The ironic thing is that much of this was common knowledge in February of last year. Wash your hands, don't touch your face, stay home if you're stick. Masks don't help, asymptomatics don't drive the spread, we must learn to live with covid because it's widespread already.

Then Joe Biden needed people to forget everything we knew, so they did. We're still paying for it a year later, but I'm afraid the real impact hasn't been felt yet.

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Same thing with C19 on surfaces and constantly 'CLEAN EVERYTHING WITH BLEACH". No traceable proof of that either. It's all lunacy, public terror and control. No logic, or proof of any of this...gross behavior from those politicians and their untouchable status.

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Don't touch your face has disappeared, most people realise that's rain dancing. Wash your hands will be the last to fall, when will people realise that's for toilet diseases?

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Don't touch your face disappeared because anybody with a brain can see that masks make you touch your face more than no masks. Can't remind the peons that the new advice you give them directly contradicts the old advice you gave them.

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I think don't touch your face was a child's contribution to that infamous cartoon animation produced by Siouxsie Wiles.

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Head scratcher was how at the same time (Dec. 29, 2020) University of Florida claimed they had a study showing asymptomatic spread was a statistical zero (https://anti-empire.com/university-of-florida-researchers-find-no-asymptomatic-spread/) they got away with announcing they’d be testing the students bi-weekly (began Jan. 11, 2021). Typical irrational response. And I swear I saw a “HONK FOR DR. FAUCI” sign on a lawn yesterday. They’re lucky I didn’t drive over it. Maybe later today.

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Most excellent article. Appreciate it. Getting a lot of people telling me I am selfish and even a bad person because I don’t want to be vaccinated, even though I had covid, thanks to the asymptomatic spread myth and the trashing of natural immunity. Their thinking “Your being vaccinated protects me”. 😢

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Well , WE THE PEOPLE think you're just FINE with out the vacc, whether or not you had c19. it should be A CHOICE,

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I’m so glad I found you again. It’s nice to have a voice of reason against all the craziness

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Public health officials should be talking about "what contributes *significantly* to spread". Instead they moved to "what could possibly spread the virus" and then to "what has not yet been proven via long-term study not to spread the virus".

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Are you capable of writing an article that is NOT thought provoking. Brilliant!

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Excellent work. Reposting on FB.

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Gato you miss the big picture. Don't u know ? How can you force the entire nation to vote by mail unless you convince them that going to a polling place could give them the virus. I wonder how many people who voted by "mail" went to the supermarket in November 2019. Most likely all of them. But they were manipulated into voting by mail. The writing is on the wall gato. The propaganda , um, i mean science is the least of our worries. I am more worried about who is behind this. What will they do next?

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I mean November 2020. I have amnesia from this past year of enslavement.

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Holy cow.... what an article today. Thank you Mr. Gato.I've been working on a social network project for 2 years and it's been horrifying to see where social media has gone. The solution is in (slower, but faster) distributed human networks. Think: the flash traders of the late 00's adding latency into their trades, making the whole network faster.

My only wonder is what will happen to these provocateurs and information warfare soldiers afterward? I pray for a Nuremberg Trial for the covid era. Indeed, like the trials of then, many of the "crimes" weren't crimes. We will have to supersede common law - spiking us into a new age of decentralized law itself.

Love your writing. I would love to speak with you one day and share some thoughts.

A fan,


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A few months ago these notions struck me, too

It was and remains amazing to me how little was required mechanistically, and how little was needed to be accepted as true by the public, to set us on our present course:

Covid will kill untold millions

Asymptomatic spread is significant

Masks work in one direction, only protecting others.

That's it. Accept these as true and there now exists the justification to control behavior in any and all ways in the name of public health. It has an almost poetic, Haiku like simplicity. Seen more generally, this mechanism is used to expand agency (as a potential infector) to the entire population, children included, regardless of actual data. As you point out, creating the idea that asymptomatic (i.e. Healthy) people posed a risk to public health was this pandemic's greatest

magic trick. Without that cog, the machine ceases to function

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Check out Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein discussing another highly cited asymptomatic paper at 28:00 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIH1HAAMFFo

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thanks for the time stamp.

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“the paper is complete garbage”

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And that is definitely a direct quote. The 3 papers used as references cited for the model's 75% asymptomatic spread assumption did not support that assumption.

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What Gato describes is the culmination and perversion of Lippmann's Public Opinion. Culmination because in Fauci we see the "specialized class" and the "persuader" combined into a single, perfect manufacturer of consent. Perversion because, as other commenters have pointed out, his incentive structure is completely arbitrary and chaotic.

And it's the same for the entire clerical class -- we have a nobility but no king, and no concept of a king. There is no accountability from above or below, and so our ruling class obeys feeding frenzy dynamics. If it feels like no one is in charge that's because, for better or worse, there isn't.

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Thank you, Mr. Gato. You're the reason I started a Gab account. At least we know that we have truth on our side, we didn't follow the panic, and that one day you and your followers will be vindicated. This is the biggest domestic public policy failure since at least the Great Society or the War on Drugs.

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I would love to know if the rate of *pre-symptomatic* spread differs from asymptomatic spread.

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Very interesting. But there is one thing I don't understand. If SAR for spouses is 37.8% and it is 17.8% for rest of family, how can the overall SAR be lower (16,6%)?

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Great article. Lizard brain, appeals to authority, so many human flaws that drove this crazy bus off a cliff. One thing I would add is that I think most scientists would rather be famous than rich. Sometimes the latter follows the former, but not always. Fauci is 100% gunning for a Nobel Prize, because he thinks he got snubbed with HIV.

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calling fauci a scientist seems like it a misclassification. he's nothing of the sort. he's a politician and thus faces a whole different sets of incentives and towering narcissism has always been a part of his makeup. but the folks running departments at universities or seeking tenure or seeking to keep labs funded, they are they ones that all dance to the song they're paid to and the big payor is the government.

it's grants that keep these places alive and build the research teams that churn out publication. the extent to which the state can subvert whole fields of study by funding them is difficult to overstate. once a field of inquiry becomes politicized, research ceases to be a search for truth and becomes instead the sort of concerted myth making that viking chieftains demanded of their skalds. it is not "sing a song of truth" it's "spread a song of how i was the hero of a battle i never even fought in."

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You should see the glint of $ signs in the eyes of the TWIV members when they discuss Fauci.

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From the mid-90s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE3lcD8N5IM Kerry Mullis discusses Fauci and following the money in science

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Did he receive a grant of $15bn over 5 years when running NIH? For that amount of money, Faust would have given Mephistopheles eternal loyalty.

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"Fame s the Spur" by Howard Spring. Most people think it's the money, but even the lust for money is to avoid the loneliness of anonymity.

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