partially vaccinated kids are not as sick, and the unvaccinated kids are the healthiest.” Dr. Bob Zajac is a board-certified pediatrician

“During those 30 years I have run against so many histories of little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn’t put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren’t strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were vaccinated. They have never been well since.” – Dr. William Howard Hay, MD

“My kids who've never been vaccinated in my practice, I don't see those issues. I don't have one child who was not vaccinated who also has asthma, food allergies, or Asperger's or autism, or Crohn's or ulcerative colitis-none of these chronic, either chronic inflammatory or chronic autoimmune diseases” - Dr. Toni Bark, MD

“I have been seeing families in my practice for over 20 years that have opted out of vaccination. They are the healthiest children I have EVER seen.” Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, MD

"What people don't know about vaccines --what most doctors don't know-- but well demonstrated in medical literature, is that vaccines shift your immune system to an immune suppression type of state called the "TH2 shift." That's what most vaccines do. They shift your immune system to a weaker, antibody type immune system... If you're injecting people with so many vaccines that your keeping them in this constant state --that now your switching everyone to this TH2 immune suppression-- then everyone becomes more susceptible [to infectious diseases]... and no one is talking about that. Now, a lot of scientists know that, but they are afraid to speak out because their careers would be ruined."

-Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

“I sincerely believe that vaccines cause more harm to the health of the individual than the "protection" and "benefit" they are proclaimed to provide. Staying healthy without vaccines is not only possible, but being vaccine-free is the only way to maintain a lifetime of real health.”

– Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Google translated.

"The unvaccinated children are healthier."

Bologna, October 28, 2015 - "The unvaccinated children are healthier." To support are not pseudo-healers, magicians or sorcerers. But more than 120 doctors, after weeks of debate and controversy on the subject, they come out with an open letter at the Higher Institute of Health. Link: http://www.quotidiano.net/vaccini-medici-contrari-1.1429559

Studies, doctor’s testimonies, thousands upon thousands of parents ALL confirm, unvaccinated FAR healthier..https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/exposing-truth/fully-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated/


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My children are completely unvaccinated and perfectly healthy. They probably have polio though. I know because polio infection is completely asymptomatic in the vast majority of cases


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The government lied to us about polio and the polio vaccines:


Also, there is evidence that certain synthetic chemicals and pesticides caused paralytic disease that was misdiagnosed as "polio":


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Bob Zajac is my daughter’s pediatrician. MY GOD is he intelligent, and knows every detail of every study published. I love love love him, and I feel sooo incredibly blessed.

I used to get chastised by pediatricians, when I asked about a certain risk, concern, or family history event. Bob actually knew exactly what I was talking about in EVERY single instance and offered both the argument and the opposing viewpoint.

He has my utmost respect, which is hard to come by.

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my 3 were never vaccinated and never got sick in childhood and at least half the kids in their classes had allergies or asthma or ADHD or caught every cold and flu going. Unfortunately as adults they've all been triple vaccinated (their choice), so far no problems but they could be ticking time bombs. I hope not.

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All I can say is that my two kids are vaccinated against all kinds of crap and they are perfectly healthy. No allergies, no unusual infections, certainly no autism. The same is true for the vast majority of young kids around me, they are healthy, non obese, non diseased.

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Jul 27, 2022Edited
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The work of Dr. Aaby in Burkina-Faso would argue that in the case of the DPT shot and female babies, the all-cause mortality is higher. And this is Africa

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this is a bit of a specious argument in that it presumes that only the unvaxxing parents mind their childrens' health. But vaccination is very high in the middle and upper classes, so I'm not convinced.

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Your argument is common sensical but anecdotal evidence provided by several parents on this read undercuts it. Those parents state they can see health discrepancies among siblings based on vaccination hx.

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Jul 27, 2022
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But then again isn't the mainstream claim that a lot of these issues are genetic somehow? So wouldn't a sibling be MORE likely to have certain issues than the general population if that is infact the case? This is what Dr. Paul Thomas pointed out in his comparison study between his vaxxed and unvaxxed patients.

