Knew these two guys in uni, one Nigerian, the other Chinese. Best friends. Nigerian would say, "Yo when you gonna finish doing my laundry?" and the Chinese dude would retort "When you give back the TV you stole." Then they'd both bust a gut laughing.

That was barely over a decade ago. Even then, white people would not have been able to participate in that.

As I conclude here:


If we want to defeat racism, we need to embrace cheerful racism.

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It was funny because both of them knew it was an unfair stereotype. The more serious we get, the more people thin there might be something to the stereotypes because you can no longer even laugh about them.

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It's equally funny if it's a fair stereotype. Which most stereotypes are tbqh

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Not true it was a fair stereotype and that’s why it’s funny.

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And the whole point of the In Living Color skit was to poke fun at people against gays in the military and the stereotypes THEY have

They were making fun of the the stereotypers way of thinking, not gays

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Which is very 90s. These days, the equivalent level of satirical effect could be had by depicting AWFLs and sois refusing to notice obvious behavior because they're desperate to avoid validating stereotypes.

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Except in the 90s people enjoyed being stereotyped to a degree. People liked being made fun of. It was validating. It meant you were part of the culture.

It was activists that first started defending people from being the target of comedians. But people generally don’t like being thought of as too sensitive to be used as the butt of a joke.

AWFLs and sois don’t appreciate it. They take themselves far too seriously to bear the idea that there is anything funny about who they are or what they stand for.

We’re in real trouble when people believe in the sacred cows so desperately no one can point out the silly humanity of it all.

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How does a jewish american princess change a light bulb?

She holds the lightbulb and the world revolves around her

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How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?

"Never mind, I'll sit in the dark."

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How many shrinks does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Only one, but the bulb really has to want to change.

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An oldie but such a goodie!

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How many sopranos does it take to change a lightbulb?

3. One to change the bulb, 2 to kick the chair out from under her.

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How about some regional humour?

"How many people in Toronto does it take to change a light bulb?"

"Two. One to change it and one to see how they do it in New York."

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Who does NY look to for how to change the bulb?

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how many brooklyn wokesters does it take to change a lightbulb? one. brooklyn wokester calls mom and mom calls taskrabbit

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Bandit, I was trying to reply with a witty comment and accidentally “reported” this comment. Sorry. Couldn’t get out.

The answer: it could be anyone, as long as they are masked and jabbed.

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I see, you hate me now, huh? 😉😋

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How many pedants does it take to change a light bulb ?

You don't change a light bulb, you replace it.

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How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

That's not funny!

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Yes it is! --- Funny. 😉

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Groan! 😖

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From the ‘90s, told to me by a feminist friend:

Q: How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?


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Thank-you! Those have always been 2 of my favorite jokes.

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Now, Greta was partially right in her (in)famous speech: "I shouldn't be up here! I should be in school!"

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I've been saying this for some time. PC and being "woke" has destroyed my industry, acting, and humor pretty much altogether. I agree with everything my Puerto Rican data expert here says. We must be able to laugh at ourselves as a first step.

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This is all by design. A lot of money and resources went into creating our humorless, color-by-numbers society. How best to destroy America but to undermine the fabric of American society and turn Americans against each other. An enemy doesn't have to attack America when we are doing a great job of destroying ourselves.

It's hard to pin down when it started. The erosion of sensibility and common sense has been insidious. Oligarchs selling off our industry, the media, entertainment and our infrastructure to Saudis and Chinese doesn't help. It went up a gear after 9/11 and increased during the Obama Monarchy, but it seems to have gone into overdrive as a reaction to the Trump Administration.

We now know that the media, entertainment (Hollywood, music, sports) and BigTech joined forces behind the 'Woke Left' right after Trump's election to ensure that there wouldn't be a second Trump Administration. Consequently, all of the ills that the Woke Left associated with Trumpism - racism, white privilege, the traditional family, religion, biology, traditional American values - became subject to open attack. We saw this in action with COVID, 1/6 and Ukraine. Question the narrative and you are immediately labelled an "anti-vaxx, unpatriotic, white privileged, pro-Putin insurrectionist."

My personal gauge is popular music the vast majority of which now seems to have been created by the IngSoc 'Versificator' that Orwell made famous in 1984. It is fairly obvious that under the current regime an artist's success is preconditioned on passing an ideological purity test.

I grew up in a Detroit suburb, a minority white kid in a predominantly black neighborhood. There were racial issues because people are stupid but by and large we didn't care. We made fun of stereotypes and very little was off-limits (I'll admit that I never felt the need to use the 'N" word because it always seemed loaded and wrong to use, but that's just me).

