I cannot say this enough times:

Replace male, man, white, caucasian, western, christian with jew and see what they really are, the woke and the PC and the feminists and the multiculturalists.

They are nazis. They just swapped "jew" for "white".

By their own arguements, they are justifying the most extreme response because they constitute an existential and terminal active and immediate threat against anyone fitting any of the descriptors of:

"male, man, white, caucasian, western, christian".

You cannot debate with them. You cannot reason with them.

If you are any one of the listed terms, they want you dead, they want your history erased, and they want your children to never be.

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This is not just a disease of the Elite of Academia. I went to a no-frills state college back in the mid-90s. The administration was headed by overt bull dykes and leftist "people of color" who took complaints of racial discrimination from whites, but invariably found them "baseless." I had a social anthropology professor who had come to America in 1957, but his English was like he had just stepped off the boat. This guy could barely speak English, but had a PhD. He made his students buy a "book" that was a barely literate, unintelligible draft, for an exorbitant price. In class one day, he stood shaking his fist in the air, shouting, and I quote, "Iss white northern European males, responsible for ALL da troubles in da vorld!" I quit his class and filed a discrimination complaint against him. After that, if he saw me in the halls, he would turn and go in another direction. There was also a "Native American" professor of Political Science who was an outspoken, uncontested radicals leftist. I "contested" her in an op-ed in the student newspaper and caused an uproar. Heeheehee! I also got kicked out of my cultural anthropology class for disagreeing with my openly communist professor on too many points. By standing up to my ouster, I got him to agree to allow me to finish the class without actually attending. He was forced to give me an A, which must have given him diarrhea! I also got elected to the student council, but due to outside constraints, I resigned, but apparently had a bunch of covert followers. The point here is that this is not new, and that it can be resisted. I would also strongly suggest, based on conversations with employees in a position to know, that a financial audit of ALL full professors would probably diminish faculty numbers and increase prison populations. As Gato points out, once the flood gates are open...

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Preaching to the choir, squire!

I know full well how this grew inside academia all over the West. My wife was in women's studies 20+ years ago, trying to actually do some science - as in, finding out how things are by looking for, creating and collating empirical data. She left, disgusted by the cultish attitudes, the bullying and the blatant racism and misandry on display at the faculty.

Personally, I have a background in political science as a teacher, with the focus being the history of ideas/ideas of history (sounds fancier than it is, honestly) and have worked as a teacher of same and a bit of dabbling in other subjects, as one does.

Not trying to get on a high horse, just mentioning it because I have similar experiences dating back to the early 1990s, both as a student and as a teacher. One thing I'll never forget, despite not being american and not in the US, is 9/11.

Our moslem/arabic students, and some of the teachers, sang and danced when the news of the attack came in. They danced. They laughed. They celebrated. Children, teens and adults.

While I can understand but certainly not sympathise with arabs displaying such behaviour, I cannot - will never! - in any way understand or excuse it from middle-aged swedish schoolteachers.

The rot began in the 1960s, and like a cancerous growth it has now infested the body of society to the point of death. It must be rooted out and burned, publicly.

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It was like this in the UK when Trump got in….teachers hugging crying parents as they dropped over crying children who believed their life was in danger…..then as you say, the GLEE, the absolute, disgusting glee when they realised the conspiracy to replace him with Biden had worked. Stupid people who believe the crocodile will eat them last.

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Indeed: "Stupid people who believe the crocodile will eat them last."

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We had that here too, I'm sad to say.

A colleague 15 years younger than me told me, with no small amount of pride, that she had held "duck & cover"-drills with her class.

Because Trump was going to start nuclear war. "They" said he might, you see.

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Rot definitely began in the 60s

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It was bizarre how supine and cowardly university presidents bowed to screaming students in every single campus, folding like overcooked linguini. Those students ought to have been summarily expelled and the faculty inciting them fired. Instead, their escalating demands were met. Even so, the rot must have started much earlier, as something produced those radical professors. The change was that they realized that they no longer had to keep their heads down.

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No place was that cowardliness more on public display than at Evergreen State College when Evolutionary Biology tenured professors Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying were ousted riotously, ostensibly for the sin of being white. Dr. Weinstein was fortunate to have escaped with his life.

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Did you see Tucker's interview with Weinstein?

It's definitely worth the time to watch.

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"The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation" by the late Dave McGowan. The theory that the CIA manufactured the hippie counterculture to undermine the anti-war movement.

Excerpt from a review of the Dave McGowan's essays: "How did an uncanny amount of rock superstars emerge from the rustic Laurel Canyon scene of the mid 60s when the primary music centers of the US at that time were NYC, Nashville, and Detroit? Why were many of these future stars sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and extreme privilege who just happened to all arrive in LA at the same time? From the Lizard King Jim Morrison to Frank Zappa, the Mamas and Papas, the Byrds, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, even the Monkees, they all had conspicuous family heritages that did not exactly jive with what would become the free love, anti war soundtrack of a generation. Meanwhile, looming behind these musicians was a dark underbelly of Hollywood stars, young turks, the mob, shadowy intelligence assets, and charmers like little Charlie Manson who everyone liked at first.. How and why did this all happen? And what about that covert military installation on Lookout Mountain? Are you ready to have your rock and roll fantasies challenged? You may never listen to this music the same way ever again."


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You are quite close with your timeline of Rot having gained a foothold in academia. I would suggest that it began at the end of WWII. Regardless of when (maybe in the thirties when many members of the literati were members of the Communist Party). In any case it (post-modernism) has metastasised to the point that it is the dominant educational culture across the entire breadth of public and private education, and as such corrupted the last bastion of truth: the sciences.

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I would say The Rot began in earnest in 1933, when the Frankfurt School moved from Germany to the US:


The (mostly Jewish) communists of the Frankfurt School were basically being run out of town by the most demonized white man of the 20th century: Adolf Hitler.

I can't wait for the Overton Window to shift far enough for us to start having a real conversation about this.

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Differences in where we might drop the marker for the start is quite probably simply due to looking at different nations, probably also when looking at different sectors of a nation.

In the humanities, it's been there since the 1950s/1960s. In (f.e.) geology, it's quite recent.

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I listened to a recent "Part o the problem" podcast with Tucker Carlson, and one of he takaways from it is that there is something sincerely wrong with a society that rejoices in violence.