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Jul 28, 2022
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The specific study I was referencing looked at multiple outcomes, not just a condition by condition comparison which I think is important because I believe a lot of our modern issues have a similar environmental cause. I do think there is a predisposition within families for injury from certain environmental issues. I see it in my husband's family where him and his siblings have a few minor issues with auto-immunity or allergies while his parents have nothing, but his nieces and nephews are plagued by an obscene level of neurological and auto-immune issues including type 1 diabetes, sensory processing disorder, autism, selective eating disorder, selective mutism, food allergies, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Hypothyroidism. My brother is the same (he is adopted) his entire cohort of biological siblings as well as himself have multiple and severe auto-immune and neurological issues from fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, hashimoto's disease, graves, bipolar, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia but non of them share one diagnosis, their issues all manifested in a different way, but clearly there is something about the family that has made them susceptible to auto immunity and neurological issues.

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The problem is many parents aren't giving TRULY INFORMED consent; meaning they just don't know what they don't know. All they've heard is "safe & effective," and naively trust the pediatricians. So, I don't fault these parents. The ones I fault are the willfully ignorant who reflexively dismiss the "anti-vaxxers," and don't bother to look further into the matter.

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I wrote a doctoral thesis on this. You should read it. You are completely and catastrophically wrong on every point. It's 480 pages with 2,000 references so I have met all of your stated criteria above.


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Wow! Great work! From the abstract:

"Capitalism has transformed science and medicine from a focus on use values to a focus on exchange values; regulation is largely a reflection of political power not scientific evidence; and cultural and financial capture are blocking the sorts of regulatory responses that are necessary to stop the autism epidemic."

That pretty much sums up the way I've come to see public health! Termites have undermined the entire structure, from what I can see. The only choice we have now is to burn it all down and start over. God have mercy on us for destroying things that have even marginal use values and would ideally been preserved but were hidden in the filth we are cleaning up. The sins of the French Revolution were really the children of the abuses the Revolution undertook to reform.

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Wow! you took the words right out of my mouth! What I mean is your point # 5 has been a main pet peeve of mine for years. When patients ask me, I often say something to the effect that you describe:

"All parties to the debate admit that there are no studies with an unvaccinated control

group that show that the national vaccine schedule is safe. Defenders of the status quo

admit this as a point of pride, arguing that a proper double blind RCT would be

unethical because they already know (based on experience) that vaccines are safe. But at

the same time they argue that RCTs are the gold standard and should guide all other

decisions in medicine. It creates an unusual spectacle whereby autism advocacy groups

are demanding double blind RCTs while mainstream figures in science and medicine

are violating their own preferred epistemology by blocking the sorts of studies that

could resolve this debate."

The other piece of bias candy is about the reports from parents. I've had enough parents tell me that story such that it trumps any studies out there. That might sound like an appeal to emotion/sentiment. But if you sit with autistic parent after autistic parent and hear their consistent stories of regressions, seizures, etc it's pretty hard to just ignore it. Although, apparently most pediatricians look the parent in the eye and say "has NOTHING to do with the vax!"

Now to be even handed, I'm NOT saying all the autistic kids I've seen the parents reported a regression. And in addition, not every kid who was overtly harmed from the current vaccine schedule got autism. Some got multiple seizures temporally associated. And certainly the vast majority of kids that get vaccinated take no overt harm.

To my mind when you look at the TOTAL context of vaccines; the indemnity, the censorship, shaming, the consistent parents reporting harm following the vaccines, the overall criminal business of medicine/pharma and the lack of a comparative study long term of the two cohorts, it's very hard to confidently recommend vaccines.

On the other hand, I'm SO grateful to El Gato for his ongoing incisive breakdowns. This one too. As usual, the bad kitty has done a great job of breaking down the wheat from the chaff. However, despite his great data breakdown, I just can't shake off the considerations I, Toby and others listed, and think - yup, those vaccines are ALL good. I guess we could say - at least for me - there are just WAY too many confounders to come to a clean conclusion.

