His association with the Proximal Origins paper is not the first time he covered his tracks with deception. He should be held accountable for years of deceit.
There are segments of HIV in COVID 19 DNA. It was an engineered virus. Tony paid for almost 20 grants carried out at the Wuhan lab, including creating CoVID 19.
Then he excluded working meds to force through an EUA on a risky gene therapy as a ’vaccine’, and pocketed millions personally. He had a direct financial interest in the actions he took that was contrary to good medecine.
And while we're at it, can we talk about AZT and the suppression of Bactrim in the late 80's/early 90's? I have a first cousin who died from the lung complications of AIDS. So yes, it's personal.
I just read this. For my ‘22 essay I had found info but not this detailed. To think that John needlessly suffocated to death makes me literally nauseated.
My brother lost his mind because of Fauci and AZT. He got CMV in his eyes and it traveled to his brain.
He weighed less than 65 pounds when he died. Knowing now that he died from the drug and not the disease….well I can’t afford to bring back the anger and sorrow again. It almost destroyed me the first time.
It’s why I hang on to believing in hell, but that means there is a god that lets horrible things happen.
“I’m sorry, I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something, but I think that we’re in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, [vaccine] mandates should be done,”
This is why Fauci must be prosecuted. He openly declared the US Constitution is null and void. Over a bad flu. The same constitution written in the middle of a major flu pandemic much more deadly than whatever "flu" threat covid was.
Seditious deprivation of rights ("Screw your selfish freedom!"). Punishable by the death penalty. Applies to health care providers and other acting as government officials:
"Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any."
This was amply documented in RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci, which sold over half a million copies in hardcover (for which he was denounced by the New York Times). David Martin has documented the patents Fauci owns on Sars and other viruses. And, by the way, mandating the use of Remdesivir and ventilators as "standard of care" killed many, while mRNA shots have injured and killed thousands. This is not an "error of judgement." Martine sounds like an apologist paid by the same gang pouring money into trying to prevent RFK Jr's certification.
Maybe I'm not on the wavelength here. But I don't think we have time nor the attention span from the public to latch these two together other than a retrospective footnote....or to simply draw a straight line from one to another.
I just don't think people care about HIV anymore. It'd be different if it were still a real threat.
I understand your argument Ryan, but the history speaks to who this man really is: an arrogant, self-serving criminal. History, enabled by ignorance, repeats itself.
Seems the current 'treatment' causes VAIDS. So, yes I Believe it's relevant. As Dr Martin has pointed out work on corona viruses began in the 1960s, it being identified as a bioweapon delivery platform by '67 and pfizer's first patent on corona in the early '90s.
I imagine though, that writing the history of Covid, will bring to mind the question. "So when did you realize the government was lying to you?"
That's one of my questions now to those who think the government is lying to them and minimizing COVID-19. "So only now the government is lying to you that the headwinds of the narrative have changed a bit."
If someone asked me a similar question in 2020.." so only now do you think the government is lying to you...that they may have lied about other things as well." My response would be "No, I have always thought the government was dishonest, but never before had they coerced me to participate in the lie in such a direct manner."
Meh, taking off your shoes every time you go through security was pretty coercive and ultimately based on lies too. But I get what you're saying. Breaching the outer barrier of my body is way over the line.
Another benefit of doing a thorough investigation, even if Fauci, et al, are acquitted (for what ever reasons), is that we will then have the knowledge and opportunity to devise new laws specific to the situation Fauci and his crony accomplices took advantage of for personal gain, at the expense of the public’s health.
Just because there is no specific law against doing something evil, does not make it permissible, and that punishment is not warranted.
If confirmed, Kennedy who as a lawyer had success suing the EPA will change the corrupt environment of the NIH, CDC, FDA and others sub departments of the HHS. Count on that.
Kurt. I agree with you. So please don't take this the wrong way.
Approaching this as a one-two punch of HIV and c19 will be losing the forest for the trees.
Nobody really cares about HIV anymore. It could be supporting "evidence", but i think little focus should be given to that subject in relation to the atrocities committed by this evil gnome during c19.
I get your point RG, but people are still being gravely harmed by medications which are pushed based on the HIV->AIDS->death fraud. Bringing that to light can still save lives.
Yes. It sucks. But opportunity costs is more deadly in this case.
It just is what it is. I believe the inquiry should have a plan with measurable metrics and outcomes.
And just like a business plan or war plan, it will be "wrong", therefore the tactics need to adjust based on feedback/signals/analysis. This can be done without compromising the strategy.
A plan that doesn't allow for changes in tactics, when the facts on the ground change, is just hope.
Hope is not a plan. Eventually, it's a road to apathy...especially when people don't believe in the plan.
What we're debating now is strategy. We don't have one yet.
The Deep State has built a castle within government, protected from attack by the high walls of the law and regulations. We need a siege, not a frontal assault. This mean probing in multiple places, looking for weaknesses, and chipping away at that wall. This will involve FOIA requests, lawsuits, congressional inquiries, prosecutions of lower-level accomplices, private investigations, and most importly constant publicity of embassasing or incriminating information. If the public loses interest in this subject it will become that much harder to get to the bottom of it. Constant pressure Ryan, constant pressure.
Sadly, in today's polarized atmosphere, it's all too easy to dismiss congressional hearings as partisan. The behavior of half of the congressional members at any of these hearings only serves to undermine any credibility — because the opposing side always spends their five minutes in partisan grandstanding.
No doubt about that.....the normie cannot fathom that covid-19 was a for profit engineered hoax and carry let alone AIDS 'epidemic'......its overwhelming....and all that is assuming these investigations get past the dead dinosaur media firewall.
I have friends who loathe Fauci for what he did with AZT. They are on the political left, but fully distrust Fauci and see him as a criminal. They were silent during the dark days of 2021 and 2022. They didn't trust what they were being told by the pfauchster, but honestly afraid of losing their political home if they said something.
I think all this needs light. It might not be possible to send all these profiteers to Jail, but a very bright light, possibly via some costly civil suits by people with standing (injured or dead relatives) in venues where the percentage of mental illness in the jury pool is somewhat lower than in DC would make the next snake oil salesman think twice. And that after all is what we really need. Some way to make sure that should someone ever again have the power Fauci held (and I sincerely hope that doesn't happen, changing this is important) will absolutely look at Tony's penury and ignominy and think, 'naw, if I really want to make money at a rapid clip, I'll run for congress.'