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Jan 8, 2024
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While we are not the good guys...its not a good indicator if a response to violence is celebration.

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I agree. That's not good. Exactly my point.

I'm not talking about peace signs and roses, I am talking about celebrations of violent acts. It makes complete sense that they are dancing around on 9/11 in the wake of the towers going down, that's not good, and neither are the parties that most assuredly followed the death of Bin Laden.

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You are absolutely correct and bravo to you for standing up and speaking out! Too many college students today are just sheeple just like the general population. During the lockdowns I went on a tyrant calling and writing and faxing letters to college presidents and the chancellor of my state regarding the mask and jab mandates. Lo and behold I found the American College Health Association (ACHA) which credits itself as the leading association of college healthcare in the country. They are sponsored by big Farma and the CDC unbeknownst to parents and students and are so left leaning it made my toes curl. They are advocates for the LGBTQA+++ community and give workshops every year for all private and public college members-teachers, nurses, counselors, admin, etc, on the most anti white, anti American, LGBTQA agenda courses you can imagine! It is vial and now I know where these colleges get their agendas from. My son while at one of the state schools recorded his substitute math teacher who happened to be a social studies professor and a poc, berated the white students and got in their faces asking them if they were racist. My daughters first day orientation a non binary person asked the group to give her a number. My daughter had no idea what that meant. The person wanted the group to guess how many sexual partners she/he had. Of course I complained about both situations and got the run around. The colleges hire these people for their DEI departments as well as counselors and in the student health centers. The whole thing needs to be taken down immediately and not just for the plagiarism bs but for the hatred and rampant mental illness:(

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Not all LGBT+ are obedient cowards. I lost my job (delivering mail in Vancouver for 27 years) for fighting Covid-19 tyranny. I was violently assaulted and permanently injured in my rightful workplace by Vancouver Police for my refusal to wear a mask when no provincial or federal government mask mandates were in effect. I laid 39 criminal charges in the Provincial Court of Vancouver against my former boss (including for her crimes of warrantless search and seizure using nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN) and testified under oath in locked courtrooms with as many as 6 cameras recording me. I am surrounded in my condo by numerous gangstalkers who harass me with non-stop noise and Directed Energy Weapons. Police, ambulance and fire services blare their sirens at me wherever I go and while I attempt to sleep. My life has been destroyed by CSIS, Canada Post, Big Banks, Big Insurance, Big Pharma etc. for asserting my Charter rights and reporting corporate crimes. They are rightfully concerned because Surveillance Capitalism ("data is the new oil") is based on the crimes of warrantless search and seizure and they've already built an entire industry and market share around Precision AI Medicine. I lost 10 years of income, fully half of my pension, my previously good reputation and my liberty. I am a 54 year old lesbian who fought harder than anyone I know...from any political side, ethnic group, religion, gender, age or academic level....including my conservative coworkers who mouth off online but complied like cowards the entire time. Christians talk a good game but most refuse to bear the cross.

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Dennis Prager said the rarest of all virtues is Courage.

Most people are the Cowardly Lion.

Fortunately, there are fellow-traveler heroes from all walks of life.

I am lucky my Employer did not go the forced jab route. (I live in Texas, and wrote many letters to Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott on Covid topics)

I left my old synagogue though. The mask was their new golden calf. I had so many arguments. Angered at torah school teachers who were so paranoid that if a child playing the playground got too close with her without a mask that she'd tell them to go away because she didn't want to get sick.

I told the local Chabadic Rabbi this story. He asked "Why don't you let me teach your kids?" I said "You don't have a school." He said "I've been wanting to start one."

My kids were his first students.

Now its approaching a dozen.

And the kids can go without having those hideous muzzles on them.

The old synagogue? I think they're still terrified. This Spring they didn't bother with a Passover Seder. I did see a notice on their website for Bingo, though.

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What does one call a person who bears the cross? The moniker Christian was good enough for John Bunyan (the chief of sinners), and it's good enough for me and you, as well. If you are a free ethical actor in a Satanic system, using your personal autonomy to do good, and rejecting the enemy's mind control and priestcraft, then you are a Christian. You are doing spiritual warfare against Satan. What kind of person does that? The persecution you've endured is shared among many other saints over many centuries. It's a tradition...called Christianity.

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How dare you question THE ACADEMIA!

If only I could give this more than one like!

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I see this as an opportunity. There are more people then we think who are over this. I had drinks this Fri with two of my liberal buddies involved in academia. We actually had a productive conversation (for the first time) about exactly what you're talking about.

The one that's a evolutionary biologist who does a lot of research at my alma mater flat out told me there's a quiet resistance forming in academia. He told me stuff that would blow your mind in regards to the hard sciences - stuff that's dangerous.

They were both fooled by covid (out of fear) for example, but both now recognize it was a hustle. They said as the lies have been revealed they now see the attack on real science and have begun questioning all the crazy woke crap as well as the iron grip of technocracy.

Both are white and told me it's going to be extremely ugly but necessary to uncover the rot so that average Americans can see under the kimono.

I really think we're at a turning point because finally these types of guys/gals are on the menu at university.

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Nothing changes until moms stop seeing selective universities as the route to the good life for their kids. They don’t care one bit about intellectual rot and very little about ideological capture.

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And until dads man up and say no to stupid moms.

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Double bingo!

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*slides all chips into the pot*

73 Bingos!

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And until divorce lawyers and judges stop destroying men because their wives want that.

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Perhaps also that some men learn to not sow their oats wherever, and not caring about their children, if they even acknowledge them in the first place.

(Caveat: Not trying to be whataboutist!)

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Ideological capture now takes place during primary education.

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Public schooling was founded with the primary aim of ideological indoctrination.

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Agree, but I would say it this way, "Government schooling for the public..."

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I told a mom friend at my daughter’s prep school that I don’t think we will be sending our children to university and she stopped talking to me. 😂 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Obsessing over the college admission rat race becomes their identity.

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good point, so true!

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Yes, we don't need to argue our points at all, starve them.

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Their whole aim is to destroy argumentation as path to social harmony.

The good news is that technology has rendered the university an outmoded means of signaling merit. Ever moreso as prices spiral upwards. People have already started choosing other paths. The ideological rot is just another reason to opt out.

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I hope you are right, and more than that, I think we can all in our ways help make it so.

