this is why we must talk about these issues, get ahead of them, learn the ins and outs, and learn to stop this tyranny of terror from finding purchase upon us.


And this is exactly why people like Peter Hotez and Anthony Fauci are doing everything they can to NOT talk about this. They want to write the history where they were correct -- or at least going on the information they had at the time -- instead of the truth: They were covering their asses because they funded gain of function research in a shoddy Chinese lab well-known for ignoring normal procedure.

That's why Hotez won't go on Rogan, even for $1.5 million to charity. The questions that we have cannot be answered to our satisfaction. Here's just a few that I went over in my article yesterday:


Why mandate a vaccine that doesn’t stop transmission? (And why did you say that it would?)

Why are we treating everybody as if they have the same risk profile? We’ve known who’s at risk of covid basically since the start of the pandemic. Why was a 25-year-old healthy male treated the same as an 80-year-old nursing home patient? (Trick question, nobody signed an order that would send infected covid patients into the the 25-year-old’s home.)

As a follow-up question, why did we we mandate a vaccine for our military members — who are perhaps the youngest and fittest group of Americans — when we knew that older, obese people were at greatest risk? Especially considering military-age males are particularly susceptible to heart-related issues caused by the vaccine and experienced during times of great stress. (Such as battle.)

We’ve known since the beginning that kids were at basically zero risk from covid itself, yet we forced them into masks, closed schools, and told them they couldn’t see their friends. All of these had massive costs to our children — what data suggested the benefits of these actions outweighed the costs?

Why weren’t we testing for antibodies and acquired (some say “natural”) immunity in patients, instead mandating that people who had recovered from covid ALSO got a full vaccination dose?

Why are we not even keeping track of WHICH vaccine people got?

If “the science was constantly changing”, why did people such as Hotez act as if it were completely settled? Why did government pressure social media sites to ban those who disagreed with the official narrative — which more than once ultimately end up where the ‘skeptics’ started?


They desperately want to stop us from asking those questions because they know they cannot be answered in a way that makes them the good guys -- and they NEED to be seen as the good guys in order to maintain their status and power.

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The fact that Hotez won’t debate is very telling,because normally the current intelligentsia will debate anything just to further absurdity and division.They won’t debate because they realize they would only lose ground in a debate and no winning,but not debating is hurting them as well.They are stuck between a rock and a hard place.I suspect Hotez next move is to stage a physical assault on himself for sympathy.

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He ran back to the safe space of MSNBC, and then the media started parroting the "science isn't up for debate" line. Links here:


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Amazing how they've turned science into politics dressed up in a white lab coat.

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and vaccinocide

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There's probably only 200k people who truly died FROM covid (most of them short for this world or just...sorry...unlucky) and that number would be half if they didn't cluster them in death chambers.

Then you could cut it in half again if the only guidance the PHA'S gave was:

Get outside and "play".


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And mainly pandering to big corporations (pharma).

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As usual they mistake a pile of dung as the “moral, intellectual, ethical high ground.

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Its not that they just don't want to learn, or admit they were wrong or that they're avoiding being exposed as idiots.

What they covet is; maintaining the ability to "reach" for the witchcraft AGAIN.

To lose that would be their defeat and total humiliation.

That's what we MUST take from them.

If we don't:

Expect it AGAIN.

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Again. Like around the summer to early fall of 2024.

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Hope he’s successful. He sure wasn’t about Wuhan Flu.

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LOL Exactly. Most of the questions we have don't even require super technical scientific knowledge or expertise. They boil down to: "Why the fuck did you assume the authority to do any of this in the first place?"

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And why did we give it to them?

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I was ready to riot in March 2020

Can’t believe how blind everyone was and is.

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That's exactly when I unplugged and went to the stacks.

The BLM shit was nauseating as they tell me two things at once:

"We're all in it together" AND that my business (my families livelihood) is NON-ESSENTIAL, while there's a 4 month "mostly peaceful" lootathon going on that's determined by the PHA'S as absolutely necessary for the health of the hoodlums.

