this is why we must talk about these issues, get ahead of them, learn the ins and outs, and learn to stop this tyranny of terror from finding purchase upon us.


And this is exactly why people like Peter Hotez and Anthony Fauci are doing everything they can to NOT talk about this. They want to write the history where they were correct -- or at least going on the information they had at the time -- instead of the truth: They were covering their asses because they funded gain of function research in a shoddy Chinese lab well-known for ignoring normal procedure.

That's why Hotez won't go on Rogan, even for $1.5 million to charity. The questions that we have cannot be answered to our satisfaction. Here's just a few that I went over in my article yesterday:


Why mandate a vaccine that doesn’t stop transmission? (And why did you say that it would?)

Why are we treating everybody as if they have the same risk profile? We’ve known who’s at risk of covid basically since the start of the pandemic. Why was a 25-year-old healthy male treated the same as an 80-year-old nursing home patient? (Trick question, nobody signed an order that would send infected covid patients into the the 25-year-old’s home.)

As a follow-up question, why did we we mandate a vaccine for our military members — who are perhaps the youngest and fittest group of Americans — when we knew that older, obese people were at greatest risk? Especially considering military-age males are particularly susceptible to heart-related issues caused by the vaccine and experienced during times of great stress. (Such as battle.)

We’ve known since the beginning that kids were at basically zero risk from covid itself, yet we forced them into masks, closed schools, and told them they couldn’t see their friends. All of these had massive costs to our children — what data suggested the benefits of these actions outweighed the costs?

Why weren’t we testing for antibodies and acquired (some say “natural”) immunity in patients, instead mandating that people who had recovered from covid ALSO got a full vaccination dose?

Why are we not even keeping track of WHICH vaccine people got?

If “the science was constantly changing”, why did people such as Hotez act as if it were completely settled? Why did government pressure social media sites to ban those who disagreed with the official narrative — which more than once ultimately end up where the ‘skeptics’ started?


They desperately want to stop us from asking those questions because they know they cannot be answered in a way that makes them the good guys -- and they NEED to be seen as the good guys in order to maintain their status and power.

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There's a wonderful quote by Thomas Sowell that I recently discovered that is so appropriate for the pandemic: "People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong."

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Perhaps WE need to go full-on medieval against the covidean cartel. I’d be happy with any punishment from GoT😆

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Who is so fucking stupid to go all in on this kind of thinking?

Do you think the children will be taught it was all a mistake?


This is a pox on our nation and should be treated as such!

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Yeah, the fear mongering and insane lockdown coercions were part of the plan, not the result of bumbling, panicked idiots. This was done on purpose with the vast help of many useful idiots. The ‘powers that be’ will trot them out again at the drop of a pin, and the mobs will comply once again.

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Not long after his authoritarian screed, Donald McNeil was hounded out of his job by NYT staffers who didn't think he was woke enough. Another case of the revolution eating its own.

In any case, you are never going to respond early enough to a pandemic to nip it in the bud: by the time you realize there's a problem, it's already too late. Norway analyzed their own response to Covid and discovered that the R0 had already been in steep decline when they imposed their lockdown.

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Always ask yourself: Cui bono? (Who benefits?)

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McNeil, huh? The guy people felt sorry for because his brilliant career was destroyed by them damn woke high schoolers?

I'm sorry to learn he was just another jerk too.

And Reiner? Why, I remember medical writers saying specialists should stick to their specialties and not step on other people's sacred ground. He's a cardiologist.

But you know, I'm a little put off too by all the people supposedly on "our side" who've taken this our Plague Era as a wonderful new marketing opportunity, selling pharmaceuticals and supplements and books with magic diet advice etc. etc. etc. etc., all while warning us not to be gullible morons.

There ain't too many pure of heart still around. I consider myself no fool to have felt you trustworthy from the moment I found you. Only a handful more remain that way in my estimation. A sad shrinking company to be sure.

[edited for punctuation]

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Did you mean “descent”? There has been nothing decent about COVID.

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Saying the powers that be "learned nothing" seems naive. I'm sure there were some doctors or sections of the general population where that maxim could be applied, but at the highest levels this was about control and furthering an agenda. Not to mention that in practice none of the "leaders" followed the rules anyway. I'm sure there would be resistance to acknowledging mistakes were made, if they were actually just mistakes. In my opinion it was all a means to an end, thus the crazy wrong BS continues. I was recently at the doctor for a physical and they are still asking me if I want a booster and pushing numerous vaccines I am "eligible" for. I say no, "I never got any of the original vaccines, why would I want a booster?" and they tell me that is fine, "no judgement." When I tell them that is a two way street I get a sideways look, as if to say "who are you to judge me?" The whole system is irreparably broken.

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As Gato notes, the lockdowns our public health functionaries and their Democratic handmaidens subjected us to never should have happened. They went against decades of research in preparation for a pandemic exactly like the one we found ourselves mired in. They had no prior precedent other than city-wide measures taken in the 1600s to manage plagues.

They knew lockdowns were extremely inadvisable and the benefits hypothetical at best; they knew the socioeconomic costs would almost certainly cause more harm in the aggregate than the virus itself; they even knew there was a very real possibility that lockdowns would lead to more covid fatalities and an excess mortality rate. They knew all this because extensive planning for a novel respiratory virus like covid was conducted every year at WHO meetings featuring the world’s preeminent epidemiologists and public health professionals—to say nothing of the heaps of scientific literature disfavoring lockdowns:


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The lessons from Covid are many. The most terrifying is how few people think for themselves and have enough courage to stand up for their conclusions based on that thinking.

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I recently read a fawning NYT piece on Fauci. The sad part is that even after all his lying, deceit and conflicts of interest have been exposed, (not in NYT, of course) reader comments were just as fawning. We are a nation of sheep.

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“To reject the advice of experts is to assert autonomy, a way for Americans to insulate their increasingly fragile egos from ever being told they’re wrong about anything. It is a new Declaration of Independence: No longer do we hold these truths to be self-evident, we hold all truths to be self-evident, even the ones that aren’t true. All things are knowable and every opinion on any subject is as good as any other.”

I just can't anymore with this lack of self-awareness.

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Absolutely spot-on. We who tried to speak up for individual rights and rational thinking in the midst of the "plandemic" were ignored, vilified and metaphorically trampled by the panicked herd. We have to fix this BEFORE lizard-brain kicks in.

As the meme points out, "The best way to stop the next pandemic is to arrest and prosecute those that started the last one". But, we must go further than that. We must put in place ironclad safeguards against the would-be tyrants who WILL use the next invisible emergency (climate change?) to evoke emergency powers once again.

I once read that the Founding Fathers, when crafting the US Constitution, actually discussed protecting individual rights against the government's "emergency powers" in the event of PANDEMICS. Nothing new under the sun.

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The burning question is this: does Fauci weigh more than a duck?

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