On a positive note, judging by my sons' interactions with their very diverse group of friends, this still seems to be the case regardless of what woke media will have you believe. There is hope.

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I taught school in inner city Kansas City in the 80s. The kids did tend to stay within racial groupings, but there were never any racially motivated fights. The interaction between those groups, when they happened, were peaceful. My daughter was born in the late 80s and throughout her childhood, she had many friends of color (a couple that have remained her best friends to this day). I simply did not witness any kind of discrimination by anyone in her circle of friends (other than the usual adolescent cattiness). I believe the shift happened during the Obama administration. Suddenly, if you disagreed with any of his policies, you were a racist. The strategy was so successful, that it began being used across a spectrum of "differences". One simply could not criticize certain categories of "victims" anymore, for any reason. This type of mentality needs to be called out and put down, now.

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I was in a segregated high school in the late 50's. Some of us enjoyed R&B, soul music just as Elvis was arriving. We would go to the 'other' part of town to join with black teens (both sexes) standing outside of the jive joints to listen to the music (too young to enter). We would dance together, we would scheme together how to bribe our way to a case of beer or a bottle. We were enjoying ourselves over shared music. I can't recall any animosity toward we whites invading their space. Troubles usually revolved around boy-girl stuff - don't hit on my date.

Can't say if the Brown decision that arrived as I was leaving high school worked as intended. That city has segregated even more as whites left to attend suburban schools pushing neighborhood even farther apart. Don't know if music brings kids together anymore, I would expect it would.

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The Brown decision destroyed the separate black society that existed. It may not have been equal, but it gave blacks a separate existence of their own.

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It most certainly created a race awareness that was not in the public. It was a good decision but needed to be developed over time.

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Google Trends shows Identity politics exploded right after the financial meltdown. Tucker Carlson had a segment on it just the other night. Divide and conquer and misdirect attention from the theft of over $10 trillion by criminal Banksters.

@10m on Tucker Carlson 4/18/22 "War on the Middle Class". The terms Racist(s)/Racism exploded on MSM outlets after the engineered 2008 Financial Meltdown & $10T Bank Bailout:


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Vivek Ramaswamy reached a similar conclusion in his book, Woke, Inc. It makes sense when viewed from that perspective and the inception of what is now called "stakeholder capitalism" which is really just a euphemism for billionaires' world views being shoved down we peasants' throats and what can only be viewed as the rise of technocratic feudalism.

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Efforts to undermine education, the best point to start for destroying a society, started in the late 1800s and early 1900s, particularly with foundations like the Ford Foundation and others. The foundations provided grant money conditioned on teaching anti-American, anti-exceptionalism curricula, and the educational establishment was happy both to take the money and to teach to the curriculum. Read The Dodd Report on congressional committee investigations into the activities of various foundations to teach American students concepts that undermined the ideas behind the U.S. Constitution. This kind of brainwashing has been going on for decades; now we get to see how effective it has been.


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Thank you. I have the "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" book; haven't read it in awhile, but I need to pick it up again. Thank you for the other links. As you're familiar with this subject, you probably suspect (as I do) that our educational system and, with it, our greater society, cannot be redeemed under present circumstances. The best we can do is work at the local level to build communities that are as divorced from the rest of the country and the world as possible and raise our children with more traditional values. Smart people saw this coming, but we didn't heed the warnings.

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That lines up with Khrushchev "we will bury you" - https://www.parisnews.net/news/272164304/we-will-bury-you-what-nikita-khrushchev-actually-meant. That was in 1956 or so repeated in 1960.

The real question is why these foundations are intent on destruction of what created their wealth. Guilt? Or why the woke are so Marxist when history has rejected it repeatedly.

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OMG I just wrote the same thing...its deliberate. But you say it so much better! Thank you.

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Apr 21, 2022
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Great comment.

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How do u keep a jewish woman from having sex? You marry her

How do u keep a catholic woman from having sex? You cant

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What's the difference between a Catholic wife and a Jewish wife?

A Catholic wife tells her husband to buy Viagra. A Jewish wife tells her husband to buy Pfizer.

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You can delay it though, but you'll have to spank her first.

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I have a sneaking suspicion, more than a few people are desperate to live again, laugh again and given the chance they will

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As is often the case, Orwell said it best:


“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain.

The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything.

Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends.

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The whole book seems to have predicted the world we live in today. Every newscast seems to be based on an Orwellian quote.

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I like the Rebel News swag T-shirt: '1984 was not an instruction manual!'

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JPSears has another: "Make 1984 fiction again.