Because I'm old and need to have some sort of social contact/life, most of my friends are normies. There is so much that is, as they say, not in their comfort zone. I think they're representative of a lot of the US population. I'm not sure that even if Fauci, et al. were brought to trial and prosecuted that they would accept that outcome. It would also be out of their comfort zones.
I disagree with you about it not mattering anymore, but I agree Covid will get people's attention better. The HIV history can be tacked on later.
Taking RFK's book off the various blacklists would be a good start. The fact that so many people bought it despite the difficulties says quite a lot about interest in the subject.
I worked directly on the HIV trials. It was brutal on the protocol screeners and this was when AIDS was a death sentence. Read The Real Dr. Fauci - you will run to the head of the line to complain about it, BUT, Ryan is right, and HIV is no longer a death sentence.
Let Fauci explain the horrendous C19 clinical trials: protocols not run for contagion (how the hell?), dose dependency, safety, efficacy, and the eventual bait and switch - let's not forget the ships and containers adapted for sub-zero temperatures, then suddenly stopped. All cues to me that this was an enormous scam. Focus on C19. So many innocents (willful or not) have no clue about the facts.
RG - it's all of a piece. Look into how the dangerous PreP (essentially the disgraced Truvada) is currently being pushed on healthy people deemed to be "at risk" for the never-isolated HIV and you'll see the through-line for all the public health abuses of the recent years. We should care about HIV- even if only as the first viral construct designed to corral the plebs. It wasn't an accident that the health crisis suffered by a then- marginalized population became the opportunity for rolling out such gems as the dubious PCR and "asymptomatic infection". Because "no one" cared. But! Remember when the thought bomb that there was going to be an explosion of cases in the heterosexual population...? It never happened- likely bc "testing" was never really population wide to the level of covid. ("Too bad" people believed that avoiding unsafe sex was enough to keep them healthy... and tests were never mandatory. Unless you wanted to generate cases in single mothers on welfare or orphans... but I digress) Rebecca Culshaw is a source for understanding the shenanigans.
Exactly! This man is a criminal mind, acting AGAINST the best interests of all Americans to enrich his Pharmaceutical Masters by making us, & our children, seriously ill.
Fouci recklessly sent Ralph Baric's engineered DURC viruses to China, our rival at best & enemy, at worst, & then funded them. Please read Bobby Kennedy's books on this, & see the Pandemic Planning/Gaming invoked & involved in the whole Covid Coup on Freedom in the USA & the entire world.
Fouci, & his, imho, traitorous acts, were instrumental in accomplishing this horror, these crimes against Humanity.
He was instrumental in developing Sars-cov-2, the evidence proves to my satisfaction.
He was instrumental in the suppression of effective early treatments; this was the key to creating the damage & death counts utilized to shut this nation & keep it shut, as were the lethal hospital protocols used in the USA to create the excess deaths which were then used to terrorize our Nation, & support illegal & Unconstitutional destruction of property, freedom of speech & bodily autonomy.
He undermined our President & his efforts to protect Americans from the destruction of the Unconstitutional & lethal mandates while suppressing live saving therapies. This is intentional mass murder, as were the hospital protocols, imo, & as the evidence supports.
Furthermore he encouraged forced masking, a harmful & dehumanizing practice, which does little or nothing to protect people from this, almost guaranteed Gain-Of-Function creation. And, he did all of the above, imo, to help force the toxic, potentially lethal genetic therapy on all Americans.
On pregnant women. On children. On the elderly. An injection which was experimental, which is contaminated, which is deadly & dangerous.
And, we must face the uncomfortable fact that PEOPLE did these things not agencies.
People wrote those policies. People enforced those policies & people need to be fully exposed for their crimes against Humanity, & PROSECUTED!
I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who has caused greater harm to the population, especially when factoring in the permanent changes in individuals not yet overtly symptomatic, and generations to come.
My reaction to and summary in response to this entire idea began and ended with the first quotation of the man at the top:
« Because arrogance, grandiosity, self-importance, poor judgment, dogmatism, and dishonesty are character flaws, not crimes »
No. Absolutely not. Incorrect on all counts.
Has Dr. Marine never heard of crimes such as manslaughter, even including involuntary manslaughter? People die, yet the ones who killed didn't mean to do so, but they still get tried, convicted, and sentenced. Rightfully so. Certain levels of "didn't mean it" are still criminal.
The fact is that "but I didn't *mean* it!" has bearing only on the severity of the charge and the extent of the sentence. Ignorance is no excuse, especially for a man in Fauci's oh-so-vaunted position, where he had all the resources necessary to carry out a decent course of action.
Excellent points....but I'll offer a step further....Anthony fauci knew exactly what he was doing....and he was more than happy to sacrifice (kill) 'useless eaters' to make more $$$$ and elevate himself to 'deity' and 'bobble head' status.
Agree. Fauci and his evil cult have been fiddlefucking around for years to cause “pandemics” and become kings. I’d debate whether c19 was a viral pandemic or a testing pandemic, but either way, mission accomplished!
Have some respect, humanity owes Dr. Marine a debt of gratitude for inventing the ocean. And yes, his post has all the hallmarks of a (not Russian) deep state disinformation campaign. He seems to be trying to peel off just a little support amongst the informed subpopulation and setting up a rationale for letting the weasel get off scot free. Seems like unadulterated propaganda to me. Keep in mind that perhaps the most disastrous outcome of the 2008 great financial crisis was the public seeing clearly that certain classes of people are immune to consequences.
And we need a Plan B in mind when Fauci does inevitably get pardoned by Biden’s corpse. State prosecutions ala Trump for one. Also the next administration needs to extradite him to a friendly jurisdiction that is chomping at the bit to prosecute, maybe one of the Eastern European countries. Don’t give up and make Fauci’s golden years memorable. Remember, in the criminal “justice” system you might beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.
It seems more likely he thinks it’s a big waste of time and money, because a conviction would probably never come. I lean more in el gato’s side, let the dirty laundry air out, and who cares if an actual conviction is the result. The more people that have there eyes opened up to this fraud the better, that would be a true win.
The ignorance of the public is far more dangerous than Fauci. If they are not educated then you can count on a reBLEAT, plandemic, or otherwise. That said i do think there needs to be a full-on inquiry.
I've said before that the best we're going to do is make sure today's children speak of Fauci as a negative epithet, for posterity, for all that went wrong. "Fauci the Face of Terror "...or something.
The Scamdemic was the world's first perfect proof of concept exercise.
The people validated the product wholesale.
The product is:
This must be revealed.
Fauci is just one variable. He's a "weighted" variable. But not the only variable. The heaviest variable is the ignorance of the public. Fauci is short for this world, the general population is not.