I also suspect some of the vaccines may be a net positive. But again, if we aren't actively seeking a comparative long term signal, then how can you REALLY determine vaccine safety.

The issue is particularly ugly because we do not have a society that can divorce itself from the all mighty dollar and prioritize the commons and the health and wellness of it's citizens.

I also agree that it's entirely likely that there are MANY variables that are responsible for the rise in Autism. I think it's entirely likely autism has been spurred by SOME vaccines, various drugs, environmental exposures and the like.

Toby, thanks for your paper - it's awesome. El gato, LOVE what you do!


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EGM's article is armchair quarterback analysis gleaned from reading the popular media rather than reading original sources. EGM violated his own epistemology that demands that one actually do the hard yards of reading everything on the topic before offering an opinion. The Pharma junk science advice in this article, if heeded, will literally kill and maim some kids. I started out where EGM is now (we all do) then I did the hard yards of reading everything and now I know that EGM is catastrophically wrong on this matter.

For those who are new to the topic, start with this TED Talk by Christine Stabell Benn. She explains that only 3 vaccines in the world have more benefits than harms -- oral polio, measles by itself, and BCG (tuberculosis). NONE of those vaccines are available in this U.S. Which means that according to the best vaccine safety researcher in the world ALL of the vaccines on the U.S. schedule cause more harms than benefits.


Then read my thesis and the book Dissolving Illusions.

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Having grown up unvaxxed in a DC family, and then not vaxxing my two healthy kids and then seeing my oldest develop autoimmune disease (no prior family HX) within 4 months of a Td and yellow fever jabs (foreign country trip) opened up my eyes further... That is when I spent 4 months reading ALL the studies upheld as proof of no link to ASD. These epidemiological studies mostly looked at one shot, the MMR, and one ingredient, Thimerosol. And this was the totality of evidence proving no link to ASD in the whole vax schedule‽ Reminds me of the confounded field of nutritional epidemiology telling us red meat is bad for you but when you look at the actual RCT's, the opposite is true. Epidemiology cannot confer causation, only RCT's can.

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If I recall correctly, there was a FOI requeat doneabout 4 years ago which asked for the studies refuting the MMR/autism link.

The results were ridiculous

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Awesome, thanks too for the link to the Tedx. I was surprised they would host a controversial vax video on TED - they are WAY too conventionally captured. Anyway, thanks again for your awesome scholarly work.


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CA study on diagnostic shift: "There is no evidence that a loosening in the diagnostic criteria has

contributed to increased number of autism clients served by the Regional Centers." https://dds.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/DSInfo_ReportToTheLegislature_200221017.pdf

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My son has an autism dx. His worker and I were chatting about "better diagnosis".

She started her career working with adults. She said there was nothing, then, like there is now, that presented like autism. She would not say it was vaccines, but she didn't say it wasn't. What she did say is that there are definitely more cases of autism now

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Pearls before swine Toby

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The causal/correlation relationship for parents with vaccine injured children is simple and straightforward. The causal/correlation ratio for parents who lost a child to “SIDS” is simple and straightforward.

In your analysis, you did not look at the relationship of the vaccine schedule, as it has changed, since 1986, to the incidence of ASD or autoimmune disorders. This is the critical issue.

The number of shots given simultaneously and their interactions has NEVER been studied by the FDA, CDC, NIH, Or WHO. If the pharmaceutical companies have their own internal clinical trials studying these interactions, of their vaccines with others on the schedule that a child is likely to be administered either concurrently or within days/weeks/months, they have not released them.

Nobody has. Why not?

This is the issue moreso than one vaccine or another.

The parents in this movement typically only get here because of firsthand experience, and trust me when I tell you, we look at everyyyy possibility.

Was it the formula?

Was I on something?