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Amazingly no cases were linked to BLM riots. But those scumbags in Sturgis killed millions!!!!

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Rioting is ONLY acceptable on behalf of the totalitarians. Rioting in the cause of freedom is verboten! Did you not learn ANYTHING from Jan 06? Do we have to do it all over again?

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I wasn’t being literal. But that attitude reflected my level of anger with everything that was going on.

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Perhaps that's a better question.

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They terrified us with the death toll and the mantra: no treatment -- stay at home until your lips turn blue and you gasp for air, your lungs turn into ground glass, you're hit by strokes and heart attacks, uncontrolled diarrhea -- loved ones aren't allowed to accompany you, you are going to die alone, or even worse, you are commanded to dump your loved one at the hospital emergency entrance to die alone. Who wouldn't be scared, especially with the media and its slavering reports of mounting death tolls. And, the damn virus seemed to spread like the proverbial wildfire. Suddenly the media and health department heads were in control of the message. The psychology of it was devastating, especially if you had a beloved granny or grandpa to protect. Gawd, it was such an awful time with such creepy people in control.

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We didn’t have a lot of choice at the time.

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It's like the old moral question -If your town was surrounded by enemy forces and they demanded that you sacrifice an infant or they would kill everyone in your town - what would you do?

You always have a choice...

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You stand ready to kill as many enemies as you can and prepare to destroy and despoil every single resource and asset in the town, should it look certain that they'd manage to break through and win.

It's the /only/ choice.

So much the better if you have tricked the enemy into throwing everything at your position, counting on a quick victory due to you giving up and him being able to take your resources, only for him having to pay the price and be stuck with no resources and no gain in a burning village.

Prime historical example: how Russia made Napoleon defeat himself.

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Come on. I know I myself saw the scam long before the jabs actually came out. I made the choice to warn anyone I could, plus I protested the mandates. I ‘chose’ to do whatever I could and some others did as well. I remember in early 2020 my brother asking me in horror if I were an ‘antivaccer’. I barely knew what that meant then. I just knew I’d researched pharma products for years and didn’t trust this product especially given all the propaganda that was already being dispensed. Anyway, he then informed me that he intended to ‘go with the science’. Sigh.

My meaning is that we did not at that time have the choice to say enough of this; it’s got to stop. I mean we could say that, but with the machine offering nonstop propaganda, our efforts would have little effect. I know. I tried a great deal. So yeah, I chose. I had a choice. That doesn’t mean suddenly everyone who agreed stood up and stopped this nonsense. Doesn’t happen that way. I do think it is gradually happening though. People are starting to band together and be more informed. It’s great. I’m hopeful.

But it’s nonsense to say that we could have just bucked the whole existing culture just like that because we decided we didn’t like what was happening. Give me a break.

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I think _we_ had a lot of room for choice.

_We_ were too scared to choose any other option.

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Too many people have never, ever thought for themselves!

When afraid, (and boy didn't they just work their asses off to make everyone very, very, very afraid!) they look to the "authorities" to tell them what to do- even when the authorities are obviously blooming idiots!

Sigh. Humans.

But, I believe the cats of expert malfeasance and incompetence are out of the bag and running loose right now. And many are seeing them for the first time in their lives.

A little bird told me that the leading intellectuals in the US are now refusing to vaccinate their children AT ALL. They went down into the darkness that is this harmful and barbaric practice and realized the truth-. vaccines are disastrous for our children's health.

If we don't go straight into WW lll, a solar flare that ends civilization, or an actual lethal Plan or accidental "demic" that kills off a mass of humanity, or some other such catastrophe, I believe this knowledge will spread exponentially. And that will spell the death of the disease Cabal, if we deal with the other deadly toxins in our environment as well.


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It's up to $2.6 million. For nearly $3 million, Hotez still won't go on Rogan's show. As JP Sears says, he must hate charity.

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Hotez! What a guy! I guess JP knows how to call ‘em.

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He's a "Wormtongue" type. We have way too many of them in our society holding down positions of "authority." People need to get wise to their tactics, perceive them, and toss them out on their ears! Especially in our Legislatures.

