I cannot say this enough times:

Replace male, man, white, caucasian, western, christian with jew and see what they really are, the woke and the PC and the feminists and the multiculturalists.

They are nazis. They just swapped "jew" for "white".

By their own arguements, they are justifying the most extreme response because they constitute an existential and terminal active and immediate threat against anyone fitting any of the descriptors of:

"male, man, white, caucasian, western, christian".

You cannot debate with them. You cannot reason with them.

If you are any one of the listed terms, they want you dead, they want your history erased, and they want your children to never be.

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There is something counter-productive - however tempting - about all the conservative focus on this Harvard scandal blow-up. Why?....because it fosters the illusion of the feasibility of a quick fix and avoids facing up to the big picture here.

The big picture is that academia, as a whole, has been a ROTTEN EMPIRE of Lefty groupthink for 50 years and more. This has done immense damage to the fabric of Western civilisation but few have wanted to notice until recently. Why?..... because mainstream political discourse has been obsessed with the comforting delusion that political power is something that changes hands at election time......meanwhile the future (humanities and social science) elite, sheep-dipped in their university 'education' have quietly assumed the reins of each and every institution of Western society.

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Having been plagiarized myself—by an ethics professor, no less—this issue hits close to home. I eagerly await the collapse of the Jenga ivory tower as it all comes tumbling down.

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I can relate to this.

I first ran into the pre-cursor of woke---PC---while persuing an MBA from a large urban state university.

The class was a marketing research class taught by a newly minted female black women prof with a nasty personality edge.

We were assigned a large project presented before the class that accounted for like 70% of our grade. We could choose what we wanted without prior apprival. Keep in mind this was pre-innerweb days, like 1981.

There was a guy in our class I got to know, a big raw-boned, redneck, red-headed white guy from a small Geogia town who had a fine college football career; an injury kept him from going pro. I was a former pro going back to school, so we got along well. This kid was brilliant.

This kid gave a stunning presentation. Using crime data from the five local counties that comprised the Metro area, he overlayed changes in property and violent crime data on the expansion of the public transportation system, which had grown immensely to all the surrounding counyies...but one.

The results was clear: where the public transportation system went, crime followed.

The prof went inglued abd ranted and raved and swore, and called this kid every non-PC name in the book...and failed the kid.

Well, the kid appealed his grade, got the F turned into an A, got his MBA and started a company that manufactured those big industrial trailers that haul massive, heavy loads. He became a multi-multi-millionare before 35.

The prof was downgraded to a teaching assistant and ended up going to a third-rate college.

That was when I discovered that academia was largely bullspit...and that was 40+ years ago. It only got worse.

So I view this crackdown on academic clownhood as looooooong overdue.

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BOOM! This is absolutely delicious! You have pounced upon the core of the problem, oh gato. Saw the seeds of it 50 years ago and walked away disgusted from it then. It’s been a loooong time coming …

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In response to the call from the cover, shouldn’t all science and research be abolished?

We don’t need it. We have too much information already, and we are unable to put it into practice due to the overload.

We should stop all research right now - for 20 years, as a starter - and make a real deep inventory of what we have achieved.

In medicine, the continued obsession with papers, articles, publications and quotes is more than obvious. 90% of the published medical articles are useless, wrong or redundant. Which means that 90% of the funds in medicine goes to waste.

Well, maybe this is good. Since medicine is #1 cause of death and suffering, if they had more than 90% success in research, mortality would probably increase.

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As a Catholic priest, I and my priests friends, can see that the Vatican, while behind the curve, has jumped onto the propaganda bandwagon by so much virtue signaling and an abandonment of the Natural Law in favor of the “soft”-and pseudo-sciences mentioned in the article. The Pope has just instructed all the various Vatican/Papal institutions to adopt this paradigm under the guise of being “pastoral”, and hence, “of the Holy Spirit.” Please God, no!

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Another interesting thing to watch will be a widespread focus on how these people secured their positions in the first place. Claudine Gay resigned over plagiarism, but even if she hadn’t plagiarized anything, looking into her cv revealed she had no business in that position. Likelihood that she was the only such hire?

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But what actually happens when a lie is exposed, in the open? Peter Doshi of The BMJ spoke during the public comment at the very first PFE EUA meeting, saying the VE figures were pretty doubtful, given that the PIs were the ones who decided whether to swab the participants, and it could be guessed (based on side effects) which people were experimental and which were placebo. He said it at minute one. Everybody who was paying attention to something that was accessible for free on the internet knew about this, and it was reported in at least one print and online publication. (1) The feds pushed the unsafe and ineffective product through EUA anyway. (2) People crossed their fingers and hoped it was better, rather than worse. (3) After it became obvious that it wasn't worth jack, and actually harmed at least some people, the folks who knew/suspected all along were like, Yeah, and everybody else went into denial mode. Some members of my family *still* say it's "political" to talk about corona shots, and shut down any conversation about side effects, the fact that they don't work, the fact that their ineffectiveness was at least guessable back in December 2020, etc. So that's what will happen here. Those of us who know what a joke the people in top academic positions are will go, Yeah. Everyone else will either ignore it or go into denial mode and refuse to talk about it. On the margins, will some people decide to take the full ride at PSU instead of taking out a second mortgage to send the kid to H? Maybe. But that is a long, slow train for anybody who is expecting the imminent downfall of the ivory tower.

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Time for vocational schools to be the norm after middle or high school.

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Hopefully Harvard is being opened as the first can of worms to begin genuine decomposition. Interesting when John Hopkins University gets opened up considering their role in covid Science™.

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When the leader of the free world is a known plagiarist what do we expect??? Hopefully this is the beginning of a pendulum swing that exposes it all. Academia has lost its way.

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Well past time to turn off the public spigot of public tax dollars going to universities, either directly or indirectly via “research” grants. Ditto for government guarantees on student loans.

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“Small groups of hyper-politicized and fetishistically tribal hyper-partisans took over entire fields of endeavor. they took over the journals. they took over the grant giving. all of it.”

100%, I saw it happen every day. I love research but I got out.

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Prediction-this is going to open the can on the whole concept of IP and copyright.

We’re past “it didn’t happen.”

We’re moving through “it was no big deal”

We’re already seeing “it was your fault” when it comes to the “scholarship” of protected classes.

We’re heading towards “it’s a good thing.”

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I've been loving this story. First Gay, then Ackman's own wife ("oopsie! sorry honey!"). Then he gets exxtra big mad that what he did to Gay got did to his own gal. Definitely rooting for a giant circular firing squad here from my remote outpost.

Call me a hopeless dreamer, but maybe someday integrity might return to public life. Is that even possible at this point?

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