WHAT HAPPENED to my child is a question that is asked over and over and over and over.

The supposed guardians of public health have failed spectacularly to address this issue, as does simplistic analysis of any individual vaccine.

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I found it interesting the Oregon medical board offered to throw Dr. Paul Thomas a bone and reinstate his license if he would agree to abandon his plans to create a huge large scale longitudinal study following children throughout their lives. His idea was to create a national database encouraging all parents to periodically report childhood events including vaxxes and childhood health measures. His goal was to do what CDC could/should have already done: validate the risk/reward calculation for each and all of the CDCs childhood vaxx schedule.

Now why would a state licensing board have ANYTHING to say about whether a person could undertake such research and willingly hold his professional license hostage to prevent such large scale studies?

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That is a telling question, isn’t it? 🤨

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When we cite the Parks chart, the argument is not that it shows that measles was already declining in prevalence. The point is that measles was not a terribly dangerous disease with proper care & nutrition. The few hundred annual deaths at the end of the measles era were mostly in the Missiippi Delta and other areas of deep poverty. For most children it was a mild disease. The picture you present is an extreme case.

As you say, it is a question of relative risks and benefits. The risks are hard to assess, because we don't have reliable data.

Those of us in the vaccine-skeptic world have seen countless instances of parents whose children get the MMR or some other vaccine, experience horrible reactions, are assured by the doctor it is coincidence... the same old story. It isn't that the parents have suddenly lost their faculties. It is that something so horrible and obvious happened to their children that they abandoned their previous belief in vaccines.

The pharmico-scientific establishment has no incentive to collect accurate data on vaccine risks. In fact, they have financial and ideological incentives to the contrary. That means that if they are much riskier than we are told, we would have no way to know that.

There are vanishingly few studies that compare long-term all-cause mortality and chronic illness between vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts. The studies are not done because they are considered unethical (because we already know vaccines are beneficial and it is unethical to deprive children of them). You can find a few if you look for them, and what they show is not pretty. None are gold-standard though.

The shenanigans of the vaccine industry that we are seeing with the Covid shots are nothing new. They have been manipulating research for a long time. For a long time, skeptical doctors and scientists have been persecuted, defunded, fired, and investigated. Please keep an open mind on this issue.

I'm sure we "anti-vaxxers" will keep reading and enjoying your trenchant criticism of Covid orthodoxy regardless. We don't want to distract you from your good work, or get us all bogged down in in-fighting. Still, please keep an open mind.

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I appreciate this article as vaxx data is hard to come by and I learned some things I didn't know before. With that said I must say that after the COVID vax rollout and the subsequent refusal by medical folks to label actual vax injuries as vax injuries I have a very hard time trusting that adverse events from prior vax rollouts were reported correctly. Healthcare has a huge problem on their hands now as people have lost faith... I actually had lost faith 15 years ago over a variety of other situations.

And then there's the censorship aspect. As Richard Feynman said "I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned". Yet with vaccines if you even want to discuss the risk/reward topic it can have drastic impacts to your career in medicine. This does not inspire trust either.

Healthcare has a huge trust issue on their hands, I want no part of an industry that has a financial incentive to do a bad job. I avoid doctors and hospitals like the plague and I think that's justified.