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*waves* Hi, Lil!

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*waves* Hello, there, Mr. Pi.

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I can answer one why. To enable the states that are swing states governors to illegally force mail in voting, thereby creating the opportunity for massive voter fraud, and the subsequent installation of the current resident. That was the point from the gitgo, the other benefits were just testing. I will never believe there ever was a " leak". There was a planned release, created at the behest of the leaders of the democrat party.

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Dead on, but I think you mean the uniparty, not just the democrat party. SSCI chairman Richard Burr was as eager to be rid of Trump as anyone. McConnell, Romney, all these clowns in the Presidential race with zero support who are only there to maximize the time allotted to bashing Trump in the debates. McCarthy, who still won't release the J6 tapes. They are all showing their true colors now.

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Yep agreed. McConnell should be tried for treason right next to Joey. And his fucking wife.

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Totally agree.

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Excellent summary.

A couple of additions such as ivermectin being dismissed despite billions of people in the world having used it for other reasons. The fact that Africa had such a low death rate was because so many people were using ivermectin for malaria and other illnesses.

Also, vitamin D. There was so much discussion in the early days about how African-Americans were adversely affected and the trust the science crowd had to shut down it as well.

People coming into hospitals in terrible shape and we’re only given oxygen, fluids and Tylenol. Absolutely no effort to try and diminish the inflammation that ended up killing so many.

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We refute their claims with evidence.

We require them to evidence their claims.

Failure to irrefutably evidence their claims is tacit consent they were fraudulent.

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Of course. But unfortunately at this point they’re able to simply ignore all that. Along with bold faced lying. They’re not held accountable, at least so far, in any way. It’s outrageous. A few years ago I wouldn’t have believed how they take us for utter fools.

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Great comment. Agree++

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There's a wonderful quote by Thomas Sowell that I recently discovered that is so appropriate for the pandemic: "People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong."

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Absolutely brilliant observation. Mr. Sowell is a giant among us. Great post!

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Remember most of the unshotted refused the shots for irrational reasons. So says a supposed esteemed UK doctor.

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Ya we all got lucky with our blind rage. What a joke.

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'nobody knew!'

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This fool, Malhotra, said that even after he had ascertained that his own father had likely been killed by the jab.

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True enough , but I think he’s now a recovering fool .

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Until the next time?

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Not a big deal .

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Right. Jabs good, safe and effective. That’s what passes as ‘rational’. Anything else is just silly stupid foolishness, right?

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Lol! What part of a Lipid Nano Particle encased bit of modified RNA with instructions to force your own cells to make massive amounts of a CCP uploaded toxic Spike Protien sounds good too you??????

And with a mechanism to disable your immune system to stop if from counteracting that Trojan Horse invasion?

Yea Gods! Anyone who took it can't think straight or never bothered to get the facts, imho.

And then when Charles Hoffee FOIAed the Bio-distribution studies out of Japan, and you saw the proof that these nasty little Nano Particles bio-accumulate in the ovaries?? YIKES!

Or saw the people who dropped? Holy Cow. Morons took that jab. Those in the dark. The brainwashed. And the fearful. And the oppressed.

But not anyone with access to good information, rational thought, and independence. At least this is my personal opinion.

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Perhaps WE need to go full-on medieval against the covidean cartel. I’d be happy with any punishment from GoT😆

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BLOOD EAGLE!....Metaphorically of course....

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Since you mention it and it's my ancestorsit concerns...

Another thing they did, was tie/stake someone down so their head was inside an anthill.

Murderers suspected to be mad were executed by taking twenty spears, placing them blunt end in the ground so they are sturdily stuck in place, no more than a hand's length apart, making a bed of spearpoints at about chest height.

The condemned was then thrown atop the spearspoints (alive) in such a way he was stuck fast, eyes facing the sky, to hang there until his bones fell to the ground.

In times closer to ours, cutting a slit in the abdomen and pulling out a loop of intestine, which was put around a pole was a method used, mainly in recently conquered areas. The one about to die was then made to run until he "ran out of guts"...

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I love it when you learn me up on this stuff.