By resisting, vociferoulsy, in our own ways and places. We don't even need to push an envelope with some alternative creed or -ism, all we have to do is show reality and not accept their lies.

That's all it'll take I think.

However, what we - all the we, I, us-es who oppose this nazism-in-woke clothing must also do is not stop pushing if they start to retreat. No offering terms, no armistice, no nothing.

Russian-style offensive. Lock down the fronts, grind them and exhaust them, and then hound them and encircle them and run them into the ground.

That was the mistake (here) in the early 1980s when the first wave of marxists were allowed to retain their positions and influence, just because they quietly stopped being card-carrying members of various marxist groups. This meant that they could go on as before, but clandestinely instead of overtly, until in the mid- to late 1990s they had multiplied and sired their post-modernist woke spawn.

And since normality (when dealing with ethics. morals, et cetera) is decided by majority - or what appears to be majority - here we are.

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What you are calling "nazism" is fascism. NAZI was the initials of the National Socialist Workers Party. It no longer exists. People like to say that fascism is a right-wing "ism". It isn't. It is another socialist "ism". It just happens to be to the right of socialism and communism. The other thing about fascists is that they hate everyone who isn't like them. Including other socialists. If you look at the Left objectively, you will see that this is what they have become today. Another facet of fascism is corporatism. Fascism is okay with private enterprise as long as the government controls what is produced. EVs, green energy, unproven fake vaccines, even what crops farmers can grow, phony government created markets. We have an economy that is almost as regulated as the Chi-Coms.

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Good description of modern-day fascism.

But NAZI was not the initials of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The correct initials for that party were NSDAP.

According to Metapedia, the term Nazi "is a political epithet that was popularized by Konrad Heiden during the 1920s, as a means of denigrating the NSDAP ... Heiden was a Jewish journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany."

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Whatever. It still doesn't exist anymore.

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You are very ignorant about the term fascism. It is a collusion of public and private entities, governments and corporations. That cannot even occur under communism under which there are no private entities/corporations. Capitalism is the system most vulnerable to fascist leanings.

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Your very ignorant about the difference between political systems and economic systems. The communist chinese have a capitalist economy. I never said fascism didn't use capitalism. I said fascism is another socialist "ism", and it is. And like all socialist "isms" it leads to dictatorship, like Venezuela.

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"we're at a turning point"

I hope so, RG. I sincerely hope so.

I can't help but wonder what our world will look like a year from now.

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Bleak is the answer if it kept the same pace. But I think it's about ready to implode.

Pretty sure woke is dead.

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well, I am pleased to hear you think so.

I am not so optimistic - at all.

Or perhaps now, we just have complete dysfunction. The woke are just taking a breather ...

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"The woke are just taking a breather ..."

I think L'affair de Gay will turn out to be a turning point.

She was the ultimate Diversity Hire and that's humiliating for the whole DIE enterprise.

Once people are comfortable criticizing _Dr._ Gay, I think it won't be long before Trannies are run out of libraries, people vocally dissent to masking and distancing, and people will stop using Schweppe's Club Soda just because it comes in glass bottles which is easier to recycle (yup, really happened within the last week).

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Civilised people knows that you don't use the club soda in the first place.

Schweppe's Indian Tonic Water, diluted with the gin of your choice is the ticket.

Pith helmet is optional on Fridays.

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Hope you’re right. Time will tell. Libs though are notorious cowards - for example most libs aren’t leftist communists but never or rarely speak out against the ideology. Same goes for the hard core lgbtq , let’s mutilate our kids crap - rarely any push back from libs. Not to mention the abortion up til birth crowd. Count me hopeful but skeptical.

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Woke is Nazism in drag.

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The fact is that the only reason jews care about this is because their fellow leftist scum came after them. Jews are okay with this crap when they are the ones doing it. Don't believe me? Just remember who supported the BLM riots and all the other leftist atrocities we've had in the last 50 years. Look at Israel. And yes, I know not all jews are leftists, but most of them are.

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I was a liberal Jew but flipped when I realized Leftists hate Jews and support Palestinian Nazis over Israel.

That was after 9/11.

These days just confirm I was right the entire time.

I heard that it was similar in the 60s. Liberal Jews thought by fighting for all people's civil rights, they protected themselves too. When they found out they were fighting for people that hated them, there was enough stepping back and the craziness started to collapse.

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You are confused. The Nazis are the Zionist Extremists. They are the ones proving their barbarity by conducting genocide against the Palestinians.

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Yeah, I know Jews aren't worthy of life in your book, so when Hamas does their 10/7 terrorist attack, you feel its on par with shooting rabbits.

But better people than you disagree.

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You clearly know nothing about me. Your support for genocide tells me all I need to know about you. I won’t waste another moment on a narcissistic snd deranged sociopath.

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So do you deny 10/7 happened?

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Exactly. NioNAZIS do not deserve such a waste of effort.

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One can hope that may happen this time as well. I won't hold my breath waiting.

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It happens to some, like everything else. Some open their eyes, and some keep them shut.

A propaganda spell over the population can affect thousands at the same time.

But they wake up only one-by-one.

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"The fact is that the only reason jews care about this"

We all belong to multiple tribes. Conflict arises when our rival tribal principles run up against one another. Sometimes it's not obvious why it matters if it's not really affecting one directly.

"First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me"

- Martin Niemöller

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"I know not all jews are leftists, but most of them are."

Really? Is that the result of a scientific survey or just your opinion?

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Well looky that,........AI is actually going to straighten some things out,........thank Christ (conciousness), I hope it rolls like wildfire.

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Its my personal observation. You are welcome to dispute it or prove it true. Jonah didn't dispute it.

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One person's "personal observation" stated as fact in a public forum without any statistical backup can lead to a lot of misjudgements. IMO it's a somewhat reckless practice.

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Yes. having an opinion is so reckless. My opinion is based on many years of observation, reading and watching.


"American Jews vote primarily for Democratic candidates in

US presidential elections. Over 70% of Jewish voters in the past two

presidential elections (2012 and 2016) voted Democratic. American

Jewish support for the Democratic candidate is greater than the

proportion of the Jewish electorate that identifies as liberal (45%) or

identifies with or leans toward the Democratic Party (65%)."