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I've had the measles, as did every last one of my school mates and kinfolk. Honestly, no big deal. Nobody died. Nobody I know ever heard of anyone dying or having serious adverse events from the measles (as far as we all knew). Now, data is funny, in that it can only show you what you specifically focused on in your measurement. Tell me Gato, how much long-term, subtle physiological damage has occurred as a result of all of this childhood vaccination that is wholly unable to be measured? Notice any major health trends in the Western world since the adoption of mass vaccination of children? I'm still being told by serious experts in the field that the brain/blood barrier is a legit and foolproof guard that keeps the toxins in vaccines from affecting the brain. My 9-month old daughter, was basically a linguistic savant at her age, speaking in highly complex sentences without a single staggered word, yet, right after her safe-and-effective MMR, she not only stopped speaking completely for 2 months (other than 'da', 'ma'), but stopped responding to external stimuli almost completely. Symptoms came on within hours of the shot. The risk by far exceeds the reward, as we don't even know what the long term consequence is on human population's health - we simply do not even know enough about the human body to be able to know *what* to measure and when. Then you flippantly throw in the mention of the flu vaccine. Yes, we all know it doesn't work. However, one again, risk is higher than acknowledged by the 'expert' class. I personally know one very fit, weightlifting RN, forced to take a flu shot for the first time in his life due to working in California, in the height of his prime, and within 4 days being paralyzed from the waist down. It took him *many years* to get someone to even acknowledge that it was vaccine-induced. Since we don't admit or acknowledge fault, often never, with regards to vaccine-related injuries, why would you, Gato, assume that you have anything remotely resembling the full picture on the stats needed to assess risk/reward for meds you claim are "effective"?

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"Nobody I know ever heard of anyone dying or having serious adverse events from the measles (as far as we all knew)."

I was born in 1958, contracted measles at the age of five, and was left profoundly deaf in my left ear as a result. So now you've heard of one.

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Yes, I know of someone whose hearing was damaged. Very small percentage, surely, my mother was a very anxious person, but she wasn't worried about measles, hadn't come across damage from it - but awful for those. In a good world, scientists might examine those damaged to see if there was a common factor, some low nutrient perhaps. But where would the profit be in that?

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The funny (in the sense of odd) part was that my 3-year-old sister caught it at the same time (of course); she was much more visibly ill than I was and my parents were much more concerned about her than about me as a result. Yet I was the one who got the rare bad outcome. Same environment, same standard of care, same genetics, same virus. I think it probably is just random.

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This is a really interesting area. There's one old BMJ report of the MMR vaccine causing hearing loss too.

Hmm, why you? You're a boy, of course... I wonder if anyone looked at the cases of deafness re sex. Could be random, but not necessarily. If only medicine were interested in this.

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I am super sympathetic to the victims in these stories and believe that there could be causality, but until we can get someone somewhere to do rigorous, unbiased studies, we’re groping in the dark. The plural of anecdote is not data.

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*Singular. FTFY

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Before finishing the piece, let me just say thank you for bringing the other side of the story without worrying too much about negative pushback. This is what science is supposed to be about. It is too easy to go from "covid vaccine bad" to "all vaccines bad". This info from a disinterested person such as yourself helps non-scientists like me understand and make up our minds.

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Many of us were "all vaccines bad" wayyyyyyy before covid! Thank God. Could not imagine going through that without already understanding the rules of the game.

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I can, because I did. I don't think you need to believe all vaccines are bad to see that the covid shot was a con.

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No, but if you think the fraud and harm caused by the covid vax is the full story, then you haven't yet seen the big picture with the vaccine industry.

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As humans we're great at seeing things in black and white, not so great at nuance and shades of grey. It's easier to come to blanket conclusions than have to think each thing through. Sometimes that's valid, sometimes it's not. At this point in my life I am more in agreement with el gato malo that vaccines need to be evaluated one by one. I have no doubt you think that because I don't fully agree with you, I'm uninformed. There are vaccines I haven't and wouldn't take, and others that I would. To each his own.

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Agree. But, as I am sure you would agree, just because we might be unaware of something, doesn't make it not true. Some things NEED nuance, of course, But injecting neurotoxins is not one of those things. With allllll of the unknown genetic susceptibilities, it's always more risk than reward. You can drink poison and not know it's hurting you. But that doesn't mean it's not hurting you. To each their own is a GREAT philosophy, but in case you haven't noticed, that is NOT the philosophy that is pushed regarding vaccination. The demonizing of those who refused the covid vax was and is UNREAL. (unless you know the playbook, then it's par for the course) Our government categorizes people who say no thank you to vaccines for themselves and their children as a THREAT to the health and wellness of our society as a whole. Let's operate in reality on that point.