Sorry. Just how it is. I wish it were not so.
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just a pragmatist that chooses to live in reality.
💯🎯 Full pubic disclosure is the only acceptable response. I’m not interested in pubic dollars supporting these criminals in prison, but I do think an appropriate punishment would include the return of every single penny they acquired from anything Covid related to be held in a fund to help those affected by their crimes. We are only seeing the iceberg tip in a future ocean of misery. The medical expenses alone will break the backs of many. And we still don’t know if the contaminations can be passed to the yet unborn.
If these crimes aren’t exposed, there will no incentive to investigate and research how to fix the damage, no reason to support those who are damaged. There won’t be any incentive to fix the processes that allowed this to happen. There won’t be any reason to reform the entire healthcare system to prevent medical professionals from marching in lockstep with insanity. Fauci, Birx, Et al. need to be publicly shamed, and financially punished.
IMO the general public is under the heavy sedation of the “tel-lie-vision” which is 100% controlled propaganda via our lying guberment which has been mind controlling us for years.
Yup, I am sooo tired of every "rogue former CIA or FBI agent setting out to save the world" shows. They are little better than Duddley do Right saving sweet Nell from being tied to the tracks by Snidely Whiplash. I want to go back to the Fast and Furious Roadrunner vs. Whiley Coyote. And, Leave It To Beaver deforesting the the country to build better dams. and ponds to stop wild fires in Californ-i-a.
To know the truth is to know it will make you mad...in both senses of the word. Part of that is understanding history. If people understood history perhaps they wouldn't have done the "Nestea Plunge" into an empty deep end during the scamdemic.
But you already knew this. And, I for one, would choose to live no other way.
It's the only way to evaluate futue risk (and opportunity) in order to prepare for future events.
Risk assessment is tightly correlated to intelligence and success, for the most part (not saying I'm a pillar of intelligence)...but, im sure you catch my drift.
yes, I get it. And indeed it drove me mad as it made me mad! As my fortune cookie reminded me recently, I am gifted with the uncommon gift of common sense. It's hard to be the one who sees the wolf for what he is.
I also keep a fortune cookie saying on my cork board: "Every great accomplishment is at first impossible." This is the battle we are in on the whole plandemic, globalist, takeover.
"To know the truth" is to know and understand the history of where all this came from, the origins of the lies and deception and how medical science came to be based on fraudulent science; there cannot be a future based on truth when we have a foundation built on lies and deliberately ignoring a past that may be too uncomfortable to face; we were too often willing victims of scientism and deliberate fraudulent schemes made on behalf of money, power, human ego and hubris; and, of course, the collective stupidity of the masses which the Faucis of the world can always count on to assist them in even the most unimaginable evils.
So so well said! No more Noble Lies, exposure because 1. Those who died 2. Those who lost their loved ones 3. Those who are living with Covid-19 spike injuries now and in the future, 4. Those who were lied to deserve both the truth and retribution 5. The future of respect for science/medicine are inextricably linked to the truth. And lastly, if we learned anything from the Left, exposure in court means that the process is the punishment, at the very least, and if convicted fines and jail time. No more Noble Lies!
If i could boil down what the public needs to know it comes down to two things. Because it's true and it's the bottom line of every study ive seen (after fleshing out the obfuscation/manipulation):
1. They tried to kill us (and knew) for money.
2. The only treatment necessary for c19 was; DO NOTHING.
Just a few days ago a local friend of a friend who is a police officer (read likely jabbed for job) probably early to mid 40s, extremely fit, weight lifter had some kind of cardiac event and is on an induced coma in ventilation. His wife is pregnant. More and more stories every day like this one. We can't forgive, forget, and move on! There needs to be accountability!
The sawed off little prick should have to sweat bullets under oath for the rest of his evil life.
It isn't just his responsibility for the creation of Covid, but also his urging of the insane lockdowns and retarded masking/social distancing/isolation policies that resulted in damages far beyond any deaths that were probably destined to happen with the next wave of regular flue.
I agree. It was working and so they (he in particular) kept taking it a little further at a time. I saw the empty tents all over the parking lot at a local hospital making it look like they had a triage set up for incoming patients that the hospital couldn't find room for. Empty. I admit I panicked for a few days at the onset, and then realized it was ridiculous, (plus we had already caught this deadly flu weeks before announcement). No one listened. I earned my tin foil hat and I'm the crazy person. I pray the shots didn't harm these people... and I pray their kids recover for all we put them through. Maybe him having to live with himself is punishment enough. But that would mean he has a conscience. Ha... I agree with you, Patriot.
Mark - problem is the downstream effects to both the jabbed AND unjabbed via shedding, exosomes, surgical exposure, etc.:
- menstrual and fertility irregularities
- blood poisoning
- clots, stroke
- prions disease
We're just seeing the fallout. A woman we know is completely unjabbed yet suffering a lot of effects (heart condition) just from exposure to GoF virus.
I know others who get ill just being in the same room with the jabbed.
Why did this suddenly emerge? Placing/Maintaining humanity under fear, control, "fixing" social security, depopulation agenda.
Even if Fauci is not convicted or sent to prison, I would like to see him suffer through what will undoubtedly be a lengthy trial where he has to listen to his accusers and try to lie about all his disgusting actions for hours and hours instead of enjoying his retirement. I want him to be humiliated and vilified in front of the world for the monster that he is!
I personally want a Nuremberg 2.0. Let the hangings begin and be public. Let every psychopathic bureaucrat and doctor and research team and pharmaceutical company shake in their shoes. Deterrence is best served because blood flows. You won’t sweet talk any of these bad actors into moral behavior! Let them taste the fear and the loss we have known!
Surely I'm not the only one who recognizes this Pink Floyd l lyric? When I begin to question whether I am beginning to lose my memory completely, I'm comforted by the fact that I can still recall in full all the words to Jethro Tull's Aqualung album, my first LP purchase!
The more time passes, the easier it is for them to say, "Look, mistakes we're made. The system failed (not individuals) so let's put into place a few reforms and call it good."
Agreed! If my close friends and family had not listened to me, and had been injured by the clot shots or died from the cooties, I would have already ventilated that genocidal goblin's head.
It was more my wife, who was a research scientist. She was horrified by the way they just pulled a "vaccine" out of their asses. She recognized that it was a patented sequence and therefore man made virus.
I have only a small family and a very few real friends.
All of this ignores the fact that Fauci’s been leading Americans to their deaths since the 1980’s. It also ignores that he committed fraud in engineering fake studies that purportedly showed ivermectin was dangerous. He is the most vile person in American history.