Here's another opinion for you. Hollywood is controlled by the jews. My father said that 50 years ago. He's dead now, but he's still right.

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I think the leftist, self hating Jews are mostly the secular ones. There’s a difference between religious & secular Jews.

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“Self hating Jews” is such an old Zionist slur, hurled at Jewish people with a conscience. Am i a self hating Anerican because I criticize the US government for its support of genocides and regime change?

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I’ve heard this description from other Jews I know. They use it to describe Jews who side with the very groups who want to destroy them. Kind of like “Gays or lgbtq for Palestine”. Kind of crazy to support those that would kill you.

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No, they use it for the Jewish people who oppose the racist, murderous Zionists and their oppression and genocide against the Palestinians. The ones who actually know history, and that historically Jews have been safer in Arab countries than “Christian” Europe. That Israel was founded by atheist terrorists who murdered and raped their way across Palestine, driving the rightful owners from their ancestral homes and justifying it by claiming God gave them the land.

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No difference in how they mostly vote.

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Yes, and it's all about resentment.

The incompetent blame the competent and want them dead. The incompetent feel bad about their incompetence, and making someone feel bad about their own failures leads to things like murder. It's an old story, eg Cain killing Abel.

In fact, the entire left is motivated by resentment. That is their engine, their purpose for being.

"Man would fain be great and sees that he is little; would fain be happy and sees that he is miserable; would fain be perfect and sees that he is full of imperfections; would fain be the object of the love and esteem of men, and sees that his faults merit only their aversion and contempt. The embarrassment wherein he finds himself produces in him the most unjust and criminal passions imaginable, for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults." - Pascal

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Motivated by resentment? People aren't black & white. I'm sure they have many reasons for what they think and some of it, if not most of it, is mindless groupthink. "My parents always voted democrat, so I do too." "Everyone I know is a liberal." Or maybe they simply listen to the media and never question what they are being told. Perhaps some of the liberals on this site will enlighten us.

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Good illustration of your point in this post, Rikard:


"In essence, what Moss is putting forth is that all White people intrinsically suffer from a clinical condition that makes them evil and oppressive. He even goes as far as to claim that this affliction is the central defining characteristic of “whiteness”. This is so eerily on point that I genuinely wonder if he is plagiarizing translated Nazi polemics and swapping out the identity of the Untermenschen.

Worse, it was actually published in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. So we at least know that JAPA is a load of demented psychobabble.

Ask yourself: just how rotten does the culture in academia have to be for an actual journal to publish these rabid deranged rantings of an unhinged lunatic? (Just imagine if someone tried to publish this sort of vile screed about “Jewishness” or “Blackness”...)"

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I once read a story from Africa, don't ask me its name or which part of Africa - it was in the 1980s - and in it it was stated that some african tribes believed white-skinned (i.e. anglo-saxons, slavs, nordics and such) people were literally the offspring of devils who in the dawn of time had kidnapped some humans and stolen their souls, turning their skin white in the process.

As a folktale from a time when most people never travelled further than 50 miles from their place of birth, it makes lots of sense - how else are you going to explain the very stark contrast between someone with red hair and a pale complexion, and someone whose skin is so dark it almost shines black-blue?

Incidentally, the Old Norse name for negroid peoples were "blåmän": lit. blue-men. North American indians were called "skrällingar"; idiomatically it would be something like "crashing sounds-makers". Araby was called "särkland": "land where men wear dresses".

Point being: when viewed as is, there's nothing racist about the descriptive names. They simply denote a very noticeable difference between the "us" and the "them". Something all people and all languages have expressions for, both complimentary and derogatory.

Contrast this with the folktale mentioned initially: it instead focuses not only on the surface, but on the essence of being. It is a very obvious example of the process of dehumanisation being present in a culture.

And as we know from multiple WVS-data collections, the most racist groups are negroid african peoples, arabic peoples and South East Asian peoples. The least racist ones are the Nordic/Scandinavian peoples.

To answer your (rhetorical) question: I don't have to imagine. I've read enough about the eugenics and sterilisation-programmes debated and initiated by british and american capitalist industrialists in the early 1920s. The same ideas later picked-up by a certain austrian painter.

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"Old Norse name for negroid peoples were "blåmän": lit. blue-men"

Huh, that is quite interesting because black people in Irish Gaelic are "duine gorm", which literally means "people blue".

"devils who in the dawn of time had kidnapped some humans and stolen their souls"

This also fits with the idea of resentment. Given the vastly greater civilizational achievements of Europe relative to sub-Saharan Africa, some explanation is required in the minds of those belonging to the failed group. Devils and kidnapping is an appealing explanation, because it puts the blame on the successful group and makes members of the failed group feel better.

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It harmonises nicely with "because of the patriarchy", doesn't it?

No wonder gaelic and norse have similarities, given the shared history, especially in Cork and Dublin.

It's too bad the Bronze Age ancestors didn't leave a Rosetta-stone to their writings; there was trade from the west coast areas of Sweden to Ireland and the British Isles well before AD0, but what little findings there are lacking in materials making translation possible.

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The whole complaint about "patriarchy" is another good example of resentment. Women have always resented the greater physical strength of men and their leadership positions. Feminism is the glorification of that resentment.

Re Ireland and Scandinavia, I've read that the Vikings left little genetic trace in Ireland, but when they colonized Iceland around 800AD they did it with captured Irish women, so most of Iceland has Irish mitochondrial DNA. So even if there isn't a lot of physical writing from that time, there is some genetic "writing" left. Scotland is also a merger of Gaelic and Norse culture and genetics.

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All of our systems have become corrupted. It starts with government and then creeps into science, food, medicine, academia, media and more.

This is how we fix it:


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What?!?! The ones who turned academia this way are Communist. It is common knowledge That Jews started and spread Communism, it's just now coming home to roost. Islam and Communism have been happy partners for many decades. Trying to play the ultimate victim "Everything is about us." is a ploy that no longer works.

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The identitarian ideas are based in the amalgamation of french philosophy post-WW2, british liberalism (and the attendant ideas of racialism and social Darwinism) and italian post-fascist socialism by way of US colleges and universities, blended and stewed and fermented during the 1960s and 1970s and then propagandised and propagated to the rest of the world.

It has nothing to do with "the jews" at all.

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You can trace everything going on in the US back through Bill Ayers, The Frankfurt School to Bolsheviks, Trotsky and Marx.