Sometimes I wonder if you're as "nice" as I imagine....or if you have a bunker below your house!...;)

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Nah, not bunker. I'm not one for static defence and hunkering down.

I'm more a "everywhere is a target, anything is a weapon" and "offence is the best defence" kind of guy.

I'm a nice as a badger, my wife says. :))

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God bless her.

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Metaphorically? Hmmmm.

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Purely out of respect for our host...;)

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Another good one. Iron Maiden?

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You're getting me all fired up Steenroid!...lol...:)

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A mostly peaceful one, of course.

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That's the ticket

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Why am I reminded of a scene featuring hungry dogs????

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Eh, a few days in my chicken house getting pecked by roosters is fine with me.

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I'm good with them being hung, drawn, & quartered at noon on the town square, video at 6 & 10 pm every day for at least 2 weeks to be sure everyone saw it.

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I'm thinking rack or garrote.

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Didn’t they used to draw and quarter people. Seems appropriate.

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Who is so fucking stupid to go all in on this kind of thinking?

Do you think the children will be taught it was all a mistake?


This is a pox on our nation and should be treated as such!

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Yeah, the fear mongering and insane lockdown coercions were part of the plan, not the result of bumbling, panicked idiots. This was done on purpose with the vast help of many useful idiots. The ‘powers that be’ will trot them out again at the drop of a pin, and the mobs will comply once again.

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It's already happening. Look at the car industry. It's collapsing under the me-too climate change freakout, and nobody cares.

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Controlled demolition of western civilization. A Neo-Dark Ages is the plan for humanity. What say us all?

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Time to kill.

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Speak up, fight back, don't take it lying down! We are all in this together. We will stand or fall, together. Truth is out, on the Covid Cartels, for all with eyes to see.

Truth is coming for the idiocy of electric cars, wind and solar, as well.

And climate "lockdowns!" We must be smarter, stronger, faster, and much, much more vocal this time. Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr. Mike Yeadon and El Gato.

Find the legislators telling the truth and support them! Write our Supreme Court Judges and thank them for bringing the Constitution back to life, after it's recent Near Death Experience! And get into Politics. Support all the decent, rational people who are standing up- Truth is becoming fashionable. We are ahead of the curve, but the evil ones' time is up, if we keep pushing!

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And then our tax payers money will bail them out again.

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I started voraciously reading about all this very early on as my suspicions were raised in late January 2020. My first impression was that the level of worldwide coordination was totally unbelievable and had never been seen before. That alone should have alerted everyone to the fraud. Second to that, nothing they said made any sense at all for the next 1+ year. Why did so many people ignore these two things?

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I know a few useful idiots sadly still collecting a sizeable paycheque - will let the Lord be their judge.

I also know a few vax- jabbers ( doctors ) that when asked, I would gladly recommend to the Nuremberg II commission.

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Not long after his authoritarian screed, Donald McNeil was hounded out of his job by NYT staffers who didn't think he was woke enough. Another case of the revolution eating its own.

In any case, you are never going to respond early enough to a pandemic to nip it in the bud: by the time you realize there's a problem, it's already too late. Norway analyzed their own response to Covid and discovered that the R0 had already been in steep decline when they imposed their lockdown.

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Exactly it was in the wild in WA State and we knew it for weeks!

You can't stop a respiratory virus. It was all a Fairytale of Futility.

The biggest revelation to me was:

The complete lack of "fuzzy's" men in the US have. No sacks...

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Too much porn? Atrazine? Video Games? Estrogen mimicking chemicals?

What exactly is it that has pulled the teeth of all the men in America?

Vaccines? What?

Really, this woman wants to know as I fought the lockdowns, the lies, the face masks, and the forced killer modRNA gene therapy re-labled a vaccine with ALL WOMEN! Where are the men?!

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Apathy. Emasculation. 70 years of declining testosterone.

And "easy" times make for soft men.

I also think the alpha males had too much to lose to resist. To some extent that set the tone.

Honestly it was disgusting for me to watch.