We are back to PPP!!! Not the Paycheck Protection Program that decimated our Treasury and trust, but a Prophylactic Presidential Pardon. I guess that is putting a big rubber over Fauci to keep him safe. I say, "off with his head"!! Remember Emily Oster and her trial balloning. People came after her and sent her scurrying. Aside from wanting blood, is not discovery worth the process of prosecution. Would prosecution expose the facts in such a way that the public would realize all those things we know cause we were wondering and observing and digging actually happened, or would they just not care. They won't care, but I still don't wish to pardon. You pardon cause someone was wrongly convicted or time has passed or you feel like extending kindness or the times have changed and the mean vigor is gone. Fauci is old, but all the rest is fresh and very raw. Burn him!
Agree that he needs to be dealt with harshly. His emails in January 2020 show he knew what it was and did his best to hide it. If continued and grew. I also have a detestation for Emily Oster. She remains at Brown U and now pens parenting advice under the fawning gaze of Bari Weiss at The Free Press substance. I tend to snark anytime her name comes up. Her X profile identifies herself as a data driven economist. That's a lie right there.
People vaccinated their children based on her "advice." The addition of Emily Oster to The Free Press was the final straw for me with that Substack and I unsubscribed.
Wow! I missed the news that Emily Oster is now bed w the "Free Press". Aren't we humans something! Conniving, always recalibrating, and looking for growth and new opportunities. Knowing nothing about Weiss and Oster, let's just look at their looks, and I don't mean sexual orientation. Are they not same age, education level, elite wannabe positioning? You have to imagine how hard it is for professionals who were in the mix/milieu how disruptive this all has been. There are a lot of ways to respond. Strange bedfellows abound! Weiss and Oster need each other in order to meet at a center point and they need to guess where the public will determine that centerpoint/sweetspot is.
If Faux-Xi is allowed to skate, all the rest will too - individuals, agencies, media, politicians & governments. It’s of the same piece that mistakes were made & grace must be given & move on. I want to see sunlight, accountability & justice.
Dr. Marine sounds like an intelligence agency plant to shift the discussion to smooth Fauci’s likely pardon. But a pardon only applies to Federal crimes. Doesn’t mean a few state AGs can’t still legally prosecute Fauci. I would ask Dr. Marine, how many people died due to following Fauci’s character flaws? Were they then still just character flaws?
Fauci is responsible for mass murder and must be held accountable. Even worse, he repeated his playbook that killed AIDs patients, denying effective treatments in favor of his AZT poison.
Tremendous! Moved me cancel subscription to Dr Prasad for his seconding the pardon—appreciated his work to date, but on this; we part ways. That Teflon Ferret Fauci directly caused untoward injury and mass death across the plant— all while doing so with a rodent’s shit-eating grin— knowing he had full protection under Biden—he is the epitome of a coward. No, he needs to be tried, convicted, sent to prison, but actually, given his disregard for human not to mention disregard for animal life, preferably dangling from a tree branch.
I only vaguely followed Prasad as it seemed he tried to straddle the Covid realists with the pharma mainstream line. His association with Zdog in YouTube perplexed me as he seemed bought and paid for. I saw a clip of Zdog with Paul Offit on X yesterday of him essentially mocking a man that had lost his son. My impression of Zdog as a nasty shill was confirmed. Prasad is a squish.
His association with the Proximal Origins paper is not the first time he covered his tracks with deception. He should be held accountable for years of deceit.
There are segments of HIV in COVID 19 DNA. It was an engineered virus. Tony paid for almost 20 grants carried out at the Wuhan lab, including creating CoVID 19.
Then he excluded working meds to force through an EUA on a risky gene therapy as a ’vaccine’, and pocketed millions personally. He had a direct financial interest in the actions he took that was contrary to good medecine.
The world needs to know this.
And while we're at it, can we talk about AZT and the suppression of Bactrim in the late 80's/early 90's? I have a first cousin who died from the lung complications of AIDS. So yes, it's personal.
this seems like another line of rebuttal to the pardon argument.
we let him skate on AZT. look what happened next. had we held him to account, could we have avoided/deterred future issues?/
Exactly. And the number of people who know about this sordid chapter in history is probably even less than your 5%.
Yep ... And the number of people who knew about it, but then forgot ... or were programmed somehow to forget ... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whitewashing-aids-history_b_4762295
I just read this. For my ‘22 essay I had found info but not this detailed. To think that John needlessly suffocated to death makes me literally nauseated.
My brother lost his mind because of Fauci and AZT. He got CMV in his eyes and it traveled to his brain.
He weighed less than 65 pounds when he died. Knowing now that he died from the drug and not the disease….well I can’t afford to bring back the anger and sorrow again. It almost destroyed me the first time.
It’s why I hang on to believing in hell, but that means there is a god that lets horrible things happen.
That’s a must read. I hope people will read it.
Yes Fauci needs to be prosecuted for what he did to tens of thousands men.
“I’m sorry, I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something, but I think that we’re in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, [vaccine] mandates should be done,”
This is why Fauci must be prosecuted. He openly declared the US Constitution is null and void. Over a bad flu. The same constitution written in the middle of a major flu pandemic much more deadly than whatever "flu" threat covid was.
Seditious deprivation of rights ("Screw your selfish freedom!"). Punishable by the death penalty. Applies to health care providers and other acting as government officials:
"Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any."
This was amply documented in RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci, which sold over half a million copies in hardcover (for which he was denounced by the New York Times). David Martin has documented the patents Fauci owns on Sars and other viruses. And, by the way, mandating the use of Remdesivir and ventilators as "standard of care" killed many, while mRNA shots have injured and killed thousands. This is not an "error of judgement." Martine sounds like an apologist paid by the same gang pouring money into trying to prevent RFK Jr's certification.
Maybe I'm not on the wavelength here. But I don't think we have time nor the attention span from the public to latch these two together other than a retrospective footnote....or to simply draw a straight line from one to another.
I just don't think people care about HIV anymore. It'd be different if it were still a real threat.
I understand your argument Ryan, but the history speaks to who this man really is: an arrogant, self-serving criminal. History, enabled by ignorance, repeats itself.
Self serving, yes, but someone or something has given him his marching orders.
The people whose family members died still care very much about this.
Seems the current 'treatment' causes VAIDS. So, yes I Believe it's relevant. As Dr Martin has pointed out work on corona viruses began in the 1960s, it being identified as a bioweapon delivery platform by '67 and pfizer's first patent on corona in the early '90s.