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And we shouldn't forget the influence Bill Ayers had on Obama.

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It is Neo-Marxism/globalism.

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Well, we are the sexist, racist, misogynistic face of the tyrannical patriarchy.

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Oh, Jews are Nazis?

Please search your ass to see if your head flew up there.

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I think you should re-read what I wrote. You don't seem to have understood it.

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I really appreciate your writing James, but I think you have made a mistake here.

Rikard is saying that anti-white racism is in essence identical to anti-Semitism. One has only to take the stream of anti-white diatribes coming out of academia and put in "Jew" for "white" to see this clearly.

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Well, it's possible he didn not make himself clear.

I appreciate comprehensible writing

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James, please consider allowing comments on your posts. It would be a huge win for you. First of all, comments are additional content that you don't have to create, and second, you get much better engagement when you allow comments.

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I thought the point he was making was quite clear.

When we're sensitive about something, the adrenaline to a few juxtaposed words can cause us to elide our normal language handling process.

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Zionists are not unlike NAZIS. In many ways. Many Jews are anti-Zionists for that reason.

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Jews can be and are as fascist as any other rabid leftist.

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There is something counter-productive - however tempting - about all the conservative focus on this Harvard scandal blow-up. Why?....because it fosters the illusion of the feasibility of a quick fix and avoids facing up to the big picture here.

The big picture is that academia, as a whole, has been a ROTTEN EMPIRE of Lefty groupthink for 50 years and more. This has done immense damage to the fabric of Western civilisation but few have wanted to notice until recently. Why?..... because mainstream political discourse has been obsessed with the comforting delusion that political power is something that changes hands at election time......meanwhile the future (humanities and social science) elite, sheep-dipped in their university 'education' have quietly assumed the reins of each and every institution of Western society.

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What could possibly be counterproductive about busting up a ROTTEN EMPIRE?

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You have quite spectacularly misread what I was saying!....read it again.

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IMHO, you are chiefly correct on your points. The process of elevating like-minded (pawns?), who thrive on destruction and suppression of ideas and debate, into positions of power and influence in academia and government, has been ongoing for a very long time. It will take a long time to correct the mistakes and devastation on humanity they have inflicted. I think your conclusion that (c)onservatives are looking for a quick fix is wrong. It may be that (C)onservatives (the Right), want a quick fix and to score political points they think they can leverage, but small 'c' conservative people want accountability and for the unhinged, insane, thinking that A ≠ A to be exposed in the light and the people who promulgate those fallacies to return to obscurity and get out of the way.

El Gato Malo says it concisely,

"overton windows are funny things.

you just cannot get a conversation going about certain topics or ideas until the world is ready, but once it is, it happens like a torrent.

slowly, slowly, then all at once."

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To clarify: I didn't "conclude" that conservatives are looking for a quick fix. My point was rather that there IS NO QUICK FIX (to the huge damage that half a century of a Lefty-groupthink- hegemony in our institutions of higher education has wrought). Kicking out a few Claudine Gay types might LOOK like a fix to the (I suspect) very large percentage of people who've never really noticed the Left's 'long march' through all our institutions. What one might term the 'conservative intelligentsia' (particularly in America and much of it on Substack) DOES now generally get the scale of the problem but your average Rebublican voter not that interested in 'politics' probably still doesn't. And it is in the nature of MSM news media to run a narrative as follows: scandal....shock horror....something must be done.....something IS done....OK that's that fixed then and we can all forget it now and move on to the next flash story. That's the scenario that I was calling counter-productive.

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And it takes a catastrophe like deliberate fake pandemics, mandated kill shots, real authoritarian lock downs, & watching our children suffer through isolation & mandated masking to get our attention that something is deeply wrong. That most formally “trusted” institutions are corrupt & run by psychopaths who knowingly & deliberately participate in the suffering & deaths of our fellow human beings.

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I took that for SOME. Many of us have known this a very, very long time.

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Very astutely stated! And the same applies to the history of medical science and research with its clever charlatans who pretend to be real scientists while the real geniuses are vilified and ignored; the history and origin of allopathic medicine are fraught with examples of lies, deception and fraud, not to mention outright plagiarism.

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Jan 8, 2024
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The barely-born University of Austin is trying to do this.

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As well in Sarasota FL

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the government will make this impossible though.

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Jan 8, 2024
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Yes. He calls the extreme right "red pill" lol.

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Having been plagiarized myself—by an ethics professor, no less—this issue hits close to home. I eagerly await the collapse of the Jenga ivory tower as it all comes tumbling down.

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My take is that you cannot teach ethics, at least not at the high school or college level. By then it’s too late. You might can teach it before the child is five, but some people will fail that test anyway.

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"My take is that you cannot teach ethics, at least not at the high school or college level."

"Sports don't build character; they reveal it."

-John Wooden

I think Ethics is like that. Eventually, real life forces us to reveal who we are.

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As an academic subject, I think Ethics is for the old. Young students have not yet discovered who they are, and don't have the experience base for discussing it.

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So we aren't taught morals but develop ethics?

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Maybe something like that. Morality as an imperative, for children. Ethics as philosophy, for elders. In transition, build experience and listen to the old folks rant. :)

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As a child I was taught both morality and ethics from an early age and the teachings have shaped my life in a good way, so I disagree that ethics is only for old people.

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I'm pretty sure I meant "We _are_ taught morals..." in the previous comment.

But, yeah. Cool.

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Good point. The worst part about this is it was someone I respected, and I had even included a video by her in one of my articles, so I was deeply disappointed to discover she had plagiarized several paragraphs from one of my articles in a popular speech she gave. I reached out to give her an opportunity to come clean, but she never responded.

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I had a grad school professor try to take all author credit for a paper due soon for publication I wrote with another student. I had to go to her office and face her with my Full Wrath Wolf Look of Death. The kind where I envisioned ripping her heart out and stuffing it down her mouth on the spot. I made it clear: no stealing on my watch. She backed off.

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I can relate to this.

I first ran into the pre-cursor of woke---PC---while persuing an MBA from a large urban state university.

The class was a marketing research class taught by a newly minted female black women prof with a nasty personality edge.

We were assigned a large project presented before the class that accounted for like 70% of our grade. We could choose what we wanted without prior apprival. Keep in mind this was pre-innerweb days, like 1981.