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Fair enough, even if I don't agree with your assessment that all vaccines are "neurotoxins", we are in agreement that people should have the choice to inject them or not.

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My father had polio because he was too old (12) to receive the vaccine in the year it was introduced. I had a near miss with pertussis that left a friend with lung damage in Bolivia due to my having been vaccinated prior to the trip. I'm not anti-vaccine.


I've read the popular correlative work extensively. I've read the scientific studies to whatever extent I can get my hands on them. I don't have access to the fancy databases and the papers aren't easy to find. The fact that not one single paper exists that calls the current vaccination schedule into question is some cause for concern. is there really 100% consensus on this? Hard to find that kind of consensus anywhere in science, never mind "medical science".


I'm fully aware of the penguins problem.


Then I had a child. And that's when things change a bit because it's no longer your body that's at risk when you make a mistake. And things get complicated because the doctors and nurses don't know anything about the vaccines. I grew up in a mainstream medical family of doctors and nurses. When I shared with them the details of the vaccine substrates and the schedule in 2018, they were dumbfounded. I literally had to show them the CDC website because they didn't believe me that there are 72 shots by age 6, and some still contain mercury (thimerosal).



gato- In trying to hold back the onslaught of dipshits who can't handle a good hard look at the data that contradicts their emotionally held beliefs, please don't disregard the many factors in play when making decisions about vaccines. And please don't mock people like "marin mommies". You only need to know one vaccine injured child to inject doubt into any hard analysis like yours. And that kind of mocking makes people (even like me) want to dismiss your work. I am sorry about the blood-sucking dipshits though.


Considerations & Questions:


1. At the end of the day, this isn't solely a data-driven academic question of whether the vaccines work or not. It's a question of whether you're going to administer them to your children. For 99.9% of parents, vaccines are not an a la carte menu. It's an all or nothing decision. And, as you said, you wouldn't do gardasil or flu. My guess is if you look hard at Hep B and rotavirus you wouldn't recommend those either. So, as a parent which way do you go? All or nothing?


2. Your analysis doesn't look at the timing and administration of vaccines. And nor does the "science". None of it even considers age, weight, race, sex, or allergies when considering whether to administer a vaccine. There is no other medication or procedure that I know of in mainstream medicine that doesn't consider all of those factors. Given that vaccines are deliberate perturbations of the immune system to create immune responses, would we be better off administering them when children are older with more developed immune systems? Would we be better off administering them one at a time? Can a 6 month old's immune system handle 5 artificially introduced pathogens simultaneously? Should it? It all reeks of convenience and money, and risks-be-damned because none of us are liable — not the doctors, not the hospitals, not the pharma industry, and not the bureaucrats pushing the schedule. You can't find a more caveat emptor situation. There's no pulling that shot out once it goes in.


3. After the past two years of flagrant lies, deception and conflicts of interest, you seem to trust all the papers on vaccines that precede covid. That's a little hard to swallow even though I don't dispute your analysis on MMR. Have you read about Paul Offit? And have you seen what they've done to completely reasonable MDs that don't toe the line such as Bob Sears? Do you know what the process is like to get compensated from the VICP? Are you comfortable reconciling the continued blanket immunity for all vaccines, with the fact that the MMR is safe according to your analysis? From what I've seen, the entire industry is shady and always has been. Full stop. But I'm still not anti-vax. However, most reasonable people with less time to read or a less analytical mindset, would be.


4. Mumps and rubella have very small risk profiles, primarily infertility in males who contract mumps during their teen years, and potential birth defects in a pregnant mother who contracts rubella. Most recent mumps outbreaks have occurred in fully vaccinated college students because their immunity has worn off. So... what was the point of immunizing them at age 1?