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Before we "upped sticks and left the city" as I think the american expression is (?) we had a lodger renting one of the rooms in our apartment (the son had moved out and the extra income was welcome). A girl of 25.

As I detest virtually all movies and plays post-1995 or so, she would more and more frequently stop when passing through the living room while I was watching some old movie, like Re-Animator or Videodrome or some swedish movie from the sixties or seventies. After a while, she would start asking about older movies since a lot of them are considered politically incorrect today ('Mississippi Burning' is nowadays considered a 'white power' movie by swedish libtards f.e.).

And then one day I feel like it's time for Mel Brooks. 'Springtime for Hitler'. When she and one of her friends of the same age enters the apartment, me and my wife and two other friends of our age are sitting on the couch singing in tune with the TV: "Springtime for Hitler and Germany - pa-ra-ra-rumm! Winter for Po-land and France!"

And the girls ask in an incredulous jumble of words: "Was that kind of humour legal when you were young?!"

To this day I still shudder at the thought of young people asking: "Was that legal back then?"

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A perfect, and very sad, example of how far we've fallen.

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Sending this to our woke school board...

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Just sent. Hope I don’t get put on the domestic terrorist list

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High on tight, it could happen

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Ahh remember “Pat” on SNL?

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The grievance industry is all about grooming weak, pathetic individuals into positions of "power". The people that derive power from claiming they are offended will never be able to laugh at themselves.

So, how do we deal with trash like Ibram kendi or taylor lorenz?

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Laugh at them, and walk away.

Attention is their source if energy, they will shrivel once ignored.

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We call them out and expose them for the frauds they are, but with louder voices!

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That's difficult when you get banned for "hate speech" and have your voice silenced.

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Pulls corners of eyes down...”Me Chinese, me play joke. Me go pee pee in your Coke.” Ahhh...the good old days. My husband bought me Truly Tasteless Jokes for Christmas. I had every edition growing up. You are absolutely right about them stealing our laughter. It’s the best healthy high there is. Taking that away steers toward chemical highs and more power for them.

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Okay....now you've done it. Back to fifth grade.

"Ching chong Chinaman, he no good. He come to my house steal my wood. I go to his house beat him up good."

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Whats the difference between an italian grandmother and a garbage truck?

400 pounds and a black dress

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How can you keep black children from jumping on the bed?

Put velcro on the ceiling?

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El gato, agree,but also think it was a psyop...deliberately inculcated into our programming on TV, news, books, websites, and esp social media. What I think we all have to recognize now is that EVERYONE is being manipulated. Its subte, but it is being done, because they have everything we have ever done on line, emailed, texted, searched for, and that includes our phones.

I think the level at which this is being done is unimaginable and we don't want to believe it, but

I have reached the conclusion that it is part of the effort to tear down this country. It might have been happenstance when it first happened, but the social engineers grabbed hold and kept it going and multiplying.

Just think of the old advertising agencies, but now in the hands of the deep state and a very rotten manchurian candidate for president, who became president for 8 years...

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Interesting. Until 2016, I (white) lived in a predominantly black neighborhood where for a long time everyone was friendly with everyone else. I even served on the neighborhood association for a few years. Then suddenly everything changed. The neighborhood became racialized, and not only did I have to stop doing my long neighborhood walks but I even had to leave the neighborhood association, where the few whites were being singled out as "Caucasians" who didn't quite belong. I can pinpoint exactly when it happened: 2008, at the beginning of Obama's first presidential campaign.

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No kidding, Google Trends shows the surge of Identity politics began right after the engineered Financial Meltdown in 2008. Didn't want us plebes to turn our guns on the psychopath parasites. They want us fighting with each other.

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That is 100% when it changed. But that collapse wasn’t “engineered” per se. It was engineered out of pure recklessness and greed by the Lary Finks and Goldman Sachs execs who masterminded bundling mortgage backed securities and spreading them through the world without any regard for the potential consequences. It is no coincidence, though, that this divisive madness started during the financial crisis- I have worked for a large derivatives exchange for 30 years, and I think very few people truly grasp how close we came to ATMs being unable to dispense cash, total financial system collapse. We came literally within hours. My company ended up playing a central role in the “solution” and ultimately joined the ranks of those deemed TBTF. But I can all but guarantee that the villainous pension fund managers at the helm of this lunacy right now were selected solely by their willingness to promote the divide and conquer agenda in exchange for a bailout. We saw the tamer repeat in Sep of ‘19. The swings in the valuations of over-leveraged pension funds in response to a hiccup in the repo markets would take your breath away. Fed had to intervene again at that point or risk total collapse, but for real that time. And I’m sure that’s when they fully committed to The Great Reset. No Way Out=New World Order.

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