There was a guy in our class I got to know, a big raw-boned, redneck, red-headed white guy from a small Geogia town who had a fine college football career; an injury kept him from going pro. I was a former pro going back to school, so we got along well. This kid was brilliant.

This kid gave a stunning presentation. Using crime data from the five local counties that comprised the Metro area, he overlayed changes in property and violent crime data on the expansion of the public transportation system, which had grown immensely to all the surrounding counyies...but one.

The results was clear: where the public transportation system went, crime followed.

The prof went inglued abd ranted and raved and swore, and called this kid every non-PC name in the book...and failed the kid.

Well, the kid appealed his grade, got the F turned into an A, got his MBA and started a company that manufactured those big industrial trailers that haul massive, heavy loads. He became a multi-multi-millionare before 35.

The prof was downgraded to a teaching assistant and ended up going to a third-rate college.

That was when I discovered that academia was largely bullspit...and that was 40+ years ago. It only got worse.

So I view this crackdown on academic clownhood as looooooong overdue.

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BOOM! This is absolutely delicious! You have pounced upon the core of the problem, oh gato. Saw the seeds of it 50 years ago and walked away disgusted from it then. It’s been a loooong time coming …

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Ditto, even as an undergrad

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In response to the call from the cover, shouldn’t all science and research be abolished?

We don’t need it. We have too much information already, and we are unable to put it into practice due to the overload.

We should stop all research right now - for 20 years, as a starter - and make a real deep inventory of what we have achieved.

In medicine, the continued obsession with papers, articles, publications and quotes is more than obvious. 90% of the published medical articles are useless, wrong or redundant. Which means that 90% of the funds in medicine goes to waste.

Well, maybe this is good. Since medicine is #1 cause of death and suffering, if they had more than 90% success in research, mortality would probably increase.

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"We should stop all research right now - for 20 years, as a starter"

My wife has MS. She will die of it.

She's currently enrolled in a drug study run by her Johns Hopkins neurologist. I'd like for her to live the rest of her gradually diminishing lifestyle to be less painful.

So that's a Big Fat NO to your "stop all research." Gut the bad stuff. It's low-hanging fruit. But there are new discoveries, since I can't think of any social credit any doctor could gain from running this study, I'd prefer we just stop stupid ideas from being accepted as truth.

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Many modern health problems result from poisoning with toxic fertilizers, toxic food ingredients, toxic conditioning agents used for water supply, toxic construction materials, toxic chemicals used to produce clothing, footwear, toys, writing materials, packaging materials, newspapers, vehicle components, toxic air conditioning agents and more. Toxic pollutants are everywhere. PFAS and microplastic are possibly even more dangerous long-term.

All these toxins are the direct result of “scientific” research.

More research will not make us immortal or immune to all diseases.

More chemical or biochemical load on the organism will certainly weaken it.

For some reason, scientific research has not been here for the entire history of humankind - and we survived.

Research exploded with the invention of fake (fiat) money and fractional banking, when all limits on science were removed.

I say, we don’t need any more research. We need to undo a lot of past research - to remove all these toxins or at least to stop producing more of them.

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"Many modern health problems result from poisoning with toxic fertilizers, toxic food ingredients, toxic conditioning agents used for water supply, toxic construction materials, toxic chemicals used to produce clothing, footwear, toys, writing materials, packaging materials, newspapers, vehicle components, toxic air conditioning agents and more. Toxic pollutants are everywhere. PFAS and microplastic are possibly even more dangerous long-term."


“There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.”

― Thomas Sowell, A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles



The toxins appear, on net, to have been good bets. People live longer, healthier, happier lives as a result of the discovery of fire, agriculture, animal husbandry, the improvements to pointy sticks, and indoor plumbing. All of those are the direct result of "scientific" research as well. They collected data, made predictions, retested, confirmed their findings, shared with others.

The only difference between then and now is that they didn't petition sponsors for funding and were free to come to their own conclusions as a result of interpreting their findings.

I'm not asking for immortal. I'm simply asking that I not have to lie freezing in my Modified Hole in the Rocks while my mate and offspring hope the fire stays lit long enough to ward off the Smilodon in ovewatch on my cave entrance.

So, yeah, money in science leads to researchers more often than not concluding that the data indicates that the Sponsors were right all along about the Narrative they're trying to push. And I don't disagree with undoing the wrong research.

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The difference s that now, in the last three years, life expectancy has droped 2 years, because a deadly and untested product was pushed by our government and large corporations on a credulous public...Research has turned quite deadly, with products like remdesvir, glyphosate, 5G and GMO also being approved and thrust on Americans and the West without any credible safety safety testing...just to name a few...

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There are other more likely factors in the drop in Life Expectancy.

Aside from COVID (which did contribute to excess deaths, esp in 2020 and 2021), the demographic contributing to the greatest increase in excess deaths has been the mid-20s to mid-40s people.

That is: Old people are still trending as a they have for some time, but Gen Zers and Millenials have seen a significant uptick in Suicides and Drug Overdoses. Like a Super LOT.

But even in the mid-2010s, this trend was already evident for this cohort:


The Role of Alcohol, Drugs, and Deaths of Despair in the U.S.’s Falling Life Expectancy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7144704/


At the time, maney were attempted to tie it to Obesity - and that might have been even more true in The First Few Years A.C. (Anno Covido) - but it's easier to ascribe it to growing up in the "The Earth is Boiling! / The Baby Seals Have No Place to Sleep! / 9/11! - And Now Just Waiting on Someone to Shoot The Arch Duke" era.

People have been ground down by Constant Fear, Anxiety, Envy, and Fear. And it seems to have affected those who were bathed in the All Bad All The Time the most. And, sure. Maybe the bad chemicals, too.

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Actually, the evidence shows that excess deaths did not increase in 2020. They began in 2021 with the release of the vaccine. The increase was staggering: one insurance company reported a 40% increase among working age adults. Excess deaths during a major war only increase by 10%; 40% was unheard of.

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We talk the same thing. There should be a borderline not to thread on in science and research. Regulators pretend to set up ones, but in reality do nothing about it. And then you have the pandemic of “gain of function” research exploding AFTER the great controversy reach the Congress. So, yes, money above all wins the story. What we finally have is a parody of science and everything but not research. We need both, but true bona fide, where the wellbeing is the only objective. For this kind of science and research, I am all in.