This. Exactly this. I love your whole rebuttal today. Spot on and exactly what I was thinking when I read the other article
Yes. If we actually did something about that perhaps we could have avoided all the covid nonsense.
Yes for sure.
But at this point I'm pretty sure the only feasible way to measure success in this effort is to:
Write the pages of history on the c19 abomination.
Anything short of that is failure.
Conflating HIV and c19 requires trying to rewrite "history" from thirty years ago.
It's a pothole and creates unnecessary headwinds.
I, and others, are doing that.
I'm not not a doctor, but I play one on TV.
I imagine though, that writing the history of Covid, will bring to mind the question. "So when did you realize the government was lying to you?"
That's one of my questions now to those who think the government is lying to them and minimizing COVID-19. "So only now the government is lying to you that the headwinds of the narrative have changed a bit."
If someone asked me a similar question in 2020.." so only now do you think the government is lying to you...that they may have lied about other things as well." My response would be "No, I have always thought the government was dishonest, but never before had they coerced me to participate in the lie in such a direct manner."
"No, I have always thought the government was dishonest, but never before had they coerced me to participate in the lie in such a direct manner."
What an excellent comment.
Meh, taking off your shoes every time you go through security was pretty coercive and ultimately based on lies too. But I get what you're saying. Breaching the outer barrier of my body is way over the line.
Well I don’t think that history going to be taught in government “schools “. But it can and should be taught
you can also just buy all the tuttle twins books and read them with your kids like I do! excellent material and tone.
Yes the turtle twins are good I actually think their video content is better in that it feels more geared towards children
The books feel a bit preachy for my taste and I know I would have rebelled against them as a child
I if that works for you that great though
Ultimately they are going to write there history so it’s up to the rest of us to tell our story of what happened
I lost my beloved BIL to AZT. I want Fauci.
Bot folks.
Virtually any post with a short first name for a female is a bot fyi.
If a word in their post is bold or italics with quotes, its def a bot.
you're talking disparagingly about the only followers I have!
@Ryan- I've noticed these 'comments' more and more on Substack.
well maybe not every short first name.... or short noun for a name 😉
haha. we all know and love you cat!
I can double your "money". Find out how..... https/www.youareasucker.
You can report spam or bots to the admins. It's in the three dots/hamburger menu for the message.
i do every time. but they regenerate like locusts.
It's the same revolutionary survival strategy: sheer numbers.
If you click on her name, you will find this particular post 19 times.
Yes, I've seen this exact post on another stack. Interesting. I don't click, but thanks for the heads up.
You mean quotes.
yes. whoops. that's why i should not drive and type...:)
Another benefit of doing a thorough investigation, even if Fauci, et al, are acquitted (for what ever reasons), is that we will then have the knowledge and opportunity to devise new laws specific to the situation Fauci and his crony accomplices took advantage of for personal gain, at the expense of the public’s health.
Just because there is no specific law against doing something evil, does not make it permissible, and that punishment is not warranted.
If confirmed, Kennedy who as a lawyer had success suing the EPA will change the corrupt environment of the NIH, CDC, FDA and others sub departments of the HHS. Count on that.
Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com
Kurt. I agree with you. So please don't take this the wrong way.
Approaching this as a one-two punch of HIV and c19 will be losing the forest for the trees.
Nobody really cares about HIV anymore. It could be supporting "evidence", but i think little focus should be given to that subject in relation to the atrocities committed by this evil gnome during c19.
It's opportunity costs.
I get your point RG, but people are still being gravely harmed by medications which are pushed based on the HIV->AIDS->death fraud. Bringing that to light can still save lives.
Yes. It sucks. But opportunity costs is more deadly in this case.
It just is what it is. I believe the inquiry should have a plan with measurable metrics and outcomes.
And just like a business plan or war plan, it will be "wrong", therefore the tactics need to adjust based on feedback/signals/analysis. This can be done without compromising the strategy.
A plan that doesn't allow for changes in tactics, when the facts on the ground change, is just hope.
Hope is not a plan. Eventually, it's a road to apathy...especially when people don't believe in the plan.
What we're debating now is strategy. We don't have one yet.
The Deep State has built a castle within government, protected from attack by the high walls of the law and regulations. We need a siege, not a frontal assault. This mean probing in multiple places, looking for weaknesses, and chipping away at that wall. This will involve FOIA requests, lawsuits, congressional inquiries, prosecutions of lower-level accomplices, private investigations, and most importly constant publicity of embassasing or incriminating information. If the public loses interest in this subject it will become that much harder to get to the bottom of it. Constant pressure Ryan, constant pressure.
Agree Kertch, except for congressional hearings, all they produce is acid reflux.
Sadly, in today's polarized atmosphere, it's all too easy to dismiss congressional hearings as partisan. The behavior of half of the congressional members at any of these hearings only serves to undermine any credibility — because the opposing side always spends their five minutes in partisan grandstanding.
True, but when it comes to Fauci and Covid, any publicity is good publicity. Keep the story alive.
Please RFK, develop a strategy.
Surely lawfare is one. Drain some ill begotten means. 1-2 punch with Covid first and HIV on deck.
No doubt about that.....the normie cannot fathom that covid-19 was a for profit engineered hoax and carry let alone AIDS 'epidemic'......its overwhelming....and all that is assuming these investigations get past the dead dinosaur media firewall.
I have friends who loathe Fauci for what he did with AZT. They are on the political left, but fully distrust Fauci and see him as a criminal. They were silent during the dark days of 2021 and 2022. They didn't trust what they were being told by the pfauchster, but honestly afraid of losing their political home if they said something.
I think all this needs light. It might not be possible to send all these profiteers to Jail, but a very bright light, possibly via some costly civil suits by people with standing (injured or dead relatives) in venues where the percentage of mental illness in the jury pool is somewhat lower than in DC would make the next snake oil salesman think twice. And that after all is what we really need. Some way to make sure that should someone ever again have the power Fauci held (and I sincerely hope that doesn't happen, changing this is important) will absolutely look at Tony's penury and ignominy and think, 'naw, if I really want to make money at a rapid clip, I'll run for congress.'
Well said. Thank you.
Because I'm old and need to have some sort of social contact/life, most of my friends are normies. There is so much that is, as they say, not in their comfort zone. I think they're representative of a lot of the US population. I'm not sure that even if Fauci, et al. were brought to trial and prosecuted that they would accept that outcome. It would also be out of their comfort zones.
I disagree with you about it not mattering anymore, but I agree Covid will get people's attention better. The HIV history can be tacked on later.