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Same as here. The virus was seasonal, and the massive drop in cases was due to spring, not lockdowns. (Just like it was spring and not the vaccine that caused huge drops in 2021.)

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Always ask yourself: Cui bono? (Who benefits?)

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Also, ask yourself who's getting fucked for what they say; and if they continue saying it, chances are they're onto something.

Apologies for not knowing the Latin for "who's getting fucked". :)

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At the risk of being more crude than normal, my analysis is that the government and the corporations are in bed, humping like rabbits, and we're the ones getting screwed!

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I can't resist: from Google translate and Yandex translate

Questus quis eruditionis habes?

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HAHA!!! You're hired Cynthia!

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This X 1000%

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McNeil, huh? The guy people felt sorry for because his brilliant career was destroyed by them damn woke high schoolers?

I'm sorry to learn he was just another jerk too.

And Reiner? Why, I remember medical writers saying specialists should stick to their specialties and not step on other people's sacred ground. He's a cardiologist.

But you know, I'm a little put off too by all the people supposedly on "our side" who've taken this our Plague Era as a wonderful new marketing opportunity, selling pharmaceuticals and supplements and books with magic diet advice etc. etc. etc. etc., all while warning us not to be gullible morons.

There ain't too many pure of heart still around. I consider myself no fool to have felt you trustworthy from the moment I found you. Only a handful more remain that way in my estimation. A sad shrinking company to be sure.

[edited for punctuation]

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Surely Reiner, being a cardiologist, is ALL OVER the increased rates in heart problems, especially in younger people. I'm sure he's all over the media all day talking about it, right?


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Such a strange omission, isn't it?

Ask me how much I hate these people. I ain't got enough descriptive words.

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I don't remember who said it, but it goes something like:

"You may think you hate the media enough, but you don't."

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There are quite a few young men extremely precious to me. I can never hate these people enough.

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Did you mean “descent”? There has been nothing decent about COVID.

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yes, i did. thanks

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I used to work at a newspaper, and one of the tips I got from an old hand was to read your headlines backwards. That makes mistakes stand out better because you're forced to read word by word, rather than skim.

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Normally, I wouldn’t correct you. But it’s a headline. And then I read the first sentence. And knew someone else would if I didn’t. ;)

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It's well-known that it's impossible to catch the last typo until after the article has been published. Substack might even throw in an extra one just in case :)

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Ok, I also liked “dismember” in this one. I’d be more vocally critical if I didn’t love the writing so much. Language obviously matters to the bad cat. I assume the disconnect between the speed of his thoughts and the speed of his fingers contributes to the typos.

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doing this with paws is not as easy as it looks...

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Remember EGM, home row on the keyboard is a-s-d-f, not m-e-o-w.

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That's exactly what I concluded. I have a 17 yo grandson with perfect recall, and I know that a misspelled word is because his brain is working faster than his fingers can fly on a keyboard.

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It's a serious problem, especially combined with the fact that it's difficult to edit your own work because your brain knows what you're trying to say and expects to see it.

Luckily I think most people who read 'Stacks like this one are more interested in ideas and communication than worrying about obvious typos.

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Exactly my thoughts. I think/hope most of us agree the concepts far, far outweigh correct grammar and punctuation. As a career-long editor who makes a great living from being critical, that’s saying something.

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One of the fundamental laws of publishing!

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Not to pile on, but your essay is so damn good, you might as well fix "propaganda".

You have it as "propo..."

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Yup. Nothing decent, but virtually wholesale assent.

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Saying the powers that be "learned nothing" seems naive. I'm sure there were some doctors or sections of the general population where that maxim could be applied, but at the highest levels this was about control and furthering an agenda. Not to mention that in practice none of the "leaders" followed the rules anyway. I'm sure there would be resistance to acknowledging mistakes were made, if they were actually just mistakes. In my opinion it was all a means to an end, thus the crazy wrong BS continues. I was recently at the doctor for a physical and they are still asking me if I want a booster and pushing numerous vaccines I am "eligible" for. I say no, "I never got any of the original vaccines, why would I want a booster?" and they tell me that is fine, "no judgement." When I tell them that is a two way street I get a sideways look, as if to say "who are you to judge me?" The whole system is irreparably broken.