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Quite right! "It didn't take much to see that if Pasteur's noxious poisons could garner even a semblance of success, the monetary potential would be stupendous, Thus, his greatest claim to fame ought to have been the inauguration of the "calamitous prostitution of science and medicine to commercialism"(Hume)...quoted from "A Finger On The Magic Of Life: Antoine Bechamp-A 19th Century Genius."

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I love reading the old stuff. “Bechamp or Pasteur?” (1923) is so refreshing. It is absolutely amazing how folks could think in those times. Highly educated PhDs and MDs of nowadays will never come close to it.


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You are a walking chemical factory and you are spouting rubbish.

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MS is autoimmune. All autoimmune diseases respond to an elimination diet and very high dose vitamin D therapy. Telling that the vast majority of doctors never mention this to their patients, but then they can’t make billions off of vitamin D and a carnivore diet.

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We've been Team Vitamin D before it was even COVID Cool (they've made $Plenty of of us), and Mrs. Pi is Latina - that is, we are absolutely not coming up short on The Meat Front. And her doctor recommends all of those and she's been pretty faithful for about 3 years (I think) to the diet and activity guidelines.

I suspect that, had she had better diet and activity and, we've come to learn, stress management, it could have made a big difference going in. And she's doing well despite a couple flare-ups but there are some signs that things are not improving. Memory and no-injury-reason pains like Bursitis and Plantar Fascitis that come up for a while.

We're always optimistic but also realistic so whatever she can do, we do while we can. Better to have loved, most definitely.

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Have you checked out the Cumbres protocol? He uses 100,000 iu or higher doses for those with MS. And eating meat is good, but removing the toxic and metabolism damaging carbohydrates and seed oils is necessary to combat Autoimmune diseases. I saw a scientist with MS so bad she was in a wheelchair return to dancing ballet after using this approach. She refused the pharma treatments. Dr. Cumbres theorizes that those with autoimmunity are inefficient at utilizing D3, thus the much higher doses are required.

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Dr. Cumbres doesn't ring a bell, and is mixed in with a lot of chaff on my search. But I'll ask her if she knows. Thanks!

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You may want to go take a look at the hiddencomplexity@substack.com. He has a comprehensive collection of studies and supplements to help with auto immune/inflammatory disease. It may be helpful 🤷‍♀️

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Oh, we will stop all research. It's just a matter of time. Because research is Western and you know racist. We are going back to the Dark Ages. Do you think all those hordes pouring across our southern border give a fig for science and research? They do not! A light is slowly going out across the world. Future generations millennia from now will look back upon us like medieval Europe looked back on ancient Greece. Maybe we will become gods in some new mythology. No one will believe what we achieved in such a short time. Because all that know-how will have been lost.

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In the Middle Ages you had fresh air and food without chemicals. You had no microplastic in your lungs. You didn’t have teflon on your cookware - which is poisoning you every time you use it. And you didn’t have a comfy car which destroys your mobility. And you had no lethal radiation from your smartphone.

We don’t really know if the Middle Ages were good, better or worse. But we know that we have today is killing us, literally. And we continue doing this.

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We do know life expectancy was much shorter in the Middle Ages. So if your argument is that the Middle Ages were better for humanity, I’d suggest that objective evidence disagrees with you. I’d have been dead by now if I was born in the Middle Ages.

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We don’t have objective evidence about the Middle Ages.

We don’t have any evidence about the Middle Ages, all we have is our guesses and fantasies, greatly improved by fiction writing and movies.

My argument is that whatever we have today is worse than what we (and our direct ancestors) had 50, 70 or 100 years ago.

Both my grandmothers lived almost to 100 years. Both spent their whole life working in the countryside, without electricity, without running water, without air conditioning, washing powders or washing machines, without central heating, all day in dirt and the elements. Both were mobile to the last day. Neither had been to any doctor ever. Each had a number of kids and grandkids. Both survived WW1 and WW2 (Europe, full-scale real, face-to-face war).

We may be pretty much certain that our kids will never be as healthy.

So, yes, I am all for the Middle Ages because I have examples in my closest family how harsh conditions are not necessarily harmful.

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We do have evidence about the middle ages. They left writings, journals and other information. Lots of people died from horrible stuff then that we now know had do do with sanitation. Lots of people died for not believing what their neighbors, church or king wanted them to believe, and many of them horribly.

Were the middle ages better than now? I dunno, but as someone who has read actual history written by historians who rely on first generation primary sources, I doubt the middle ages were paradise or anything to go back to.

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If nothing else, a canvass of the born/died information inscribed upon gravestones in ancient European cemeteries should settle any quibbling about life expectancy rates.

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Writings are not evidence.

We don’t even know who wrote “The Comedy of Errors” or “The Winter’s Tale”.

Even audio recordings are not evidence. See the 1938 radio drama “The War of the Worlds”.

Even video recordings are not evidence in the age deepfakes.

With today’s technology, creating a 600-year-old “authentic” writing is not a problem.

But we seem to easily believe in unverifiable stories.

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The short answer is, "no."

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Remember what Ricky said, "If I fill it up, my brain might use too much oxygen, and that might be for to get me dead."

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We should turn to photosynthesis. Much more efficient, truly sustainable and environmentally friendly way of living.

Consuming tons of food (throughout the lifetime) to sustain mostly lazy and inefficient walking 80 (or more) kgs is not good enough.

It is also insufficient - which is why we need 1,800-kg cars to move these 80 kgs around, mostly with no meaningful purpose. Madness.

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As a Catholic priest, I and my priests friends, can see that the Vatican, while behind the curve, has jumped onto the propaganda bandwagon by so much virtue signaling and an abandonment of the Natural Law in favor of the “soft”-and pseudo-sciences mentioned in the article. The Pope has just instructed all the various Vatican/Papal institutions to adopt this paradigm under the guise of being “pastoral”, and hence, “of the Holy Spirit.” Please God, no!

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This pope is an abomination. A decade into his reign, it's clear that his intent is to destroy traditional, orthodox Catholicism.

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Thank you for saying this for me.