Taking RFK's book off the various blacklists would be a good start. The fact that so many people bought it despite the difficulties says quite a lot about interest in the subject.
Well, then we agree
With subtle differences :)
That's what makes this coalition great imo!
I worked directly on the HIV trials. It was brutal on the protocol screeners and this was when AIDS was a death sentence. Read The Real Dr. Fauci - you will run to the head of the line to complain about it, BUT, Ryan is right, and HIV is no longer a death sentence.
Let Fauci explain the horrendous C19 clinical trials: protocols not run for contagion (how the hell?), dose dependency, safety, efficacy, and the eventual bait and switch - let's not forget the ships and containers adapted for sub-zero temperatures, then suddenly stopped. All cues to me that this was an enormous scam. Focus on C19. So many innocents (willful or not) have no clue about the facts.
RG - it's all of a piece. Look into how the dangerous PreP (essentially the disgraced Truvada) is currently being pushed on healthy people deemed to be "at risk" for the never-isolated HIV and you'll see the through-line for all the public health abuses of the recent years. We should care about HIV- even if only as the first viral construct designed to corral the plebs. It wasn't an accident that the health crisis suffered by a then- marginalized population became the opportunity for rolling out such gems as the dubious PCR and "asymptomatic infection". Because "no one" cared. But! Remember when the thought bomb that there was going to be an explosion of cases in the heterosexual population...? It never happened- likely bc "testing" was never really population wide to the level of covid. ("Too bad" people believed that avoiding unsafe sex was enough to keep them healthy... and tests were never mandatory. Unless you wanted to generate cases in single mothers on welfare or orphans... but I digress) Rebecca Culshaw is a source for understanding the shenanigans.
Exactly! This man is a criminal mind, acting AGAINST the best interests of all Americans to enrich his Pharmaceutical Masters by making us, & our children, seriously ill.
Fouci recklessly sent Ralph Baric's engineered DURC viruses to China, our rival at best & enemy, at worst, & then funded them. Please read Bobby Kennedy's books on this, & see the Pandemic Planning/Gaming invoked & involved in the whole Covid Coup on Freedom in the USA & the entire world.
Fouci, & his, imho, traitorous acts, were instrumental in accomplishing this horror, these crimes against Humanity.
He was instrumental in developing Sars-cov-2, the evidence proves to my satisfaction.
He was instrumental in the suppression of effective early treatments; this was the key to creating the damage & death counts utilized to shut this nation & keep it shut, as were the lethal hospital protocols used in the USA to create the excess deaths which were then used to terrorize our Nation, & support illegal & Unconstitutional destruction of property, freedom of speech & bodily autonomy.
He undermined our President & his efforts to protect Americans from the destruction of the Unconstitutional & lethal mandates while suppressing live saving therapies. This is intentional mass murder, as were the hospital protocols, imo, & as the evidence supports.
Furthermore he encouraged forced masking, a harmful & dehumanizing practice, which does little or nothing to protect people from this, almost guaranteed Gain-Of-Function creation. And, he did all of the above, imo, to help force the toxic, potentially lethal genetic therapy on all Americans.
On pregnant women. On children. On the elderly. An injection which was experimental, which is contaminated, which is deadly & dangerous.
And, we must face the uncomfortable fact that PEOPLE did these things not agencies.
People wrote those policies. People enforced those policies & people need to be fully exposed for their crimes against Humanity, & PROSECUTED!
I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who has caused greater harm to the population, especially when factoring in the permanent changes in individuals not yet overtly symptomatic, and generations to come.
The fact that they were able to pass the EUA was huge
Big PharmA made $billions, and probably $trillions off this.
I’m sure tony has a stuffed bank account in Switzerland or the Caymans.
The EUA thing is huge. BIG PharmA made $billions and probably $trillions off of that decision. I am sure Fai
My reaction to and summary in response to this entire idea began and ended with the first quotation of the man at the top:
« Because arrogance, grandiosity, self-importance, poor judgment, dogmatism, and dishonesty are character flaws, not crimes »
No. Absolutely not. Incorrect on all counts.
Has Dr. Marine never heard of crimes such as manslaughter, even including involuntary manslaughter? People die, yet the ones who killed didn't mean to do so, but they still get tried, convicted, and sentenced. Rightfully so. Certain levels of "didn't mean it" are still criminal.
The fact is that "but I didn't *mean* it!" has bearing only on the severity of the charge and the extent of the sentence. Ignorance is no excuse, especially for a man in Fauci's oh-so-vaunted position, where he had all the resources necessary to carry out a decent course of action.
Excellent points....but I'll offer a step further....Anthony fauci knew exactly what he was doing....and he was more than happy to sacrifice (kill) 'useless eaters' to make more $$$$ and elevate himself to 'deity' and 'bobble head' status.
Agree. Fauci and his evil cult have been fiddlefucking around for years to cause “pandemics” and become kings. I’d debate whether c19 was a viral pandemic or a testing pandemic, but either way, mission accomplished!
It’s like involuntary manslaughter times millions.
He has done it before
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. I can't help but wonder if Dr. Marine has been happily swimming in an ocean of funding from NIAID??
Have some respect, humanity owes Dr. Marine a debt of gratitude for inventing the ocean. And yes, his post has all the hallmarks of a (not Russian) deep state disinformation campaign. He seems to be trying to peel off just a little support amongst the informed subpopulation and setting up a rationale for letting the weasel get off scot free. Seems like unadulterated propaganda to me. Keep in mind that perhaps the most disastrous outcome of the 2008 great financial crisis was the public seeing clearly that certain classes of people are immune to consequences.
And we need a Plan B in mind when Fauci does inevitably get pardoned by Biden’s corpse. State prosecutions ala Trump for one. Also the next administration needs to extradite him to a friendly jurisdiction that is chomping at the bit to prosecute, maybe one of the Eastern European countries. Don’t give up and make Fauci’s golden years memorable. Remember, in the criminal “justice” system you might beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.
"Have some respect, humanity owes Dr. Marine a debt of gratitude for inventing the ocean." 😆
The sun is the best of everything and that is why they are trying to take that away too.
It seems more likely he thinks it’s a big waste of time and money, because a conviction would probably never come. I lean more in el gato’s side, let the dirty laundry air out, and who cares if an actual conviction is the result. The more people that have there eyes opened up to this fraud the better, that would be a true win.
The punishment is the process.
Of course
The ignorance of the public is far more dangerous than Fauci. If they are not educated then you can count on a reBLEAT, plandemic, or otherwise. That said i do think there needs to be a full-on inquiry.