5. Are there not simpler, less risky treatments for measles such as high doses of vitamin A?


6. I know the autism stuff has been debunked a 1000 times over, but every time it is, the debunker ends up with the "penguins cause autism" problem. In your case it was "alien mind rays". Maybe it's mothers on SSRI's, maybe it's the dreaded chemtrails (that's a joke), but be the scientist and detective you are here. If you don't dispute that autism rates are up as much as they are, propose some meaningful cause and mechanism. Because when you hand wave it away, you leave people like me unconvinced. The anecdotal evidence for a connection between MMR and autism is strong enough that it can't be hand-waved away, even if it's not the only cause. I know a lot of unvaccinated kids who are, as people elsewhere in the comments have described, bright eyed, engaged, healthy, vibrant little people, and I know a couple of apparently vaccine injured children who have lost so, so much. It's devastating every time I think about it.




Anyway... I truly love your work and your sense of humor. And I'd be a paid subscriber if you took something other than Apple Pay. And if you ever come to the westside (Isabela/Aguadilla), we would happily have you over for dinner.

(haha, started writing this at 50 comments, now it's 273. just read through again to make sure I'm not repeating too much of what someone else said. glad to see not many dipshits this time)

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Yes, you are wrong, but we can still be friends. You have been fooled by the old trick of changing diagnostic criteria, hiding the truth of vaccine damage, over-hyping threat of illnesses. You "forgot" to mention that seizures occur after MMR in monstrously high rates. https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/mmr-seizures/

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this is entirely assumptive reasoning based on sample rate guesses, not clinical data.

i think you need to read your evidence more carefully, especially the sources it cites.

this is refuted by higher quality studies like the finnish one

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As CC Rob said, yes, this happened in my family. Seizure and intense illness right after the shot. Nothing opened my eyes to shots the way that did. Thimersol, injected into my baby? We went back to the doctor, who said no, of course there isn't mercury in that shot. When we asked her to read the label, she was shocked. 20+ years ago and I haven't fully trusted a doctor since. Edit: this wasn't reported to VAERS.

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We delayed our kids' shots until after 1yo, because we watched this happen to my sibling's kid: went in for a round of routine shots, then the same evening ran a 106-degree fever, ended up in the ER. Then pediatrician gaslit them about it, insisted it was nothing to do with the shots... and the same thing happened TWO MORE TIMES with the next two rounds of routine shots. And the doc STILL insisted it was not related.

So when I had kids I was like... let's wait til they're older, and let's only get one shot at a time, so if anything like that happens, at least we'll know which shot caused it, and we can say "no" to that one going forward.

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As I mentioned yesterday, you still have gotten stopped at all the usual spots. I am offering to walk you through each point that you are being stopped by. Will you take me up on my offer?

In general terms, you have stopped your research too soon and have been satisfied too early. There are rebuttals to each of your points. But you have stopped at stage two below instead of going to stage three:

Stage one: Assertion

Stage two: rebuttal <-- El Gato Malo is here.

Stage three: rebuttal to the rebuttal.

For instance, the California data show that the increase in autism is real. As I wrote yesterday:

California has been tracking only “full-syndrome autistic disorder,” the most severe cases. These would have been essentially impossible to hide four decades ago.

Cynthia Nevison analyzed that data against Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) data for California and found that approximately 80% of the rise must be a true increase in prevalence.

A Comparison of Temporal Trends in United States Autism Prevalence to Trends in Expected Environmental Factors


A full exposition of many of the arguments El Gato has been stopped by can be found in this brilliant book:

Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families—and our Future, by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill


Omsted and Blaxill go back to autism’s roots in the writings of Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger and examine everything known about child psychology up to that point, including a survey of Massachusetts “idiots” by Samuel Gridley Howe in the mid-1800s.

It’s simply not possible for there to have been large numbers of individuals with autism—any form of autism—at that point in time and the medical profession simply "missed them." The medical profession did not have enough damaged people *in any relevant category.*


Again, there is still much you don't know. Please take me up on my offer. I will maintain your anonymity as I do for others.

André Angelantoni

Project Lead, The Vaccine Course.

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