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As Gato notes, the lockdowns our public health functionaries and their Democratic handmaidens subjected us to never should have happened. They went against decades of research in preparation for a pandemic exactly like the one we found ourselves mired in. They had no prior precedent other than city-wide measures taken in the 1600s to manage plagues.

They knew lockdowns were extremely inadvisable and the benefits hypothetical at best; they knew the socioeconomic costs would almost certainly cause more harm in the aggregate than the virus itself; they even knew there was a very real possibility that lockdowns would lead to more covid fatalities and an excess mortality rate. They knew all this because extensive planning for a novel respiratory virus like covid was conducted every year at WHO meetings featuring the world’s preeminent epidemiologists and public health professionals—to say nothing of the heaps of scientific literature disfavoring lockdowns:


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Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s equivalent to Fauci, simply followed the government’s previously agreed upon guidelines (written before the pandemic). For that “crime”, he was called a “murderer”, and many (even in Sweden) called for his ouster. Somehow, he managed to stay the course, and (with the notable exception of its elderly population in the early stages of Covid), his fortitude turned out really well. Sweden’s education system, along with its economy, suffered fewer losses than most of the rest of the world...and I’m sure the quality of life there over the past few years was also enormously better than elsewhere.

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Wasn't the early high toll for Sweden caused by dumping Covid-infected patients into the nursing homes? And wasn't that decision made by someone other than Anders Tegnell?

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Yes and yes, plus said nursing homes employing illiterate and often illegal migrants ignorant of modern hygiene and procedure.

Sweden uses a neoliberal system for public nursing homes: taxes fund them, and the private owners cream off their profits from the funding by having as low standards as they can.

Neoliberal economics, there's nothing those can't ruin.

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Calling dr Tegnell "Sweden's Fauci" is rather unfair don't you think, given what dr Fauci has been up to?

Dr Tegnell came out against masking immediately, for all the right reasons and the lock-in of elders wasn't a decision made by him; that kind of decision is made by each regional doctor in charge of epidemic/pandemic emergency responses, and since our system of civil service is virtually 100% politicised (has been since reforms initiated by the Socialist Democrat party in the 1970s) any such doctor straddling the line between medical ethics and political expediency knows that in they refuse to comply, they're simply replaced with some who does.

By handing said doctors politically motivated instructions, the socialist democrat governement in office at the time bypassed dr Tegnell's authority.

Interestingly enough, dr Tegnell was initially lauded by swedish regime and state media, pundits et c, only to become deposed and unpersoned when he didn't embrace mass-vaccinations, a decision he based on the enormous amount of side-effects.

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Honestly, you’re imputing an awful lot to my off-the-cuff remark. I simply meant that Tegnell (like Fauci in the U.S.) was in the public leadership position to control Sweden’s Covid response. The later reactions to his (very effective) policies made me quite sad, and reinforced the lockstep aspect of human nature that is leading us, at breakneck speed, down the road to authoritarianism.

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Oh sorry no that wasn't the intent! My bad.

I was simply thinking how much dr Fauci was and is into all kinds nefarious unethical medical experimentation on animals and humans, and that he's been into such things since AZT at least.

Should I have rephrased the inital sentence or added some kind of symbol to indicate tone perhaps?

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Rikard, you are a gentleman and a scholar! An apology on the internet is so rare and so refreshing that I am bestowing upon you my Good Human of the Month Award (we rabbits rarely give awards, but in this case...). Personally, I think Fauci should be officially sanctioned, and Tegnell should be celebrated and acknowledged for resisting groupthink and “following the science” -- ACTUALLY following the science...

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And then when the real-world data started coming in, they knew that lockdowns/masks didn't really move the needle at all -- the virus was going to go through the population no matter how many people put on a mask or stayed home (and later, how many people got jabbed.)

But they had to pretend zero covid was possible in order to enact their huge plans.

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Once you pull back and look at it, all the harms were planned and intentional. The disasters rolled out because they were the goals. Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon and Catherine Austin Fitts.