I've said before that the best we're going to do is make sure today's children speak of Fauci as a negative epithet, for posterity, for all that went wrong. "Fauci the Face of Terror "...or something.
The Scamdemic was the world's first perfect proof of concept exercise.
The people validated the product wholesale.
The product is:
This must be revealed.
Fauci is just one variable. He's a "weighted" variable. But not the only variable. The heaviest variable is the ignorance of the public. Fauci is short for this world, the general population is not.
Sorry. Just how it is. I wish it were not so.
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just a pragmatist that chooses to live in reality.
💯🎯 Full pubic disclosure is the only acceptable response. I’m not interested in pubic dollars supporting these criminals in prison, but I do think an appropriate punishment would include the return of every single penny they acquired from anything Covid related to be held in a fund to help those affected by their crimes. We are only seeing the iceberg tip in a future ocean of misery. The medical expenses alone will break the backs of many. And we still don’t know if the contaminations can be passed to the yet unborn.
If these crimes aren’t exposed, there will no incentive to investigate and research how to fix the damage, no reason to support those who are damaged. There won’t be any incentive to fix the processes that allowed this to happen. There won’t be any reason to reform the entire healthcare system to prevent medical professionals from marching in lockstep with insanity. Fauci, Birx, Et al. need to be publicly shamed, and financially punished.
Well said.
Pardon my French...:)
IMO the general public is under the heavy sedation of the “tel-lie-vision” which is 100% controlled propaganda via our lying guberment which has been mind controlling us for years.
We DESERVE better PSYOPS!...;)
Yup, I am sooo tired of every "rogue former CIA or FBI agent setting out to save the world" shows. They are little better than Duddley do Right saving sweet Nell from being tied to the tracks by Snidely Whiplash. I want to go back to the Fast and Furious Roadrunner vs. Whiley Coyote. And, Leave It To Beaver deforesting the the country to build better dams. and ponds to stop wild fires in Californ-i-a.
Ryan, well said! (was this a purposeful double meaning? :) " Fauci is short for this world,")
Yes. I've used it before to be silly.
But I've done it too much. I didn't want to bore people
I loved it - brought a chuckle:)
living in reality. It hurts a little.
To know the truth is to know it will make you mad...in both senses of the word. Part of that is understanding history. If people understood history perhaps they wouldn't have done the "Nestea Plunge" into an empty deep end during the scamdemic.
But you already knew this. And, I for one, would choose to live no other way.
It's the only way to evaluate futue risk (and opportunity) in order to prepare for future events.
Risk assessment is tightly correlated to intelligence and success, for the most part (not saying I'm a pillar of intelligence)...but, im sure you catch my drift.
yes, I get it. And indeed it drove me mad as it made me mad! As my fortune cookie reminded me recently, I am gifted with the uncommon gift of common sense. It's hard to be the one who sees the wolf for what he is.
I also keep a fortune cookie saying on my cork board: "Every great accomplishment is at first impossible." This is the battle we are in on the whole plandemic, globalist, takeover.
My fortune cookie said "Oh boy, are you fucked!"
until we unfook it.
No doubt. Def frustrating at times
"To know the truth" is to know and understand the history of where all this came from, the origins of the lies and deception and how medical science came to be based on fraudulent science; there cannot be a future based on truth when we have a foundation built on lies and deliberately ignoring a past that may be too uncomfortable to face; we were too often willing victims of scientism and deliberate fraudulent schemes made on behalf of money, power, human ego and hubris; and, of course, the collective stupidity of the masses which the Faucis of the world can always count on to assist them in even the most unimaginable evils.
agree, Tony
Don't worry Ryan, you're a pillar of versimilitude.
hahaha. likewise, Kertch!
i am smart enough to know what that means. and that is the ultimate compliment imo
I agree it isn’t just one person (although Soros & Schwab are 2 major players). Fauci might be a start.
People, unenlightened need to understand that one person did all of this. It was/is a concerted effort that will not end with the conviction of fauci.
I don’t know. There is a lot of work to be done that will last for decades
So so well said! No more Noble Lies, exposure because 1. Those who died 2. Those who lost their loved ones 3. Those who are living with Covid-19 spike injuries now and in the future, 4. Those who were lied to deserve both the truth and retribution 5. The future of respect for science/medicine are inextricably linked to the truth. And lastly, if we learned anything from the Left, exposure in court means that the process is the punishment, at the very least, and if convicted fines and jail time. No more Noble Lies!
If i could boil down what the public needs to know it comes down to two things. Because it's true and it's the bottom line of every study ive seen (after fleshing out the obfuscation/manipulation):
1. They tried to kill us (and knew) for money.
2. The only treatment necessary for c19 was; DO NOTHING.
The public needs to know this.
1. They tried to kill us (and knew) for money and depopulation.
Whoops. Forgot that one. You complete my post....lol, Sonia!
Just a few days ago a local friend of a friend who is a police officer (read likely jabbed for job) probably early to mid 40s, extremely fit, weight lifter had some kind of cardiac event and is on an induced coma in ventilation. His wife is pregnant. More and more stories every day like this one. We can't forgive, forget, and move on! There needs to be accountability!
Yes. We are still amid the Great Die-off.
The sawed off little prick should have to sweat bullets under oath for the rest of his evil life.
It isn't just his responsibility for the creation of Covid, but also his urging of the insane lockdowns and retarded masking/social distancing/isolation policies that resulted in damages far beyond any deaths that were probably destined to happen with the next wave of regular flue.
I agree. It was working and so they (he in particular) kept taking it a little further at a time. I saw the empty tents all over the parking lot at a local hospital making it look like they had a triage set up for incoming patients that the hospital couldn't find room for. Empty. I admit I panicked for a few days at the onset, and then realized it was ridiculous, (plus we had already caught this deadly flu weeks before announcement). No one listened. I earned my tin foil hat and I'm the crazy person. I pray the shots didn't harm these people... and I pray their kids recover for all we put them through. Maybe him having to live with himself is punishment enough. But that would mean he has a conscience. Ha... I agree with you, Patriot.
The little turd has absolutely no shame. Read some of his history. The aids fiasco, the beagle cruelty, there's more.
He is an evil evil little man.
indeed :(
His conscience has to have been seared long ago for him to have done what he did.
Over and over again
if he ever had one. What a snake.
Why would the worst virus in history suddenly emerge?
No one was talking about GoF at that time.
And even with GoF, nearly all survived.