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But, but, but . . . I thought that the Holy Spirit guided the Pope and by extension the Church. That the Holy Spirit would not allow the Church to fall into error. That the gates of Hell would not prevail against it, etc., etc., etc. That's what I was taught as a believing Catholic. Kind of hard to continue believing this when you see what is happening in the Church today.

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The Church has been infiltrated. Bella Dodd, a former communist-turned-Catholic testified before congress (back in the 60s?) that communists aimed to subvert Christianity. They had an easier time with Protestant churches since training was not as rigorous. Gay flags waving in front of Lutheran, Congregational, etc churches testify to their wild success. (Sodomy is sinful, according the the Old and New Testaments.)

Early Church Fathers believed that the Church would be filled with both good and evil...at all times. If you're at all interested, @JoshuaTCharles does a fantastic job of going over these issues. He's a Catholic convert who's spent, by his admission, tens of thousands of dollars studying the works of the Church and Church Fathers. He was a very reluctant convert, imbued with anti-Catholic animus since childhood.

The Church will be diminished greatly, but it will survive...and assail the gates of hell at the end. Gates are a defensive structure.

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And not only the Catholic Church. Look at how eagerly the Evangelicals cheer on genocide, as long as it is their sacred cow Israel committing it. They have embraced heresy more ardently than Christ.

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Turn to the Orthodox Church!

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Another interesting thing to watch will be a widespread focus on how these people secured their positions in the first place. Claudine Gay resigned over plagiarism, but even if she hadn’t plagiarized anything, looking into her cv revealed she had no business in that position. Likelihood that she was the only such hire?

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But what actually happens when a lie is exposed, in the open? Peter Doshi of The BMJ spoke during the public comment at the very first PFE EUA meeting, saying the VE figures were pretty doubtful, given that the PIs were the ones who decided whether to swab the participants, and it could be guessed (based on side effects) which people were experimental and which were placebo. He said it at minute one. Everybody who was paying attention to something that was accessible for free on the internet knew about this, and it was reported in at least one print and online publication. (1) The feds pushed the unsafe and ineffective product through EUA anyway. (2) People crossed their fingers and hoped it was better, rather than worse. (3) After it became obvious that it wasn't worth jack, and actually harmed at least some people, the folks who knew/suspected all along were like, Yeah, and everybody else went into denial mode. Some members of my family *still* say it's "political" to talk about corona shots, and shut down any conversation about side effects, the fact that they don't work, the fact that their ineffectiveness was at least guessable back in December 2020, etc. So that's what will happen here. Those of us who know what a joke the people in top academic positions are will go, Yeah. Everyone else will either ignore it or go into denial mode and refuse to talk about it. On the margins, will some people decide to take the full ride at PSU instead of taking out a second mortgage to send the kid to H? Maybe. But that is a long, slow train for anybody who is expecting the imminent downfall of the ivory tower.

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I think you're right about timescales. This may be the beginning of the beginning of the end but there will be many more of them before institutions like academia are finally called to account. I'm optimistic that we can reach an end but that will require a major overhaul of the systems of government we have now and have had in the past. Don't hold your breath.

What's intriguing to me about this case is the 'hell hath no fury like the husband of a woman scorned' aspect!

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The covid vaccine works on young athletes - it kills them.

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The problem is that if everything is a lie, then nothing is a lie. The snake has no head to cut off.

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Great points. At this point the only question is:what should be done?

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What should be done about any of this stuff? Name any BS thing that is too big and too entrenched and too already-paid-off-any-meaningful-government-overseer to be defeated by the revelation of its own malfeasance, and I don't have an answer. I try to limit my own family's exposure to harms from all of these things, and I don't hold back when the topic comes up in conversation (although it generally doesn't, as people know but don't want to know). Perhaps the most freeing thing for me has been recognizing that nearly all of the things I was told to value are of dubious worth. That goes a lot further than I initially recognized. My kid doesn't have to compete for a spot in the industry of BS; she should instead do what she needs to do to be as independent of those people as possible. I know that won't solve everything--they took our lightbulbs, despite peer-reviewed published research that skin health, visual acuity, and even proofreading skills are diminished under non-incandescent bulbs--but it will get us through this lifetime.

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Still have a stash in my garage

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I was not being critical of your comment.

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I didn't take it that way. I just meant that I am at a loss, myself. I can't get too enthusiastic about anything that appears to be a crack in the dam, because I have been through too many of these shows before.

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Time for vocational schools to be the norm after middle or high school.

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Amen, Hallelujah, sister ,could not possibly agree. More. vocational schools teach trades that are of extreme value to the human race. We need plumbers, electricians.

Builders, , you know all the people that actually do real Work . The benefits other human beings has opposed to a bunch of naval gazing idiots that accomplish nothing but write papers to amuse each other and see who can be the dumbest. Most woke idiot on the planet.

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And apprenticeships for many professions instead of college.

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Hopefully Harvard is being opened as the first can of worms to begin genuine decomposition. Interesting when John Hopkins University gets opened up considering their role in covid Science™.

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When the leader of the free world is a known plagiarist what do we expect??? Hopefully this is the beginning of a pendulum swing that exposes it all. Academia has lost its way.

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More likely, once exposed for the widespread practice it is, it'll come to be accepted as "standard practice." After all, if everyone's doing it, that's just "normal."

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Well past time to turn off the public spigot of public tax dollars going to universities, either directly or indirectly via “research” grants. Ditto for government guarantees on student loans.

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As always, the State is the leavening that corrupts everything it touches.

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Nailed it

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“Small groups of hyper-politicized and fetishistically tribal hyper-partisans took over entire fields of endeavor. they took over the journals. they took over the grant giving. all of it.”

100%, I saw it happen every day. I love research but I got out.

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Prediction-this is going to open the can on the whole concept of IP and copyright.

We’re past “it didn’t happen.”

We’re moving through “it was no big deal”

We’re already seeing “it was your fault” when it comes to the “scholarship” of protected classes.

We’re heading towards “it’s a good thing.”

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I don’t think that’s going to fly. But yes - the AP article definitely made that argument seem the next likely step.

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I've been loving this story. First Gay, then Ackman's own wife ("oopsie! sorry honey!"). Then he gets exxtra big mad that what he did to Gay got did to his own gal. Definitely rooting for a giant circular firing squad here from my remote outpost.

Call me a hopeless dreamer, but maybe someday integrity might return to public life. Is that even possible at this point?

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