They called it correctly. Early on.

It's all intentional. Margaret Anna Alice as well.

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The lessons from Covid are many. The most terrifying is how few people think for themselves and have enough courage to stand up for their conclusions based on that thinking.

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I recently read a fawning NYT piece on Fauci. The sad part is that even after all his lying, deceit and conflicts of interest have been exposed, (not in NYT, of course) reader comments were just as fawning. We are a nation of sheep.

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It became a religion for those who needed something to believe in. "Saint Fauci" is literally true in the eyes of many. But, don't forget that there are 10s of millions of us who are thoroughly red-pilled, and ready to get kinetic to defend our freedoms and our families, should it come to that.

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Heard this one? Paraphrasing. A sheep spends his life fearing the wolf only, in the end, to be eaten by the shepherd.

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“To reject the advice of experts is to assert autonomy, a way for Americans to insulate their increasingly fragile egos from ever being told they’re wrong about anything. It is a new Declaration of Independence: No longer do we hold these truths to be self-evident, we hold all truths to be self-evident, even the ones that aren’t true. All things are knowable and every opinion on any subject is as good as any other.”

I just can't anymore with this lack of self-awareness.

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"we hold all truths to be self-evident, even the ones that aren’t true."

A is not A

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Many outside the US, watching your 20 year long descent into woke-liberal-progressive-capitalist totalitarianism, have observed that the US needed the USSR.

When the US in the 1990s decided to not designate a specific nation, culture or religion as the New Enemy, all the brakes (sociological, psychological, cultural, moral) against the slow march to corporate dystopia under the rainbow-flag disappeared.

Sadly, it seems the capitalists that owns the US have all decided that the american people, at least the part not "on message", is the New Enemy.

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"Sadly, it seems the capitalists that owns the US have all decided that the american people, at least the part not "on message", is the New Enemy." They always were the *real* enemy, at least of that particular group of people. The rest was window dressing.

But the rest of your point is very well made for many reasons.

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I wish it wasn't, believe me.

Possibly, they needed the "E pluribus unum" up until somewhen during the 1990s to around 2005 or so, and then they just let go of their restraints, at first expecting to be violently opposed and challenged and when that didn't happen they simply got drunk with the exhilaration of exercising power without any negative consequences or risks?

After all, if "they" had been allowed to act the way we know they've done without any real opposition until 2015 or later, is it really that surpirsing that they display real outrage when "the people" want democracy, rights and truth and justice to actually mean what the words really mean, and not just the corporate newspeak?

Like spoiled child, like bully used to getting away with anything, they now lash out in what is to them righteous indignation against uncouth dangerous extremists threatening "our democracy".

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Imagine this particular cretin gets paid for that drivel.

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Cretins make a particularly good living these days, I think.

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As long as they're spewing the right things......

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The career of choice for the offspring of the 'elite'.

"Mom. I wanna be a cretin when I grow up. Yes dear - just like your father."

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Absolutely spot-on. We who tried to speak up for individual rights and rational thinking in the midst of the "plandemic" were ignored, vilified and metaphorically trampled by the panicked herd. We have to fix this BEFORE lizard-brain kicks in.

As the meme points out, "The best way to stop the next pandemic is to arrest and prosecute those that started the last one". But, we must go further than that. We must put in place ironclad safeguards against the would-be tyrants who WILL use the next invisible emergency (climate change?) to evoke emergency powers once again.

I once read that the Founding Fathers, when crafting the US Constitution, actually discussed protecting individual rights against the government's "emergency powers" in the event of PANDEMICS. Nothing new under the sun.

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With respect, I seriously doubt we should expect Ironclad Safeguards put in Place to be useful .

We must be the resistance; bravery is contagious .

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I fervently agree. My comments were more metaphorical. I have no hope that the power structure will "allow" the people to override without overwhelming resistance. DO NOT COMPLY.

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The burning question is this: does Fauci weigh more than a duck?

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"Who are you that are so wise in the ways of science?"


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PS -- I love your kitty!

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He's wood!

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