Mark - problem is the downstream effects to both the jabbed AND unjabbed via shedding, exosomes, surgical exposure, etc.:
- menstrual and fertility irregularities
- blood poisoning
- clots, stroke
- prions disease
We're just seeing the fallout. A woman we know is completely unjabbed yet suffering a lot of effects (heart condition) just from exposure to GoF virus.
I know others who get ill just being in the same room with the jabbed.
Why did this suddenly emerge? Placing/Maintaining humanity under fear, control, "fixing" social security, depopulation agenda.
Looking forward to meeting you for lunch one day.
I will never forgive nor forget
Forgive because it's good for your own health and sanity
But yes, remember.
Even if Fauci is not convicted or sent to prison, I would like to see him suffer through what will undoubtedly be a lengthy trial where he has to listen to his accusers and try to lie about all his disgusting actions for hours and hours instead of enjoying his retirement. I want him to be humiliated and vilified in front of the world for the monster that he is!
Nuremberg 2.0!
And bankrupted and deprived of his ill'gotten blood money.
Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com
I personally want a Nuremberg 2.0. Let the hangings begin and be public. Let every psychopathic bureaucrat and doctor and research team and pharmaceutical company shake in their shoes. Deterrence is best served because blood flows. You won’t sweet talk any of these bad actors into moral behavior! Let them taste the fear and the loss we have known!
I get what you're saying. And agree, but our biggest enemy is TIME.
The perpetrators and Congress Critters have all the time in the world. This is what they've counted on since the beginning:
'Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way'
Surely I'm not the only one who recognizes this Pink Floyd l lyric? When I begin to question whether I am beginning to lose my memory completely, I'm comforted by the fact that I can still recall in full all the words to Jethro Tull's Aqualung album, my first LP purchase!
i hope people do. i can't say i know the words to all of that album. but i'm pretty sure i do for dark side of the moon.
The more time passes, the easier it is for them to say, "Look, mistakes we're made. The system failed (not individuals) so let's put into place a few reforms and call it good."
Agreed! If my close friends and family had not listened to me, and had been injured by the clot shots or died from the cooties, I would have already ventilated that genocidal goblin's head.
It's good that you convinced people. I failed.
It was more my wife, who was a research scientist. She was horrified by the way they just pulled a "vaccine" out of their asses. She recognized that it was a patented sequence and therefore man made virus.
I have only a small family and a very few real friends.
I had a few wins. Many more when it came to boosters.
All of this ignores the fact that Fauci’s been leading Americans to their deaths since the 1980’s. It also ignores that he committed fraud in engineering fake studies that purportedly showed ivermectin was dangerous. He is the most vile person in American history.
Agree, along with the current cabbage head potus
We are back to PPP!!! Not the Paycheck Protection Program that decimated our Treasury and trust, but a Prophylactic Presidential Pardon. I guess that is putting a big rubber over Fauci to keep him safe. I say, "off with his head"!! Remember Emily Oster and her trial balloning. People came after her and sent her scurrying. Aside from wanting blood, is not discovery worth the process of prosecution. Would prosecution expose the facts in such a way that the public would realize all those things we know cause we were wondering and observing and digging actually happened, or would they just not care. They won't care, but I still don't wish to pardon. You pardon cause someone was wrongly convicted or time has passed or you feel like extending kindness or the times have changed and the mean vigor is gone. Fauci is old, but all the rest is fresh and very raw. Burn him!
Agree that he needs to be dealt with harshly. His emails in January 2020 show he knew what it was and did his best to hide it. If continued and grew. I also have a detestation for Emily Oster. She remains at Brown U and now pens parenting advice under the fawning gaze of Bari Weiss at The Free Press substance. I tend to snark anytime her name comes up. Her X profile identifies herself as a data driven economist. That's a lie right there.
People vaccinated their children based on her "advice." The addition of Emily Oster to The Free Press was the final straw for me with that Substack and I unsubscribed.
Wow! I missed the news that Emily Oster is now bed w the "Free Press". Aren't we humans something! Conniving, always recalibrating, and looking for growth and new opportunities. Knowing nothing about Weiss and Oster, let's just look at their looks, and I don't mean sexual orientation. Are they not same age, education level, elite wannabe positioning? You have to imagine how hard it is for professionals who were in the mix/milieu how disruptive this all has been. There are a lot of ways to respond. Strange bedfellows abound! Weiss and Oster need each other in order to meet at a center point and they need to guess where the public will determine that centerpoint/sweetspot is.
Well McGoo, you done it again.
Excellent article with thoughtful and well written arguments.
I'm saving this for when >hopefully> the trial starts.
The 2 most relevant and easy for this bear of little brain to recall are:
events are caused by people not objects;
the people who made the causative decisions need to become example for later generations.
Thank you for being the baddest kitty.
I would add “bad *ss.” The baddest “bad *ass” kitty.
If Faux-Xi is allowed to skate, all the rest will too - individuals, agencies, media, politicians & governments. It’s of the same piece that mistakes were made & grace must be given & move on. I want to see sunlight, accountability & justice.
that is really where the truth can be brought to the public... the ones who blindly followed and call us conspiracy theorists.
Me too :/
Dr. Marine sounds like an intelligence agency plant to shift the discussion to smooth Fauci’s likely pardon. But a pardon only applies to Federal crimes. Doesn’t mean a few state AGs can’t still legally prosecute Fauci. I would ask Dr. Marine, how many people died due to following Fauci’s character flaws? Were they then still just character flaws?
Fauci is responsible for mass murder and must be held accountable. Even worse, he repeated his playbook that killed AIDs patients, denying effective treatments in favor of his AZT poison.
100% agree. Every email and royalty payment and GOF grant should be made public.
Tremendous! Moved me cancel subscription to Dr Prasad for his seconding the pardon—appreciated his work to date, but on this; we part ways. That Teflon Ferret Fauci directly caused untoward injury and mass death across the plant— all while doing so with a rodent’s shit-eating grin— knowing he had full protection under Biden—he is the epitome of a coward. No, he needs to be tried, convicted, sent to prison, but actually, given his disregard for human not to mention disregard for animal life, preferably dangling from a tree branch.
I only vaguely followed Prasad as it seemed he tried to straddle the Covid realists with the pharma mainstream line. His association with Zdog in YouTube perplexed me as he seemed bought and paid for. I saw a clip of Zdog with Paul Offit on X yesterday of him essentially mocking a man that had lost his son. My impression of Zdog as a nasty shill was confirmed. Prasad is a squish.
Yes as so many of my extended family members took the jab because he said to. They trusted him :(
Keep in mind, every-time Fauci lied, he was given an award and/or chosen to give college commencement speech on how he upheld “truth”